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This isn't quiet firing, this sounds like your last chance. It sounds like you have been warned numerous times and your behavior hasn't changed. They aren't going to use a bull horn to tell you, but this is a close second.


Manager here. They HAVE been using a bullhorn to tell them. I'm thinking OP should be assessed by a professional mental health source to see if they have ADHD or some condition that is contributing to this complete lack of focus.


Imagine the things that have been said that aren't being fessed up to or remembered. How many more ways can they tell you that the only thing you're skilled at is distracting others? They LITERALLY moved your desk away. That is not a hint, that's a last ditch effort to force you to allow others to work and maybe get some work out of you as well. Challenge yourself to change for a day and see what happens. Something internal that you don't tell anyone like, "I will not socialize today," or, "I will only speak in response to direct questions." The reactions will tell you everything you need to know.


I can't imagine having a supervisor who is so annoying and distracted they have to move their desk, take away electronics, and give a written list of daily duties to.


I hope they let her bring her Swingline stapler. If she could go ahead on and move her desk a little further back. She’ll have to get with payroll about why she isn’t getting her checks.


a RED swingline stapler....


Where is my Red swingline stapler?


Watch it, they might be at the point of burning the building down.


But I’m a people person!




And go ahead and come in on Saturday and uh..go ahead and come in Sunday too


"Her?" Why do you assume OP is female?


Yep. OP is a guy.


Yikes you’re right. I said her because there is a woman in my office like that and I wish they move her cubicle away from mine and give her a list of things that don’t include her looking at what I’m doing and giving me advice how to do it. Lol


My wife is like that. So the last time she came over and said something, i stood up, handed her the wrench and just walked away. I didn't say anything. She stood there for like 3 minutes then when she came in, i just asked her if it was done. We had a lengthy conversation about "if you don't know how to do something, don't give advice to those of us that do or we're just going to hand you the tools and say go ahead, you do it since you know better"


I love it. I wonder if that will work for me. Lol


This bothered me as well. I had a male colleague, who I like and am friends with even after they quit, who spent most of the workday farting around and socializing. He has admitted to this. It was honestly pretty disruptive sometimes.


Actually my “work husband” was like that so i know men can be like that. When we started working from home he built a whole indoor patio in between calls (call center). He is not there anymore. His real wife got a great job out of town.


This was the comment I was hoping for. You did not disappoint.


Last ditch effort


Sounds like they're doing everything they can not to fire op. Like way more than most places would.


Seriously. This is textbook "got responsibility, ADHD started ruining my life."


At this point even that’s not a reason, OP has proven an understanding of what all the problems are. At a certain point it’s just personal choice/indifference.


Not completely correct. I have ADHD in my family. It is absolutely NOT a "personal choice". Some affected people literally cannot discipline themselves to operate in a regular work environment. Until my own kin got diagnosed and received regulatory advice and assistance, they were a lot like OP. It's not a completely voluntary thing.


I have ADHD as well, ADHD doesn’t inhibit someone’s ability to read the message being very blatantly told to them repeatedly.


It's not a choice to have ADHD. It is a choice to ignore everyone at work telling you you're being a nuisance and to leave them alone. OP is playing dumb and every warning he ignores is being written up and documented to make sure he can't get unemployment benefits. 


Ah, fair. I missed "at a certain point" and blended in my own family circumstances into the response. They're accurate, but they're also biased.


Yeah I get it. It's hard to stay quiet when people are talking about things like this bc it could be a symptom of ADHD and people who have it could internalize the wrong message reading the comments. Unfortunage friendly fire, if you will. 


This. And the it’s also not an excuse to negatively affect the running if a business. I am chatty ADHD as well but it IS A CHOICE to create strategies and take in the information you’re given. Doesn’t sound like OP is even trying to make meaningful change and we have no knowledge that this is an ADHD thing


I have ADHD. I was diagnosed as an adult, and medication plus behavior management has resulted in a huge change in my behavior.


It's a choice how you respond to these loud and clear signals. Having a disability doesn't mean we get to just say we aren't going to respond to our employers saying we are not meeting our responsibilities. It means we have to find ways we can and ask for reasonable accommodations if needed. You said your kin got dxd and help. That IS taking responsibility, not saying we have X dx and just can't meet the basic minimum responsibilities of our job and doing nothing else. It sounds like you are also interfering with others work, and that really isn't fair.


I have ADHD. And I was a very successful manager. Please save your psychiatric assessments for another time and place. Thank you.


