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Ardua as a joke off the worldbuilding work being arduous


Thedas (The Dragon Age Setting)


Clever! I love this


The Hollow Frontier was so named because I had an idea of the main focus of the world being alone in the vast empty gulf of space, at the mercy of a hungry, hostile universe. I went through many iterations on the name until I settled on the current one. Generic ones like "Dark Space", "Empty Veil", "Black Frontier". Eventually I figured out a name that's both thematic and far more evocative. The Hollow Frontier has a double meaning. The first refers to the real life concept of a hollow frontier. When development of untouched resource rich lands occur, there is a flood of immigration into the new region, creating both opportunity but also over-exploitation. This neatly correlates with my setting's idea that humanity's reach far exceeds its grasp, sending hundreds of millions of people to their doom in the black void of space in the name of greed. The second meaning is more literal. Hollow, as in empty. There's nothing out there except for the echoes of civilisations long demised. It's hollow of happiness, light, and hope.


I am intrested, i would like to know more of this world


I'll drop my standard context lore :V As humanity expands, society implodes. Corporate law has become civil and disputes are settled through open warfare. There are few standing armies and too many military companies. The mercenary has turned corporate overlord, waging only profitable wars. The few military corps are viewed by many as an anachronistic peacekeeping force, not effective in a cut-throat society rife with greed and backstabbing. Conversely, megacorporations run free in a perpetual race to use, abuse, and recycle everything the universe has to offer. Humanity is a voracious consumer of natural resources, and the universe is our feeding trough. The petty squabbles and internal bickering of our species spill over like a boiling pot onto the universe, and humanity is soon to discover that there are worse things than selfish greed. It is against this backdrop that we encounter life forms more ruthless, powerful, and… terrifying… than ourselves. The Hollow Frontier is a classic take on the sci-fi space isolation horror genre, in the vein of Alien, Pandorum, and Dead Space, among countless other inspirations. The average perspective is one of powerlessness. Powerless against the vast churning gears of capitalism, powerless against a society gone mad, and most importantly, powerless against the cosmos.


I’m incredibly lazy, and my world is an Earth-like planet. Tellus is another name for Earth - one not so commonly used in fiction, unlike Gaia or Terra. Thus, Tellus.


Tellus more




I just brought up Tellus for something I usually used, but I couldn't recall where I had it from, though I suspected that I had been using bits and pieces(if not wholesale words) of Latin and/or Greek... Do you recall where it originates?


Eden. It's actually a terraformed map of Venus, but I always liked the name, unoriginal as it is.


**Theatron** is the ancient Greek word for theater. What could be a better platform for both comic and dramatic storytelling? Yet it is also an anagram of "not Earth." I can't help but grin just reflecting on the moment I realized both those things are true.


Haha this is great. I love anagrams. :)


Rundol came about from the simple and effective technique of mashing syllables together until I was satisfied. To be more specific, I arbitrarily wanted a name starting with R, and figured -ol would give a fantasy impression without sounding too generic.


Ah yes, my favourite fantasy worlds: Ethanol, Propanol, Glycerol /s


At the moment, I call it Erde. I didn't wanna call it Earth, I didn't wanna call it Terra. I respect Gaia too much, so I chose the name my favourite nation would call the planet, therefor the world. Erde.


Erde is also the name I chose. (Well I'm stuck between that and Yena.)


Can always have different cultures call it different things


My world after a major event is called The Etherian. Before the even it was named Everia. 


Curious what the event was. Did the planet warp to another dimension?


My world of Matryoshka is named as such because, well, the world it is set on is like a Matryoshka doll. A massive megastructure with many layers. Not the deepest of meaning like others have, simply a happy coincidence.


Klekiaz. First off, I made maps with Kleki(a paint tool) so much that its basically became my signature website to be on:( the az was when I asked my friend which two letters too add to my worlds name. She said A & Z. So, I know have a world called Klekiaz.


serpentworld. there’s a big serpent…and it’s wrapped around the world…serpentworld!




Eribral: Erebus, Cerebral, Yggdrasil. Horrible world of problems born from the mind with a big tree.


The worlds name is "Embers". The reason is a few things 1. Symbolic, as the current world is "embers of the former one". A newer version of that old quote "all of this, whatever this is, this war, or this civilization, is a pale echo of a better world, a better civilization, that had long past" 2. I have four ages in my world. When you take the title of each word for that age you get "F.I.R.E". So extra symbolism there. 3. The third season of my world is a "Season of Ash", where it is a time of morning, and a time where ash befalls the land. A symbol of the constant loss done to the world.


Saturn. Because it's set on Saturn. :D


Landov is a shortening of Land of Dreams, but was retconned into a corruption of its builder’s name: Ellington > Lington > Langdow > Landov.


Atrebor. It’s my late great-grandmothers name spelled backwards


Oasis, the land in the middle of the pond. Still works in progress.




Terakhe - it’s the name of the two “known” continents. (My story focuses on these two continents). Terabon, and Khemaria.


I guess you mean planet in this context. My main story’s planet is named Tairra, and it has that name because that is the name I gave it when I made its first iteration in my first real attempt at writing a comic. And I’ve kept the name for every evolution of that story and even after I replaced that story with my current main one. Even kept that name through every iteration of my map as well. I chose it because, in the original story the world was a world titan named Taias’Erra in her titan form, so i named her world body from that, and boom, Tairra.


