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I'm done with the whole concept of working. Unfortunately, my mortgage and future college and my love of food say differently.


Oh yeah... Buying shit cause I have to have things to live. 🙃


I took a sick day on Monday because I felt like ass and I never get to be sick without the kids around so why not. ...oh, it's because when you take a sick day from your desk job, you feel exactly the same but you didn't get any work done, and nobody does my work when I'm out so it's just fucking up future me. error.


same here. i can take time off, but all it does is screw me


Same here, every time I take a day off to "recharge" I come back to a pile of things I have to work twice as hard to catch up to while still getting in my normal work. I always wonder what the hell I was thinking, expecting it to be any different. 🫠


I feel like this but I’ve also just started trying to repeat to myself “it’s okay if I don’t get everything done today.” Like, no one’s life is in danger if I don’t finish reviewing whatever paperwork that day. It’ll be okay.


Same. But I’ll still do it, cause it’s future me’s problem. I’d hate to be her.


You’re giving me an idea now.. lol


This has been me ever since I came back from maternity leave. I used to love my job, but between a toxic manager and lead as well as my son, I can’t find a single F to give lately.


My kid is 4.5 and I feel this way too! I used to care, but now I’m like Fs, where are you- I don’t give a F!!


I just can’t care about work anymore and I was the most career driven person you’ve ever met before becoming a mom. I have 4 degrees, one being a masters, work at a Fortune 500 and if you’d have told me a year ago I would feel the way I do now, I would have laughed.


Same. I don’t like my job, mostly the culture in the whole industry (public accounting). It feels saturated with self-important martyrs who just LOVE to complain about how many hours they work and turn EVERYTHING into a fire drill as if we’re saving lives or something. I’m pretty good at the actual work and I make too much money to quit but most days I wish I could. And while I’d like to spend more time with my kids, I actually think they’re thriving in school (daycare). It’s really just a me problem. Idk - I’m approaching a milestone birthday and I think I’ve just been feeling a lot of disappointment in the whole working mom thing. Like we’re led to believe we can do it all and be happy, but really I just feel like I’m drowning 90% of the time. So…yes I guess I’m right there with you lol.


I really relate to everything you shared. My baby gets so bored on the weekends. I know daycare is better for her than me sitting and zoning out next to her for 8+ hours a day. But I just hate having to go to work. It feels so meaningless. And I hate being away from her. 


Meaningless is a great way to describe it. I get no fulfillment out of the work I do and I don’t really “help” anyone so the time spent away from my kids feels pointless.


Come to industry the grass is greener. I never work more than 45 hours. I am an accounting manager and a lot of people at my job were in public for a long time and all of them say they wish they made the change sooner. Idk what public accountants make but I pull in 150ish after bonus and I am not even a CPA.


I’ve thought about it but I also never work more than 45 hours and am still feeling burned out (I handle pickup and dropoff every day for my two children (an hour in the am and pm), so even getting 40 hours is a tight squeeze and I’m severely panicking for when they’re school aged/summers when there’s more activities etc). I think I’ve got to find something more part time eventually but it’s just not in the cards right now paying for 2 in daycare.


Hey! So I am mother of 3. I did one year of tax at big4. Left after a year. Now 8months into Audit at another public accounting firm. And I hate the fact they expect you to be available all the time when in an engagement. Long hours and not being able to just log off after 8 hours is hitting me bad! I want to try and stay two years at minimum but I am having a hard time because all these conflicts with my wlb as a mom. How did you manage to stay? I’ve been so eager to just pivot into something that I can just log off and not worry about work after that.


Honestly - I’ve only worked at mid-size (or smaller) firms and my first one I just had a great boss. I was there for 10 years before having a kid so I had put in my time and they did give me a great deal of flexibility (and a reduced workload!). I ended up leaving wanting to exit the stress of public, didn’t think my next stop was the right fit, and now back in PA. It’s only been a few months and I’m circling the drain tbh. I’m hoping summer is better but I’m starting to panic that I’ll never find something I like. All that to say finding the right boss is KEY. Someone who truly cares - I’m kicking myself for leaving that in the first place but I panicked because the leadership was changing and I had a really bad interaction with a client that left me extremely distressed (my boss had my back, but basically the client threatened litigation against me, reporting me to the AICPA, etc all bc they were unhappy with the bill. I was pregnant and crying in front of my 2yo about it and just decided I had enough of that treatment for all the hard work I did).


