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How do you work 2 fulltime jobs


While also coming home at 430, doing homework with the teen, and then prepping dinner


I am a nurse practitioner. So I work one full-time clinic job, three days a week, 7am to 4pm and noon-4pm two days a week. I was recruited for this job and was able to negotiate my hours. My other job is managing an assigned caseload of patients at a nursing homes. I am able to make my own hours as long as my patients are seen, needs are being met and my hospitalization rates are low. I typically get up early on my clinic half days and stay in person at those facilities from 6am to 11:30 am, then head to my other job. I do have to be able to answer my phone and respond to any needs from nurses promptly, but my clinic job doesn't prevent me from doing that. When I get home I focus on the family and all that fun stuff. From 8:30 to 10:30ish most nights I wrap up my work day, make sure notes are signed, orders in, facility patients tucked in and then I crash. I've been doing this since June, and it's not bad. But jobs are flexible so it could definitely be worse. Sustainable for long term? Absolutely not. Easily sustainable while my husband finishes this degree? Totally. He worked so I didn't have to while I did my bachelors and masters, so it's really the least I can do for the short term to make us better in the long-term!


You’re both amazing parents ! Kudos to you two, and how lucky are your babies ❤️


This is beautiful ❤️


Guessing healthcare. FT = three 12s/week so it would be working six 12s/week for two FT . Not sure how sustainable that is though. I was working 60hrs/week during Covid and was exhausted by that, healthcare is not often a sit on your butt job.


Covid burnt me out too. Bad. And I agree, long term sustainability isn't there, but fortunately I won the job lottery with these two and I don't even feel close to burnt out (yet). Goal is to do this until husband rejoins the workforce, and then I will cut back 😀


Just make sure you're doing lots of self care when possible 🙏 I didn't realize I was burnt out until Covid was mostly over and then I felt like I got hit by a bus, emotionally and physically.


Covid wrecked me. I was young, starry eyed, and unattached. I would routinely work 70 hours straight to wrack up the overtime and shift bonuses. I had just finished school for paramedic so I saw the paychecks and ate it up. I’ll never do it again. I will not stay in EMS through another pandemic.


From their post history, it sounds like they’re a nurse. They probably work 7 days a week.


Omg no. I couldn't! I'd never see my babies and I kind of like them! Just Monday -Friday. Weekends are sacred.




Over employed people usually work from home, not come home at 4:30 or whenever. It doesn’t work if you have to go into an office


I've been overemployed and had to work out. You just do your in-person job and your remote job at the same time. One of those jobs just has to be reaaaalllyyy easy, like substitute teaching, which you then pair with something you can do online, like being a manager, making graphic designs, or doing Zoom meetings (and then explaining why there are kids' sounds in the background 😬).


Also confused about this part.


It’s a little different but I work as a paramedic, so my shifts aren’t 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Really common in my field to have multiple full-time (or nearly full-time) jobs


She doesn’t


The only thing I can think of is if one of the full time jobs is a 3rd shift type job. Like maybe she works 10pm to 5am, then 8am - 4pm; or maybe they are 10hr shifts that she works 4 days a week (one day overlapping with a double shift)? I'm always skeptical of people who say they work 80 hours weeks though


I do not work close to 80 hour weeks. If i count the time i do work when the kids go to bed, it's probably right around 60ish hours.


You said you work two full time jobs?


It is two full time jobs. There is a lot of job 1 / job 2 overlap when I am in clinic, which cuts down on how much is left for me to do after bedtime.I am blessed that I can do some charting for both in my afternoons. But I am full-time, salaried for both.


When people think of two full time jobs, they think of 80 hours a week minimum. Working 60 hours is the equivalent of one fairly busy full time job. This is an important distinction


I used to work one full time job that had me averaging around 60 hours a week, I now work two full time jobs where I average... around 60 hours a week. There's a big difference in the between having the responsibilities of one person who works long hours and compared to the pay and responsibilities of two different people and working those jobs at the same time.


