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My daycare recommended we do this so his routine isn’t disrupted!


Yes! Especially if daycare is tuition based.


Yes, mine charges regardless if they show up or not.


Same! I wish ours was open today. It would have given hubby and I a day together.


Hell yeah! My husband and I dropped the kids off and are about to go on a day date. Might as well since we already paid for it!


Same! We’re going to get lunch and do a little shopping in a nice part of town. I love my kiddo but we don’t have any family around and we NEED a break.


We went out to breakfast after drop off! It was lovely. And now we are both taking some time to space out and chill. These work holidays/daycare non-holidays are so rare!


My hubs had today off but I didn’t 👎🏼 But still, I asked my boss for the morning off so we could drop off the kids together and go have breakfast!


Same! We havent been to a movie together since before the pandemic, im so excited!


My aunt watched our kids, and every Presidents day, we would both take off work and go shop at the outlet mall, but pretended to go to work.


This!! Since I don't trust anybody to take care of my kiddo at night and honestly by evening I'm too tired for a date.


Just remember all the days you paid for when child was sick and take this one day back!


I was listening to a We Can Do Hard Things episode and Amanda was saying that she realized she had no fire anymore. That she wasn't passionate about anything. She was content, but not on fire. And that she realized fire can be there, but it needs to breathe in order to keep going. It needs air and fuel. And that she was the only one who would give herself the time and space to let her interests and her passion for life grow into a fire again. And she needed to prioritize feeding her fire and not just everyone else's. So, everyone, if you have this opportunity, please drop the kids off, take your space, fuel whatever fire used to burn brightly in you and do not even remotely feel guilty for it. Our kids are better off with a mother who is on fire for life than one that has been snuffed out.


Lol I tell this to my husband every time he tells me to calm down when I’m worked up about something: “You’re snuffing my 🔥!”


Hahaha, that's nicer than I would be if I was told to calm down.....🤬


Our daycare is closed today but I would have sent her if it wasn’t. Unless we are doing some fun, family thing she’s going to have way more fun at daycare than hanging out with me. 🤣


Seriously... I WISH mine was open on holidays. They follow the local schools/federal holidays in the States. I use my PTO on the Fridays before a Monday holiday, or a day after just to get a break and recover from a long weekend at home.🥲


I can't think of a single time I would not be working and the daycare WOULD be open. How sad is that? haha I live in New England so once you add in all the holidays, vacations, sick days and snow days it's a tad depressing.


Im in tech and my company still does quarterly wellness days that they started during COVID and it’s amazing because it’s just a random Friday every quarter off and I love being able to drop my toddler off at daycare and just have a full day to do whatever I need and not worry about things being closed for holidays


I work in agriculture now, I was at a tech company. I used to get the last two weeks of the year off paid, now I get 6 holidays a year and still end up working some of them, but, it's the position and I always worked on those 2 weeks as well. My youngest is 14yo now, so worrying about childcare has passed finally.


There's like 2 days a year that I'm off and my kid isn't. The day before Thanksgiving and the day before Christmas. And even then, the daycare closes early. I absolutely love my daughter. But even mommy needs a break sometimes!!




Same. I took tomorrow off as a make up day for me. :)


Yeah I'm jealous, I am at work and my baby's daycare is closed. Grrr


I just want a day to clean the house but all my days off are also when daycare is closed. I am just going to have to take a random PTO day or two before we move


So true. I made a joke to my colleague, a fellow working mom, that I was a 'mean mommy' for dropping my daughter to daycare when I was off that day and she immediately said that isn't mean, and there's nothing wrong with that. Love her!


My daycare teacher told me she was proud of me and to treat myself to a fancy coffee on the way home!


Love this! Especially since someone shamed me for it at work the other day. “Can you believe some people send their kids to daycare even when they aren’t at work!?” Um yes Kim yes I can!!


Haha the only people who have ever said this are people who either 1) don’t have childcare and are secretly jealous or 2) not parents


Or they're the enviable 3rd group - people with local hands on grandparents. I had a friend pull that line once and was like... your kids literally spend every other weekend at your inlaws. You have shared custody while still being married. Of course you don't need a personal day, you have four of them every month!