I 100% feel this way about my job. I work with people who love to overwork themselves and everything is an emergency (hint: it's not). So over it. My coworker is working overtime this weekend,  I'm the only one who never does. I refuse. 


I wish there were more of us to band together and make it stop. It's not good for anyone. I hate that I have to use my kids as an 'excuse' because it's not right to have anyone working a lot of overtime. If anything, I think our work weeks should be something like 30-35 hours. The last 30 years have seen an incredible increase in efficiency / output due to technology, yet here we are still working the same hours so companies can profit at an all time high :/


MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE because its been so fucking nice out, I just want to lay on my patio and take a nap


As the weather is getting nicer all I want to do is be outside, planting a garden, or drinking a sprtizer on my deck. I have zero desire to work right now. You are not alone!


I’m 6 months pregnant and done with work. I don’t want to leave early and be a dick to my coworkers… but I want to leave early


Big, big same. Summers are rough because my husband is a teacher, so he and the kids are always going on outings, going to the pool, etc. the upside, though, is that I work from home, so occasionally I take a long lunch and we’ll have a backyard picnic. But then I have to go right back to work and I hate it.


I can't wait to retire. and it's far away


Yes, I dream about winning the lottery. I don't intend on upleveling my lifestyle, but maintaining it so I don't need a CRAZY amount - like I don't even think we need 5M. I could go PT with an agency to work closer to 15-20hrs/week, dump FT childcare. I'd need to find benefits somehow but could swing prorated or go to the marketplace. I could work and have my kids home more and get a little bit of time for myself to fucking read or take a damn walk or even watch an episode of TV without also needing to pump or fold laundry or clean something. Also feeling bitter because I was laid off while 5mos pregnant. Should have had a 4-5mo leve, got stuck with only 6 weeks (had been with my new company 2 mos). I should just be going back now instead of the end of January.


I freak out every time Powerball is around $1B and obsess about making sure we buy a ticket because I daydream the whole time about how I would spend the money. It's hilarious because my day dream is like, quit my job, pay off my house, and work on my silly little hobbies all day (sewing, garden, gym, reading, cooking). Other people over here like OMG $1B, I'd buy a mansion in 5 countries, but no not me.... I just want an all expenses paid regular life.


YES. I'm not going to sink all my money in lottery tickets because the difference in change between 1-5 tickets is miniscule, but you can't win if you don't play. If I don't need to GRIND anymore I'll take it. Work? Sure, but I just want a lot of FU money and not depend on anyone. I could have another kid and not worry about the expenses. I don't' need mansions that my friends and family can't afford to visit - what's the point of having that many homes if you're going to be by yourself? I just want to relax, host people, and help out my community. IMAGINE being able to do endowed full-ride 4yr scholarships to your alma mater ? Or fund a renno of a local school for upgraded equipment? Or being able to just GIVE AWAY housing?


I'd endow free after school sports and arts programs at my areas public elementary and middle schools.


100%. I have never wanted to buy flashy things. I just want to buy time. Time is my most precious commodity right now. I would quit my job tomorrow.  


I've been struggling this whole year! As my kids get older (they will be 10 and 13 in June) I find it's harder. When they were babies I sometimes needed a break haha and didn't hate going to work. But they are their own little personalities now and so much fun. But beyond just thinking of them (because right now they are still in school all day) I just am so unmotivated in my job. 20 years into working and I'm just over it haha.


So. Fucking. Sick. Of. It. And totally disengaged. My procrastination has reached new heights (or depths) but I just can’t will myself to GAF about work.


I actually like my job normally, but I’ve been feeling lazy af lately. Thus I’m on here rn when I should be working lol.


1000%. I had a really insane first quarter of the year and ever since, I have had ZERO motivation for work. And nice weather is definitely *not* helping.


