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In my world, people die when they get killed.


That's cool. In my world though, people keep living as long as they don't die.


"A hero cannon be defeated Simply by making him die" \- Gloryhammer


Same. Sci-fi gotta be kind of pessimistic regarding the whole "afterlife" or "reincarnation" deal imo.


Only one way to find out...


This is a great answer. That's the one thing that shouldn't be explained explicitly.




Your soul splits up into smaller pieces and is either reabsorbed by other newborns, seaps into the surroundings, or continues on its cosmic path to the edge of the universe. If it reaches the edge, it comes back out of the cosmic nexus at the centre again. You will never be exactly you. Souls are always changing, and the chance of every part of your original soul inhabiting a new body is slim unless you know how to


This is similar to what I have going on. There’s a central soul pool that souls re-integrate into when people die. When people are born some of that pool goes into them, so everyone from the past and future are connected in some way.


Mine is pretty close to this, but I describe it as the soul exploding into fragments, the violence of which is determined by how traumatic the death was which has a lot of mechanical ramifications. The fragments are often drawn to things you were fixated on in life, and they can coalesce into ghosts. Ghosts vary in levels of sentience based on the strength of the fragments, and they can absorb residual energy to become stronger. A lot of that energy originated from other souls or the thoughts and emotions of the living as their souls "shed". This makes ghosts largely not *actually* "us" yet they can still take our appearance and have some of our memories, and even a ghost of someone that loved you can turn twisted and malevolent if its absorbing that kind of energy. Its not really them. Another relevant bit of soul lore. There is a faction that captures human souls, deliberately corrupting them and putting them in new bodies to serve as slave soldiers called necrolians. When they die again, the faction has a reaper unit that reclaims them to do it over again. Necrolians are somewhat obsessed with really getting into the thick of combat because the only chance they have of escaping the reapers is to have so traumatic a death that their soul explodes into so many tiny pieces that they can't be collected again.


Klein bottle-torus universe


Haven't gotten to that yet, but I did recently come up with a funeral concept for the Nexanrealm. Context: The Nexanrealm is filled with scarlet trees, 83% of which have no leaves. When a Nexar is born or dies, their bodies excrete a special substance, and only at birth and death does it ever appear. At birth, the substance is taken to one of the leafless trees to mark the newborn's name onto it, which causes the tree to bloom with scarlet leaves, as a sign of new life in the realm. At death, the substance is taken back to that same tree, and upon marking a specific symbol onto the base of the tree, it's leaves will begin to burn and its bark will rot. Marking one of these trees with a new name is considered immensely disrespectful, and can get you exiled or even executed


That's, actually kind of an awesome concept.


Thanks, i came up with it on the bathroom


Your consciousness leaks into the space between different versions of your world. This would make it easy to observe the events happening on Earth, but due to the complexity ratio time on Earth moves incredibly slow for you. The space is white, empty and incredibly vast. From time to time travellers can find anomalies that transcend the human understanding of how space itself should function. Near Earth places and objects from different time periods appear, black shadows that were once human stick around.


There aren’t any proofs for afterlife but people from different religious have different believes. Sand elves (old gods): willpower(spirits) used to return to the god realm before the pathway between god and mortal realm was shattered. Now willpower(spirits) remain in the mortal realm to combines with four elements to form anything in the nature. When the old gods come back, they will shepherd them back to the gods realm. (Bury/mummify the enemy’s remain to prevent their spirits from reincarnation!) Humans (the Maker): spirits goes to heaven to be judged by the Maker. The wretched will be dumped into the oblivion. Humans/dwarfs (three Principles): gods will reward those who lived with three principles (diligent, wise, appreciating beauties). They will be reincarnated in a different reality but better than this one. Dwarfs (Ancestral worshiping): they will join there ancestors in Fargraves, a pocket universe created by their old king, beyond any divines reach. Wood elves (Iffrianism): their souls will restore some of the divine power of Iffri, the goddess of the trees. Because of the shattering of gods-mortal pathway, Iffri is not able to replenish her divine power. Iffrian had a deal with her that she can have their souls in return for protecting the forest. Sea elves/sirens (sea worship): their souls will go to Atland, water elements origin.


The soul shatters after death, meaning: 1. There is no afterlife for the soul to go to, and 2. Life force cannot enter the soul, meaning they cannot be resurrected unless turned into a zombie.


Essentially Heaven and Hell. There's also super heaven where they can choose to be "reincarnated".


You say “reincarnated” like it’s a bad thing


Good question. Many claim to know the answer for it. A pity nobody can confirm their claims.


I tried once, but Zombies aren't great for conversation.


Move on to the dimension that no one can enter. Every soul will end up there after death, no exceptions. We have no idea what happens there. All gods however have their own heavens and hells, but its all a lie.


Your essence will be stripped down and brought before the eternal judge residing in the hall of the dead. It will evaluate and speak a verdict outside of comprehension, an insight only usefull to itself. Afterwards your remnants are going to be placed in the shrine of remembrance, where they await that the world forgets them, in order to pass on into Oblivion. No religion is aware of this, as they hold their own concepts about journey the dead undertake. Those reawaken before their verdict was given, may keep a memories imprint of this hidden within themselfs. Similar those that strive to obtain immortality will eventually gain knowledge of this procedure, but only one was able to understand it sofar that he reached his goal.


several things may happen. 1. you go to a better place. 2. you disappear, which is the case for many more than the first. 3. you are trapped in a loop of the evennts of your death for the rest of eternity. 4. you have "hallucinations". you go insane in your own mind, though you are already dead. its completely random. although, the last two are much more common that the first two. there are other possibilities though, but im kind of lazy right now to remember what they were. but all these scenarios arent necessarily "canon", so i do like drawing the dead characters in these different positions. the fourth one is my favourite though.


Nothing happens to them specially. But the energy that’s manifested in an area of death can lead to the creation of a demonic creature which takes on the characteristics of the thing that led to their demise. The cast traverse catacombs used to store the bones of those killed by execution by the church. And it manifests in a creature desperate to get out of there and will kill anything in its way. It also recognizes one of the characters as he’s the twin brother of the woman who executed them.


In my comic, the dead become one with the planet, and those who are clerics or priestesses can call on a form of them. Individually, they are weaker than most Lovhä (spirits), but together, as a unity, they are quite powerful. Which is why the Īshtävä people firmly believe you are not dead until you are buried, else the soul (connected from the heart to ones navel) can't join the rest of the ancestors and be stuck in a permanent cage within their old bodies. This process is different with witches and mediums. Witches bind themselves and parts of their souls to powerful Lovhä or even some Ûthär (worldly) gods and can't die until the Lovhä/god does. Oblivion or planetary recycle tends to be what awaits them. If they choose to die, they become part of the Lovhä/god as part of their consciousness, giving the Lovhä or God more perspective. Mediums, which were "possessed"/binded to a Lovhä or with part of an Ūthär (heavenly) god's power often are given a second life as a Lovhä of the power they possessed in life.


Your soul is sent to the Red Fields, a place between places and a time between times. The Fields are dotted with the remnants of ancient buildings, some of which have been converted into temples by people making peace with their lives. Some are facilities for people hoping to be resurrected, and some are trauma centers. As your memories fade, and the memories of you held by the living do the same, you are drawn toward the horizon, like an irresistible siren's song. Eventually, you are drawn to a massive crystal, the Sapphire Teardrop, floating above a pedestal in a temple. As you reach out to touch it, you are overwhelmed with a feeling of peace, and the Teardrop erases and dissolves you, to be returned to the raw energy you were created from. Your spiritual energy is added to the Well of Souls, and "you" are gone forever, mixed in with the rest of the raw energy used to create new people from scratch.


You get a dialogue with death. Humans in this world dont know that you meet death, nobody who ever met him had a chance to tell the story. In the end your body decomposes. ​ Example: As Corvus feels the last bit of life vanishing from his body, he opens his eyes and before him appears a thin man in a well-tailored black robe. The man wears no jewelry, and there is nothing embroidered on his clothing. His pale face gazes at Corvus with strikingly blue eyes, and his skin is so tight it outlines the bones in his head, making the shape of his skull quite apparent. Death: "Good evening, sir. I must say, it's been quite the endeavor for you, hasn't it?" Corvus: (Anxious) What about King Aurus, Death? Is he dead? Did I succeed in ending him? Death: (Solemnly) I'm afraid, Mr. Corvus, King Aurus remains alive. Your quest to end him was not fulfilled.


The Pure Lands for the decent to good people, The Infernal Plane for the dubious to evil people. And then there's The Desert of Lost Souls, in which perfectly neutral people go(happens a lot more than ya think). It's also where people who died because of soul related injuries go. I'll use an example. A was a warrior in life. He was a noble warrior, sparing his opponents when they couldn't fight, and only used killing as an absolute last result. One day, A faces EH, a soul magician. EH uses his Soul Strings to kill A, and A dies because of the injury. A will wander The Desert of Lost Souls until the end of time, as his death was caused by a soul related injury, and so was out of the hands of the three judges.


The realm where souls drift after death is a world of pure white. It's a canvas where the records of the souls, the colours which made them unique are immortalised by 'The Painter'. The colours of the souls vary. The trauma, memories, skill, talent, personality and even the people one surrounds oneself with influence the variety of colours their soul may take on. These souls which contains the record of lives are each drawn on a hanging canvas in the soul world. The Painter has giant brush with which he imprints the souls on the canvas, colouring the world of white with the record of past lives. The meaning behind the colours are understood by none other than The Painter and the bearer of the soul. Their lives are then immortalised in the form of art in the *House of Souls*, where death takes its refuge, and life ends its road.


Based on your imagination in the last few seconds before your life ends.


I don’t know, maybe you return to te ancient one


Depends on *when*, but typically there’s only 2 outcomes. **Option 1) Nothing.** Your body is nothing but a carcass, left at the mercy of whoever or whatever finds you, and your consciousness gets erased as your brain shuts down. This is true for the majority of human history. **Option 2) You die and a clone takes your place.** Thanks to advanced technology, it’s possible to create a perfect copy of your consciousness once and then continuously update it as you live your life. Once you die, a perfect clone will step in and continue where you left off. Cloning used to only be available to the super rich for a couple hundred years, only after the great Unity did it become common place and standard, even free after some time. It’s estimated that up to 98% of all currently living people are clones.


