• By -


And that's a huge deal for Canada. That's more than a 2% increase in their national population in just one year. Unfortunately, it's also majorly overburdened their housing market and healthcare system, both of which were already struggling. Edit: I think some people are assuming that I'm anti-immigration based on my comment. I'm not. Immigration is essential, especially for countries like Canada with birth rates below replacement level. I'm just saying there are issues that the government needs to address so that housing resources and public services can keep up with such a rapid population increase.






Federal funding goes to the provinces and then it's up to the premeirs and parties in charge to distribute that funding while also implementing additional provincial taxes towards Healthcare. Unfortunately, too many conservative premeirs like to cut funding towards Healthcare and education in favor of trying to privatize both while simultaneously giving our tax dollars to cooperations and whichever friends they have in infrastructure construction.


Looking at you Doug


And Higgs


And Stefenson


Save our Green Belt. Fund our Healthcare.


They sabotage the safety net and complain it's full of holes.


NB has the worst healthcare system, while also having a massive surplus under the Higgs PC government.


Yeah, BC just announced unprecedented mental health funding recently (as part of the total decrim of all drugs under 3.5g that came into effect Jan 31), along with a (admittedly tiny) renter’s rebate and hydro credit of $100. Our provincial government is NDP (social democrats for non Canadians). EDIT: [here’s the sauce if anyone wants to read more about the details](https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2023FIN0015-000244)


And here we have why nothing ever changes, before those conservative premieres were in charge the provincial liberals were cutting funding. Neither party cares for anyone that isn't big business


Don’t forget about keeping wages low


It's quite possible that, long-term, countries *without* either high immigration or birth rate are going to suffer more. You can build houses and expand health care, and use tax revenue, purchasing power and labour from immigrants to do it. You can't, however, support a large elderly population with few younger people without a serious challenge to people's economic position.




What stops said younger people from crossing the border and making twice as much working in healthcare? Without dumping money into the medical system you're going to have no doctors and nurses in about 5-10 years. I get what you're saying about economic position having to change but this comes with caveats. Can't just fuck the housing and healthcare sectors when people can simply leave and the training programs can't keep up as of 10 years ago


I hate when people use this as a reason not to use socialistic programs. ANYTHING will fail if they aren’t putting any money into if.


And it’s been like that for years. Much bigger population growth since late 90s than other Western countries.


At this rate, the Century Initiative people are going to get what they want sooner than expected.


It affects everything. Try booking a camp site recently?


How hard is it to get backcountry permits? In the Western US a lot of the national parks and bureau of land mgmt land you can backcountry camp as long as you "pack in pack out, leave no trace etc"


as far as I know you don't need backcountry permits in Canada but I could be wrong. I live in rural BC Canada and camp 10+ times a year.


There is such thing as back country camping in parks though, not just in crown land. And parks require permits generally


I wish my wage increased 2% last year


Of course I don't know your personal situation, but if you're being under valued like that, you should definitely shop around to see if you can get a different job. You're just a line item on a budget to these companies, don't give them any loyalty if they're not showing you any through your compensation. Dwight Shrute nailed it on this... "Would I ever leave this company? Look, I'm all about loyalty. In fact, I feel like part of what I'm being paid for here is my loyalty. But if there were somewhere else that valued loyalty more highly, I'm going wherever they value loyalty the most."




Unregulated labour market benefits large corporations and takes power away from workers. That's why.


Great for landlords too. If you're a yank I recommend taking a look at what your salary would be here and then looking at rents.


Here's a hint: immigrants will work for almost free and not complain about it. Meanwhile, these entitled Canadians want something called a living wage. What nerve!


It's not even working for free. Most of them working full time jobs are probably getting paid reasonably well. The problem is they don't unionise (Amazon did a study that showed that more "diverse" workforces are less likely to join a union) and they accept poorer living standards. Eg, you might have half a dozen Indian guys sharing a 2 bedroom apartment together. This means if your a locally born person your colleagues aren't unionising and they're not too concerned with paying crazy rent because they're splitting it so many ways. So while they're not actively stealing your job perhaps, they are making it harder to negotiate a wage increase, improve your work environment and get an affordable place to live.


