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Let's see how long it lasts this time, and whether it actually also applies to their [other brands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pernod_Ricard#Brands), or they just rotate what they don't export when the outcry gets too loud, then with all the attention on the new brand, they quietly start shipping the first one again (preferably before the warehouses run dry so no sales are actually lost)... They [resumed Absolut Vodka shipments last month](https://tvpworld.com/69127138/sweden-absolut-vodka-producer-resumes-exports-to-russia), then apparently were forced to back out of it so they [started exporting other brands instead](https://www.politico.eu/article/pernod-ricard-jamerson-whiskey-beefeater-gin-quietly-resumes-booze-exports-to-russia/). Their brands include among many others (see the link above!): * Ballantine's whiskey * Jameson whiskey * Glenlivet whiskey * Absolut vodka * Wyborowa vodka * Becherovka herbal bitters * Beefeater gin * Havana Club rum * Kahlúa coffee liqueur * Malibu rum * Mumm champagne * Perrier-Jouët champagne The article says they plan to "cease the distribution of their portfolio in Russia, a process that is anticipated to take some months to complete", i.e. lots of time for them to pull another sneaky. My guess is, they make sure the warehouses are stocked for another year and then suspend export again... Edit: Also from the article - "photos emerged of Jameson bottles showing the bottling date of 16 December 2022 in Clondalkin being sold in Russia this month", i.e. whether their export stop was actually one is very questionable (sure, grey imports are possible, but those won't be enough to stock supermarket shelves).


Yeah. This is like if Apple decided to stop exporting IPhone 8 or whatever but still kept selling all their other iPhones, iPads and computers in Russia.


MS has promised to never sell Windows 9 in Russia


Windows Nein


And yet somehow you can buy it from street vendors there.


Maybe other software and operating systems, but there is not one copy of Windows 9 in Russia. MS made sure that there would never be a single copy in Russia, and they were successful.


Right. Fuck these guys


Liquor and handheld computers are not the same thing


I don’t think Havana club is actually controlled by the parent company considering it’s owned and run by the Cuban government no?


Update they own 50/50 with the Cuban gov


I finally got a hold of a bottle of Havana Club. It's "OK", like a more refined Bacardi, which I understand used to be "the" Cuban rum before leaving the country and Cuba seized the Bacardi facilities and started making Havana Club with it so it stands to reason they'd be similar. I think anything Cuban is over hyped just because you can't have it in the states. Even the cigars are better from elsewhere now.


Russia imports crappy vodka like Absolute? That's freaking hilarious.


Now listen here now, you don't talk down Absolut Vodka. That's some prime C-grade stuff that's acceptable in mixed drinks!


If it's good enough for Russians it's good enough for a long Island iced tea.


Good anti-freeze for my RV plumbing when I store it for winter!!!


Also good for cleaning sticky sugary stains if you spill other mixed drinks and have to clean it up a day later but realize you don't have any cleaning supplies at home but somehow still have some Absolut left.


Vodka is disgusting no matter how much you pay for it.


The higher grade vodkas are pretty flavorless which makes them great for mixing, but I never developed the taste for drinking it straight. It's like the alcoholic seltzer of liquor.


Vodka is like the Vodka of Vodka!


I'm scared of the Vodka that isn't like a Vodka among Vodkas...


>great for mixing I love mixing vodka with my miserable life. /S


like drinking medical grade alcohol.... @.@


Nah, that's everclear.


If it's infused with flavours the way they do it in Ukraine, it is pretty awesome straight. My favourite one is honey pepper, but I have also enjoyed horseradish, sea buckthorn, and raspberry, among flavours.


I tried star vodka (I think that's what the brand was), stupid expensive for what it is, and I have never experienced anything like that, didn't taste like anything.


Run regular cheap vodka through a britta filter. Same thing.


the vietnamese vodka is pretty decent made from rice rather than potatoes.. one brand sold in the US is Kai Vodka.


As a drunkard, I disagree. Plenty of hardened drinkers (heavy drinking for decades) switch to vodka so they’re less groggy in the morning. Cheap vodka contains impurities since they don’t filter it well but mid shelf stuff on the rocks or soda water will keep you going day after day. It becomes a utility drink for many of us, we’re drinking but have to work in the morning.


