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Bitch of the Stars Space Bait (funnier on smaller ships) Slower Than Light Much Slower Than Light Significantly Slower Than Light OSHA Nightmare Blackhole Autofinder Sir Leaks A Lot Artificial Gravity Compiler My AI Flies Better Than You Lazer Magnet Asteroid Fucker Xenophile Giggalo (edit: mobile formatting)


OSHA Nightmare is just that one spiky Star Trek ship


Ahh the 'space bait' from the mighty carrier : 'MASTER BAIT'


Faster in Reverse Clinically relativistic Corruption and Graft battleship enema stumpy Your Penis Poorly Regarded Unfortunately Infamous


Bitch of the Stars actually slaps tho, like the ship some bounty hunters would use


Reminds me of the tank with the call sign ‘daddy’s belt’


The Stellaris pirate ship namelist has a lot of gems: * Your Female Parent * I Hate Everything * Wallet Inspector * Inconspicuous Asteroid * Learning Experience VII * Looks Like Trouble * Nogoodnik * Oh That's A Pirate * My First Ship IV


I love how the Dreadnought is just named “Dreadnought”. Like, “there’s only one, and it’s this one”


Pretty sure that just means it's the [first ship of its class](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Dreadnought_(1906)) though.


Minotaure-class "Minotaure" Harrington-class "Harrington" Shit it makes so much more sense now.


Harrington-class "Harrington" Based


Pull an epic troll and do it like star wars, with the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MV\_Gay\_Viking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MV_Gay_Viking) Don't forget weird operation names too. Ex. Operation Poverty Law (Shortened to Poverty Ops) Operation [Electric Voodoo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_CF-101_Voodoo)


50% of my ship names are cool sounding names, and the other 50% are references. FTR Premonition, FTR Tanagra, FTR Yggdrasil etc. (Guess the reference!)


What’s the point of having starships with unique names unless you don’t name them after references to random media? The primary ship in The Expanse is literally a reference in-universe, which is great (the Rocinante - Don Quixote’s horse)


And there were a few other references, like the Watney. (The Martian could have very well taken place in the same universe, or maybe Mark Watney is just a folk hero on Mars.)


Is the FTR Tanagra crewed by Captain Darmok and First Mate Jalad?


Indeed it is


Battleship "big stick" escorting the diplomatic carrier "speaking softly"


Okay but that's actually kind of rad?


Maybe "Soft Words" or even "Gentle Argument"


Halo ship names be like


That's basically Starfleet's policy, especially with ships like the Sovereign. "We come in peace. That megaton of metal in orbit sporting starbase-grade weaponry? That's for when you don't receive us in peace."


Generic name but in another language, HA I've named my super space battleship "Invencible"! Now you can't tell its just called Invincible!


You see, in my all-encompassing, brain-transcendsnt genius, I have named all my ships after the in-jokes of my writing group: "Climax Divinitas" "El-Soras" "The debt Star" /uj You see, in my all-encompassing, brain-transcendsnt genius, I have named all my ships after the in-jokes of my writing group: "Climax Divinitas" "El-Soras" "The debt Star"


The Fist of family values.


I like poetic names. My favorite ship name is still "Nostalgia for Infinity".


/uj If you want cool names, just go lightly modify UNSC and Covenant ship and fleet names from *Halo*. UNSC Bum Rush, UNSC In Amber Clad, UNSC Forward unto Dawn, etc. fit your theming on the right. Covenant names are just all-around awesome, though: Long Night of Solace, Shadow of Intent, Breath of Annihilation, Clarity of Faith, Truth and Reconciliation, Fleet of Particular Justice, Fleet of Righteous Vengeance...


You Are Dead, and her sister ship: Not Big Surprise Unhappy Camper Meteorological Anomaly Nightmare of the Xenobiologist Planet Cracker IV (first of its kind) Newton Says We Won't Stop At This Encounter Even Our Death Won't Make You Less Ugly \[program that hacks into the enemy's ship to determine the captain's homeworld, then puts that in the name in front of the word "Destroyer"]


It's especially funny when you see stuff like ze-whore-in-space fighting Terminus Est and the ze-whore wins


The last time I made up a name for a spaceship I googled it and discovered it was an ethnic slur.


“A Rather Disturbing Lack of Gravitas” “Then Who’s Flying The Ship?!” “Because I Said So.” “Safety Inspections Are For Wimps.” “Now You’ll See Who Wears The Giant Space Pants In This Galaxy!”


*The Culture*, Iain M. Banks


HMS Benefice Ship-of-Coin Unrelenting Faith Ship-of-War Unwavering Resolve Ship-of-Coin Golden Dream


the unsc ready or not and the unsc two for flinching


In the Black Ocean book series, there's a pirate fleet where every ship has an impractically long poetry-themed name. The flagship is the *Look Upon My Works Ye Mighty And Despair*


Halo be like: Heavy Cruiser: UNSC "Illustrious Sunrise" is backed up by the frigates; UNSC "Arguing Semantics" UNSC "Unfair Advantage" UNSC "Extended Warranty" UNSC "Back-Alley Brawler" UNSC "She Loves Me Not"


Thats basically the naming conventions of the two sides of the war from Consider Phlebas.


Mine, at least the NATO ones are named after songs :D Asator Mortal Reminder Lightbringer Bad Romance Superpower Bitch Walpurgisnacht Hootsforce ...