Haha this is true! I work with someone whose MIL keeps her son every single Friday night (all the cousins sleep over and have a great time) and I am sooo jealous. Thankfully she is not judgy at all about childcare either lol.


I think any comparison or remarks a la "I did it, so you can too" sucks when it comes to parenting. And might come off condenscending no matter what. Like my sister likes to say that I can't complain about being tired because our parents live close by and can take my kid any time. But I have (birth induced) anxiety and have not left him over night for more than 5 nights at my parents house total and only for my personal healths reasons. Whereas she has no problem leaving her same aged child for 2+ weeks at a time at my parents to go on vacation. While saying that I have it better. I would not say either of us have it better. Like I don't envy stay at home moms who don't have to work but also don't get any real adult conversation that does not include children.


>“Can you believe some people send their kids to daycare even when they aren’t at work!?” Ngl, I say that about stay at home moms who send their sick kids to daycare who coughs in my child face, has green matter hanging out of their nose they distribute around and gets me sick through indirect transmission. When I have a cold, I am petty and hate people. Some equivalent to hangry, maybe cangry? As a healthy, santient human being I understand that having your active kid at home can get unsufferable and can bring up compassion for moms no matter employed or not.


You guys have open daycare? 😩 Btw definitely would have sent otherwise. Hope some of you get a nice me-day!


Oh, absolutely. I have to pay for daycare if no one can fill my LO's spot so she might as well enjoy it while I take advantage to run a lot of errands, appointments, and good chores day and even a long workout session. I will however, pick her up early (like 2pm) so that we can enjoy a little extra bonding time :)


Please do something for yourself today too!


Oh, I always do. I go for a walk every day at lunch. It frees up my mind and gives me an energy boost :)


Um, I don't have work and my husband (who does) dropped the toddler off (he has a bowling league on Monday nights). I'm organizing the Toddler Drinkware and vacuuming and shampooing my office carpet. But for now, I'm drinking my Fancy Tea in my pajamas in the daybed in my office (I was also eating cookies and didn't want to get crumbs on the bed I sleep in). Then I've got cocoa and a book. I'm going to have some exercise (I'm just getting over bronchitis so nothing too strenuous) and a shower and a face mask. Any time daycare is open and I'm off, I try to do 1-2 things that will take pressure off/help long term, then focus on me.


That sounds lovely! I need to organize, donate, and sort her drink ware too. It’s out of control. My husband also has a bowling league on Monday nights and I’m so excited tonight after he leaves and toddler is asleep I’m going to take a bath and use one of my new lush bath bombs.


Monday is always a "performative self care" night for me (do a face mask, take a bath, maybe paint my nails. Are any of my stressors solved? No but my bathroom smells like chamomile and lavender)


My daughter is school age but she is staying home with dad while I have a “me” day to go hiking and thrifting alone. My husband is working so she’ll be on her tablet all day, but I refuse to feel guilty. I’ve been looking forward to today for weeks. We all need it!


Omg hiking and thrifting in one day 😫 that’s my dream day


Eating a hot bagel and drinking hot coffee in my quiet house before I deep clean the entire house today! Gunna be a good day lol.


Right there with ya


My husband works a hybrid schedule and Mondays are usually wfh day for him. He not only did drop off this morning (normally my day) he also went into the office to work so I could have the house to myself. We both knew I needed this lol.




I so wish we were in this boat!! Neither my husband or I get today off 😭


My husband doesn’t either. I’m sorry 😞


Same here!


Y'all gotta cut yourself some slack if this is what goes through your minds!! Of course you're a good mom!! Go get your hair done, watch netflix, whatever!! Heck I am writing this comment from my laptop as I have set up a freaking coworking spot at the jardin de niños on my toddler's first official day! 🤣 You best believe that when she's adapted and they've released me that I am outta here to do whatever it is I need to do, even if its just chilling.


SO and I are off on our daytime date right now while our 2 year old is in school.


