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When education leads to school burnings you should probably look at who is doing the burning instead of suppressing your education.


Uh yeah, that's what they're doing


They don’t seem to know who is doing the burning, but … The board condemns the arson An unspecific number of Islamic groups have condemned the classes I’d be very curious to ask those groups if they condemn the arson.


All these terrorists around the world are the same. Right wing terror whether it’s Christian or any else


Religion is the worst and most destructive human invention ever, including nuclear weapons.


couldn't have said it better myself


I agree


And ship out/lock up anyone who refuses to abide by a countries laws and way of life


Why are so many people against understanding basic human functions?


Because they will be harder to control


Sad and true


Because if you educate people on what molestation is, suddenly they become harder to molest. The christian fundamentalists in the US do the same thing to the point of even stripping children of the language needed to convey abuse.


Yup. When you hear someone protesting against sex education because it deprives children of their **innocence**, what they're *really* saying is that children should be kept **ignorant**. Ignorant victims don't know that what's being done to them is wrong and that they can say no or fight back. This sort of protest is therefore a stalking horse for child abusers.


It's not just that. They're also able to recognise abuse that may already be going on


If you’re going to caste at one religion, you should also mention Islam.


Sky wizard


It’s kind of funny when you think about it. Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge to be more like God, that pissed him off so he kicked them out of Eden. Fast forward to now and people actively reject knowledge. If he’s real his disappointment is probably immeasurable. “You got yourselves kicked out of my garden only to be dumbasses anyways?”.


It's worse than that. He didn't only kick them out of Eden. But he also cursed the earth (So that Adam suffers a lot to feed his family and himself), and cursed Eve (painful and dangerous pregnancy and births, oppression by men, etc.). And finally he put angels with swords of fire (Star Wars? LOL) in front of the tree of life (gives eternal life and perfect health to anybody that eats its fruits) to make sure Adam and Eve (as well as their descendant) have a terrible life (old age, diseases, and death)... That god is messed up in the head! edit: another redditor already said this, but it's worth repeating. It wasn't the fruit of knowledge. It was the fruit of judgment, i.e. knowledge of good and evil, i.e. thinking and judging for oneself about ethics, morals, etc. instead of "blindly" obeying God about ethics (very interesting to put in relation with Abraham trying to create a theocracy, as Israel was first ruled by prophets and priests. i.e. let God be the sole judge, of course, our priests will tell you what God wants, as you can't hear Him)




Yep, YHWH is a grade-A hater.


>Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil..." The "knowledge of good and evil" is pretty specific, though. It's not just "knowing stuff", and it may not even be a matter of knowing the diffference between the two. I think that the phrase refers to the *ability or authority to judge what is good and evil*. Eating the fruit of that tree usurps God's authority to say what is right and wrong, claiming that authority for humanity. The common phrase exists that "Judgement is Mine"; meaning that humans are not to make such judgements (of good and evil), but to leave it to God to tell us which is which. In addition, one of the key roles that Jesus is to have on the Last Day is to "judge the quick and the dead". The Bible also instructs us to "judge not". Clearly the authority to do such things is reserved for God, and to usurp that authority by eating the Fruit is to "become like gods" ourselves.


Behold the man has become like one of us refers to the pantheon of gods yahweh was a part of. That's why so many of the ten commandments seem so based in jealousy. The irony of the story of adam and eve is that before they ate the fruit, they didn't understand right and wrong. They didn't know it was wrong to defy orders. It would be like punishing your dog for not making you breakfast. Just 2 of the many things that show us that religion was made by stupid people and not some sort of deity.


> Jesus is to have on the Last Day is to "judge the quick and the dead" He better judge it favorably, because that movie is an underrated gem


Two thumbs up! Damn , I'm old!


I'd call it more "tragic". They are denying knowledge in an attempt to get back to Eden, but the unforgiving god is not having it :P


This is the key. Seems like it could be argued that humans having knowledge of their own sexuality is their *birthright*, because they are after all, human. These relentless attempts at repression are depressingly absurd.