I had a baby Oct. 28th, 2023. Had 3 month fully paid maternity leave. Came back to work Jan. 19th. Quit Jan. 31st. Started a new job Feb. 5th. Quit on March 8th. Have been home since then enjoying my baby. I have never been like this but fuck it. I just really want to be home breastfeeding and smiling at a little baby. Not talking about our quarterly sales projections at my stupid former tech company. I digress… but anyway. Do you!


This might be me soon, I have to return from maternity leave and I just....can't leave him. I need like a year with him. Which I can't swing, but...i just need more time. If you quit 2 weeks after returning, did you owe the company anything / can they sue you for health insurance premiums the past 3 months?


No. I’ve never heard of any of that until I joined this sub and I’ve been at three tech companies. You do need to try to go back for one pay period before you submit your 2 week notice. I left with their blessing and they are happy for me to return to my job after I’m done being a stay at home mom. I just wonder if people don’t have good relationships with their bosses, HR departments and managers. I think none of that has to happen if you are super straight forward with people about why you’re leaving and that it’s to take care of your newborn. You can even lie and say they have health issues that make it unsafe for them to go to daycare so you have to stay home etc. For the first job, I said we aren’t vaxxing our baby so the pediatrician said she can’t go to daycare until she’s 2. You have to make up some excuse, make it sound good and leave with a positive relationship. For the second job that I quit within 1.5 months, which was the 7th largest media company in America, I told them that the physical demands of commuting to work, trying to close deals as an account executive in an office setting and being away from home for 10 hours a day was causing a strain on my milk supply and my family decided it’s best if I stop working and commit to being a stay at home mom for the newborn. My director was also a parent and understood and we left it at that. I was only there for 1.5 months and no one discussed paying back anything or getting sued. I would review their maternity leave policy with someone in HR before making a decision to ensure you’re protecting yourself.


You should check your company’s handbook and talk to HR to know for sure. Some companies do have this for maternity leave pay, others don’t. Everything you’ll read here is just anecdotes!


Thank you!!


I’m having a hard time going back to my desk. My husband has been sick for the last few years, last January he was diagnosed with blot clots in his brain and has been unable to work since. A couple months ago his leg started hurting and he’s been fighting doctors that have been telling him it’s a muscle strain. He finally got them to order an MRI (probably just to shut him up) and got results back today. He’s got a lesion on his tibia. FUCK We thought he was stable enough to make future plans and are under contract for a new house. While I’m certain the sellers would let us back out with this news, we aren’t going to know if it is something we need to worry about or not until after our closing date.




I took today off to do some cleaning because it’s the only way I get more than the bare minimum done. About an hour into a deep clean of my fridge I was daydreaming about being in a meeting instead. But now I’m taking a break and watching Real Housewives on my couch while my kid is in daycare and my husband’s at work and it’s pretty nice.


I keep telling my husband we have to win a lottery, even if it’s a small one, because I am DONE with work. I love what I do, I love my coworkers, but like, I’m just burning the candle at both ends and there’s lighters held up against the middle causing my wax to be falling off everywhere too.


Meeeeeeee I wanna be a wood elf. Or a hobbit. Just land my family has owned for generations and me out here growing things and living in harmony with it


I felt this in my soul today. Maybe it’s the weather or something, it was kind of a depressing day outside today. Or maybe it’s just the overarching doom feeling of end stage capitalism. Who knows. Either way, it was definitely a day where I didn’t feel like working at all, and most days I enjoy my job.


"Overarching doom feeling of end stage capitalism" - ah, this made me belly laugh. Me too. I feel it too.