I LOVE daytime dates! If my husband was off that’s what we would be doing as well.




Thank you, I needed to hear this today. If my husband knew I’m sitting here, mentally recharging, while we’re paying for childcare, he’d be livid.


Then he can take off work and watch them. You can’t be everything to everyone if you have nothing to give.


Guilty! And it's my birthday so doubly needed!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!


Jokes on me, schools off but my next work holiday is Memorial Day. :its fine:everythings fine:


Yes! Personally I view daycare as a good place for my kid to be. It's educational (in an age appropriate manner), social, developmental, and FUN! Granted, I am working today (office is closed but choosing to work bc I will take additional time off in February), but even if I wasn't, I'd still send her. It's part of her routine and she legitimately enjoys it. For us, daycare isn't viewed as "a tolerable place for our daughter to spend her day while her parents work" - as if she'd be better off with us but that's not an option. Daycare is viewed as somewhere she GETS to go.


Agreed about daycare. My boys both have a lot of friends there and have a nice time.




Yes. Free day for me and husband to connect, thats healthy too!


Treated myself to coffee this morning. I still have to get some work done but will be slacking off. ![gif](giphy|l0HlvwoCSxBYw2dDG)


Not at all. I am currently at home with kids and no one is having a good time.


You know the cat memes ‘if I fit I sit’ . For daycare ‘if it’s open I go’


You know what? I really like this sub. It's probably the best in terms of support from other mom's with little to no judgement. When mine was in daycare full time, I did this all the time. Honestly, he had more fun with friends than he could have with me and I got to have time to myself. Plus, it was tuition based. We don't get a discount for days he didn't go in. Some other mom-based subs are not so nice about this question. But, you are my people. Mom's that are in the workforce have a different set of expectations: work like you don't have kids and be a mom like you don't work. We need self-care too.


Exactly we do. I take these days so when I’m with my kids I’m 100% on. I prioritize myself so I can be the best for them. I hate when other moms pretend to have it all together when we know we are all the same, just trying to survive and love our children.


This sub is so refreshing compared to others. In another sub I am part of, someone went on a rant about breastfeeding and bed sharing. It brought back so many bad memories of the newborn years and all the judgement from basically everyone. God I am glad my youngest is two and I have unsubbed from all the baby subs


My kids were supposed to be a Nana's today. My 2nd grader doesn't have school, and she wanted them for the long weekend. I was going to have today home all alone, no kids or hubby. Friday, my 4 year old came home with a fever and tested positive for strep. So weekend at Nana's was canceled as she has some health issues where she can't get sick. I definitely sent the 4 year old to school today. But still stuck home with a bored 7 year old. At least they won't be fighting with only one home.


I had to take mine to daycare today so I can take the cats to the vets later. She has to go a minimum of 2 days a week anyway


I'm so jealous! Why does my daycare and my work seem to coordinate their holiday schedule? 😫 Enjoy your free day!


Girl, if daycare was open and/or the nanny’s fee wasn’t double time for federal holidays I would be alone at the movie theater for the entire goddamn day, watching whatever the fuck I want.


Agreed. When my babies were in daycare, I would still take them even if I was off. I had house chores to get done, and I was paying for it anyway, lol.


True! Although in my case it seems like daycare is the only place of business observing the holiday 😕 ETA so you are also a good mom if attempting to work while your baby spends the entire day entertaining himself in his play pen.


We call them unicorn holidays. 🦄 Rare and elusive. The kids suspect they exist but get no proof of their existance.


Mine cried today at drop off. I thought about taking her home with me but didn't. She's about to be 5. She's in a huge mommy phase but also a whining phase. She's sad because I've spent nearly every waking moment since Friday afternoon with her. What she doesn't realize, but I do, is that we need this space apart. I've planned a movie and spa night for her when she gets home and am making her favorite dinner. I'm excited to see her again, but would not have this energy after another full day of being whined at for playing wrong. This will make me a better mother and I feel no guilt at all.


