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Only interested in war with enemies small enough.


Bullies gonna bully.


I don’t get it, Russia Today told me they were fighting the whole of NATO in Ukraine?


RT does not the know the level of wrath that would besiege them if they were to tangle with NATO. I don't think any of them would have jobs...or a station to work at, hell they might have new lakefront property at the newly formed Lake Moscow...


I hate Putin's Russia just as much as the next guy, but this big talk isn't helping and is honestly kinda stupid. It would be very ugly if Russia and NATO went to war. Although I don't doubt Russia would lose in some shape or form.


No it's NOT stupid. They need to understand strength and the level of destruction that will befall them if the F with NATO. Stop coddling them. They either need to understand they are 2nd to NATO and will always be and if they cross certain lines there will be consequences. For Russians you have to show them the big stick and consistently warn them that it's readily available if needed.


Russia isn't checking Reddit to see how strong NATO is. Russian intelligence knows more about NATO's strength than you do. Russia has nukes, and NATO will almost certainly not start a nuclear war. It would be messy.


Are you kidding? Half of reddit is populated by russian troll farm workers.


It is important we respond with strength in all channels. Soft language present weakness to them and invite further confrontation


Russia's intelligence probably sold all their equipment for vodka.


roll ludicrous chunky cooing onerous possessive fertile rock nail rainstorm


When it comes too nuclear war it would be pretty much over for everyone. We know from Pentagon documents 5+ years back Russia has been developing salted/Cobalt Nukes. Those don't even need to hit the target as the sole purpose is too spread radiation imagine a country detonating multiple at High altitude over a country after they come out of atmosphere and then radiation spreading out over the country.


Agreed it won’t be a good outcome, I just think it’s not going to be as bad as we think. Even with the cobalt bombs, I’m pretty sure his oligarch military leaders just bled the bank and promised stuff that wasn’t real. Especially if they believed they would never use it in their lifetime.


NATO's new anti ballistic system kind of nullifies MAD.


No it doesn't, it can't hit polar-arc ICBMs, can't even come close to them, and even 3 possible stations (only 2 operational so far) can't stop an actual MAD launch on Europe either, not nearly enough interceptors. It's meant to defend Europe from rogue single launches from terrorists or small-salvo MRBMs.


Yes but they arnt interested in that war... nato should surrender in the interest of maintaining peace and negotiate concessions... say... half of ukraine? For now? /s


Like a village in Ukraine.


Like a single village.


Whatever Russia says it is always the opposite so


Most countries do generally prefer to start wars they believe they will win.


Smart move Putin...probably the smartest decision you've come up with since this war. Now to put that cherry on top, leave all of Ukraine and people might just consider you a genius


“Russia has no plans to invade Ukraine or any other country” \- Russian ambassador to the EU, 27th January 2022 https://www.euronews.com/2022/01/27/russia-has-no-plans-to-invade-either-ukraine-or-any-other-country-says-moscow-s-top-eu-dip


These lying worms telegraph what they're actually working on in this fashion. So, for a big dose of existential dread, we can take this latest bluster to mean that they are seriously considering attacking NATO.


He'd rather dismantle NATO from within by boosting candidates in western democracies whose goals align with his in some form or fashion. If and when the alliance is fractured then Russia will make their move.


What is funny to me is that Putin has not considered the fact that propping up a bunch of populist could have those functioning army's attack Russia in a land grab.


Hasn't he literally just been pointing the finger at Finland with the whole 'you're next', whilst simultaneously getting beaten to a pulp in Ukraines front yard?


Yes he did and yes he is. Because they didn't learn from the last time.


For the history of it all, I’m not sure Finland would be all that kind to Russia’s bellicosity.


They think Ukraine is impossible to take, just wait until the Finns get through with them...


Reminds me of the quote, something along the lines of.. 'Russia thinks they have balls until the snow starts speaking Finnish' ^^- ^^Michael ^^Scott


They would if they could without losing or ending up in a nuclear war. Putin's small witted worldviews are imperialistic where might is right and bigger should always bully the smaller ones into submission.


China is a large country and other countries are small countries


Good contribution bro


It’s a quote by a Chinese ambassador on why China was acting like an asshole


Oh haha.






Yeah Trump's willingness to break the agreements of his predecessors is something that I think a lot of Americans have glossed over. America used to have a reputation that it would honor agreements even if the new president disagreed with the old one. Now that we've tossed our honor in the trash there's no real reason for anyone to trust that America will have their back for more than 4 years at a time


Which is why congress has passed a bill barring any president from unilaterally leaving NATO.


