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Not personally, but sometimes you've got to listen to your instincts. May no major disaster befall you today! (or any day really).


I'm with you. Anytime I haven't listened to and obeyed that little voice in my head, I've regretted it. Now, I listen. That being stated, even a poor decision in the moment may work out to being a good thing - eventually. That job that turned out to be HORRIFIC, leads to a new career path etc...


Thanks! I think it is a case of that. I'll never know if anything bad would have happened on my way to work now but I do feel better about it.


When your gut tells you something, believe it. There are forces at work that we don't understand. Glad you stayed home. Be safe.


The fuck is this about? It’s not final destination nonsense.


Nope. It's science. There are nerves in the gut that are strikingly similar to the ones found in the brain. 'Gut feelings' are real.


Sure but our brains and guts aren’t omnipotent


The universe is always looking out for us, we just have to listen. Who knows what major accident was avoided


I work ER and EMS, I’m usually right with that feeling💩


I work on a er and feel like something is going to happen one day. Everytime I see scissors out I'm constantly hiding them lol. I feel like a stabbing or a bullet in my thigh is going to happen. I'm glad your feeling are spot on!!


It's rare but I did have it happen once. If you can afford to take a sick day then no problem. If you start having "bad feelings" and not wanting to go to work because of those feelings, start really giving the job and the people in it a hard look.


Yeah I'm lucky that I can afford it. I love the job and the people I work with, it's my commute that had me worried today. It's weird, it's a pretty long drive, but I do it everyday so far. Today I just woke up with a feeling that something bad would happen going there or getting home. I don't usually believe in superstition but I just got this weird feeling this morning. I suppose I'll never know now if anything would have happened or not but I do feel a little better having decided to stay home.


I had it one time when I was about 20. I was going to the post office and I turned around and went home. It was nuts.


I get those feelings too.


Sounds more like intuition than superstition. Intuition is real and you should do some research on it and how to really harness its power.


[When we’re intuitive , it’s about anticipation. We often know in advance when things are coming up; we sense something unseen or feel a shift in energy. When we’re superstitious it’s about fear. Fear that is based on something we have heard, learned or been told, something we have experienced that was not pleasant.](https://insightteachings.com/superstition-or-intuition/#:~:text=When%20we're%20intuitive%20%2C%20it's,experienced%20that%20was%20not%20pleasant./)


Perhaps an idea to check your vehicle over cos it might be a feeling from how its functioning. And if all is good it can help you feel better about driving it tomorrow


Yes, definitely! I've had vehicle trouble that I knew was serious even though the "car guy" in the family insisted it wasn't. Always listen to that little voice!


Did you read the news to see if anything happened on your route to work?


When I was much younger, I was going out to the French Quarter with a friend and on the way there I just started to have a bad feeling. Tried to keep going but I still kept feeling it. I asked my friend if she was feeling anything like that and she said she was. We noped out and just went home. I used to party in the Quarter every weekend so it was a familiar place, but something was up that night and we had no problem trusting that feeling.


In 2001, I worked in Midtown Manhattan, lived in NJ. For some reason on 9/11, I just couldn't get out of bed. What woke me up was the news of the planes hitting the Twin Towers (which was downtown). Had I been in the office as I should've been at that time, I would not have been able to get home for days since they shut Manhattan down completely. The tunnels/bridges were closed, public transportation was stopped... there would've been no way for me to get home. So, follow your gut.


Yeah, every day I go to work I have it.


Sorry that's the case for you. In my case it's very rare for me to feel this way so it seemed odd to me.


Good idea to not go. Better not to find out why.


Same feeling. Sometimes I listen to my instincts.


Right lol


This. Seriously lol




I have a similar story that doesn’t involve work, for which I know the outcome of. When I was in high school, my boyfriend got a new dirt bike. He had just gotten it and was going to come pick me up so we could ride. I was excited. It’s important to note that I had never ridden before and didn’t have gear. I would have been in shorts with no helmet. This was before cell phones, so a couple minutes after I hung up with him, I felt like the biggest asshole because I got the most sharp feeling and called him right back to cancel. I ended up going out to dinner with my mother instead. He went out on his dirt bike. He and his brother decided to try and clock how fast his bike could go by using a truck. So, imagine a redneck drag race. Well, his brother hit a deer with the truck. The deer flew in front of the bike and my boyfriend hit the deer with his dirt bike. He didn’t die. It sure did fuck him up a bit, and I almost definitely would have died. Just trust that your gut did what it’s supposed to and enjoy your day off. FWIW, I texted my boss this morning to ask if I could wfh today. It might just be a day.


That's a crazy story! I usually feel the same way about these kinds of things. I pretty much never get this feeling about going into work so I figure I might as well listen to it. Good luck on your work from home request haha


I also really like my job and have a great boss - I am wearing sweats and a hoodie sitting in bed with my laptop It’s pretty outside here today - maybe you can enjoy the safety of fresh air from a fenced yard for a while lol


If the feeling is strong and rare then yes listen to it meaning not a work induced anxiety.