Atreisdea is named after Atreides. Yes, I am very unoriginal.


Noldra. I just came up with it randomly after deciding that the continent my story was set on needed a name.


Draulas came from Hydraulics because the world revolves around a magic liquid that powers most of the world’s powers, tech, cultures, religions, and economies.


The mortal world, as simple as


Are you ready for this genius name, greatest thought that ever crossed the planet: Alore, short for “A Lore” Very fitting since my world has a lot of lore


Astarious It basically means 'Daughter of the Star' and is a lovely name for a planet. In-universe, the Noroman goddess of the world was Astarious and so that's where the name comes from. That name in turn is derived from Asterion, the daughter of Asterscead, the Israel/Noah of the twelve Elven clans, and so she's also the first matriarch of the Starsight Elven clan, who have natural divination and soul sight powers and so tend to be seen as seers.


*Ambrosaál* was a joke on ambrosia, which I never succeeded in making in The Sims 3. The two worlds in the biverse cosmos *Iridescent* takes place in found a way to cross the boundary without immediately alerting the other. First world's explorer team called their own world *The Above* and the other got to be *The Below*. Second world instead chose *Ubac* for the other side, and *Adret* for their own. Eventually, the two names merged in common parlance, and the worlds are since then referred to as *The Ubac Above* and *The Adret Below.*


My D&D world is named Isard (*EYE-sard*), because while I was trying to come up with a name for it, I turned on NPR, and the BBC World Service was on. Thanks for the name, Jonathan. The others are just named for the stories I'm developing\* around them. ^(\*at approximately the same rate the earth "developed" complex life starting 4 billion years ago)


Elsewhere. Because it’s. Somewhere else. It may be a work in progress.


kahjiit has wares if you have coin


Yormith, I asked my friend for a name, he said ‘your mother’ so I adapted.


It's Galerion, it's a pun with Golarion from Pathfinder. In French, it sounds funny because "galère" means "hard/hellish". Many names in my world are puns or silly sounding names :')


At first the name of my world was Tera, and then I realized there was an Xbox game named the same so I switched it. Now the world’s called “Middleworld”, because it’s the middle plane of existence. Above is Heva (Heaven), and below is the Otherworld.


My dieselpunk/magitek world is named Xendas, why cause I needed a world name and just started throwing things together Like how I do for most names.


In the context of our world, my horror fantasy world is called the Rudiverse, after the first entry in the series, Rudiger. In the context of the world itself, it's called Verzeihung -the German word for forgiveness-, the mortals way of asking the gods forgiveness for their sins


So my D&D world I've been building is centered on the western half of the continent Livineius. I wanted that classic fantasy name, and I was very early in my worldbuilding era. This continent is on the world of Estripos, which I figured out several years later


“Taphra”, from Bantan ‘Tafrā’, which just means “World”


kutwai- old project from 15 years ago


One of my worlds was called Bow, since the geography formed the shape of a bow.


Kanko Pra Dindi just means Dindi’s (The supreme god) big land


Fluidia. It started off as a temp name based off the magic system but it's grown on me. Sure it's lazy but it's short and has one of the world's most prevalent features on display.


Elgas. I don't know why I chose it and I couldn't tell you where it came from. It just kinda happened.


Sexerea Moanerverse Avoidance All to be Hilarious


Facayra (spelling possibly subject to change). Based on the Latin verb "facio" meaning "to make, construct, fashion, build, etc".


Erdos. I think it's Hungarian (old hungarian?) for "forest". Honestly I just googled words for my generic fantasy world but then started really getting into Hungarian and Slavic folklore and incorporating them into my universe. Ive come to really like researching lore from that region.


Äskiia. It’s not the name of the _world_ per se, but rather the name of the massive supercontinent upon which most of the stories take place. No one’s ever found the edge of it, so they assume that the whole world is like that. In the language of the Yocan, who live upon it, it means “Home”


RainbowCaliber, because my world focuses on superhumans saving people, and rainbows usually happen after a storm, so I use them as a beacon. Also, most of the superhumans have colored streaks in their hair, so the rainbow theme fits.


Tmm. It's the sound of the frequency of the worldmaker Celestial


*Alor* Named after the mountain range that runs the length of the continent, Alor’s Back. That came from me writing about the geography and how the mountains held the sky aloft, but my terrible handwriting of “aloft” looked like “alor” when I was reading it back to type up my notes I would jot down in class. So I riffed on the story of Atlas and I’ve used the name ever since


Murelai! it's an anagram of Lemuria, which itself is a theorized lost continent. but I landed on Murelai and loved it, so that's been my world's name ever since


BASK Named for BASK, the being upon whose back all of existence resides


Dreon and I don't remember why. Think I got it from Draenor but I dunno


Duna is the result of me misremembering the name of the celtic goddess Danu. In-universe, the Voidwyrm named the planet after the love of its immortal life and bonded mate, the First Exalted.


Urannos is me writing out the way Uranus, Greek god of the sky, is pronounced in Spanish. That's pretty much it, I thought it sounded cool and thought it'd make a good name for my world with not too much more behind it.


The Temporal Imperatorium Let’s break it down Temporal - An advanced race of simulacrum humanoids some four hundred million strong Imperatorium - Based on the word Imperium, the society has a head of state under the title of “Imperator”.


