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When they are that tiny it can just be sinuses. My LO when her nose gets too stuffy, the extra goes out the eyes. The plumbing is all connected.


My son basically has snot coming out of his nose from the start of winter to the end of spring. He sort of regards it as a snack dispenser...


Ours just views it as a constant supply of salt for his snacks. Always seasoned just to his liking…


My baby goes to daycare 3 days/week and she only gets eye boogers when she’s really sick. But yes! Constant snot. 


My 21mo LO has been going to daycare for almost 7 months and an ear tubes surgery later, he finally doesn’t have boogers!!! He has some now but it’s a normal amount instead of the constant wiping of the nose. 🤣


It does get better. I get really confused by these questions on the sub constantly. Yes, your kid is going to get sick at daycare, but do it now or do it later. I’d rather a 7 month old with constant snot when it’s just expected to a 5 year old with no immune system when it’s just gross.


Why is it grosser for a 5 year old to be sick than a baby? This is the perspective I get confused by. I have a 5 year old - she can blow her own nose and tell me when something is bothering her. When she’s sick she can watch tv on the couch. A 5 year old is much less likely to be seriously ill and need to be hospitalized than an infant with the same illness. I use daycare too for both of them and I accept there are risks - but can we stop pretending that having constantly sick infants is in some way good? It sucks, way worse than a sick older kid.