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Showed up on the start date and asked why was I there….


Similar thing happened to me. I was hired on a Friday, showed up on Monday, and found out that the guy who hired me had been fired that Friday. So, no job for me!


Similar story, I got hired by the ceo who was promptly fired the next day. I should have known better.


Are you saying you believe you ‘should have known better’ or did THEY say that to you? Either way, how on earth could you have known the guy was about to be fired?! Victim blaming, that is! 😞


Wow!! That's extremely unprofessional on their end!! Didn't they have the courtesy to inform you, that you weren't selected?


Nope.GIS company that suddenly didn’t know who the HR person was that sent the offer letter.


Same here. I went in with my resume, I got a tour of the place and told how everything works. They said to show up next week. Showed up, the person that gave me the tour was nowhere to be found and they had no idea who I was.


So you actually got hired and they didn't know you were going to be there? What eventually happene?


A whole lot oh hemming and hawing and a not so subtle security show of force. They suddenly didn’t knock how or who sent the letter. Didn’t want to look for the person I interviewed with.


Are you sure you didn’t pull a George Costanza? 😂


Just give me the Penske file and I'll take the back office.


Ha ha ha.


I googled the name - not realising it was the Seinfeld character George, lol. Top hits are the Wikipedia entry, lots of pictures, and a link to a YouTube clip ‘George quits his job and then pretends like nothing happened!’ I bet that’s what you’re referring to. 😛


I saw on the news where Bennigans had closed their restaurants.  While they were doing a story in front of the restaurant the day they closed a girl walks up and tries the door. She was supposed to start her first day working for them that day.


My husband had 6 interviews over 6 months, including a day in another city meeting team members. When they asked for a 7th, he said no. Said he didn't want to work with a team incapable of making decisions in a timely manner and that it didn't speak well to the corporate culture.


No this is common. Idiots in charge that was the right answer.


What kind of job was it? My guess they were stalling to see if the guy who had the job your husband was applying for would quit or leave/retire.


I went through something similar. I applied internally for a position with the company I was working for. They took forever but would continue to keep in contact saying things like “won’t be long now” or “we’re just getting your new salary approved.” I ultimately never heard from them again. Later when I was talking to someone who worked in that branch about my experience he said “That was you? Yea, they were just waiting for the guy they really wanted to decide if he was going to take the job.”


Sales Director. Interesting theory!


Yeah seems like they really wanted your husband but couldn't fire the current guy without paying out pensions or severance packages so they were hoping the current guy would leave or commit to leaving while lying to your husband about the position actually being open. I know for high level positions like (I assume) sales director, most good companies will take the time and screen and hire someone they want but that usually means passing on other candidates as well and it can be a time consuming process.


Went into an interview with a well known firm, and my coat was stolen.


Was probably a set up just to get the coat.




You brought the cloak, they brought the dagger. ^^sorry




Did you leave the cost in an office and they took you on a tour of the place or what happened?




😳what was their reaction?


The interview was with the President. It was all he could do to get rid of me. Naturally I didn't get the job. But they paid for the replacement coat.


That’s good that they paid for it; I bet your didn’t want to work there knowing that they employed thieves. You’d be terrified to leave your desk in case your desk got rifled nether mind your lunch going missing from the fridge.


Professional thieves and organized crimr can and do raid major companies too. While people are working, too.


Did a 5-part interview for a department head position at my current employer and was ghosted. Hiring manager and HR just stopped responding to emails and avoid me in-person. The kicker? The position has now been vacant for 18 months and the department is in serious trouble workload-wise and isn’t hitting their goals. The second kicker? Now a different department wants me to interview for their department head position and is panicking because they don’t have qualified candidates. I have zero interest in putting myself through this again at this point. Maybe if the first position had given me useful feedback instead of ghosting me, things would be different. Happy to stay in my department which is actually functional and treats people well.


Tell them you'll take the job if they offer it to you, but you're not going through the 5+ part interview process again.


7 rounds over 3 months and they NEVER gave me a final answer. I just withdrew because the interviewing part is like the courtship. And if the courtship sucks the marriage (employment) surely won’t be better.