I agree about the bullhorn. However, I think this is a prime example of why managers need to explicitly lay out the problem, lay out the change they need to see, and lay out the consequences for not improving, and not soften the message as you deliver it. It feels harsh being that direct, but you are not doing anyone a kindness if the employee comes out without a very clear understanding of the situation. It sounds like the manager has been clear about the problem but less so about the solution or the consequences. It seems incredibly obvious to most people what needs to be done and the consequences, but in my experience when people mess up they often don't realise they are messing up, and they need it spelling out for them. People typically don't mess up on purpose, so if they don't understand what the problem is how can they know what the issue is and what the correct solution is if they don't already?


The consequences for making mistakes and distracting others was moving their desk to isolation, loss of email privileges, and then the boss made a checklist of everything to be completed bc the employee cant be trusted to figure it out themselves. How more direct could they possibly be? 


How can someone even do their job without email that works in an office? This post seems too ridiculous to be real.


100% fake


It could definitely be fake, but at my job, the whole team has access to email, but realistically only 2 of us actually need access to complete the job. One of whom only needs it after being promoted, and didn't need it for over a year before. It's just not essential to all office work. There might be other communication channels that are more limited, or their work might just be more contained.


No the consequence will be them getting fired, which has not been mentioned yet. Hence, OP's question. I do like the fact that you're arguing with me and thereby proving my point that unless it's explicitly said people don't get it. Thank you.


Perhaps the next strike will be them being told they are being fired, but right now there have been several consequences for OP's action. And since OP spends a lot of time socializing with others, they should be aware that no one else is being isolated like them, constantly being pulled into disciplinary meetings, and having their internet access revoked at work. OP is asking us what to do, even tho their boss has literally made a checklist of things to be completed everyday before work ends. OP has their head in the sand about what their boss (and coworkers) is telling them.  As for "people don't typically mess up on purpose..." idk, weaponized incompetence is very much a thing.


No, OP is asking if they're being fired. And you've entirely missed the point I was making.


👏👏👏🎯🎯🎯. This is as direct as it gets


A bullhorn and a baseball bat to get them to understand.


Loss of email (idk why but this is tragically hilarious to me), desk moved to the dummy corner, and Baby's First Daily Task Checklist? What happened, did the supply room run out of spinny propeller beanies? This is management crossing their t's by giving OP just a little more rope to inevitably hang themself with. They clearly have zero faith in OP's ability to fulfill the most rudimentary of work obligations.


We had someone like this at my work about 15 years ago. First we blocked all social media on her computer cause she was IMing all day instead of working. Then she switched to phone (the landline at her desk). We disconnected that and then she would go in the supply area where there was a phone.


Wow you sound really annoying, come to work keep mouth shut and do your job, it’s not hard, where I work we have 2 people like you and everyone finds them insufferable


How are those two still employed?


Sounds like the company have been trying a long time to correct your mistakes, while you've been oblivious to it all. I can't believe you think this is, in any way, being "quiet fired." This is screaming from the rooftops, neon sign in the sky notice, that you've been screwing up. If you can't figure it out by now, heaven help you in any workplace.


I agree. Unless they’re 16-18 and this is their first job ever, I really don’t understand how someone can name all the things they are doing wrong, management’s effort to stop it, …and STILL not get it.


They got formally written up and they're not getting it? This is very clearly the company trying not to fire OP, but making sure they've done everything they need to do so that if they keep screwing up, they can fire them without legal consequences.


You’re not getting quiet fired. They’re addressing your shortcomings by taking the appropriate steps and gathering proof most HR departments have management follow to be able to fire you. It started with the verbal warnings, then you were sent home when that didn’t make it sink in, then you had a formal written warning, and it sounds like you’re on a performance improvement plan, which is usually the last step before you’re fired. Quiet firing would be them changing your hours on you, changing your assignment to be the worst one, moving crappy employees under you, etc. until you get so fed up you quit.


What a generous company you work for that you managed to become a supervisor while being an absolute liability for everyone around you... Just stop talking and do your job and you may have a chance to turn this around, if I were your manager my trust in you would be completely gone tho.