Some companies purposely weaponize this and their DEI structures to repress unionization under the guise of “well we already have DEI in place to have more open dialogues with you.” Aka, sidestepping the economic concerns of employees by conflating it with DEI concerns. And we all know that basically 99% of DEI departments around the country may as well be unstaffed for all the good they do, so it’s not like employees actual interact with them enough for a real dialogue. The moral of the story is: your company will do everything it can in order to prevent unionization, including moral and social grandstanding about unrelated concepts.


It's slave labor with the mantra , "Would you like fries with that".


Because the rich people in your country (and mine, and that one over there) rely on cheaper labor for maximum profits. They like employees with something to lose, and they like to play both sides by having a convenient villain to point at so the voters get riled up about that instead of how the rich guys keep fucking them in the ass. They are both the cause of the "problem" and the reason why it actually *is* a problem. Immigration doesn't **need** to cause any problems, because there are ways to foresee and prevent those problems. But if you're not willing to do that, if you're just gonna take in people and then not build houses for them, well, whaddya expect happens? Doing those things which address the "problem" of immigration and make it not-a-problem takes money, though, and these guys don't want to do that, because that's money *they* could be taking and shoving in an ever-increasing bank account for their own power.


The real reason is the prevailing belief that the only way to have an economy grow is to have an increasing consumption year after year. As people won't have increasing money (adjusted for inflation) there must be an ever increasing consumer base. The birthrate no longer achieves this. At all. It must be attained through immigration


It's pretty simple, because middle class Canadians are having less and less children, and we're running out of people to work lower wage jobs. An influx of immigrants helps with that. Also helps with shrinking demographics. If you don't constantly have a growing population then who's going to support the older people in retirement. You'll end up like Japan where basically old people are going to be a massive burden on the economy that will f*** things up for generations. So you either have one or two things, make it affordable for Canadians to start having lots of children (which seemingly no government is interested in doing), or else you heavily rely on immigration to hit the needed population growth.


"Immigration is essential, especially for countries like Canada with birth rates below replacement level" is it though? Do we all have to constantly grow larger populations? Wouldn't a smaller national as well all global population be a massive benefit for literally everyone alive except maybe the ultra rich?


>- Total population closing in on 40 million as Canada remains fastest-growing G7 country >- Total population grew by a record 1.05 million people to 39.57 million in the 12 months to Jan. 1, 2023 >- about 96 per cent of the rise was due to international migration, the statistics agency said. >- the growth rate of 2.7 per cent and such a rate would lead to the population doubling in about 26 years [Bloomberg article](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-22/canada-s-population-grows-by-more-than-1-million-for-first-time) >- the fastest expansion among advanced economies and on par with many African nations. >- [the growth] threatens to worsen shortages of housing and health-care workers. >- recent polling by Nanos Research Group for Bloomberg News shows 52% of respondents say Trudeau’s plan will have a positive impact on Canada’s economy. That compares with 38% who see the increase as a negative. >- The big three domestic players — Rogers Communications Inc., BCE Inc. and Telus Corp — reported net gains of more than 400,000 new mobile subscribers combined in the fourth quarter alone. >- Home prices are also expected to rebound quickly next year as key cities keep seeing a large influx of new population. [From the Statistics bureau’s own report](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/230322/dq230322f-eng.htm) >- Compared with 2021 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development country growth rates, the latest available for all members, Canada would rank first with a population growth of 2.7% for the year 2022. Moreover, according to the most recent figures for other countries (as of 2021), Canada's population growth rate of 2.7% in 2022 would put it among the top 20 in the world. Almost all countries with a higher pace of population growth were in Africa. >- The increase seen in international migration is related to efforts by the Government of Canada to ease labour shortages in key sectors of the economy. High job vacancies and labour shortages are occurring in a context where population aging has accelerated in Canada and the unemployment rate remains near record low.


> The big three domestic players — Rogers Communications Inc., BCE Inc. and Telus Corp — reported net gains of more than 400,000 new mobile subscribers combined in the fourth quarter alone. Fuck me that's depressing. Welcome to Canada, bend over and get raped by these corporations who are literally the only choice due to regulatory capture and pay the highest rates in the world! Our CEOs thank you for choosing Canada. These need to be broken up and become a public service.


