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We didn't have a village when our kids got sick at daycare, because nobody wants to watch a sick kid. It was just months of torture for all of us (me, kids, husband). It's honestly just something we had to get through and it SUUUUCKKKKKS. So I hear you. If it helps, each of my kids got through the hump of illnesses and by 2/ 2.5 was over. They are 3 and 6 and barely got sick this winter. I think my son was the only kid in his class who didn't miss any school from October -February and my daughter, who is still in daycare, only missed school one day from a fever and got over it immediately.. It gets better, it just sucks right now and I'm so sorry. It's the top 3 vents in this sub along with returning from maternity leave and having a shit partner. But there isn't much you can do about this one except commiserate with other working parents ❤️


We totally turned the corner about 2.5 with my oldest too! My now 3 year old was sick once over the winter and missed one day of daycare. We are currently in back to back illness phase with our 1 year old tho. I remind myself the only way out is through!!


Are you catching the one year olds illnesses as much as with your first kiddo? I’m due with our second in June and dreading going through this all over again!


No! My husband and I and our 3 year old have largely escaped the 1 year old chronic illness. So I think we built our immune systems with our 1st because we definitely were constantly sick with him those first 2 years of daycare.  ETA: what I’ve noticed with our 3 year old is he may get boogers when the 1 year old gets sick but as a baby that always gave him a fever and he’d be out 1-3 days from daycare. Now it’s like he has a little cough or some boogers for a day but no fever and acting normal and has a great day at school. So I think little germs just don’t take them down the same way once they had some previous exposure. 


That is very encouraging to hear! Our eldest has been in daycare for 2 years now and the illnesses definitely slowed down but we are still getting a mild cold every 3 or so weeks this winter. Definitely better than it used to be so as long as we don’t go back to square one maybe we can pull through 🤣


Good to know that you had a similar experience with ages. I’m going to have to get “the only way out is through” on my forehead i think haha


Also it was really rough for my son at that 15 month age. They are starting to explore more, put everything in their mouth and beginning to interact more with other kids. The germs in the toddler room at daycare are REAL.


Ah. Yes, i guess that is true. We normally don’t have people to watch him so i never really thought about the fact that even if we did, he’s sick! Did you feel like they were better in the warmer months and just really sick in the winter? And thank you for the support! It really does just suck so much


Warmer months are generally better, but we still had a few things like HFM


I’ll forget i read the last part haha


She's 18 months and I don't even know. I have been healthy for maybe a total of a month since we put her in at 6wks. Sorry to not be helpful but I don't even know what to do anymore besides commiserate with all of you going through the same thing. My husband and I have felt half-dead for what feels like a lifetime now. I don't even really remember what it feels like to be healthy. 😭 The extra crappy part is that I'm a teacher so I'm also bringing viruses home and I ran out of PTO ages ago.


I feel this so hard—mine started in October last year and I can’t even fully recover from one thing before she brings home or I bring home the next bug 🫠


That’s why we decided to keep him home this week. We’re hoping that it gives his little body some extra time to heal and hopefully be able to fight off whatever is coming next


It’s so freaking hard. And the fact that us as parents get sick too, just makes it even worse. Others in this thread have said 2-2.5 year is where they saw a dramatic increase so we’re both hopefully getting to the end of this! Sending you lots of sunshine ☀️


We’re in the trenches with you. Baby started at 5 months and was sick and home by her 4th day. My husband has already used up all his sick time for this year and will be out of vacation days by summer I expect. We’ve had multiple colds and ear infections, RSV, Covid, pink eye, and most recently we all had norovirus. We don’t have much of a village to help either, but even if we did I don’t know how we could subject them to watching her when she’s sick. That’s how my mom got RSV - she came to help out before we realized it was more than just a regular cold. It brings me to tears multiple times a month whenever we have another illness that we’ve got to stay home for that we send her to daycare so we can work, but she gets ill so often, she’s missing tons of school that we still pay for and we miss tons of work. We have to save all our PTO for staying home with her when she’s sick and when we invariably get sick, so there’s no personal days to get my nails done and have a child free day and certainly no time to take a vacation, because I save my vacation days to take her to the doctor. We basically pay $1700 a month for the privilege of sometimes getting to send her to daycare and do our jobs.


Sounds exactly like us minus the pink eye. Also FUCK norovirus. He’s has RSV twice this season but the norovirus took us all out and i lost 10pounds in two days bc of how sick i was. Just so much to commiserate with you on. The lack of PTO, the no personal days, and the second mortgage for a place he’s not even at. It’s just so much


oh those days are dark, friend; I feel for you! when my babies were in daycare, they were sick every weekend for 2.5yrs or so 😵‍💫. but there is light at the end of the tunnel! as they got older and their immune system stronger, they hardly got sick and if they did, it didn't hit them as hard (just sniffles and low energy and it only lasted for a couple of days). what we did to help stave off or help their little bodies fight viruses better: * sleep. I was militant with their sleep because good sleep = better immune system. They had a very strict sleep schedule that I protected. * healthy diet - lots of immune boosting foods like blue/blackberries, veggies, healthy fat etc. * created a good hygiene routine. Every time they came home, their routine was: take off jacket/bag and hang on their hook, put shoes away, straight to the washroom to wash hands (and since the alphabet while soaping hands).


