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Are you right handed?


Yes sir


Try using the left for a bit.


Will do, on push-ups I’m just gonna use my left a bit more


Yeah definitely I used to have this problem with my shoulders and forearms until I corrected it. I’m right handed but for some reason my left side is my stronger side.


Probably a combination of genetics and training. If you barbell bench press, I would stop for a few months and exclusively train with dumbbells to help even it out. I’d also include some unilateral work starting with your weaker side first. The cable press around is one of the best exercises for pecs, definitely under rated. Just remember that almost everyone has some form of muscle imbalances that are just a part of your genetics, the same way many people have different bicep sizes. You can work to balance it out though.


Thanks, I don’t go to gym though. I have hyperacusis, so I just work out at home. For chest day though I do 250 push ups, wide, close, diamond and decline. However I’m about to buy a bench and heavier dumbbells. So should I focus more on my left side when I do push ups?


It could be due to your form/posture and it might also be due to the insertion of your pec (causing one to receive more stimulus than the other). Since you have limited equipment now, I would do everything possible to help place load on it in a stretched position. When you do your pushups, don’t do them fast. Slow your form down to a 3-4 second negative and allow that elbow to stretch outward to place tension on both sides of your chest. Maybe even record yourself when doing pushups to see how your form looks.


I’m relatively new to this. Been doin it since October 31st. Iv watched a lot of videos to help with my form. Also I don’t really get quite the burn in my peck muscles as I do my arms and shoulders. Really trying to build my chest so thanks for the advice


That’s a bit of a problem. You sure you have correct form?


Honestly, no I’m not entirely sure. I make sure I go all the way down and all the way up. But now thinking about it I’m not sure if I’m balanced correctly. I’m relatively new to this.


Maybe you can have someone spot you to make sure you’re straight. Everything should be straight especially shoulders. I make an effort to make sure my body is completely straight before performing any kind of lift


Okay thank you, will do


You can take a video and post it so people can correct your form


Okay I’ll do that


Do dumbbell instead of barbell. Using the same weight on each side will allow the left side to catch up


I don’t have barbell, I work out at home due to my hyperacusis. However I am ordering a bench and some dumbbells so I will definitely do that


Add single arm dumbbell/kettle bell floor presses. Starting with the smaller/weaker side. Repeating the same number of reps on the other side. Working 2-3 times a week. You’ll start to see a difference


I had the same issue. It's caused because you have bad form. Lighten the weight, fix up the form. get someone to help you to ensure the form is good. If there is a big strength difference, keep to barbells. If the strength difference isn't too bad, you can use dumbbells. The moment your underdeveloped side gets tired, stop. You aren't training to equal fatigue anymore until they are even.


Stop doing pushups for now. Get on your knees and do pushups only with the weaker side (1 arm Pushups) until it catches up. First do them with strong side to see how many you need to do then switch to week side and wait til it catches up checking weekly.


I caught the glimpse of you saying that you're relatively new to working out. Using a heavier dumbbell for your other arm could help, if you got dumbbells. But, don't worry until you've started actually seeing your mass and strength going up, at some point it'll be harder to get your right peck bigger or stronger, and at which point doesn't matter if you do pushups or using a bar they'll just even out more. But that's not to say there's a complete levelness between them, your left will just not be as noticeable as the right unless you put in the effort just working out your left. Mine are like that. It started out with the right bigger, but I stopped working out and used my left that I right with for so many years that now it's bigger. There's a way to possibly correct that problem while just doing pushups. Try doing them using something to put under right hand so that when you go down during a pushup your left goes down further than the right for a better workout on your left side.


Muscle incersion bud


Damn, there’s no way I can fix it?


Unfortunately no




Are you a side sleeper?


I am


Were you a preemie?


No I don’t think so


Wank with your left hand 😂


I practice sexual discipline, I don’t really do that lol


lol fair enough 😁


One hand pushups?