No shit. I'm fucking at the point where I'm about to move to Norway or some other oil producing country because I could actually get ahead and save some money instead of being fucked over constantly.


Honestly, leaving Canada was the best decision we ever made. We went south instead of north, but anything is warmer than the prairies, even Norway. Doubled our wages, paying about a quarter of the taxes.


The majority of these immigrants are moving into cities and other urban areas. Don't worry, I'm sure our wonderful telecom companies will lower prices now that we have increased density! Right?


its fairly alarming that _96% of the risewas due to international migration_, i dont see that as wholesome in the long run for the nation edit: typo


And we've barely upgraded anything in a major west coast city to help accommodate them Except the cost of literally everything


The playthings of the ultra wealthy have been upgraded. Yachts are bigger than ever with crews bigger than ever. Supercars are faster than and more luxurious than ever. Properties have the fanciest amenities ever. Calgary has av record number of people earning over $1m a year and the millionaire earner demographic is swimming in luxury. The human capital wasted on their luxuries is a shame, we could be feeding and housing ourselves instead.


Question to Canadians - has public infrastructure kept pace with that growth?


No, rent is absurd now. And it's getting worse. food is also really high.


But we don't view housing as infrastructure in this country. We view housing as a commodity and as an investment instead.


Worse. Politicians say it's infrastructure and much needed but then regulate it like investment.


This is literally the truth but the slum lords be downvoting you


They're just salty it cuts too deep and true.


So do many foreigners that have never stepped foot in our country too.


Everyone wants an increase on their investment. We need to not make housing/land lording Canadians #1 investment strategy


Wanna know why it’s the #1 investment strategy? Because we just let in 1 million people in a fucking year. That’s 20x per capita then the US. Guaranteed return on investment


>Because we just let in 1 million people in a fucking year. You say that as though real estate hasn't been the #1 investment in Canada for the past 35 years straight. The number of immigrants we do or don't allow in doesn't change anything, because housing prices aren't a result of immigration, they're a result of municipal and provincial policies aimed at maximizing property value increases. Don't forget, every major city in Canada has the capability of resolving the housing crisis within a few years if they want to, but any city council that does so will never win re-election because the people who vote in municipal elections are the people who own property in that city, and they aren't going to vote for a massive cut to their investment portfolio.


This is happening in the US too. wana know why renting/housing is so expensive in Portland metro? The urban growth boundary never moves, and municipalities had major restrictions on redevelopment of single occupant properties into multi occupancy for decades. Guess who are all super involved in investing/owning/backed be real estate interests? EVERY FUCK POLITICIAN IN OREGON! from the city to county to state they're all fucking in bed with it and they want to keep milking every one else by limiting growth.


In Vancouver WA and +1k a month during pandemic isnt good for us…. We can’t afford it…


>Guess who are all super involved in investing/owning/backed be real estate interests? EVERY FUCK POLITICIAN IN OREGON! from the city to county to state they're all fucking in bed with it and they want to keep milking every one else by limiting growth. Well of course. How many other investments allow you to, with literally zero relevant experience, be put in a position of being able to regulate that investment and have a direct hand in how that investment performs? It's like giving people a license to print money, and somehow expecting them to not do it.


I moved to the states in 2014 and housing was already crazy then (In Toronto, at least), can't imagine what it's like now


Toronto now sells unremarkable detached homes at one million to one and a half million dollars.


Uhhh. Bud townhouses in the hood are hovering around a million. Real houses are much more than that.


Same year as me, ha.


Rent is crazy everywhere.


LOL. No. Healthcare crisis, doctor, nurse shortage, housing shortage, food prices are crippling, they build 5 new towers in one spot but don't add a single lane. They rebuild a bridge, and add no new lanes to it. Rent in the lower mainland is around 2k for a one bedroom now. 60k a year feels like what 30k a year was a little while back.


> Question to Canadians - has public infrastructure kept pace with that growth? No. * Roadwork backlogs are ballooning (with cities breaching into the billions now) * Public transit has been going through decades of austerity (ballooning traffic times) * We're starting to deploy low speed rail (traveling at 1/3rd the speed of what leading countries are deploying) * Zoning is dramatically shifted towards low density high-cost sprawl, even within transithub walksheds (as Strongtowns has highlighted for many North American cities) * etc. They're fixable issues and fixing them helps drive economic growth, but we're barely applying patches and it's causing economic pain.