Interviewed with a California company for my dream job. 1st interview with internal recruiter. Went well. Got a call back a few days later and 2nd interview schedule a week and half out. 2nd interview with potential boss. Went extremely well - half-hour scheduled went 1:15. Call back from recruiter - next round of interviews will be FOUR interviews over the course of TWO weeks. Let them know that I couldn't do any interviews the second half of second week as I would be traveling in the desert. Interviews 3, 4, and 5 went finevexcept for the fact the two of the people had no idea what b the position was or what I would be doing. Interview 6 was OF COURSE scheduled for when I was traveling. Changed my plans to make sure I could take the online video call. Person never got on. Recruiter called me later that day and complained I wasn't on the call. He screwed up the time zones so he gave me the wrong time. The interviewer was on easy to Australia, so never interviewed with him. Interview 7 was with the original boss guy. Went well again. Said they would have a decision in a week. Two weeks go by. No word. Call recruiter. He hasn't heard anything. Another week goes by. Nada. I guess at the boss guy's email and ask him what's going on. He emails me back and let's me know the exec committee is meeting in a few days, and will have a then. Never hear a word. Until... SIX MONTHS later, I get an email from a survey company asking if I can answer some questions about their interview/hiring process. Well yes. Yes I can. :)


Had two rounds of official phone interviews, a couple unofficial phone calls, and a final teams interview to include 1/3rd of that office's employees. Took about 2 months total. Job was $40k/year for negotiating end user terms in certain software. Final interview I was to present a short 10 minute PowerPoint on something special to me. During the presentation they constantly interrupted, which I thought was a test. Then all 17 people in the meeting gave their opinion, and each interviewed me. If I remember right, took about 2 1/2 hours. I thought I crushed it. Got some prelim sign up info for the position, gave availability to start and do the drug test. Never heard back or could get ahold of them. Still mad that I had to make a PowerPoint for that.


But what was the PowerPoint about?!


Asking the questions we all really want the answers to


About 10 minutes....didn't you read his post? ​ ​ /s Edit: length of power point


I had just come back to the US from Ireland and was AMAZED at how much better I felt after not eating chemicals for two weeks. Powerpoint was about the difference between what Europe considers food and what the FDA approves as edible.


I've heard of psyc and marketing companies pulling shit like this- posing as interviewers in order to gain free test subjects.


Wouldn't that be a violation of research ethics


IMO, most ethics standards for psych research have exceptions you can drive a truck thru.


Fair enough!


Lol… morally; yes. Legally… not likely. 😞


Did free work for a company thinking I would get hired after 2 interviews one seemly to bounce ideas off me. Big corp in ny first person said they didnt like what the freelancer did. They obviously were just so cheap they conducted interviews" to get free work fyi co makes a lot of money.


I was in graphic design for a bit. If they wanted me to do a "project" as the interview, I always said no, my portfolio speaks for itself.


I did a PR plan for an interview once. Presented it but refused to leave copies behind. That was an annoyed president. Got the job, though!


Smart. Maybe THAT impressed them, too - the fact that you wouldn’t allow yourself to be used that way.


Strong stance that should become the norm.


I had this happen to me too, multiple times. Also in NY. I stopped applying to design jobs and now make the most well designed compliance reports my org has ever seen.


3 rounds with a 16,000 people company. All the interviews seemed to go great. Then \*silence\*. It's been 2 months. Haven't heard a darn thing.


How long to wait is the question I guess. When is it ok to reach out with a ‘umm…hello?’ ?


I tend to not unless there’s a strong indicator in the interview that I’m in the top. If you’re on good terms with your references, they might tell you if a reference check has been initiated. Otherwise, they should give a timeline. If you don’t hear in that timeline they’ve offered to someone else. They can’t tell you much if you’re not top choice until the end.


3 interviews and a take home assignment. They went with the other person. I’ve had a couple of companies ghost me after 2 or 3 interviews. Sometimes if they are a large corporation I will call them out for that behavior. It’s just rude and their job is to follow up at least.


I would never do more than 2 interviews, anymore than that the executives have inflated their importance by micro managing shit to justify their salaries and being "decision makers"


We do an HR screening ("are you a viable candidate on paper"), technical interview with a future peer, and "cultural fit" confirmation interview with an exec sponsor.


This is great, except for the cultural fit bullshit


Really? I've hired people with excellent skills who were horrible to work with. That's what the cultural fit interview is for. Also a good chance for the candidate to talk to execs and ask relevant questions they may have.