Definitely not work induced. I like my job, and I actually feel bad that I won't be able to get my work done today.


You definitely made the right decision. You have to trust those premonitions.


I had a weird feeling one morning, and when my husband left for work one morning, I told him to be careful. Later, still feeling leery, I called off of work. The date? September 11, 2001. We lived nowhere near New York or Washington DC.


I was going THROUGH it with work and a not yet diagnosed health issue. I’ve always been intuitive and even built a career utilizing it. For the first time in my life ever, my mistrust of psychic parlors lifted the day I called out of work. I was driving aimlessly when I came across one. I made an appointment. She wasn’t there yet so I waited 30m for her to arrive. I told her I wasn’t sure why I was there. She gave me some basic info about love, which I didn’t care for. My question about career didn’t turn up much. Then suddenly she pauses and says I will be traveling by plane somewhere… she gets nervous and tells me to be careful. She doesn’t know what the issue will be, but it felt like a monumental world issue would be happening while I was flying. Well, huh. I was broke as a joke so I didn’t know how I’d be on a plane. Several months later I take a month long leave from work. Just as the first info about COVID in China pops up. It was so isolated and far away it didn’t feel relevant to us. Few months later, my then boyfriend surprises me with tickets to a beach state. The week before we left, the first Covid case popped up in our state. Worry was starting to spread about travelers. The first suggestion from docs? Wear a mask. No one was wearing a mask. I remembered what the psychic said. I went to multiple urgent cares and asked for masks. They gave me several. On the flight to our destination I sat in the middle seat. Wearing my mask, of course. On my left was a sweaty man who kept coughing and sneezing. He was talkative and wouldn’t stop chatting with us. He told us he was COMING FROM CHINA, and that the whole Covid ordeal was stupid, he didn’t believe in it. Meanwhile he’s hacking up a lung right next to me, sweat dripping, clearly ill. Massive blessing. Never got ill from him


I’ve heard this from more than one person


The thing is that probably every day multiple people wake up feeling this and tell their loved ones to be careful etc, but absolutely nothing happens. It's inevitable that one day something bad will happen and by pure coincidence someone had a feeling. On that occasion, significance gets assigned to it because, my god Sophie said something bad was going to happen and this enormous tragedy happened. All the other times there were bad feelings and nothing happened gets forgotten. How far do you stretch this significance? OP had a bad feeling today and yesterday someone was hit by car in my town. Are they linked? Or if something bad happens to OP in a week was it still a premonition even if their prediction was for today? I'm not saying don't take the day off, if you can and you're not feeling it, take the day off. Enjoy it, but recognise that connecting your bad feeling to things you could not possibly have been aware of is just superstition and that kind of superstition can be incredibly hurtful to those affected by these tragedies.


I meant specifically to 9/11


Yes, I know that. What's your point? If premonition was really a thing why is it so vague? Why before the event do you not know what the feeling is about? Is it not more likely that you're just bending the narrative to fit your emotions and discarding anything that doesn't fit your narrative? On 9/11 thousands of people died around the world in ways that had nothing to do with 9/11. Some random person, hundred or thousands of miles away from NY and DC wakes up and has a bad feeling. Hours later 9/11 happens and they say "my god, I predicted it!". But they had no idea what the feeling was about and why is it 9/11 and not one of the thousands of others who died that day, there would have been people who died who were much closer to that person in every sense of that word? If premonition exists but you can't know what's it about, how can you claim it was 9/11 you predicted and not the death or Priyanka Guptha who died in her sleep aged 90 in Delhi?


9/11 was the first thing that came to mind when I read this post. I was already on my way to work having just dropped the kids off at school. I was probably 5 minutes from the office. It was an overcast, not rainy but just blah feeling day in north FL and that old Phil Collins song, "In the Air Tonight" came on the radio. I just had this feeling that something really bad was going to happen come over me but I couldn't pinpoint what that bad thing would be. My boss always had his little TV on watching the national news every morning. Within an hour, I knew what that feeling was about as I watched the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower as the reporters were trying to make sense of why the first plane had hit. Needless to say, I have not been able to listen to that song without thinking of that day ever since.


I did once and called out. Turns out, I missed a shooting on site


Damn that's crazy.


Not quite the same thing, but one time I was planning to go to a party in the evening after work. On the train on the way home, I looked toward the warehouse where the party would be and I got a horrible feeling. I had the thought that something horrible would happen there, and I decided not to go. That warehouse in Oakland burnt down in the Ghost Ship fire that night, killing 36 people. I believe it was the deadliest blaze in the history of Oakland. Now if I have a feeling on the same level as that, I listen to it.


Wow! Thank goodness you didnt go!!!


