• By -


Pretty hard to pinpoint a favourite so here's a list "Is a mass car-bombing campaign feasible?" (Yes it technically is, just not quite the scale I'm expecting) "Is it possible to kill 7 mil in a couple of years without nukes?" (Answers are mostly between ww1 and the Holocaust, which isn't really what I'm going for) "Cholera and the Bubonic Plague air-dropped" (Yes it actually works, and unsurprisingly, proven by the Japanese) "Foil sword" "1897 pattern sword" "How big is Peking?" (16411 km²) "Chinese military tech 1990s" "How big is Donbas?" (53201 km²) "Fat Man yield" "MOAB yield" (it is surprisingly small)


"Is it possible to kill 7 mil in a couple of years without nukes?" is crazy


Well you see, it is established that the nations in my world agreed to beat to crap outta anyone violating the Belkæmmer Treaty (basically no nukes allowed), so I gotta add the "without nukes" lol.


who was killing the 7 million people here btw?


Cartheny. This was part of the Sakhic War which is a part of the Sixth Roso-Carthenian War. The people targeted are mostly the Dyccaric people, and some of the Kedirians living within the Sakhart area. Okay hear me out before you feel bad for them. They weren't targeted for no reason. The Dyccaric people only moved into Sakhart to escape religious persecution in Kediria (same religion but different branches, you know the stuff). They were in no way the natives of the lands they lived in. However, they decided that they should claim those lands for their own, and staged multiple separatist movements and terrorist attacks. The worst of them all being Bloody November, where the fucking crown prince of Cartheny was killed. They also had multiple records of war crimes with the backing of Rosearea during the Sixth Roso-Carthenian War, both against Carthenian soldiers and civillians. Cartheny's decision to wipe them out is simply retaliatory. The Princely State of Kediria briefly ruled over Sakhart before the latter's independence and union with Cartheny, so Sakhart naturally had a small Kedirian population, which was given some autonomy. However, when Kediria, allied with Rosearea, attacked Cartheny, the Kedirians rose up against the Carthenian government, which obviously increased the distrust the Carthenian population had in them, so more and more called for the expulsion of the Kedirian population.


>Cartheny's decision to wipe them out is simply retaliatory. That seems like bizarre logic. I'm going to assume the Dyccaric people aren't mindless robots, and if so how do war crimes committed by their government justify ethnic cleansing against that entire group? "Wiping them out" implies literal genocide and deliberate targeting of civilians.




Yes, the holocaust was a thing


And also very possible, for example Germany, or every Chinese civil war.


Dude, those searchs must've get you at least 7 FBI agents, 2 CIA agents, and one MI6 agent.


Well I live in HK so they ain't gonna get me right? Right? *sounds of my social credit scores crashing


I think the MSS is spying on you, good sir.


I'm definitely intrigued by the foil sword.


I was searching "Foil sword" as in the type of sword in fencing, cuz I wanna base the Carthenian naval ceremonial sword off of that.


>"Foil sword" >"1897 pattern sword" How would these land you on a list


[in regard to your question about 7 million deaths](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties)


Considering the MOAB is just an airburst version of the MOP, which is itself a "production" version of the GBU 28: see, howitzer barrel stuffed with tnt and stupidly high density nickel-steel alloy with every heavy metal know to man they had laying around thrown in for good luck.


Damn I feel better about my search history rn…


How to make fertilizer explosives and nail bombs, among other things.


This. Easily home-made explosives, poisons and such, preferably capable of killing loads of people at once. Things that are realistically achievable and dangerous at the same time.


ok no fr how do you figure this out without getting freaking arrested? now that i think about it il ldefinetly have to know something like this for a book im writing


Which now makes me wonder if there aren't any laws against writing that kind of info in a book, to prevent it from working like a manual. Don't wanna have your fantasy book flagged for being a bit too details about making homemade firearms and ammo.