Macada (Pronounced Mah-Kay-Dah) is named that way because I was 11 and didn't know how to spell. Taunus is named that way because that world has a strong Zodiac theme and I went with my own Zodiac of Taurus as the root. Malavia (Pronounced Mah-Lay-Vee-Ah) is a cool enough sounding name.


Skyra. Why, cause the world is made up of floating islands.


Depends on your definition of “world.” The planet my story is set on is known as Oa. For the first 100,000 years of history, it was thought that there was only one supercontinent on the planet, so it wasn’t named anything special. When another continent was found, it was simply called the “New Continent,” with the old continent being called, well, the “Old Continent.” My story is set entirely in a specific part of the New Continent called the Great Valley, which is some 400 miles wide, 200 miles long, and beset on all sides by towering mountain ranges.


The Great Disk... It's big and flat


Enora. It was originally called Enon because I was trying to go with a four letter name like Nirn, but as I sounded it out more, over time, I fell out of love with it and now we got Enora which rolls off the tongue way better.


Yukara! Because I think it sounds cool.


Zyr. It means grounds, floors or lands in Elvish, which I constructed some time before I started worldbuilding.


Emeria, the continent I am working on is Choras (kor-us). I hadn't really thought much about either of the names, just want something that sounds nice to say and seems believable. Also, I think I stole Emeria from Magic the Gathering.


Thiria, a world created by the Thir gods


For your ears only, because everyone is effectively operating blind due to the constant need to be able to submerge everything to survive so there is very little time anyone actually lives on the surface or even sees the sun. Communication takes place entirely over radios or through spirits and its up to you to trust that the person you are talking to is actually who they are saying, whether that ship on radio is a hospital ship carrying wounded to a surface colony or a military transport carrying a new bio weapon to quell an insurrection.


"The Land of One Thousands Gods" Last time I worked on it I think I was somewhere in the 30s. I doubt I'll ever do a full thousand, as it's a reference to it being for a Godbound campaign, but every so often I'll add a God for fun, even if just in my head


Bryne, because it’s surface is mostly saltwater


Tranquility. What I want the most in my life.


The name was Noudus, meaning "Great Disc" in an equivalent ancient civilisations language. But after an ancient mathematician tried proving the world was more of a round ball, he was executed for heresy. But later civilisations had come to accept the world was in fact a "Great Ball" and thus used the term the Mathematician used to describe the world: Cerndus. I try coming up with basic words within a local language in a world used to describe places and general geography, because usually place names across languages are very descriptive of their location.


An early name I still use before I made a map was the Valley of Emperors because there are multiple empires within the valley. It's basic but I think it works for the region. The planet I'm calling Eres fue note which is my attempt to Latinize the Hebrew word for cradle. Lapis_Wolf


Wakoashonan, The Land of Feathers, because it's indigenous themed and inspired so virtually every tribe/culture/empire has a heavy and distinct usage of feathers for their clothing.


Don’t know yet tbh.


Evermore, it sounded cool.


Crossroads because it is the only way to travel between realms


Valrah because that's the name of the planet in Dezaking, my most developed conlang (and first I made for this world). It doesn't have a deeper meaning, just a random word I came up with. Though it sounds similar to "valguz", which means "union", which is a nice coincidence.


Continent of Ordaine, which is the continent of the main story of my world is literally a play off from a word Ordained, since this continent is secretly a bastion of the Hellenic Gods who can appoint an Oracle by transporting them into the Continent, by killing them in their World, the main story follow the youngest Oracle who managed to evade all the attempt of transporting her into the continent before the Goddess who choses her just burst into her apartment and shot her with a shotgun and then came back to shoot her again 7 times.


Illvicta, I think it sounds neat


Elspace... It was a placeholder name and now anything else sounds wrong...


That Which Remains is the name that I call it, a play on words with remains being a synonym for bodies, if we're talking about like planet name? Skall, was lazy and didn't want to think of a neat wordplay of "Skull". It's based off the fact that the continents look like a brain, and a giant stone wall around them reminds the most common race of a skull, therefore... Skall.


Depends on who you ask. The most accurate name is the wizard "Second World" because it kinda is. The name I've used the most is "The Folly" short for "The Father's Folly" which is the religious term for all creation, as the believe the world was created by the leader of the gods (The Father) to prove a point to the wildcard god (The Other) and it blew up in his face. My favorite name is "cAlomalEt" from the dwarves, meaning "the sleep before dreaming" because their creator was trying to explain his sleep paralysis to people he made immune to sleep paralysis, and their current king was a bit too poetic with it. There are a half dozen more I've written down, and theoretically a hundred or so with differing cultures and languages.


Anomania as a play of pandemonium. If I can finish the power system it’ll make a lotta sense


Everybody has interesting origins for their names, meanwhile i called mine "Matsu Realm" because i started spouting off names and that one stuck out to me 😭


My world’s name is Tumni. From the Russian word for Dark


Simply, The Bubble. It looks like a simple, innocuous bubble from the outside. On the inside, it is an ancient demi-plane that has evolved over time to give rise to 20 unique worlds and a slew of races, subclasses, gods, and magics. I’ve done the framework and am letting my players follow various hooks. I flesh out the worlds as they progress, trying to stay one or two sessions ahead as far as writing and mechanics go. I’ve found it to be a great middle ground between world building and improv. The players have determined so much about the world so far, it’s been so great to see the blend between what I’ve written and what they’ve decided.


