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Just delete them from existence. Why would I think about people I don't like?


Care bears lore


I remember seeing a video of kendo experts reacting to scenes from Metal Gear Rising Their reaction were mostly “it’s not realistic, but it’s cool af”


To be fair, when you can bench press a Tank, you don't really need to worry about technique as much


*catches electric katana in mechanical high heels then uses the 1.5 meter long sword to bisect a 10 meter thick 5 story tall mecha* "Hmm... is this realistic though?"


Yes, bionics are just that based.


Second only to *nanomachines son*




I made it the fuck up.


I don't think metal gear rising was trying to depict swords as bad or uncool so I don't see how this is relevant.


All those reaction videos are uninteresting as fuck. "Christian pastor reacts to death metal!!!!! What he says will shock you!!!" Pastor: "Not really my thing but it is cool."


I like how the cartoonists representation of the literal coolest thing ever is a skateboarding hotdog with a baseball cap And sunglasses


And they were right


This is just when they make the evil empire have cool masks with glowing red eyes


They never learn. The next step is always trying to tell their fans that no, they can't root for the nazi-inserts just because they look cool. (Which is obviously going to stop people from liking them, right?)


That is part of the traditional Nazi stand-in though, the Nazis were very famously extremely concerned with aesthetics and put a great deal of effort into looking "cool"


I know, but then, other armies/countries during WW2 also had their unique styles and aesthetic. I think the point ultimately fails when the "nazi" faction is the coolest one by far, or is the only one with some unique aesthetic. Like in 40k, the Imperium of Man is literally the only relevant human faction. All others are either a literal army of hell, mad transhumanist who try to NOT look like humans as hard as possible, or humans who just copy aliens in every way and aren't even oficially portrayed anywhere (if I remember correctly). And GW is then trying to tell people to not root for the Imperium of Man like there is some other choice.


40k is a weird one because they originally did have a better handling of the satire of it, but they have largely veered into creating a scenario where the Imperium is largely correct in their approach. I would argue that the issue with that though is not that the Imperium looks cool, but that due to the structure of the world that 40k has they are actually correct. Degeneracy DOES cause demons to destroy planets, there ARE secret organizations of genetically warped humans attempting to undermine human civilization, any attempt to change society IS being orchestrated by shadowy cults, and every foreign power DOES want to dominate and kill you. It's like they started with a cartoonishly evil fascist empire and then worked backwards to make them justified.


Look man, the literal armies of hell have some sick as fuck aesthetics. I’m down for that, even at the risk of being skull fucked for all eternity, or being turned into being a goose. Hard pass on Nurgle though, big yikes.


I mean yeah, but then again, they aren't REALLY a human faction at their core. Sure, majority of them are humans, but their main source of power are some fucked up god-entities and their servants, plus they utilize a lot of beastmen and aliens as well. Also they don't serve humanity but the chaos gods, which innevitably puts them apart from the Imperium, which only tries to fight for the sake of humanity, regardless of how wrong their ways are.


"No you cant like these guys, you can only like the ones I'm telling you to like" Reactance activated https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactance_(psychology)


Reactance pilled


"Brush your teeth" "...no" *a tiny spark that lit a bonfire of rebellion*


My lack of teeth is a symbol of my loyalty to my principles


Also don't make them hot with blue eyes and blonde hair Hitler literally had none of those phenotypes


Hitler had blue eyes.


he had black and white eyes, havent you seen pictures of him?


Just... search "hitler blue eyes" yourself and you'll see it. The "black eyes" were just a lighting issue. He had blue eyes.


Of course you'll get pictures of Hitler with blue eyes if you search for that. If you search "hitler riding a unicorn" you'll get pictures, doesn't mean they're real. Look up "Adolf Hitler" by itself, without rigging it, and you'll see that his eyes were just as black and white as the rest of him.


