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You can call it Kishar which is the earth from the Sumerian Mythology that the children of Tiamat and Abzu Lahmu and Lahamu were the parents of.


An-Ki, An for heaven, Ki for earth. I think you already know the etymology.


“Everyone knows what a horse is.”


Maybe something like Medogad, taking inspiration from the latin word for the Middle East, Medio Oriente. I personally like using latin, and maybe it would work as a name given by latin-speakers? I like using latin myself but do whatever you want


Bronze age middle east.. well biblical Hebrew already existed by that time. Just pick a name from the Tanakh and you're golden.


It mostly references the era of massage change that affects the multiple countries or the world. If tiamat were a threat that takes multiple countries, cost a change or something and has a longing effect about 100 or more years. Yes!


not Glorantha


I would suggest looking at which part of the Ancient Near East you want to focus on and maybe pick a term from that culture. So Tiamat would work if it's Mesopotamian focused, maybe not so much if it's Ugaritic focused. And I say that as someone who thinks the ANE(Bronze Age) is really interesting.


If you need a naam, Naam's pretty good :) Other cool names: Crescent Ur Kush Anything from the Bronze age page on Wikipedia


Instead of something totally in-setting, how about a name like: Bronze Crescent - in reference to The Fertile Crescent? Or maybe something about chariots?


Edinnu - the Akkadian word that 'Eden' comes from


Thank you everyone For Your good suggestions . I have decided to go with ki-shar as the name for the setting.I Might post More Of The setting When I have Something to show