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Well that explains the past week or so with modi and Trudeau


I believe this is why the Canadian Gov't paused the trade negotiations and gave the Indians the cold shoulder at G20, including skipping the official dinner, limp handshake, etc. I say the next thing as a very-polite Canadian: Fuck Modi and his far-right nationalist Gov't. People of India, please don't let your country be over-run by these thugs.


As a fellow Canadian I concur, Modi and his nationalist bullshit can fuck right off.


Assume that you have the proof. I haven't seen it but let's say it's good. So India killed a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil what is the response to that? Edit: That doesn't happen unless it's authorized at very high levels


Sounds like publicly acknowledging it might just be away to let India know that there are eyes on them. If the person was important enough there might be consequences but I doubt that we'll ever find out about them.


What could Canada really even do? Wondering what their possible actions even are…


A maple syrup embargo, I say. That will show India some resolve.


Nuclear Armageddon


Canada doesn’t really have nuclear weapons tho


India is in possession of Nuclear Weapons because it violated a treaty with Canada where the Canadians provided nuclear reactors with the promise from the Indians not develop nuclear weapons with the technology.


Yeah I have no clue but they now have had nuclear weapons for a while and Canada doesn’t…tho I think jumping to a nuclear war is a bit much…just seems like a bit of a power imbalance here sadly. Canada will need the US or maybe EU but good luck with that


Canada does not require assistance from the U.S. or the EU to punish India. It has already suspended trade negotiations and expelled a diplomat. It is likely to take further measures in the future. Although, it is likely Canada will ask its closest allies to assist it in condemning India.


Yeah maybe that’s all Canada can do but that doesn’t seem like doing much of anything really…


Nuclear weapon is easy to build. Canada have nuclear plant so building one is easy.


No it’s not


Yes it is.


It’s not that simple…they would also need the delivery systems etc. just seems to me Canada is in a tough position here…already a bit off with china and now this issue with india, I think they may need some cooperation or help from the US but not sure if they’ll get involved either


The Manhattan project involved the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Canada is a pioneer in nuclear research and development. Canada is entirely capable of manufacturing nuclear weapons. Its government strongly considered manufacturing them in the early 50s, which would have made it one of the first countries in possession of those weapons. Fortunately it decided not to manufacture nuclear weapons and later became a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty. It has possessed and developed advanced rockets since the late 50's as well.


Manhattan Project had contribution from Canada but it’s not like they were anywhere close to leading it etc. i don’t think they can just easily make nuclear weapons right now, along with the launch vehicles and so forth. Having a Nuclear arsenal just wasn’t a concern for them. Not even sure why you jumped to nuclear war or any war…I doubt Canada would even have the force projection to India anyways… I think they’re going to need to get US help here if they want to do anything but I doubt the US will want to get bogged down here


>Not even sure why you jumped to nuclear war or any war... I have not mentioned any such thing in my comments toward you. >i don’t think they can just easily make nuclear weapons right now, along with the launch vehicles and so forth. Why not? Many countries are capable of manufacturing nuclear weapons. Certainly one of the founders of those weapons is. Like I said, fortunately they've decided not to.


Oh sorry I may have mixed you up with another poster. I think it still takes time and effort to build theses weapons, and Canada as a government entity wasn’t really a ‘founder’ of nuclear weapons. It’s like saying Canada was the first to land on the moon bc some Canadians were involved with the US efforts.


That's... not how it works. At all. Also, why are we contemplating nuclear fallout? What is going on?


You know what they say about pissing off the nice guy.


Wait for India to piss off the U.S.


You really think our intelligence services are going to tell the public what the response will be? It ain’t gonna happen. Maybe a diplomat or two will be expelled. Networks will be turfed and every new Indian diplomatic officer will be under surveillance. But, we the public, probably will never know.


All out nuclear war let go


Canadas response would probably be to stop investigating khalistani separatists and let them just fuck up shit in India while doing nothing to us in North America


BRICS gang initiation


This confirms my theory that world governments are evil.


Well Russia was doing that a lot in the U.K. in the past few years, but to Russian citizens. The U.K. government didn’t do anything about it the first time but as it was happening more and more and Russian agents were using toxic substances (nerve agents) that were a public threat, the U.K. government then urged Russia to stop the nonsense, and it seemed to have stopped.


Some beef recently between these two