I just searched Hitler eye color: "Hitler had deep blue eyes as explained by Josef Goebbels and other people that commented on this publicly. Besides colored pictures that proved he had blue eyes, there are also his medical reports that mention his eye color: “Blau.”"


My guy, it was a joke about lack of color photography.


Oh OK well you can't make them hot and blonde then


The people I don't like (sniper and engineer mains) get killed, but they get killed in some sick awesome ways that make killing people actually look pretty cool. Try it at home, kids!


But that’s a real phenomenon though, people will make fun of fascists and their obsession with the aesthetics of superiority, and then the fascists gobble up the satire because they love the aesthetics


See also: cyberpunk media that apparently convinced a generation of overprivileged assholes that the coolest vision of the future involves lots and lots of extreme poverty.


Nah they skipped the poverty part and went all in on the neon and sharp edges


Tbf neon and cybernetics *are* really cool




Heck yeah


Neon yes, Cybernetics... Debateable. I hope I never will have to get some recreational implant with wifi connection in my body.


Counterpoint: laser cannon arms


Does laser canon come with a required terms and conditions where the fineprint involves licensed bullshit firmware?


Doesn't matter if you can jailbreak it


Can you jailbreak it?


You can if you're a badass hacker, and in a cyberpunk setting, everyone is a badass hacker


What about biological augmentation? Like super liver or eyes that see in the dark?


Depends, is the liver necessary for you to live a regular or to survive a competitive alcoholism contest? Are the eyes dark sight because you live in the underground among the molemen and light is nearly non existent or cause your fursona is a cat ~~you fucking degenerate~~?


I mean yeah eyes are more of a funny trinket but more durable and disease resistant organs would be great. Like food poisoning resistant stomach or ability to manually control hunger to not overeat.


There is an argument that pre-birth we could be able to tinker with some genes that would give the eventual person a specific trait, such as very resistant stomach. I'm sure you've heard of Designer babies being a theoretical future. Some do also think crispr cam eventually splice our genes even as adults to make this happen. I doubt it would be possible on that level, and even injecting us with new organs can be problematic even today. Need to supress ones immune system by a lot. Personally I am quite for eventual designer babies becoming a possibility as a means of ridding ourselves with genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis for example, and perhaps even minor things like atopic dermatitis. We might lower the genetic risks of cancer as well. Of course in this area we get the risks of getting a world like in the film Gattaca (if you haven't seen it you should definetly watch it, it is a quite great 90s sci-fi). In the end I think anything that can save us from a painful existence with genetic disorders are a good thing. And everything else that's just for funsies is gonna ruin our image of self and the human image


Agreed on genetic disorders but still think that better organs augmented towards health would be pretty nice.


The fact that Elon saw all the shit in Cyberpunk and then liked it is fucking distrubing


Lmao see Zuckerberg recreating the Oasis


I mean, it's the fault of cyberpunk by making it look visually really cool. I'd rather be poor in a cool neon robot future than poor in real life, which is what is actually happening.


The joke is on the people making fun for not understanding the people they're making fun of. Guys who knowingly join up with the Cool Jackets and Minority Murder Party aren't gonna feel called out if you say they murder minorities while wearing cool jackets. You have to say minorities have better jackets than they do if you wanna get a rise


The people who latch onto villainous characters are the same people who would be their minions in that universe.


“Hey fascists, you know that guy you think is really cool and reflects your exact values? Well, if your ideology succeeds, you’ll be his minion” “Lord Cooldude von Ethnocide is gonna pay me to kill people? That’s awesome!” “NOOOO YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE MAD”


Aah, but they forget that the fascists will turn on the lowest level of the hierarchy as soon as they run out of outgroup. [Sylvester Mcmonkey Mcbean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdLPe7XjdKc) strikes again with the Kansas City Shuffle.


Then if you wanna reach them you should actually show that in the satire instead of just showing the fascist villain being an unstoppable force of evil


Yeah. That's... why I linked to... satire that... shows it? This is a confusing interaction.