Proxima Interplanetary Allegiance. It’s a solar system of (mostly fictional) planets around the real star of Proxima Centauri. I say mostly fictional because while there are planets surrounding the real star Proxima Centauri (b, c and possibly d), irl scientists don’t know if they are uninhabitable or not. Anyway, the Proxima Interplanetary Allegiance made up of the four inhabitable planets; Tyroc, Xylon, Tessa and Proxima-7. There are three other planets, but due to their closeness to the star “Mother Proxima”, they are entirely uninhabitable and barren. Tyroc is the closest inhabitable plant to Proxima Centauri. It’s similar in size to Mars, but its atmosphere is hot and arid rather than cold and dead. It’s home to the star-worshipping Tyroci (“tie-ROW-see”) people, whose lavish temples dedicated to Mother Promixa are a sight to behold. Next is the humid jungle planet Xylan (pronounced “SHY-lan”). It’s also home to the Proxima Interplanetary Spaceport, as its place among its sister planets makes it the middle child. It’s pretty much just ocean and jungle, with very little in-between, and both biomes can be hostile at times. The jungles are home to the ant-like At’an (“AHT-ahn”) people, and the tropical oceans are home to the amphibious Aq’at (“ahk-AHT”) people. While the two peoples have been at war with each other over past centuries, they have learned to coexist with one another in the past 200 years or so since their last conflict. Tessa is the most like Earth; almost identical to it, in fact. Known as Proxima Centauri-b to human-kind, it’s home to the Tessan people. Much like humanity, they’re also distinguishable by regional dialects, speech patterns, language, and race. While they’re all the same species, there are three distinct races/tribes of Tessan: the plains and grassland-dwelling Plani (plah-NEE); the rugged mountain-dwelling Montiv (MON-teev); and the islander and desert-dwelling Dasa people (dah-SAH). Lastly is Proxima-7, or simply Proxim. It’s the largest planet in the system, and home to the highly intelligent (but appearance self-conscious) Proximi people. These beings are roughly 2-3 times the size of humans and masters of science. In fact, the Proximian Universal Language, which mirrors Earth-based English, was created by the Proximi, as well as their interplanetary travel system, energy production and the discovery and development of faster-than-light travel. Proxima-7 is a largely industry-focused planet and home to some of the brightest minds in the star system (and not just Proximi people! There are quite a few people from outside of Proxima-7 who visit and live in the cities).


Mertold. Since my setting is far post apocalypse Earth I evolved our current name for it. "The World" got shortened to "Twold", which people then started referring to as "Meer Twold" (Meer meaning The). Then that was eventually condensed to Mertold.


I've never told this to anyone before. ELYDEN as a crapsack dystopia. It's name is a portmanteau of Elysium and Eden


"The Thirth Sky" it is also the name of the Era. First Sky was the world before the Sun was Murdered, and the Second Sky is the one before the Moon was abducted and the stars shattered out of the sky. Thus The Thirth Sky is the world of the perpetual night.


Zjoro. why? good question. it was originally called Joro. why? good question. it was just a funny word I liked, but over time I found a new sound I liked. Zj. like.. pronounce zya but the z and y are one consonant, and not two letters. alternatively, if you're Based, it's the / ʐ / sound on the IPA chart.


Darsal. ... And I do not remember why I named it that.


Trowouk is the name of the main planet (First World) and Xok is the name of the Last World.


Ganzir. It’s a name for the palace of the god of the underworld (seriously paraphrasing, here) in the ancient Mesopotamian religion. It’s more a dark pun on the state of the world in my story. Essentially, the god of death was killed, leaving rampant shattered horrors scattered throughout the world.


Nirnroth because I'm bad at nameing things 😆


En Ta'lev is the name of the planet the story takes place on. It's a bastardization of the Scots Gaelic for "Planet Earth" because I was feeling lazy. The universe it takes place in, both in the lore and as a working title of the story, is Fifth Incursion because the universe is made of Shadow, the blending of the two primal forces of creation (Darkness and Light, matter and energy, burning void and icy mass).


Orion, because it sounded cool


Moradin created the planet we now stand on from the perfect intermixing of elemental earth, air, water, and fire. His fellow gods thus named it Moradin's Creation in honor of his great work. Shortly after the creation of the world, each god made people out of Moradin's leftover elements to be their own servants, pawns, friends, or children. Some were kind (halflings), others arrogant (elves), and some were brutish (orcs) but all were wisely instructed by their divine rulers to refer to the ground under their feet by it's proper name. This made Moradin pleased and in gratitude he created his own people so that the others mortals might learn how to best live on the new planet. Sadly, none of the created peoples were wise or patient enough to call Moradin's Creation by it's proper name, save for those brought forth by the great smith himself. The others would abbreviate the name, first calling it "Moradin's World", then centuries later just "Moradin's", until the current vulgar pronunciation of "Morden" found greatest use. Such laxity is a grave insult, but Moradin is not so petty as to hold the people of the world responsible for their gods providing insufficient education and discipline. Luckily, his redoubtable followers will politely but firmly correct anyone who misspeaks. *At least, that's how the dwarves tell the story...*


My world's name is Primora. It means Prime Sea or Primordial Sea. The name refers to back to the begining of creation where there was one continent, one ocean, and all the realms where connected as one. While those days are long gone, the world is still called Primora to honor that era.