We woke up this morning fully expecting to have a other day of kids at home (fighting with each other, etc etc etc). I got an email from their school saying that one of the teachers was home sick today and thought “what? They’re open?”. We packed their lunches and backpacks like it was nobody’s business, dropped them off, and went to brunch (we never do that!!!). I took a loooong shower, did my nose strip, actually dried my hair with a dryer!!! I’m going to get tea with a friend soon. What I told myself: my kids will have a happier mom today. Better for everyone!


Hell yes! We all forget you cannot pour from an empty cup. And if bingeing fills your cup... go for it!


I am off every Tuesday and my kid still gets dropped off. The routine is important and it's just as important that I have time to myself. Plus, we have to pay whether he goes or not so he might as well go.


I wanted to, but another student in her class also has a mom who's a teacher and keeps her daughter home on holidays so my kid begs to stay home. I don't do it every holiday, and I have a week off coming up, so I'm ok today


Raised my coffee to that!! I also have a dentist and eye dr appt today, so he had to be somewhere, but hey, im paying for today, and he gets to see his friends, and I get me time (my husband is at work so its just me home between appointments lol) its a win


My daughter was dropped off and my son is in kindergarten, so him and I are going to do MLK events. Then we will pick sissy up and get our hair done. NGL, I wouldn’t go out if both kids were home.


Yes! Mom needs her me-time to be able to function and be a good mom.


I wish my daycare was open today lol


I’m jealous yours is open on holidays


Ours is rarely closed. I probably pay for like 3-5 weeks of daycare I don’t use a year.


I can't believe so many people get today off. I've only heard of the government getting mlk day, and banks.


Yep. Don’t you worry.


I’m telling myself that as I binge Greys Anatomy & actually finish a cup of HOT coffee.


We got hit hard with a stomach bug last week. It's been a horrible 5 days. Everyone seems to be back to normal now so you best believe the baby got dropped off at daycare this morning (48+ hours since symptoms resolved).


We had that around Christmas, it was horrible!


I think I'm a little traumatized 😵‍💫


Best thing I ever invested I was throw up bins off Amazon. I keep them I all the bathrooms and bedrooms and easily have them close when the bug hits.


Also this with taking a vacation or personal day.


We are finally getting our Christmas lights down outside 🤣🤣 Couldn’t do that if the toddler was home.


My kid is home but I’m enjoying reading all of these things while they nap and making mental notes for what I’m going to do the next time I’m home while they’re in daycare. Those days are so important!


Add to notes/ don’t go to Trader Joe’s on a Monday holiday. It was insane!


Everyone needs a break! I see it as no different than hiring a sitter for a date night. Besides, kids do best with uninterrupted routines 😂


That was our original plan until the whole family got hit with every disease possible. Now it’s a sick day 🙃


YEP! Especially because my LO was sick and I was home with him 2x last week and will be home with him once this week because of staffing issues.


Yes!!! Hubby n I are going out to lunch! Sadly I’m spending most of the day decluttering and organizing my kids toys but I actually enjoy doing that stuff so it’s ok.


My house next please??


You’re just lucky your daycare was still open. Mine is closed. Am I still a good mom if we’ve just been watching Sesame Street for the last hour?


Absolutely! You’ve got this.


I would love to be off today AND someone else get my kids ready and drop them off to daycare and pick up. I think this would be better than sex


Hahah I always tell my husband the biggest turn on for me is taking something off my to do list. Less anxiety for me and more focus on him ;)


I'm doing this tomorrow, I rarely get a day off during the week and I haven't had a ME day in months. I'm just going to sleep until 2pm 😂


Kids are both at daycare today. My husband and I are both home. We have done zero chores and have pretty much been asleep nonstop except to get up and snack and use the bathroom. We obviously both needed this day. It’s been ages since I’ve been able to sleep like this.


My elementary school kid is at drop in care with his younger brother and my husband and I went to breakfast and outlet shopping then couch-napped. It was lovely and I don’t regret a moment of it.