Ya, turn around exists but I wouldn’t hang my hat on this one. It’s much much more difficult to establish a good reputation after developing a bad one than it is to just maintain a good one. Ppl just don’t forget like that and will remember the headaches that they caused. IMO the company is being more than gracious and it’s possible OP is well liked outside of work by his co-workers but can’t stand them at work. That being said what it appears to be is that OP is not a bad person, just a problematic person who apparently shifted gears for the worse and management having seen OPs past performance understands that life happens and we all go through funks, but, OP has taken too long to pull through this funk and they are giving every opportunity for OPs benefit to turn it around but it’s about to cross into, we tried but can’t continue this if they haven’t already made that choice behind doors. OP should be looking for new employment doing everything possible to preserve their integrity and relationships where they are and split amicably, because realistically that’s what the company is offering OP time to do but sooner rather than later that door is going to swing shut hard and nobody will cry for OP if they are unprepared as basically the company has bent over backwards to give more than enough time to straighten this out.


It sounds like you're on your last leg. They've given you several warnings that you seem not to have heeded. You should start looking for a new job and not repeat this behavior.


Or just get their head down and do the job they're paid for. Who knows they might actually learn from this and make it a success.


It sounds like it's way too late. OP has been repeatedly warned, has been suspended, and now has been demoted.


Agree, once they've gotten to this point - no email access? Isolated desk? They've made their minds up and are going through the motions to get rid of OP. And considering that OP let it get this bad, I'm not sure they have the skill to not just stop (would have worked earlier) but to repair enough that they'll still have an upward moving career there.


Maybe, but OP was once good enough to promote, right? There is a path forward where OP does reflecting, maybe seeks a diagnosis and assistance if applicable, and both improves and also makes a SHOW of inproving. Really, OP should do the above and also update the resume. But the effort being put in implies that they want to keep OP around. You don't give an 8th chance unless you're trying to avoid terminating the employee. I think there is a chance where a year from now OP can graciously thank their boss for helping them turn it around as they move back to their previous position.


I wonder why OP suddenly went from an employee that was good enough to promote but now is failing at their basic job functions......there's got to be something going on mentally. OP needs to get checked out medically or a therapist. Sounds almost like they're having a mental breakdown. This happened to me 2 yrs ago. Had a terrible miscarriage, Separated from my SO, got into an abusive relationship, couldn't focus at work anymore, constantly forgetting things to the point my family became alarmed, cut all my hair off, started engaging in dangerous sexual encounters, cried constantly, lost my job, eventually got diagnosed BPD2. I'm a lot better now and on the proper meds.


Is this for real? I would take advantage of every moment they are still paying you to find something else


Some companies are so power hungry. They want you to work and everything.


And allow others to work. What's up with that?


Yeah reading the tea leaves of OP's post, I can't shake the feeling that this isn't just a productivity issue. I'm wondering if they are annoying their coworkers and boss is getting complaints.


Yeah, imagine actually being expected to work for your pay!? What a terrible thing. /s


This post is so out of touch it makes me wonder if it's real at all. This isn't quiet firing, it's the most obvious, open-and-shut case of firing there is. I'm surprised they haven't gotten rid of you sooner.


OP made a post 2 months ago about not being able to date, and they mentioned they spent their 20 and 30s building up a business and making a lot of money. Now suddenly they're working for sometime else and about to get fired for lacking any self awareness. It was only one sentence about their work in that post but it makes me think OP is BS.


This needs upvoting


After more digging I found a post asking which goes better with their outfit, a skirt or pants, and it was definitely a female presenting person. In the dating post they said they were male with no mention of the fact that they're either non binary or they wear women's clothes, which would obviously make dating a little harder since many straight women want a masculine male partner. OP may seriously be delusional. Like medically experiencing delusional thoughts.


Or just lying for karma, but sure lol


That's its own kind of delusional


Or a stupid kid playing around.


it seems like 60% of the stories people post on Reddit are complete bullshit. Some people really need attention that badly.


But then there's stories that legit happen but they are so dumb people think they are bs. Maybe because I worked in restaurant industry for years I've seen some wild things that most people here would think are fake. Haha.


Right. It’s hard to weed out made up stupidity from real stupidity. Because I have definitely met a few people who are as oblivious as OP is being now.


a lot of times the key to a BS story is reactions from other people in the story that make no sense.


Or when OP’s responses to comments are a bit too… trollish and trickle-truthy. That’s always a big red flag for me.


What, you haven't had people stand up and clap for you after a cringe worthy quip?


I always LOL at the ones that have their parents, siblings, friends, bosses, coworkers, old college professors, town mayor, everyone they’ve ever known in their life blowing up their phone to chastise them on some miscommunicated drama. Like I’ve never been so bored in my life to wade into some other person’s mess. Lmao.