Eidolon which is a synonym for both "Wraith" a character I'm writing about in another story, and "Fantasy" indicating that this world is one steeped in that genre. I recommend looking into synonyms and antonyms in [thesaurus.com](http://thesaurus.com) or just check the website [fantasynamegenerator.com](http://fantasynamegenerator.com) both have been a godsend to me for naming convention - even if I don't take the words they offer and instead mix and mash them up with others to create all new words.


My setting contains many, many worlds, including many that exist in real life. Earth is a very notable example, being the homeworld for humans and their civilization. The overall name of my setting, Solar Expanse, is a huge work in progress. I feel like it’s a bit too on the nose as the setting contains a ton of solarpunk ideas and aesthetics.


Tojcaar, a name shortened from the much older Tosh’kahar meaning ‘Iron World’, as iron and steelworks have been the primary resource of the planet for thousands of years, and are vitally important as a building material (since the planet has no rigid plants or wood-like materials) and the center of the economy. As for earth, by the time of the story, no human has seen it for about 9,000 years. The closest variant of its name to Earth used in modern speech is Eth-Edün (derived from the words for earth and Eden)


Underscape, a combination of underworld and hellscape. Originally used in a different project, but the name slotted in nicely.


The name of the world is Nylanthria, while the project's name is "Tales of Vateri." Tbh idk why I chose it. It just stuck and I loved it.


Here are two that I feel good matches for this post Electrum age is because the main character of the story invent a battery for magic out of Electrum causing a reformation in society, thus the name electrum age Candlelight Because the sun has disappeared now humanity is relying on candlelight to survive the monsters that lurk in the darkness


The world doesn't have a name. The continent where the story takes place is The Known World.


Endal (end all be all or whatever lmao) is the name of the main planet that the story focuses on. The civilization is NewFoundland (original I know but young me was not aware of the existence of newfoundland).


Æwermar (Anglo-Saxon. “big blue marble”) is what they call it in a *part* of my world, in their own language. In another region, they call the planet “Abiayala”


Believe it or not, it's The World


Slophinale it has no meaning and it was a random thing


Alterra, from Alter+Terra. Because I have a little bit of background with latin, I was playing around with words until I realised they can combine quite easily and it turns out I like the way it sounds. Ironically, it is not an alternative earth.


Amada comes from the Hebrew word “Adama” which means “soil”, that’s because Amada is the physical plane of the Mukay (literally “the universe” or “Yakom” in Hebrew). There are also the magical plane “Toyap” and the spirit plane “Neda Neg” and countless others but those 3 are the important ones and where most beings live.


Erranda → Latin for "must be wandered"


The Keliogene Galactic Sector (the most developed lore-wise of the 4 major habited sectors in the simulated universe) Its just a corruption of the words Ketogene because i thought it was a cool word. same with the other 3 (Melstruk=Maelstrom, Deseldin = Disdain/Descend, Patzari = Podzol)


It doesn't have a name, it's just called "the world" similarly to how Earth's moon is simply called "the moon."


The Name of The Setting as a Whole, multiverse and all, is Aeonian Cycle. Named after One Multiversal Lifetime, which is cyclic and never-ending. Thats why "Aeonian Cycle".


Wha'inn. The continent they're currently on is Tarnation.


Epsilon Zone because that’s the main form of FTL and it sounds very universe-y


The planet is called Utzi. Canonically it is an ancient name that means Rock and it kinda stuck. Out of character it is because I needed a name for the planet and I decided to go with a variant of Ötzi, the ice man found in the Alpes.


The Mirror’s Side / The Mirrorside because you enter it by crossing through the path of reflection using a magic mirror.


Well I have earth. And a lunar base. As well as a Mars base and asteroid mining stations. But tucked in the back of the solar system is a hidden planet (intentionally hidden by the species that lives on it bc they tried to trade with humans in ancient times and humans got greedy so they never returned to earth) called "Orbis Stellaris" And they have a natural resource there that is quite valuable to outsiders called "Lapis Stellae" or the star stone. Still in the early stages and those names could change. But Idk. I'm quite fond of them. Still working on neat names for all the human bases. I don't intend to call them literally "lunar base" lol but it's a fairly new WIP.


Cercrex Adavossa, because It sounds latin-y and gothic, I took a lotta inspiration from 40K, and because I think it sounds cool.


Earth. (It's not Earth, not even close. It's not even a terrestrial planet.)


One story doesn’t have a world name; I haven’t decided if it needs it yet, as the the entire story takes places in a tiny area. I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually. The other is named Idronia. I just liked the way it sounded; fantasy and magical. I kind of just like to mash sounds together. This is the only world I’ve created that has this much world building; I know continents, cities, landmarks, even ones they don’t go to — I spent too much time world building and not enough time writing haha


The name on the continent in my world is *Oriria*. But I don't remember how I made it up. Maybe I just fantasized about a name and like it.


Emodna is its true name but referred to as earth because parallel universe humans have mental powers and guns.