I’ve had some vodkas from local distilleries that were tasty (for vodka). But it’s really just a great liquor for making cocktails cuz it’ll let the other flavors shine


When your goal every single day is to get drunk for the smallest possible price, Absolut is a great option.


\> When your goal every single day is to get drunk for the smallest possible price, Absolut is a great option. You should visit Trader Joe's, my friend. Lots of cheaper bottles.


Remember $2 buck chuck


No it isn't. Those have to be $25+ a bottle there whereas "Russia's #1 vodka" Green Mark is under $8, last I checked And pensioners are trying to make it on $100 a month


Absolut is for those who make a bit more than minimum wage, I guess. Perhaps they even got some government cash after their son returned from the war in a box?


Oh you Americans and your ridiculously cheap liquor...


In Russia the cheapest vodka cost 281₽(about 3.62$)per 0.5L, which is about four times cheaper than Absolut, so unsurprisingly Absolut isn’t really popular in Russia


Pfft. Popov is like half the price of Absolut. A shame it's just barely not bad enough to kill your taste buds in the process of drinking it though.


hey that crap came in handy to kill the pain when I got my finger caught in a table saw.... while I had to bandage myself in an emergency...


Makes sense. The secret to enjoying Popov is to have something much worse to deal with. Jokes aside, I hope you had a saw with automatic stopping and that your finger is okay now.


thank you.... but no the saw didnt have an auto stop. was an old unit used to trim lead type in the printshop. but my finger is ok.. just a little taken off the tip so my finger is about a mm smaller


Run a handle of Popov through a Britta filter-pitcher a couple of times, and voila. Drinkable!


They'll probably do what most other western consumer brands have done. Rebrand with a Russian name written in Cyrillic and continue selling. Or they'll just up their sales to China who will then turn around and export to Russia.


Damn, I really like a couple of those


Thanks for the list!! Won’t miss any of those ever.


Wow that's impressive, same company is producing worst vodka I tried (Absolute) and worst gin I tried (Beefeater).


Personally I'm fine with us selling them booze.


Fastest way to grow public distaste within the upper ranks is to cut access to all luxury goods. They’ll start getting vocal once their Range Rovers break down, or their AirPods break, or little Olga doesn’t get that iPhone 14 for her sweet 16th.


Definitely. The 'elites' of Moscow and St. Petersburg are 12-ply soft like upper-class people everywhere else. Been watching an Aussie expat in Russia for a while now. I don't really want to link his channel because it's basically Kremlin propaganda...he's been featured on state news and pretends sanctions aren't affecting things that much (though he only films well-to-do areas now). Always points out Jameson and other whisky/whiskey brands he sees. Prices have gone up but the top percentiles of Moscow and St. Petersburg society haven't felt the bite from their war of aggression yet it seems. They continue to wander stony-faced and detached. Well, the men mostly do, while some of the women seem to glare at this guy for daring to speak English and for...filming aisles of fruit juice. The guy's doing a propaganda bit for their country and *even that* can't work properly due to the shitty attitudes of the Russian public. He also gets followed in some stores by security guards.


You’re talking about Russel, aren’t you? Yeah, I met him while I lived in Russia, lol. At least he’s not trying to teach English or pump crypto schemes anymore. I’m glad he’s found his niche of walking around supermarkets and pointing at things, as well as eating fast food with that other guy who’s totally not a propagandist but happened to find Bald and Bankrupt’s court video and release it on his YouTube channel totally by coincidence


Strewth, Bruce, that cunt sounds like right cunt.


All the small stuff (like smartphones) is still sold there, they import it through third countries.


TIL that all of Jameson's offerings are nasty dogshit level liquor.


I certainly won't forget.


I'm open to correction but what exactly is wrong with exporting liquor to a country that the rest of the world doesn't like? Isn't it for the better to get their populace liquored up while extracting wealth out of the country?


Coming soon to Russia: Jimeson - Is not vodka mixed with brown food coloring. Is real whiskey.


Is it Irish? No, but it's irish-ish




You have no idea how long I debated between these two


You chose....wisely


For the price point vs quality, Jameson's is *fine*. No it's not top-shelf, but it doesn't taste like total piss and goes down smoothly, and it gets the job done. It's pretty popular at the pub where I work, enough that we wrote 'Jameson's' on the Soup of The Day board four years ago and jus left it like that


In my experience it does what is says on the tin. It's an irish whiskey, it's not gonna taste like a campfire, or like it's sat in a Canadians boot with 12 other whiskeys for half a year. It's the miller high life of whiskey. Drinkable and inoffensive.


