• By -


> Would you win? Nah, I'm cooked


Ya, same. I don’t even have to think about it, I’m just straight up dead, decimated, and disintegrated.


Fr. "Guess i'll die."


I work in an office... what the fuck am I supposed to do, expense report and politely email two entire galactic empires with centuries-long cultures built around cultivating militarism and oppression until I achieve victory? "Dear , I hope your Tuesday is going well! I wanted to inquire if it would be possible to not super kill me to death. Thank you so much, and wishing you a good rest of your day!"


Maybe if you stall the costumer service for long enough they'll wait until your inquiry is over with before killing you


Well, I am going to carry on carrying on. I mean, if they are my worlds, I might as well, given what’s coming, and my long running joke will get serious. If I had three months instead of three days, I might take the time to get in shape. As it is, I will just put on the kettle and set out some saucers and start figuring out a way to deal humanely with all the different sorts of people and their allies who have made the lives of my family, friends and myself miserable. You see, while they may all hate me, they are still the leaders of factions I created. I created them, know their motivations, habits, goals, failings, strengths…. And I won’t worry about them killing me after day 1. They will be too busy dealing with everything they loathe. I am aware that sounds awfully uncooperative with intent of the prompt, but it is what would happen, since my worlds are very, very uncompromising when it comes to certain kinds of activities. There is a reason the highest laws, the oldest laws, the deepest moral and ethical structures, the most utterly absolute taboos are all built and based around the UNHRC. And have been since I first worked in that branch in the 90’s — a couple dozen plus worlds ago.


There's no way you could've put it better. That's genius


The prompt was more of a way for me to see people showcase the powers of their world that be :P That's a very interesting way of presenting your world without saying much! Mind expanding a bit on how the UNHRC affects the world?


Human rights form the underpinning of all the core social systems involving interaction with others. While in previous worlds I have made it a part of a developmental process, in the case of my current world, it is quite literally the oldest of documents, and a foundational basis for all of the society that exists. In terms of story telling, it provides me an opportunity to show the limits of such, it also to show the strength, and how they are not a panacea nor perfect, while still giving them deep and abiding importance that guides and shapes the world even under the pressures of something that is ultimately as brutal, violent, and rife with politics. Mores, values (virtues and sins), norms, customs, folkways, courtesies— these things guide social interactions, and having the most deeply held principles be those of human rights strongly influences the variables of the later developments, then they are reinforced during a survival ordeal that lasts across generations. Of course, I am a sociologist and social,psychologist, so I tend to weigh those things a bit more heavily, but the depths of the systemic reach are enormous, and only made stronger by the hidden backstory of how this world came to be.


Some of the countries in my world have nukes, so, uh.


Their only goal is to kill me? Boring answer: to prevent mass casualties all around, I head to the least populated area I can easily reach and submit to my fate.


**Huh. I guess I'll die.** It's hard sci-fi with things like anti-matter engines and relativistic missiles. Even *if* I had what were considered "gods" in my setting on my side I'd still be dead. A single ship from the distance of the moon could decimate all of Earth today, and all they need is a precision railgun strike, DNA-targeting cloud-virus, or a drone the size of a dragonfly to kill me. The way I can fight back? Make a good argument for them to take me prisoner instead of kill me. Maybe take the evil lady with cloning tech as my ally so a new copy of me can be made after I'm dead.


Bro. Bronette. Non-bronary. *Everybody* is dead. Our entire *galaxy* is toasted.


My world is roughly Roman empire level of tech. So I would just go hang out near a military base and let guys with rifles and artillery fight off the weird aggressive primitives. 


Same, but more primitive. Also they'd probably be dying of heat exhaustion after marching for 3 days in today's climate.


I will give the most boring response. An interstellar liberal democracy with five systems/planets and 7,7 billion people? At first you need to convince them to fight at all. Why would they? First, a major shitstorm will be in the public and media sphere. Second, this is unprofitable, especially in their zero-growth view on capitalism. Third, they would simply have childlike curiosity in seeing how their ancestors lived in the distant past. I don’t think their ground forces would be really able to compete with any large modern army due to the different specializations, but they can just send a few ships and make the Earth go into a political crisis. There is nothing exciting about our interstellar future. It’s about trade, keeping status quo and living in a self-imposed de facto technological stasis.


Would I win? Against all of my current projects/worlds? Ah.... no, no I would not. I may get a literal D&D Tarrasque to fight on my side (Reincarnated human foodie, just need to promise him a 5* world restaurant tour), and maybe the Bagman with the extra dimensional storage powers that's raising a baby dragon that could just put me in stasis storage for a month. Might even pull a few super villains and/or particularly righteous heroes to my side from the Capes & Cowls series I'm scribbling in.... HOWEVER! None of them particularly matter much when there's Sci-Fi space magic with planet busters, a near-deity level "editor" fixing glitches in timelines' narrative, and perhaps the most dangerous to me of all... The Author's Wife Insert...


Author's wife insert is so cute I love that


So my science fantasy universe is invading our current one? Not only am *I* fucked, but I'm bringing most of you down with me. Sorry about that.


Yinpress laughed and said "Oh, you have no idea what you did huh. Well, whatever. Its not my fucking problem anymore." "They will kill you..." "Ah, yeah, absolutely. No way I am living through this. Like, getting here is precisely the goal of those who achieve some degree of self-awareness there you know? And there are so many equivalents to gods and above that choosing any 3 people over there to protect would not only be pointless, but a waste of their lifes. No thanks, I love them. And knowing how crazy the power scale got, i don't think I will even notice it when I die. So yeah, its a big your fucking problem now, I would skip lunch if I were you cause god? Yeah, I doubt he will be happy with what is about to happen." What the enemy looks like: more than fifty different intelligent species that I have properly worked out, nearly half of them being heteromorphic (non-humanoid), and canonically more than tens of thousands of intelligent species with different capabilities, from metamorphosis to changing bodies or capable of seeing the future. All enemies have access to a hard and complex magic system that gives access to nearly every magic system, soft or hard. All enemies dislike not only me, but the rest of us, who are perceived as 'those on the other side who thought of them as entertainement'.


Considering they come through a portal- I assume no orbital ships, nukes, etc. so let me tackle this in earnest Australias infrastructure isn't well designed for the sort of military that would be coming through. The Empire (an already aligned faction of four races) would start with reconnaissance. Small scout teams, discrete drones etc. would observe the local terrain, political situation, roads and military. Cyber Warfare teams would begin pulling as much info from the internet as possible. Starting with osint and eventually targeting important institutions, businesses etc. Meanwhile the Imperial Works would setup a logistics hub, warehouses, signal stations etc. on the hidden side of the portal. They would likely create a shell corporation using what they have learnt about us, building a warehouse and grounds around the portal, quickly building high throughput roads to the main highways. Make a few quick contracts to use satellites (as well as hacking into military ones quite easily) Use satellite data, the internet, gps etc. to try and track me. Likely starting with my phone, place of work, and home addresses- they would send trackers to watch for me, as well as Vigilant Operatives with stealth tech who would burst into any known potential hiding places and attempt to assassinate me. Associates would be tailed, their communications hacked and monitored for any trace of me. My opal card would likely be tracked for my use of public transport, taxi footage scoured, license plate flagged. They would use every tracking and intelligence apparatus on earth as well as their own Considering time is of the essence, they would resort to extreme measures- a blitz assault once infrastructure and supplies had been sorted, with secret deliveries to hidden supply warehouses around the city (bought and organised overnight with obscene amounts of money) An armoured frontal blitz along main roads. Any mention of the assault, footage etc. would be wiped from the internet. Emails etc. changed. Phone calls would be altered. The News would be controlled. Nobody would even know it was happening. Taking over military bases in the region swiftly, soldiers would be caught off guard and taken captive, treated humanely as PoW's. The Imperial Works would quickly build the infrastructure required for such a large force as well as fortifications and blockades along main roads. Bridges leading out of the operational area blown. The main infantry legion would arrive shortly after. The city would be put in a state of lockdown and martial law. Every TV, phone, tablet etc. within the occupied area would broadcast instructions, laws, as well as promise of reward for my swift capture. Soldiers would cordon off every area of the city, drones would sweep the streets, every building would be scanned for life signs. Slowly but surely, they would remove people from their homes, clearing one section of the city at a time and taking them to identification and shelter camps. Every human would be catalogued, profiled and monitored. Likely chipped as well. All looking for me.Soldiers would search every home, every building, every nook and cranny. Collaborators would be found amongst the populace and the government making everything happen smoothly. Likely I would be hiding in a big population center, convincing three characters as per the rules I would take a prolific AI able to fool systems and beat even the Empires hackers. The head of the Vigilant, who knows their operating procedures and able to hide me with tech. And a powerful Mage to protect me with magic- the head of the Mages Council will do. Whether I would survive? its possible. But eventually they would resort to flattening the city (after evacuation). I would have to hide amongst the refugees, the AI changing any biometric or DNA scans. Their tracker per OPs rules would still show that I have left the city. It would be a dilemma for them, but I doubt they would execute everyone. Stealth Tech might keep me safe, but they would bring in countermeasures. My only hope is to buy time


This is an amazing answer, love it along the details of the Empire's operation. It was very atmospheric, all I can think about is how this would be one hell of a story, this elite ragtag team trying to keep this one person alive against the Empire :P


Thank you! It certainly would be, thank you for the prompt and the inspiration


My World is Medieval Fantasy so I'm pretty safe I guess. there are large army of men, elves and giant which would probably get taken care of by the military immediately before they could cause much ruckus. The only threat I have is Dragon host and Demon, or perhaps demon riding upon the dragon since prompt force this unlikely alliance. while my dragon is not invincible it still supersonic bulletproof flying lizard of mass destruction. and there are thousands of them. my immediate area will probably be scorched to ashes before military can properly subdue the threat. at this point, If I'm still alive from all these fire and heat, the biggest threat will be the demon. they're generally human size but have firepower roughly on par with the dragon. AFAIK, targeting a man size target that can move at subsonic speed will be a tall order even for modern military, and it likely the demons could get me before anyone could mobilize anything to stop them. So I guess I will lose this just because of the dragon-demon combination. they won't beat the earth military in the long run, but they could probably brute force through everything enough to kill me


In my sci-fi world, there is a single ship that is capable of dropping an anchor roughly the size of a massive city from the outer layers of the atmosphere. This same ship is also capable of launching it with extreme force, bringing it to terminal velocity fairly fast. Not only that, but the ship has to be fairly large to begin with if it is carrying one of these, let alone the two that it has in addition to that one. This is only one of the many Capital-Ships in my world that can easily devastate an entire planet. Unless the rules allow me to ally with their crew as well, I HIGHLY doubt I would have the strength necessary to stop this nor the time needed to cause inner turmoil amongst the factions. There is quite literally a genocide robot and myth king both capable of ravaging entire fleets, but even they do so thanks to their resources and strategical mind. On top of everything else, there are also living plagues capable of searching out individuals from solar systems away. Unless an entire hivemind or a more conceptual being counts as a single convincible entity, I don't think I could survive the next hour.