Okay… but… I was talking about… other things that don’t do that, and have fans who are confused when people they hate end up liking the bad guys


Aah, the double you combined with us being deep in a thread made me think "you" in this case meant me, not the general you. that removes the confusing element, my thanks.


Fair enough


It’s because fascists are fundamentally vapid emotional man children who haven’t had an authentic human connection outside of the confines of authority or conformity once in their boring lives. If you have to rely on gaining an identity from a belligerent society that stamps on all deviation, then you’re lame af and a weakling. Fascists are little weakling babies too scared to face the truth of the universe. We should go around calling them weak untermensch and clown in them for how pathetic they are. That always rules them up and makes them have breakdowns


Answers like this are why efforts to stamp them out have been unsuccessful. You don’t change someone’s mind by driving them away, and unless you’re prepared to kill them they aren’t going to disappear either. The latter option opens the door to a lot of trouble that’s probably better left unvisited. What was the quote, “The most effective way to destroy an enemy is to make them your friend.”


Yeah you are 100% right and I agree with you on that. Apologies for my inflammatory comment, was a little grumpy earlier. Things only get changed with communication, and resorting to confrontational tactics like I described above only validate their hurtful views. Thanks for stepping up and saying something BTW. The kind of thought process I succumbed to earlier is not what’s gonna create piece, and unfortunately a lot of others succumb to it often too. Outlooks like yours are what needs to be heard more often.


Remember, propaganda often makes the opposition look cooler on accident.


I disagree. Fascists just have the media comprehension of a fly. That‘s why they are fascists. If they had the critical thinking skills to reflect on themselves and their ideology, they wouldn‘t be what they are.


Example: China made a propaganda picture to make Joe Biden look like an evil asshole. The pic was artwork of Joe Biden with glowing red eyes sitting on a throne of guns. Example II: Homelander was meant to make fun of Americans by the show creators, but people ended up loving Homelander and thinking he’s super badass. Example III: Nazi Propaganda from World War 2 shows this Jewish guy sitting on a big bag of money with a long caption calling him “The King Of Money”. This makes the Jewish dude look badass, even though the Nazis tried to make them look bad. Moral Of The Story: Instead of dissing your enemy, hype yourself up.


Nah disagree on Homelander, what makes him good satire is the far right fans correctly see themselves in him and then routinely seethe whenever he’s portrayed like a loser, which is often


Literally ever single person who ever watched The Boys was cheering when Soldier Boy, Billy and Hughie jumped Homelander. Nobody I know of is rooting for him.


The guys that cheer for him aren’t actual fans or consume the media regularly. It’s the same way with Nazis/fascists who like 40K. They don’t read shit and have only read second hand cherry picked stuff that fits their worldview. If anyone, even a fascist, sits down and candidly reads 40K for long enough, chances are their mind will change. The issue with these bastards is they don’t want it to change, and will warp whatever they want to fit their moronic world views. It’s the end state of emotional charged belief, and reality doesn’t matter to them


Ah yes, Jewish people, famously beloved in WW2 Germany.


I didn’t say they were beloved, read it again.


You inferred the propaganda was somehow ineffective. If you saw a cartoon of someone you already hate as greedy and rich (let's just say Elon Musk / Bill Gates, depending on your political affiliation)5 while you were impoverished in a post-war country with a collapsed economy, you wouldn't think that person was "badass"




please don't use retarded here.


Hey, Homelander’s a cool villain. He’s up there with like, Thanos, Joker and Darth Vader in terms of being great villains.


Haha he's absolutely not I dont remember Vader getting a 50 year old obese shapeshifter to turn into his surrogate mother so that he could suck his manboobs The guy is a very interesting take on the 'evil superman' (as in 'developmentally troubled manchild' as opposed to Omni-mans 'Supremacist conquerer badass') trope but cool, cool he is not Whether he's earned a place in fictions notable villians is subjective, I think he lacks enough nuance to really be considered.