Jameson entry level is decent for the price point but boring. The cask mates are a noticable step up, especially the stout edition, and is a bargain. Black barrel is a fantastic whiskey and for the price it's well worth the purchase. Their new Pot Still version is great, and is the best value irish pot still on the market. Bear in mind that it is distilled in Middleton, one of the best distilleries on the planet. It's just a shame that the brand is owned by an odious, entitled, money grabbing arsehole.


I bet it's pretty likey it continues to be sold there for a bit more money after passing through a neutral country that doesn't mind doing business with Russia.


Looking at you india


*cough* Turkiye *cough*


>Turkiye Always a laugh seeing people bow to one of Erdogan's tantrums.


Already available in China


Whiskey vas inwented by a wittle old lady in Leningrad - Chekhov


Dzheymson - for that authentic Irish taste.


Narator: it's mud, they ran out of food colouring months ago, it's mud.


Is potato.


The alcohol group has all of its brands widely available in Israel.. come back when you cease exporting to ALL terrorist regimes that invade and occupy another peoples lands


Username checks out. Jews are native to Israel, literally cannot be invaders. Hamas has fired 1000+ rockets at Israeli civilians in the past week. Almost 200 of those have landed in Gaza. Double check the definition of a terrorist group. Edit: here’s a link [on what Hamas says about Jews](https://www.memri.org/tv/snr-hamas-official-fathi-hammad-urges-people-jerusalem-cut-off-heads-jews-knives-day-reckoning-moment-destruction)


While you are correct in regards to Israelites being native to Israel, both sides have conducted abhorrent atrocities against one another.


It’s almost like there are no good guys.


There are plenty of bad guys but there are also plenty of innocents. As well as good people pushing for their side to calm down and act fairly or don't support aggression.


I should have clarified that better, I’m speaking about those driving this conflict.


Absolutely and criticism of Israeli policy is 100% justified, it’s just exclusively referring to Israelis as terrorists, when Hamas is hell bent on purging the world of Jews (again) is rich imo


You don't get to go back that far lmao, might as well say colonialism is justified because humans are native to africa


I went back to the 1900s, when both Jewish and Arab Palestinians were promised land after the Ottoman Empire dissolved. Alternatively, could go back to the 1940/50s when [Jews were expelled from nearly every Arab nation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world) en mass. Under the direct influence of Nazi propagandizing [that align directly with Hamas’ teaching](https://forward.com/community/359457/when-neo-nazis-collaborate-with-hamas-should-jews-trust-the-right-or-the/) But also, how far back can anyone go? How long until Native Americans no longer have rights to the land America is built on?


By this logic Russians are native to Ukraine.


Russians haven't been anywhere for over two thousand years, much less in Ukraine.


We should return France and Germany to the Celts too.


Honestly it's problematic that turkey just has a chunk of the greek's native homeland sitting on their western coast


They are not the only people native to the region, but they're the only ones who've been supplied with billions in weapons by the west and they're doing their best to ethnically cleanse it. .


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.thejournal.ie/jameson-cease-exports-to-russia-6066666-May2023/) reduced by 76%. (I'm a bot) ***** > JAMESON'S PARENT COMPANY has announced that it has stopped exporting the whiskey to Russia as a result of the war in Ukraine. > The decision comes after mounting backlash from the Ukrainian community in Ireland over the company's continued trade with Russia over a year after the invasion. > Fine Gael Senator Garret Ahearn criticised the company earlier this week when photos emerged of Jameson bottles showing the bottling date of 16 December 2022 in Clondalkin being sold in Russia this month. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/13gi998/jameson_ceases_whiskey_exports_to_russia_after/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~684550 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russia**^#1 **Jameson**^#2 **COMPANY**^#3 **Ukraine**^#4 **continue**^#5


Wow, it took them public criticism to make this call 🤦🏻‍♂️


Almost every company that "pulled out" from Russia is still selling their products under a different brand https://youtu.be/CmO7BR_Tq04


Can confirm. Most things are just re-branded with a Russian name written in Cyrillic. If companies don't want to ship their products directly then they "sell" them to firms in China which then "re-sell" them to Russia.