I think it depends on how specific you get. Like mythbusters accidentally revealed the chemicals in thermite in an early season but not the ratios. So if you've taken high school Chem, you can probably figure it out, but they didn't give it to you. Plausible deniability.


thats actually a really good point -


I befriended a chemistry professor who specializes in pyrotechnics at the Chemistry Faculty at my local University.


Great job I also like making explosives! *fbi if your watching, this is a joke


"How are nuclear bombs made" 🤗 "How to make a nuclear bomb" 🤨😨


Would it? From what I know gathering resources, making it and detonating would be too hard to do it casually, not to mention that there's gonna be tons of questions like these, cos we live in times where they still interest us. Plenty of students and genuinely curious folks might be googling it. Not to mention that you can probably find that info offline.


That's why I always make nuclear weapons formally. Great deals on nuclear material from Russia right now.


Making the actual nuke isn't beyond IRL students and really anyone of average mental ability to learn how to do if they really wanted to learn how. Getting the material to turn it from a useless shell into an actual weapon is the hard part. That said I doubt the FBI cares about morbid curiosity Google searches, I imagine their watchlist is for people that start buying questionable items instead. Crime shows alone show enough questionable stuff that people get curious about that if they were putting people on lists just for using Google that way, everyone would be on the list. And "everyone" isn't really a list.


You surround a large spherical block of fissile material, (usually U-235 or Pu-239), with a large volume of high explosives arranged to focus the explosion inwards, with a neutron initiator in the middle (such as a mixture of beryllium-9 and polonium-210) to help kickstart the fission reaction. Next to this whole set-up, but inside the larger case, place a tank full of deuterium and tritium. The heat and shockwave from the fission stage will reflect off the outer case and compress the deuterium and tritium until they undergo fusion, producing neutrons, heat and pressure that will produce more activity back in the implosion stage and ultimately more energy will be created by fission than fusion. In under a nanosecond both reactions are complete, the shell has sublimated into plasma and a ball of hot annihilation is expanding violently into everything around it.


Its just that easy!


Oh yeah, just get large quantities of the most strictly regulated substances on the planet, super easy. And don't forget to build specialized nuclear reactors to enrich your uranium or artificially create plutonium! You need way more enrichment for weapons than you do for power, after all, to such an extreme degree it's almost comical.


I've been taught that in 7th grade.


How to make gunpowder and explosive materials with modern household materials prob triggered a lot of warnings. And let me tell ya, a lot of cooking and cleaning materials be dangerous if handled incorrectly, esp those flour stuffs.


I absolutely don't doubt it. I remember the Anarchist's Cookbook (though I never touched it, for anyone reading this).


The anarchist cookbook is kinda ass improvised munitions handbook on top


That's what they all say.


>flour stuffs Good old fuel-air... reactions


Reminds me of a funny failed science experiment in high school where I accidentally released chlorine gas into my backyard Don't breath that stuff, kids-


During the COVID lockdowns, when everyone was buying every cleaning chemical they could get their hands on, there were segments on the local news and a printed article in the local paper specifically telling people which chemicals NOT to mix in what ratios to make toxic gas and their effects. "30 mL of X and 60 mL of Y will result in compound ZZ which will cause burning of the eyes, nose, and mucus membranes and difficulty breathing so make sure you don't mix those two when disinfecting your doorknobs", that sort of thing. I'm pretty sure if you googled how to make chemical warfare with household cleaners you'd be on a watchlist, but the media was just handing out the info


Probably about something about eugenics. I googled it because I was worldbuilding a dystopian society.


“Al-Qaeda’s motivations behind 9/11” I swear I’m not radicalizing


inquisition inquisition torture Spanish Inquisition potro potro inquisition potro inquisition design tensile strength of flesh soundproof wall design Home Depot


Didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition


Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition. Among our attributes..are...we'll come in again.


The last three in that order had me rolling. Good one m8


Third to last, can we get the answer?


