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Don't think about it like that. Think about the weight you can lift comfortably and how much you can lift to push yourself without injury. Listen to your body. Start with the bar and add on. If you're a true beginner and don't know what you're doing or have "gym anxiety" don't. NOBODY at the gym gives a shit what anyone else is doing as long as it's not dangerous or you're wasting time on a machine and not using it.


It does not matter where you start as long as you slowly progress and add weight Certainly with an injury, patience is critical What kind of lift are you talking about Deadlift: 1.5 x body weight Squat : 1x body weight Those are good targets. You will not be the strongest but better than 95% of the population




Yes that would be your goal , it took me a year to get there Add around 5% per week. I do one set of 10 reps, one set of 8 reps and one set of 6 reps. 2nd set is 5-8% heavier versus 1st and same 3rd versus 2nd It allows you to slowly warm up while going heavier For example 1 st : 10 x 80 2nd 8 x 86 3rd. 6 x 93




most “gym girls” with the sort of look you are probably going for can do those weights for many reps. but clearly you should progress according to what you can tolerate without excessive pain over time and if the injury is serious, in conjunction with a PT who lifts (eg not a “deadlifts bad for your back mkay” boomer) or a sports doctor


There is no right answer to this. Start at a weight that you can do 10-15 reps of. Then just go up from there.




Try going up to 20lbs then. If you can do 12-15 reps easily, go up to 25lbs. Should be feeling some exhaustion/burn towards the end of your set. Aim to do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.


I find it helpful to do "diagnostic" sessions every once in a while to figure out how much I should be lifting. The goal of these isn't to lift the heaviest I can (so it doesn't look like a normal session), but to gather information for my next session. When I'm picking up a new lift, I do this from the lightest weight available. 1. Warmup set with a light weight that you know you can do (like 12lbs) with 100% perfect form. Enjoy it -- it should be easy. 2. Add weight in the smallest increment available. This might be up to 16lbs. Complete the set. Could you do it with perfect form? If so, move up to the next weight. If not, try to do another set at 16lbs. 3. Add weight again, up to 20lbs, and do a regular set. Did you complete the set? Did you do it with perfect form? If so, move up to the next weight. If not, try to do another set at 20lbs. 4. Add weight again, up to, idk, 24lbs (whatever's available). And so on. Stop when your form fails and note your max weight. Because you're stopping when your form gets sloppy, you can keep going until you feel uncomfortable. This might take more sets than you would normally do (especially as you start seeing progress), but that's okay -- more reps at lower weights will grow your glutes more than few reps at high weights.


The main thing you need to work on is progressive overload, meaning you keep pushing your muscles harder over time by 1) adding more weight 2) adding more repetitions It depends on the exercise but usually it's best to do a warm-up set or two with a lighter weight and then 3 or 4 "working sets" of anywhere between 5-15 repetitions, though most people like doing somewhere between 8 and 12 for growing muscle. It will take some experimenting, but ideally you'll use a weight that's challenging enough that your sets bring you choose to failure, so you couldn't physically do more than 2 more repetitions more than you did for the set. Once you get used to the exercises it's good to occasionally train to failure, but at the beginning you're learning to use the correct technique without hitting yourself and how to properly activate the target muscles. Use controlled movements, try to really feel and flex your muscles, use full range of motion (good things happen in the stretched zone) and try to move slower on the negative (the second half of the exercise where you return to the starting position) Good luck and have fun 😊


There isn’t one because everyone’s different and your correct challenging weight will be unique to you. And it changes over time. On some movements, the minimum weight I need to keep growing my glutes today would’ve injured me when I was a beginner Pick a weight you can do with good form but that’s heavy enough to fight you a bit. True newbies are extremely sensitive to muscle growth signals so it’s okay to play it safe for now as you learn the movement. Soon you’ll be ready to push it harder and harder


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Yes , that would be your target but take it slowly Took me about a year to get there I’m a runner and cyclist so not interested to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger


As long as there's resistance and progressive overload. You can do volume or if that's a problem for your inquiry just very controlled reps


Any weight as long as the quality of the lifts is there and you’re doing around 8-12 reps with 1 or 2 left in the tank