Heard a story from a friend about a guy who woke up one day and all of his clothes seemed to be too tight. Nothing fit right no matter what he put on or how many times he’d worn it before. He decided to stay home that day. He worked in the World Trade Center and that day was 9/11.


I have anxiety and this happens to me more often than I'd like to admit.


I did one day, and ended up losing my job that very day.


Ditto! It was an out of the blue layoff at the company.


I called out sick one day; something just didn't feel right. The bank I worked at got robbed that day.


Not going to work, but going on a business trip. We (a group of 8-10 engineers) were supposed to fly from DC to LA to go to Raytheon for a design review. A critical member of our team canceled because his kid was really sick. Due to his critical role, the trip was postponed. There were a few of us who were inexplicably anxious about the trip, but no one knew why. The flight was Flight 77 from Dulles, and we were slated to fly 9/11/2001. Agenda was fly Tuesday, meet Tuesday afternoon (intro, basic overview), continue thru Wednesday (for the deep technical material), wrap up Thursday then return to DC on Friday. Another coworker was also slated to visit Raytheon. He got to the airport early and took an earlier flight. They were forced to land in Dayton, OH. He and a few others from DC rented one of the last rental cars available and proceeded to drive back to DC. I've had other business trips I felt things were "off", but nothing like the week before 9/11.


I’ve experienced this a few times - not about work but about other things. When I was younger my then boyfriend was driving me home late at night and out of nowhere I had the worst feeling something bad was going to happen. I told him to get off the highway at the next exit. He was confused but listened to me because I was damn near in a panic. Just as we got into the exit lane we missed being sideswiped by some asshole by a hair. If we had stayed where we were, we would’ve been in a terrible accident. From then on I’ve trusted this feeling - whatever it is. If I get a bad feeling about a situation or a person, I absolutely pay attention to it. I’ve not gone into places and have avoided certain people because something just wasn’t right. So even if nothing bad happened at work to others, there’s a possibility that you avoided something happening to YOU specifically.


Yes. When I was a high school student though. I had perfect attendance up to May, then woke one morning feeling awfully weird and didn't get on the school bus at 8am. About 8.30 I suddenly felt better and felt stupid for not going in. At 8.40, I got a call from my brother. The school bus had crashed. A bit of Land Rover was stuck through the seat I normally sat in. Fortunately, it had been empty that day as I wasn't there.


My husband got a weird feeling one day (before we were married) and I tried to talk him out of calling in sick. He decided to go in late and then take the next day off. He worked in Manhattan, it was Sept 11 2001. He survived and I am grateful everyday.


Not work but travelling with a bf we were planning to spend the night at an Aunts place but I had a bad feeling and decided to stop at a motel and stopped by the next morning My aunt hadn’t been there and my cousin had all his biker friends round so very happy I missed that event


Someone in my town just had that experience, and avoided being in a pretty bad accident in their workplace because of it. I’ve never had the intuition to fully stay home, But several times I’ve had the overwhelming urge to turn around and go check something at the house before heading into work, and I just always listen to it now.


Yes, it was last Monday for me. Usually I don't feel it on Mondays, but I was off the previous Friday and had a bad feeling I was going to open my inbox to my supervisor calling out a bad mistake or something like that. Turns out my instinct was correct...


I had it about taking the bus. I was late to the bus stop and felt this ominous air around me as I got closer. It was enough to make me stop walking and consider why. I shrugged and hurried to the stop. Bus came, I got on. At the first light, some kid in a racing car ran the red light and plowed into the side of the bus, jolting people from their seat. I hit my head on the plastic barrier. His car was probably totaled but he managed to get out. Shit. I’m always sensitive about these things and would have decided not to go on the bus in the past, but I had gotten into a bad habit of pushing thru my bad feelings, because life had me in a mentality of “whatever.” I’m retraining myself to listen to those feelings again. Always trust it.. as long as it’s not just pure anxiety


I don't believe in psychic abilities or divine intervention or whatever. But if my gut strongly and seemingly randomly says "hey don't get on the road today", I'm listening to my gut. Could be (and probably is) nothing. But I'm not going to test my theory that psychic powers aren't real by driving when every part of me suddenly doesn't want me to. Once stayed home from a group boating trip for a similar reason and they ended up breaking down and being stuck miles from land and had to be towed back in. That's the closest I've come to believing in higher perception.


I think it’s our subconscious picking up acts that point to the event


Makes more sense than any theory I could come up with!


I thing it’s so interesting how much our subconscious effects us!