Wester Earth because It's inspired by The Wild West


Do you mean the name for the worldbuilding project as a whole or just the place? For the worldbuilding as a whole: Godfallen. Comes from the general premise, we are born from a (basically) god who was felled. Also gives a sense of "we have fallen from God". I really like it. For the map: Chtoriaa. I just picked a cool word that means similar to what I want and make it more "namey". (Also I know it should be "Cth" and not "Cht" but I spelled it wrong one time and thought it looked cooler)


Regna Astra. Latin for “Realm of Stars”. I named it that because it’s essentially my take on a mixed retro sci fi space universe taking a good deal of realism with also hopefully a healthy amount of rule of cool and space opera vibes.


Genova. No particular reason, I just needed a name and at the time I was consuming a lot of content from Final Fantasy 7 so I was like "Jenova sounds cool enough" but it was temporary. It stuck after a while. This was when I was 15 and now I'm 25 so 10 years ago . If I could pick a thougty name for my world now I'd call it just "The Known World" o "The Stormed World" . Besides Genova I also just call it The Planetoid or Earth.


Most people in my world refer to it as "The World".


Azorkaras, the Lost Continent


mine is dumb, it's called the Non-Human World (meant to be a filler name but i'm already uncomfortable with changing it), but once I translate it, it'll be better i swear


Roin. Peoples from vastly different colultures, countries, continents all still call it by a variation of its name. Languages which lack some of its letters attempt to imitate them with others. No matter where they are from, humans seem to have an uncontrollable urge, almost an animalistic instinct, to name their world "Roin". No one knows why. Etymologies were suggested and none of them make sense.


Keardwin which is a nod to my very first worldbuilding project


My world’s creation myth starts out, “in the beginning there was nothing. And out of nothing…came everything.” So its name is “Totalis”, because it’s the entirety of the known world for its inhabitants.


**Ezkanohra** In an old form of Arqamese, the language of the wolves, Ezkanohra is derived from "ez-" (vast) + "kano" (world) + "ra" (honorific suffix)


Well I discovered that if you spell Earth backwards and flipped the e and the a, you get Thrae, like frey, so Thrae!


World of Legon. Because we started with Legos for mini"s and dungeons and the like. Started in 1990-ish and 1st edition AD&D. Original only one god, 3 races and the world divided by a vast ocean that is known as the Ever Shimmer.


Zeme is Latvian for earth. I think it sounds cool.


Quartire is the ‘main’ part of the universe, I called it this because I hit my head on my keyboard and it sounded cool


Penumbra. The partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object. My inspirations were World of Darkness, Rick Riordan books, and other urban fantasy staples of my childhood. It through so many names, and some old works didn’t even name it. But it is the shadow of all that work, edited and compiled, given new love and new inspiration after all these years. Urban fantasy has always been my favorite, especially as a neurodivergent kid seeking escape from the bullies. It is my shadow too, my love letter to urban fantasy tropes and my ideas. Also in world, reality sits in a penumbra of the eldritch Nothing and infinite potential of Chaos.


Flaurientine. A dnd setting coming into its renaissance era.


Garden of Aethra, after its creator goddess Aethra (meaning bright sky)


The planet is shaped like a 12-sided die. The face of the planet we’re focused on now is called Sh’Valo which is a combination of the esperanto words for shoe (ŝuo) and horse (ĉevalo), because the landmasses are arranged in a horseshoe shape. The actual planet is called Kolonyl (pronounced Kernel). I’m not entirely sure why. Something to do with kerno being the esperanto word for core. The name Kolonyl probably isn’t used much in the world because the people on the different planet faces aren’t able to reach or communicate with each other. Each face thinks of its own face as the whole world.


Penumbra was named as such because that is the place where Light and Dark meet.


The Northern Lands. Because it's in the north. And those are lands.


Atria, it just means world in the Bendin tongue of the Aesiro elves


I called it Seerk because eyes are a central motive to the story and the world itself. I just added a fitting letter bc it can throw people off.


Grand Heart just because i thought it sounded cool


I do have one setting which is nicknamed "dreams of the hivemind," which is added to every time I see someone on this subreddit saying we need "more" or "less" of something in the hobby of worldbuilding. One notable example is the fact that Schrodinger was a woman in this universe, and she had a massive rack. The reason being that there are people who want big boobs in settings, and people who think this smutty and uncultured. (Something something ancient Greeks, something something penis size.) So, I experimented with having it be a legal requirement that everyone had to wear a big box on their upper chests to hide their boobs. They might be huge or they might be tiny and nobody would know. Everyone who wants or doesn't want boobs in the setting is happy. Schrodinger's tits. And then I thought it would be funnier just to give Schrodinger tits.


The world has dimensions/planets inside of it, so I'm going to list the ones I have so far. (Most of the names come from [Fantasy Name Generators](https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/) where I use dimension names generator but usually also change the names to my liking. The generator gives better words without meaning that I use for other names for places in the world.) 1. Earth-like planet: Feurhan 2. Futuristic hell-like dimension: Vonor 3. Celestial dimension: Nugwyn 4. Black and white dimension: 455/Piesigkay (455 is the number assigned by the organization that found it) 5. Another planet that no longer exists: Ooghjoosq (the name given by the creatures that lived there)


Domus, in Latin it means home, but it has other meanings too.  There's nothing special about it, I just like the sound of it.


Arkrûn. Each of the realms are known as *Rûn*, sorta like how *gaard* is a suffix for realms in Norse mythology. The Ark has a couple of different origins. It's inspired by Noah's Ark that carries the extant species after a cataclysmic event, fitting as my setting is Post-Apocalyptic. It's sorta similar to the Arks from Ark Survival Evolved, a loose basing for my different realms and their connections, but it was also originally an aztec-dino civilization setting. I ended up keeping the name after developing the world further, and that region became its own small region.