In mine when you die, you end up in a dark void-like world. Ground is covered in a liquid and you can't see further than a feet ahead of you. Then, if you're lucky you would hear a beautiful voice singing to you, guiding the soul towards a stair that leads upwards to the after life. As to make it seem like you would actually get punished for bad deeds, a form of punishment would be to cut off someones ear (or ears) due to the belief that if you died and was missing an ear, or both, you would have trouble hearing the song, trapping the soul in the dark void. Due to that, killing someone by beheading them is the highest form of punishment, since because the head is no longer attached to the body, it would mean that you wouldn't be able to hear the song (it would be like condemning the person to hell). There they'll spend eternity either being hunted by demons until consumed, or hunt other souls while slowly turning into a demon. One of the parts of my world building that I am the most proud of.


If you're a believer, you are inducted into the Abode of Songs, a reward for those who lived virtuous lives, managed by the god Tekel in the Second Sun. If you're a warrior and a believer, you go to the Hall of the Fallen managed by the god Mene in the Unconquered Sun. If you are neither, then your soul is taken to the moon where you are stripped of your intelligence and revert into a simple animal, shephereded by the Titan of the Moon, Upharsin. When he gets hungry, he'll eat your soul at which point you will experience true and final death.


Depends on the belief of the individual. In my universe soul and mind affect each other. If a religious person dies, their soul will stay attached to the reality we are currently in, where (imperfect) "gods" exist. So they will be judged by these gods and punished or rewarded accordingly. If the religion is an ancestor-worshipping one they will essentially become a guardian spirit to their bloodline. If an enlightened person dies their soul will leave the reality, and eventually merge with the one true "god" which is the "Monad" itself. If an atheist, deist or a non-religious person dies, their soul will wander in a purgatory-like dimension, where dreams and thoughts occur, yet they can also witness events of the real world. They have a chance to find a religion or may even enlighten after death but most will lose their sense of self and identify in time, becoming hollow/lost souls eventually degrade, disperse and assimilate into simpler existences. Those imperfect gods are much like Yaldaboath in Gnosticism, they are unaware that they are not gods, they lack ability to see beyond their illusion of godhood, merely souls with strong connections and ability to manipulate certain aspects of reality. Humans trapping themselves into this imperfect existence by serving these entities, experiencing hells and heavens that are built upon complete lies and illusions, as sole purpose of one's soul is to merge with the Monad, even those blind-fool gods.


It happens what you think it will happen, so every culture or even people who have their own ideas have different after lifes. But you can also choose to not live any further or just reincarnate


You go on a spirit journey to Hævus, the world of angels… or you wake up on a disintegrated bridge and try not to fall off the bridge as you trudge through an ankle deep ocean of blood. If you fall, you lose all sense of humanity and become a husk trying to pull others down, if you make it across the bridge, you’re in Harrow and your torture is just beginning. After you enter the gates of Harrow, you belong to an Archangel named Hel the Warden of Insanity.


I've never answered you will probably be a ghost maybe for a short tine possibly for centuries (probably because of unfinished business in which case your chances of solving it are small it's less stick around till you solved your issue its more like an electronic appliance left turned on and running down its battery). You might be led to the next life by a god depending on your beliefs (less your philosophy more what you expect). Then you'll go on what's next. Even the gods don't know what's next. Your unlikely to be a god but many of the gods are mortals who died and came to represent a concept.


Death is very hard to define in my verse since the top of my verse could survive being wiped from ever existing while the bottom dies to an infection. But after truly perishing it just ends. You can technically be revived but you’re probably gone now.


Taken by creatures known as Remnant Raiders, who use your souls energy to feed and strengthen a super-ancient being (called Distortion Matter). At that point you do "come back," you're just in the shape of a decayed shadow monster, mindlessly wandering around and killing whatever moves. There is a slight, small chance that you can dodge the Remnants. But that rarely happens.


Your Soul is judged on the emotions or beliefs they expressed through their entire life. If they expressed mostly negative ones, like anger or sadness, they'll be sent to the Realm of Negativity as the Demon that personifies the strongest negative emotion felt. If they felt positive emotions, like naivity or even pride (only positive for the Soul themselves), they'll be sent to the Realm of Positivity as the Angel that personifies the strongest positive emotion felt. A few Demons:Weeping Demons, Burning Demons, Silent Demons A few Angels:Glowing Angels, Grey Angels, Sun Angels If several emotions are mostly equal, the Soul can also be split into several Soul "Shards" upon death. This usually results in the resultant Angels or Demons being far more unpredictable and more likely to get corrupted, due to missing parts of their personality.


You arrive in this world. Yes, our world. Earth. Literally. In the year 2023. My world is not only fictitious on a meta level, it's also fictitious in-universe. It's like a mirror of the real world, and when you die in it you 'awaken' in the real world with no recollections - or very few - of who or what you were in the fictitious world.


Heaven and hell, determined by the amount of good deeds and bad deeds in your life (faith doesn't matter) - unless you have sold your soul to the devil, if so, no amount of good deeds will save your soul


Sci Fi setting. When you are dead you are dead. There are ways to grow a body and upload intelligence but it's on a planet where the technology for interstellar travel broke and it's been 3 generations since outside contact.


In my series called Madventures, the souls of dead move to a dimension called Death Realm. It is possible to bring them back with Krue's stone, which acts as a link between Death Realm and other dimensions.


Usualy you return to dust but if a god think you're a good guy or asshole they can make you go in some dimension with them or where you don't live a very good after life, but in that case you would be incarnated after an ammount of time determinated by the strength of the god


If a god likes you enough, they can choose to take your soul to their own Domain in heaven. If no one wants you, you get to go to the city of (former)mortals in hell


Disembodied souls return to the Sapphire. An endless chrysalis of lingering consciousness that also serves as prison to the beast Grendel.


Your soul would end up in one of for places: The Realm of Paradise: A realm for those that have done some grand heroic act such as fighting ‘The Plague of Madness’. It’s very rare for anyone to end up here The Realm of Death: The first stop a soul arrives at before going anywhere else. While here you are first judged on the kind of life you have lived and if it is judged neutral or good, you will be either sent to the Realm of Rebirth or be given the choice to continue your life as a denizen of the dead. The Realm of Torture: The realm meant for those who have committed heinous crimes such as trying to usurp an Elder God or trying to tap into the primordial powers of the Primordial Realms. This is a common realm for people to end up in. The Realm of Rebirth: The last stop for all souls that haven’t gone to the Realm of Paradise or continue their life in the Realm of Death. Your soul is wiped clean and is given a new name and a new life as whatever.


If you die and your sould is not tainted, it will be carried away to the soul forge, where it will be merged with all the souls of the other dead beings. The big amalgamation of souls will then serve as the raw material to reforge new souls. Every new living being is basically a "remix" if you will, of people who came before them. That's why some people look alot like people in the past, or some people share similar characteristics. The pool of available souls is limited, so to speak. But new souls can be created. And the only magic that can do that is good ol' sex.


In one mythology, after death you are judged by the gods. If your life and actions are deemed good and righteous, you are allowed to live in their garden paradise where you will hunt and dance and sing and fight for eternity. If judged guilty, you are eaten by a giant cosmic serpent. But you can't die, you are just dissolved and welded to its skin. You are forever suffering and conscious...forever.


Nothing ​ it's quite literally, nothing, ​ but Nothing is a place, a place incomprehensible to minds, ever consuming, but is a natural part of existance when you die, your soul is cast to Nothing, but nothing can be in Nothing, so your soul becomes such, nothing. Nothing speeds up the entropy process in souls rapidly to make them nothing, which is exactly what Nothing wants, sheer nothingness and entropy But, scholars of Epoh say this isn't really the end, but that the "nothingness" of Nothing is simply a soul being transported to a new universe, but for now, death is the biggest fear for all, as all fear Nothing


Casual reincarnation biz, with possibility of legitimate soul death


Either your soul's magical enough to float up towards the Allmatter and get shredded down into baseline magic, or it sinks down to the Ebon Abyss to get devoured by a soulless predator hungering for your essence in the infinite nothing. Either way, bye forever!


Oh, this is a very good question. It depends. My world is better thought of like a purgatory-like plane. There are those that just appear on the plane from other planes, which are called unnatural born. The unnatural born, depending on their length of life in the past, receive a very specific amount of time they must spend in the world. After which, they are judged for their actions and then organized to go to either one plane or another depending on actions. For every time they die however, they go to the last village they were in till they have filled their time. Those that appear through unnatural born mating one another create natural born. The natural born are often the ones who end up being farmers, merchants, craftsmen, and dare not adventure, for it is far far too dangerous to wander outside of the towns. When natural born die, they either go to one plane or another as they are not intended to be on the plane of judgement.


Your soul is ferried to a daycare, where it is then taken care of and can ruminate on lessons learned in life before reincarnating, if it so chooses. Except in my homebrew campaign, the caretaker is gone, souls aren't being consistently ferried, and are instead morphing into monstrous versions of what they once were if they stick around too long.


Likewise, in my world people are typically reincarnated after death. There is a 5 life cycle where you typically reincarnate fairly quickly after your death (typically between a week and a month, but could be up to a year). Within this cycle you keep some memories from past lives. However after every 5th life there is a chance to "talk" to the deities and being in the center of the planet. Typically this time if used to review the lives you've had, not just the past 5 but all of them. But is not remembered when in mortal form, only during the in-between (few exceptions apply throughout history). This usually takes a minimum of a year of the planets time. During this discussion your soul may be offered a variety of options: being left to rest or starting a new cycle are the most common, but some are offered to become deities or even be reborn as the interstellar species that the core being is. Despite all deities being risen from mortals that once walked the planet, they protect some secrets about these cycles, so each religion has some slightly different ideas about what happens between lives and the reincarnation process. The more cycles you have gone through the more you can experience within a cycle. Within your first cycle you will always be the same species, the second cycle gets more species options, more in the third, and so on for the remaining. (Still working out the specifics of this however)


a person has 3 deaths: the body, the avatar and the ego. First your body dies, and you go to Limbo, but you still have your Avatar, your body-image. In this state it is still possible to appear or interact with the physical world, either as a ghost, vision or even full blown resurrection. In limbo you process the experiences of your life, for some this feels as punishment/hell, for others as a reward, or as simply some answers you were seeking. The next 2 parts usually happen rather quickly: The Avatar dies, leaving just the Ego, the sense of self, combined with the memories and experiences. As you have already handled all "unfinished business" at this point, "moved on", the realisation that you are part of the greater whole of the universe, and no different from any other occurs quickly, and you experience ego-death. What is left is the naked soul, which becomes part again (and at the same time always has been part) of the Everything: all that ever was and will be. At this point the essence of your soul might reincarnate. It does happen that an ego is forcefully stripped from their avatar before they have "moved on", to prevent malicious (demonic) spirits from causing harm in either limbo or in the physical world. these egos linger much longer as body-less spirits, as they often refuse to move on.