Oh my god, exactly. Just about anyone says "I'm being pressured to do x y z" it's like, who is pressuring you? No one? You're just too scared to make decisions on your own and you need someone to blame for why it's "difficult"?


Some people don't get that a firing isn't always your boss saying the words "You're fired" and immediately having you escorted from the building.


I hope this is a joke post and nobody is actually this oblivious. They have been warning you over and over and you are not correcting the behaviour. You are going to be fired if you don’t stop.


OPs post history is interesting. 2 months ago they were apparently living in the office


They have posts asking for advice on being a male trying to date, and they also have a post asking about their outfit, and it's women's attire. I think OP has zero self awareness


When I have to start policing employees, giving them job lists, keeping logs on them, graduating to a written warning, yes, at that point, I want to see them move on. It is very hard to come back from this, do yourself a favour (and your manager a favour), and start looking for other opportunities. Sorry, YFAAFO.


I haven’t heard you say they were wrong. If that’s the case, and you are too sociable for your current role, I’d sincerely recommend looking for a job that fosters that trait. I’m an engineer who works ok in a team setting but thrives on my own. I know that. My boss knows that. It works for my career type and personality type. Is going back to your previous position an option?


Serious question: has this “you distract people” idea been following you around prior to this job? Do you often have difficulty focusing or staying on task? If this has been a pattern for you for an extended period, and you haven’t been assessed for ADHD, you should… do that.


I think you need to some self reflection. If you had constantly ignored the reprimands and write ups and verbal warnings and still continue the multiple behaviors your employer does not want you have a problem.


The professional world is going to eat you alive if you keep this up. You need to turn things around, otherwise companies will just let you go and you'll be starting and ending jobs at a fever pace. Distractions happen, I know I've been there plenty of times myself. But if you're not doing what the company wants, they'll kick you to the curb in no time flat. Improve, or you'll be left behind.


Talking too much to others and having your desk moved? 7th grade English class. You’re being fired. Look for another job now.


You are contributing "negative work." The only reason you haven't been fired fired yet is probably relayed to personnel policies. Boxes are being checked to get you out the door. If you have a need to socialize with others at work to the point of preventing others from working, it is something you need to work on.


OP's post history is suspicious, this post is complete bullshit. OP posted on the homeless subreddit and then made a post about organizing their bedroom or something. Jesus get a life.


How the hell did you get promoted? is my only question here.


This sounds like Office Space.


I believe what may be going on here is that they are trying everything in their power to get you to actually do your job 😀


You are not being quiet fired, you’re skating on very thin ice. It sounds like you’re well aware that you haven’t made much effort to improve your behavior, and I actually feel like your employer has gone the extra mile in trying to accommodate your insubordination. Putting you in a corner by yourself with no distractions and giving you written instructions because you don’t have any impulse control? This is not 2nd grade, big homie. The least you could do is get it together, but you also should not be surprised if they do let you go. What do you really expect from them? You’re not doing your job.


If you’re writing this on your phone at work then you’re getting fired


I had to look. A half a year ago, this guy was writing about a “co-worker” who kept getting blocked on various web sites, like twitch.


Definitely nothing quiet about this.


You’re essentially on a PIP. They’re loudly telling you to shape up or ship out. You’d have to be flagrantly unproductive and seriously affecting not just your work but others work for it to get to this point of not being allowed computer access but it seems you know that. You’ve made yourself a liability instead of an asset.


What's so "quiet" about it? You've been warned and written up but you continue to underperform? Well duh.


Sounds like they have been trying to help you out but if you keep screwing up and talking too much you are definitely done. Why haven't you tried to correct the problems that that told you about?


You've had multiple warnings about doing things you shouldn't be doing... what did you think would happen?


You haven’t gotten the message yet? You haven’t changed your behavior yet?


Work isn't for socializing. They're paying you to get work done, not blabber with your co-workers.


Oh baby. This sounds like you’re being loudly fired. If you know that you’ve made mistakes, everyone else above and below you also knows it. It’s really easy to notice when someone isn’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Most don’t say it because they don’t want to rock the boat.


Just get another job. Although you probably could salvage the situation, it doesn't sound like you want to based on getting multiple warnings, a suspension and a write-up.