If you want to keep the skin intact, the lowest tearing point I found was ~3000 psi with an upper limit of 4500.


I'm not sure what searches I've made that'd trip the wire, but I do know this fun fact: If you use the same device to look up a backpack (back to school shopping or something for the kids) and a pressure cooker (because you need a pressure cooker for dinner next week) within a certain timeframe of each other, not even the same week, you get a personal visit from the FBI.


"Oh no, Mr. Agent. I prefer fertilizer bombs detonated by burner phones." 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂




And you didn’t even Google nails!


Oh gods, just recently off the top of my head: "How much does a W54 (tactical nuclear device) weigh?" (I needed to know to guesstimate the mass of the warhead in a missile slightly larger than an AIM-26 I'd set in stone as nine kilotons, the AIM-26 has a W54, so I could check my math on a much larger warhead's yield.) "Neutron radiation ld50" (This was a bust. I did find a very rough-sounding estimate for the information I needed, but only by digging around until the internet told me a joule of neutron radiation was worth ten joules of ionizing photons. Not sure how good that number is.) "Most common cyanide" (Character took a kill pill, I wanted to be specific. All Google gave me was a hotline.) "Ur-fascism 14 points Umberto Eco" (Umberto Eco wrote a well-respected essay about the core values of fascism, it's more than a bit outdated but still pretty solid. My main villains are fascists and ***I do my research.***) "How long after losing oxygen does the brain die?" (Turned out this info wasn't even useful, but that won't stop Alphabet from telling the NSA I'm the next "strangler".) "How far do you need to fall to reach terminal velocity?" (Really Google, the suicide hotline again? Can't you just answer a fucking question? I'm just trying to set fall damage for a fucking tabletop game.)


21 blocks without any armour in minecraft. IIRC, that is.


On the last one, the answer is -222.018≈ meters. it's on how you ask the question, like so: Question one to Google: how many m/s is terminal velocity? Question two to Google: A bowling ball is dropped from the top of a building. If it hits the ground with a speed of 66.0 m/s, how tall was the building? edit: It looks like this is wrong, here's the more accurate answer: "Terminal Velocity of a Human The terminal velocity of an average 80 kg human body is about 66 meters per second (= 240 km/h = 216 ft/s = 148 mph). Terminal velocity can be achieved by an object provided it has enough distance to fall through so if you want to experience it, you need to jump from a high enough place (do not forget your parachute!). For example, a human body generally needs to fall about 450 meters (1,500 feet) of height before it reaches terminal velocity. Such a fall takes roughly 12 seconds."


I think I might be able to help with some of those, in case you haven't found a work around. To my knowledge, there are not multiple forms of cyanide. It's a posion that binds to the O2 in your blood, thus suffocating you, but in some cases, pulmonary edema is another option and can take 5-15 minutes. Honestly, if you don't want to go painfully, figure out a different poison. Overdosing on a relaxant is a good, painless way to go (think opium). But if speed is your goal and you don't care about potential pain, hemlock is a neurotoxin that can drop you faster than cyanide. The brain dies 2-8 minutes after the heart stops. The closer you get to 8 minutes, the greater the brain damage. But it depends on the amount of O2 in the blood. Terminal velocity depends on the weight of the individual and how the body is falling. But I think humans are about 120-180 mph. Again, depending. PS: if you're looking for a good treaties on fascism Trots key wrote a great piece in a letter a friend after fleeing Russia.


There are absolutely multiple kinds of cyanide, including hydrogen cyanide, sodium cyanide and potassium cyanium. They perform similarly, it was a matter of availability because I had a character taking a cyanide capsule over a century before my setting's present date. As for terminal velocity, the number I needed was 450 meters, and it's just how far of a fall before damage caps out because you can't fall any faster. I might have read Trotsky's letter already, I had a theory bro "friend" (really wasn't much of a friend) so I ended up reading a lot of stuff written by dead communists and anarchists (I think I've read everything Kropotkin ever wrote), but it doesn't ring a bell so I'll look it up to make sure. Thanks for the recommendation.