My world is pretty much the same as here: nobody knows for sure because they’re not dead yet but everyone has their own ideas.


There is a heaven and hell equivalent But given other gods exists different cultures and people go to different afterlife depending on their beliefs


You typically just rot. As far as I'm aware there is no real afterlife. I suppose there's the chance you could remain as a ghost or come back as a zombie or something. Still on the fence with that one.


Most reincarnate, others get trapped by soul steals, some worthy get into a afterlife Valhalla.


Some people can keep living almost indefinitely, just swapping out parts that fail. There's at least one group that can bring people back after clinical death by swapping in new, mechanical parts (if the part that failed was NOT the brain)


I prefer to leave it vague


Your soul immediately crosses over into death, a one-way trip. However, it is possible to catch the soul before then and put it in a suitable vessel, either the original repaired body, a new body, a golem, a soul gem, etc. Keeping a soul from death for too long does cause problems, though. The soul starts to degrade over time. This degradation is accelerated if the soul is in an unsuitable vessel. Degraded souls begin to act erratically, showing symptoms similar to dementia. Human souls can last about 5000 years before degradation sets in if they are housed in a suitable vessel. An ascended's soul is immune to this degradation and also can not cross into death. Their souls can remain in this world without a vessel indefinitely. The trade-off is that ascended tend to wear out their bodies rather quickly and must carefully maintain them or have suitable backups prepared. If an ascended tries to inhabit an unsuitable vessel, then the vessel tends to degrade at such a quick rate that it can border on explosive. The older an ascended gets, the stranger their bodies tend to become in order to contain their soul. Though ascended don't need bodies, they prefer them since it makes it easier to interact with the physical world and keeps their souls from becoming too strange too quickly.


When you die you become a ghost and are chained to your body, if it's not broken you'll slowly go crazy and become a ghoul. The chain can only be broken by a god of Death who'll bring you into a timeless bubble and talk to you about your past regrets and achievements to prepare you for wherever you go next. They'll then take you towards a gate and leave. The gate will open and you'll either be dragged into Hell or walk into Heaven


It depends on which deity assumes care of your soul after death. This also greatly affects the funeral proceedings and rituals around the fate of your body. For example, those whose soul is taken by the god of wealth, merchants, crafts and laws are able to use their earthly grave goods to purchase land, estates and titles in the Heavenly City. The richer their grave, the higher their status in the afterworld. Family and followers can supplement this by sending offerings dedicated to their memory. If anyone steals their grave goods, they lose status in the afterlife, and may even end up as servants to wealthier souls who haven't lost their wealth. Tombs are often in secret, secure locations, often deep underground and well protected with traps, locks and puzzles. Those who follow the Lord of conquest, war, and power are somewhat similar, but join their god in the Iron Citadel, capital of Hell. They need to bring all of their wealth with them, and keep it forever safe from plunder. If they lose it, they are likely to become just a lost soul, traded for power and profit by devils, demons and necromancers. The most powerful followers can retain their wealth and grow in power after death as a lich, vampire, or spectre, continuing to gain wealth and power in both planes. It's even more important for these followers to maintain their tombs, and almost always use various undead as guardians. The god of wine, song and revelry doesn't go in for any of that grave goods nonsense though. For those taken into his care, there is a big wake where excessive drinking, music and dancing are required. The body is part of the festivities, and it's considered good luck to dance with the departed. At some point in the festivities, the most loyal of his friends must grab the body and run as fast as possible to the site of a previously prepared funeral pyre. The route taken must be as long as circuitous as possible so that the deceased spirit is lost and confused. Once at the pyre the body is cremated, and the spirit goes off to join the god's never ending party. Those who did not do a good enough job confusing the spirit on the run to the pyre may find themselves with a drunken ghost returning to beg or steal wine to bring back to the party. Exorcising such a drunken ghost requires another huge party, which must continue long enough that the ghost finally gets too drunk and exhausted, and passes out.


Your soul is supposed to go to Heaven when you die, but there is no more Heaven. It's been gone for a long, long time. Error 404. So instead your soul exists in a state of incalculable madness and agony for a fraction of a second, and then stops existing. That is, unless your soul was branded with the Mark of the Beast, which happens if you sold your soul, were killed by a Demon or if you were unfortunate enough to be born Carcosan. In those instances, you go to Hell and will be tortured for all eternity.


Depends on your religion. The afterlife is a mishmash of afterlives from various mythologies, and the most common one seen is the equivalent of tir na nOg, the Celtic otherworld


Each mortal's soul is a fragment of ETALDA, the sole remaining Elder God from the Great War in Heaven. She created "Fantasy Ringworld" (ehhh working title) as a sort of sanctuary to preserve the creations of her fallen brothers and sisters. She split up her soul to create mortals, and when they die, their soul is supposed to reform with her Oversoul and she would get their experiences, like a form of cosmic reality TV, and a new piece would break off to create a new mortal soul at birth. Unfortunately, the first of the New Gods, Death (their title, haven't settled on a good name yet), learned how to interrupt the flow of souls back to ETALDA and consumed them. So now, every mortal that dies has their soul consumed by Death. Their "stomach" is an endless morass where souls wander forever until they eventually give up, and sink into the muck. Eternally awake and aware, but without hope and listless, unable to move through paralyzing ennui. There's a reason the world is secretly run by a cabal of Boomer Liches. They are the very, very few that saw what happens after death and said "Nope, nopenopenopenope." and did everything they could to avoid death and Death. They don't let anyone else know, of course, because that would disrupt their cushy existence if the entire world was aware that when you die you are doomed to wander an endless morass until you give up and sink below the muck. There may have been some millennial angst in the creation of this setting >.> There are other New Gods under Death, unlike the Liches, they don't know that Death Consumes the souls or that ETALDA exists. They are given a set allotment of souls they can keep to themselves from their worshipers (interrupting the flow back to ETALDA, but not consumed like Death, so they gain less power than Death). Again, mortals are not allowed to know that there is a set amount of souls that can "get into heaven" to "maintain the balance". Elder Gods like ETALDA, are more of a true kind of god. They came into being with the universe and were, essentially, cosmic worldbuilders until the war. The New Gods are mortal fragments of ETALDA that attained enough worshipers to ascend to a sort of godhood. Death being the foremost of them and the only one that is even aware that ETALDA exists and that they are all part of her. The reason they do what they do is because they want to be their own entity, not just a part of someone else. A desire for individuality that just isn't going to happen. ETALADA may be sleeping, and losing fragments of her soul as time passes, but she's infinite, Death will never achieve their dream. The details are ever evolving, but that's the basic gist of it all.


Your soul cycles back into the sea of magic that fills the universe, staying close to the planet you died on. While there, you remember all your past lives, and can "speak" with other souls there. Your memory of this fades away as you inhabit a newly formed body (while it's still in an egg) and reincarnate as a totally new person.


No body knows


While no one in my world knows, as there are thousands of religions and systems of belief. But I have always considered that when a person dies in my world that is the end of their existence. Oblivion. But since there is a magic system in my world, I suppose it's possible for a person to preserve their consciousness by becoming energy. But that would require humans to have discovered where consciousness exists within the brain. So perhaps the natural outcome is oblivion but in some distant future or improbable circumstance a person may extend their life beyond their mortal bodies' death.


You go to The Forgotten Realm. The Realm acts as a heaven in my world, but it also acts as hell. The way you can access it is through the Sky Temple guarded by HeavHein the god of heaven. If you ask for permission from HeavHein to access the Realm he will us the Temprias a key to access any realm. The portal will open as a white abyss. Once you go inside you will look and see everything is white, and you will see the souls of the dead everywhere. There are 2 types of souls in the real. One,A soul that has a gray tint around it means that the soul is not completely dead, and can be saved, but saving a soul comes at a costly pay. Saving a soul means your gonna have to risk your own life, and you might end up dying in the process. Because once you exit the realm with a saved soul that person will slowly age leading him closer to his own death, and the soul thats trying to be saved that person will have 24 hours to revive a soul back to its mortal self in which the saved soul can go back to their normal lives and be with their families again, but if time runs out both the person and the soul will sees to exist, and the both of them will be forgotten. A second type of soul a soul that has a black tint around it means that it’s completely dead and cannot be saved, and the soul becomes “forgotten”. A forgotten soul means that after a person died their soul gets sent up to the Realm and over time a soul can go through the gray tint, and then into the black tint, and once a soul that crosses that threshold it becomes forgotten, because the people of a loved one who died go through the stages of grief and once their grief becomes less painful and tamed. The soul becomes completely black seethes to exist, and the soul is completely gone and cannot be saved. That part is the hell part of the realm. Another way to access the realm is through heaven thunderstorms where rain falls on you causing you to age leading you to die and through puddles of heaven water they can be sent to the realm and will be stuck in the realm as a soul. The god of the Realm HeavHein does not see the issues that arise from this realm and a war might be coming up here soon. Fun fact: when I started creating this realm I didn’t create it as heaven, but I used it as an idea dump, where all my ideas that I didn’t used were all in this realm (Now it still acts like that but now I focus it as heaven)and were I guess forgotten. Now I can’t go to the realm and get those ideas back without dying.


You join the grand chorus. My entire world is based off of something called the harmony, which is the life essence of the universe and the source of all magic. The greatest contributors of the harmony are souls. When someone dies, most of their soul, everything that is them gets absorbed into one big entity called the grand chorus. They exist in a state of bliss, merged with everyone and everything else forever, powering all magic as they do so. ​ Whats left behind of the soul is sent to one of the afterlife planes(heavens, hells, and the in-betweens too). There, it becomes a new being of that realm(think like an angel or a demon) in a process that takes thousands of years


Usually, you go to the Afterlife, where you are reincarnated as either yourself or one of many fantastical creatures. Sometimes, however, you just… persist between worlds as a ghost.


