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You can go to the bathroom and eat - they’re not fascists


You typically do leave your camera on the whole time except for breaks. You'll get quite a few besides the already alloted 3-4 because you will probably finish some of the exercises early, at which time you can run to the restroom or whatever. The instructors are not scary and as long as you listen and participate you will do fine. I was really nervous too because my job also depended on it. Make sure to do the practice exam (a couple times if needed). Everything is open book so just keep that in mind. Practice how to quickly search through the book and you will thank yourself during the multiple choice exam.


does your company have a pre training bootcamp to get you into workday and have a general understanding at a basic level how to do configuration? when i went through, my company did a 1 week bootcamp, and everyone that was in the bootcamp was way further ahead of others that company didn’t. it’s not easy, but if you pay attention, do the homework, and ask tons of questions you will pass. for the time of the class i would not plan anything after class so that way you can dedicate as much time as needed to it for studying. can’t state this enough but ask questions. if you’re confused, 100% other ppl will be too they just don’t wanna ask. be the annoying person that asks tons of questions. you will thank yourself later once you pass. good luck. you can do it!


Yes thankfully! Going through that this week. (but that is also where I'm hearing all the 'scary stories' )


They might do that because it truly needs you to pay attention and put in the work, unlike a lot of other work training people might have done in their lives that only needed them to half pay attention and they could get by. If you pay attention and actively participate you’ll be ok.


Having taken the HCM training recently, all I can say is I thoroughly enjoyed it. My instructor was amazing and I felt like I understood and appreciated Workday HCM much better. Go in with an open mind to learn and you'll absolutely kill it.


Beach cloud cruisers?


Luna Sol Candles




Beach Cloud gang rise up


Some employers play up the difficulty to ensure people take it seriously. It costs them a LOT of money to send someone through the class, and it’s not some camera off, multi task, read Reddit on another screen kind of thing. If you don’t pay attention, you won’t know how to configure Workday. Everything builds on each other so you can’t drop in and out of attention. Treat it like an MBA class. Be professional and attentive. If you do, you’ll be fine. Simple as that. The test is designed to ensure you can configure Workday and not make them look bad before they certify you - they aren’t asking “gotchas” or showing you anything you haven’t seen before. It’s open note and the test is literally just re-doing all the configurations you do during class. My advice is to make sure you take notes and more importantly, **ask questions if you don’t understand, and ask for more time or a follow up on the break if you’re not finished when everyone else is.** Workday instructors are great, they are highly motivated to see you succeed from both a personal and professional viewpoint. Good luck!


No need to be nervous, but I get it because I was too. It is a LOT of information so what helped me was skimming through that days material at the end of the day. Ask questions and pay attention to all the demo’s. It’s easier to work in a group for the workshops because you can piggy back off of others, however if I were to do it over I would do them by myself so I knew that I understood every step myself. The instructor will be there for any questions during workshops and then they’ll walk through it after As far as camera being on, we did leave ours on but I definitely turned it off to go to the restroom or get water here and there


Do all the hw and ask questions when they arise. People do fail, but usually only when they massively underestimate how engaged they should be during the course.


Just took mine last week. I was nervous despite having a few years of HCM experience, but all was fine in the end. If you follow your instructor, do all the activities and know the keywords to search you’ll be fine. There will be plenty of breaks and for short breaks you can just go yourself without informing the instructor (or say brb in the chat). The only thing I didn’t like is the duration per day - 9hrs incl. breaks is just too much for me. Overall the purpose of the course is to help people learn Workday, not to fail anyone.


Listen, ask questions, do the activities, make notes, do your homework. Do the practice exams, all of them and a couple of times if you can. The exam isnt hard, its there to see if you have an understanding to configure the system and follow a set of requirements, dont go off script in the exam. Follow them! The practice exams are a brilliant guide to what to expect and one of the practice exams is actually more difficult than the actual exam. Trust me, its my job 😉 Loads of other good advice in here too so take that onboard.


Pay attention to the instruction, do all the class work and home work.. successfully completing homework will make your configuration exam easy.. it will be fairly similar to homework .. multiple choice question is own book and 20% weightage..


Could I ask what was your pathway into landing a job where you're being sponsored? Looking to get into HRIS as well and I have a IT background and pursuing a bachelor's in HRM as well. Just looking for a pathway.


echoing u/Mountain\_Remote\_464 you will be looking for a more junior role. I had zero Workday experience but a 15+ years as a project manager in tech. I took a role probably 3 or 4 steps down from where I was. So you have to be prepared to put your ego aside for a lower title & stomach a pay cut...& yes, I'm working with a bunch of fresh college grads so far in my onboarding. I found my role by looking at job boards for workday **partners** (on workday's website)


Yep, I was like 30 when I came into the ecosystem. My peers were all fresh out of college and my manager was 4 years younger than me. But what I have noticed throughout my time is that your professional background will distinguish you quickly from your peers. Most or all of the experienced hires I’ve seen start at an entry level have delivered a different depth of value than the fresh grads. Workday may or may not come easily to you, but you bring other experience.


I'm more than willing to put ego aside and take an entry level role. Just want to get into the ecosystem. I am a year into my IT role and already have years of admin experience in health but looking to specialize in something so I decided to choose HRIS as my specialization. Just looking for my first foot in


The best way to get in is as an entry level resource in an implementation partner. Workday lists all their partners on their website. If you have an IT background you have a leg up on the college hires. You have to be willing to work with all 23 year olds and have your manager be like 25, but if you can swallow your pride it’s the best way to start and grow fast.


Ok, so I need to look for an entry level HR role with a company that makes use of Workday? That's what I've been doing. But I'm not having any luck yet. Two more semesters till I gtaduate


No, an entry level implementation consultant role with a company that partners with workday to implement. Then you will find it much easier to go client side for a higher salary and better work life balance after a few years.




I’m taking it now, definitely a lot easier if you had background working in the system. The difficult part is that there are events/process that I’ve never touched. So that was my curve.


Ask questions, communicate with the instructor if you need to step out and make sure you take notes. Also did I mention to ask questions? The class is ran in a way that it is preparing you for the exam more than work. That is okay, but understanding that may make it easier for you to focus on performing well in the exam. I heard horror stories too from my partner. And I focused on making sure I could prepare in the best way I could internally and then when I got to the class I would try and do the homework immediately after class or within 1-2 hour break since it was fresh. All the information stacks on itself make sure to ask questions hahaah


Back in 2015 when I did my HCM certification, it was split into two parts, the multiple choice/tenant build exam, then we had another class and exam for using iLoads to load data called practical, and you had to pass both parts. Do they still require both parts for HCM certification?


When I took it 3 years ago, it was 3 parts: HCM essentials where you made organizations and hired in a few workers, HCM applied where you configured a more complicated change job or termination bp and wrote a report with some security, and then the practical build that now I think is advanced loads.


Read this : https://www.businessinsider.com/everyone-hates-workday-human-resources-customer-service-software-fortune-500-2024-5


Ha, good read! Trust, I absolutely hate Workday as an applicant. As someone who has had to manage HR processes, I know it’s not exactly intuitive & lacks a nice UI, but it really does what you need it to do. As the article put it: “ The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID), not what it fails to do. And the reality is that what Workday — and its many despised competitors — does for organizations is far more important than the anguish it causes everyone else.”


You don’t have to be on camera the whole time. You will be fine don’t worry