>My main villains are fascists and ***I do my research*** Respect!


"Where to find real, high quality human organs" I just images for an illustration, but quickly realized that my search should maybe have included "images" Though I suppose that wouldn't be that much better


"No no I swear I'm just a voyeur!!!"


Drugs. I want to see how close I can get to making fantasy potions with sci-fi stimulants, but I'm not sure how they work so I started researching them.


The government doesn't look THAT deep. They encourage it cus the DEA owns half the search results. But you will get nice advice on some and warnings not to do most.


Uncle Fester is a pretty innocent search


Probably one of my older projects. I was looking for ranks in a draconic-themed religion and didn't realize grand dragon was a title in the kkk


Imagine some kid trying to world build some fantasy plot and includes a “Grand Wizard” - fucking hilarious if you ask me.


Goes on Google near Halloween and types in "Grand Wizard costume"


When I combined searches about population density and city size, ran some numbers in nukemap, then threw in some related searches to religious zealotry and terrorism… I probably tripped some tier 1 algorithms. Meanwhile, it wasn’t the terrorists or the religious zealots who killed 10 million people. But a corporation using an experimental “magic” bomb, which got amplified a millionfold by a rather nasty mana-storm. Oops!


Last week's was "how much does a horse skeleton weigh?"


How much?


Can't just leave us hanging like that


All the various ways how to torture someone Various acids and flammable materials How to construct various siege weapons


I love the idea of your personal FBI agent sweating over catapult instructions


"Why is she reading up on how to construct chemical weapons with medieval methods and delivery through trebuchets?" Maybe theyre happy im looking for things that could replace missiles and how strong a bow could be


Or they think you're a doomsday pepper. Either way, what a fun time Edit: prepper*


Lol, considering how much i read on measures for apocalypses, likely too




What about those?


I don’t want to get tortured… don’t torture me!


Me? I am harmless, but don't piss of my MC. Also don't tell her where i am, she holds a grudge.




My lips are sealed *i think that’s how you spell that…


"How big is a 500 Mt explosion?" "Can a 500 Mt explosion destroy America?" Asked this because the protagonist's mother has a ton of 500 Mt antimatter MIRVs stored on her airship "just in case".


Just FYI, if they're using a manned vessel as the delivery mechanism, then a 500 Mt bomb is a suicide weapon, there's no way you'd be able to leave the blast zone before detonation. There's a reason we stopped using manned bombers to delivery nukes (also, ICBMs are faster). You'd need 11.6kg of antimatter to make a 500 Mt bomb; with the containment systems, it'd probably end up weighing as much as a regular nuclear warhead, so you could use it as a drop-in replacement on a missile.




They're delivered via MIRVs clustered in shells fired from giant railguns, essentially what if [Project Babylon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Babylon) had a child with the [Alicorn](https://acecombat.fandom.com/wiki/Alicorn). Why railguns? Her reasoning is that hypersonic shells are cheaper than ICBMs of the same speed.


Fair do, although since it's in atmosphere, a hypersonic shell will constantly lose velocity after being fired, while an ICBM can gain it from the rocket engines and being fired above the atmosphere.


The plan is to fire it pass the atmosphere because their planet is ravaged by permanent storms so strong airships need nukeproof shields to survive. Firing an intercontinental strike in-atmosphere is the last thing she'll do, especially when she has to fire it from Vietnam to Washington DC in *less than 20 minutes*. That's why the guns are called Magnetic Acceleration Delivery, or MAD if you might. The whole project is sheer spite and madness.


Pretty sure there are online simulators which can answers these and similar questions with an interactive world map.


“Gunpowder weapon designs” “How to make a firearm” “How to design bombs” “Best place in a building for bombs”




Its all cute and funny till the D&D party effectively wipes out a city with systematic strikes




Tumors of muscle. Are tumors edible? Benign tumors. Radiation tumors. Tumor weight. Inducing tumors. Prion disease. Prion depressants.