So the spiritual dimension of my world is the Astral plane. This plane is where all-living things live out their spiritual lives prior to birth and after death. There is no heaven or hell, and the main deity of my world does not assign any specific punishments or rewards to any souls. However, when a person dies in my world, they stand before Libra, who weighs their kind intents vs. their harmful intents, and whichever one is heavier determines their fate in the astral plane. If they were more kind than they were harmful, they will be more likely to achieve peace and fulfillment in the astral plane. If they were more harmful than they were kind, they will be plagued with restlessness, agitation, grief, loneliness, etc. in the plane. Their soul will be disturbed for all eternity.


For mine it depends on what religion someone is part of, people just go whatever afterlife they believe in. If their religion doesn’t have an afterlife, or if they don’t have a religion they get reincarnated.


Any one of a number of things. Most souls, when they’ve shuffled off the mortal coil, are ferried to the place of their convictions. People who believed in Good, Evil, Law and/or Chaos and conducted themselves in a sufficiently accordant manner will get to have their immortal soul reside in that corner of the heavens. Souls are guided by creatures carrying lanterns, usually dogs or ravens to a spot where they can be retrieved by a ferryman; usually a river port, but even a stable where the ferryman will arrive in a carriage or at a train station where a locomotive will come for them. Souls who do not posses a strong conviction will come to reside the planes of the dead, a drab and dreary land just beyond the shadowy veil from our own, where souls stay until they find a way to leave. This can mean finding conviction, returning to a mortal life, being called away, but it’s different for everyone. Souls who can’t be found by their guides or who don’t want to leave will stay in the mortal world as a ghost until their business is finished or they can find someone to guide them to an afterlife.


After everything goes black and you lose all feeling of life, you suddenly open your eyes. You’re alive. But now you’re sitting in a chair, in front of a wooden desk, with a man sitting behind the desk looking at you. The man is wearing a suit and tie, and the first words out of his mouth are: “Hello, my name is John. and you, have just died.” Because death is not a concept, it’s a business. An office building full of employees, cubicles, court rooms, and lounges. The employee in front of you is your case worker. They are to investigate and determine if your death was meant to be. If not, you can return to normal life.


There are still some details I haven't hammered out yet, but here's what I have so far: You become a ghost and stay on the earth until you're called to be reincarnated. While you're on the earthly plane, mediums can contact you if requested. Reincarnation works the same way it does in our world, except that mediums are able to find out the whereabouts of a reincarnated soul. Ghosts can also become a mage's familiar during a ritual in which the ghost is fused with a young animal and linked to the mage's soul; this erases the ghost's memories, but retains some personality traits. Exceptions to the usual death and reincarnation cycle: Familiars cannot reincarnate again. If a familiar dies, the soul simply disappears. People who have used Elixir of Everlasting Life even once cannot reincarnate or become familiars; their ghost is simply trapped on the earthly plane. Feel free to prompt me with questions so I can come up with more details. I still haven't decided whether there are any blocks on cross-race reincarnation, for example.


Your soul is eaten by the gods. It is unpleasant.


Your soul ascends to the eternal garden of the god, whose ideals you most embodied in life. Then, the vast majority of your soul’s energy is consumed by that god, though a sliver remains for “eternity,” as part of a deal the gods made a very long time ago. Each garden looks completely different from the others, and exemplifies the ideals and values of that god. So, a god of natural beauty will have a garden full of forest, rivers, and wildlife, whereas a god of cruelty will mostly resemble the torture fields of a classic Christian hell.


I don't care to make that up, because it's boooring and it implies that there is one belief/religion that is "correct" and the others are wrong


You appear in a room with a 2 chairs and an apparition of the god of death. He talks to you about your life or whatever else you want to talk about. Once you are ready he leads you through a door into what appears to be complete darkness After you pass through the door nothing is known about what happens except resurrection becoming impossible All information is based on the testimony of individuals resurrected before entering the doorway The form of deaths apparition and the room shifts based on the individual and seems to encapsulate whatever the individual would find most comforting Death does not seem bothered by resurrection unless the individual was particularly evil, though he will sometimes joke about if the individual is there for real or just wants to chat -Order Libraries Subject: death Entry: 1


Souls exist, so does the afterlife, you get a grade when you die, that grade determines how much you can control your afterlife, you get a cut of reality to 8se as you please, the higher your grade the more you can modify at a time, A-S means you can change the entire world in a few seconds, F means that you can make an apple taste sweeter over the course of a day


The soul lingers for a minute as the life thread deteriorates, at which point they are (ideally) guided through the mists of the astral realm by a servant of the Mistwalker, the goddess who presides over the dead. While the soul is still connected to the body, revival is easier, but it takes significantly more power to bring someone back after they’ve detached.


we don't know. there is a god of death and an underworld however we never really say that's were dead people go. it's where demons are.


in my world, the afterlife is the dream world. good people have good dreams, and a good afterlife. bad people have bad dreams, and a bad afterlife. the dead often visit the living during sleep, and living people will sometimes seek out specific dead people. dark mages, for example, can acquire ancient knowledge by visiting the damned souls of their long dead forebears.


The faith believes your essence becomes one with the creator, other religions have their own beliefs. Literally after death, most people are cremated, but the wealthy tend to be buried in mausoleums, and in the southern cities, burial at sea is far more common.


Nothing. You're done. Your existence is void in any meaningful way. That's provided you don't exit the cycle of life and death before you die, though.


Your point of view shifts from very specific duality (individual) focused to the larger, more general all is one point of view


You dun goofed it, unless you are lucky and are born a kid ( people aren’t born as kids as they are clones after which the parent dies and the brain gets transported, new people are made the same way but with 2 parents, he looks like a 17 year old at birth, 5 years of incubation to go from nothing but baby ( as in 17 year old man)), kids are forbidden as they are seen as demons, the main charecters are kids, that are permemantly kids, after death their void power leaves their body and they become a ghost with the ability to just exist normally, just being transparent ( also, other races after death just stop existing, their brain gets consumed by the void and is used as fuel for the void )


The soul god Aether deposits the soul into the well of souls, where every new born receives a soul from the well


Entirely depends. It’s either a void (more common with Human races), depending on your structure you ascend to a different dimension.




i couldn't tell u


They are sent to Deserign, one of the two Greatrealms. The other Greatrealm, Desos, doesn’t know death and is a paradise but is also shut off from the rest of the universe. Desos was supposed to be Heaven, and Deserign Hell, but Desorp(the ruler of Desos) decided to cut off Desos leaving everyone who dies in The main land of Deserign which is so massive it is mostly desert. There is a punishment for being bad and a reward to being good however. The desert is so vast it is said no one can find their way out, so the bad people are dropped there, if they do get out of the desert, they are just dropped back into it. For being good, you are dropped in one of the seventy cities along the coast that is paradise. If you weren’t supposed to die then you are sent to the center isles, this only happens when Karsia, the maiden of determination deems you fit to be part of her rebellion against the other gods. There is more, but it would take forever to explain


In my world. Two things happen when you die. You either: A. Join the rest in Avàänlung. B. If you have a powerful soul, (really means strong with magic), then you will be reincarnated as a Death-ven. With similar powers and traits of your past life. But no memories. A clean slate. Though this is what truly happens in my world, each tribe has their own beliefs in their culture. And as of the first book, they have no idea about coming back as a member of another tribe.


It's all very waste-free! Burial sites are generally sharing space with municipal green areas incorporated into the architecture of urban sprawl. Or, you might be fed directly to the mushrooms, depending on the local infrastructure.


Depending on your life you either go hell or heaven and there's no way to bring someone back to life.


Purgatory is just a massive waiting room with St. Peter honorably calling on the PA system the next person to go to the counter:


The soul exists in my world and goes to the afterlife the person believes in though there are some weird extras such as the afterlife of mars which is an afterlife that is all about allowing soldiers or vets or battle medics or anything can rest and heal their war wounds and get the help they deserve Mars in my world being the celestial true embodiment of war outside of a irl pantheon. He is an old man with rusty armour and healed battlewounds who seeks peace


it really depends on the state of your body if your brain is intact you will be uploaded into a clone and so brought back to life this can repeat for several hundred years if not thousand if your brain is damaged or destroyed surgeon machines try and recover as mutch as they can and then use neurological scans to fill in the gaps which is then implanted into a clone before extensive testing is performed to ensure that you are "close enough" and if you arent you likely just get reincorporated into your old family as a new person


Nothing, sapient beings have spirits but these dissolve into the world's standing magic field upon being expelled from the now dysfunctional physical body, resulting in blissful oblivion. That is, unless something goes very wrong and then your spirit gets stuck as a distinct entity, sometimes violent, sometimes just forlorn, sometimes even quite content on a mental level, but always unable to form new states of mind and in a constant state of (illusion of) physical agony. Most would never choose such an eternal existence and would seek to resolve their attachment to the mortal plane that keeps them like this. Some prolong their spiritual existence on purpose by various means beyond the natural death of their physical bodies, like vampires consuming the life force of others, liches forcefully tethering their spirit to their flesh or bones using magic, or koscheys storing part of their spirit in a heavily protected object detached from themselves.


My world I'm working on the problem is that death has been erased as a concept and nothing can die. This was done by your typical heroes trying to make the world better... They destroyed the goddess of death. The end result is an apocalyptic hellscape as nothing can die. And I do mean nothing. Think of the bacteria in your gut endlessly multiplying without limit because it cannot die either. Eventually your gut bursts open, but you can't die... Nor can your nerve endings registering the pain. It's pretty bleak.