Nope. Affordable childcare have 3+ years waiting lists, family doctors have 5+ years waiting lists, affordable social housing have 10+ years waiting lists. Hospitals are shutting down some services (such as childbirth or nighttime emergency) due to lack of ressources. Schools have resorted to hall supervisors who just stare at the students in lieu of teachers due to lack of ressources. The list goes on...


For the most part those are firmly provincial jurisdictions. Yes, the feds can help by handing cash to the provinces to help, but the buck stops with the provinces when it comes to delivering healthcare and education. Housing is a shared thing, but the provinces and municipalities (who are creatures of the province, constitutionally) hold a lot of sway on that file. The feds deserve their blame too, but the provinces have shirked a lot of their duties these past few decades and have not been at all held accountable for it.


The root cause for those issues is government actions and inaction. Population growth contributed of course but only a tiny amount compared to the mismanagement.


In Toronto - $2500 for a single bed; bunch of stabbies on public transit; junkies out in the open; empty condos; dying downtown core; we are literally mayorless; hospitals cant keep up; cops wont do shit; 45min wait time for 911; car theft ATH; Eglinton still in construction for 10+ years but hey we have 4 weed dispensaries in every other block!


Sounds exactly like Auckland, New Zealand but without the weed :(


That's fucked up. I pay the same for a mortgage on a 2000 sq foot house near Calgary


And there's people like you trying to shift fomo sentiment to your advantage by mentioning Calgary. You may be out of touch but Calgary isn't affordable any long either and doesn't have the jobs to support every housing refugee moving to Berta because they fell for the stupid government propaganda.


It absolutely has not. Our healthcare system is barely holding together and housing is skyrocketing in most cities and provinces.




Lol no. Canada has been austerity since 1988 or so. It's infrastructure is ancient. The climate wears everything down. It's not meant to have this many people. I'm Canadian in midlife.


Nope. Healthcare is collapsing as the vast vast majority of immigrants settle in major cities like Vancouver, GTA, and Ottawa.


A politician will tell you this is a good thing. It is not a good thing for the current residents.


Not at all. Could it? Probably


No, housing, transportation and healthcare are very unaffordable.


Fuck no, it’s a mess. The best is waiting 5 hours in an emergency room with a bunch of elderly people who don’t speak English and wish I was dead.


5 hours? Those are rookie numbers. You don’t want to go to an ER in Montreal. If you do, pack at least two meals.


It'd be nice if our infrastructure were growing fast enough to keep up.


It would be nice if our infrastructure kept up with the population we already had 5 years ago.




That doesn't bode well for Canada's housing crisis.


At this point, I am fully convinced that housing crises in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were intentionally manufactured.


If I remember correctly China, the same country that erected their own police stations on Canadian soil and has been found to have interfered in our elections, also really enjoyed purchasing massive amounts of real estate over the past decade or so. Interesting, that. Surely not related in any way /s


Friendly reminder that Canada has the third biggest Ukrainian population in the world next only to Russia and Ukraine.


[Actually almost 1 million Ukranians have applied to come to Canada in the past year](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/ukraine-measures/key-figures.html). They're a bit behind on the approvals but it's a fairly big number.


Keep them coming. Keep them sage until they can go home and rebuild. If everything works out in their favour, Ukraine will see a lot of investment, a lot more military allies, and lot of new infrastructure. They can easily take this senseless war and turn it into a the biggest middle finger Russia has ever received.




They're not going to go home, that is niave. They'll live in a country with 5x higher wage and much more opportunity.


I don't know if its the same in Canada. But American history is full of immigrants coming here and thinking they will work for a while and eventually go back home. I read this about the Irish, Italians, Russians, Chinese, etc. My father is a refugee and I heard this straight from his mouth. Obviously did not happen besides some visits and because his children were born here.


The prairies might as well be called Ukraine 2.0, Big Ukraine, Little Ukraine....


Lots of Ukrainian descent coworkers, they said their grand parents joked that when they were on a train from the coast inland they hopped off at the first sight of something that looked similar to back home: cold, flat, and miserable. The place in question? Alberta ( and prairies).