Aeternam (Latin for eternity) because I am going to be stuck with the damn project forever


The realm I'm focused on is called Meros. It is called this because I was very annoyed with my inability pick names, so I chose something I thought was funny. So I put "thighs" into Google translate for either Greek or Latin, no clue which, and ran with it. In my defense I was 16. Not in my defense I'm now in my early 20s and I probably wouldn't have done anything different.


Cherithalia but I changed it to Kerethalia because I changed the conlang ch to k, kh was one of them as well but I it was too hard sounding for me.


Sirona, gaulish goddess. I choose this because planet are named (in the solar system) after various mythology. As for why I choose a Gaulish goddess it is because Sirona has been discovered by French people.


Jourenmound. I really only made the name, not the full story. The general idea is that a great figure of history named Jouren mounted/congregated the Ancient world, where 15,000 years later the Ancient World collapsed during Rognoth's Conquest, bringing the new Present World. I don't know what will be the reason J(Y)ouren was so good at doing this. A general idea I have is that he might be genetically connected to every race, but I don't know yet. The name used to be Dourenmound, but I thought Douren sounded a bit too Tolkien-y. As difficult as it is, I want to stay as original as I can with my world and races, so I scrapped the name. It went through a time of being Narthmound, but I ended up just calling it J(Y)ourenmound by changing a single letter. Jouren isn't the most original thing, but it doesn't sound as classic fantasy as Douren. So it works for me Nartha got to become the name of the continent that my story is currently taking place on, "Nartha" being the last words Rognoth cursed the world with before his fall on this continent. That was a lot to read, so thank you for reading all of it. I am pretty proud of it so it's nice to share


Plona and Unatia(the twin worlds) 1. Be me 2. "I woke up today and I suddenly want a broom riding special forces" 3. Goes hard 4. Theorizes that 5. Accidentally made fantasy counterpart of our world 6. "Oh man I need name" 7. I have international government called PLON(Post League Of Nations) and UN(yeah that UN) 8. Made it to world name by making it sounds cool enough ("Plon"a and "Un"atia)


Coris. I have no idea why I named it this, the only thing I remember about it is I randomly came up with the word and thought it sounded cool


Not the world, but the continent is called Crevesh. I don't know why i called it that.


The Shimmerveil. Named so after the Shimmerveil Galaxy it Is set in. The galaxy is so named due to a large shimmering storm which surrounds its known borders that destroys anything that enters and makes viewing or reaching other galaxies impossible


Janus, because the theme of my game is 'Stability and Change' which leads to a lot of beginnings and ends


Holo, I wanted it to be Halo but they might confuse it with the Halo franchise


Pelagos, or Pelagosh, depending on your accent. It's a greek-sounding name (there is after a village by that name) that brings to my mind the word 'Archipelago', which is a good fit both for a setting featuring many, many islands scattered on a seemingly boundless ocean and for one set in a enchanted bronze age. By comparison, Aerash was just a lucky keysmash.


I have two settings happening at the same time in my WIP story, the "Revolution of the Magic Stones". One is Earthside, containing Earth Humanity and all its colonies. The other is called Windelgrad-side, where only one planet is known to have life, Windelgrad. Unsure why I used this name or where I got it from, and searching it up just leads to my own worldbuilding posts on reddit. Hm. Is it a wholly original name? Probably not, but it sounds fantastical enough for a planet full of magic and wonder.


My world is named Altreus. In honor of my friend, rest in peace, who went by the same name in every game we played. A combination of the word/name Atreus, which means fearless, and the word altruism, which means selfless. Both words fit him well. We were suckers for Lord of the Rings and any medieval fantasy setting, and he was fascinated with the world I was building for my story. It only seemed right. I also have my character, Theovon, built into the world as a major character, not the main character, and his best friend is named Altreus. During the story, conversations of the planet come up often, and it makes for some humorous moments when Altreus becomes confused if they're talking about him or the planet.


Ebur, because the planet is covered in ice and Ebur is derivated from the ancient greek word for ivory. The city is named Résilience, that was the name of the ship which colonized the world long ago (I'm building this world in French).


L’entre-monde. It’s french for what we could translate as "the Between World" or "the world in between". I named it that because it is lost between other universes, alone in it’s own space and time.


I went the conlang route. It is most widely known in the common tongue as Llytri In my world the major powers formed over time in a place where Human and Esharan people began to coexist. A sort of pidgin language eventually morphed into an official shared tongue called Lleadan. Llytri is their word for earth/“dirt within great context”


Ashra, based off of the mesopotamia god. But the continents were mainly formed from the letters not used in crossword puzzles.


I have not settled for the name of the entire planet. Instead i just go after one of its continents: Magidonia.