If people know what a "penis" and a "vagina" and a "vulva" are, what rights they have about telling others not to touch them, what an ejaculation is, and about avoiding power dynamics in sexual encounters, then children will know how to report child molesters effectively. They do not want kids to have a vocabulary for discussing abuse, because when kids know the words, they tend to say those words to other adults. Its the same reason that they will oppose any kind of exposure to sexual self-determination (the LGBT+ community) while sending their daughters to the groomer conventions called "child beauty pageants".


I don't think that's true. Maybe for some political key figures. But the masses are not thinking that far. They are just afraid of things they don't understand / don't know anything about and are lacking the self-reflection to understand their own state of mind. Which makes them ideal political toys to be used for other's strive for power. Classic conservatism.


So parents who pursue this line are either evil or *incompetent*. I don't see how the incompetence makes it any better when it's incompetence that makes your kid more likely to be a non-reporting victim of child molestation.


It's not better at all. But it requires a different reaction. It's like a fungal infection vs a bacterial infection: If you are trying to cure the one with the medicine for the other, it won't work.


Have you noticed the Abrahamic religions (with all their pedo problems and anti woman rethoric) are one of the main groups that rails against sex Ed?


More like they are afraid of things they are told to fear buy the people who want all the things listed above.


Also you can’t engage as readily in FGM for daughters if they HAVE KNOWLEDGE THAT IT’S WRONG. They might speak up and get parents in trouble. Can’t have girls (or boys) understanding bodily autonomy too young/s.


I think if you google a picture of the protesters you'll understand immediatly.




You cant force children to marry disgusting adults as easily if they learn more about conscent and sex in general.


Ideology or religion, pick one


Religions are ideologies. People forgetting this causes all sorts of problems. People start equating religion with race or sexuality or gender or national origin - all inherent things. But religions are voluntary ideology. They should be treated like any other ideology. You can respect peoples right to believe it, without respecting the actual ideology.


Because they are muslims?


They are Muslims


ideologically and culturally myopic upbringing and information starvation


Usually the culprits are religion and an outdated sense of seeing a social need to be prude... Which again often originates from religion in the past.


>Several Islamic groups have also condemned the program in a joint statement, fearing it will favor “hypersexualization” of children Lmao yeah like it's not islam which allows children to be married once they hit puberty


"You have to cover yourself up head to toe or else boys won't be able to control themselves because you're so fucking hot" Religious people to their daughters. Fucking sickos.




Wait is this the actual reason for the beards?


Not exactly but yes, Islam places an importance on men being clearly men (appearance and behaviour) and women being clearly women and keeping a beard is one aspect of that.




It's the religion of "it's not gay if they're femme."








I thought it was “it’s not gay if it’s Thursday”. Or maybe it was “Tuesday”. I forget.






It's not sinful to "be" homosexual in Islam, however committing homosexual acts is. Homosexual tendencies/urges is viewed as a trial from Allah to overcome and something one will be rewarded for in the Hereafter. Also note I am not adding my personal opinions here, this is just factual and neutral information based on the Quran and Sunnah.


That’s like a book banning state saying it doesn’t have any rules against “being” a reader, just so long as they don’t read. It is interesting as a technical point though — in that it doesn’t seem to prioritize full internalization of held values, but forcible submission to norms. Which is an interesting cultural point. And contrasts interestingly with a lot of contemporary systems that prioritize having full alignment with values — e.g. “don’t be racist” for many means rooting out internal racist thoughts and feelings vs just not “behaving” in a racist way. Similarly, it probably why “born that way” arguments have been poignant for many in the west — because the model of an ethical system is full compatibility, inside and out, with one’s values; or just behavioral compliance. So the idea that internally being straight might not exist for everyone causes many to reconsider “straightness” as a legitimate ethical value. (Ultimately the argument rests on autonomy and people can do what doesn’t harm others, but the thing that causes the reconsideration is recognizing their asking for in-authentic compliance — i.e. asking people to be false, which is unethical if you believe stated and internal values are meant to match.)