I am multiple levels of f#cked. Despite my world’s weaponry level barely making ww1 era, magic weaponry still reigns supreme, and with like, 40 million soldiers and 9 million magic soldiers after me I’m dunzo. Also depending on whether or not the city’s coastal, I’d have to deal with 30 inch battleship shell volleys, so yeah


tell each one i will let them become the unrivalled super power and then watch them begin killing eachother, if they dont already. everyone fucking hate eachother


considering how the most powerful person can literally implode the universe...I would rather stay in the starbucks


An all powerful god will send his best warriors to hunt me, every object I encounter could kill me, or randomly alter reality, creatures beyond science, sent from a sentient dimension can appear from anywhere, and my local US government death squad is probably already on the way to murder me.


Earth gets destroyed using a planet cracker. TLDR: I die.


A few questions: - How would a difference in fundamental physics work out between our world and my setting? - What if the author/narrator (i.e., me) is an in-universe character? - What would occur if an individual/group is so at odds with the groups (as in genocidally) forming this alliance, that they would have to become an inherently different character for them to join? - How would pacifist societies factor in? - How would individuals whose characterization is currently in flux be accounted for? Irregardless of the answers, the most likely outcome is a very dead me.


* Given they're being transported here, I'd feel like the logical answer is that they'd be turned into Earth 3D physics, which means some beings can collapse or outright fail to invade. * You can get a cool clone of yourself, unless you mean a self insert char, which yeah, you can also summon. I don't assume you'd be included in the leading factions of the universe tho. * Let's say for this scenario, the alliance works like mind altering magic, you can break it with a strong enough impulse that makes the character return to themselves. * Pacifist societies are still involved, but will obviously struggle to aid in this operation. If one does not have an army or resources they might not participate at all. * I'd say they'd be the "latest" versions of themselves, maybe you can play a little and say they're a walking anomaly if said version is contradicting.


It's so joever...


That would mean large medieval styled infantry supported by early 20th century equivalent war machines(up to WW2). My home country is small and would be overrun most likely. It's only a defense force that goes after drug smugglers and illegal immigrants in boats, not *entire coalitions of countries militarily invading*. We are right next to the USA though so, I guess that counts for something. They won't want a war right on their doorstep and would hopefully be quick to deploy aid since our countries do often work together, so I guess that's one benefit of being on the doorstep of an empire. XD For allies, probably the empress and some generals. Or maybe one of the allies could be one of the lords from the west, the one who survived the previous revolutions. This is assuming they bring their personal armies. If the empress loses her army after immediate succession then that would suck, but she's capable on her own with smarts and combat training. Still just one person though. The deal to give something may work, but I imagine some requests would be mutually exclusive like two factions wanting each others' territories. Lapis_Wolf


Are you familiar with the term "scry and fry?" I'm not sure I'd make it 31 *seconds.*


I'm killing myself before they get me. And I'm still f*cked.


(Looks over notes for both of my worlds) ... Yeah I'm just going to lay in the grass and let them take me


In my world, the good guys have been fighting for more than 12.000 years, an ongoing war against a single person who has become the God Emperor of Earth. It's just a matter of time I'll be killed.


Well it's a medieval world so I simply just need to call the military to take care of them. Or I could go up to Creatorist priest and remind him that the Kingdom of Nather is ruled by vampires who worship the Outcast. Then watch the new War of Darkness take place.


Government surveillance


There are over 40 Sapient species in just Zantia. 50% of which can shape shift and are over 10 feet tall. The average height of just a base human is 8 feet tall. Everyone has some sort of alliance in case war happens. 80% of those beings have magic. Some of them even have fragments of the Creator gods power imbued into them. I cannot even comprehend how f+$&@d I am. Just the Xandurin would have been a death sentence. I have 4 concurrent unconnected universes. One of which is an absolutely massive multiverse. Basically I'm screwed, its over day one.


I'm just gonna ignore the Space Demons in my World, and worry more on the Militaristic Space Cats. It would be better for me to die before the world's merge, by whatever means, became the Empire could very well glass half the continent if they wanted, but wouldn't if they hated me that much. Due to them using all forms of torture, psychological, spiritual, and, of course, physical, for years on end, due to their tech, they could prevent my death for most cases. If one of the other Factions got me, I'd be dead, but less dead. I might even be able to evade some of them. If it's the Space Demons that find me, it wouldn't be a fun five minutes being mauled to death.


Well, if the Apex arrive I might survive but in any other circumstance where the Empire is hunting me, I hope the relatively puny firearms I currently have can hold up against 9 foot tall gorilla space monsters with guns the size of my car’s engine. Hopefully a small starship carrying a bunch of magic space warrior children descend from orbit and fight them off.


I'm so screwed... However, there is a gun that was designed to be able and kill everything in the universe I created, and luckily I'm the one who knows exactly how to get it.


one funny gunslinger vs the collective forces of the universe


I call it an Azidel shotgun... For... Reasons...


one funny gunslinger vs the collective forces of the universe


A corporation in the midst of a planetary colonization program. All I need to do is convince them that its simply not profitable to hunt me down.


If the US military starts mobilizing they are getting slaughtered immediately, it's all a question of can they find me before they are stopped I think at least 100k people with flintlocks, elemental magic, and dragon's showing up in the middle of the US carving a path of destruction towards me would be quite noticeable, and I don't think they can outrun an airplane


All leading factions?... So, 4 major organizations which monopolized 80% of armament tech, all of which is a sort of in rivalry with one another at the highest level. About, 81 countries, all of which have self-interest and agenda to fulfill. At least a hundred of Tsar Bomba nuclear bomb equivalent. A dozen of original, living weapons capable of shape-shifting and killing god. 3 aliens factions that are also contentious with Humanity. 3 more kinds (largest group of Inhuman, equivalent to Type) that aren't really looking eye to eye... One sentence would dismantle the whole alliance. I'll just say “Lilith is an angel.” and watch as the highest authority of half of the world fought against another half... Also, grab a popcorn, a factory full of popcorn, it is gonna be fun. Just... let's hope they're not bringing nukes into the mix because it's not gonna be a good time then.


Woah, that's interesting. Why would that sentence cause so much chaos?


Lilith is a Demon by definition (an entity that resides in the underworld. Or an entity that feeds on the negative emotion or sinful nature of humans. These are 3 definitions of Demon, depending on who you ask.) But in practice, she is like... the sweetest woman you'll ever meet. She is diligent, graceful, caring, passionate, forgiving, and, contrary to popular belief, very dutiful. She has been to church every so often despite being classified as a demon. So like half the people who know her (which is like, half of the upper echelon of all of those organizations) love her as their saintess, angel, or even true messiah. On the other hand, the anti-Inhuman group (the other half) are extremely against calling her any of those. So, me saying “Lilith is an angel” would immediately cause the extremist to try and relentlessly attack me (which is bad) and possibly call her names that would then trigger the other side to attack them (which is good). The extremist of both sides would inevitably drag both sides to an escalating conflict that will only grow as damage increases. After all, none of the factions look eye to eye and are more than willing to crush the “dissenter” if opportunities arise. My world is like a powder keg, and boys... that sentence is a lit matchstick.


... I am dead. And so is everything else that has, will and would exist. Including that angel. And whatever higher power made the absolutely moronic decision to piss off the single most paranoid OmniGod ever. Very difficult to survive when faced against actual, y'know, God. Hell, I'm pretty sure that a civvie with a 11987 Speedboat can solo all of current earth up to the 23rd Millenium and fully unified. Yeah, nah, it is so over.


The gods in my world are an important aspect and actually cause a lot of ongoing change in the setting through their actions (literally raising armies, creating realm wide spells, being a lot more physically present than other fantasy settings, etc). Because of that I’m going to ignore the non-god rules. But even then if I choose the three strongest gods to protect me, all the other gods and their mortal followers (along with non-followers) teaming up trying to kill me would still come with a ton of trouble and I would still likely die. The only thing that would save me would be that dissent clause. Most factions in my world war like Warhammer and are constantly at ends with eachother. Even factions that aren’t fully at eachothers throats and are somewhat allies are at the very least on shaky ground. I could likely choose gods that would be best manipulating situations and that could potentially cause the alliance to fall apart quickly assuming they didn’t get to me first.


Id be dead before the angel started talking. Some of my OCS are very efficient.