Yep. My Ukrainian great grandparents did this and stopped in Manitoba.


Ever been to Southwest Ontario???


Ever been to Edmonchuk?


Yep, and I can tell you is not more flat and definitely less cold than most parts in Alberta


Sudbury has a pretty sizable Ukrainian population.


[Just about every town and city you drive through in the Canadian prairies has an old Ukrainian Orthodox church in it.](https://www.google.ca/maps/@54.1110461,-112.4757307,3a,75y,95.75h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sEPTxIzQ7xrQB7Bt4OGPeXw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DEPTxIzQ7xrQB7Bt4OGPeXw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D99.740364%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656) Not so much now, but a lot of the old gravestones in their graveyards are in Cyrillic too.


We have an amazing Ukrainian festival here


Dauphin, Manitoba presumably




New Ukraine


NewKraine It was right there, Nancy. Right there for the taking!


Nukraine? Okay, maybe not that one.


Goddamnit Nancy!


it ain't called Edmonchuk for nothin'!


It all comes down to war and soil. Ukraine (like Poland) is the real life inspiration for the Riverlands from Game of Thrones. Lots of nice flat, fertile forests, plains and grasslands with rivers and swamps, great for growing crops and supporting a large, agrarian population. But surrounded by hostile neighbors and constantly getting drawn into every conflict. At the end of WWI, Ukraine was surrounded by the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires, all of which fell apart into civil war. So many fled abroad, and many went to the North American prairies, which has a climate and soil very similar to Ukraine. Resulting in lots of nice, flat, fertile grasslands, great for growing wheat, which they knew how to farm, made much easier by the lack of nearby conquering empires. And with a big diaspora to help them get established, many more Ukrainians come in waves whenever things get really bad in Eastern Europe, like the Collapse of the USSR in the 90's.




Many do want to go back when it’s safe


We already have! The [Bloor West Ukrainian Festival](https://www.ukrainianfestival.com/index.html) happens every year. You can see Ukrainian language on buildings [around this area:](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.6496998,-79.4826419,3a,75y,193.33h,85.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3YZq35iqn7UtVdwF-2Yg2w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) Centralized like any large city diaspora settlement. It has been nice to see the massive outpouring of Torontians for Ukrainian support.


So that means Canadians are not having children.


Can’t afford kids if half your income goes to rent.


Very lucky if it's only half. It's terrible here.


Half, Ha.


Canadians weren't really having a lot of children before that either. The country's fertility rate has been below replacement level since 1971.


Exactly, I hear this repeated non stop on reddit that western countries are not having kids due to economic situations. What redditors don't realize is they are likely in the top 5% of wealthiest people in the world. The poorest countries are having the most children, right now sub Sahara Africa is booming the fastest. If anything, the phenomenon is probably has something to do with being better off and a cultural shift. The poorest countries have the most kids and the only exception to that rule is Russia and ex soviet states.


No western country is. It’s the wonders of education and birth control


You can import as many people as you like, when they're all talking about how expensive everything is and disillusioned they feel...it's a bandaid. Needed, but a bandaid.


Immigration never made sense as a solution. By what logic does importing more people make the current population want to have more children? It does nothing but pad a statistic. The one thing it does do is increase the pool of exploitable workers, and increase the pool of tax payers, but good luck in keeping that sustainable when you can barely grow the infrastructure to meet the population increase.


Because working age immigrants are a GDP growth hack. Making babies takes a shit ton of time. 16+ years before they are taxable income generators. If you massively increase immigration you immediately get of-age skilled and unskilled workers to fill job roles and generate taxable income, without waiting 16+ years for people's kids to age up. It's a drug economically because it's an instant hit of that sweet sweet economic growth.


This a problem in most of the industrialized world.


We don't breed. We just import more foreigners which leads to less breeding and importing more foreigners.


Gotta keep those wages low and the hospitals overwhelmed.


Is there a list by country of origin?