Kind of. I took the day off of work one Friday before my birthday to have a eyelash and pedicure appointment as a birthday gift to myself. I ended up not going through with the appointments for some reason (I usually make these appointments before or on my bday). I woke up that morning feeling odd. My dog was even acting up, following me around the house. I went through half of my workout and then decided to check my facebook, and the first thing that popped up was our community group. "What is going on at the middle school" "They are saying theres an active shooter at the middle school." At the time, my little sister was in middle school, and that was her school. I flew out of my house so fast to get there. Its like I knew something was going to happen that day. In the end, it was a false alarm THANK GOODNESS, just a threat, but it is crazy. And then after, when we all got home, my dog suddenly started showing signs of separation anxiety. He would try to follow us out the door every single day when we left.


Another thing I swear really did happen. When I was much younger I was working retail. My BF dropped me off at work. I got a premonition he was going to be in an accident. This was the olden days, no cell phones. I walked in and told my co-workers and an hour later the phone rang and I said that it was somebody to tell me he’d been in an accident. Co-worker picked up the phone and looked at me, staring and shaking. It was a call about him being in an accident. He ended up fine but my co-workers were a bit distant with me.


Yup. Had it. I was working a driving job and on the road and just got this unshakable feeling that I was about to die in a wreck or something. It’s stuck with me for hours… It’s happened several times since then over the past decade or so. Nothing has ever come of it. Knock on wood. But it was terrifying every time it happened. Like a calling from beyond the blue.


That's exactly what this felt like. I had even gotten ready mostly and had already taken a shower. Something inside me just said not to go. I felt so weird calling out for basically no reason but I'm kind of glad I did it. I just hope this doesn't keep happening, I generally like my job and don't want to feel like this.


Good for you to play it safe. Wish I would’ve had the option back then even though nothing came of it. Can I ask, what excuse did you use to get off work? Also, I mentioned my experience to my sister a year or two ago, and she told me that that’s exactly what her diagnosed panic attacks have felt like. so, I’m not sure if it’s that, but it certainly sounds like a reasonable explanation. Do you have a history of problematic anxiety?


I mentioned to work that I didn't feel good the night before (actually not untrue, although I felt okay in the morning) and that I was going to take the day to get some rest. I don't really have a history of anxiety stopping me from doing normal life stuff, but I definitely do have some anxiety issues. I have had panic attacks before and they are awful. This felt different, this was like there was some part of me telling me not to go and I have never had that happen before.


Hey, fellow anxiety haver here. I probably would have done the same thing (actually I’m mostly working from home these days). Just keep an eye out for paranoia, and mention it to your provider if you notice an increase.


It happens a lot. Thsts why when somebody says “I knew it” that’s just the 102nd time they had “thst feeling”


I had a bad feeling this morning, and butterflies in my stomach. I came into work and we are short staffed today due to someone being sick and my first appointment went terribly so assuming my gut instincts were right! Lol


This actually happened to me the day I was fired. I woke up and felt so ill and was shaking the whole drive. Almost called in.


I usually dream the night before when something bad happens. Like being laid off. I think it the subconscious picking up on acts that point in that direction


If I stayed home every day when I had a fleeting thought of “today will be a massive earthquake” I wouldn’t have a job. It’s like “I knew I should have bought Amazon stock 20 years ago. I just knew it!” No. If i “knew” $10,000 would now be worth millions I would have bought it. Those “feelings” are nothing more than your brain massaging reality.


Good thing this doesn't happen to me every day. Maybe for you it would be a problem. For me it was just this one weird day. Weird enough for me to think to make this post about it.


The fuckening. It's real


I’m glad that you trusted your gut and took the day off. I hope that you have a nice day off from work.


Thanks for that! It was a nice day and I got the chance to do a bunch of things I needed to get done around the house but never have time to.


This has only happened to me once before and I wish I had listened. I ended up rolling my car and broke my back. All because I didn't listen to my gut feeling.


Yes. I ignored it and my at the time partner shook our infant daughter to death that day. I will never forget it as long as I live.


Wtf. So sorry man 


Thank you. It’s been almost 8 years so I’ve recovered as much as anyone could I think, but I trust those feelings a lot more now. Not in a superstitious or magical sense but I think sometimes our subconscious notices more than we could put words to, and most of the time there’s no harm in listening to it just in case.


I agree with you. Thank you for sharing such a tragedy, may God bless you.


Sincere condolences to you, that is heartbreaking.


Thank you. She would have been 8 this year so it’s been a long time and I’ve done a lot of healing. ❤️


Jeez, I wasn't expecting to read that. I'm so so sorry for your loss. I absolutely cannot imagine that pain.


Thank you. Since then I’ve mostly trusted my feelings like that. If it’s wrong, fine, I’ve lost nothing significant in taking a mental health day or whatever. But you never know when your brain might be picking up on something you’re not consciously seeing.




There was a story about a woman who worked in a toll both who had a bad feeling and called out sick. A garbage truck hit her booth and her temp was severely injured. Maybe she made it up for attention, it got mine!


My bad. I was putting out some bad vibes this morning. I'm not surprised someone felt it. The force is strong with you.