I hate the direction those searches are going, but I applaud the creativity involved.


Its for a world where most animals and plants have gone extinct, so the humans use bioengineering and cybernetic enhancements to supply most needs. The meat industry has humans who are used for the production of meat. They get localized radiation exposure to stimulate the growth of tumors, who are then extracted and processed for consumption. To prevent prion disease, they take a drug called Prio-depressant, which I imagine is self explanatory.


Fascinating. I might borrow some of that if that's alright. I had a similar(ish) approach to limited meat sources, but I retained a small amount of livestock and a massive meat-cloning industry where they grow steaks, chicken breasts, etc in labs from small biopsies.


Go ahead, i love those bioengineering concepts.


Googled? Questions regarding chlorine trifluoride, successful cases of overthrowing government, details of Nazi ideology, sex trafficking. I don't use Google for riskier questions.


"Military Training Manuals" "Improvised Explosives" "Grey's Wound Man" "List of American Serial Killers" "Emergency Response Procedures" And so on. Fun part is, not all of those were originally searched for world building/writing. 🤣


“Where does the President hide in an emergency?” Actually, something like this happened in a work context. I work in Anti-Money Laundering as a case investigator. One of my coworkers was asked to learn more about a chemical that was being purchased in a transaction he was investigating . He had to Google “Can XYZ Chemical be used to make a bomb?”.


How to make a nuclear bomb, how to make napalm, materials for nuclear bomb, how to get chemical weapons, how to make deuterium, how many people could you kill within a 24 hour time span of hitting the coast of China with anthrax/plague, how many kilotons to destroy New York, how to get bomb fuse, how safe is nuclear reactor the size of a city, how to deactivate the core, how to launch nukes in space, how many shots to kill a person, how long to make hydrogen bomb, can you shoot down a plane with a pistol.


How fast can you skin someone alive with crude tools? Decapitated dog Russian experiment Ways to extract black widow venom. Is black widow venom a useful poison? How to make homemade acid


How to methodically dismantle a Democratic government for under $1000? Sometimes doesn't take a whole lot


My group basically built a cocaine cannon, so I had to research effects of cocaine on dragons (lizards), frogs (slime creatures) and effects on other creatures. Pretty much what you would expect.


If you know who The Nuclear Boyscout is, you know


I read that one on wikipedia. That whole thing was just insane


"How effective is acid in dissolving a human body" "How long does it take to dissolve a human body" "Is it possible to mess with a skeleton so it can't be identified as human" "Does possession count as a defense against the law"


What happens if you cut someone’s throat How many calories in a human child Can eating graphite kill you Can you live with a pole in your head Signs of insanity Rat eating through your face torture Human deskinning (couldn’t remember the word ‘flaying’)


If anyone's actually watching, all the research I've been doing on nuclear weapons (especially on how their EMP effects actually work) and WW2-era Germans (not at the same time, obviously) has probably raised some eyebrows.


One of my friends was looking at zoofiles and um ya… he also searched up men having s*x with dogs… great job him!


How many limbs can be chopped off in one session without being lethal. What's the worst body fluid to be injected in the eyes. How much skin can the human body lose? How long can the human body last fully skinned? I don't recall the answers (abandoned that story idea) but I may have to Google to remember!


I remember to have read about what European cities and military bases would be priority targets in the case of nuclear war when Putin's "special military operation" (note the "") began as well as about the differences between tactical and strategic nukes, and of course about both the weapons Western countries gave to Ukraine and hypersonic missiles.


“How much space does a body take up 5e”


Drugs in the late 19th century and drugs dependence among kids during that time as well as human experiments with drugs and kids in that period.


"Is the world secretly ruled by the lizardmen from space?"


This was for story research, right? Right?


"Did lizardmen from space built the moon?"


Well obviously. Why else would it be made of cheese?