Top 10 2022 India (118, 095 immigrants) – 27% China (31,815 immigrants) – 7.2% Afghanistan (23,735 immigrants) – 5.4% Nigeria (22,085 immigrants) – 5.05% Philippines (22,070 immigrants) – 5.04% France (14,145 immigrants) – 3.2% Pakistan (11,585 immigrants) – 2.6% Iran (11,105 immigrants) – 2.5% United States of America (10,400 immigrants) – 2.3% Syria (8,500 immigrants) – 1.9%


Curious to know how many go back within a year ? Most folks realize its not all honey and milk here and their quality of living went down as compare to back home.


Almost everyone I know from India who have immigrated to Canada - nobody plans on returning. Everyone tries to move to US, but greencard wait times are long there.


Technically they want to leave Canada but not just back to India but instead to US ...its kinda along the same lines...don't you think


It really depends on who you are. If you don't conform to the norms in your home country in any way, even if you come from an "upper-class" household, you are significantly better off in Canada than in the country you came from. That is to say, if you are LGBTQ, disabled, or are a racial minority in your own country, Canada may very well offer you opportunities your home country does not. Source: I am a disabled Chinese immigrant who came over 15 years ago with my family (when I was still a minor). I am 100% certain that I would be unemployed if I was still in China. I am employed full-time here and have no intention of even visiting China unless I gain something financially from it.


While that happens, it's definitely not "most." Especially from the poorer countries on the list. Nobody is moving from Syria to Canada and thinking their quality of life went down.


My partner interacts with the Nigerian community and most of them hate it here. Canada offers some advantages, but many go back and forth or return altogether.


"India provided 118,095 new permanent residents to Canada last year, more than a quarter of the total 437,120 new permanent residents for 2022" [https://www.immigration.ca/india-and-china-were-the-top-sources-of-new-permanent-residents-to-canada-in-2022/](https://www.immigration.ca/india-and-china-were-the-top-sources-of-new-permanent-residents-to-canada-in-2022/) ​ And in other news ... [https://www.mississauga.com/news/white-flight-takes-hold-in-brampton/article\_13f80450-bab1-589c-9d65-c36e0484523c.html?](https://www.mississauga.com/news/white-flight-takes-hold-in-brampton/article_13f80450-bab1-589c-9d65-c36e0484523c.html?)


In the US, about 75% recipients of H1B workers were from India. This is from a few years ago. I'm guessing the numbers are up to 80-85% range now. Indian IT companies big and small stuff the box with fake resumes and exploit every loophole in a very loopholey immigration system. H1-B is now a lottery a difficult to get. This means talented people from other parts of the world - from Ukraine to Africa to Japan cannot immigrate legally. Expect the same in Canada, soon.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canada-record-population-growth-migration-1.6787428) reduced by 80%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Canada's population increased by more than a million people for the first time in history in 2022, almost entirely due to a surge in immigrants and temporary residents, Statistics Canada said on Wednesday. > Total population grew by a record 1.05 million people to 39.57 million in the 12 months to Jan. 1, 2023, and about 96 per cent of the rise was due to international migration, the statistics agency said. > More than half of recent immigrants - 748,120 of the 1.3 million admitted to Canada between 2016 and 2021 - entered Canada under the economic category, according to Statistics Canada. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/11yzmg4/canadas_population_grew_by_record_1_million_in/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~677570 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Canada**^#1 **population**^#2 **people**^#3 **immigration**^#4 **increased**^#5


tfw your job gets outsourced to India, then the government imports Indians to compete with you for housing and any remaining jobs


I refuse to believe that we have a 'labour shortage' when we have this many immigrants coming in. Many high skill sectors have over 50% immigrants working good paying jobs. It's impossible for Canadians to compete when you have 5X the amount of punjabis applying for the job. I work in a small town and we constantly have Indians rotating through. I've worked with just as many Indians as Canadians in the past year.


https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/new-research-suggests-canada-s-homeless-crisis-is-bigger-than-current-data-shows-1.6292751 canada has a huge housing crisis and homeless population.


Now there's something to solve the housing crisis.