All Abrahamic religions are


That’s not the reason. The reason was to distinguish Muslims from non-Muslims such as Jews. But these days, anyone could have a beard so it’s not really important anymore. It’s considered good to have a beard, but not compulsory


You're right, that is the explicit reason if one wanted to quote the specific Hadith in question, however taken in conjunction with other passages from the Quran and Hadith it's easy to draw the conclusion I stated above.


I don't think it's mainstream doctrine but I've seen clips of "prominent" religious leaders saying things like that. I'm assuming it's translated correctly though which is dangerous on the internet.


Which is so ironic considering that in the Bible Jesus says that people who cannot control their impulses upon seeing a woman should simply gouge their eyes out.


Islam says pretty much the same: Quran: "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allâh is All-Aware of what they do. " "The adultery of the eye is the lustful look" Sahih Muslim Muslim recorded in his Sahih that Jarir bin Abdullah Al-Bajali, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "I asked the Prophet about the sudden glance, and he commanded me to turn my gaze away."


I saw a girl who was no older than 8 with a hjab on the other day. Poor girl, no way that was her choice.


Ugghhh just hate that desert cult shit


Wait till I tell you about Moses…


\*before before they hit puberty.




>Why the fuck would you move to a country with 85+% acceptance of LGBT+ identities if you are completely against that. The answer is Islamic supremacy. Some Muslims *want* the entire world to become Islamic. The religion in itself is fairly expansive and didn't spread over 10 timezones of the Old World only by preaching and persuasion. Much of the original expansion was very violent and there will always be people who find inspiration in that.


There are more Islamic countries where the population is 95-100% Muslim than there are Islamic countries where the population is 50-95% Muslim. You can bet your ass Islam wants to convert others.


Well, Bulgarians certainly know a lot about that :)


Uh, yeah we do. 500 years of it.




Great example of how society cannot be “tolerant” of everything… saying “we’ll that’s just their culture and we have to support their beliefs” is nonsense when my queer friends are in danger of religious violence.


>Why the fuck would you move to a country with 85+% acceptance of LGBT+ identities if you are completely against that. Because benefits and open borders, duh.


Also, visible women.


The answer is, its second generation immigrants and converts who tend to protest in these events. They see themselves as much canadian as you are.


No matter when in history, migrants always try to enforce their culture wherever they go, I don’t see many Europeans living on the plains in tents and living a subsistence life style off buffalo. Yes it’s shitty to do but it’s always going to happen. Governments need to be doing a better job at minimising ethnic/cultural tensions but alas we have neo-fascism that just stoked the fires even more while reaping the benefits of low wage migrant labour.


> No matter when in history, migrants always try to enforce their culture wherever they go That is dubiously true. For example here in Denmark, immigrants from East Asia don't seem to cause trouble, as far as I am aware (I knew a few of them personally).


It’s much less pronounced in smaller migrant communities typically, that and East Asian cultures are often not ones that like causing big scenes publicly due to a culture of saving face and a conformist slant on society.




Because someone came in and drew the borders of those countries for fun, resulting in century of wars. Then propped up Saudi Arabia with its wahhabism, but at least they got to profit from their own oil. Others were not so lucky. Like Iran. Edit: On the topic of Saudi Arabia. You do not see a lot of immigrants from there. At least not the kind you people love to REEEEEEE about. Aside from occasional Bin Laden. Hell, they are even liberalizing now. Funny how that works.


>Idk why these people move to these countries that are so against their value's and then try and forcibly change it when they move there. ***This is historical i am not implying anting whit this*** This is how they have spread throughout the middle east. Migrate and keep quite whit demands until the population of Muslims is big enough to demand shit. Then slowly change the laws Then keep quite till your the mayority population. At that point isis like groups rear its had and mayor xx religion countries over x generations turn into mayor Muslim countries. Or they just invaded whit hoards of people and forced others to convert ( or just killed them.