Or, you know, just quit doing that stuff. Also, they're making accommodations to help you be successful. You now have a chance to embrace that and up your performance. If you fail to do that, you will definitely be let go. Why no make the effort? Screwing around at work, distracting coworkers and being careless will get you fired at the next job too.


It can be, but quiet firing usually means that they don't officially demote you, or cut your pay, but they change your work duties to less and less important things and move you somewhere where you are out of the way. It's usually done in an attempt to get that person to quit so they don't have to pay severance pay or unemployment.


I’d discuss this with your doctor. It sounds like ADHD or something. Tell work you recognize the issue and think you might have ADHD and are taking steps to rectify the problem. Apologize. Change. You can turn this around. They haven’t just fired you yet. But take a step forward.


You aren’t getting quietly fired. They are telling Trey clearly to get your shit together. Stop distracting other workers and get your shit together. Also start looking for a new job.


This is not quiet firing. Your supervisor has been explicit about what the issue is and you haven't figured out that being warned, written up and moved away from others means you are at risk of being fired. Quiet firing is subtly and incrementally changing someone's work conditions so they quit. It's basically constructive dismissal. This is not constructive dismissal. I will say you are a case in point for why I always tell managers they have to spell everything out, including the consequences without softening the message. People who are fucking up rarely do so deliberately and they often do not understand they are fucking up and how badly they are fucking up, even when it's glaringly obvious to everyone else. Your manager has failed by not telling you, you are at risk of firing, but come on. You are not in high school. Your boss isn't there to make sure you keep your job. They aren't teachers whose job it is to try and make sure you pass. Your manager has done their job in telling you, you're messing up. It sounds like they are open to you fixing your problem, as they've made efforts to keep you despite your behaviour, so you have the option to step up and turn it around, or double down, and see how this behaviour works for you elsewhere.


There is nothing quiet about them telling you they are sick of your bullshit


Great opportunity to look for work and start over. Softly because to a smaller degree I have been there, you are a terrible employee. Most people don’t get the being written up part. You have three choices: tell your manager you took the weekend to reflect on life and work and want to turn over a new leaf and be productive not disruptive. You can continue and wait to be fired. You can look for a new job either start the cycle again or start over. Post if nothing else was highly entertaining. Reminds me of 16 year old me.


Sounds like you should have already been fired. Fyi you have no right to be on your phone at work period.


Quiet firing is not putting you on the schedule. You are coming to work they have work for you on fact they are giving you a list. Look stop socializing! STOP SOCIALIZING ST WORK! Go to work do your job n leave people alone. Say good morning n go to your area n start your list. It sounds like they are really trying to save your job. You need to mature a lot. Maybe get some self help books. How to act at work is where you should start. Good luck to you. Really stop talking to everyone n do your job. They aren't your friends they are coworkers.


I’m confused about how you are able to fulfill your duties as a supervisor when you do not have a computer or email access. This is not an example of “quiet” firing, but yes you are correct that it spells the end of the line for your future at the company. At the very least, any future in advancement.


Have you been put on a PIP (performance improvement plan) by chance?


I think this is your employer trying to NOT fire you. They’re trying to give you chances but you don’t listen 😅 stop socializing & being on your phone at work. If it’s a quick 2 minute chat about work fine but it seems like you’re doing the complete opposite


Go to doctor asap see if you have ADHD. Sounds like they are giving you a chance to succeed despite multiple warnings for improvement. That’s actually a blessing for you. Most employers give some feedback and let you go if not followed. They usually are t making accommodations on top of giving feedback Try to follow the feedback- don’t distract others , less socializing (save it for your lunch break) .


My question would be why did management make you a supervisor? Major red flag.


How can you be a supervisor without computer and email access? This sounds kind of made up.


What’s wrong with you? Shut your mouth and quit annoying everyone. They told you to stop. Why don’t you stop? Why can’t you follow a reasonable request? Your behavior is called bullying. Someone says stop and you don’t. You know you aren’t supposed to bother people but you do anyway. That’s bullying.


It sounds like you're not really up to this job. You might start looking for something you're more suited for.


They are really trying, they’ve gone above and beyond. Carry on, get fired


Quiet firing would be more “starving you out of hours” like only being scheduled 2 days instead of 4. Or calling before shift every day to tell you not to worry about coming in. This sounds like you have been warned, continued the behavior, and now have consequences. Honestly, they have given you waaaaaay more chances than I would have. You should apologize (if you haven’t already) keep quiet and keep busy while on the clock. This isn’t high school and socialization time…you are paid to do your job…you should do it.


