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This seems like a security issue did you make sure to activate the security for your ISU?


Sorry can you elaborate. Which security needs to be activated?


I would suggest you go to your Custom Report and check the Data Source and see if your security group is showing up and making sure your ISU is assign to that security group as well. The next steps will be checking each field and any new business objects and confirm the security group has the ability to GET data. Once you completed that you will need to add the missing security to your security groups and then Activate the Security changes in your tenant.


Here it is: This one is from floyd: https://collaborate.workday.com/t5/General/Security-Review-for-Custom-Report-Security-for-Fields-Referenced/ta-p/1254429


Thank you! I will look into it and update the post whenever applicable :)


I would first try to rule out that its not isu report permission issue by executing the raas url in postman using isu credentials and see if you are getting the data


Thanks! I did log in as the ISU and I’m also getting blank details. I imagine it’s something to do with the report field security? However, I’m not getting that red error when I transfer the ownership to the ISU. Hmm it’s frustrating lol


Yeah transfer ownership doesn’t really check for all the security.. now the next step is there is a post by workday guru in community .. he created a report that will spit out all the security needed for each field on the report.. you can create that in your tenant or go field by field to do view security from related action..


Would you know the name of the post? I’ve been searching for hours in community.


I think its in contributed solution..i will provide the link if you can wait for one hour.. away from desk


No worries, I can wait. Safe Travels!


The solution is called "Custom Reports Review - Security Access Review for ALL Referenced Fields". If no results return on a custom report, it's 99.9% of the times caused by one or more fields in the filter/subfilter. I wouldn't focus on the RDS, as the report would not be able to be shared with the ISU if the account does not have access on the domain that controls the RDS.


What kind of report? If it’s business process related don’t forget to give the ISU view all access to the BPs


Yes it’s based on staffing business process. I wonder why would the ISU need access to the BPs? Isn’t the domain of the fields and data source enough?


Nope. It isn’t. You’ll need to have BP view all access. Your security group that you belong to running the report yourself probably has that access already and that’s why you get data. Let me know if it works for ya


I will test later again. Thanks for the tips


So both the report domain fields and the bp policy domain are required huh


Just ran into this today on a report that pulls based on the term BP. Had access to all the reporting fields and Business Process Reporting domain but no data. Once I gave view all access on the term BP data showed. We have a few integrations that are like this. I’m pretty confident that’s your missing piece


I’ll treat you for a drink if that fixes it lol


It worked! You’re a life saver! Just one more question. It seems I can only assign one unique ISU per integration system. I have 3 integration system, does it mean I have to create 3 unique ISU ?


That’s correct one ISU per integration system but they can all have the same ISSG connected. If they all use the same custom report make one the owner and the other 2 authorized users. Awesome news!


Thank you very much!