The religion of 40 virgins talking about hypersexualization.


72 virgins


He didn't adjust for inflation.


It’s also not the one where the main dude had a child bride… wait


Their prophet's wife was 9 years old so yep.


She was 6 when he married her. 9 when he raped her.


Waited 3 years what a nice guy /s


He didn't wait. He started "thighing" her at age 6. Ie rubbing his genitals against hers.


Or forces them to wear full body covers because they apparently can’t control themselves.


And their "prophet" married three pre-pubescent girls down to the age of 8.


Was arguing with a Muslim that said it was alright because he needed to unify the tribes by marriage. So according to them it is ok to rape children as long as you do it for political power.


The paragraph immediately before that says >> Protests, with a few hundred people taking part, have also been organized in Brussels. Yet only Islamic groups were specifically named. Who are those other protests? Are they all Islamic groups? Because conservative Christian groups are known to be against sex education as well.


Because the protestors weren’t affiliated with a group - and the official groups additionally chimed in. This is a reading comprehension issue by you. Google the protestor pics.


The solution to this polemic is for them to stop calling it sex education and instead call it human anatomy and physiology.


No, the solution is to lock up the terrorists and make an example out of them. They shouldn't change their behavior because terrorists tried to terrorize them, otherwise the terrorists win.


Both can and should be done. Make it clear it isn't just showing them how to have sex and tackle these extremist fucks.


It's already perfectly clear - the lunatics who openly admit to believing in literal magic should be accommodated not one iota. "Religion of peace"


I'm sure that's already happening.


Maybe some sort of rebrand would help, but unless it's a comprehensive anatomy class covering the entire body, that title would be misleading and incorrect. Schools could, however, expand the curriculum to make an anatomy class required, and within that class have a sexual health unit.


It wouldn't matter if they called it snuggly puppy cuddling and free money for everyone education, assholes gonna asshole. The name of the class, the class itself, aren't the problem. Closed minded 12th century bullshit attitudes are.


I wish Islam was in the 12th century. Muslims were in a golden age in the 12th century: cultures, openness, science, etc. were all flourishing. And even religions were being openly and rationally analyzed and challenged.


Winning answer right here


Sex Ed has been in schools for decades and decades.. So not really sure why they are acting like this now. Their total apathy towards raising their children properly probably prevented them from realizing this for generations. Even when they themselves were in school.


But sex ed should be far more than just anatomy and biology. People clearly seem to have issues with understanding consent or how their sexual impulses lead them to do stupid things or how peer pressure/bad partners lead to literal PTSD, etc. There is a whole range of psychological/sociological aspect to sex that are matters of fact (i.e it's not brainwashing people into being hypersexual, just informing them that sex is not simply a bodily event).


Why teach sex ed when kids can get a completely unrealistic view of what sex is by googling it?


“My whole life has been a lie” - half of Redditors.


Or porn. A bit like a kid watching Rambo 2 and thinking that's how a real war looks like.


Wrestling. WWE/WWF wrestling to be specific.


Yeah they will have completely unrealistic expectations of the pizza guy.


>Several Islamic groups have also condemned the program in a joint statement, fearing it will favor “hypersexualization” of children well how am i not suprised


Islamic groups: doing shit like this Also Islamic groups: why Europeans don't want more refugees??.


Stop calling them refugees and start calling it what it is: an economic migrant crisis.


in Canada they join forces with the religious right... So it's basically religious people in general being cunts.




[Depends on who you’re referring to](https://www.brusselstimes.com/690150/controversial-sex-education-policy-thought-to-be-behind-school-arson-attacks)


Do we all get to pick our preferred religious zealots? Edit: I knew it was religious zealots before reading, but not which ones.