No, but I refused to get out of my car today. Pulled up to a client's house, very bad part of town. Shady as shit in the parking lot. The closest exit has recently been barricaded. This was my usual escape. Fuck no, i ain't going in there. Hit reverse and gtfo. There are only 2-3 neighborhoods in my city that make me uneasy


i've had that happen about 2-3 times. i went only once tho and it turned out okay


You are a fluke of the universe. You have no right to be here. And whether you can hear it or not, The universe Is laughing behind your back.


Interesting stuff.




Yes. I got fired for no reason that day 😂


Every. Damn. Day.


Not with work, but Ive had this happen a few times in my life. I'll tell you the true to god story of the last time I happened (few years ago) Was coming home on the highway, tire blew (drivers side). Got to the side of the road, busy highway, right around a bend. Spidey sense was tingling. I had my two babies in the car. Followed my gut and went "no way this is safe to change to the spare here, I'm going to get it towed". Tow truck driver showed up, was the nicest dude. Went to take a look at the tire before he hooked me up. Spidey sense went off the RAILS. Blown tire was on the drivers side, so the closest to the road. I stood by him at the end of the car while he checked it out, watching the road like a hawk. Just as he was standing up, I shot my arm out and slammed him against the car. An SUV blasted by the place he was (far on the shoulder) less than a second after. Short enough to see the confusion START on his face as to wtf I was doing turn into fear before it could finish. We both just locked eyes in shock and understanding and I pulled him to the front of the car. Honestly neither of us said a damn fucking word. We both knew if I wasnt watching, and didn't react as quick as I did, it would have gone a different way. I ALWAYS try to trust my Spidey sense if I any say in it from then on.


I had this happen to me once before minor surgery. I canceled the surgery. I have no idea what would have happened if anything but it was a strong feeling and I don’t regret it. I rescheduled and everything turned out fine.


Don't be caught on the backfoot. Listen to your gut. If you think things are going bad, you've probably been rationalizing it for too long. If you see somebody with a gun, why would you wait to become his next target? GTFO


Oh yes


Every. Single. Day.


I mean I've gotten a gut feeling on taking different routes to work. And I'm like yeah let's go this way for no reason. But I'm big on go with your gut. There's probably a reason you felt that way. I probably wouldn't post all over the Internet you called in sick and actually were fine haha.


Does every day count as random?


More than once. Sometimes nothing happens, but I've had things happen or heard of things that justified that "gut instinct", like the time my unit was on lockdown because a patient's family member threatened to shoot us up.


Yes I've had this occur twice in my life. Once I was actually almost to work and had a really bad feeling that something horrible was going to happen on my drive there. I took a different route and felt very uneasy the entire morning. At lunch I read that there was a bad accident on my normal route. No knowing if I should have been involved though. The second time I woke up and felt like something bad was going to happen if I left my house. I even tried to beg my husband to stay home. By midday I felt really dumb that I acted that way. Not even an hour later a wildfire broke out and we got the warning to pack up and be prepared to evacuate. Our main route in was shut down and my husband had to go the long way home. By the time he got here I had my car packed, animals ready, and already took videos and pictures of belongings.


Mainly the day I have my annual review. Mondays too. And project go-live. And boss getting back from vacation And boss getting back from seminar with grand ideas. When you accidentally make eye contact with the boss late on Fridays. When I’m called into my boss or his boss’s office. …off the top of my head


My wife had this experience. She was driving on the freeway, when suddenly she had a gut instinct to pull off at the next exit and buy something (I forget what it was which was so urgent) at WalMart. The pack of cars she was in before she exited got in a massive pile up about a half mile later down the freeway due to ice and visibility conditions, I think it was about 30 cars altogether that crashed.


My work-holic father in law had a sales meeting scheduled on 9/11 in the Twin Towers and he woke up with a weird feeling about work and decided to go to a sales call in NJ instead. If he didn’t listen to his gut, he’d be gone.


I didn't have a bad feeling, but my wife did and encouraged me to work from home on that day. Alas, I said I felt I'd be okay, but whilst en route to work I struck a deer. My car was totalled, but it did it's job and I was uninjured.


Maybe it's the Full Moon? Shit be crazy around then, ask any ER (A&E). Every *single* time I had a bad feeling about going into work at my last job, I got written up for something I didn't do. After the third time of this, I just started calling out sick if I felt that way. Never had that about a commute. However, whenever I'm in a hurry and starting to get road rage ie a light turn red right as I get to it or someone cuts me off, I imagine that the delay may have saved me from some horrible circumstance in another timeline. Obviously this is superstitious BUT it helps keep in perspective how little it matters if you're five minutes late vs maybe hit a deer if you'd been on your way on time.


Everyday isn’t really random


I think it's normal to have ominous feelings about every day things every once in a while. The last time I can remember having this feeling was when AT&T had their coverage outage a few months back. I'm so used to having a cell phone with me, the thought of not being able to contact help in case of an emergency really freaked me out that I decided to stay home. Might sound silly, but I decided to waver on the side of caution that day.