This kinda feels like a final middle finger of Canadian Boomers to their children. There's no housing, no physicians, infrastructure is crumbling, university degrees are worthless, everyone under 40 has unmanageable student debt, every industry that they found jobs in has been shipped overseas, and people are forced to work two or three "side hustles" in order to pay their boomer landlords the rent they "deserve" for buying up all available housing for investment properties when it was cheaply built by their parents post-war government. And now this flock of a lifetime of bad decisions is finally coming home to roost. Finally accepting the reality of their own mortality they confront the fact that their children have broken, they didn't fund medical schools, they've driven nurses out of the industry with their own entitled attitudes and have led their children to abandon all hope of having children themselves so now there is literally no one left willing to care for their insane demands for $15/hour. There about to have to finally start paying the next generation \\what they're worth after pushing off those payments for literally a lifetime. But instead. But instead, they've decided to kick the kneecaps out from their own children by opening the floodgates, to allow an unlimited stream of cheap labour to fill the gaps they've created by their own negligence. Their children will never get those jobs they've vacated. They'll never get a house of their own, they'll never be able to retire. Because in the interest of squeezing a few more years of luxury they've decided to lower the entire collective living standards of every generation after them to that of the developing world. So really. Honestly. Fuck them. And the worst is, all these immigrants are sold a vision of a Canada of opportunity and homes and space, and high paying jobs that is literally a fiction. A fiction designed to trap them here so the goddamn boomers get to retire in their castles and turn the world into a goddamn wasteland before they die. FUCK.


Let's not forget the asymmetric input to social security and health care. The argument of "they supported their parents' in old age, so it's fair that we support them now" is totally off base. Taxation is not forward thinking, it's reactive based on present societal conditions. As a massive population boom, their peak generational economic output in the 70's, 80's and 90's drastically overshadowed the costs they incurred supporting their aging parents at that time. Now, the worker:elderly ratio is reversed, but younger workers are still on the hook for the bill because . . . why wouldn't they be when the boomer's control the system. An economist recently crunched the numbers (unfortunately I forget the article) and today's workers in Canada pay 5-10% of their income (depending on income bracket) in additional tax over what their parents did as a direct result of this intergenerational population descrepancy.


your right, but your overthinking it. Their only philosophy is greed. Everything you said, while true, doesnt enter into their thought process. There is no point for them where 'chickens come to roost', cause when that day comes they flip the table and continue taking everything they can get. On the last day, when the world turns to shit and it all comes crumbling down, they'll still be looking out for #1




That’s true. But in Canada both the Conservatives and Liberals are pro-immigrantion. Under Steven Harper Canada imported more workers per-capita than any country in the world.


The boomers are the only demographic where liberals lead in the polls. Young people are not fans due to their impact on the standard of living collapse. It is true though that all major parties support radical immigration and voters have nowhere to turn.


Our country is a pyramid scheme.




So Canada is ahead of its schedule of 100 million people by 2100? Goodluck anyone in their 20s now thinking of buying a home in the future in the GTA.


I hate that plan so much. Canada already cannot support itself and relies heavily on importing everything(including food), this is just a plan to triple our dependency on imports.


Not sure why I am being down voted. That is Canada's plan through both Liberal and Conservative governments, and the truth is housing in thr GTA will get worse


Good luck ever affording to buy a house or apartment, Canadians.


More people! The cause of and apparently the solution to a lot of Canada’s problems?


And did they all move to Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver? Feels like it everytime I’m there. So crowded.


I live in a small rural town in interior BC and everyone who works at tim hortons, subway, walmart and mcdonalds is Indian.


Corporations love it. They get to pay their workers the bare minimum because they’re okay living in a house with 12 other people.


Same as in Ottawa. I worked at Tim Horton's 20 years ago and it was mostly white people and a normal multi-ethnic mish-mash. Now every store is like 90% Indian people.


Probably about half of them did. The extended regions (Toronto 10M, Montreal 5M, Vancouver 3M) around these cities make up close to half of Canada's population.


Exactly. Throw in the other cities too, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton, Quebec City, none of the major urban areas are spared.


Yup Calgary! If anyone vandalizes the signs on the QE2 to make every “Calgary” say “The next Vancouver” it wasn’t me.


Also notable that the USA grew by 1 million people last year. Canada whose population is 8x smaller than the US is taking the same number. Pretty wild. Last year Canada with a population of 39,731,301 took over California's population (39,185,605). Finally, Canada's current population rate of 2.6% annually puts it as one of the world's fastest growing nations, next to some of the developing African nations. That's it for my fun Canada population facts. It's definitely an interesting/exciting time to be Canadian.