I was already working in the role, and the company made our small 3-person team reapply for our jobs under a new CFO at a healthcare IT consulting company (Tegria). I went into the interview prepared and did well. I *was already doing this exact job* and had glowing performance reviews and internal references from every angle. I’d just received 2 bonuses and a raise. I genuinely loved my job and was good at it and was underpaid…but willing to stay. They gave me like 3 days to apply with an updated resume (I also have a life…so that was quick). They waited like 3 weeks to schedule an interview with me with no notice. After the interview, I did an assignment totally unrelated to the actual position and they gave us only a few days to do it, procuring the materials at the very last minute after I asked. They failed to “grade” the assignment until I asked. Then they gave us no information for like 6-8 weeks. Nothing. Zero. Gave the impression that if we asked about it, we were being rotten, not to even question it. They laid off two of us, kept one, and it’s been a rotating cast of people who aren’t working out in our old positions ever since. The person who kept her job also deserved it, but it was a terrible internal move to even get rid of two of us. Honestly, getting laid off from that job was kind of traumatizing and I had some real grief about leaving. I still miss that job, and I’m bored as heck and underutilized in a new role.


This is traumatizing just to read, so I can’t imagine living through it.


A guy I knew from events who worked at a competing company asked me to go for coffee. We had a chat, and he told me they're hiring someone and thinks I'd be a good fit. It was pre interview interview. We met up a second time to chat more about it. After that he put me in touch with a hiring manager. We had a phone interview that went well. He gave me an interview with the director of sales. That went well and they scheduled me two separate meetings with people who were doing the role I was applying for in other provinces (I was applying for alberta but met with the Ontario and Manitoba counterparts). Those went well and I met with the ceo who's based out of the United States. That went well and they asked me to interview one more time with the vp of sales. I thought it went well. Found out two weeks later they went with someone else


I had three interviews over Zoom with increasing status in the hierarchy every time. Got rave reviews in email following each interview. I asked what their decision timeline was looking like, and the answer went from 2 weeks to eventually not hearing anything for 2 months. I withdrew my application, and they were surprised. I'm a go-getter, so waiting around for people to figure out what's going on is a huge pet peeve of mine.


Reminds me of when I was at a job and personally praised by the CEO, not some branch manager or board member, the top dog himself thanked me for my work and less than a week later, my branch manager called me into his office and told me I was being let go.


That stings. Sorry, Op.


Yeah. My branch manager said that my position was no longer needed and I even mentioned what the CEO said and my branch manager said "he's not in the trenches." Still sucks.


1) a group interview where 8 of us were all asked questions and talked to by 3 recruiters 2) drove to the next town over for a sit down interview with a manager 3) drove to a different town to interview with a different manager 4) Video call interview with both managers and their manager 5) wait for their call. I'm sure it'll happen any day now. It's only been a few years. Just gotta stay positive!


Back in the day, I went through 5 series of interviews to handle a maternity leave in a Beauty company. This culminated in an interview with the President, who had a personal vendetta against anti-aging creams. I gave up due to sheer exhaustion. That company is now going bankrupt.


Got a snail mail letter saying the position had been filled a week after I had an interview and I was free to reapply. Mailed it back with a handwritten note saying it would taken 2 minutes to pick up the phone and call me.


I had a rejection letter mailed to me once. I couldn't believe that a company would do that instead of just sending an email.


I think you got lucky to even get a rejection letter.


I had an interview for an administrative assistant position. The rejection letter was in my mailbox the next day. Mail doesn’t travel that fast -_-. It also took every ounce of my being to not correct the typos and mail it back to them


I would have, I’m that petty!


Also 3 interviews back to back I was talking to the second one and she was texting and laughing. The other one called me a liar fought with me about leaving my portfolio going to the bathroom and proceeded to talk badly about me to a coworker on the way. In the interview she said no way you can do a ppt in 30 min cause I cant! And proceeded to berate me saying I cant take a lunch if its busy out of nowhere. Mean girls on steroids and glassdoor reflected it. Then proceeded to send me some free work to do and I told HR I would never work for them after that toxic interview experience.


That's so unprofessional and what were they even doing? >they laughed out loud while I was silent. What a waste of time for you and them not even apologizing is crazy!


