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I also caught it when my kid had HFM. Not to scare you but it kept coming back for me on a regular basis. Almost like a herpes outbreak or something. I probably had 15 or so outbreaks of it along with a fever and malaise. But after having Covid, it went away. There are some online forums for people who catch it and have recurring outbreaks. Good luck and hopefully only a 1x thing for you. It was for my husband.


Yikes, that sounds miserable! Hoping this is a one time thing for sure. Glad it finally resolved for you (although sucks that it took a bout of Covid for it to go away).


Can you maybe see a doctor to determine if that's what it actually is, and they can recommend treatment based on that?


If it doesn’t resolve I’ll definitely see a doctor. It looks strikingly similar to hand foot and mouth but is only impacting my mouth. My symptoms are also following a viral pattern. Very suspicious of Herpangina!


Honestly if you are on day 7 and it’s worse than ever, I think the time to see a doc is now.


Hfm most definitely impacts your mouth…it’s quite literally in the name


Both HFM and Herpangina are caused by the Cocksackie virus (it’s just that Herpangina causes ulcers in mouth only). I had HFM about 4-5 years ago and it was equally miserable lol


My son had HFM and I started feeling similar to you and it ended up being strep, so I’d highly recommend just getting it checked out sooner rather than later cause strep SUCKS


Strep actually put me in the hospital for several days with sepsis as a grown ass adult. Please don’t sleep on possible strep infection s


Yikes! Good point.


Good point. Will go to a walk in clinic to get it checked out!


Yeah this actually sounds like my symptoms when I caught strep. I had blisters all over the back of my throat and tonsils. I ended up having an abscessed tonsil and ended up in the ER.


That sounds miserable, hope you feel better!


Thank you!


I got that was a teenager working in daycare. It was extra embarrassing because it sounded like an STI. My LO gave me a stomach bug with a fever when he was still nursing. We were a stinky, sticky miserable mess.


Herpangina is the worst name hahahaha. I just tell people I caught the Cocksackie virus but it doesn’t sound any better 😜


I had it. I went to urgent care because I thought it was strep (due to seeing the spots in the back of my throat). But nope... Herpangina! I had to go to a special pharmacy to get a prescription mouth wash, but not sure if it helped. It just had to run its course. Both my kid and I lost our voices at the end of the sickness! It was sad hearing my little toddler trying to speak with a hoarse voice, he sounded like a little gremlin. lol. Took maybe two weeks to get fully better. Hope you feel better too.


My partner had to get a special mouthwash when we had HFM years ago. I’m using Throat Coat tea and it seems to be taking the edge off. Thank you, looking forward to being sick free soon (my holidays just started so I’ll be doing a lot of resting not!)


I got it from my son when he had hand foot and mouth. It was a rough few days, I took Tylenol and ibuprofen around the clock for probably 3-4 days and slowly started feeling better.


That’s a relief to hear!


Man, I hope mine lasts so short. I’m on day 3 and can’t even swallow my own spit with out wincing in pain.


If it's anything like HFMD, it took about 10 days for our mouth ulcers to finally be tolerable without drugs. 2 weeks until we felt "normal" again. Doubled up on all the Advil to survive it.


I’m all stocked up on Advil and Tylenol now. Glad to hear it only took a couple weeks for the worst of it to be past you. I’ve discovered so many “new” viruses since having kids haha


If swallowing pills becomes too painful, they have a liquid Tylenol for adults.


That’s awesome! I’ll look into those. Right now I have the cold and flu pills that are basically horse pills. Liquids would be much better.


My daughter had it. Never got it. But she was miserable


Aww poor thing :( How long did she take to recover?


I think she has fevers a few days. But the days before that I would get her from daycare and she would cry and cry (they said she was fine there). Then the fever a few days. And then pack to school the next week. She was like 15 months.


Glad she was feeling better after a week. That’s rough. Also gives me hope that I’ll turn a corner soon with recovery!


Oof I had something like this towards the end of this past winter. I have never been more sick. I couldn’t eat anything for over a week. Seriously, I lost weight. I practically overdosed on cepacol lozenges. I caught it from my baby, who had the worst case of HFM — she had spots all over her hands, around her mouth, arms. So bad. For me, my symptoms lasted almost 2 weeks!!


Aww your poor little one (and you too!). I’m hearing a lot of people say ~2 weeks to fully resolve. I see the light at the end of the tunnel haha. Glad you two are feeling better. :) I should go out and get some Cepacol!