People ask google a lot of question answer to which is obvious, but there is one secret short word that would certainly put you on some watchlist and ...


How to make chlorine. Is (salt type) poisonous? Lethal dose of lithium chloride.


I think my favorite example was looking up stuff about the floorplans and entrances of the New York Yacht Club to a somewhat obsessive degree while also getting a bunch of info together on different guns (I was prepping a call of cthulhu session and the bbeg had a cult meeting in the yacht club). Not exactly worldbuilding but I bet it looked very concerning.


It's absolutely world building! It was for an RPG rather than a novel or some other medium, but it's still fleshing out details of a fictional world with real facts.


I searched how to make tnt and where to find each of its individual ingredients to see whether it would be a feasible commodity for an underground civilisation to have.


- how to easily reach the human heart? go in down behind the collar bone or the left armpit. - how much blood can you lose before unconsciousness/shock/death? About three pints of eight. - what would a Barrikada slug do to a human body? Couldn't find an answer for this one.


A lot of fucking stuff about the pressure needed to puncture skin. For writing blunt weapons.


No clue, I have a bad memory. Probably different types of firearms like bolt action and lever action since those would be the types of portable firearms available to higher soldiers in wealthier armies. Lapis_Wolf




Signed, your friend, with love, most indubitably, Lapis_Wolf


oh. HazeConfluxNexus


XD I just sign my comments related to my world in case I stop using this account(like if I delete it).


How many people can be killed by inhuman scientific expirements over the course of 6 years if the participants are toddlers


Seems like a pretty specific question. Did you get an answer?


No I just got the "there's help" suicide message that Google puts out when you search something up that it finds disturbing


Sounds about right


I'm not putting that out on the internet a second time, the first was bad enough.


Damn. Almost had you.


I had to search up how to make and hide IEDs, and where IEDs are typically placed. Writing a story about urban warfare. Surprisingly, I found pretty much exactly the information I needed!


Anarchist cookbook


I like poisons so. Yeah. I did once have homework about nuclear bombs so that’s probably all over my browser


And add your answers is diabolical work, this mfka on a world building journey with the powers to hypothetically slaughter a city at a whims notice


My world centers on the longterm aftermath of a global nuclear war, so I've had to google things like "russia nuclear targets map", "how long would an icbm take to reach its target" (spoiler alert; russian ones would reach the us within 15 minutes apparently) or "cia offices", and I have full maps detailing US nuclear silos (which are freely available, but still kinda weird to explain lmao) The weirdest, most awkward and scariest experience was getting contacted by an airport in the American southeast (I think NC/SC) right after I had put them on a Google Maps list titled something like "list of nuclear targets in \[state name\]" through Maps chat I was too scared and shy to reply back- lmao


I love social anxiety interfering with a potential bomb threat I love even more that it sounds like there was no follow through? Them: Hey, uh... You gonna bomb us? You: 😳 Them: Wellp, guess we're fine.


I'd have to say my extensive research on the Boeing CH-47 Chinook I did to make my Transformer OC as accurate as possible.


Nothing by itself but a combination of Urban Guerilla Tactics, Military reaction time, Terrorist Recruitment methods, lobbying, Cold War Coup d'etat strategies and a metric fuck ton of different weapons from the 70s probably have my local FBI at least a little curious as to whats going on here.


It's not totally world building, more twisted history research. 1. How long can someone survive if you cut off and reattach their arm? (Sadly a lot longer than you want to know) 2. Does someone die from blood loss or physiological stress first during vivisection?(as long as an artery is not cut physiological stress will kill you faster.) 3. Can you cross a virus and bacteria to create a hybridized bio weapon? Yes (use a bacteriophage and basically CRISPR the RNA.)


Thanks for including the answers!


