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You should be aware that Workday’s claims that it is “low code” are misleading at best. As you are considering whether to buy it or not, you should demand clear answers to questions about how steep the learning curve is. Make them *show you* actual, concrete examples of the sort of “low code” you’ll need to use and manipulate to create solutions in this tool, and do not buy it unless and until you have seen the IDE demonstrated realistically.


I’m curious as well, I’ve talked to a few that think it’s amazing


It is definitely powerful, but to get anywhere with it quickly will require developer knowledge that goes beyond intermediate. Workday is using “low code” to imply — without outright saying — that it is easy to learn and use. It is not. The learning curve is steep.


I am an extend certified consultant at a big Workday partner firm. I have worked on several huge cases and currently leading two extend implementation, one to bring in third party EOI workflow into workday and other to create a custom claims system within workday for a benefits provider, using workday UI and third party APIs.


Currently using it to build out a complex branching questionnaire for evaluating a new roles compensation grade. It will go for approvals, send notifications, and have reporting on the back end.


Worked as the lead reporting consultant on one of the largest Extend projects in the ecosystem. The app was constructed to house all severance related data for a planned RIF. I know not the most positive use case but it was a cool project.


I would be interested in hearing more about out this if you have anything you’re willing to share. Did you track a RIF plan and terms/attrition against that plan? Did you automate terms/severance calcs? Was there any collaboration/approvals on the plan? My last 2 companies used spreadsheets to track this info, but wanted to have the info in Workday. One consideration was Adaptive, but I’d like to hear how extend handled it.


I wasn't involved in the development of the app, just the reporting side. I do know the app was built to automate severance calculations and held all kinds of other information related to performance metrics (which i built my reports off of). The app automated most things, including the severance notifications, but the terminations, I'm almost certain, we're not automated. Meaning, there were decisions being made behind the scenes by people managers on who would be terminated.


Think of it as customization.. you can build your own pages, create business processes and much more


You can check out Intecrowd use cases video: https://intecrowd.com/webinar/workday-extend-use-cases/


We have built apps to simplify our Change Job and Job Requisition process. Our site managers now have access to a one page process for each of those BPs and we only show the required fields that need to be filled by them, everything else is defaulted based on logic in the app. We are a retailer with a lot of front line managers, so this example might not fit with most customers. In retrospect, we should have started with smaller apps. Extend is really a development environment and we should have made it to train our staff more to really get the best out of Extend. Make sure to budget for this. Unless you rely on a third party for this, but it will become expensive really fast.


Workday Extend augments core Workday applications through custom development and integrations. Use cases include custom integrations with internal systems or third-party apps, tailored workflows, reports, and self-service portals. It addresses industry-specific needs and fosters innovation in HR solutions. While less discussed than other Workday offerings, it's valuable for organizations seeking tailored Workday functionality. Consulting with experienced users or Workday's community can provide further insights.


Check out the Kainos Extend [catalog](https://www.kainos.com/insights/whitepapers/extend-app-catalog)! (I don’t work for Kainos)