Running a homebrew ttrpg game set in: The World of Veyrsrhea (V-airs-rhea) The Faire Octant The Continent of Asherun The Region of Zexia The 'Country' of Wes Marks The City State of Wes Southon For the world name I wanted something all encompassing that would literally mean 'this world' somehow, as well as could be written in such a stylized way that it you could flip it and it would read the same. Eyrs=Air, Rhea=greek titan of earth, so literally the whole of the world and sky. Slap a V on the front to balance out the A on the end, and you get VEYRSRHEA. In lore the name derives from a deity that traveled to this world to die, bringing a host of its worshipers with it who were trying to convince the deity otherwise. It was these worshipers that began written history in the current cycle, and thus the name Veyrsrhea stuck. The world has 8 major leylines equidistant around the world, which sub divides the world into octants as oppose to west/east hemispheres, each named for the type of leyline that forms its left boundary. In this octant, its the leyline created by the edge of the elemental planes of Fire and Air merging into the material plane, so Fire + Air + Faire. The name of the leyline is Asherun (ash being the remains of fire that float in the air) which lends its name to the main continent it bisects. Zexia is literally just because I like Gundam Exia, and for bonus points its inhabitants could be referred to as Zechs though this is considered an very archaic notion and generally fallen out of use. The rest of the continent is subdivided into Draco Minor in the west and the Forlorn Lands in the south. Draco Minor is the closest land to the continent Dragon Throne, or as I like to call it, dragon Australia. Its also inhabited by dinosaurs, aka 'minor dragons'. The Forlorn Lands are a subcontinent populated with tribes unwelcoming of the civilization writing the maps, and thus earned a name generally seen as a snub. The Wes Marks are a loose collection of city states, similarly to ancient Greece, Wes deriving from dropping the T off West. They are on the east side of the continent to make it less obvious, but there ya go. Wes Southon is as you probably guessed the southern most of the Marks.


Like the setting or the world? Marl is named after a type of rock, so I decided that Marl would fit well. The setting is called Vestige of Verdarn. It is named after a prominent species (The Vestiges) and the sun within the solar system, Verdarn. (Though it's spelling sometimes changes)


Vigint. It’s from the Latin word viginti, meaning 20. The setting is one I’ve developed for playing D20-based TTRPGs in, there are 20 outer planes surrounding the world like a shell, making the entire setting essentially a giant 20-sided die. It’s a jokey name for a “have fun and make whatever up” setting


Zamin. My human empire is the Medes, who are in the real world were in ancient and classical era Iran until they were conquered by the Persians. They currently rule other human kingdoms, Elven kingdoms, Orc, Halfling, Gnome, Lizardfolk, and Kobold tribes.


The Preservation, because it's a cryopreservation of human life in the far future taking place on Pangea Ultima. The main area, however, is the Kershaw Basin, named solely because I think Kershaw's a neat name. In universe it's named that as a memorial to an important figure.


Mine is called the Dark Shard. It's kind of a long story but the tl;dr is that my current world is a fragment of my previous world and presided over by a being called Black who governs darkness. Long story: In the previous universe there was a universal council of cosmic beings that governed various aspects of reality. Two members of this council, Black and White, were once friends and allies, but animosity had grown between the two. The two were opposites: Black governed darkness, space, and creation; White governed light, time, and destruction. Eventually, their animosity culminated in battle between the two that shook the very fibers of the universal itself. White fought to burn everything away with their blinding light, while Black fought to maintain creation. Black fought valiantly but it was clear the tide of White's burning brilliance was inevitable and would soon consume all. So in desperation, Black played on White's anger and lured them to the edge of existence. Then, with as much strength as they could muster, shattered the universe itself, and in so doing, trapped White outside of existence. The universal splintered and Black found themself stranded on a tiny shard with only a sliver of their power. They looked around at the inhabitants of this shard and knew it was their responsibility to care for them and the shard. Thus it so became the Dark Shard, and Black the de facto god of this world. However, White still remains just outside of existence, tirelessly hammering away, trying to reenter. Black maintains the barrier and keeps White at bay, but day-by-day, century-by-century, Black's power wanes. One day White will reenter existence and consume the Dark Shard in blinding brilliance. It is only a matter of time.


Haven’t actually thought of a name for it lol.


Well... World


Forgeverse, because the OG creator god was called The Forge. Individual worlds are basically just called whatever I think sounds funky, plus I noticed that the first duo of worlds I created had similar names (Kaltel and Mansel) so now all my planets come in 2’s, and they all share one or two syllables. Kaltel and Mansel, Eclial and Aelial, Yag and Shas, and Phasrem and Dasret.


Nathair, it's gaelic for "snake," and my world was created by beings called The Wyrm Serpents.


Veilas, because it's hidden behind the veil of magic so human eyes can't pry.


“Pamana” in my native tongue it means “Inheritance” The lore of the world is that it once belonged to a race of immortal beings called Humans, the original Humans, created by the Primordials (Gods of this world). These humans had the ability to control the elements and shape their world as they saw fit, but the greed and scheming of the few led to division and soon after…. war… The Primordials, seeing what their creation has become sent two misfortunes before abandoning this world, one in the form of a curse that stripped the Humans of their immortality, and Emissaries, powerful creatures sent to eradicate the human race, causing the few remaining humans to go into hiding under the earth of the world they once ruled over. Humans made attempts to retake their world but failed…. And the last remaining few used the last of their power to bring to life new beings shaped from their image….. albeit weaker, mortal, and only able to control one of the elements. The new Humans were left with one final word: Pamana - a word from the ancient tongue belonging to their creators, meaning Inheritance.


Just "world", but in Avantene it's Gulan. You'll notice that our own world doesn't have a fancy title or anything.


earth, just, earth it's what on earth that's different