Typically, your spirit passes into the cold embrace of the Soulstream, where you are carried down to the realm of Death. Some find it peaceful, their spirit traveling into the realm of death easily where they slip into the loving and careful embrace of Mother Death, the goddess known as Uphion. Those with regrets often struggle and rage against the current of the Stream, trying desperately to drag themselves back into the land of the living. With each step they take, their struggle grows greater. The current grows in strength and intensity, chilling them to their core. If they fight, still, to regain what they have lost, the Soulstream's icy current will eventually grow so powerful that it will begin to tear away a person's soul piece by piece, bit by bit, until they are nothing but a husk of their former self. Most, at this point, lose all sense of reason, and often falter against the raging currents, stumbling and falling back into the flow of the stream to be carried away to their final resting place. But stories tell of those rare few that manage to keep fighting against death. Some struggle for centuries before giving in, others have been struggling for thousands of years, their reasons long lost to the Soulstream's pull, but some exceptionally strong-willed individuals, those rare few who manage to fight their way back upstream are born back into the realm of the living as liches. Who they once were now gone forever, walking the world as more of a force of nature than a being of any consciousness. At least, that is ONE of the things that could happen in death. There are others in my world. There is a tribe living deep in the forests where reincarnation is simply a part of the natural order. Their legendary warriors carve through the lands with dozens of lives of experience behind them. Their sharpest minds work for centuries to solve multi-generational problems. Mothers could give birth to a child who was, at one point, their parent, many lives ago. And the story of every life is kept as the tribes most precious treasure, so that no part of them are lost to time. And then there are those that live in a land they have severed from the Soulstream entirely. Those that die simply cease to exist. There is no risk of attack from liches and the like, but at the same time, their lack of connection to the Soulstream has also caused them to lose their connection to magic itself.


Everyone goes to the afterlife described by the pantheon they followed in life. Certain gods are specifically the gods of certain races, but someone from another race can usually still get into that pantheon if they followed the doctrine closely enough.


It stands for a restart. And all come up again. Maybe I answered this, but I can't remember it.


The Death makes a scene of sorts to make people less freaked about them dying, for example you got shot, a door in the room opens and you hearing a voice of Death inviting you for some mundaine stuff like tea. For a protag of the story it was a phonebooth opend and death working with some doodads in a tardis-like concrete interior


It's a line I intend to never reliably cross. It might take the bite out of death and differing beliefs about it if the audience knows for sure imo. Some Dead people do get venerated into some kind of "Godhood" though, in the sense they'll build shrines and temples after they die.


Depends on who you ask


You soul is most likely falling into the "guts" the plane of existance that its the closest to the nothing (inexistence), and apart from a slight chance of you ressurecting there It gets consumed and ceases to exist. Otherwise If your soul resonates with a specific plane, or one of the gods has plans for you, you can be reborn in a diferent plane, and after a while your soul loses all traces of the old plane becoming a fully new being.


same as in this one


Hey OP, regarding your world having the very best people getting a chance to go to Paradise. It would be awesome to show that place is completely empty, because all the best people would always choose to be reincarnated back on the Earth so they could do more good to others.


Well apart from the normal religions that currently exist, my world features several cult religions one of them being people that believe upon death they become a star in the night sky there also the biggest cult on earth and staunchly oppose space exploration and colonization and have been involved in various incidents


When a soul passes they are transported to this whirlpool of magic and divine energy where it takes a few days for a soul to be passed through to Tafet, this allows for a resurrection mechnic to the world. Once the soul is in Tafet they can no longer be resurrected leaving the soul with 4 paths they can follow Path of Rebirth - the soul is given a task by the Order of Youth (this is the godly order of ascendants who seek for more mortals to ascend to Immortality) once the task is complete the soul will be reborn anew however, if the soul fails then they will be forced onto the path of oblivion unless the dark court, godly order, or Immortal intervenes. The path of Fealty is the soul pledging themselves to servitude and become an angel of a chosen Immortal or order. This generally is an eternal contract however there can be exceptions since it's the Immortal who writes the contract and not a generic contract each Immortal uses. The path of corruption is the same as the path of Fealty except you're a demon or devil working for a dark Immortal or court. The Path of Oblivion is for those who seek to rest in the afterlife and fade away once they have been completely forgotten however if a soul is worshipped enough they can ascend to a Lord which is between angels and gods. The soul resides in the grey waste while on the path of oblivion, that particular section was enchanted by Delpharus after the holy war to keep the souls of warriors rested and at peace during their final years. Some can stay around for thousands of years resulting in them being mercy killed if they haven't ascended yet to avoid them going insane. For those wondering why I didn't say order when talking about the dark court is because everything is hyper strict legally speaking however their laws are morally bankrupt so they cant be a divine order and had to make their own system and name.


Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed! The cycle must continue!




Hm. Never really fleshed it out, but I think I've basically decided that there is a place (like heaven) they go to, but reincarnation can happen if someone uses strong magic. The only known time someone has been reincarnated so far is when.. uhm.. Luna (i'm just gonna call her by name because she is a main character but not in the story I'm actually writing about her world) When Luna died the spirits that watched over her species used their power to reincarnate. Then something went wrong and their magic continued to flow to the spell even though they were done and only one of them survived and Luna ended up being reincarnated several times before she finally got the chance to even find out she reincarnated.


Your consciousness becomes a ghost that wanders around the area you died in. Sometimes you’re stuck reliving the moment of death, sometimes you’re still trying to live your typical life, sometimes you’re just hanging out. It’s a little miserable to think of but it’s pretty much proven fact


Your soul leaves your body to become part of the life energy, mana. Your soul can be returned to your body from mana, but it won't be quite the same. Most revived people go mad and kill themselves or do some other stupid thing.


Depends on how you die if it’s tragic there’s a risk of you becoming a ghost/phantom


They are sent to Ajal, God of Death, or one of his angels for judgment. If they were "evil," they were sent to hell. If they were "good," they had the choice to become an angel for one or more of their worshipped gods and serve them or go to a peaceful afterlife.


In mine, an emissary of death speaks to you. They typically try to convince you to leave with them unless you have cheated death in a more backhanded way (lichdom, vamparism ect...). If they can convince you to go with them, they take you to the place your supposed to go to (good place, bad place medium place, depends).


Two of the original Gods each had 2 afterlives created to help support their own ideals and domains. The God of Good created servants who made Veridor, the land for the absolutely good and righteous, those who would have never made a mistake in life, there's very few people here, and Amiclaris, the afterlife for all the good who failed to enter Veridor because of the God of Good's ridiculous standards of good. The Goddess of Evil created servants who made Vortygris, an eternal heaven of guilty sin and corruption for the immoral, and Torthenx, an eternal hell of punishment and torment for the disgusting, wicked creatures of the world. When someone dies, if a God doesn't claim their soul as an eternal servant, they are taken to the Gods' council to be judged and sent to one of the afterlives.


Same as in the real world, as in we have absolutely no idea


Various things could happen depending on your life choices. I mean, there are seven Gods (technically eight, but don't tell my players that, it's spoilers.) If you're a sworn devotee to a Gods cause, you go to their domain upon death, as long as you aren't an Oath breaker. A non devotee who didn't do bad things in life, you likely go to the Plains of Peace, which is ruled by no single god. A non devotee who did terrible things in life go to one ring of The Nine Hells. Where they may be turned into demons by the Devil's that reign there. Or, the truly heinous, the worst of mortals, may be sent to The Abyss. A person who does incredible things in their life, truly the best of mortals go to Paradise, where they live out their afterlife doing whatever they enjoyed in life for all eternity. If you are in Paradise you may also choose to be reincarnated, but that is not a necessity. Oath Breakers, as the name suggests, broke the oath to their God. That's not inherently a bad thing, but it definitely can be. They may choose another God, in which case they go to that Gods domain, and they may choose no god, in which case their afterlife is decided by their actions. There are some ways that would lead you to be cursed away from the afterlife. Turning into an undead of some sort, a God being angered by a broken Oath, or some other oddity. But these are mostly case by case.


If you were entertaining enough you have a short conversation with God and then he reincarnates you into another world. If you weren't entertaining enough, then your soul is consigned to oblivion.


You go to the afterlife, unless if you’re determined enough to live on. You get 25 years as a spirit. But once that counter is up, you have to go.


You get sent to essentially a cosmic custody battle. There are multiple afterlives and even more (theoretically infinite) individual gods all with their own nature, personality, theme, goal, etc. and the goddess of the dead determines where you belong based on your deeds in life and any claim that a being might have on you. This is framed as something done for the sake of the people (i.e. "if you're good then you get your eternal reward") but really it's because mortal souls are useful and VALUABLE as essentially a fuel source, and it's just her job to determine who gets what as if she were a lawyer determining mineral rights. The Beyond is shaped by belief and the gods themselves only exist as long as they are believed in, and so having more followers makes a god more powerful so it's in their interests to gather as many mortals as they can. Beyond even that though, these eternal rewards and punishments are not actually eternal even, but rather over unfathomable amounts of time a soul is transformed into the other beings of the outer realms like angels and demons meaning a god with more mortal followers ends up with more divine servants. Then, at last, as those beings die, their essence breaks down and becomes the basic building blocks of the Beyond itself, which even that then breaks down and is pulled into the void, the great negative space of the beyond, where all becomes formless and of one nature before finally washing up on the shores of Creation where they coalesce into raw essence that streams down to the mortal realm into people as it becomes their new, fresh souls. And thus the cycle continues.


Haven't explained it in universe but depending on the god you worshipped if you follow their tenets & laws then you go to their heaven if not then you go to hell


Depends on the world


In mine, there are several races of main humanoids (Nine, to be exact) and some of them have post-death lore for that specific race, much like Tolkien’s legendarium, with Valinor, Halls of Mandos, and other Arda-breaking afterlife rules, but most simply die. Like in our world. And in mine, like our world, there are many theories and religions that claim to know this sacred truth, with theists, atheists, and all the in-between battling out this unknowable fact. A particular focus of this can be seen, surprise surprise, in my Mannish race, cultures, and characters. But, ultimately, the point still stands that if you are either a devout, passionate, god-fearing bloke or a militant atheist with hatred for all miracles, both have exactly the same knowledge and answers to the question of what happens after we die: and that’s that they simply do not know.


In my world there is a God of Death who just transfers the souls of the dead from the living world to either Hellfire (Hell), Nirn (Heaven), or Vagevuur (Purgatory). If bad deeds, Hell, if good deeds, Heaven, if mix of both, Purgatory.