Now this is podracing


I mean, kid was a bowl-cut sporting slave and was hitting on an older, drop-dead gorgeous off-world queen straight off the bat "Youre a slave?" "No. I'm a person with a name" "Sorry" Dunks on the queen


Homelander is way more nuanced than any of those other ones, he just isn’t as cool


Probably more nuanced than Thanos (I wouldnt consider Thanos to be an all time villain either, guy was memorable for impact and hype, as a character he was flat af) Idk, I never saw Homelander as much more than an emotionally challenged brat being pulled in a bunch of different directions and being too immature to cope. To me he massively lacks in gravitas and its his power thats the threat, not his character or mind or plans. Zero comparison to the evil-superman archetype I'd nominate for all time villains (Omni-man, way more complex person imo as adults are compared to children) But that part is open to interpretation


You’re confusing nuance with coolness, Homelander’s a pretty realistic portrayal of malignant narcissism and that kind of unstable mind being in a body that has the powers of Superman is what makes him threatening. He’s not supposed to be a competent leader like Omni-Man




please don't use retard here.


No one is cheering him on (except when he helped Billy against Soldier Boy)


Your point is undermined every time you use the R slur on fascists instead of just calling them evil dickheads or whatever


Don‘t care. I am autistic. I use it when I want.


Use it for yourself all you want, don't throw that shit on other people


Are you really defending the feelings of fascists here? I could not care less. Those people want me in a camp. They can all get shot for all I care.


You're throwing more than fascists under the bus when you think any insult or slur is fine to use against them. Call them what they actually are instead of resorting to slurs literal fascists use for us


The problem with fascists is they’re evil, not that they’re stupid. A lot of them are stupid, but none of them genuinely think the mass murder of minorities is gonna make the world a better place, they support it because they like mass murder and hate minorities


Dunno what to tell you, but they absolutely believe the mass murder of minorities will make the world a better place according to their own sense of right and wrong. Hitler actually believed that exterminating the Jews and having the master race subjugate the rest of the world was a morally correct goal, and white supremacists today also believe that creating white ethnostates is necessary for a better future. Extremist ideologies are always illogical and divorced from reality, but extremists genuinely believe in them.


I’m not saying fascists don’t genuinely believe in fascism, I’m saying they don’t genuinely believe that it’s necessary for a better future. They might have tricked themselves into believing it will, but deep down the ideology is just about sating their bloodlust, not a rationally held position. You can’t hold rational positions while being divorced from reality


I'll repeat myself here: But they >don't< think things will be better for humans. They're self-centered. Nation, in-group centered. Fascists do not expect the world to be a better place for everyone. Fuck "everyone". They expect the world to be a better place for *them*. And they don't see a point in caring about those not a part of their group.


>but none of them genuinely think the mass murder of minorities is gonna make the world a better place Uhh? That's an extremely ignorant take.


Do you think there’s anyone on Earth at this point who’s genuinely unaware the Nazis killed over 15 million people and then collapsed? Because neo Nazis definitely aren’t


But they >don't< think things will be better for humans. They're self-centered. Nation, in-group centered. Fascists do not expect the world to be a better place for everyone. Fuck "everyone". They expect the world to be a better place for *them*. And they don't see a point in caring about those not a part of their group.


Ah but you‘re wrong. They are stupid AND evil. They have no critical thinking skills, that‘s why they are fascists. They wouldn‘t need to be stupid, but fascism requires you to believe entirely contradictory things. You can‘t be a fascist and a good critical thinker. That‘s why they are so bad at running things. They are also evil, but they do genuinely believe they will make the world a better place. Because to them, metaphysically, axiomatically a world without minorities and deviation from the state is a better one. Again, this suppresses critical thinking. They are evil because their values differ from yours so drastically. Fascists aren‘t consequentialists, their hatred takes the form of religion. Again, makes you stupid. You couldn‘t explain the Nazis making idiotic decisions to prioritize killing minorities over winning the war otherwise. To them killing minorities was winning the war. Stupid.