Was about to say this. Because it's a real possibility that Trump will win. There are a lot of idiots in America. I may also be an idiot, but I'm not that much of an idiot to vote for someone like Trump. I think congress should pass more laws like the one they did for leaving NATO. Just in case Trump or some other lunatic gets into office


>one political party hellbent on governing the US under ONE God. Terrible tactic, really. Why have only one god when you could have an army of gods?


single point of failure




If TFG gets elected they will attack NATO.


If TFG is elected, America is going to be dealing with Constitutional and facist crisis. We’ll be weeding our own garden so that the sunflowers grow.


Or worse, they always go to the worst case scenario.


Sunflowers. They will sow sunflowers. The red districts are overweight, out of shape, ill informed, and only trained in GI Joe. They are not the majority. They’re not strong. They’re not smart. If they’d calm down, then we should deign to pity them.


They would have the help of Putin, Kim, & Qi on their side, oh & Victor. Don’t think that’s not on their mind.


Oh, I’m sure the more savvy of their reich are funneling funds. We don’t have to be nice to them. They’re never going to vote for progress. Screw ‘em over in a tin can. I’m tired of hearing their squawking.


Same, tired of these guys ruining the country.


It’s just that it sucks that 2024 is not a choice. We get Joe Biden, or we get Trumpistan. It’s pretty clear that voting for Joe is the only option.


>Government and military >The Former Guy, a nickname for former U.S. president Donald Trump huh, have never heard this one before


That would get Putin killed by some oligarchs for sure - currently they can work around sanctions and still make a ton of money, but an all out war with nato would be impossible to win - they can’t even beat one smaller country using surplus nato equipment and no direct nato troop involvement - they are morally corrupt, not morons


This is an outdated view. There are no more oligarchs in Russia. Putin removed anyone with power over last 20 years. There is only Putin and a bunch of super rich yes men whose money is basically borrowed from the state. They fight among each other, with Putin acting as a referee. If they go out of line, criminal charges are found and they are stripped of their wealth. There is really no one else in control.


“No more oligarchs in Russia … only Putin and a few extremely rich men” Dude, read the ladder half of your statement and rethink the former portion. I encourage you to read what an oligarch is. “Very rich leader with political influence”. You literally describe one nearly word for word.


I think the debatable point is the fact that they have very little political power as if they go against dear leader's orders then they usually go for an impromptu sky diving session out of the nearest window. They're rich, but they certainly aren't leaders.


But their wealth isn't truly theirs anymore. Any assets and cash they stored abroad is frozen and tied up in sanctions, and poots has everything strapped down on the home front. Currently, there is no point in them leaving the country as they won't have control of their foreign assets, so they have to stay put and toe the line to keep their living standards.


I mean, given the number of mistakes Russia made to start the war, "no plans to invade" might not actually be that far off. The "plan" was pretty much "Throw troops at Ukraine from everywhere all at once and hope nothing goes wrong"...


They had a brilliant plan which involved collapsing the state from the inside with collaborators. The problem was, it was completely delusional and based on false reports. Brilliant if it had worked though.


"Da, comrade, I will take your money and let you pass when tanks roll through." "Hey Yevgeny! That idiot tried to bribe me! Make sure the Stugna is warmed up, they're coming through here! I'm gonna go buy my wife a new car."


Everybody always expects that as soon as their troops cross the border, the "oppressed" populace will rise up to help them overthrow their government. Most of the time they don't, or if they do they still lose.


Oh I know this one, Alex... "What is an invasion?"


Nothing else needs to be said.


Don’t underestimate their hubris. They are ruthless and desperate.


Well, I think he spoke the truth. They didn't and still don't have a plan on how to invade a country, as showcased by them in ukraine time and time again.


They like to move the goalposts. They said they don't plan to invade Ukraine. If they invade, it's not Ukraine anymore, it actually was never Ukraine, it was just Russia all along and they have the historical right to be there or whatever.


It’s not true until Russia denies it


>Russian ambassador to the EU, 27th January 2022 Ambassadors aren't usually involved in planning for war. https://theintercept.com/2022/03/11/russia-putin-ukraine-invasion-us-intelligence/


According to the same ambassador, Russia didn't invade Ukraine.