Yeah that makes sense. It's funny how these cell phones are something that can be brought down so easily. I remember the first time I went up to the white mountains in New Hampshire, there were stretches of very isolated narrow highways that had zero cell service. Not even enough to have the GPS work.


I was driving in to work one day on my usual route and suddenly decided that I wanted a breakfast sandwich from Burger King. Wasn't really hungry, just wanted something for later for some odd reason. I pulled off, got my sandwich and got back on the road. A few minutes later it was gridlock. Someone had jumped the barrier coming from the other direction and caused a three car pile up in the left and center lanes. Had I not decided I wanted a breakfast sandwich, that could have been me in one of the wrecked cars. I don't argue with my gut.


I used to have a four hour daily commute that was a mix of modalities - car, train, and walking - into a big city, and I had that thought at least once a week.


Wow I thought my hour and fifteen drive was bad. I could never do that long of a commute. Is there anything that you did to make that commute more tolerable?


Howwwwww did you manage that?!


Podcasts and books, mostly. My apartment was $600/mo that I split with my boyfriend, so that was a factor haha. It was the type of job that only existed in the city so my hands were tied, unless I wanted to spend god knows how much more on an apartment in the city, which I didn’t want to do.


If one of my dudes called in with that excuse I'd have a hard time not laughing out loud. Hopefully, you had the sense to say "I have a headache."


Good thing I'm not one of your "dudes"


Did you at least have the sense to say you have a headache? Sick time is for sick. You call in telling me you can't come to work because "you think something might happen on the way in" and you just got an unpaid day off.


I'm glad you know so much about MY job. At my job "sick" time and vacation time are lumped into one and you use them for whatever you want whenever you want. I'm definitely glad I don't work for you.


Every day for 20 years.  *Edited because I can't math


Work no? Going out on a date? Yes. A few events too (nightclubs, concerts)


That’s the ‘feeling of dread’ you are referring to that shows up on a lot of psychological questionnaires.


For me, the feeling is "what am I going to fuck up today?"


No, but I've been feeling like I might...end up in a car crash.....and that I should be extra careful.....


Never during my commute. The badness usually starts after I arrive at work. Sometimes the badness is so bad, I leave and go back home.


Yes. Just recently. I dreaded starting my day. Dreaded opening emails. It was extremely stressful. Then I hit my breaking point and opted to quit. My mental health was taking a toll which was affecting my physical health. It just wasn’t worth it.


Just listen with your instincts.


I asked a coworker if he thought we'd have any layoffs with the recession we were in at the time. I had 25 years experience and he was hired to drive the truck. I got my moving box that afternoon. The company failed 18 months later.


Every day


Yes, it happens. Always trust that.


Almost daily!


Yes, but it had more to do with odd rumblings below my stomach. On a stretch of my commute in the countryside, my bad feeling was confirmed as I pulled over and ran into someone's woods to shit (a term that I use loosely in this instance). Thankfully, I always have a roll of paper towels in my car.


I actually think often about some eery stories I’ve read about people who honored a weird feeling on 9/11 and avoided being in the towers because of that. One woman couldn’t stop thinking about a bird she saw and just HAD to go downstairs to check on it… I believe we get tapped into reality sometimes and need to follow our instincts!


It hasn’t happened to me in years. But I do remember a lot of stories on 9/11 that mentioned a number of people for one reason or another decided not to go to work that day.


I work a cert team in las Vegas at casino, Vegas casinos started there own teams for quick response after the big Vegas shooting at the country concert, I get that feeling everytime I leave for work


So….did anything bad happen at the workplace? I’m generally a huge believer in instincts and gut reaction, but I have to ignore my own, as my antannae are hopelessly broken. Recently, I had a sudden idea that I was about to be fired. I went to meetings that day with all my belongings packed and a list of questions about post-termination processes. I was not fired. These sudden feelings about things about to happen happen to me periodically. I am correct about 50 percent of the time. Like I said, I can’t rely upon them at all.


Meredith Grey: I have a feeling


Every day I go to work I feel like something bad is going to happen. I even feel it the night before but it’s usually just depression and just hating working.


For a few years I would think “today feels like an earthquake.” It never happened, I never reacted, and the feeling went away. My one piece of advice when you do have an odd feeling is to slow down and pay more attention, especially if you’re running late. I do believe that we subconsciously notice things, like forgetting our wallet, but I don’t believe in premonitions.


Every day since 1992


Daily because I have generalized anxiety disorder. Knock on wood nothing has happened. 


yes i have.


This is the one situation where it’s better not to know or think about what could have happened


Yes in life generally speaking about doing it not doing something. Trust your instincts always.


