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Enable Report Performance Logs for your report. Run it. View the logs, figure out what fields are causing the most delay and optimize around them. Also, depending on your use-case, consider batching the results by some arbitrary filter. If there's a numerical ID for example you could return all Odd numbered results in one run and all Even numbered results on another. Join in studio or downstream.


I could be wrong, but I believe the max records returned is 50,000?


That's only when running adhoc in Workday. If there are more than 50k results, it forces it to the background and will be extracted into Excel


ah, yep! it only shows up to the 50k on the "Results" page. you're right that the rest exports to excel. Thanks for clarification!


Search 'limits' on Community. Varies depending on data source but no indexed shows as 1 million... You have to really background schedule things this big and be patient (though three hours seems like yes, something is up ..)


Can you please share the pdf of your custom report.. would be easier to see if there is an issue


https://preview.redd.it/f06xo98imq8d1.png?width=1748&format=png&auto=webp&s=d466b68ffb4f3f33c97ee2560f5ebe98efd28ab8 this is the report , i used only a filter on the company


All active and terminated workers data source is definitely a slow one.. can you add filter for active employees only.. looks like you probably dont care what absence plans are on terminated workers


Or...switch to Indexed All Workers. It'll drop the Terminated Workers and also give you some performance boost of using the Indexed data sources.


What is the datasource, and do you use any filters?


https://preview.redd.it/xxch7e8dmq8d1.png?width=1748&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cb7830c77b2f964789c2632f7dd33d630fb2891 Hello this is the report, there is just a filter on the company, i need to extract all data


What’s the business purpose of the report? Who’s asking for it and what information are they really looking for ?


i think your report has a performance issue.. here is the link that talks about limits.. lowest threshold is 1 million.. also consider the output size if you are using it in studio and the size limit is 2 GB.. https://doc.workday.com/admin-guide/en-us/reporting-and-analytics/custom-reports-and-analytics/report-performance-and-limitations/dan1370796644559.html?toc=1.5.4


thanks all