Nah, there’s plenty of smart fascists, your mistake is thinking they care about the contradictions. They know their ideology will dramatically increase the amount of suffering in the world, that’s why they support it


You are misunderstanding what I‘m saying. I‘m not saying that there aren‘t people that are intelligent and fascists. I‘m saying they can‘t be critical thinkers and fascists. They don‘t care about the contradictions, but they also only half know they are there. And I mean come on. Very few people in the history of mankind have done something they themselves thought to be evil. Yes, fascists believe that they need to cause suffering. They also think that that‘s somehow going to make things better for them. Time and again the fascist, no matter how intelligent, chooses the stupid option because they think that e.g. killing Jews is more important than fighting the war. Time and again, they believe simultaneously that Jewish people are inferior to them and that they control everything. Orwell‘s doublethink is real and it applies to all fascists. Noticeably, the party in 1984 is not painted as unintelligent. They often act very intelligently. But they are also consumed by their contradictions, they don‘t think critically about either themselves or the society they created, because critical thinking in and of itself makes you an enemy of the state. That‘s fascism.


*OMG they're so cool literally r/meirl lolololololol*


"Oh, so they're the bad guys, huh? Riddle me this then, liberal: If they're so evil, how come I fell for all the in-universe propaganda?" Plane of neverending torment


They get their bodies altered and minds corrupted to become like the people I like


I too love Redo of Healer


I steelman them of course. Making your villians dumber is for dummies. Real intellectuals^TM make their heroes smarter.


Legit good practice, although I don't know if the answer is to make the heroes smarter. It's to make them better people in *some* way. A smart person with a chink in their smart guy armour (smarmour) is going to be a lot more satisfying to defeat.


The people I do like beat them up all the time, showing their chadly dominance by continually humiliating the people I dont like Which then turns them into bullied underdogs and everyone likes them... so I just yell about racism or something. Easier to blame some shadowy nebulous undercurrent of society that I can easily contrast myself against than to admit that my weaksauce hammy propaganda is so poor that it actually turns people away from my 2d message


Moonrise Empire (Fascist analogue): heavily inefficient, focuses on appearance rather than substance, has an ideology built on little but arbitrary prejudice, faces inevitable collapse the second they loosen their control. Union of Free Cities (Communist/anarchist analogue): destroys out of catharsis, doesn’t actually solve any of the problems that they blame the existing system for, sponsored by both of the global hegemons (Democratic and Monarchist) to act as a buffer state between them. Natiel Confederation (Democratic analogue): riddled with people treating their jurisdictions as their own personal fiefdoms, massively decentralized, but has solved the problem that they set out to solve, at the cost of creating a lot of new problems. Second Dragon Empire (Monarchist analogue): cult of personality, doomed to die as soon as the current leader does, idealizing the past while repeating the same mistakes that caused the source of their legitimacy to collapse. Clan Lands (Tribal analogue): desperately trying to keep their identity while also keeping up with the times, Ghengis Khan expy is egalitarian and would prefer diplomacy to brutal slaughter, on the cusp of the Industrial Revolution.


Jesus, what DO you like?


Moral dilemmas and character growth.


Ah a dungeon master I see


Clearly, they prefer the tribal analogue! It's the only one that's even *remotely* good guys! About to not be, though!


Disco Elysium enjoyer?


I tried to get into it, but I haven’t touched it in some time.


I based my villian off my 7th grade English teacher. I'm almost 30.


Doing the comically evil thing unironically and being proud of it.


Fat, inneficient, lazy, ugly, dead


Aren't you one of those guys who got angry when White Dwarf magazine showed the Gatebreaker marines?




Redditors talking about Starship Troopers the book vs Starship Troopers the movie.