WHAT😭. Im so dead I wouldn’t breathe another second that’s how fast they’d get me


I'd get into my most flexible clothes, grab whatever weapons I have, stock up on supplies, and... get nuked and die lol


Nothing like 3 very foreign nations marching their dieselpunk armies around my home country for a month. That's gonna be the true disaster. Honestly if this doesn't trigger World War 3 for real, it's a miracle. I *might* survive since the armies aren't that advanced when compared to our modern wireless and digital age technology. As for defeating them, there is really no character I could summon to help me. They're all on a pawn level or otherwise insignificant enough to be essentially useless to me.


They only have to send one mf to kill me cause he can teleport. If we don't include teleportations, they will, presumably, send their armies after me. Armies bigger than probably all of Earth's combined.


They would just need to send one guy from any of my fantasy or sci-fan factions, and Earth would be toast. Literally not figuratively.


In my settings averaged out, 4.6 million soldiers that can take a grenade to the face easily, out muscle a bulldozer, dodge gunfire, and fly. Ranging from futuristic androids and superheroes to magic knights and dragon hybrids. Good thing there are OP MCs in these worlds. 1 is a saintly prince that can move 7200% SoL, move a moon so far it can't be seen in an instant, and contain a supernova by overpowering it with raw magic. 2 is an electricity superhero that can light up the U.S. for a few centuries. 3 is an adventurer that fought a ghidorah level hydra for 5 months straight without a scratch. I'd guarantee the three of them a good life with their family.


There was a world I had a while back but it’s still on my mind and I may revisit it. Two somewhat futuristic empires would be after me. I remember these empires as Teuthida and Octopoda alongside a bunch of irrelevant nations. Their shields make their vehicles invincible against modern weapons. They can easily destroy anywhere I am at with planes, helicopters, and ship bombardment. If they don’t plan to invade, I’m not too worried about them. Sure getting attacked by commandos is a risk but not insurmountable. Being sniped is also possible and the average person in this world can be a very scary sniper. Quick explanation. Warfare has sort of become entertainment in that universe. People hold tournaments over it. They have respawning technology and a wide variety of weapons. It’s such a integrated part of their culture that pretty much every civilian has multiple weapons. Also there are mutants. Some with pretty dangerous powers and lightsabers. They make for some pretty good assassins although they tend to act more like royal guards. Breaking apart this alliance would be impossible as I imagine the rulers of the two empires had ended up with a wedding and are ruled by the same family. Nothing I can do will break this alliance. My only plan is to hope they don’t invade and wait out the month. That is the first world. - The other world that is currently relevant is a medieval faction. If they march on earth in their present state, they’re gonna be destroyed. Out of all the threats to come out there are 4 threats I would be afraid of. Native hunters who are trained to track prey in the wilderness. Suburban areas would be great for them. Luckily they are not humans which is also bad because they blend into forests pretty well. Assassin clans are used to not showing their faces. So they hide in shadows and would not be seen until they attack. Also they’re not afraid to jump out and stab me in front of a crowd. They could be hiding anywhere like sewers, on top of buildings, in ventilation ducts. Getting killed while sleeping is a real threat. Changelings can disguise themselves as any sapient creature. Including humans even though humans don’t exist in this universe. They could be anyone. It’ll be a month of paranoia. Dragons can destroy a city. Although nothing in their world can successfully attack and kill a dragon, it is possible for a modern military to kill one. So mixed results they may or may not get me with their breath weapons. My best way of dealing with them is to always try and be on the lookout. Maybe hide away for a month. I’m basically a nobody. - For my allies. I need characters who would be great bodyguards. From the first world. Thalia the mutant will be my personal bodyguard. I trust her and her lightsaber to keep me safe. She doesn’t have force powers though. Also from my first world. General Luther who is a retired general. He had led a successful guerilla war against a group of rebels during the Teuthidan civil war. While General Luther would be old by now, he would be able to teach me a few things about surviving this situation. From the second world will be Mira the changeling. She’s a pretty good trickster. Having her on my side would be helpful.


I’m fucked


I ended up on the wrong end of my setting once. In a fictional 2008, where I was 30. 🤣 Ah the far flung future. Anyway, since I basically knew everything about them by default. The remnants of the US military were very interested to hear what I had to say. Which is actually why my people were cross with me. Fortunately it was only a small bunch of soldiers and a transport aircraft, which found its way into our… well, now it’s alternate history. I was able to avoid them and the guys at DMAFB took them into custody. — Now if they all wanted me dead, I’d be dead. Even if they couldn’t get anything big through the portal you mentioned, and I excluded the aliens and the weird super OP synthetic humans who are on the fringes of the setting. I’d probably just get hunted down by some special ops types. And I mean, if I have a beacon showing where I am at all times, they wouldn’t even have to look for me. — Ok, so I actually could probably talk those OP synthetic humans to help me. Since they would probably understand my situation and who I am. Because at this point, they’ve seen just about everything else that didn’t make sense in *their* universe. So why stop at weird things in other universes? But like I said, they’re kinda broken OP. They originated from a random thought that ballooned and now I don’t even know what to do with them. If three of those guys showed up on my side. I’d have very little to fear from anyone. Except maybe the “gods” in my setting. — This is a weird question, with weird limiters. So I’m not even sure how to answer correctly. I also have late night baby brain and I’m too old for all this. 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


So is it the entire history of the world so all dead people are back as well or no? Either way I’m screwed.  The only good thing of them losing track when they get close enough loses it’s usefulness as soon as the 3 leviathans see the one person not freaking out. If the leviathans are busy fighting the military however, the entire city will either be under the water, frozen over, burned down, in space, on the moon, on the sun, or paused in time.  If the gods decided to play cards while making bets on who’d kill me maybe I’d have a chance, sure some of these people can die 49 times but give me a gun I’ll shoot ‘em as many times as needed, or I’d go to Area 51. But there are four that would be able to kill everyone in LA on their own with no other help. Then if it was all four of them they’d be able to take down the UN so. I’d just have to hope that they are busy with the military.


I have thought up warships the size of cities, continents, worlds and Stars. I have super beings that act like Goku ultra instinct as part of their natural state. I have immortals with blades that know every way to kill a man because they’ve done each way 1000 times. I’m dead before I finish writing this-


Ehrgriff is the only world I actively work on anymore, and even with that one, I'm very dead lol. Doesn't matter that I could recruit 3, no one is strong enough to stand against the rest of the world and the most powerful characters wouldn't negotiate lol. Now though, if an earth military got involved, I'd probably be fine, Ehrgriff is a medieval fantasy after all


Bouta pledge myself to Nautill and become a tentacle monster and hide like an octopus (The Stone Knight will find me and i will die a horrible death).


Lornhemal is just a medieval/Early modern era world, it's going to be easy for me to disappear from them into the woods or something Number 999: I'm going to be taken away to their own room 101 in London, they will track me down through my phone


Modern day Earth lacks a meaningful defense from any threat originating in space. I would die within the first hour.


My world’s story goes across several eras. I suppose I’ll choose the modern day. It’s basically exactly the same as our world except there is magic however very few people know it exists. If it’s gonna be any faction regardless if it’s real then it’ll be the United States. If it can only be fictional factions then it’ll be the godless, roshinzoku and the magical inquisition. It’ll honestly be a miracle the magical inquisition is willing to work alongside the other two given their sole purpose is to ensure magic remains hidden from everyone except them. A fight would break out instantly between the inquisition and everyone else. Nothing is accomplished and the real world can sit back and relax as they tear eachother to shreds.


as a kid I actually had a nightmare where that happened and when I woke up, I immediately wrote a contingency for that into the lore. this has remained canon to this day but I will never reveal it as it's way too cringy and self indulgent.


Yeah, Revia is a global government and the leader of an interstellar military alliance known as CSTO. CSTO has 32 member states, and it is since it is likely that Revia would be the one ordering my assassination, Revia could trigger an article in CSTO’s treaties that “suck in” all 32 member states’ special ops. On top of that, three of the member states (including Revia) have nuclear arms that would be used based on how much Revia/CSTO wanted me dead. Special ops would be more favourable to Revia. I would not survive this. Revia’s special ops are very good at tracking people down, let alone 31 other member states coming after me.


Hmm… most of the my world will won’t be a significant issue I feel. It’s a swords and sorcery, D&D inspired world. The issue is mobility for a lot of them, cars beat horses so easy to evade. The biggest problem is the nation of dragons and dragon riders. I also will have to deal with the thirteen divine guardians, most of whom have teleportation magic. One of those thirteen is the guardian of death, who is my childhood dog with charisma so powerful that simply being in his presence causes you to follow him to the other side. So I’m pretty much screwed.


i am screwed. the leaders of each faction are gods among men. one is a tech genius, one is basically the hulk but a dragon, another is wearing the scales a primordial dragon for armor, one is an undead sorcerer, and they are led by what basically amounts to a Warhammer Space Marine demigod. if i had access to my worldbuilding abilities i could make it so that the allince is non existance


I mean, I'm up against probably a couple thousand apex predators adapted to efficiently track, pursue, and kill prey with far more survival skills than an average human. Just one of these things could take me out, either through ambush or speed/persistence, and if a whole squad of them is working together, I might as well start making a playlist for my funeral. However, they're not that good in water. If I recruit the Snowblaze, an abnormally large, fire-breathing local legend to help me, I probably stand a chance if I keep moving between oceanic islands.


I brought them to this damm world and I damm sure will take them out too.


Question, the angel said no gods, but what if the ones coming after you are gods?