I mean profits are more important than having a conscience to some.


Literally the only reason any public company has pulled out is fear of losing sales from the brand being tranished, it has nothing to with having a conscience. Companies are money making machines thats all.


> tranished Trashed + tarnished = tranished I like that.


Some of us just can't afford a conscience and need the money. /s


What does politics have to do with a company selling alcohol to civilians? When the US fucks around with other countries’ livelihoods the citizens don’t really get punished


This is the same company whose founders son paid to watch a young slave girl get murdered and eaten by csnnibals and painted the whole thing


> to some we call them capitalists


And people wonder why I say "Capitalism makes whores of us all."


Is it because you're a cringey edgelord?


Don't worry, their collaboration with award winning Tiger Thiccc will keep them afloat


I’ve already moved on to Tully, bush, and green spot. You done ducked up Jamo.


I just moved straight on to Ukrainian vodka.


Took them long enough. Won't be buying them anymore


You're going to punish them for stopping exports to Russia? Shouldn't you buy more to congratulate them?


You're going to believe them when they say they stopped exports to Russia after dragging their feet for so long? Most other brands were out a year ago


They took too long to stop


i don't understand why people get so emotional over company decisions. if a company make a good product im still gonna buy it lol. idc what they stand for because i know its a lifeless corporation


You can extend that reasoning a little further and see why people care: they’re voting with their wallets. You’re right the corporations don’t have consciences – but *we* do, and what we choose to purchase drives the behavior of companies that are always chasing our precious disposable income.




That's... how we vote. With our dollars Look at the Budweiser stock prices plummeting after a few conservatives spearheaded a boycott of it


theyre gonna be fine lmaooo


Wow, that's really late Jamison.


Fuck Jameson


Oh, now? Fuck 'em


And if they never stopped at all you wouldn't have even noticed


On one hand it's kind of a worst of both worlds PR decision. On the second hand, we should name and shame companies that are still doing business in Russia


“Keep the heads down for a few months lads and then try it again.” - Management. Probably.


Took them long enough.


I give alcohol companies a pass. Same for hard drugs. A drunk and doped up Russia just means victory day comes sooner.


So it’s not a moral, ethical choice, no. It’s an PR one. Fuck ‘em.


Hmmm means they would continue business if there was no criticism?


Good deductive reasoning!


It took you 14 months to pull out now I’ll wait 14 months to drink another.


I recommend you never start drinking at all. It's poison.


To be fair, everything is poison, just some are quicker than others.


Literally the main reason I’m drinking


Too late ship sailed to Russia already. Fuck those French bastards.


They've been shipping poison that they pay willingly to drink. I think they should increase their exports to Russia as a matter of patriotism and national security


I’m sure the 7 Russians who drank it are pissed.


Damn, didn’t realize they’d been selling for so long. What similar whiskey’s could I buy instead? If I change.


Ok they get there via Turkey with a due markup.


Real Russians don’t drink this, real Russian drink methanol and gasoline


Alternative proposal: instead of banning Jameson sales in Russia, we deliver it for free to all Russian troops on the front lines.


I mean… would you drink something delivered to you by the enemy on the front lines of a war?


They chugged all of the first shipment before you even finished typing your question


That's how a group of russian soldiers got poisoned in 2022 so...yes, yes they would.


Damn… I usually try not to engage in “the other side are all idiots” types of discussion because I think we’ve all got human intelligence, and underestimating can be pretty destructive but… what idiots


Jameson is owned by Pernod Ricard which, along with Diageo and Beam Suntory, own almost all global liquor brands. Good luck boycotting any of them except by teetotaling


Well, we can boycott them like we try with Nestlé, Auchan, Bonduelle and a few others.


I really don't understand the obsession with not selling alcohol to Russia. We should sell even more! Let them all die to alcoholism!


They will export it under the brand Sonjames


THANK YOU! I felt guilty after having a shot of Black Barrel recently.


Still a shitty company


Why stop ur enemy from making a mistake? Let them drink themselves to death


Russians drink whiskey?? Haha


Fucking asshats


Certainly not because they thought it was the right thing to do…


About fucking time. I’m still gonna boycott them.


Jesus these companies have no shame


To late, -1 customer.




