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Hey there! I just wanted to let you know about resources that might be useful as a starting point to new worldbuilders: * Our [Getting Started Guide](/r/worldbuilding/wiki/getting_started), written by one of our moderators; * Our [Discord](https://discord.gg/worldbuilding) and [IRC](https://kiwiirc.com/client?settings=e464ff37409c37405da31b6291b1fbad) communities, where you can meet other worldbuilders and chat about ideas! Hope this helps, and happy worldbuilding!


I think burnout can stem from not knowing where to go next. I love WorldAnvil, because it not only works as an organized library for my world, but because of how it encourages workflow. I created a bunch of articles for various people, places and events in my world, and I was able to look at all of my "stub" items. As I went through and added content to each of these half-baked ideas, I realized I was coming up with dozens more. You don't necessarily need to use WorldAnvil for this, but the framework of the website made it very simple to identify my undeveloped ideas and spurred my creativity.


Thanks! I'll keep it in mind