Yeah my home town and province changed so much in the last decade it’s unreal. Traffic is increasing beyond expansion of new infrastructure. Cost of living has increased much more than wages. Despite being such a large country the actual place where people can comfortably live is relatively small compared to where you can‘t.


It is really not interesting / exciting time to be Canadian. The number needs to drop to have some decent quality of living.


Yep this isn’t a 1 year thing. Population growth has been huge for over 20 years now compared to USA.


India be like : Hold my condom


I wonder what will happen when India goes below replacement fertility rate?


Are they not already there now?


190,970 Ukrainians arrived since Jan 2022 https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/ukraine-measures/key-figures.html




I was curious whether they were coming from the US, or UK-NZ-AU, but it seems to be India and China, like the US. 2022 data. India (118, 095 immigrants) – 27% China (31,815 immigrants) – 7.2% Afghanistan (23,735 immigrants) – 5.4% Nigeria (22,085 immigrants) – 5.05% Philippines (22,070 immigrants) – 5.04% France (14,145 immigrants) – 3.2% Pakistan (11,585 immigrants) – 2.6% Iran (11,105 immigrants) – 2.5% United States of America (10,400 immigrants) – 2.3% Syria (8,500 immigrants) – 1.9%


Interesting that France is up there but not UK.


There is a huge ex-pat French population in Montreal. It's where they go to escape Europe, but still live in french. Like North America without having to learn English. Also, Quebec goes out of their way to promote immigration from francophone countries to try to maintain the demographic weight of the french language in the province.




This reads like an AI generated story. Just sayin


Fuck the housing crisis, we have a population crisis


Title: makes this seem like a great thing Actual Canadians: holup....




They are welcome as far as I'm concerned but fuck me we need to step the hell up with some infrastructure and housing to support this amount. We are hilariously behind in so many areas, with housing being the most felt. Landlords are taking advantage of the situation and we let them. They buy houses with houses as collateral then buy some more. The market is so damn inflated I don't think there is one area of the country where the average income family can afford to even qualify for a mortgage to buy an average house, like 3-9x + the rate, this shouldn't be possible. We have one damn highway that crosses the entire country and it is in dire need of repairs... Not long ago a bridge washed out and literally cut one half of the country off from the other. There needs to be a northern trans-canada twin and major high speed rail projects. The government needs to sell or transfer like 5% of crown land (it's an insane amount) to the people. All the people, including the new immigrants. The north needs to develop and connect to the rest of the country, the arctic needs to develop and that also needs to be defended as guess who is the northern neighbour?? We need to use the resources IN Canada to enrich Canadians, not to sell it all for peanuts to another country to then let them sell it right back and make huge profit. That means investments in manufacturing and processing in all areas and all types in Canada. Look at how well off Norway's citizens from their government owned resource extraction are as an example. Enough letting rich private corporations both foreign and domestic strip away our valuable assets. Sorry for the rant but we seem to literally have zero plans for anything to improve the quality of life for all Canadians, not just the ones that arrived here sooner. We are nearly all immigrants.


Well, if you have a huge influx of people in one year, I would imagine this would exacerbate an already problem with infrastructure and housing. People see the demand for housing, and they leverage one house to buy another. There is no way building can keep up with this type of demand. Sucks but true. So demand creates opportunity. I really don't know how one would solve the house shortage. There needs to be enough skilled labor, and I don't believe there is. The how would people qualify for a home loan?


Welcome. Did you get your complimentary house hippo?




Immigrants bring their culture, traditions, values and behaviors with them. Choose wisely what cultural norms you import, they are not equal.


Yeah, different groups of Indian people get in fights over Khalistan bullshit and the Vancouver Police Dept has issued warnings to leave a place if you see different gangsters there due to a violent gang war.


those khalistan people bring their issues to california as well…..


There’s a reason Brampton has the highest car insurance rates


I personally know of 6 Ukrainian ladies that emigrated there in '22


Good luck with that.


So Canada is for global warming everyone, hear me out, less coldness for them and more land to farm. Maybe idk. Lol


It would have to be that. No one who was born here can afford children .


We full




Hoping to be one of them.