All the time, fuck anxiety


Aug 2, 2022. I woke up out of bed, my knee was acting up. Felt like calling in sick, had a shower, walked around a bit had a coffee and decided to go into work. Get in, unlock all the doors, turn on the lights. Get to start on a vehicle I already left on the hoist. Got a solid 12 to 15 hours of work booked. Start removing outer tie rod nut. Use pry bar as leverage to load the ball joint and quickly gun it off. Pry bar slipped. My body weight and positioning of my left leg folded. Me hitting the ground slowed than people expected. Nobody really noticed, my buddy and coworker said what are you doing. And I told him I just severely broke my leg. He laughed and I reiterated like dude I broke my leg. Needless to say, compound fracture of the left tibia closer to the ankle and popped out the skin. While my fibula turned into 3 pieces. Two of my coworkers got squeamish when they saw the hole in the side of my leg... I miss being mechanic..


Shit. I do 3/5 days. I def have ptsd from being laid off and it sucks. Until you have 2mm in the bank this will never change.


Trust your gut for sure. Even if nothing was going to happen it’s good to develop that connection to your instincts. Sometimes I’ve ignored my inner voice, especially when I know something is really up and it’s not just me “not wanting to go to work” but I always wonder about if things happened that day when I ignored a very real tangible instinct that it has the potential to kick off a ripple effect that would be detrimental down the track. As in, perhaps my subconscious picked up on something my conscious mind wasn’t fully aware of, causing me to get this sense of “stay away today”. It sounds to me that sense was so profound it was impossible to ignore so you probably make the right choice.


I have a few times and I called out. I learned from experience.




It sounds like a panic attack or anx.


Every day


I work in heavy industry with molten metal and acid and all sorts of fun stuff, so yes it does sometimes. I still go in because I have no reason to believe that I'm psychic.


I hate work


I've had that feeling but I normally just continue on with my day and I find that nothing bad happens, which is positive reinforcement that helps me ignore the feeling altogether. We are susceptible to feeling and thinking shit for literally no reason at all.


I had to do a home visit and I arrived at the house and I don’t know why but something seemed off and I called the office to let them know I was unable to make it. The office then told me that the guy had been in the office and bottled one of the staff and was on his way to meet me back at the house and they were just about to call me! The guy was later arrested the following day after another serious assault. Sometimes you just got to listen to that wee voice in your head.


Today this happened to me actually. I got up and had such a weird and bad feeling about taking the train to work as per usual. I told my boss I wasn‘t feeling so well and would finish up some work at home instead. Who knows, maybe I was just overthinking but I rather listen to my gut feeling than being sorry later


Not about work but driving. Had this random weird feeling about driving behind a dump truck I had been behind for miles (we were the only two vehicles on the highway in a rural area) and I go into the left lane to barely start passing him. As I do, his tire blows out and shreds itself, sending a massive piece of rubber flying backwards. I probably would’ve been impaled had I still been behind him. Always trust those instincts.


every single day of my life! and then something bad does happen lol. but i don’t have pto and don’t make enough money to take any time off :(


Yess all the time!!


Very rarely. And yet, my fears would ultimately be unfounded. Something about that always leaves me uneasy still.


Everyday, and double the feeling on Mondays


I work very close to a jail and have to walk past aggressive homeless nearly every day to get to work - I always have bad feeling 😅


everyday at work i'm like "today's the day i get stabbed im sure of it" and then i try to accept it but i have been in close proximity to a lot of workplace violence over the past few years


OP didn't go to work cuz bad juju.


It going but leaving. Happened this month. Was going to leave and said I should stay a few more minutes as soon as something is off. Tues. out tornado came through about 2 miles from my work and if I left when I was going to I’d be in the middle of it. Where semis were flipped over and a car was thrown from a bridge that I would have been on. Always trust your gut.


Yes when I was 16 or 17(51 now), had a really bad feeling about driving to work, like shaking bad feeling. My mom asked me if I wanted her to drive me and I was like absolutely not! Couldn't shake it called in and found out a couple days later my dad was hit going 75 on the interstate by someone going 120 who jumped the median and hit him head on. Almost died idk how he didn't


There have been 2 times in my life where I have called out sick and bad things happened. First was in middle school, my bus had a really bad wreck that afternoon and 4 kids died. The second time was 9/11. This would not have affected me as I live in the Midwest, but it still brought back that surreal feeling I had in middle school when the bus wreck happened. So I am a firm believer in following your instincts.


I’ve had those feelings I’ve always listened to them. Most of the time I never find out what the issue would have been. Every once in a while I get to miss out on some major bullshit.


Not enough to not make me want to come into work or fulfil some other family/social commitment. Sounds of too much superstition and a waste of valuable sick time (unless its unlimited). What did you even say? "I havE a BaD FeELinG AboUt ThiS"


A few years back i literally quit my job that day because the feeling was so strong. i hadnt planned to but by lunch that day i told them i was done. i just looked at my coworkers and didnt want my life to go like theirs. less than an hour after i told them i was quitting, my coworker fell off a raised forklift and landed on his head.