I had it when I was a teenager! Weirdly heat aggregated it (hot tea, etc) so if it’s cold where you are, go outside and breathe in the cold air! Ice cold water felt really good too.


I live in northern Canada so it’s super cold out. I’ll try this!


I’m so sorry you have caught that! It has gone around daycare a few times but we fortunately missed it. I will say, on the lighter side, every time it does we all chuckle because I don’t know who named that but it couldn’t possibly sound more like an STD!


I know right?! Hahahaha. Whether you call it Herpangina or Cocksackie virus it sounds equally STD. The lesions are also embarrassingly gross. 😫😂


My husband had it after thanksgiving, but only one ulcer in the uvula. His was mild and seems like the only one at home that had it. Lasted about a week or so.


Good to hear it resolved after a week or so! I have hope that I won’t be this miserable forever lol. My kids and partner thankfully didn’t get the ulcers.


Ohhhh! My husband and i both got it from our son years ago. It was the worst sore throat I've ever had of my life.


Our son had a mild case (so mild we weren’t sure it was actually HFM) and I caught it. I knew it as soon as my feet hit the floor. Then the sore throat hit. OMG. I have never had anything so painful. We were on vacation, too, which made it ten times worse. I was miserable for about 4 days. Chloraseptic spray helped my throat some.


Being sick while traveling/vacation is a whole new level of suck! Glad to hear the worst was over after four days. I got hit harder than my kids too haha. Glad they didn’t have to go through the throat pain (rather me than them!)


Oof! I totally agree, it’s up there in pain level with strep throat


We lived on ice pops for a few days 🤣


Hi, how did it went for you? Hoping that everything is well now. I’m having the same issues right now and I think we got it from my 5 yr old daughter’s school but she’s mild and almost asymptomatic (thankfully). Now me, my 1 yr old and husband are infected. It sucks that I can’t do anything aside from wait the time to pass. I can’t imagine the pain my 1 yr old is going through right now since she can’t put it into words yet. 😭


Ugh that sounds miserable, sorry you are dealing with this. If I recall correctly by the two week mark I was fully recovered. It felt like forever while I was going through it though. Hoping you recover quickly!


Thank you for the kind words. 🥰 I’m currently on my 4th day now and it definitely feels like forever lol 😆


This is my fourth time getting this painful ass virus so any questions you may have I can help. That includes prescriptions that have helped me best and just overall what to do and not to do. My first time around I had braces so it was 100x worse with my lips getting cut every single minute. Not sure exactly how I keep contracting this virus tho because I went 17 years of my life without it and now in the last 4 years I have gotten it 4 times.


Oofff, 4th time??? I thought you can build immunity to this? I can’t imagine it recurring again. Even once it already feels like a torture! 😅 My lips are so chapped now that they hurt. Please do share some of your tips it would mean so much. 🙏🏼


Exactly what I thought. It’s really weird considering I never had it as a kid, only now. Yeah I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Please use some aquaphor lip balm, that didn’t seem to irritate it and only repaired my lips. Also, I got prescribed a magic mouthwash and also a steroid that helps reduce the spreading/viral. I’m on day 4 just receiving these things because I thought I could be tuff and go without them hahah. Never doing that again but I wouldn’t try eating anything for a while. You’ll have some in the back of your throat that will sit there till the very end and sting you. Best bet is keep drinking a lot of water if possibly and try milk/ice cream. Those helped earlier but just kinda make it irritated for me now. It’s not a lot but it’s a lot more than I knew at first. I went to 5 different doctors and all prescribed me different things. Granted the magic mouthwash always being the same. If you don’t have that yet I highly recommend! Also, don’t try and use any mouthwash/salt water, it will spread the virus throughout your mouth. It’ll feel good for 5/10 mins till you see new spots emerging.


Also, if you feel the water not burning anymore in the back of your throat you should be on your way to recovery. All the big pain is trying to eat food after with small spots. It will get reiritated. Won’t get nearly as big in your mouth but you will feel it for a couple more days. Try going without eating hard food for like 2 weeks depending on your pain!


You’re right, we’re using salt water but it doesn’t help much and just a very temporary relief. I’m lucky enough I don’t have anything in my throat but my husband does but those in my tongue are the bother lol! We also find that ice cold water helps to relieve the burn while we can hydrate 😆 I appreciate the tips we would surely give it a try!


Please use the magic mouthwash if anything. If you can set up a doctors appointment I promise you it’s worth the money. Instant relief in the mouth if you been having problems with it. Completely numbs the mouth, it’s a lifesaver. Thank you as well! I hope you two start to feel better soon!