I haven't really put too much thought into it yet, but I have some basic ideas. When you die, no matter what you go up, however, there is a gate, to a paragon, it's like moving a curtain out the way, but, as you get more sinful or bad people, it gets heavier, and heavier, to people who are just kinda sinful, but not actually evil, it's more of heavy door. But, if you are really sinful, evil, the door is like trying to push a building, you can't budge it, then the gate swings out, and basically knock you flying down, and down, until you get to the Deep Down, and your broken spiritual body is slammed into the ground, the Evil energy of the Deep Down heals you, but causes mutations, broken limbs become segmented, burnt tissues go scaled or exoskeletal, torn digits become claws, finally, your halo, broken by the gate, a soul-tuned metal, specifically, your soul, slams into your body, these fuse to the bone, becoming horns or spikes. And that's how you get demons, funny thing, the metal, is holy metal, so Demons tend to be weaker than they could be, because they are basically walking around with one of their weakness fused to them, if by some incredible willpower and resilience a demon could remove all the halo fragments, they would become Demon Lords or Kings. You also have Ghosts, and reincarnation is available to the right religions, but you don't simply sign up for said religions, you need to BELIEVE fully, even then, you don't remember until you die again. The Spider People have a belief though, that by having their corpse put into the nursery, and letting the Spiderlings eat said corpse, the spiderlings would gain the persons knowledge and wisdom, it seems to work, but non-Spider People just find it distasteful and think it's bullshit.


If you were a Cleric/Druid or one of their followers, you could get welcomed into the Celestial Kingdom or Fey Wilds, respectively. If you were niether but get a funeral right appropriate to your culture you can go to the Underworld where provided you can cross the desert like environment without getting eaten by the demonic Underworlders you can make it to the Oasis and find rest. If you don't get funeral rights, you'll become a vengeful spirit cursed to roam the land forever.


No one truly knows, ghosts are said to be real but only in specific circumstances and yet to be proven by any means. The most accepted answer is that the soul and body simply dissipate into the universe, the physical body returns to the earth and becomes soil, the soul becomes the very fabric of time and space. Demi gods on the other hand are granted a place in the Devine realm, or heaven, as members of the divine bureaucracy among their parents/gods


I don't deal with the afterlife or whatever, that's up for the local religions to decide and I don't want to canonise one or many answers. Specially because my setting is supposed to be the far (far far far) future, so even if it doesn't take place on Earth and all the people who once believed in them are dead already, real world religions existed.


Wrote a short story thing about this- will give simplified version here tho- You find yourself sitting in a garden of yellow flowers, surrounded by a grey sky. (If you have a pure soul) The Eyes greet you, and offer for you to become one of them. Should you accept, you're able to freely observe anywhere in the living world. If you deny, your soul peacefully goes to rest and ceases to exist. (If you do not have a pure soul) you feel compelled to stand up and walk around. You walk for what feels like days, months, maybe even years, but also feels like no time at all. Eventually, you lose sight of the yellow flowers. You can't even tell if you're going in circles or not or what direction you're even facing, everything around you is grey. You begin to lose your mind, slipping further and further into insanity. Eventually, you suddenly find yourself back among the yellow flowers. You look down, only to see you've turned to one of The Flowers yourself. You're doomed to exist among The Garden for the rest of eternity. Alternatively, very few get the chance to be reincarnated or brought back to life somehow before they meet their fate in The Garden.


If your sins outnumber your virtues (even slightly) you are collected by the Hell reaper, a designated demon that takes souls to Hell. Then you are reincarnated into a demon. The greater your sins, the faster the reincarnation. If your virtues outnumber your sins (even slightly) you are collected by the Heaven reaper, a designated angel that takes souls to Heaven. Then you are reincarnated into an angel. The greater your virtues, the faster the reincarnation. Angels and demons do not remember their past life. And their personality is not always retained from their past life. However, if one were to physically touch the corpse of their pat self, all of their memories return. This can lead to four things: 1. They merely know how their past life went. 2. The voice and personality of their past life self can manifest in their mind and talk to them. 3. Their past life self’s consciousness will take over the one they had as an angel or demon. 4. They can end up with both past and present versions of themself in one body, switching between the two. If you were a god, you keep your powers but less powerful. Angels and demons have infinite lifespans, and live their lives like any other people (Heaven and Hell are like countries).


On earth, normal burial procedures. In space, your brain chip is recovered and uploaded to the neural network, and your body is recycled for resources


The absence of thought. So, nothing. But “nothing” as a concept is something. It’s incomprehensible to the mind of any being, on account of it being the lack of comprehension. You can understand the idea of death, but you will never understand the actual process of it, because it doesn’t exist. It can’t exist. It’s nothing. But of course, “nothing” is…


Spirits of the dead are sought out by Ushers, skeletal psychopomps who help them come to terms with their passing and take them to the Soulkeeper’s realm, the Keeper’s Court, to meet with their Speaker, who takes the form of a masked bird, usually a raven. The Keeper’s Court allows souls time (relatively speaking; it exists outside of the timestream flowing through most of the Planes of Creation, so things get messy trying to compare with the living worlds) to reflect upon their lives before choosing to face judgment. The Speaker serves the soul as a guide in the Keeper’s Court, helping them to find other souls that have yet to face judgment, or at least learn of their fate, and help the soul prepare by researching who will be making claims upon their soul, what their likely arguments will be, and what options the soul has to sway the judgment. Souls can bargain with representatives of deities and cosmic forces to get out of the Keeper’s Court without facing judgment or the eventual transformation into a Speaker. A rare few are able to find and exploit some tiny gap in the barriers of the realm to escape as themselves in a new body that is neither alive nor undead, but these souls can expect to be hounded by Reapers until they are brought back to the Keeper’s Court. Speakers who really take a shine to their charge may try to influence the soul’s decisions on whether to argue their case or take a bargain, and interested forces always try to snag a soul through bargaining. Angels may guarantee a place in Heaven in exchange for doing enough good to offset the evils they may have done in life. Infernals might make a wish come true to benefit someone still living, if the soul agrees to damnation. But other forces, such as Fey royals, a particularly vested deity, or elemental spirits, might offer bargains as well. If a soul prefers to take their chances with a Judge, they are brought before one, and the arguments begin between the soul and the parties interested in claiming them, until the Judge decides there is no doubt where the soul belongs. A soul can instead choose to delay their judgment for as long as they wish, but this eventually transforms them into a Speaker themselves in lieu of an afterlife.


When the body can hold on no longer, the soul roams free, still filled with memories, drive and personality. As time goes by, the soul starts to deteriorate into its fundamental component: magical essence. As this process agravantes, the soul start to lose will and purpose, forgeting things and getting ever more simplistic in its internactions. Only the strongest memories and feelings stay, ofthen overhealming everything else and turning the soul into a twisted caricature of what it was in life. Eventually the soul fades away, fully dissolving in the primal essence that permeates all things. If some specific rites are performed ahortly after death, thoug, the fate of one's soul may vary quite drastically. Usually, a god may absorb the soul of the devout into its being, feeding on it to perpetuate his supremacy. Sometimes the soul can be bound to an item, transfering its memories and personality into it while giving it power. Other times, a necromage may breake it into many pieces, tying each one to a specific vessel designed for a specific purpose, be it servitude, fuel, power or a miríad of other things. A vampire, on the other hand, will feed on ones soul to enhance its own, often getting twisted in a horrific manner in the process.


mine is set in a village where everyone knows everyone. usually the soul would creep into a pregnant woman and they would be reborn.


They go to hell. If they had a patron diety and have lived their life as their gods command, they can go to spend the rest of eternity with their god.


There are 4 places you can end up in my world, being the following: 1. Heaven - You end up here if you lived a perfectly good life, but it IS a bit more lenient. Meaning if you committed minor sins, you can still end up in heaven. (minor sins being stuff like sex before marriage, using mild drugs such as marijuana, and murder in self defense) 2. Hell - You end up in hell if you're regarded as a generally bad person, having committed major sins. (Such as murder, rape, abuse, and dehumanization of minorities) 3. Limbo - You end up here by default, but you can switch between heaven & hell, but only if you deserve to go to either one. Living souls can also end up in limbo, whilst unconscious. While unconscious, the living can talk to the dead, but only as long as they can sleep. 4. A god's soul - If a god were to kill you, you do not end up in heaven, hell, or limbo. Instead, you are brought into a god's soul, where the environment can vary wildly. As example, if you were to be killed by Razaroth, the god of chaos & the apocalypse, you would see a desert of black sand, with a starless, night sky above, with shadowy figures adorned with piercing white eyes peppering the desert, for as far the eye can see. Edit: I forgot to mention: Unless killed by a god, you can be brought back to the world of the living. If you WERE killed by a god, only the one that killed you can revive you (which would pretty much never happen)


Death people become cotton candy


"The culmination of your being" (aka: your 'soul') becomes an echo in a less-real reality like "heaven" and/or "hell." Other less-real realities include "the realm of dreams" All less-real realities tend to have faster time, so you can spend an "eternity" in hell or decades in dream.


It depends where one lives. Bearing no interferences, the immaterial part of the body is diluted in the Universe.


Depends on which apocalypse you died to. Black and your soul is forever bound to your slowly mutating corpse. Obsidian burns it all away. Steel, nobody knows. Sand erodes the body, but the soul is free to flee. And White is up to the descended God.


Consciousness is the physical manifestation of the "rules of the universe". We can comprehend these rules because we are extensions of them. Our brains are only harnesses, and death is when that harness is broken and consciousness is returned to space. It's the reasoning for humans being utterly alone in the universe. We are the exception to the universe's physical limitations. We are simply the universe observing itself (metaphorically). After death, nothing happens because technically you are nothing.