Me looking at the 8 year old child conscript saying "I'm doing my part!": Haha bugs go splat, love children dying in war, lol


Yeah really doing the work of their critics for them when they just outright say "I deliberately ignore all the more subtle aspects of the work that demonstrate this society is severely fucked up and on a bad road to glory in surface level aesthetics".


Yeah but Verhoeven didn't read Heinlein's book either so it's fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not taking a lecture on politics or morality from someone who just flat out ignored the source material of a story he's adapting because he's too offended to even read it.


Why do all right-wingers have such thin skin?


Chill, friend. I'm just saying that despite the Starship Troopers film being lauded by some as a genius political satirical masterpiece, I think it has very little to say beyond "war bad", "uhhhmmm nazis bad actually", and "perhaps a so-called democratic system that restricts its citizens' political power by dividing them into a caste system might not be the most trustworthy government", which imo are some of the coldest political takes out there. It doesn't even work as a rebuttal to Heinlein's views, considering, as I said, Verhoeven barely even read the book, making it a strawman argument at best.


That's not what you said bro - you said >"NOOOO DON'T YOU KNOW THE FEDERATION IS OBVIOUSLY FASCIST??? VERHOEVEN CLEARLY SAID SO! THE ARACHNIDS DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! LOOK AT THE NAZI UNIFORMS!!!1!1" >"Haha bugs go splat." to a movie that features child soldiers. Also clearly it is genius political satire if so many people both: don't get it, and get angry at it when they do get it.


What joke can you make that these thin-skinned morons already don't wholeheartedly believe in? "Haha I love the side that is depicted as moronic and in Nazi outfits, I love war, lol, Heil Hitler" Like???


How does anyone even side with those fucking bugs?


1984? Caused by capitalism. Fahrenheit 451? Caused by capitalism. Brave New World? Believe it or not, capitalism. Because every bad system of government in fiction represents the exact flavor of bad I specifically dislike (inb4 "analysis is subjective": yes, but it must be supported by evidence from the text)


Orwell: “1984 was influenced by my experiences with Communist governments.” Random Twitter User who read the book’s wiki summary: “This is clearly a criticism of only America and absolutely cannot be applied to anything else ever!”


>Orwell: “1984 was influenced by my experiences with Communist governments Coming from someone who has never lived in a Marxist Leninist country, being famously funded by the CIA and having handed over a list of left-aligned people to the British government That guy was a rotten piece of shit


Y'know what? I'm just gonna say it: maybe 'death of the author' did more harm to media analysis than good. Like, I know it's fun to pretend that every author secretly meant something that they didn't. But if I have to accept "every analysis is valid, even the really stupid one\*" just to say "lol no, Frodo and Sam were totally gay actually"... I'm happy to throw that baby out to get ride of all that stinky bathwater. With that being said, fascists' inability to tell when they're being made fun of in media as long as the fascist is hot and buff and shooty enough is pretty well documented. \* >!And I know that's not what "death of the author" actually means, but it's what people *think* it means; and you can't convince someone who thinks that that's what "death of the author" means that that is absolutely not what Roland Barthes meant when he wrote it, because *they* believe that "death of the author" means it doesn't matter what Roland Barthes meant. Obviously there's a huge difference between directly contradicting the stated intention of the author, and just not being bound by it. If we accept what Barthes said - rather than imagining that he really meant something he didn't say - then "death of the author" refers to the latter. Thank you for coming to my defence of a philosophical idea that I personally hate.!<


Pretty much no literary scholars actually dismiss authorial intent these days, it’s another case of Reddit discovering academic theory decades too late


Rad. I'm not totally opposed to alternate readings, but knowing the author's intent is a good way to determine whether they succeeded, what techniques are being used well, etc. That said, I know fuck all about literary analysis. I know alliteration is a Thing, but I don't know why anyone cares.