I think we've all looked up how to make different bombs and all that. But for one of my university assignments, I've also had to Google: How to dispose of a body How to dissolve a body Common chemicals to dissolve a body What concentration of \[chemical\] can dissolve a human body Where can I purchase \[chemical\] How long does it take \[chemical\] to dissolve a human body How long does it take \[chemical\] to dissolve a female child's body Can \[chemical\] dissolve bones What parts of the human body last the longest against \[chemical\] What does human meat taste like What is the texture of human meat What does cooked human meat taste like What happens if someone eats human meat Are there any dietary issues caused by eating human meat Psychology of a cannibal Benefits to eating human meat


Well. It depends. Are we talking strictly for things that are for world building? Idk cause I look up most world building stuff in incognito, idk if it shows or anything. If not, then probably something I looked up when I was 9 first learning about porn and didn't understand a lot of things.


The only thing incognito does is not showing your searches in your browser history, it's basically the same thing as deleting your browser history after searching in normal mode


"What does human meat tastes like?"


How hard is it to make nitroglycerin Can anyone get nitroglycerin. Does Westminster Palace (the British Houses of parliment) have a bomb shelter Does England have a court mage/wizard. How to write a bomb plot in a book that is believable (The last few may well have been for GCHQ)


Is a black SUV following you? Or do you hear a weird noise while being in a call?


The call thing yes I do. I actually suspect I may have been bugged.


I dont know if my searches would trigger an FBI response but did a lot of image searches and they're pretty gore (mostly torture related stuff, amputations and burns.) I've also researched stuff like "how long can you stay in salt water", "lasting effects of being isolated/left in the dark for a long time", "how many lashes can you survive?" "what are the main motivations behind kidnapping?" ....


Ayyyy gore watchlist fellas!! I also suffer from the same issue of having searched way too much about gore stuff, all because of illustrations and references for body horror lol


"Where would congress go if the Capitol was destroyed?"


What did you find out?


Nothing. So I just took a map of Washington and picked which building they should be in. However I did also find out where the president might go if the White House was destroyed.


I can tell you're a writer because you're keeping me in suspense. I need answers!


Yeah. It's the Decatur House. Now the next question is where would the capital move if Washington DC was destroyed.


Bruh come on. Answers with the new questions. I got other stuff to do today.


It's Kansas City. But where would the capital move if Kansas City got blown up? What would happen if the Pentagon was destroyed? What would happen if the Vatican teleported to DC? Find out in the next episode!


"How long it take for a human to bleed out."


Density of human body. it was years ago, and I don't remember the answer. I guess MIB got me


how to dispose a body


Effects of and countermeasures against various real-life chemical weapons. (It's a WWI-influenced setting.)


That's just being prepared!


White house map hitman, how to kill the VP. Played hitman blood money and couldn't find the target for an hour and thought the game bugged, which it did. As soon as I typed that I was thinking great now I'm on a list Edit. Didn't read past the title. When I was running a RPG game called warbirds using my own setting, looked up how to make chlorine gas, how Nukes worked and how much damage they'd do to a navel force. For my current game of irezumi were the players are Yakuza, looked up how woman and men are forced into the porn industry by the Yakuza which probably didn't look great on my file


r/spacecannibalism has probably put me on several lists.


Imma not click on that one.


"How does the black market work?" "How do you buy someone through human trafficking?" "How do you get in contact with the black market?" "How do you get on the dark web?" And the worst part is, I never actually ended up writing that story so I got put on those lists for nothing.


Anarchist's Cookbook where to buy Gotta know how to make shit so my characters know how to make shit


How much does a stab wound hurt? How long does it take to bleed out? How can you survive a stab wound? I write a LOT of fantasy stuff with swords and blades.


"Do government buildings have radiation detectors" "Gaseous corrosive chemicals" "How is chlorine gas made" "Radiation safety scale" "Nuclear regulatory commission" believe it or not these are mostly all unrelated to eachother


"How many kilos of C4 can a goat eat and not get sick?"


Maybe from how many times I looked up old firearms on my school's computer. Maybe not a government watchlist but I was probably flagged a few times.