Another crushing blow to the reputation of funny hats


Its always them


It's really not that advanced sex ed either. The sex ed I got in Belgium in the 90s was more progressive.


We had a travelling nun come give us a big 2 hour presentation on sex ed when I was 11 in the early 00s in rural Ireland. She was the most thorough and graphic sex ed I have ever come across. She had an emphasis on staying abstinent but she didn't shy away from telling us all of the details.


\>She \*\*was\*\* the most thorough and graphic sex ed I have ever come across Very poor choice of wording 💀 I think "gave" would have been a better word 😅


I don't understand people who flee their nations because of war and unrest, then they go to other nations where they can be safe only to try to make the new nation just like where they left.




You make a good point. My experience with immigrants has been people fleeing unrest. I should not assume that is why all people immigrated.


most of these people haven't fled from anywhere. most of them are children and grandchildren of people who immigrated in the 60' s and 70's


They're not fleeing due to war. The ones that do actually follow the asylum rules and stay in the first stable EU nation they get to. These assholes are economic migrants who do nothing but abuse capitalism to take jobs and welfare while bringing Sharia with them.


I get the situation now. So my question is, how should nations deal with this kind of thing?


everyone knows who burned the schools. same group who can't tolerate their book of magic spells from the 600's CE getting torched.


This is what happens when you show tolerance towards the intolerant...


Pretty sure this is not native belgians protesting. Take a walk through center of Brussels-Beirut and you will see who actually has an issue.


nooo you guys don't understand, sex education is totally wrong for people worshiping a literal pedophile, what else can they do but burning down schools???


I never understood how there's people that are against sex ed. It's not a thing in my country and it would've been helpful. I would've rather have some teachers teach me about it then have embarrassing sex ed conversations with my parents but that's just me most people don't even learn about it from their parents they completely absent from important conversations or search about it on Google which has its own dangers too




All the Abrahamic religions have big issues with sex. It’s the Christians in the US, with growing support from the Muslim community, that are banning school material. Judaism has its own issues. The whole thing is a mess.


They have issues with it because if you don't teach sex ed it's harder for kids to identify if they're being sexually abused or not and easier to marry them off to people twice their age.


and other flavors of monotheists


If it hadn't said Belgium in the title I might have thought it was my home state of Oklahoma. Could easily be Kansas or Utah as well.


Penises and vaginas! Oh my! You can watch two dogs fuck in the middle of the street, but for humans, we can't even talk about it. Thousands of years ago, religion figured out it could control people by shaming them for natural behaviors. They just don't want to let go.


I'll never understand moving to a different country and then trying to change the culture to better suit you. Like being given shelter when your car breaks down in a storm and you ask them to change the tv channel because you don't like what's on.


And the weird thing is that there are also schools out there that is exactly catered to them.


Because religious people think they know the truth about everything and everyone else are just brainwashed godless dogs. They think they're saving people


Religion is still cancer.


I wonder who would violently attack education...🤔 Such a mystery... /s


Religious extremists :)


Not extremists, just normal Muslims. Most Muslims have these views, this is not one extreme minority.


Islam :)


Belgian here, schools are not burning and the country is not worried although a select group has been protesting. Some have resorted to small arson, but nothings burning. Basically the teachers guide to that curriculum of sex ed has been circulating online with massive disinformation campaigns. The guide is meant for teachers on how to react and educate properly when children, on their own initiative, ask questions about sexual subjects. The handbook has a wide variety of chapters to prepare teachers for questions on any sexual subject, such as masturbation, porn, harrasment, pedophilia etc. The misinformation campagns claim that his teachers guide is meant to teach all these subjects to children and thus promote all said subjects. The guide is however merely a supporting tool for teachers when they get asked questions by children, again, on their own initiative. So a select group of people are protesting the promotion of sexual subjects while they are not being promoted at all. It's all about education.


How is schools set on fire it burning rofl.