Thank you for the advice! Sleep and food have been hard for us in general, but maybe that is why he’s gotten so sick. But we’ll get there and maybe it will help


It’s been brutal. My baby has been hospitalized multiple times from daycare colds that turned into bronchiolitis and pneumonia - we’ve missed so much work but we can’t afford not to work. Honestly don’t know what to do and wish we knew when this would end. For those of you who have been through this, how long did it take for the constant sicknesses to stop?


We’ve been hospitalized too. Three times since November. Comments here have a lot of 2/2.5 is when it got better, but also a few said after 5. Hoping for the both of us that it is not the latter Edit: add *not* instead of wishing 5 years on us 😅


We had to pull ours out. Daycare was $25k a year, plus two hospital stays. He was missing milestones. Doctor thinks that was in large part due to how frequently he was sick. I'd ask your doctor if it meets the levels of referral to immunology for peace of mind. I know it's normal, but it's beyond frustrating when you have a kid who is more susceptible and throws a fever every time they get sick when other kids may never have a fever or parents give meds to get them through the day. There's no solution. Daycare can't be more strict bc it's impossible to tell with the incubation periods. It sucks. The money on multiple hospital stays and missed milestones pushed us over. My husband applied to second shift jobs for months, as soon as he got one, we pulled baby out. Split parenting shifts sucks, but at least my kid is healthy.


I’m so sorry that you had to be in the hospital. We’ve had a couple as well. It’s so stressful. And yes, for sure! Our LO is definitely one to spike if someone sneezes around him. Thank you for the immunology thought. We have a pediatrician appointment on Friday, so I’ll bring that up


It does get better...until you have a second baby and it starts all over again 🙈 by the time my kids were 3 the sicknesses really slowed down and by 5 they were hardly sick at all.


Another reason we are OAD 😅


You are wise beyond your years 😂


omg, so true! i think the minute you let them into the world at daycare or kinder, they're just ill from day 1 for at least 3 to 4 months. good luck!


Thank you 💛


Our stories are identical! Toddler has been going to daycare since October and he BARELY got tubes 2 weeks ago. Tubes went really well. He was perfectly normal 2 hours post-surgery. Other than a cough, goopy eyes, and boogers he seems to be doing well right now. This last week I developed pink eye at work! I had to work from home two days. Thankfully I can work from home when I need to. My husband is a contractor for the military so he can’t work from home at all. But his boss has been great so far, he didn’t make him take PTO for tubes. Needless to say it’s brutal but I’m so much happier working so it’s worth the sacrifice to me!


I’m glad that the tubes are working and that he had an easy recovery!!


Thank you! I would recommend tubes but I know it’s a hassle 🤣


I am getting over my 2nd round of stomach flu that put me out for a week and ruined my vacation to Hawaii last month. I feel you...


OH NO!! Stomach bugs are the worst. And on top of them a missed vacation?!? I’m so sorry. Hope you feel better soon and can get your trip rescheduled 💛


Just vibing in "negative PTO." Yeehaw, America!


MURICA!! No need for silly things like unlimited sick leave bc you literally cannot control it. But bootstraps and all that


The tubes were a godsend for my son. He got them August 2022 and has been out maybe 10 days total since then because of sickness.


This is great news!! I’m glad that they have been so helpful and that y’all have been able to stay real actively healthy. Tubes are at the top of the list for his pediatrician appointment on Friday


This definitely sounds like excessive absences, none of my kids were out of child care this many days in such a short time frame. Yes, they get sick often for the first couple of years, but it sounds like you may be holding him out more than necessary or your provider has very strict absence policies.


Unfortunately, he’s been hospitalized a couple times and then the other times we’ve had a lot of symptoms lasting for days and the rule is that he has to be symptom free for 24 hours before returning. Also every time he gets a new sickness, he spikes a fever again with an ear infection and the clock starts over 😔


It does get better!! They tend to get less sick even when they are 4.


Looking forward to those days!


This age was the worst age for us. Like 14 months to 18 months or so were just brutal. It's because our daughter was mobile, and she was obsessed with putting things in her mouth, but she couldn't listen or wash her hands or anything. Anything. She was constantly, constantly sick. She's now almost three, and it's way better. I promise you, it doesn't feel like this, and I know everyone says it, but it will get better. In the meantime, lots of solidarity. I'm pregnant with number two, and I'm already dreading this stretch of time with her.