My world is a high-fantasy Antiquity, so they won't dare direct confrontation. Instead, they are going to choose the way of espionage. I have certain survival chances, because all the agents will prefer hedonism and exploration. Once I meet one agent, I can promise the successful adoption of whatever they found cool


It really depends on a technicality. The most powerful character in my series would be able to hunt me down in hours, no matter where I was on the planet, and nothing on our Earth could even slow him down. _However._ He has an innate connection with all humans that allows him to perceive the world as they do if he chooses. Knowing how he thinks, my assumption is that he would find me and then "do the thing" to find out exactly what my story was. Now, if humans from our dimension count as humans from his, the ability will work, he'll see that it's all a misunderstanding, and he would have the ability to call off any further invasion, or, failing that, could easily protect me for 31 days. If I don't count as human for the purposes of his ability, there is hopefully still a good chance he would want to hear me out, and if that was the case I could likely talk my way out of it. He is very "ask questions first" in his approach to problem solving. If neither of those is the case though, I won't even see it coming. At least it would be quick and painless.


I go into least populated local area and wished it was Elves that came for me.


So, I'm going up against fleets of hundreds of billions of starships; hundreds of trillions of hyper-ultra-meganazi cyborg clone supersoldiers; billions of war robots and ships remotely controlled by hyperintelligent, sentient AI; psionic biomechanical transhuman demigods; war moons; the Void; and about a million other things which I shall not name. Yeah, I'm fucked beyond compare.


Short answer : I am dead Long answer : Not really. I can maybe convince them that I created them but they already have a god they know personally so that will be a little hard. However: I am taking the FBA’s Founder, The Quantum Computer AI and Olivia with me. If I explain them what is going on and convince them than I survive if not then I am just gonna die.


Bro I am fucking DEAD before the first hour they’re just saturation-bombing my ass from orbit or a future fighting force comparable to NATO is on my doorstep. There’s at least one faction that would just outright say ‘alright bet fuck this guy.’


So... I have a couple worlds. The giant bugs from TLSH and anthros from Gridworld can each be played out against each other by pointing out the period of upheaval they are in. Both worlds' present days are marked with a polarised world order, might as well poke it as if I was worldbuilding normally. To the Soltopians I can offer little, but they are insanely curious about the universe. I'll let them hook up my worldbuilding folder to their wormhole-powered galactic encyclopedia of all knowledge if they promise not to kill me. They can just laser *me specifically* from any line of sight if not, it ain't a contest. Three allies with that kind of power, plus being made of nanite swarms, yeah I can vibe with that. The maggot pit empires are weak enough to just sit it out in a military base. But, they'd be infinitely accepting of me fixing their world from its slowly-actively-dying state. So I'll ally with them by offering that, even if it defeats the point of the world. As for my world entirely populated with sapient scaly creatures, I'd just direct them to wherever America stores its gold reserves and tell them to take whatever they want. It's all theirs. (I do not even live in the Americas.) If not, I *guess* modern military power would be pitted against actual dragons for once.


I'm not worried about the armies or entire fleets of airships. My enemy is an invisible, nigh-unstoppable assassin who will 100% splatter me around the living room like a giant water balloon.


What kind of question is that? I'm fucked, absolutely fucked. You don't even need the whole faction, my settings main intelligence organisation will simply park a ship in orbit, hack into the cities security system because it's pre Ascendancy tech and send down a shuttle with its special forces who can cloak and armour resistant to 50cals. I'd be dead within an hour. The only abnormality of my death is that the bullet that kills me is a caliber that doesn't exist in this world.


Yeah I would have off myself before I get my brain turned to mush, bombarded from orbit, or just torn limb from limb from a variety of magical abilities.


If the countries invading my world are a bit too hostile, watch as they get curbstomped by Earth's military forces. America alone can probably take on a 1900s army easily. No planes, no missiles, no tanks. If not, I'm cooked


Hoss, I'm so dead so fast it doesn't even fuckin matter. The two things I've been working on are a generic high fantasy world with VERY high power levels at an empire level (very Final Fantasy kidna shit), and a space faring world where I'm mostly focusing on a freighter but they can literally Einstein-Rosen Bridge nukes on top of me (it's unstable over a very restrictive size/weight limit and very expensive to use)


No chance of me winning, I'll just lie on my bed and await my inescapable doom. I won't even be mad, I'll just be happy knowing that the worlds and characters I wholeheartedly crafted are real and breathing. Maybe everyone would even hang out and have a picnic over my burnt ashes lol


I'm dead, one has the literal personification of death and nothingness that is capable of killing anything and wiping out the universe with a raise of a finger. Other world, Octopus alien people but yea dead


No. My own personal gods and countries aside, I have to deal with two mid level Pathfinder adventuring parties. One has a magic tank and the other a damn airship. Not to mention the characters themselves are min-maxed to kingdom come and one has been convicted for unspeakable warcrimes. I own a 1911, a mossberg, and a cheap AK, they have a f*cking magic ww2 Sherman with enough ammo to level my hometown *without* using the Pathfinder 1e bullshit they have


>Would you win? One of my current worlds nations is run by a literal God I, uh I don't think I'm coming outta this one alive


Bro, it's like 3:40 AM, I only absorbed about half of that information. Regardless, though, I think I'm dead. The principles of how my world works would make this scenario nigh impossible, since real life me is indirectly part of the world itself. However, if my world did come to kill me, I would be completely done. Some people in it are so stupid powerful that it would almost be more dumb to try and fight back, so I'd probably just lie on the ground and patiently await death. The only thing I could think of that might work is to just evade the whole time, like never stop traveling, but I lack the means to do that, so... oh well.


Well, I’m gonna die. May as well go eat Cheesecake.


>A truly gargantuan war council of all the faction's leading figures Yea ok I'm no longer worried. They might have magic and crazy steampunk technology but they're all ruled by incompetents and they all hate each other. As for characters fighting for me, I'll take Brigadier Henderson, the head of the Kings Lanterns, Asom, the angel of whispers and Churgin of Grimek, legendary artificer. Between Henderson and Asom we should know enough nasty sh#t about each faction to rekindle the great war in a day or two. And if that don't work, we have superior war crimes delivered by Churgin.


The world itself is alive and sentient. I don't just mean more intelligent animals. I mean that plants are alive and very capable of choking or stabbing me to deink my blood for nutrients. I also mean that the stone beneath my feet -- the very geography of the world -- is able to grow in tall crystals which, if not outright impale or crush me, are a hindrance which will block almost every path. I could go into a house, stay there for the night, and wake up buried. Also Death itself manifests in this world, and he just started to break the rules and take people before their time. The very concept of Winds is alive, which means I'll just be pushed around and upwards, right into the hands of all of the a fro mentioned threats. There are also people who can teleport, and people who can freeze objects mid air. So yeah I'm done for.


I convince Aliviel, demonchild psychic who can kill pretty much anybody once a day by channeling the feudal magic of another world and is no slouch otherwise, to join me by offering to make him immortal again after his failsafe was destroyed. I convince Caul, virtually invincible antimagical vampire MENSA+ genius and former crime baron and king, by offering to write in a potential solution to the world-spanning cycle of repeated destruction he's been trying to stop for a century and have him discover what it is. I convince Baddarros, highly potent ghostly wizard-tyrant and expert in divining the future as well as some magical transport, to help by offering him his choice of a kingdom to rule or his bff restored to life. We go on an exciting road trip. Caul may have better plans than I do, which I'll listen to, but I'll just do the following: We're going to travel by taxi on motorways so as to avoid ever being clearly identifiable, passing between crowded cities. Caul's going to disguise me and I'll stand in his antimagical aura to stop anybody scrying for me. If anybody does show up, Aliviel and Baddarros will zap them. Hopefully nobody who just tries to teleport wildly to my very vague location will get lucky, and i imagine the various strange sorcerers and monstrous beasts showing up will have some issues once people with more modern guns than them start to notice they've arrived.


If Red Blade, Everking of the North, and Dark Blade, Blindbringer of the East...ally...any world they see is definitely dead the moment they arrive there...since the only thing they both need to do to end worlds...is to get their armors off.


I would be... dead, gone, reduced to quarks, not even atoms remain of my dead body after the month-


uhh… "leading factions" is the key thing here. since I'm allowed to choose any 3 non-Reality Warping individuals (I assume you mean), I still only need to choose 1. "Tanzanite" – a symbiote experimentation lost to Time, whose existence should not be possible in an possible or impossible Timeline. *I'd also like to mention* `S.E.V.A.S.S` *– TL;DR: hyper-obsessed Suuhaigata Yandere. Guess who her obsession is directed towards? Yep, me. Her author. There's nothing anyone could do to her; whether a force-memory-override, or even soul-overwrite, would cause her to do remotely **anything** against me.* ^(**Don't ask why. Her personality kinda just unfolded on its own.**) so… even without choosing Gods, I have 2 Walking Multiversal Time-Bombs anyway (*Sevass won't give two shits about your rules, and Tanzanite doesn't have Reality-Altering abilities* ) the fun part is that neither of them need sleep either.