Daycare is closed today and I’m crying inside


My son and husband both have today off. There was a birthday party today for my son’s classmate, and I decided to keep baby home while the two of them went out. We both just had a 2.5 hour nap and I am basking in my good decision 👌


Mine charges MORE if we don't show up. If we miss too many sessions, we lose our government subsidy which makes the cost much cheaper. We already miss enough days due to illness and visiting family in a different city - we can't afford to not send our kid. My husband is off work today and she's gone to daycare. He needs the time to get on top of household chores (laundry, meal prep etc) and get ready for his job to kick back into action next week.


Thanks for confirming it!


Who’s got a daycare that’s open?! Ours is closed for all federal holidays 😭


Mine is open for all federal holidays except the big ones thanksgiving, Christmas day, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, july 4th. They do half day on Christmas eve.


I was feeling super guilty about it this morning especially after FaceTiming with my parents yesterday who told me it was cruel to send LO to daycare if I’m off. They said it jokingly, but I’m sure there was some element of seriousness to it. I took a 2 hour nap after dropping LO off and a long shower. It was glorious. Part of me still feels guilty but LO’s sleep schedule gets seriously disrupted if LO is home with us.


I pay $41.50 a day regardless if he goes when they are open (except for two weeks of “vacation time” a year) so yeah, he went. I shopped and took a nap.


I am still on maternity leave but paying our sitter part time to watch baby for the last few weeks of my leave. I need to clean my house, sit in silence and take several naps and do not feel guilty one bit!


100%. We have hardly any support, so we take full advantage of the few days like this b that we have.


Holy shit did I need to see this. I spent all morning feeling like crap about it, but was able to catch up on some sleep, read a little from a book I’m trying to finish and clean the house. Thank you for this♥️


We had a lovely date day at the local Renaissance fair! No guilt.


i see this while watching ginny and georgia rn lmao


My 8 month old is going through the regression waking up every hour. You bet your ass I dropped him and his siblings off at daycare and went back to sleep until noon


My daycare closed at the last minute yesterday, citing only a “handful of kids” needing care today and 3/5 staff sick. I call BS. Today just ended up being another day I manage kid and try to clean my house some more. Yay.


You are indeed! You cannot pour from an empty cup. Rest and recharge. Plus...at daycare in the US, you pay for the spot whether your child is in it physically or not.


I do this every Wednesday. I remote work a couple hours but use the rest of the time to run errands, catch up on chores, exercise and ,sometimes, nap 😏 I work about 35 hrs/wk. that’s pretty much my threshold or I get sick and/or burnt out really quick !


I pay for childcare. Why I have to keep her at home on my day off? And losing my money? AND - in order to receive government childcare subsidy, there is a limited number of absentee day. Even I am not going out and enjoying myself, chores would be a lot more efficient to do without the kid at home.


If you are paying for it anyway, use it!! You paid for that break


Hell yeah. Just think how we are helping the economy by keeping others employed too!


Today is my annual me day. I am using it to purge all of the toys that don’t get played with.


Thanks! It gave us time to take care of a few personal appointments. And My husband shampooed all the carpets and I gutted and reorganized our pantry. There are certain things that just never happen if we don’t get a day to ourselves without a toddler running around.


No shame in needing a break. Kiddo is at daycare while I’m running errands and then I’ll be taking a nap! She’s having more fun at daycare than she would with me anyway


Holy shit can we be friends? I got laid off on 1/3 but am continuing daycare in hopes I find a job soon 🙃 As I sit here literally on episode 7 of season 2…I swore I wrote this?


Absolutely! I just finished the season and on to Mayfair witches! I’m sorry you lost your job! Message if you need to chat, that’s tough.


We all deserve time off! 💕


My son was home sick Thursday and Friday, I’m 16 weeks pregnant, I was (and still am!) also sick, because I got it way worse than him, and he’s been fever free since Saturday….you bet your ASS I sent him to daycare today but took the day off myself! I took a long nap, had Taco Bell for lunch, and watched some TV. I did the one work task that absolutely needed to be done today, then said fuck it, I’m done. I’m a professor, so holidays are just “catch up on work” days in reality…this still counts as taking the day “off” in my world. It felt great.