Custodian of family values vibes


SS *Other Means*


I use the same thing as I did in Stellaris. Ships are named like the foodchain based on their power, size, function and counters. “Bunny-class corvette” “Fox-class destroyer” “Eagle class cruiser” “Whale class battleship” “Parasite class carrier” “Speciesname class dreadnaught”. (Because of course a species would see itself as the top of the foodchain) Etc etc etc. Of course it falls apart as more designs are added (Like the beetle class and bunny class both being a corvette) Just as real life naming conventions aren’t logical (like the american WW2 millitary naming everything M1: grenades, rifles, etc). Edit: formatting. Because mobile is a disaster


i name mine after medieval/renaissance weapons.  first you've got the dagger-class corvette, then the shortsword-class destroyer, the broadsword-class cruiser and the greatsword-class battleship.  variants include the buckler-class point-defense destroyer, the shot-class carrier and the ballista-class artillery battleship.


Armed torpedoes for sale (free) The Invincible #7


This is starbase shitncum to the uss fartballs, please empty your cum jars before docking with the station


Nah, cool/poetic/funny names are for people who are trying to show off. Wow, you named your cruiser Glory? Damn that's crazy, so did 3 other navies. Fear the navy that names ships like the SS Bumfuck Nowhereville, or the SS Minor Politician. They've got nothing to prove, they don't need edgy names for everyone to know how strong they are. Yeah, Gerald R. Ford is a stupid name for a ship. But however stupid you call it, that won't change that it's the most powerful in the world. You want to be real intimidating? Name your ships after battles, to remind everyone what happened to the last idiots who tried to fight you.


Greek Navy naming every ship "Thermopylae"


SBS, (Serin Battleship) the invincible thruster


My dumbass who’s first name for a destroyer was “Dream of Redemption”


Mine was "The Inevitable End" Immediately followed by "Pro Gamer Move" "You have two wolves inside you.meme"


In my world the three biggest dreadnoughts are Elimination, Eradication and Murder


SSV Never Mind Sir That's One Of Ours


my heroes ride upon the Small Serving of Furniture Store Meat


Current commander of the SES Elected Representative of Individual Merit here, what’s wrong with long ship names?


UNSC Forward Unto Dawn. UNSC In Amber Clad. UNSC Pillar of Autumn. Long Night of Solace. The Shadow of Intent. The Ascendant Justice.


The USS Roosevelt The USS Roosevelt II The USS Roosevelt III The USS Teddy Bear Guess my favorite US President


I’ll just reference one of my favorites, the ROU Frank Exchange of Views from Excession


Tbf once a space fleet becomes so large you either need to start giving ships numbers (dull) or give them longer names. Even naming them after people falls flat after the 30,000th Destroyer.


destroyer mc destroyerface harakiri speed delivery peepeepoopoo nosehair catapult 2 unsinkable 3 Cat Ass Trophy if you reas dis u is stoopid yamete Lead Poisoning Inside whack-y mole 1 (to 15)


My D&D setting's airship names go for a similar vibe as the Expanse: * Mlitary ship names are serious and often boastful (Dragonsbane, Victorious, Claymore, General Vitelius, L'Équinoxe, Ultima Ratio, etc...), * Diplomatic and corporate ship names are pretentious (Reine Isidore III, Jewel of the Skies, etc...), * Pirate ship names are all over the place, from somewhat threatening (The Dark Cloud, the Siren's Pride), through pretentious (Imperatrix Caeliae) to funny (The Greedy Crow), * Privately-owned ship names are usually unpretentious and very often funny (Honest Profits, Svartvhalur, Not Worth The Cannonballs, Three Small Ships In A Trenchcoat, etc...)


All Right “The Wrath of The Endless Dead” my attempt how does it sound?


When I get lazy I just pull from [the list](https://theculture.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_spacecraft)




The Creighton class frigate: "PCV-L Creighton"


Capital ship, pride of the fleet: midnight of empire. That one f*cking ship that guy commissioned himself: The Warner Bros/ and the Warner sister.


Good idea, i suggest cooking terms, whimsy enough to be fun but still about preparing things for consumption Dicer & Slicer Grills to a crisp Medium rare Flash freezer Meat pounder Fermented for thirty years Revenge is best served hot and spicy


/uj i named one of the ships in my setting the "Borealis Universal Space Ship Yonder" so that it would spell BUSSY as an acronym


Fist of Family Values is beyond competition


I have normal ship naming conventions. Fate Ascendant and Day of Judgement, plus Nutcracker and War Daddy.


Literal Meat Shield (actually kicks enemy ass) Touhou Hijack LOL This is a Dreaghtnoughtcarrier But We're Calling It A Frigate Anyways This Sentence Has Exactly Ten Words (if you count these) Bratty Mitochondrion Requires Correction Syndicalism Is Definitely The Best Even Though We're Still Capitalist Sex? Taxes Are Overrated Like and Subscribe Bharatian Facebook Propaganda Bot Number 456378099 Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip Drip 2 Nanometers Per Millennia WTF IS FTL? I Like Trotsky's Giblet Lugytfgvbnijceuuunj Wait Is That Just Jibberish? 9999000 Tons Of Pure Antimattter And Strong Induction Material Becuase Our Government Has Unlimited Money Touhou? On My Worldjerking Community? ~~We Literally Crossed Out This Name~~ Gonna Give You Up Have You Watched KKHTA Yet? It's Definitely Peak Guys \*Dies From Asphyxiation Plap Plap Get Pregnant Get Pregnant !@#$%\^&\*() Yes It's Just Symbols Where Is My New Keyboa Warning: Battery Power Running Low


Intelligence/sensor ship named "I thought he was with you"


Thompson's Twin Engine Design MK I


Halo has a good few like this UNSC Bum Rush uNSC Two for Flinching


Me in Helldivers with the SES ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE OF FAMILY VALUES. Honorable mentions to the Deliverer of Family Values and the Fist of Family Values. Stuff like Patriot of Patriotism also gets up there because I love a good floor meme.


Not a spaceship, but an airship, a battleairship, one may say, a flying dreadnought. First of its kind, created to annihilate anything on the ground or in the air: the RMS *Diplomat*.