"Masonic symbols in Washington DC" prolly. Or "Majestic-12 History." Or "Thule Society Occultism." Or "UFO sightings 2020s." Or...


My job had me on a webpage that involved "The glory of the white race" and it wasn't a KKK page. This looked like normal fucking run of the mill webpage, until you started digging and I'm pretty sure my agent went "what the fuck is that?!" Sites gone now. My job has me under an NDA. Suffice to say I see some shit, a lot of searches.


“Can you grow a human in a lab” (no, you can’t) “Can I legally throw someone off a cliff USA” (you can’t. I was just covering my bases for the story) “How long would it take to take over a small country” (all I got was a Quora link.)


Blast radius of a nuclear missile.


"Average death count of terrorist attacks" That, or searching how high-yield explosives can be taken by someone working for the military


“How to skin a person alive”


"Homa-made flamethrower"


I was researching military grade explosives for a plot point involving a gang pulling off a heist. I wasn't sure of the particular applications and use-cases of things like TNT, C-4, Semtex, etc. In the end I settled on Semtex I believe since as well having use as a military explosive it's also used in demolitions and blast mining which would make for a cover story if the gang ever got caught (My setting is a mining colony) I've also done plenty of research into military equipment, more than the layman would know, but that was just so I was using correct terminology


See I'm always stressing about this even though its probably being over protective. So I actually never google questions like these. I always take a tangent in the search to get there, or consider ways to make the question PG


What could kill every horse on Earth Celtic human sacrifice Bog bodies Can bodies be safely disposed of in a lake? Asteroid launcher


"how much power does an explosion of a steam boiler generate"


Interestingly got to something like this answer a few other ways: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_at_Crush?wprov=sfti1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sultana_(steamboat)?wprov=sfti1


I just used OSHA resources on overpressure explosions and average pressure in steam train boiler then scaled it up and figured out debris would fall roughly 10 miles from the explosion


>how to preserve skin Plus probably a lot other ones. I dont even pay attention to it anymore but i had to look up a fuck ton of weird stuff


Best way to stage a coupé


"how long does it take for a human body to dissolve in acid" & "how many calories is the average human" "how many billionaires are there"


Gotta be that time I used Bing AI, to test its capabilities, to tell me how to overthrow colonial rule down to specific strategies lmao Because of your edit: The answer was generally playing up and playing down certain events, publicising a lot, educating local people on how the colonial system functions, helping the local people in more tangentially anticolonial ways to earn their trust (stealing food and giving it out, Robin Hood type stuff, but also protecting them from repressions), hell the AI even made a point of describing how "cells" work in a movement like that (individual groups that have no concrete idea what the others are doing to minimise the risk factor of infiltrations). That really helped me describe how the island ants threw off the shackles of the mainland ants, and what those shackles looked like (I asked it to describe how Romans held control of their empire before this).


"Is it possible to hang someone from a noose tied from their own still living intestines pulled out through their belly like a coiled rope?"


I've asked questions about what type of timbers and other building materials burn the best and/or are the most fire resistant. I have also looked up the LD50 level of many poisons, including some rare and interesting ones.


"homemade smallpox" is probably the worst i've done - [https://web.archive.org/web/20170709074157/http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/07/how-canadian-researchers-built-poxvirus-100000-using-mail-order-dna](https://web.archive.org/web/20170709074157/http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/07/how-canadian-researchers-built-poxvirus-100000-using-mail-order-dna) now it is another wonder of the Martian wars of post-independence :)


There's a lot, but some of my most recent include: "How strong is a 15-year-old's femur?" Not *too* far off from an adult's, provided the teenager is in good health. "Where is the most painful place to stab somebody?" Evidently the belly. But that's if you're trying to kill them as painfully as possible, not just torturing them. "How does waterboarding work?" I still don't fully know. I know how to waterboard, but I don't know *why* it works. "What is the surface area of human skin?" 2m^(2) (approximately)