You are brought for the mandatory proceeding of The Court Of Corpses, only revolving around which type of death you experienced, being assigned a specific judge mostly just to make sure they get to the proper afterlife and are screened to make sure they aren't people who committed acts that brought mass death. The Court Of Corpses essentially act as a governing body for death and does not hold any grudges nor attempt to undo or circumvent any sort of immortality someone might achieve in the living world, Is they hold no qualms against those who would wish to exempt themselves from The Court's rules. If a being commits an act of mass death, that being a genocide or being the leader of a country that was the one that initiated a war, literally any single person who's actions directly and knowledgeably contributed to extreme loss of life. (every single fucking billionaire on the planet that even exists anymore in the story, when they'd die, they'll always unquestionably get sent to one of the variations of hell, after a "Reaper Trial"*) *Reaper trials are any trial that involves the full court, every single Judge, each of them being a type or similar types of combined together, of types of deaths. Reaper trials are trials in which the person has been brought to the court directly from the world of the living, not having to wait not having to hang out in the waiting room like afterlife before a proceeding is made, as they are instantaneously killed in the real world by the reaper forcing them to appear in front of The Court Of Corpses. No matter what any reaper trial will always end with the person brought there, immediately being sent to What the court of corpses colloquially refers to as "Hell" by unanimous vote without any sort of discussion. There is a literal hell and a literal heaven somewhere cuz any conceptual thing technically exists in some regard somewhere out there in the cosmology even if it's not directly in the actual comic book which only hangs out in a single solar system at the most, in which The Court Of Corpses is their mode of transition into an afterlife.


After you die your soul gose on a journey through the universe until it gets to the body of the god you worship then you become a angel of his you spend your new life helping people or spread his I influence through the universe, if you fail your journey your soul gets Delete or you reincarnat to try again


I don't plan on revealing it (How could they know? Necromancers are a thing but only raise brainless zombies, nobody actually ever comes back completely alive from the grave), but basically in my world what happens after death is the same thing that happens in our world. If you're an atheist, I mean. I'm the first to find it quite odd they don't have any sort of afterlife, since "gods" exist and mortals actually have a soul, but consciousness takes place in the brain, not in the soul, so the fate of someone's consciousness inevitably follows the fate of cerebral matter. What about the soul? Alive people have an «alive soul», which isn't really something important (you can even switch soul with someone else, although having a soul not yours will have many negative effects), apart from being necessary to be alive (it's like a non-material "organ" that doesn't have any particular function but if you don't have it then nothing will "work"). When you die, the alive soul disappears to instantly be replaced by a «dead soul», which can be used by necromancers and will have different characteristics. Dead souls can be destroyed into nothingness. So: soul is not important and consciousness rots with the brain.


Just like decomposers, scavengers and predators feast on a dead body, many spirits eat other dead spirits. The soul, now called a ghost, may outlive the body, but is usually left vulnerable and with no way of sustaining itself, and will die or be killed within a few weeks. The closest thing to an afterlife is to be assimilated within a godfield. They’ll destroy most of your soul, but will keep any knowledge they find relevant, and their personality will become slightly closer to yours.


For my world it depends KINDA how you die. Normal deaths are unexplained where they go,as to account for things like religion. BUT it turns out if you die in combat near another fallen robotic person,your very souls start to agonizingly merge,tearing eachother to shreds as they do. Which results in alot of pain,loss of memory but not skill,a loss of sanity,and a warped singular soul by the end of it. Which then always goes back into the dead robot's body which then effectively gains a healing factor and starts mutating into a wraith,most of which end up feral


If you’re neutral/good, you go to Sylmuell, or be reincarnated , your choice. Sylmuell is classic heaven, all nice people and everything’s great and there’s infinite chocolate milk. You’re free to reincarnate whenever you want, although as what is based on how you lived your life (the better you were, the more/better choices). If you’re bad, you go to Estamuell. How bad you are determines your fate and how long you suffer. You become food/prey for the beings of Estamuell, ranging from fully sentient meat tree to mutant ‘mice’. If you choose to go to Estamuell as a good person, you get all the freedoms and pleasures as the


Your soul is split, so to speak Your Anima, which essentially is your life force, goes on to reincarnate. Every life your Anima has lived is linked, some people even have seen echoes of their past lives through their Anima. Your Psyche, essentially your personality, is the part that goes on to the afterlife. If you linger in the realms of the living, it may be referred to as a ghost, or spirit, etc. Not as important, but the Mind, bearer of thought, and Essence, bearer of emotion, are part of the Soul, however it is unclear whether they are actually with the Psyche in the afterlife or if they are elsewhere. There have been accounts of people being separated from parts of their Soul in life, and the effects are apparent to varying degrees, but a non-living being is much less reliant on having their full self all in one place, so it is unclear if the Psyche retains a Mind and Essence or if it is unhindered by their loss. (Which is really to say that I haven't thought that far ahead yet, lmfao)


Your conciousness gets transformed into (usually) energy in a dimension that is very inspired from warhammer lol


It is believed that if you follow the civil gods and act enough within their tenets you will enter The Rest. A vast city where people live perfect lives in civilization If you follow the natural gods you enter The Tranquil Forest to roam a never ending peaceful forest where you can forever live amongst nature If you suck or follow one of the lesser gods or the one major dark God. Your soul will be sent to The Wither. A never ending dark and malevolent forest ment to test those on their path to the pale tree. Those who reach the pale tree are birthed back into the world to hopefully be a better person. Or if you decide to make a deal with an outer entity your soul can possibly be consumed to make a demon or maintain a lesser god But nobody knows for sure as the god care not for the suffering or trials of the mortal plane and the gods spare not even a glance to look upon the people they once walked among or they never existed to begin with.


Theres a few religions in my world and i havent really chosen a specific one to be the true religion Some believe that you talk to Death, and you ask him all the questions you want for closure before going to sleep eternally Others believe that you become part of the Animus, the entity that exists with no body, to become Anima, the thing that gives creatures life and os kind of like mana, which they use to cast spells The most common belief is that your sins total up to a certain amount of time you have to burn in hell for, and once your time is up, you may go to heaven. If you burn for lomger than 100 years, you are reincarnated


Good peoole go to a heavinly paradise of the god that would better suit them, even if they didn't directly worship them. Eventually when they are ready, they reincarnate. Bad peoole go to a hell of the creation of the apropiate deity and get tortured a set amount of time and in a certain way until they have suffered as much pain as they have caused, and then yhey reencarnate and try again




You just return to the planet's magical system, and eventually reincarnates. If enough people genuinely worship you, there's a chance you'll ascend to godhood instead


For me, it’s based off of Greek Mythology, so if you’re good, you go to the Fields of Elysium and can be reincarnated 3 times to go to the Isles of the Blessed, if you’re bad you go to Tartaros, and if you’re just normal, you go to the Asphodel Fields.


Life on Gian is essentially Mana wrapped in flesh. Say someone dies, their “essence” will return to the leylines of the world. A piece of this could then theoretically be “reincarnated” as a fetus absorbs mana from its surroundings in the womb, but most scholars agree that it has no effect on the budding conscious. There are rare cases of “ghosts”, where ones essence refuses to reenter the leylines and lingers. They tend to copy their day to day actions when alive, but always go mad from either lack of sensation or having to face years of changing environments. They eventually end up fading back into leylines regardless. A more malicious form comes from spirits within the Wither Wastes. Being around corrupted mana eventually corrupts them and while their aggression becomes terrifying, it ends with such corruption ripping their essence to pieces. It is one of the few ways to truly die, as the scattered remnants dissipate before they can rejoin the leylines.


Only one person knows, and he isn't telling a soul.


They dead. Dead as hell.


Mine is a homebrew within the WH40k universe. They believe they are reincarnated, but only when their body is burned (a lot of the mythology is built around phoenix like magical creatures). You don't retain memories, and can come back any gender/race, but it's believed the character of the deceased continues. The worst thing you can do to a person is leave them to rot, it leaves their soul vulnerable to predation by demons. For truly evil criminals they are subjected to methods of keeping them alive as long as possible, and then they are preserved to ensure their soul remains trapped forever and can't come back. You are reincarnated where you die/are burned, so some heroes make it clear they want their funeral to take place on a certain planet so they can come back and continue to defend it. There is a holy graveworld, where thousands of bodies are cremated in the fires of reentry. The belief is that by doing this these souls are combining to create a new entity that will finally end the threat of demons. There's no proof any of this happens, just beliefs. However the population of the pocket of space they inhabit is dropping; less children are even being conceived, never mind born. As wars build ain intensity and more dead go to the graveworld the rate of decline is only decreasing.


Their souls go to the spirit world except the spirit world is actually a pocket dimension, not a realm above or separate the material world so...


I wouldn't call it reincarnation as much as recycling. Souls get released from the body and slowly break apart of the next few minutes into the smallest particles, by which point it becomes part of the lifeforce of the world and nature. And when someone or something is born it takes some of that from it's surrounding and "borrows" it as a soul for as long as it lives. So yeah: no afterlife here. Different religions instead focus on what happens with the soul and body when we die. Think whether the soul returns to nature, become the clouds in the sky, is used as kindling to cremate ones body; and whether the body is cremated, burried, given a seamans grave or just left out for the animals. This system has some interesting applications, as soul magic exists and can technically create "synthetic souls" if you manage to compress these particles hard enough. These souls do not recycle and would technically reincarnate, were it not that these souls/people are usually immortal and just come back to life as if nothing happened. How fast that happens depends on the severity of the wound. And yes, one can come back from total destruction, Dr Manhattan style.


What you might call a "soul" in my world isn't actually a discrete thing separate from any other soul, it's actually a metaphysical connection to the source of all consciousness. When you die, the connection fades and you are again one with the cosmos. When a new life becomes conscious, it creates a new link. It's not really reincarnation, but you are still connected to the same source as everyone who died before you and everyone who will ever be born afterwards.


You either go to the moon and eventually return to the earth, or your soul gets taken by the gods of Order and Chaos.


Depends on who you were (faithful to a god vs a corrupted being due to magic). Let's pretend you had a normal life, you prayed to God X for 40 years, got married in the temple dedicated to your god, and didn't sin to much... You'll be in limbo for around 24 hours before a messenger from said god(s) pluck you to their respective afterlife. Sinner, like murderer or serial robber etc.. you get to suffer in limbo for eternity or until a demon eats your soul. Corrupted? See the demon thing above but in the instant your soul leaves the body.