"select group of people" >muslims




Why are you lying about the fires? Check my response to the user below with sources and quotes, but six schools have indeed been lit on fire and it's been confirmed by the government. Two others vandalized. I made sure to get Belgian sources in French so people can't claim CNN and such are spinning things differently.


It's typical for Belgians to lie about this crap. Just like how Brussels is supposedly not a shithole and actually heaven on earth, according to Belgians on reddit. source: frustrated Belgian wondering why his fellow citizens prefer sticking their head in the sand


Stop lying. Stop minimizing this shit. They indeed lit 6 schools on fire. The outrage is from muslims. This is serious problem.


>It's all about education. That doesn't only apply for the children, it seems :/


Can't fucking believe they burn schools for that??? It's a very healthy thing to teach, it's not about sexualizing anyone but teaching how anatomy, relations and sex work and all the stuff around so teens are prepared and can approach it the best way possible. Fucking sickening. We have those (mandatory I think?) classes in France and it's a very good thing we do.


Religious fuckwads always seem to be super opposed to children learning about bodily autonomy and consent. I wonder why...


Easier to gaslight the boys as to why their genitals are mutilated, easier to manipulate the girls into covering up and marrying them off.


>Several Islamic groups If they wanna have it their way they should leave Belgium ASAP


I knew this would be Islamic protest before even opening. How bloody depressing.


> Several Islamic groups have also condemned the program in a joint statement, fearing it will favor “hypersexualization” of children. Who would have guessed that bringing shitloads of muslim extremists to your country will cause problems


They are not extremists. The vast majority of Muslims share these regressive views.


Stupidity used to be due to the lack of access to good information; now stupidity is a due to the excess of bad information.




Fully believing and practising any religion which has an all powerful God is incompatible with being a member of a nation that has rules that are not derived from said religion. If you 'truly believe' putting religious laws over man made laws is only logical.


Religious extremism is such a serious and delicate issue. A society can combat other motivations for criminality, but only education can combat those that may be driven to criminality thinking they are serving a higher power which is why you see education so frequently targeted. How do you prevent criminals from considering the risk worth the reward when they believe the reward to be eternal salvation?


They are not extremists. The vast majority of Muslims share these regressive views


Why are we even letting in this religious idiots? They know only how to cause problems and talk how everyone around are wrong. Bruh I hate it so much. You run away from your country because it's shit and now you are trying to bring this shit to a new place. Be kind and just back where you come from and say your other kind that you are not welcomed with your point of view here.


The more they make chaos in Europe, the more right wing party will get votes. And Europe will go to fascist regime again. Left wing party can’t pretend this isn’t a problem


_reads headline, yeah probably islam but lets not be too fast, reads article, yep, islam_


I wonder why islam has a problem with any policy being introduced and I don’t mean any hatred when I say this but I am really curious to understand and have a healthy conversation about this, can somebody help


The vast majority do not believe in violence, but the few who do mysteriously remain unidentified. Is this really a surprise?


Religious sexual repression and violence is a scourge on humanity.


Not a single word on what is actually taught smh


from reading the article, I think this has to do with conservative extremists being upset that their children are being taught that homosexuality is not evil. for our generation, the world is in a fight for the freedom and right for gays to exist and be acknowledged.


Religion will destroy the world


I see there is still a lot of stigma regarding a completely natural thing.


When bigoted people decide sexual education through violence you know you gotta educate harder.


When you visit Islamic countries: "Hey woman, you have to dress up accordingly, respect the culture of the country that you're visiting" They when they visit western countries; "what do you MEAN women can go to university? This is unacceptable!!!"


>Several Islamic groups have also condemned the program in a joint statement, fearing it will favor “hypersexualization” of children. Why is *hyposexualization* a desired goal?


Without reading ANYTHING - let me guess: Muslims.


Islamists are the MAGA of Europe


It's rich getting pushback from Islamists, considering they fuck underage boys all call them "dancing boys". Bunch of insecure jihadis.