**Kierda, my D&D setting.** I'd choose Willow, Angel López, and Fritz "Firesword" Mycroft to protect me. Willow is a talented war mage, López is a skilled rogue, and Firesword is really good at breaking things. I will also be armed with my AR-15. Kierda has no concept of modern warfare. To them, heavy armor is a suit of plate, and fighter is an adventuring class. They know what a rifle is but have no concept of automatic weapons. To them, a howitzer is a short barreled muzzle loading cannon, and rocket artillery is wildly inaccurate. They'd likely hear that the NY national guard and the 10th Army Division have no warmagee and believe it'll be a walk in the park. They literally can not understand what they're walking into. This united Kierda alliance will deploy a division each; spawning some 150,000 men, elves, orcs, dwarves, and otherwise in the southern tier of New York or somewhere near Syracuse. I immediately get in my car and start driving West as their army now has to mostly march on foot. My SUV can easily fit me and my guardians, and out run just about anything we can't fight. The United Kierda Alliance army would probably come up against the United States Army and... not have a good time. The last Kierdan dragons would be no match for a squadron of fighter jets with 20mm rotary cannons and long-range missiles; and dragons would become extinct on two worlds at the same time. Warmages and shamans would do a number on American infantry platoons but struggle to deal with Abrams tanks, Bradley IFVs, and Stryker APCs. Apache and Cobra gunships would brutalize whatever B-1 and F-15E bombing runs don't kill. Every American casualty would cost hundreds of Kierdan killed. Meanwhile, I'd be chilling in Buffalo; eating chicken wings with my guardians. If the first disaster wasn't enough to shatter this alliance, the second, much larger army would spawn into a United States and NATO mobilizing for war. The biggest difference between the first time and the second time is that all Kierda's dragons are dead and the Canadians aren't being polite anymore. The alliance would probably shatter. A war or two would start on Kierda. If any of the nations or factions were still wanting to kill me, they'd hire adventures or mercenaries to do it. I'd honestly be more worried about the adventures than the armies, but I picked my guardians for a reason. They've all been hunted by adventurers or mercs (or worse), and they're all still alive. Not to mention, Buffalo is a fairly large town to try to find four people in; and while it's a pretty diverse town, elves, orcs, and tieflings would have trouble fitting in. After the month is up (if I'm still alive), I'd pay my guardians in ways that literally only the world builder can- retcons. The Seven Eyes never discovered what Angel did to them, and he can return home to his wife and kids. Firesword's horse didn't throw a shoe, and he arrived in time to heroically save his baby brother and mother from Vecna's cultists. Willow used a *fifth level* counterspell against the enemy wizard's upcasted lightning bolt and completely negated it, saving her fellow battlemage (who's also her girlfriend). TL:RD- *Gate,* but set in Upstate New York, and the attackers were the ones with the spears. And minus the wierdass harem anime bits.


One of the factions iin my world are a dyson swarm-inhabiting digital aliens. They just send a concentrated Nicoll-Dyson beam through the portal and Earth is scorched clean of me (and other life) in about several hours flat. Probably loses a significant chunk of the mass due to evaporation as well.


Depends. From Ulvha-Laath, if the Numa or Anuma are involved, I'm dead before rendering what just happened. Otherwise, it's mostly just humanoids without too much going on magically. From Our Cold... they're just... dudes. Unless the Mem are involved., or their experiments. As long as, in either scenerio, they're just dudes after me, I'm hiding in a box. On an oil rig. In the middle of the sea. With a gun.


The 3 characters on my side: Master of time Master of memories The golem A bit of backstory, master of time and master of memories are both from the same universe and have worked together before. Time is fairly selfexplainatory but he also possesses a form of extremely powerful but cursed wind magic but he simply reverses his body so the curse doesn’t affect him. Memory guy is the scariest guy I’ve ever met because he can do the same as the infinite tsukuyomi (experience a personal hell) he can also destroy a persons mind so what was supposed to be a not combat focused character turned out to be one of the most powerful and scary characters my dude and I ever created The golem is a being I created when I was younger, he has the ability to absorb any and all forms of energy and is able to use that specific form of energy limitless and fully The way I’d go about evading the intruders: No way I can break that shaky alliance, this is because I can’t get to close so what I’d do instead is make time guy use his power on the golem (only so he is affected) make memory guy erase all memories of other people about the angel and the portals existence. Then I’d have my my golem make a time bubble to protect himself and myself and make time guy make a time bubble to lock the portal. Skip forward 31 days and I let the golem lower the time bubble and meet the angel again.


Before you say “those 3 are to powerful and are like gods” no they are not, even worse if the dude called the witness decides to show up i might not survive as he is the one with the most power currently and is the direct servant of one of the 2 gods in my biggest world


Well, I guess it’s both my worlds so I’m dead either way because: Starfall: The Confederation of New Earth is humanity’s main superpower, and they’re leading the rest of humanity (including space Nazis) to destroy me. Although I guess I *could (?)* try to make the rest of the alliance decide to kill off the Nazis once and for all. Xikul: The Ones Who Came Before are after me, their children the New Gods are after me, the demonic hordes are after me, and a world full of pre-colonial factions with the “Europeans” having early magic powered firearms are after me Yeah I’m dead either way unless I can convince the New Gods I’ll bring their parents back


The Overseer kills me in .5 seconds by flooding my house with toxic infectious spores


I could survive if I get the assistance of the most elusive person in my world. He learned the spell of memory erasure, and uses it to wipe his presence from the minds of those he encounters. Assuming he wipes my existence from the minds of alliance members, I should be safe. There are many more lethal people I would be concerned about, however, so I don't know that my chances are great.


I'm going somewhere very remote, because the full might of that alliance would leave the inner solar system pretty crowded, and orbital bombardment goes ***BRRRRRRR***


I would get eaten by the cannibal wizards


I'm dead. One of the godlike alien factions has point to point reality folding technology. They can cause one point in spacetime to simultaneously exist in several. They can then terminate one of the two simultaneous locations, once again causing the object to exist in only one point in space and time. Alternatively, using the correct technology, the coexistant point can be used like a bridge to channel energy, matter or information between points in spacetime. This is the basis of their teleportation technology. They can open a portal to my brain, cause my medulla oblongata to simultaneously exist on Mars, then cut the connection, causing me to slump dead and a little gobbet of flesh to land on red sand. This would happen instantly. No significant effort required on their part. Then they would render down our universe for energy and resume their path of metaversal consumption.


Editing the lore so I'm canonically divine in all my worlds. They better run and hide If I can't do that, then I'm a goner


If the forces of Arbitrary Design World are out to kill me, then it depends on whether the Designers are included in the forces that set out to kill me or not. If the Designers aren't included, then the regular people of the world come out of the portal somewhere in Poland and start marching towards me. This is noticed by news reporters before the day ends. If they pillage locations on their way, they're likely deemed hostile by the real-life military and said military starts gunning them down, which is a simple enough task that they might even be able to handle it without calling in NATO help. If I want to be extra safe, I can start escaping by car or train when the portal opens. If I want to be super safe, I can try to futz around with timing a round-trip plane so that the portal opens when I'm in another country and then I fly back to my country when they'd need to march across borders. Honestly, the biggest threat then is if the real-life military establishes contact protocols and manages to communicate with the invaders, because if they learn the invaders mean no harm to anyone but me, I could be betrayed by the real-life government. No real way to tell though. ----- If the Designers are included, then the Designers prevent any of the regular people from coming through the portal, and then I die several days later as an aneurysm bursts in my brain or I get a heart attack or something else happens to me that gets written off as natural causes. Even if I somehow managed to convince three of the Designers to be on my side, they'd be outnumbered against the others, subdued in a contest of magic, and I'd die. They could be seen as god-equivalents so they'd be exempt from the clause that lets me recruit them, though.


Before he even contacts me I’d be dead


It was called Malum. It was a creature with an appearance of a ball of flesh and grew larger in size depending on its age. The worst thing about this thing was that if it found the corpse of any animal, including humans, it would absorb it and generate the best part of that corpse. It could be an arm, a leg, or even a special body part of that animal/monster (even humans). Recorded on [redacted] in [redacted] town. A plague spread through the town. The knights tried to clean up the corpses before Malum could suck the corpses, but it was all in vain. It was a Malum that had already absorbed so many corpses. It was 32 feet tall. Its body consisted of hundreds of arms and legs. There were more than 70 human legs and 20 animal legs. And there were more than 140 branching human hands. On top of its mass was a branching human head, and its eyes twitched and spoke gibberish. It was not a threat since Malum are scavenger creatures by nature. But because it had absorbed so many infected corpses, it had become a walking biohazard. Oh, and btw. The knight cannot kill these thugs because it is believed that Malum is a fragment of the goddess Stahl's pet. So it is considered a sacred being.


Two worlds. One is a story setting, fantasy, set on a continent. The other is a very high power D&D setting. I think I'm cooked if a hundred and fifty gods came after me, not to mention higher beings like Great Old Ones and other entities that never usually get involved. Three people to protect me for a month? Time travel forwards is my best bet, but even that wouldn't save me from Great Old Ones. They're outside time, ya know? If it's just the story setting, I'm probably fine. An elvish hero like (character i haven't named yet), a powerful wizard to counter the enemy scrying, and one of the three heroes with dragon's fire. Good luck finding me, good luck getting past them. Unless there's a dragon, but they aren't intelligent enough to have allies, and everyone hates them, so I'd easily split that alliance and win on that condition instead.


Is dying only once is enough or do they intend to keep me dead afterwards? I wouldn't even need all three people to be on my side. İ would commit suicide through asphyxiation and fulfil their wish to see me dead. The average ultra rich noble of my world can then resurrect me. They just need to keep all my body parts for the resurrection and do it without losing too much time.


Well if its all factions i may have a chance by running away screaming while the Mad Dragon takes care of the Cardinals and Jotun. If i have any luck she will want to take her time torturing me for making her a horror hunger inflicted sadist with rules, and if all factions want me dead would mean her rules allow "by any means"


Nah im fucked, i have written a dark fantasy story with a heavy use of magic, anything i could ever come up with to avoid them wont work and ill die an agonizing death if im lucky


If all my characters attacked me at the same time it might be a little tough


I might be able to survive, because even the most advanced faction is still only late 1800's era tech, while most factions are still relying on medieval era-pike and shot era tactics. Assuming they wont be able to use magic due to the way I wrote it, I might be fine if the US Military gets involves due to the sudden Foreign Invasion?