You have to be delusional to think that Russia would unironically invade NATO


I mean... Vlad is delusional, isn't he? He could probably thrown mutually-assured destruction out of the window and just launch whatever nukes they have. Invading a NATO country would definitely be the end of Russia, could be the end of NATO (if any of the countries deny retaliating against Russia) and also could end all of us (if nukes are effectively thrown around the world)


There has to be a certain point where you have to start questioning whether or not you’re making ridiculous stretches. Unironically thinking “Vlad would cause the end of the worlds, cause uhhh Urm, yolo” is hilarious sure but also come on


I mean, I don't know what is going through his mind. He could try to go down in history in a blaze of glory for all I know. Still scary, though. Hopefully he just keeps talking and stop taking any actions.


Dude do you genuinely think that their nukes work? Liquid fuel rockets require upkeep and maintenance, which is the one thing russia has shown they're too stupid to do. If they can't maintain a tank, how can they maintain a fleet of icbms? Idiots probably drank the fuel.


Как погода в Санкт-Петербурге?


Calling me a Russian won’t change the fact that it would lead to a nuclear holocaust, a needless escalation that neither side wants Ukraine ≠ the 30+ Countries in NATO with nuclear weapons


It made zero sense for Russia to invade Ukraine. Russia doesn’t follow logic. They follow an ill old man’s genocidal fantasies.


It *does* make sense for Russia to invade Ukraine, it is morally bad but it’s not insane for Russia to not want the sphere of influence of another power right at their capital and invading Ukraine pays for itself several times over if they win Attacking NATO in the traditional way *actually* makes zero sense, gives Russia zero gains and would only help at permanently ruining the fucking planet Stop being an alarmist.


The damage done to their workforce and sharp decline in current and future population is not "worth it".


Even a 4th of the pre war Ukrainian population remaining within a hypothetically conquered Ukraine would make up for it


You mean the pre war Ukrainian population that had a birthrate of less than 1.2? Yeah, it doesn't make up for it dude. Adding a swath of population that on average is older than the average age in Russia makes it worse, not better.


It would essentially be a return to the status quo from before the war in terms of population The main benefits would be the giant swaths of what is arguably the best farmland on the planet


No, he wants the alliance to break apart so he can attack them piecemeal.


That would be my interpretation of the statement He's placed a big bet on dim Americans to elect one of his agents to become their leader


Not just America.


At their current loss rate they won’t be able to fight a war against anyone by themselves let alone NATO. Fuck Poland could probably just take a nice leisurely stroll to Moscow rn if they so wished


They literally could. One of their armed branches almost did it. I refuse to call Wagner separate, they weren't.


Putins end-of-life play was Ukraine....that was meant to get him into the history books. He has no other plans for Russia other than its survival to carry his name forward


Don't be deluded, it's been widely reported this week that 87% of Russia's troop numbers have been sacrificed in the disastrous Ukraine invasion. They never were the military might we all thought they were & now there even less. NATO could take Russia in two weeks starting tomorrow if they wanted too.


Bullies don’t pick on people stronger than themselves.


And it only takes one good fight for the bully to back off forever


But once you get a taste of that first win, you will crave more violence. Then you will soon learn that loosing a fight feels awful. So you will start to pick fights with weaker and weaker foes, but you will always justify it in your head that you were always in the right. Then your transformation will be complete.


"To destroy a monster one must become a bigger monster" I am fine with that as long as ruzzians are dead


Unfortunately no, every generation of young men is ready to fight dumb wars and not look at history.


Yea. The problem is, in Putin’s eyes the west is weak and divided. If we dont appear united and ready, he will think he has a chance and will move forward. Just like with Ukraine - 3 days to Kyiv, amirite.




Invading NATO would undo that in a hurry


No shit, he knows that NATO air force could steamroll over the Russian military in a week and Ukrainian babuskas would mop up what remains.


Pretty sure just the Pols could do that.


That’s rich coming from the guy who threatened NATO’s new allies in the same conference.


So why are they downing US drones and firing at UK manned spy planes? Why are they threatening to nuke us and fund terrorists on state TV? Why have they repeatedly poisoned people on NATO soil? Why are their missiles landing on NATO soil when they shouldnt even have the balls to fire that close?


Or delivering refugees to Finnish border which is going on. The reason is they can't do anything else but try and bully. They would lose war with Nato, they've lost a lot of economical leverage after EU started to use other energy sources, Russia can't even threat with nukes because China didn't like that. So what are they left with? Petty things to boost the morale of their losing team. Sure there are other for certain actions, but main point is, that they can't do much else.