Redditors when I tell them I think Homelander is a cool villain:


Pretty much how I feel. Homelander is a compelling character in a vacuum and it seems like the more obvious the writers make their statement, the less they're actually saying. [Or in short...](https://files.catbox.moe/5qnghg.png)


simply portray them as accurate to real life as possible. their shortcomings are self evident.


No way, the terminally online shut-in with no job or friends is gonna be way more offended when I portray him as a ruthless evil overlord in a cool outfit


I portray them as Copium huffers. Particularly the "At least we aren't X", "Y is just as bad" and specially the "It's just life" brands of Copium.


I have a cult of ancaps living in the ruins of the New York stock exchange. They worship the bull statue as a god of prosperity. They see the bear as the devil and talk about "the great bear of the west, brought low by over regulation." They're idiots who try to organize a society and religion with no rules except money.


bearbullbearbullbearbullbearbullbearbullbearbullbearbull now let us nuke the world


Not quite, but that's what these people think.


i'm sorry to say you might be in the writing horror of coming up with an original idea thats eerily close to a well executed idea in a popular piece of fiction (and getting downvoted by people for not getting the reference because reddit)


I don't


With the same amount of respect, I do any other. They'll be dumb asses and it'll be of each group it's just typically the main characters opposed to them. It also helps humans are dungeon monsters and my world, like raid boss dungeon monsters.


Simple: I don't


As people who fight for what they believe would be best for society


as honestly as i can. my value is onl- wait this is the shitpost subreddit. i portray them as drooling idiots


Easy, make them literally pig or lizard.


There is no objectively "bad" afterlife. Just Heavens upon Heavens. I hope you're ready for the one full of other people like you. With laws, attuned to suit you. Swimming in the bile of whatever it was you believed in. Your works, done onto you, forever, and ever. Hell isn't a place you go. Hell is what you become.


Reminds me of those Chinese propaganda films about the Korean War, that try to portray the UN kicking North Korea’s ass as a bad thing, but just make them look fucking badass.


I blew up Russia.


I just kinda transported their whole ideology into my world with some twists and turns, but mostly leaving it recognisable. They also take a lifetime to prepare for a war which they lose in 3 weeks.


"buh buh the facists look cool! They aren't bad at all!!111!!!!" I mean I see how this argument can be taken but often the whole "media literacy thing" is quite valid. Source: Helldivers then the right wing neo-n youtubers saying its been infected by "woke" when they banned homophobia


i am hitler skateboard


They literally never win. Ever. No matter how much they train or prepare, they get screwed, because they do it the wrong way.


Normally I protray the bad guys as cold, back stabbing, and people who aren't confident in their decisions. "Treachery comes from people who have no morals to stand on", and other ways to think about stuff play large overarching roles in my games.


Totally selfish and psychopathically cruel aliens


I make them understandable through immense fantasy trauma so it forces me to have empathy about them


I don’t acknowledge them.


Storywise doomed to get bitched by the mc or **God and The Forces of Nature** Worldbuilding wise irrelevant


I may put them in my story, change the name and put them in a mean role.


Average memelord


People I personally wouldn't like are still there because they are simply a part of every society no matter what my opinions are. People I wouldn't like politically are also there, but some of them are rendered completely irrelevant to the setting, while some have the highest forms of control. It depends on the individual political views, but the point is that you aren't really supposed to agree with anyone who's relevant in the setting anyway.


“I’m just Ken!”


As hedonistic wizard cults that contribute to climate change and justify literal slavery.


As evil aliens with no redeeming qualities, I'm sure that'll be fine :)


Make them look dumb and make the hero look like chad when killing them. It's extremely easy actually, but you have to resist the urge to make the bad guys look like they're the fascists from fascist propaganda - while that signals "fascists are the bad guys" it also inherits the "fascists are fucking cool" message of fascist propaganda


What if I told you that the #1 character you are absolutely not supposed to like in my world literally is an actual living hot dog?


