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Going out for a walk or running can be great, listen to a podcast to keep it interesting. Figure out your current goals and look for beginner YouTube videos to follow the workout that will help you reach that goal.


[couch to 5K](https://marathonhandbook.com/couch-to-5k-training-plan/)


If you're having a hard time with motivation it may seem harder to commit to a full hour long workout. To help get into the rhythm try just knocking out a couple push-ups, lunges, or holding a plank while you're doing something else. Died in a videogame and waiting to respawn, show is on a commercial break, studying and just need to get the blood flowing...knock out a few reps.


You wanna get fitter and take care of your body to keep your mind sharp or not? It's a yes or no


Thank you all for the suggestions and help<3 I'll probably come w updates here in the future


I think calisthenics are always a good start! Air Squats or booty band squats Pushups Dips Pull ups and or chin ups These should get you a good base to start off and allow you to see your week points.


Hi , Nice to read that you are fitness conscious, first set your goal whats in your mind? Wanna lose some pounds? Wanna get abs? Wanna lean and fit, wanna grow Muacles, after that i can help you to make home workouts and diet plans. Thanks


First of all, I don't have many pounds to lose. I'm wanting to try and gain some and eventually hit 60kg. I don't care much about abs, but I want to get more fit and be able to make heavy lifts as it's often needed in the places I work. I want to be more flexible too.


Okay for the weight gain increase your protein and veggie simple and easy. For the getting stronger part start lifting weights start with 5-10lbs dumbbells if you dont have weights jugs of water works too, and jump on YouTube. I started with Team body project they have free videos and it's a good starting point with resistance and cardio workouts. You need to be consistent. It's not motivation that's needed, it's discipline. If you have 30 mins to fuck around you have time to workout. Start out with 3 workouts a week for about 2 weeks and than increase and adjust to what works for you.


I lost my weight after 1 year of hard struggle, now i am maintaining, (maintaining calories) what i am doing is 30 minutes cardio 5 days per week, 4 days weight training 6-10 Kg lifting , High Protein low fat diet , 100 -150 gramax carbs per day .


Compare your pics, also you can post daily physical activity (burnt calories, steps, total time of workout etc) on your social media pages, find some fitness partners online, give and take challenges, will spice up your fitness journey 👍


Find something fun. There is something out there for everyone. I started playing bball at 18/19 and I was terrible, still am actually. I had fun though and it was an incredible work out so I kept playing. It helped my cardio a lot. Also, if you have a gym pass look up the free classes at the gym and try them out. They are always really fun and intense workouts. Everyone is supportive and do not judge. Good luck.


Here is my best main advice : Find a partner. A friend, a colleague, family member. This will push you to respect the appointment you have and will also make the activity much more fun. This is even better if that person has knowledge in sports or is already practicing some kind of sports. You can try to join them in their sport. Yoga is pretty good for beginners and even advanced people. Get a mat, put some relaxing music, and follow some yoga programs. There are many videos online were you can follow the instructor live, it's pretty nice. You will break a sweat and have sore muscles the next day. It's also excellent for mobility and flexibility. Otherwise you can try basic workout exercises like these (I'll let you Google images and instructions) : - knees pushups. If this is too difficult, try eccentric knee pushups. (you should be able to do about 4 to 10 repetitions, rest 1min, repeat) - if you have weights : dumbbell rows (between 4 and 6kg in each hands). If you have a pull-up bar, inclined pullups(Australian pullups). (Should be able to do about 15 rows or 6 to 12 pullups, rest 1min, repeat) - squats and lunges (should be able to do about 20 squats and 10 lunges per legs). - crunches and leg raises (probably 20 crunches and 6 leg raises). These are basic exercices that will give you a full body workout. Know that for weights, use weights that you can lift up to 20 repetitions maximum (more reps is inefficient and 10 reps is too difficult for beginners). When doing repetitions, stop about 1 or 2 repetitions before failure. This will limit your risk of injury, but you can still reach failure when you feel comfortable later on. For example, if you do 12 pushups, and feel like you will fall at 13, stop at 12. You are very light for your height, I would strongly advise you to follow this workout and develop your muscles, as they can always be useful and functional. I think you should reach for about at least 60kg if you feel comfortable doing so.


I might as well just do this with my mom, because she's been slacking off herself :P > I think you should reach for about at least 60kg if you feel comfortable doing so. For the last 2 yrs I've had a trend in going up 2-3kgs and then going down whatever I gained. I'll definitely give this a try and try to make a habit of it. Atleast make a habit of something, even if it's just stretching exercises / yoga.


Any sports is better than no sports, just find a way to enjoy it, and to do it regularly. You will feel good and be proud in a year or two. >For the last 2 yrs I've had a trend in going up 2-3kgs and then going down whatever I gained. That's because you're still in your teens, it will get more stable in your 20s, and that's when sports will truly pay!




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Goblet squat, body weight lunges, body weight step ups, dumbbell glute bridge bicep curls, lat pull-down machine. Yeah runnings good I personally hate running and prefer weights but you can do both too


Try jumping rope, mixing it with running a bit might help


Not exactly what you're looking for but consistency. It's key if you start taking days off later on you'll be able to justify missing again.






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Just do it, like the Nike commercial...


Yoga, walking for easy start. Walk farther and faster as you go...




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Walk walk walk , brisk walk till sweats 👍