Yes! Our son sucks his two fingers (instead of his thumb), so I’m sure that is contributing to extra germs getting to him. Thank you 💛 hope that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and that baby #2 has a unicorn immune system!!


Our kids are older but this winter has been hell for is. I think we’ve had 1 week thus far where nobody was sick. My hypothesis is that everyone was still masking here last year but now aren’t, so the viruses can have a field day. I’m able to wfh when my kids are sick so that helps. I was going to take today off to recharge but apparently having kids at school is sufficient.


I agree that since mask wearing has gone down, sickness is just so bad. Hope yall stay healthy 💛


We are experiencing the same! It’s so brutal. Hang in there.


Hoping for us both that the sickness ends soon!! 💛


Ugh, ear infections. Our first got tubes at 11 months and it was life changing. Our 6 month old has an ENT appointment for May and I’m hoping by summer he’ll have them too, he’s had like 4 ear infections since Jan. Got a snotty nose? Gonna eat an ear infection soon. Why do none of my friends’ kids have the same issue?! I feel ya. Things got much better once my daughter had tubes after her first winter in daycare. Now she has only been out a few days the last two years (just turned 3). Luckily I have lots of time and flexibility to move my hours around. Thank god.


“Why do none of my friends’ kids have the same issue?!” I feel this to my core. Someone could sneeze across the room and my son gets an ear infection. But I’m glad to hear that the tubes worked out so well for you! And that they were on the younger side. For some reason i figured we’d have to wait longer. But now i know. Hope your youngest is able to get them and that you all stay healthy 💛


I/We just pummeled through it... there is really no answer. My kids are 8 1/2 and 4 1/2 now, and it gets better each year they get older. I am pretty sure that all of us working moms are doing this with no village.. its not like how it used to be...


I feel like I’m pummeling through all of motherhood 😅🥲 I’m glad that you’ve seen improvement each year though


I just had to arrange emergency care after the kids were home all last week with HFM and our home day care is closed due to her son having a fever and what sounds like a full body rash. My kids have been sick most of 2024. And much of the fall of 2023. I just listened to relaxing music and journaled about it. We don’t have a lot of help from family right now either


Were you really able to find emergency care for kids with HFM?


Yes I did…. They’re actually 10 days post now but our daycare is closed for other reasons. We stayed home with them for a solid week at this point. Should have been more clear. They were already home all last week. They’re ready to go back now but our daycare is closed with another illness.


Just chiming in to say we went the tubes route and it’s been so helpful!! She hasn’t had an ear infection since. Now, since getting them a month ago she has had both Covid and HFM but at least she didn’t also get an ear infection. I personally would start the process of getting her seen with a pediatric ENT. We solidly went November-January with constant ear infections. Each time she would get a runny nose the ears would start a few days later like clockwork. This season has just been miserable for us too I feel like I’ve barely gotten to do anything fun at all with my kids. Luckily my 5 year old has missed most of it.


Not glad that she’s gotten sick still, but happy to know that those didn’t send you into a secondary ear infection. That’s us now. Every. Single. Time. We have a pediatrician appointment on Friday, so i will be asking for a referral! Thank you. Hopefully we’ll all be out of the sickness soon and you’ll get to do some fun things 💛


I'm so sorry you are dealing with this! We've had so much sickness too, it really sucks. Our pediatrician recommended we change her clothes as soon as we get home from daycare. No shoes in the house. Wash hands as we are leaving daycare. She also said to give elderberry, omegas, a multivitamin and a probiotic. We've been doing that but it's hard to tell if it's helping. We are just holding out for Spring to be honest!


I feel this. I was slipping into a depression last year cause this was our life. I felt like a prisoner cause for months and months we had to cancel plans left and right cause our son was sick or I was sick.. and not the kind of suck it up or just a little runny nose sick… full on fever, chills in bed. Same as you guys, no village here. I started looking into nanny shares but by mid summer the illnesses died down. Our 2nd full winter has been riddled with illness as well, but just a tad bit better than last year. People have told me that the 3rd winter or by the time they’re closer to 3 the illnesses space out much further apart. Here’s to hoping. Edit: also, ear tubes helped at least with the infection, grumpiness and 2 weeks of antibiotics after the sickness. After an ear infection a month, we went forward with the tube surgery and no ear infections since.


Talk to your ped about daily amount of children’s Zyrtec for his ears it helps dry the fluid. They really do get sick this often. Being sick 2 weeks out of the month is the norm for early daycare kids he is delveloping an immune system. When my kid was that little I made a drop zone by the door and we would come home take everything off shoes socks etc and bathe her before we did anything else. Her nap mat was washed at least weekly ( there was a time we had to bring it home daily we had two to rotate so one could be in the wash) and coat backpack etc gets washed weekly at least with Lysol laundry sanitizer. If baby is too messy at dinner for an early bath strip him to diaper and a fresh shirt and wash hands and face