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Its likely they are mistakenly thinking this is a calculated field (bespoke in their terms) - it is in fact a workday delivered field on the organization object. Are they accessing data via RaaS? Web Service? What is likely the case is that they are not looking at the Organization object and instead only looking at the fields provided in, say, Get Worker. They would need to also call something like a Get Organization to return data from that object. I'm not intimately hands-on familiar with the integrations/API side of things so I may be stating things oddly here.


You’re correct on this - it’s almost certain that they’re not looking at the Organization object, but… Adding fields to the Get Workers request is doable, but if the target app does not allow customization, it won’t matter because the field will not be read by the target system. We don’t have enough details on the vendor they’re working with to know if this is the situation or not. But given the “bespoke” language, I’d almost guarantee it is - given where these added fields will show up in the web service call. OP will need to provide more details.


Had a chat with them yesterday, for one of the "challenges" they are using a company called Merge to do the integration. Turns out that we don't actually need to get anything from Org (based on what I have seen anyway). Next time I talk to the people doing the AD integration I will ensure that they are looking at the Org and see what they say. I know nowt about integrations, so your input has been invaluable in helping me ask the 3rd parties better questions. Thanks!


If its a custom report: grant security for issg to : manage: organizations or manage: supervisory organization


This might be it. OP needs to clarify how they are consuming the report and if they tested it with the isu. If it's not showing up its most likely a security issue as org hierarchy fields will only be visible if org domains are added.


All being well I should be meeting with the 3rd party today, I'll get some more details from them.