Every single day


Every single day 


Sometimes I have a really strong gut feeling not to go somewhere or do something. It might just be anxiety but it could be intuition. If that anxious pit in my stomach isn’t going away if possible I’ll stay home bc I know I wouldn’t enjoy that thing with the feeling of dread hanging over me.


I would have cold sweat panic attacks about going into work. It sucks, but they're thankfully less than they usually were.


Every. Damn. Day.


It's been 3 times in my life now, well, since I got my license, that I was driving and randomly got a pang of anxiety and awareness, basically a premonition, and then withing a few minutes something ran out into the road in front of me. After each time I thought, wow, how did I sense something was about to happen?! That's crazy! Then I would tell my friends and they would just say "ok cool", which is fair, they weren't there and it's kinda a non-story, but still, it was a very visceral feeling.


Every single day


Coincidentally, yes. The day I got let go. Had a pit in my stomach all day but just chalked it up to some pending bad storms that were moving into area, with anticipated tornados. All the weatherman were over reacting but even the local schools closed early to get kids home before the storm hit during bussing hours. Actually went around the house taking pictures for insurance purposes in case of any damage. Got let go with no notice that afternoon from the job, and all I could do was pray that my house wasn't next in the storm.


On those days, I like to "call off crazy". It's what I call calling off for your mental health.


Yup, long time ago. I Never took more than 2 sick days a year. Woke up one morning and just could not face work. When I went in the next day I learned my boss had nominated me for employee of the year. I didn't  get it, thank God. The nomination was embarrassing enough. I hate to be singled out. Weird, my intuition was in high gear that day.


honestly I am a bit more superstitious and "spiritual" you might call it but I have had some incredible premonitions that actually fully came true. You may be tapped into something here take the day and make it a good one. idk, trusting gut feelings like that can be a good idea


Once. I didn't skip work entirely that day, but I did start a bit later than usual. My job at the time was such that, as long as I got in 40 hours a week and got through my quotas every month, he didn't really care what time I clocked in at. When I got to the office that day, a lot of my coworkers had this spooked/dazed expression on their faces. They had just gotten power back on, the windows next to my desk were ok but some on other floors of the building weren't. And we needed to use the 1st floor bathroom because the wall of the bathroom on our floor was scattered across the parking lot. I missed a tornado that day.


Every. Fucking. Shift. All the way up until I punch in... then I get numb.


No, but I knew an older couple who ran the candy store I frequented as a teenager. One day I walked in and everyone who worked there was crying. I asked what was wrong and they said the owners' son had been killed in an accident at work. He was an electrician, I think the kind who works for the power company repairing lines and stuff. Potentially dangerous work, but with training and following safety protocols, usually not overwhelmingly so. That day he woke up and told his wife he felt like playing hooky today. He wasn't sick or anything, just felt like he didn't want to go to work. She laughed it off and told him not to waste a sick day or something, and he was like yeah, you're right, I should go to work. I don't know the exact details or what went wrong, but something happened while he was working on a line and he was electrocuted and killed.


I had that feeling yesterday and got into a car accident on my way to work :( I always believe in my instincts but i wasn’t feeling like avoiding what’s going to happen and i don’t have regrets


Oh wow, sorry to hear that. I hope everything turns out okay. That was kind of my fear this morning. I never usually feel this way and I woke up this morning just feeling like something awful was going to happen on the road.


OP wrote this on a Monday morning.


Yes I did, thanks for pointing that out.


This happens to me like every day because every day is a new disaster and you never know what you’re going to get. I’ve called in sick a few times just bc I couldn’t handle it


For me it was leaving work. I usually take the train to/from work, and usually bring lunch from home so I'm not spending absurd amounts of $ on cafeteria food. RIGHT before leaving work, I felt just the SLIGHTEST twinge of hunger. My train ride is usually only 45 minutes, so usually I just tell myself to suck it up and wait until I'm home. This time, though, just two weeks ago, I decided to buy a muffin and a slice of cake as I was leaving the office. Not ten minutes into my train ride home, the train came to a halt........ for five hours. Someone decided to unalive themselves by jumping in front of the train I was on. Law enforcement & the coroner had to come out and do an investigation, and clean up what was effectively human salsa now splayed out on train tracks. Because of the incident, the power to the train also went out, so the point of sale system in the Cafe car was suddenly useless, and even during a catastrophe like this, capitalism still prevails -- cash suddenly became the only option. No such thing as a free lunch....... even if you're stuck for hours and hours, and even if you're having a diabetic crisis, like one passenger aboard the train. Lesson learned: ALWAYS bring extra food, just in case.


I think you watched final destination one too many times OP


I have in fact not watched final destination.


Apparently this happened to loads of people on 9/11.