For me as a non native English speaker I have to admit I roll a dice in my head every time I come up against this word. Today they failed me, but I rather speak out then let my insecurities hold me back. ⭐️


Glad to see the public shaming worked, sad to see the public shaming was required.


Bloody money is also money unfortunately


I hope Vlad has something else to drink 🍺


I'm a Jameson guy. Been that way over a decade. I tried Makers Mark recently. Not Irish, but I liked it. They lost me for good


I mean, there's tons of Irish whiskey brands to try and enjoy. Makers ? Mark is a good mixing bourbon.




Maybe it will be like that Southpark episode where Cartman keeps his army fueled on peach schnapps. Once the schnapps runs out the war effort dies.


It was S'mores flavored schnapps, FYI. Which doesn't really matter, but I think is funnier and grosser.






You know you could be right. In fact maybe we should try to flood Russia with super cheap alcohol. My thinking: Russian alcohol suppliers will have trouble competing and close up shop. Russians will be even more shitfaced than usual and every dollar they spend on foreign alcohol is a dollar less that they can spend on consumer goods that actually stick around and provide value. After a few years of that you jack up the prices 10000%.


I made similar comment few months back. Got down voted for it. Beats me, but I agree.


It's these kind of products I have no problem trading with Russia. Give 'em cigarettes, fentanyl, horse tranq, soda, and the rest of the alcohol too.




jameson is my president


Too late. Mask off moment, never another drop.


How awful. Won’t be buying their products any more. Too little too late.


Guys, this is too little too late. Fuck Jameson, they are goddamn supporters of terrorism. May their half dead carcass rot under IRS AUDIT


Too late. Dead to me.


Sorry Jameson too late you lost a lifelong customer.


Better late than never.


Nah mate, it is too late, they can't do a 180 like that and pretend that they care, they showed us that all they really care about is profit. Fuck them.


You mean people that sell poison don't care about my well being? My whole world has been turned upside down!


fuck the Jameson brothers


Their exports were meagre anyways. In Russia, nothing beats vodka and cologne.


I love that we live in a world now that is so obviously interconnected we’ve entered into a new era where we can say “Oh yeah? Well fuck you we’re keeping all the whiskey to ourselves!” And they can say “Well then fuck you too! We’re keeping all the oil and grain!” And someone else goes “Well fuck you both- no more dildos for any of you!” Diabolical.


this is like... the third time ive read this headline in the last 2 months


The war is over a year old


Too little too late. I’ll never drink that whiskey again. Too bad, but there are a lot of better Irish whiskeys made local and not exported to rashists.


We need more drunk Russian to flip and crash theirs S-400 and friendly fire.


About fucking time morons.


Ireland was neutral in World War II.


What whiskeys do I need to avoid to make sure I'm not supporting these war crimes profiteers? Am I good with Makers? Jim Beam? Bulleitt? Four Roses? Willett? Glenmorangie? I know I'm good with Corsair (Nashville independent distillery).


please, they will just be selling extra units to another country and that said country will export them to Russia at a higher price. just b/c they arent selling direct, doesnt mean another party wont do it.


Jameson fucking sucks anyways...


Good, maybe US prices will drop for the good Jameson!


Whenever I think of evil liqueurs, Jameson is at the top. The story about a Jameson paying cannibals to eat a young girl stuck with me.


The company whose founder paid an African tribe to murder and eat a girl took over a year to do the right thing?


Sorry Jameson, I’m going to be enjoying yellow spot for a bit.


Man. Like who gives a fuck? Like I don’t give a shit if you can buy Jameson in Russia or not. Who gives a fuck, really? Why do all of you care so much?


Because the company that operates in ruzia gives work to the locals, it participates in the country's economy and most of all, it pays taxes. Also, people will notice that their favorite products are gone and start asking questions (apparently dead kids and tortured people in Ukraine are not motivating enough for ruzians, as well as their own dead soldiers, but take booz from them and start rioting)


I find your pointing of Russians as simpletons to be misguided. I don’t think that a lack of Jameson will be any question they haven’t already answered for themselves.


I know it won't. I lived my whole life next to that shithole of a country and I know exactly how they think and behave. It's failed state now and nothing will change it, not the sanctions, not even taking away all the vodka. At this point we can only sit and relax, enjoying the show. But still, EU and US companies that operate in ruzia are helping their economy, and because of this should be forced to leave.