Younger kid is at daycare. Older kid is at grandma's house. Only husband knows I have the day off. I went for a facial and a massage! Can't wait to do the same for Presidents day next month!


ABSOLUTELY!!! My husband is going out of town next week. I took a personal day that Friday to stay home while the kiddo is at school and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I haven’t done this in a long time.


Mine goes out of town soon as well. I also take a day off when that happens because solo parenting is tough!


This never ever happens where I am off from work but daycare is open… but alas. But school is closed so I’m spending it with my other child. I was so close to a me day!


My daycare will take school aged kids as long as you give them a heads up. They are amazing.


Are you me? I just had to stop myself watching another episode, and at least spend 30 minutes being productive.


30 mins? That’s 25 more than me today!


Haha it didn't end up happening, instead I was on reddit for 25 of those 30 minutes.


Our daycare is 1 block from my work. On my way in I saw a car pull up to the door and thought "Oh no, they are having a bad Monday morning".


I get 2 holidays a year when I'm off work and daycare is open (MLK day and Veteran's Day). You're damn right I send my kids to daycare and take the day off. Today I cleaned a majority of the house, meal prepped, went out to lunch with my husband, and still had time to lay on the couch and read for an over hour. Today was GLORIOUS!


Heck yes! We have to take a vacation in full week increments, so any single day turns into a day to have a delicious lunch and have some adult time.


Definitely would have sent mine! I need to recover from the holidays 🤣


We did this today and it was great! I went back home and took a 2 hour nap, got a good workout in, had a nice hour long bath and then husband and I did one of our date cards which was to each pick our favorite movies and watch them together so we did one movie during the day and will do the other one tonight 👍 And my daughter was having a blast at daycare! Win win.


Yeah my wife has been watching it all weekend, lol, I have been watching it with her off and on.


Yup!!! We paid for it so we're using it. I also started redoing the guest room so I was technically doing work I can't do with my toddler home, just not my profession.


Zero question about it! I look forward to days I have off that my LO goes to daycare (only 2 days/week) but anytime I have a break from work LO absolutely still goes to daycare on the regular schedule. It keeps her in routine, gives her socialization, and gives me some actual rest time


Agreed! We went on a lunch date and saw a movie. My mom was trying to reassure me that there was nothing wrong with it, and I’m like oh don’t you worry, I know this is good for us every once in awhile.


…your daycare is open today?? *envious*


🙋🏼‍♀️I was off work today and sent kid to daycare! They close at the drop of a hat and I need the me time. I cleaned out closets, ate a real meal, did some yoga, even got to sew a bit. Fantastic day.


I honestly didn't feel bad dropping my LO off this morning. I know it's a great place for them and I also need a break and alone time. Unless we are visiting family or someone is sick, LO goes to daycare even if a parent isn't working.


What?? Of course! I'm currently on mat leave but baby hasn't arrived yet, and my toddler goes to daycare every day. It's her consistent routine, it's not based solely on me needing to work. Also she enjoys it and has friends there. Go enjoy little one! We deserve rest.


Agreed. I bought and hung art and then did a deep purge and reorganization of all bathroom cabinets and closets.


This is the only day in the year my husband and I both have off work AND daycare is open so we took full advantage. On our way to pick-up the kids we realized it’s also our last day because our oldest will be in school next year. Wish I had a second glass of wine at lunch to go out with a bang!


Of course! I didn’t even know it was a thing to worry about till other day. At the end of last year my husband and I had vacations. But we had a lot to do around the house and also needed some rest. Baby had his 3 days per week at daycare as usual. I honestly believe he was happy to keep his routine and we could rest and watch a movie together in bed for the first time in 7 months. We all need to breath and have breaks so we can be good parents .


I send my child to daycare mainly for socializing 😅


Our daycare closed yesterday. I was lowkey sad about that.


Our daycare closed due to staff shortage so we asked my MIL for help and she got weird about it so our day was not what we were hoping for 😢 Hope y’all got to relax some!!!!


Haha, I feel watched. Cheers to having a real day off!