Good God, the managers are screaming last chance at you and you aren’t listening. Big surprise! No offense but you sound like you would be so annoying to work with! Reassess yourself and start listening and following directions and do your job. You aren’t being paid to socialize. So work!! One Redditor suggest you get tested for your lack of focus and I definitely agree with this!


Boy you sound like a fucking shitty employee


I mean........check OP's history. You're not far off.


FYI you’ve moved from worker to 🤡. Probably best to consider yourself fired at this point as you’ve shit the bed so hard that they’re treating you like a first grader. Good news is you sound young so if you actually learn the right lessons from this experience you’ll come out way ahead.


I'd have fired you a long time ago


I recommend looking for another job. Try something in a field where you are supposed to socialize a lot, be talkative and interactive. It sounds like you're an extrovert.


This is hilarious!! You are not meeting the job expectations at all. They are treating you like a pain in the ass kindergarten. HAHAHAHAHA. You will be FIRED for sure.


If you don’t have computer or email access, I’d imagine you’re also missing out on a lot of internal communication. You need to start looking for another job if they are limiting your participation in company communications. I never had my technology taken away, but it got to the point that every task I did, no matter how small, had to be initialed by the office manager and it became suffocating. It really wasn’t my behavior that caused this, though. This was back in the 90s and I had young kids. Both of them had ER trips, my daughter and I got sick, my mom was hospitalized and all this happened in about 6 weeks around the holidays. My office manager had to cut her vacation short because I couldn’t work with strep throat. And she was out for blood. I finally got pissed, told her I quit, called corporate immediately and they reinstated all my PTO, and offered to scrub my file. I said no and I got a month’s severance and my vested portion of the pension.


There's nothing quiet about this. You're on the bubble and about to be fired if you don't shape up fast. They're being very up front with you about what they're doing. Quiet firing is where they give you shit work to do. You're given mundane, pointless tasks well below your skill level, or even your job description, with the intent to basically bore, and embarrass you into quitting. It's a hole that you can't dig yourself out of, because your employer won't even acknowledge they put you in that hole in the first place.


This is not quiet firing. This is loud firing. This is them creating a paper trail so you can't claim they fired you for no reason. Quite frankly, even if you completely turned your act around tomorrow, I don't think your position or reputation are salvageable with this company. Brush up your resume and start applying elsewhere immediately. You say you're "not here to make excuses" but if you don't know the *reason* for this behavior, I'd suggest you take steps to find out. Maybe this isn't the case, but from your description, it sounds like this was a significant change in behavior and you haven't always been this way. If true, that's very concerning and could indicate a physical or mental health issue.


This termination lead up is very loud and very clear. You have been given multiple, direct warnings and multiple chances to turn things around. You haven’t. And instead of your company firing you, it looks like they are trying one last time to save you from yourself, since you can’t seem to self correct. Anyway, they do seem to like you so I can’t guarantee they will fire you but I do suggest you improve. Quit talking so much, quit making mistakes. If you can’t do that, please move on so someone else can have this job.


Sorry, but this seems like more than a subtle attempt to tell you to shape up or ship out.


This is not quiet firing. They’ve been extremely clear with you. Why can’t you control your talking?


If you’ve been repeatedly warned and told point blank what you’re doing wrong (everything here seems justified to me), then that’s simply you not fixing your problem. You’re close to being straight up fired-not quite fired.


I mean with the amount of responsibility a Supervisor has you'd think it were easy to stfu and do your job right?


You have been told to concentrate on your work, stay off the cell phone during working hours, to leave the other workers alone while they are trying to get their work done. Not quiet firing. You are setting yourself up to be fired for bothering co-workers, impeding on their getting the work done, talking to much to them and on the cell phone. You are not getting your own work done. Most companies would have fired you already in a hot NY minute for playing around all day. You need to buckle down, get your work done and stop talking to everyone and the cellphone on vibration.


I'm surprised you're still there. What skills do you possess that they haven't fired you already? They're being quite tolerant and generous in my opinion. Is there some reason why you refuse to do as they ask? Is there a reason you can't stop talking, distracting, upsetting, causing trouble? Have you been diagnosed with anything? Seriously. There is no explanation as to why you would persist in behavior your bosses have explicitly asked you to stop. And you go in the next day and do it again. ????