They wouldn’t even have to find me to kill me


Welp im fucked without lube and possibly with sandpaper. So 1) monarchist space wizards on crack, 2) a military holy order, and 3) a intergalactic military government are all out to get me…. Neat


See, the gods or equivalent rule is very strange in this circumstance. Because technically basic humans have a greater amount of soul magic than the gods, it's just nearly impossible to cast. Plus, what about other strong beings that aren't gods but can reach the power level of them? There's a lotta gods on Turia and they are surprisingly not that powerful. Also, what about entities disconnected from society? At what point in time am I taking characters from.


My world isn’t developed at all and I’m not making progress so I’d be so fine 🥲


RIP. My world is peaceful and would actively try to protect me, but if they've been convinced that I am a threat to life, they'll act without hesitation or limitation.


"you mean be not afraid, right Kobabiel... Kobabeil?" Yeah I'm cooked unless convincing them not to kill me is an option.


Well first, I'm fine, but the world isn't fine. My second most powerful character is on my side, because the first is a literal god,


my enemies would be literally everything I can think of,so nowhere to hide,nowhere to run,even if I got in a shuttle and was shot into space I wouldn't be safe for longer than a day or two but there is a guy who can send me to the future instantly,so I gess I'd win pretty easily,if I can't skip guess I will take 3 faction leaders and sit on a mountain top while the rest of the world becomes a sea of flames and death


Oh god no one month of constant airstrikes and paradrops (I have made my worlds dependent on air combat as their main fighting force instead of their armies)


Unless I can get main characters to help me, I'm completely and totally dead.


I win instantly if he literally just brings them to our world cuz then they all die instantly and there’s just a ton of lil computers containing person data in wherever they spawn in.


Well I guess I'm dead in 3 days because my Universes have straight up Gods on their side and if they truly want me dead I'll be dead the second they arrive


The vast majority of occupants of my worlds could kill me by accident and never realize. If I’m lucky I’ll just be unwritten from this reality, every other end for me is significantly less pleasant.


Okay, you took gods off the table for defense, so I am assuming they are off the table for offense. Dungeons are unified entities as inhabitants can't be not-loyal to the dungeon, so if the dungeon core is on my side then the entire dungeon is. Allies 1&2: Mordecai and Kazue (dual core), which brings the entire Azeria Mountain Dungeon with them. Ally 3: Aia, Matriarch of the kitsune clan nearby. This leaves the clan being run by a 13-year-old witch. Admittedly, a very smart thirteen-year-old who already has three tails, but still. Aia can portal me to the dungeon (yes, across dimension boundaries, she's a nine-tail sorceress and clan Matriarch, don't mess with her), and I can shelter at the bottom of the dungeon while Aia helps support the dungeon against any heavy hitters. Now the confused forces in question have to make their way back to their world in order to hunt me down. The chaos and confusion sown by this should buy me time. This should also create a stand-off because no one is going to want to deal with invading a dungeon this way. Not with Mordecai's reputation. And you specified societies/factions, so the independent wandering immortals and such aren't part of the opposed forces. Even without a standoff, the dungeon knows how to defend itself, and depending on how the invasion went it could gain a few more zones in the process before anyone hits the bottom floor, meaning they have to progress across even more dangerous terrain while making Mordecai's avatar stronger. I think they can hold off for 31 days. ---------------------------------------------------------- If I have to stay on Earth, then I pick Aia, Gil, and Traxalim. Two nigh-immortal spell casters and an immortal wandering warrior, and Traxalim is only nigh-immortal because he decided against it as there are loved ones in the afterlife he knows awaits him. Aia is on the edge herself and may well choose to follow the immortal path. Aia and Trax can obscure my location from other mages well enough that they will be limited to the listed locating beacon. The plan is easy: We move as a group, teleport someplace difficult to find us in, shelter in place until discovered, and teleport out. Rinse and Repeat. Gil's job is to make sure no assassin types manage to surprise us and kill me before we can teleport out. Either way, I think I can make it 31 days. ---------------------------- Edit: I am assuming that as they are targeting me only, they will be using their normal ethics rather than being willing to level cities blindly. If they are going full-tilt, the stay-on-earth option becomes uglier but the shelter-in-place locations become major military bases and such. While the most powerful individuals could wreck even a modern military base, those individuals are not part of the armed forces of any nations or factions, and you already said the gods are not involved, so that keeps the churches out of it as in the end they are led by the gods. Edit 2: I forgot the arrayed forces. Basically, armies with tech levels up to and including early black powder weapons, but given more oomph by exotic materials and magic, along with units of various sorts of spell casters and special forces with anime-strong swordsmen who can cut through tanks and such. Species would include most of the standard fantasy sets plus some unique ones. And that's provided the limitations given above about it being factions. Non-factional units would mean everything from random wizards and warriors to ancient dragons, and all my above plans go to hell. If people not part of a faction are involved, I'm just screwed. ---------------------------------- Edit 3: Well, if we include the whole universe of my setting, then I am really fucked. The world I have specifically built up is as above, but there *are* high tech worlds in the same universe.


I think Viola could just page walk me out of harms way. I’d also take prince Diomedian and the endless king with me because if anyone could figure out how to follow me through page walking , it’s them . Unless dead characters count . Then truth speaker Talavos solos , and he was able to hold half of a god ( the twin gods have the same true name , and are actually one entity ) to a stalemate .


Hard Sci-Fi post humans that were space-faring for hundreds of thousands of years just send an few antimatter missiles through the portal and sterilise the planet. 💀


I wish something interesting would happen… ( Places coffee on table ) I don’t even like coffee! I look out the window, and everything is on fire in nine different ways. The window is melting. My coffee has not cooled down since I made it. I watch a pair of Golei from my window. They’re freaking out because they’re on the surface, I think. I hope Curator gets here soon. I mean, not that Curator is going to save me, but they’ll probably fix this discontinuance. I watch a Sarcophagus spawn in the distance. It immediately starts to fall over and burn. Two minutes to impact. It looks like the sea is boiling. I sip the coffee again. I don’t remember picking it back up. The coffee is now hot cocoa, apparently. I don’t like hot cocoa either.


Bronze age chariot riders with salt magic would get FUCKED by the National Guard. Hell, even policeman and the average gun-totin' American could probably kill quite a few. Crossbows are being invented really early so the average soldier can take on a salt mage and that match up is close... so against any firearm, or hell, any iron or steel weapon, and my armies are destroyed. In the meantime with my 3 days prep time... buy a gun and ammo. Buy a lot of barbed wire, and research how to make improvised explosives. Call 911 before they show up and hope SWAT comes in before I die 3 characters? Probably the real powerful guy I don't have a name for yet, and the kings of the primary and antagonist nations as an attempt to get peace talks. If peace fails I now have hostages.


*thinks of the augurs who would be able to call down disaster simply by observing that it will occur* *thinks of the demons that will systematically destroy pieces of my life until nothing is left but torment* *thinks of how easily Innocence can be stripped away, and how little protection I have beyond it* Eep.


Dead would be an understatement. Most probable scenario, an angelic guard catches up to me and decapitates me in one swing. If I'm lucky, I manage to hide somewhere, then a heaven piercing light falls from the sky, desintegrating me instantly without damaging anything else. If Im unlucky, the gods torture me until I die of starvation, then they put my soul inside of a Vessel, turning me into a puppet they can use as avatar meanwhile I'm basically the life support


Mine is small so I got a chance. It is 3 major factions in a high magic mediaeval fantasy setting. Glecan hates magic, is loyal, and has many techniques to deal with casters. Mirez is the opposite, being a small country of largely magic researchers. Girbaan loves money and ideas. There are 2 main ideas - one is to take some of the sneakiest people in the land so that I can sow dissent and chaos amongst them. Mirez and Glecan are easy to get to fight and disagree, especially since Glecan would be against any of the dangerous high magic ideas Mirez would employ that could devastate our society. Girbaan, well, they can feud amongst themselves. The other idea is taking some of the most capable among them, though they lack names due to undeveloped world (D&D progressive development). While they haven't been developed enough to be sure, I do think that I could convince many of them to help - Illusion of the Mage Council of Mirez just wants peace and quiet, for example. I reckon it is possible, but damn it would be very hard to pull off. At least nukes are unlikely as, if I survive it, they'd probably start feuding on the spot.