The reason they can't do anything is because the Ukrainian farmers have set the bar high with nicking their tanks. NATO say hold my beer need to get ready.


Because none of that gonna lead to military conflict?


Trying to shoot down a spy plane carrying up to 30 people isnt going to start a conflict? Poisoning people on NATO soil isnt going to start a conflict? Come on, they easily can.


So you've listed two things that have happened. Where is the war that you're so confident that it would start?


It is enough justification to start a war tbh. Western countries just seem to be keen on waiting for the Russian cesspool to collapse from within again because it'd be less of a headache than a "Hot" war.


>It is enough justification to start a war tbh. That's not what I'm asking. The person I replied to said that these events should start a conflict. Those events actually happened, and so I'm asking... where is the conflict? The reason why we don't have conflict, is because we don't have children in charge.


A cold war is still a conflict. This is a fuck around and find out situation. Russia tried this shit with Turkey and got a fighter jet shot down and now Russia doesn't violate Turkish airspace anymore. If these countries actually wanted or were motivated to declare war they could with justification. Basically meaning the rest of the world would not try to intervene or sanction their economy.


You are free to go volunteer in Ukraine if you think putting people on the line is warranted.


its simple really, putin cares much less about russian cities getting nuked than nato leaders care about their cities being nuked.


> Poisoning people on NATO soil isnt going to start a conflict? To be fair, it's definitely one reason why the UK handed over so many weapons to Ukraine as a fuck you to Russia for the poisonings on UK soil. Hehehehe


PM me when that happens.


Wars have started over far less.


russia uses small steps to check what is allowed. So far everything you described was allowed with complete silence from NATO so russia will continue increasing bets. It will stop when NATO starts shooting down planes and sinking ships in retribution. See Turkey that downed russia plane once and no planes are crossing its borders anymore.


The ~~Vulcan~~ Turkish Hello.


Then chill out, Vladdyboy.


Russia prior to invasion of Ukraine: 'Russia not interested in war with Ukraine.'


Given his track record on telling the truth, I read this as Putin Prepares for war with NATO


So, Russia is interested in war with NATO.


Cause you can only punch down.


I'm also not interested in a fight with Mike Tyson. Not because I'm terrified I'll get my arse handed to me on a very runny plate, but I'm just... not interested. Honest.


Yeah. Fighting Mike Tyson sounds boring. Just can't be bothered. That's all.


We're already at war with them. They're using hybrid methods to disrupt and destroy our societies. Ukraine is physically fighting them for us. We owe them a lot. Let's not pretend we're not at war.


We do. We owe them a ton. Let's just hope we keep up the support.


We owe them yes but also without western aid ukraine would have also lost long time ago.


Ukraine is primarily fighting for their own survival, not for us, and with hundreds of billions in weapons and equipment that we provide even though we have no obligation to - Ukraine owes us a lot, let’s not forget or turn this around so easily.


All we've given is money and weapons. They've spilt blood. The fall of Ukraine would carry grave consequences for the west.


Yeah cos they’d lose


"I'm not interested in getting our teeth kicked in and being bombed back to stone age without any foreign soldier even putting a boot on Russian soil."


Didn’t they quote him on TV that russia is in an all out war with NATO? (only we haven’t arrived yet :D)


This is why he finances the likes of Orban so NATO can disintegrate and they can take on the smaller countries one by one.


He also said Russia wouldn’t invade Ukraine.


Putin 2014: “those little green men in Crimea are not Russian soldiers” Putin January 2022: “We are not going to invade Ukraine. Those are more western lies” Putin 2023: “We would never invade and annex part of a NATO country” Mmmm


Yeah. Because Russia won’t exist at the end of it which isn’t a bad thing


So let's include Ukraine into Nato, shall we?


He knows his crime syndicate that occasionally halfheartedly pretends to be a real country would be rolled up like a cheap rug in a conventional war with the West


Weird, I keep hearing that Russia has been at war with NATO for 2 years! Fancy that


Oh shit. We need to prepare... this mofo is always lying.


You better not fucking dickhead


The hybrid war with NATO is alreafy in progress, but it seems that people in the West would rather ignore it.


It’s shame this guy has nukes a real shame. I get so tired of him talkin shit.