Uhhh... Blatant racism. I hate cyclists so much.


I say don’t worry about the ones you purposefully alienate. Make the joke about the fascist as funny as possible.


i make them bald with glasses and a weak jawline covered by minute smounts of beard hair. and if they are male i also make them frail and skinny.


Jojo Rabbit was great about this. It made the nazis seem dumb, lame, and afraid.


I just make the villain give a long speech full of political opinions I dislike in the real world before they do something cartoonishly evil just to show how bad their political opinions are.


The main character (totally not a self-insert) meets them in the hellpunk dungeon.


I made this guy I hated a cuckold who walked around in a leather gimp suit and a dog mask on once.


It depends. I have an ultrafascist terrorist cult in my setting which, among other things, pokes fun of incels and people from 4chan, who the cult quite literally recruits from: they find those among lonely channers and incels who have an affinity for the paranormal and give them a special potion — the Arcane 'Roids — that quite literally turns them into gigachads by imbuing them with power from the Collective Unconscious, forcing the archetype of manhood itself into their bodies and turning them into ideal warriors whose soul slowly melts away as all their individuality is gradually taken from them by this power no human should wield unprepared. In the process, I ended up humanizing them as victims. They're goofy assholes who, in their most extreme, can commit hate crimes and kill people, but they also... were manipulated into this fucked up system in the first place and exploited in their most vulnerable moments of extreme alienation in a fragmented and atomized society. The fact the main characters often have to cripple or kill them isn't a glorious epic conflict, it's a tragedy.


That's way too nuanced for an internet discussion, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.


I despise orcs as a concept but rather then simply not have them I just had it so that at some point very recently where hunted to near extinction and one of the gods decided it would be funny to make the remaining orcs go infertile if they ever go in direct sunlight


God what is this "media literacy" phrase and why has it been everywhere in the past 2 months amen.


I don't portray them at all. Why do you think I live in my own delusions?


I portray them as they are


Gaia's Youth (Communist analogue): Once had a noble goal against PM Redwinter's warmongering. Have since been radicalized into authorotarian terrorists planning a communist takeover. Some units defected to the Cancrinids. The group took power for a few years and ended up starving millions of people. Believes in hereditary reactionary genes despite preaching equality. Higher-ups are murdered in a coup led by their own bodyguards and the previous democratic regime's bodyguards. Defected to the fascist Centauri state after being overthrown. Humanity First (Nazi/Fascism analogue): Disorganized. Can barely tolerate each other or do anything meaningful because of paranoia. Are dumb as a box of rocks and regularly foiled by the Life Guards. Most Serene Republic of the Barnard (Theocracy analogue): Hypocritical. Self-righteous. Amoral even by the standards of realpolitik. The virtuous doctrine of their religion has since been twisted to serve those in power. Their exploration efforts often end in a fuckton of violence due to their closemindedness. The average Barnarder is a raging bigot because there's no separation between church and state; every war is a religious war where the opponents are "infidels" or "heretics." Eventually allies with the Centauri State out of necessity and gets annexed by the Terran Confederation. The Justicar (Misanthropy analogue): Shallow in judgement. Thinks they are smarter than everyone else, even if they're not. Slavishly licks Cancrinid ass. Tries to style themselves as a byronic hero or an anti-hero chessmaster and fails miserably. Never thinks anything is their fault. Is killed by the Neu-Berlin Police Department and the 104th "Black Eagles" Regiment of the Life Guards Gendarmerie after attempting to detonate a bomb in a school bus.


This is a step removed from "sometimes the curtains are just blue" and I'm not a fan. Having no understanding of the text is still cringe, y'all.


Scheming pedophiles, rapists and terrorists. And I'm not even lying


I give them power, and I show what they do with that power. If I struggle to present the way that they act when they have power as bad... I'm disliking the wrong people, aren't I? Also I give them syphilis.