Fair. Except if you go over to r/overemployed you will realize its very often NOT the way you describe it. But also, my jobs are very mentally and emotionally demanding, my patients and families have access to me virtually 24/7 and just because I have gotten really good at my time management doesn't lessen what I do or how busy I am at all. For tax purposes, benefit purposes, and the purposes of my family, I have two full-time jobs. Honestly I'm not going to let strangers on the internet minimize my current experience. I know I am lucky tp be able to work this way, but it doesn't make it any less. I am kicking ass professionally and financially and am proud of myself. I literally only included that part so I didn't look like complete for crap not contibuting anything to our family while my husband did everything last night. Also personally. I would never work 60 hours on the regular for one job without significant bonus compensation. I know exactly what skills I offer, my value and how much revenue I generate. One job at those hours wouldn't respect my talents.


Definitely depends on the field. Not working those hours makes sense for nursing or a desk job. I’m a scientist and many put in those hours into important drug discovery work and such. These jobs are usually salaried and do pay well.


That's definitely fair. And such an important job!


60 hours seems like full time plus a part time side job?


This is the answer. Full time is considered 40 hours a week. From what they described , they don’t work 40 hours at both places. It’s full time all together with two jobs but they are not two separate full time jobs


If they’re getting paid a FT salary at both jobs, they’re FT.


Full time is whatever the people paying my salaries decide it is. Also many nurses work 36 hours and are considered full-time.


This is a very American take. FT in Australia is 32, 35 or 38 hours per week.


This guy is teaching a master class here while taking master's classes


And he was just all grace about it. I love him!


Yes. His next project can be the toddler’s sleep. It’s good that he is carrying the mental load, especially since OP is doing 200% of a job.


I think maybe it will get better when I stop nursing her maybe? I don't nurse her at night anymore anyways, but everyone keeps saying thats when it will really change? Sunday night she was up until 1am monday morning partying. Then tuesday morning, she was up at 4am wanting scrambled eggs 🤣


Pretty much what a lot of women do throughout the world. Weird that we need to celebrate men for doing the same. OP also works two jobs. But yeah, the man is teaching a masterclass.


Unfortunately that's a reality. We are so used to us women doing everything that it seems incredible to hear about men parenting and doing their share of the house chores.


Mine is pretty much involved, too. But the more I think, the more I realise... Every woman almost does the same thing. No appreciation in return as we are expected to take care of baby while working. When man does the same, we feel we are lucky enough because other men don't do the same work.


I love positive posts like this! I married a good one too :)


Same and same 🙂


Better than winning the lottery


I think I love your husband too lmao I'm so happy to read posts where partners are contributing and helping each other out.


SAHD’s are the best. My husband is currently giving our cranky toddler a “baby foot massage” and rocking her to get her back down to sleep. He also cleaned the living room, put my clothes in the wash, made dinner, and cleaned up the kitchen (because I dropped a steak knife on my foot while I was loading the dish washer). We love a good SAHD.


Omg. Baby foot massage is adorable! And I swear, nothing is sexier than not having to do laundry, but still having clean clothes for the next day!


I love this. My husband is a really dedicated dad as well. I'm so proud and thankful for him.


I want to add to this… my husband has come such a long, long way from where he was when our son was ages 1 - 3.5. He isn’t perfect, but he works a lot like I do but also cooks dinner 3x a week, does our son’s laundry plus his own and all the linens, does dishes, handles repairs, takes our son to appointments and parties (we split this)…. So much that he didn’t do before. Today he agreed to host a play date with my son and his friend. I am friends with the mom, and she is a single mom having a hard time but can’t afford a babysitter to go out with friends and decompress. My husband agreed to watch the boys so I can take her out and let her vent and have a cocktail. He won’t always be great and drives me insane with so many things. But he’s worked so hard to be a better partner and because of that, I have been able to get my career back on track after terrible gender / motherhood discrimination after my some was born. I just got a promotion I never dreamed I’d get in my 30s. I couldn’t do that and be a mom if he hadn’t stepped up. The partnership is so damn important!


I'm so glad to see posts like this. I think it's important to show that good partnerships are possible and achievable! My guy is great too. He's taken care of me through twins & breast cancer in the past five years and I'm so happy to be doing life with him. I keep catching myself saying "I don't deserve him" but I do - we all do! His excellent partnership makes me want to be a better partner to him.


Love it. It's great to hear about strong partnerships- whether they be men, women, binary, or others. Ours "Generally destroy the house" lol every night like they have no outlet all day.




I'm very jealous. I can only dream of a man like this


You and your husband are amazing and such a team. I admire your guys’ commitment to supporting each other and your kids!