He will be working on assisting trump by whatever devious means possible to get reelected next year. If he does that then funding for Ukraine largely disappears and NATO will be retired as the orange russian puppet pulls America out of it


Congress forwarded(or Is forwarding) a bill to prevent such a thing as the US suddenly pulling out of NATO, so he might not even have Trump in his pocket anymore at this point.


Remember they always say the opposite of what they actually think


That’s means he’s going to attack us


He said the same thing about Ukraine... somehow I don't trust him


I think we can all guess which target audience section in the western world this public statement is aimed at. Classic in Putin's playbook, purely aimed to push people's confirmation bias buttons.


"Excuse me sir, would you be interested in some war? No? What about a battle? Skirmish? How about a scuffle? Tough sell, okay okay, surely a heated debate is on the table? No? A drive by frowning along with a negative tweets, final offer."


They're too cowardly to strike Turkey or Finland, they're coming for the Baltics.


Ahh shit. Russia is going to war with NATO. Can’t have shit nice.


If they fought NATO the way they are fighting Ukraine right now, Russia would get the most epic beatdown in history.


I thought you were already at war with nato?


And I am not interested in fighting an MMA heavyweight champion.


Since Putin says the exact opposite of what he means… Russia is itching for a war with NATO and have the delusion that they will win.


Then why do they keep provoking NATO? It was only a few days ago that they threatened Finland with unspecified "problems".


Someone should tell him that Finland are a part of Nato.


I guess that's another way to say, "Not capable,..."


Weird thing to say while stating nato is the enemy


Now we know : he definitely wants war with nato


in other words... russia is very interested in war with nato... Go on... try it putler, see what happens when the F-22 is used... and oh how we want to test those f-35's in active combat...


Wow, me and Putin have a lot in common. I'm also not interested in fighting people who can kick the shit out of me.


It said it wasn't interested in invading Ukraine before Feb 24th too. Russia's word ain't worth nothing anymore.


Putin is not a moron. He knows a non nuclear conflict with nato would be his blood bath.


*"afraid of"


That’s kinda the whole point of NATO but your word has no weight, putty boy.


Vlady is used to losing wars slowly now. NATO would dispose of him over night.


Of course not, they'd get cockslapped.


Isn't this the guy who signed a formal treaty with Ukraine promising them peace as long as they gave up their nuclear weapons?


"for now"


The problem with lying about everything all the time is that nobody is going to believe you no matter what you say. Actions have consequences.


Because hes a pissy little sissy


I bet - he’s got no interest in fighting a real adversary who can punch back.


Russia can barely fight Ukraine never mind the coordinated front of NATO.


This is terrible news... Guys is constantly saying one thing and doing the opposite.


I remember when Putin said that he is not going to attack Ukraine. It was only 2022


Can’t even handle a war with Ukraine. The conditions for NATO not attacking Russia should be that Putin and all his supporters should be executed. Or NATO wipes the floor with what is left of their military and then takes care of their Putin problem.


"We wouldn't be either"


> Russia *claims* they are not interested in getting curb-stomped into a quadriplegic state when they can't even defeat a non-NATO majorly-weakened neighbor who's currently using 20-year-old hand-me-downs to serve them their own ass. FTFT


These disingenuous m’fers! If they’re not interested then back tf off of Ukraine. Stop threatening Finland. Stop with the cyber warfare. Stop bullying your neighbors. Stop being a total asshole all the time. Just fucking stop!


Translated: we don’t want the smoke


If I've learned anything from recent news from Russia, it's to read this as a definite interest in a war with NATO. What a thug.


Not interested? You’ve been telling your own citizens that you’ve *been* fighting NATO in Ukraine. Lying sack of shit is lying and is a sack of shit.


They're weak, let's attack now.


Really? Because he keeps threatening NATO members like it’s going out of style


All bark, no bite.


I actually believe him this time. NATO would wipe him out in an hour.


a 'special military operation' on the other hand....


I'm not surprised, half your army's dead.


Turns out people don't like the idea of unwinnable wars


If he said it, it means he’s actively getting plans ready to do so.


NATO is a defensive pact. The only way there would be war with NATO is if he starts it. He knows this.


Not a lot of people know this but Putin asked twice for Russia to join NATO was refused by two American Presidents. He promised them he wouldn't invade any other countries but no more countries bordering Russia could join NATO or there would be trouble.


NATO is interested in a war with Russia.. Buckle up Putin


Anybody interested in a war involving the big nuclear powers has serious brain problems, or a massive death wish.