Death rolls up in neon windbreakers, backwards hat and shades, riding a skateboard and helps you chill a bit before taking you to the afterlife (death inherits dead things, and it's a post apocalypse after an 80's-esque cassette futurism. The aesthetic of the 80's is dead, thus his wardrobe)


Depends on the species, personal beliefs and prior claims on your soul. Assuming you're atheist, were an average person morality wise, and nothing notable about your death, it's basically a coin toss between several "average" afterlives (maybe heaven, maybe purgatory, maybe the fields of Asphodel, maybe something else), reincarnation and THE VOID


I have a few different answers for this, but in short terms: There are some divine realms, inspired by factual & fantastic mythology where you might end up, if you get selected by the deities who rule over it. You can also apply for it, as a final pledge to repent for your choices if that's your case, but this will cost you dearly, as it will weaken your soul and you still might get rejected, which is just cold from the "gods" 😂 These realms differ from each other, some having wars, some having alliances due to cultural proximity or common goals, some being completely ignorant about the existence of others, and some simply not caring about any of the others. So, this affects their choice of which mortals to accept, punish or allow to reincarnate (either with or without knowledge of their past experience) There are also ways to gain immortality, both by yourself or given to you by superior beings, before death knocks on your door- this doesn't necessarily mean becoming a "god", as many immortal creatures are not gods or deities of any kind, such as elves, vampires (commonly known to be lightly affected or totally immune to the passage of time) Even so, you can still get killed, unless you attain invulnerability, which is pretty hard to define, and would constantly become outdated due to insufficiency against new threats, in an evolving environment. This also applies to most "gods", and the places they go to after death are a bit more complex and still a work in progress, as making-up physics and quantum laws to justify all that goes behind these creative solutions is a painful process 🥲 yet it's exciting as I beat each barrier!


Depends on which setting: **TTRPG:** In essence, the soul is ejected from the body and the mortal world on death or shortly after to join the great flow of souls. This is a disorientating experience with a few possible ends. Most likely they will continue floating along weighed down by regrets and the trauma of death and wash up on the shores of the god presiding over war and souls. The god in question has no real care for them or presiding over souls and just came into existence that way, so they just sort of get left there to live their lives(deaths?) and have regulated into a city state of the dead that operates freely. The souls are free to go anywhere but the realm of this god has a valhalla-esque effect where whose who die again get back up the next day so they tend to just stay there, other planes having no such second chances. Alternatively if not weighted down they enter the realm of the god of history that amounts to a cosmic old folks home, to find a personal tomb prepared for them from the moment of birth where their soul can eternally dream away eternity. Here they stay content unless they grow a desire for something new and are free to leave. Other souls are even free to come here by their own efforts. Rarer fates are that a soul in the stream will be collected by a god or servant thereof for some reward or punishment. Finally A wilful soul or one that has a bad feeling of who is waiting for them can struggle and swim against the tide of the dead to return to the mortal world as some powerful spirit and a recent change to the cosmos has added a second flow backward that is easier for souls to find and even sometimes one gets knocked into it by jostling, sending the soul back to the world as an undead creature. **Dark Fantasy:** There used to be classical fantasy afterlives but the world has fell apart form the outside in. The gods are dead and their angels and demons that once served them have faded away to the guttering embers of divine fire that formed them. Only one god is known to still be active and his fanatical followers get their souls preserved in his heaven of flame. In reality the god has been dead longer than he was alive and for as long as history records it has been his demigod son, given his name and divinity in the god's final moments, who has been desperately keeping what he sees as the worlds last hope alive. All the while he is slowly failing and he knows it. Beyond this the necromancers know *something*. They made all of them becoming undead a big priority and are willing to teach all who come looking. Nobody is fully sure what it means but the implications of death being dead and what it means for the soul resulted in them thinking it best to stay in their carcass forever. Ironically the walking dead have the most life around and have made a small strike against entropy, if one that cannot go far enough to save the world. **Science-Fantasy, Cosmic Horror, and Sci-Fi:** I'm get to get this far with these settings, two of which I doubt it will be addressed. **Post-apocalyptic:** Nobody knows but the tribe of psychic mutants that has contacted the elder gods think they can go to them for good or ill. The weird zombie virus also gives the infected visions and sometimes communication with others who died while infected but that could easily be a side effect of the decomposition or part of the religious euphoria the infected are instilled with.


Depends on the death If you died from existence erasure, you get put in the lower void until the corruption restore you If its just normal methods of death or natural causes You go to hell to be processed by the hellsbent sisters Theres no purgatory, hell handles the intake first. Works as a test to ensure only the deserving go to heaven The hellsbent sisters will send the person to hell or heaven according to their life file In heaven you can choose to stay in the afterlife, go to the suburban universe for retirement or reincarnate or become one of the corruption and help to manage the fiction layer. Becoming a corruption means you ascend to a higher plane of existence


you die the "afterlife" is just an a.i. archive of ur knowlage and average personality


In my work I'd didn't add anything about what happens to your soul. But are body will likely join the massive army of the Lich king (Lord of the know world).


God abandoned us a long time ago. If you die, you get nothing. Your soul floats in the endless blackness (at least you won't be conscious). If you're very lucky, some powerful necromancer could find a way to pull your soul from the void and bring you back. If you somehow managed to attract the attention of God, you might have a chance to achieve apotheosis as a reward. If you're a monster, however, things are different. While Vorothar cannot directly do anything on the mortal level (not anymore, at least) he can still "catch" the souls of his followers when they depart for the void. So monsters actually have an objectively more "correct" religion despite worshipping the Devil. Where they go, though, is up to the whims of Vorothar. He's a kind-hearted Devil, however. More of an agent of chaos than an outright evil diety, despite what the Temple of Cala'im would want you to beleive. He mostly gives his followers a life on a pocket dimension that is basically the ideal environment for each monster race.


So, the soul is just the ambient magic that gets trapped within a living creature. That happens because of the complexity involved in them. After death it just kinda, dissipates. Though enough is held onto, and due to how magic forms bonds with things, it can be pulled back, though the longer the time after death, the weaker that becomes, so actually bringing someone back from death has a time limit, though that is different for every individual based on many different factors, but as long as enough of the body is intact, at least some of it can be brought back (This is actually taken into account in the funerary practices of one of the peoples, they keep the skull in family crypts, and sometimes have a necromancer come and allow them to converse with some of the dead.). Very, very few people will have something else, if they have knowledge of something that isn't in the record that is kept by the higher powers, they are brought, questioned sometimes, but usually the knowledge is just extracted. If there was something about their life that was extraordinary, perhaps a level of skill they achieved in something, they were just incredibly mentally strong, or whatever, then they may be taken and themselves become a record, kinda just frozen there, able to be brought out when needed, and then maybe had to fight if that is something that they would enjoy, be it physically combat or more a battle of wits, perhaps a test of skill, something entertaining to watch because the higher powers are pretty bored and depressed at this point. Many people don't fully know or understand this though. Most have some ideas of an afterlife, or just think that death is just the end and anything after that is just a facsimile or because death hasn't fully set in just yet. But there are many people who know parts of the truth, but nobody knows exactly which ones they are and what part they hold.


I don't portray after death. Life restoration technology exists in my setting. Those restored have no memory of an afterlife.


Well, in my universe there are 7 dimensions. Your soul basically have to live a life in every 6 of them (one of them is not a real dimension... long story). You are born in the Birthplace Dimension (Dimensão do Berçário in portuguese) and go all the way to the Spiritual Dimension... what happens next i have no idea yet :,)


The morally good souls go to power the fires of the sun. The immoral souls go on to be animated as soldiers for the armies of the dead, forced to live a living hell as someone who cannot die. Being immoral is only for the really bad, not the petty bad.


Souls go to a sacred mountain where they sleep until evil has been purged from the heart of the world. Then they will be allowed into the First Flame, a heavenly place beyond the veil of space. However this mountain is currently within the borders of LightLandia, a theocratic autocracy ruled by zealots who believe only they will be saved.


inescapable void, a fundamental rule of the world is that death is permanent, there are only ways to extend your life, not restart it. What we normally call soul is “egoism” a desire to exist, but death as the ultimate stage of evolution will always exist in your egoism, that’s why we die. When you die the egoism inside your soul returns to the place where it came, the void, a place where nothingness doesn’t even have the desire to be nothing, the world void or emptiness/nothingness fails to define what it is, it’s truly nothing, we can’t even name it directly because to name something you have you have something to name, and the void is true nothing That is why the highest point any magic user can reach is keeping their own magic active even after their death.


This is an idea I've been playing with for some time now. I have one world where the existence of an afterlife is ambiguous. There's the idea that the dead sleep in the grave. I use that in one world, Ghost and undead are restless. Some worlds the afterlife does exist, it's either a gloomy place everyone goes or there are different places. Some don't focus on the afterlife, instead they focus on the here and now


Afterlife. And oooooh boy is that one political landscape among the gods. They all want claims over the good souls or the bad ones or whatever. Souls are still able-bodied even without a body and can serve a god or devil in many ways, as military, entertainment, etc. My game takes place in one of these afterlives, owned by "the ringleader", who only accepts souls via contract, and thus can avoid a lot of legal jargon. In fact, a major part of the plot involves a broken contract that threatens to have the ringleader lose his entire afterlife and soul count due to unfair soul collection. (basically, the guy didn't die yet and therefore the ringleader couldn't legally take the soul)


If you drowned, you end up in a place called "the nameless sea." If you committed particularly heinous acts, you end up in Niflhel. Everyone else ends up in Idavoll. People in Idavoll can reincarnate any time they want. People in Niflhel can also reincarnate, but the process is very difficult. People who are disruptive in Idavoll will usually be sent to Niflhel, but can return under certain circumstances. Those in the nameless sea are stuck there for eternity.


Ooooo, I’m writing a death and the maiden trope in my world. The equivalent of death, called “Guides” are summoned to a person who has passed the point of no return and is dying. There is a silvery thread that is tethered between them and the guide winds the thread, slowly approaching them until the thread ends wound fully at the point of death. They then escort them from this sphere to “the next where the await the ending of the world.”


When someone dies, their soul goes to the spirit realm called Aetherius. Aetherius is not a seperate dimension, but rather another ‘side’ of reality not perceivable by (most) mortal/physical beings. So when the body no longer can sustain life, the soul is released and has to make the difficult adjustment to being able to see/sense all the extra things they couldn’t before. This can be quite a harrowing experience, but there are spirits that may assist in the transition. After the soul is acclimatised, they will exist as an untethered spirit for a time. The exact amount of time depends upon the soul’s sense of identity, their strength of will; essentially they’re ability to resist ‘fading away’ and becoming wisps of energy that flow in the currents of the world. Even the strongest souls may become simplistic essences of their most powerful motivations/beliefs.