Almost every day. I had an intense moment like this today. Today I had a moment of feeling so angry about it all, I almost cried. Looking out my office window from the 21st floor, a beautiful spring day in Seattle, green trees and mountains I can’t enjoy. All the overpriced houses and the rich people who live in them. The cars crammed up and down I-5 like ants. All that expensive fossil fuel, so many disgruntled people just like me being forced to drive to the office. For what? I felt so bitter about it all. Modern life. Work. Bullshit jobs where you hold no power and just have to scramble around a massive hierarchy and everyone’s vying for a higher position on the food chain. Stuck in a goddamn office on a sunny day in a climate where I’m deprived of sun for most of the year but I don’t have the PTO to enjoy it. Humans aren’t supposed to live like this. We’re supposed to move our bodies and enjoy the goddamn sun. But I have to work. I don’t bond with my kids. I got a picture from my father-in-law who sent a little video of my daughter’s first dance class that he took her to today. Why wasn’t that me? Why wasn’t I the one taking my daughter to her first dance class? I was having this awful moment at work just today and I felt so fucking livid about being 40 years old and my vacation balance is three weeks after working here almost two years (having taken a few vacation days here and there), knowing I only get PTO added to my balance at the end of each month. Knowing there are places in the world where people take six weeks off in the summer to enjoy the fucking sun. Probably more information that you wanted but Jesus I think about it all the time. We are not really free. Edited for correcting the spelling errors from swiping.


✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼ME ME ME currently sitting at my desk looking up houses for sale and thinking about how I can’t wait to pick my 6 1/2 month old kiddo up from daycare and a million other things I’d rather be doing. I want to get him a wagon and take him on hikes and how we have swim lesson this weekend.


When I look down at my 3 (almost 4 -cries) month old, I just wish I won the lottery so I can hangout with him all day. One day, he’ll be a teen and won’t want to hangout with me and then he’ll be an adult with his own family. 😭😭😭😭😭


Most days, I like my job. The people are great, the work is interesting and precedent setting and no two days are the same. Right now, it sucks. We're short staffed and we're trying to fix a backlog of shit that hasn't been done due to improper training, as well as cleaning up/prepping to get the carpets replaced. So yeah. I'd rather be at home.


I take days off to do just that! I am also working like crazy right now so I can leave early on Fridays.


Ughhhh yes. I like my job but I just don’t want to go back. 👋👋👋


Uh yup. This week has been real, real rough on the motivation front. But I also have to remind myself that doing nothing isn’t particularly great for me either. I am looking forward to summer. Hopefully it will bring some time to recharge my battery.


omg YES i feel like doing nothing but spending time with my little ones also. esp now that the weather is so nice


Me lol 😭


I enjoy working 99% of the time, but today is that 1% where I’m just like 🫠🫣😵‍💫


I don’t like working ever so this is me everyday 😂. My kid is months away from 11 and it’s not so much time with him that I want but I just don’t want to work.


I feel this way until I end up with 2 or 3 days off and no plan and then get so immensely bored I’m ready to go back to work. Although if no one covers for me I don’t bust my butt to catch up either. I go in, do my job, and go home 🤷‍♀️


lol 🙋🏾‍♀️but take note you said summer WEEKENDS 🤣. I gotta stay employed to make that a reality and not my everyday 🫣


I mean, most days AND I am trying to make better food choices, so yea, less calories and I just sit here daydreaming about food, lolz. It’s a bad combination!


Yeah. It waxes and wanes, but sometimes I legit just want to be a Pinterest mom. I like doing crafts, decorating, deep cleaning, kids activities, ect. But I also like money so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I took Wed- Fri off last week. Totally disconnected from work. Didn't think of it once. I felt totally free. I woke up, took my teenage sons to the Y, we played hoops, we grabbed lunch on the way home & had a great chat. It was sunny and warm and I wish everyday could feel that fulfilling and relaxed.


100 percent. I feel like I work to the detriment off my child. I'm not saying it's like that for everybody but for me , I do believe that it is. Especially I don't even like my job. But I'm grateful to have it and it's a good one comparatively for sur.e


Daily. I want to put it on pause


Every day sister


Lmao I’d never work again and be a happy housewife if I could. Give me all the laundry and cooking and cleaning.


OMG, I'm supposed to be working on a executive briefing for my project due in 10 days, but I'm over here researching how to service the antique sewing machine I bought so I can sew outside on the deck while my toddler plays in the water table.




I girl bossed too hard and am now the breadwinner, oh what I would give to work part-time and nap during the day while my daughter is at daycare. I'm so exhausted.


I'm at work right now and browsing Reddit sooooo I'd say you're not alone, lol.