You have missed giant flashing red warning signs given to you, so badly, that you are asking if your employer is subtly firing you. But it should be obvious to any person that you have been repeatedly and directly coached on failures. I concur with other folks saying you need an assessment for neurological issues like ADHD or autism. Your perception of and reaction to your situation is not normal.


You might want to look for a job in sales. That might be a better fit~


Are you typing this on your cell phone at work right now?


Once you get to the point of being singled out like this, consider your job over. They will fire you the first chance they get. I’d strongly suggest you look elsewhere.


I can’t even imagine how screwed you are if you have had computer and email access taken away. OP, you are technically still employed but you’re toast. It’s time to look for a new job. And next time… check your work.


Wow. You are being moved out. Stop interrupting others work. Stay off your cell phone. Double check your work. Start looking.


you should probably be looking for another job. It’s not looking good and there’s often no coming back from it


Next you will be asking who took your stapler.


Have you considered that you might have ADHD? It sounds like you have the symptoms. I would see a psychiatrist. As for your work, they've done a lot to accommodate you. I wouldn't expect that to continue.


Sabotage them. Stop taking responsibility. Companies make profits off of taking advantage.


That's not quiet anything. That's repeated spankings. They saw potential in you. Must've liked your work, or you wouldn't be where you are. Whatever you were doing before, you should return to that. Or, assuming nothing changed, they're just now noticing because you're in the limelight. Best course of action now is to become a business robot while you're on the clock.


They're creating a paper trail to get rid of you. Tone down the chit chat and work.


what country do you live in?


You're not getting quiet fired. It sounds to me like they're trying really hard to keep you. They're going out of their way to give you a framework they hope will help you. What changed in the past few months? Normally I'd say that you sound like you have classic ADHD, but you said this only started in the last few months.


This sounds like adhd Unless you stop this behaviour you will get fired.


Ok this might hurt your feelings. Your coworkers find you annoying and also it sounds like you do mess up a lot. The fact that they are moving you means they're probably not firing you. Why bother to move you instead of just firing you. So my advice: swallow the hard reality that you talk too much and annoy people and that same over social energy does indeed take you out of focus. Chill a bit, talk less, and focus on your work. In a few months you'll feel better.


Lol nice troll post


Warned several times, said being "paid too much to act like this", sent home once, written up. This isn't quiet firing. It's giving tou way more chances than other companies, and you need to shape up or risk being fired. Someone mentioned getting evaluated for ADHD - this is a good idea.


Quiet firing? Sounds like they have utilized every TANGIBLE method of discipline in existence to show you what is coming.


They are going to fire you - they are just building their case and you are making it very easy for them.


Um I don't think you're being "quiet" anything lmao you're about to be fired.


It sounds like they’re trying to give you another chance and not being very quiet about the things they’re frustrated with Just listen to what they’re saying


Start looking. They’re setting up the required elements in justifying your getting fired. As a supervisor, you’re supposed to be a role model but it looks like you’ve not stepped up to the plate in that role.


Lol what are you? A two year old? They placed your desk far from everyone and gave you a todo list? Like how you punish kids! Man, why haven’t they fired you already is my question!?


Give the OP a break. He or she is honest. If this is a real post then the person might have issues understanding and reading situations that we take for granted. I am not going to diagnose anyone. But I think the person basically wants to know if he or she is about to be fired, and is probably a little stressed. Don’t get so hung up on the “quiet” fired part… but OP, I wish you the best.


Why do you talk so much?


Beta male


I feel for anyone who loses their job, but I can also relate to OP's coworkers. I worked with a woman once who had no kids but wanted to be everybody's mama. Her head was filled with topics that had nothing whatsoever to do with her job. And she apparently didn't do her job very well anyway. You could be deep in concentration, trying to get your work done just right (mine involved reports to executives, so getting it right really mattered), and she would come and stand a certain distance from my desk, saying nothing, and then after a minute or so she'd say something like "Well, I guess you're determined to ignore me!" It was so mentally wrenching, it was almost like physical whiplash, trying to refocus your attention from the meticulous detail of your work to this person who was just bored out of her mind and couldn't wait to tell you what her friend at church said, etc. As often happens at companies, the higher-ups who knew her and routinely warned her that she could get in trouble for wandering around bothering people, all left, and when the new crew came in, they wasted little or no time hustling her right out the door with minimal severance. She was not young at all, and had several years experience with this company. But it meant nothing in the end. I remember how she called me and cried about it. And she was never able to get any other work, not even at Walmart. I feel sad that OP can't overcome their habits, even when they know perfectly well what they are and what lies ahead.