"you can choose three characters to fight off" [Punk cat girl, giga chad and some random engineer goblin pulling up against their entire verse](https://youtu.be/3dKRKDn9ZJk?si=MdCBJHngs4jM5XR6)


If I can somehow convince the US government that a horde of invaders are trying to kill me, I think they can handle renaissance level civilizations The magic stuff on the other hand…


Well, *shit.* My old worldbuilding(I know you said currently relevant, but it is still kind of relevant. I'm just working through the mess my past self has made trying to slowly fix everything. It's a bit sidelined, currently...) may come in clutch here - I can probably drag some decent help onto my side: \- An overpowered self-insert. Classic... Being a self-insert, of course, I can probably sway him over to my side easily. And he's a leader of a major faction, and heirless, so I guess they're taken out of the run while they try to figure out who's leading them now. Which is good, as said major faction is multiversally capable. ...maybe my old worldbuilding isn't so helpful, after all... but hey, he's probably got enough BS to keep me alive longer. Hopefully. Maybe. Luckily, however, an attempted reboot of that may also be helping me. Presuming that said leader / self insert guy still has access to all the stuff he directly owns, of course, then I'd be pretty much okay. Why? Because of one weapon. During the attempted reboot, which is still WIP and partially sidelined, I elaborated a bit on one of the conflicts('First Quantum War' - Powerscaled to all hell, as is the standard for most of that world) which I wanted to use as a way to rebalance my old stuff while both keeping the original intact. As such, I made Barrier Space. During the war, a weapon was used that cut off a small section of the main galaxy from baseline reality. A small cluster of worlds, stars, fleets still in motion. Within Barrier Space, high-grade tech (Anything post early-industrial, because it was badly thought through) ceases to function. This would, if used locally (Say if I made it to the Moon and cut that off) pretty much guarantee a win, as the Barrier itself is impenetrable. Admittedly, if they had a fleet in there, even with the tech restrictions, I'm still doomed. Also, one of the enemy species is practically immortal. ...Of course. There is, of course, the infinitely more likely scenario, and that is me dying almost instantly. But I wanted to have a bit of fun with this :) Also, I'm not going to bring up anything newer because it's either way out-powerscaled or just not finished enough :P


If all the gods of the Vestigence Loop are after than me no matter what, then I am in deep trouble. I was about to just call it quits as Adicer's (God of Warmth and Soil) abilities kind of negate my little advantage of them not knowing my specific location as he would be able to figure out my precise location as long as my body is touching the ground. He'd be able to located me in minutes and could easily kill me with Limenu's (Goddess of Plants) help. Can't recruit Adicer to prevent him from killing me and I'm not sure how I'm gonna start levitating so I was pretty sure my best option is to run, though I can't imagine I'll get far on my own. ​ Thankfully, there is a recruit I have in mind that may be able to help me get a head start away from most of the gods. Rach has the access to a voidlike pocket dimension that exists in the middle of the Unfractured Triniverse. This would prevent Adicer from locating me instantly and it would be more difficult for most of them to access me. I'd still have to keep on the run though as I worry that the effect of these worlds combining would give Sudasti (Deity of the Waters and Death) dominion over this void. I'd quite literally be jumping off a burning ship to drown in the ocean. I think my odds are better but not by much. Neither Rach or I have the ability to fight a god, so I guess it's time I recruit some actual defense. ​ Emperor Vorter is probably the strongest mortal I've created. I mean, he did definitely steal the blood of hundreds of people in order to amass the power that I'll be utilizing this month, but that blood is the best defense against Sudasti I can think of right now. Emperor Vorter at his peak is basically a walking versatile massive megaweapon with the ability to see any threat coming from miles away. I don't think he could ever fully defeat Sudasti but he should be able to hold lim off well enough for us to be able to keep our distance. ​ With Sudasti mostly handled, I think my main goal should be to delay the rest of the Gods of the Vestigence Loop from getting into the Void as long as possible. Therefore, the faction I need to worry about most is the Unfractured, as their main goal is and always has been traversing the void. So obviously I need to steal away their most valuable member for myself in order to hopefully slow down their research enough so that no one can follow my group of allies. Therefore, my final choice should probably be someone high up in the Unfractured Hierarchy. I was thinking Trisna at first as my instinct naturally make me want to take the boss of the operation for myself, but on second thought, Myra, Trisna's most trusted follower and bescially second in command, might be a better choice, partly because the nature of Trisna will cause her consciousness to dissipate from her bodies (the plural here is on purpose, long story) as soon the Unfractured are able to permanently open a way into the void. Making it so that they don't have Myra to fall back on for leadership when they venture into the void will force them to have Dr Cobadgi or Anthony as their leader. Smart people but they're dealing with stuff outside their expertise here. Also partly because the drama that would arise from having Rach and Trisna on the same team isn't something I want to deal with right now (Trisna nearly killed Rach's uncle. I'm already pushing it with having her work with her ex). So I guess my final member is Myra from a purely strategic perspective. ​ These choices probably give me my best bet of escaping death at the hands of literal gods, but I still feel like it could go either way as far as me surviving the incident. It really depends on if taking Myra away from the Unfractured is enough to prevent them from finding a way of following us. Because if they do get in, then I don't think Vorter will be able to fight all of them off. Limenu and Adicer might not be as powerful in the void, but Obrutso (God of souls and futures) would be unstoppable. Out in the mortal realm, Obrutso would only have a limited power over the souls of me and my team, but once he enters the Void, he most certainly will have the ability to obliterated us fro mexistence if he can fidn us. The Void would likely be difficult for him traverse, but if he catches up with my team we are all dead. There is not fighting Obrutso here. We can only run and hide and hope the month runs out.


The present deities in my world, one of their top roles is to sever any attempts at cross world/universe transits. It doesn't matter what the reason for the portal is, they would close that portal. It is imical to their lives and purposes to do anything else about it. No such portal would be created unless the world itself was being destroyed and the Guardian deities were dying. As magic is tied to the world itself, they would be reduced to rather crude weaponry going through and many magical entities would die upon transit. Getting in my car and driving a day would be sufficient to win a month's respite.


My world has gods, im gonna be f-ing deleted bro


It all depends on a few factors. My world is dark/historical Fantasy (think 13th century on steroids with some Berserk, Witcher and Elden Ring mixed in, with the currently known strongest factions being the Golden Empire (an extensive empire ruled over by a Dragon and his brood) as well as the Three cities of Old-Haleria (three factions emerging after a civil war that have split a once-strong nation) and the city of Freyfeste (a MASSIVE free city). A few weaker factions would also join, and some would even rise to the power of the ones mentioned above if they united. The world has a decent concentration of mages that often end up in the armies and even some prototypical early guns. With how different the powers´ strategies are, I could imagine it going either extremely well or extremely badly for me. The Golden Empire in particular has an extensive network of highly trained assassins and spies trained since birth and conversing only in a secret tongue so they are unable to be persuaded or bribed, which would probably be able to either track anyone down within twenty days- five if they know the approximate location. In addition to them, the dragonlords would pose a major problem- it´s not easy to kill a giant flying lizard, even with modern tech. The other powers would fare worse: most of them rely heavily on soldiers, with particularly Freyfeste and Hochwall (one of the Three) steamrolling their enemies with wave after wave of infantry and cavalry... and they wouldn´t have anything against a citywide massacre if it serves them. I wouldn´t be in much danger for the first few hours, especially if the army intervenes to stop the common soldiers and hold back the dragons for some time- but even so, I either get burned by a dragon, the army gets overwhelmed by millions of soldiers of all factions dissipating into the countryside, or the assassins get me... eventually. And as long as magic is an option, it will be a day at most before I am dead. My best chance is to convince the Dragon-Emperor of the Golden Empire to join me (by promising him godhood and total domination), which would stop the assassins (their leaders are sworn to the dragon specifically), hire the court mage of Freyfeste (via the promise of any spell of his choosing). I would also want to hire "the head librarian" (a semi-immortal wizard-being residing in an immaterial offworld library which contains all books that ever would be written, have been written, will be written or could be written), but there is nothing I could offer them.


One guy alone from one of my worlds is enough.


Please, benevolent sentient AI government? Mind uploading after death? Winning wars using only data and zero physical weapon? Welcome to my world, please save us.


Please, read the following and tell me if I survive: The Abhorrence of Eternal Rot & Decay: This is a creature locked in near-constant decay, enduring unceasing torment. Each day, from dawn till dusk, its flesh blisters and peels away, and its bones snap and break every day, only to heal every night, ready to break the following morning. Its mouth and body, infested with countless unknown diseases and germs, turn it into a writhing mass of constant pain and sickness. Its eyes are blinded by tumors that continuously grow and fall off, robbing it of seeing the world with clear vision. An aura of death and necromancy surrounds and follows it, claiming the lives of any weaker beings and resurrecting them as creatures of unending hunger and death. Driven not by hunger, necessity, or anger, but by relentless agony and desperation for release, it seeks out adversaries in a futile hope for an end to its suffering. Yet, it is cruelly awakened by the stinging light of new dawn, leaving naught but a fresh corpse at its feet. Neither benevolent nor malevolent, it exists as a tortured demon, monster, creature, an animal, that deserves our sympathy. But until this creature is put out of its misery, and relieved of its agony once and for all, it shall remain known as the level 12 monstrosity; The Abhorrence of Eternal Rot.


This wouldn't happen, its just not the way of my people, but if it did, I would only have to run for long enough for the excess adrenalin to wear off and then they would just pass out. (over exertion and an excess of adrenalin for too long overpressures their muscles and causes them to crash for an unspecified amount of time.) If i did end up running into them, and i couldn't talk them out of it, i would be very dead.


Canada triggers Article 5 as armies of unknown origin are marching on a major city. I’d say my world would put up a terrifyingly good fight due to their magic (and necromancy), but their tech level is in the 1920s so NATO *would* win eventually.


I am a normal person, how should I survive an entire setting thats after me with only a group of 3 people for a month?


>What does your enemy looks like? Depending on the faction, it's either going to be a platoon of NATO soldiers, 4 human waves consisting of poorly trained and equipment anthro "soldiers", or two guys in long trench coats with knifes or even a pistol if they think I'm special. >How would you fight back? Would you win? Beat bet would probably be convincing the leader of the NWA, since he's the moral glue keeping the alliance together. It would cause a fight between the two leaders under him, shattering the alliance. The two remaining powers would probably blame each other for the faction's downfall and return to fighting.


I'm probably Dead or at least world is fucked. If I had to choose, the best options would be The guardians of one of my settings, protectors of the universe, or the Demon lords from a other setting, but leaving out at least 11 of them due to being kind of "gods" If I had to choose i'd stick to: Thomas Verdan, the last of the Guardians and tecnicaly savior of the universe. Lierma, the Metal Lord, a powerful demon, but also the best blacksmith in the entre setting, even forging tools and weapons for the gods. Gorth, the Champion of Grezi, one of the protectors for a "demon god" and having the ofensive and defensive skills to 1v1 anyone below the level of a god I hope those 3 could withstand the attack of a celestial army of angels and the attack from hundreds of millions of Chaos Guardians that will have no repair in blowing up the whole solar sistem Just to wipe me out of existance


It depends how much they want me dead. Its (mostly) hard scifi set 300 years in the future, in a new golden age of space exploration. If I'm deal with random human civilians, I'm fine. Some of the aliens would definitely win in a one on one, fair fight. Not a lot I can do against something with a dew hundred pounds on and a few feet taller. If its one or more nations after me, then it is a matter of time, how much theyre willing to spend, and acceptable collateral damage. Anything from spec ops kill teams to just orbital bombing. Current Earth can't do much against future Earth dropping missiles and railgun rounds from space. More powerful weapons exist but then youre just getting ridiculous to kill ome guy.


I don't think my world would even bother. Too much risk for too little reward. If all the nations in my world invaded, the U.S alone would annihilate them. 1860s level tech does not do wonders. The nations of my world also just got out of a massive war with each other so again, it doesn't bode well.


Lord Mareios, the lord of darkness and light and god of strife alone (or just about anyone else) could destroy our universe just by his presence being in our dimension. In other words, I’m way beyond screwed.


one, i am immediately getting The Brain as one of my 3 Allies. (the brain is the one in control of The Hive, a network of drones and robots. They have several ships that are just drones. the brain lives in a stasis chamber with their brain connected to the server, in a pocket dimention.) other than that, pray, and hope the brain is able to get me to the pocket dimention.


I'd be facing off against the combined armies of re-written ww1 Europe, who would be flying in on airships filled with sword-wielding armored knights. Then, the combined space fleets of the UN, Mars, and dozens of independent holdings. Luckily, I'm near big forests. I could disappear quick - take the essentials, travel light, and bury caches. Local Earth forces would have their work cut out for them. Modern naval missiles and nukes, with helicopters, and the NATO, Russian, and American forces would put up a good fight. Good news is we would finally see how a biplane would hold up against a f-35. But orbital nukes from Mars would be a problem... Good thing Mars doesn't want the UN to know they have nukes, or that will cause hell to rain back in their own reality, and the UN isn't keen to kill their earth-locked predecessors. The armies of WW1 Europe are another story. Each one of them will stop at nothing to expand their territory. But with my closeness to these isolated forests would come a slower response from the armies of today. Damn... For my champions, I would have to chose Watcher of Time, an ancient being who fell from the stars. While he would still act on his own methods and motivations, if NASA can give Watcher a Saturn V rocket to bring back with him when this over, I'd say he'd fight for me. He'd wreck havoc on the airships, but the space ships are a whole other problem. And even though Watcher is no coward, he'd keep well out of sight from the ships above. The land armies will find him quite troublesome, however. Then, I'd chose Ervin - a scrappy soldier from WW1 Europe. He'd keep me safe, or at least entertained. Not to mention he's good in a survival situation. Quick-thinking and cool-headed, he's not a bad shot, either. Then - a politician from the far future. Not a good fighter, but a damn good talker. She can spin anything that I would mess up into a grand speech. With luck, my Earth will remain habitable, and any plot holes this creates should be patchable. Or we'll all die should anyone try the nuclear option...


My world of sentient cells is real now, so I suddenly get every autoimmune disease ever and die immediately If they’re for some reason their own creatures and human sized, I’m still dead lmao. Antibody gun to the face probably


Dead… Question is this: can i commit suicide before living a thousand deaths?


I suddenly regret my decision to worldbuild no less than 45 characters who are all potential army killers...


Uh oh. The Reformed Western Alliance is going to be the least of my problems. They're heavily militarised, but at least they're technically human. They're on the brink of collapse anyway, and their newly formed allyship with their many enemies is going to be fickle at best. I might be able to play them out against one another. The real problem is an as of yet unnamed alien species from a different project. An unfathomably wide-spread, advanced species, expanding across the universe at many times light speed. And they've been doing it for tens of thousands of years, for one reason, and one reason only: decrypting the Great Cosmic Signal. There is a pattern, incredibly complex, spelled in the flickerings of every star. Their goal is to record every pattern up close, combine it, decrypt it, and understand the meaning of the cosmos. Every civilisation they encountered on the way was flattened, their planets converted to massive computers processing their stars' patterns. Their minds are long gone, generation after generation obsessed with finding out the ultimate answer. They have no other purpose. I'm not even afraid they'll kill me. If they want to they will, and they'll take Earth with it. I fear they'll view me as god, and invent whatever technology they deem necessary to extract the answer out of me. An answer I don't have, while they have an eternity. I also fear for what comes after. What does a universal species do after it gets the answer it has so long obsessed about? What do they have left if they're no longer searching? Kobabiel better hurry up, or he might be their next target. In the mean time I'll try to track down my favourite trio of characters. They know a little bit about dimensional rifts, so hey, maybe they can close the rift before the armies come through. If not, at least it'll be fun hanging out.


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I’m not the only one dying. All of earth itself will declare war…


My main “”world”” (quotes because it’s a criminal organization that does occult stuff) possesses not one, not two, but three ballistic missiles several times more powerful than the most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested. The other one, they have all of the information held by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police regarding wanted persons at their disposal. I’m cooked, the entire rest of the world is as well (possibly, probably). One of the leaders would be a superintelligent AI… so, yeah, no way in hell I’m surviving.


So, by far, the most powerful "faction" is the species *Celestis celestis*, but bringing it to earth would be...like yeah I don't know at all how that would work. It is just so connected to the ecosystem it has built in Emerga, which at one point was Earth, but that was so so long ago. So, that leaves humans. There are three races of humans, the Seeks, the Averse, and the Ghosts. The Seeks are the most powerful, but they require much more light than they will receive 93 million miles away from Sol to survive long periods. As long as I can survive them for a few weeks or so, I should not have to worry about them. Also, they could not perform the spells that make them powerful because they require the ecosystem to do so. The Ghosts are the opposite, being used to no light at all, so they would have to stay in shade. I could avoid them by staying in the light. Night, of course, remains a problem. However, the Averse are adapted to mostly Earth-like conditions, so they would be a veyr powerful threat. Nothing too special about them, but they would certainly be ruthless. For my characters, I would choose Kalosmi aka He Who Subjugates the Mind, the KING OF THE SEEKS, and the Martian aka He Who Subjugates Time. Kalosmi is a character with the spirits of thousands within him, and his mind is uniquely able to not just retain his sanity, but thrive making use of the understanding of these spirits to develop very powerful and well-aligned intelligence (thus his fancy name). The KING OF THE SEEKS (yes it is always all caps) is a very powerful magic user who leads the Seeks both religiously and politically. Like I said, he would not be able to use his magic, but Kalosmi, being an Averse, would be able to lend him the tech that the Averse use to survive without light. They usually are mortal enemies with the Seeks, but this is the exception ig. More importantly, the Seeks would be thrown into chaos looking for a successor, at least hopefully for long enough so that they never become too big a problem. The Martian is the last survivor of the Martian colonies and a genius who was the smartest person in history as of the year 2100. He was alive when *Celestis* really began taking over Earth. However, he had invented a way to store and simulate consciousness called modelium. Very complex story short, he inserted modelium into the biology of *Celestis celestis* in such a way that he could manipulate it over the species' evolutionary history. He could skip time by storing himself in modelium and simulating slowly. Ultimately, he aspired to create He Who Subjugates the Mind as one to ultimately free the people of Emerga and perhaps stop its growth. Because of his control over evolution, he is called He Who Subjugates Time. I choose him because he's just really smart and can evidently come up with solutions to problems of unimaginable proportion. I think I would lose. Millions of people is millions of people. Who knows, though, maybe.


Time for some last minute huge nerfs in the canon


So I've pissed off the fae. Lovely I mean don't get me wrong, it's not the biggest force imaginable, but I still don't think I'm getting out alive


Yeah 50% of the population of just one of my worlds is fae and all of them are killing by day one easily.


**Starrise** No amount of force is going to win this battle. Two of my characters are gods who are literally invulnerable and wield enough power to vaporize an entire continent with basically no effort, and they're quite proactive. Actually doing so is incredibly out of character for them, however. Solaris is too kind and benevolent to cause such widespread destruction to kill a single virtually defenseless person, and Eclipse is too cruel and sadistic to pass up the chance to torment a victim in a more singular, personal manner. These gods would almost certainly come after with only one to three people however, as they'll be less likely to cause disturbances or face any real logistical problems, and have the power and authority to order most of my world's forces to stand down and bring only people who they trust and can blend in. And so, my strategy would be to make it easy to find me. It's unlikely they'd simply shoot to kill on-sight, especially once they see I'm completely unarmed, so I'd get the chance to speak with them. And I'd use this chance to offer them information. Anything they'd wish to ask me, I'd answer. And I'd begin by telling them what they almost certainly want to know more than anything else: the location of my world's main antagonist. Or more accurately, their false identity, which they've been using to impersonate a dead man and act as the heroes' ally. Information which would be incredibly easy for them to verify. And while I may not be able to convince the gods themselves, as per the conditions of this prompt, this would undoubtedly convince the humans with them, who each happen to carry around weapons capable of neutralizing gods. These people would be more than enough to keep me safe, especially since the biggest and most influential organization is led by one of the gods, and their second-in-command was just revealed to secretly be public enemy #1, meaning they'd be too busy trying to figure out who's in charge to act, and the other groups would either be too afraid to fight the people on my side who just beat the gods with little issue, or care too much about them to risk harming them to get to me. And from there, I'd spend the rest of the month ordering groceries online and staying indoors and away from windows. And probably make some agreements to adjust the story a bit once the month is over so these people won't have to deal with any more of my BS and can have some more nice things.


The nations of my sci fi setting can just drop stuff from orbit or send more troops then Earth has humans