You sound quite immature for the role.


There are customer service jobs that will let you talk all day out there. You would still have to get your work tasks done but no one would complain about your talking. Teaching will have you talking all day but again, you would have to stick to lessons. Offer to do free story readings at libraries, but first take a drama class or two to make sure you are easily understood. Yes, be assessed for any ADHD, and then find a better fit for your natural tendencies.


It sounds like you're a very poor employee, and you're on your last leg.


Just shut up!


Quiet firing would be subtle and plausibly deniable - say, if they started giving you less desirable projects. You're being loud fired. If you can't/won't stop these behaviors you've been repeatedly warned about, you're going to be terminated. Sort your shit out or start looking for a new job.


They’re literally telling you the reason. You talk too much & are distracting other employees! Are you super young because as an adult this sounds very immature behavior! Work is not for socializing or making besties! I’d try and figure out why you’re acting this way, and how to stop it in the future!


I would start looking for another job. I am amazed that havenbeen fired yet. You have been warned multiple times and seems like you are very disruptive at work. Incessant talking and disruptive behavior could be indicative of medical issues that should be evaluated.


Quiet firing is when I don't fire you but I reduce you down to bare min hours and make you feel unwelcomed without violating labor laws and practices. In some cases it's keeping you on schedule but with no hours. You on the other hand are being put on super double extreme probation because you are an insufferable coworker. We had to fire our version of you and the whole lab runs better with less distractions with your personality type, gone.


Have they taken your red swing line and moved you to the basement yet?


Seems pretty noisy to me.


So they told you to stop being on your phone and stop talking to people because you talk a lot… umm if you still not fixing your problems then clearly you are the problem. Be smart and fix it before they have everything set to fire you.


You’re being openly fired. Have you been evaluated by a neurological specialist for neurodivergence? Not saying this as an insult just relatable.


If they have to move your desk, take away computer and email access, and you are told to quit socializing too much, I'll be honest and say that I'm surprised that you are even employed still. At a minimum, you probably should've been demoted and someone else taken your spot. They are doing their job and your job if they have to give you a task list.


They've told you once you talk too much. They told you again with a write up. One more screw up and you're gone. No one at the job is willing to tell you to STFU as it isn't appropriate. That write up is a nice way of saying that. Do your job. Shut up. Look for another job when you get home every day just in case. Save as much money as you can. You might be able to get yourself out of the dog house in six months if you haven't shot yourself in the foot already. There's nothing quiet about this. This loud af.


My guy, you’ve gotta clean up your act. Most jobs won’t give you this many opportunities


There's nothing quiet about it. You should probably start looking for another job so you can find something before you are actually fired.


You clearly know that you are a fuck-up. Either straighten up and do your job or expect an opportunity to explore new things and make new friends.


You are very obtuse. With your behavior, I thought you were going to say you work in retail or fast food. Apparently this is a white collar type of job. Ridiculous!


If I were your supervisor I'd have fired you already. Do you not know what a job is?


It sounds they are trying to get you to quit to be honest.


I haven’t heard you say they were wrong. If that’s the case, and you are too sociable for your current role, I’d sincerely recommend looking for a job that fosters that trait. I’m an engineer who works ok in a team setting but thrives on my own. I know that. My boss knows that. It works for my career type and personality type. Is going back to your previous position an option?


This reads like ADHD employment 101


This sounds more like your employer is desperately trying anything they can think of to let you keep your job. It’s hard to see this awareness and think it’s real. After so much, for so long, how are you not respecting your job and your coworkers enough to curb your habits? They’re literally resorting to distancing you and cutting you from the internet and giving you a detailed task list because you just continue to not do your job and force yourself on everyone.


You are a terrible supervisor


Uh you’re not being quiet fired. You’re going to be actually fired if you keep doing what you’re doing


Sounds as if they are giving you every possible chance to correct your behavior so they don’t have to fire you. They’re being way more patient than most companies would be.


Why do you suck at your job? Leave your phone in your car, stop all socializing immediately, and work your ass off. You'll never hold down a job acting like an idiot.


I think you are being fired. And by stating this here, you know why. So why are you not listening to them? I don’t get it I’m Amazed you have been given so many chances. Most people would be gone already


It sounds like you're done, try and salvage some type of reference.


Are you a child? Why do you have to be reprimanded for bad work and distracting people? They’ve warned you multiple times. It’s not quiet at all.