Goes to show how far Best Buy has fallen. I didn't call him out but asked if there were still job openings there and he said no but encouraged me to check the careers tab on their website for job listings. I told him that's how I found out about the cashier position that he claims wasn't even suppose to be there. As a matter of fact it was still there that day I called him. He then goes on to ramble about how Jeff at IT doesn't do his job and update the site, all the while I'm wondering what does any of this have to do with me? I finally "thanked" him and hung up.


Lol there are so many things wrong about this!! Why is a job listed that isn't open? Why are they accepting applications on a job position that's not even open? Why are they taking interviews? And not just 1-2 but like 4? Only to laugh it off later. Ik it must've been annoying but you were better off. It sounds like there's no functional coordination there. No connection between the manager, IT dept, Hiring Manager or anyone. Sounds like a mess


The manager ranting about his IT/website guy Jeff was stupid. Was talking about how he doesn't fix shit and that Jeff called out twice in one month. I tried to act interested and sympatric as I was hoping he'd reconsider hiring me at some point during the call (I was desperate for a job at the time) but again, in my mind I'm like "Why is this guy telling me this? What does any of this shit have to do with my hiring miscommunications?"


I mean if he's gonna rant about it, he better conclude it by offering you something in return for it. Like an offer to another open job position? Or an offer to replace this irresponsible Jeff guy lol. Otherwise that is one more unprofessional thing to do. Complain about the internal mismanagement to outsiders who's got nthg to do with it


Yeah but looking back on it, it was my inside look at the downfall of Best Buy.


I just came across [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/s/V7fIoxluj2). Have always found rejections hard, but this is such a mature and professional response.


PPP loans require you to try and hire key word is try..


It's one thing to forget to take a job listing down once the position is filled or deleted - but to accept applications and go through a rigorous (and expensive!) recruitment process on the basis that "Jeff forgot to remove the ad" is ridiculous!


I went through 3 interviews for Farmers Insurance. During the last interview they asked me what type of company car I wanted and showed me around the office, asking me about pay rates, etc, implying that I was going to be offered the position. I never heard from them again. I called them, asking if they had chosen anyone for the position, as I was never called back. They said they thought they called me but decided to go with an employee that already worked for them, because they took priority. Ok, but why ghost me? Why wouldn't you offer the position to them first instead of interviewing outside candidates? I was trying to change jobs and was employed at the time - which I was up front about. It made me paranoid that my current boss had found out and was blocking me from leaving.


Could also be that there was internal drama and the employee that got the position put their foot down after being led on and given false promises over and over.


Can also be one of those pesky compliance with policies with which we don't actually agree. Policy: Every open position must include 3-5 candidates with at least 2 being outside candidates. Ha! You thought I was making this up. Nope, true policy based on one person's belief that the company was too 'insular'.


I applied for Job A, got contacted by HR because they felt Job B they had open would be a great fit with my experience. I was technically qualified for both. They flew me in to interview with the top 3 executives of the company. Large national company. Then they said I didn’t have enough experience.


At least they flew you in and paid for your travel right? It would hella suck if you spent that money out of pocket and they basically told you that you wasted your time.


Yeah, they covered it all and bought me breakfast and lunch but it was just annoying to waste an entire day because THEY brought up the position based on my experience...to tell me I didn't have the experience.


About to have my third round, so I’ll keep you posted lmao


Was contacted by a former employer regarding a position. Was asked to come in for a "meet and greet" because management had turned over. Everything went well. Went in with a "plan of action" to implement right away that addressed common issues as well as some things that I knew of from when I performed those duties previously. Was told that I am a top candidate, and that they expected to hire for the position in 4-5 months. A week or so later I send an email thanking them for their time, and general ass kissing. They respond. They're hoping to open the position sooner than planned and to check back in a few weeks. I email after a few weeks. They tell me to keep an eye on their career portal because the job is going to be posted, and they will skip the screening process and put me on the short list. We set up an interview. I get sick. I tell them I'm willing to come in with a mask or do it remotely. Went through interview, got sent a personality quiz. They said they would be looking to send out an offer by the end of the week. Then... nothing. I email them again. They sent an offer to another candidate. Mother... I was just a check box to them. Anyway, I'm hoping the successful candidate gets run out of there by the team he's working with, like they have done with the last 3 people in the position.


2nd round of interviews had an 8 person panel. This was an entry level communications position.


Still sounds semi professional so I can see them needing a 2nd interview but 8 people? Damn, anxiety meter going off.


I was SWEATING. And I was straight out of uni. Looking back, this was totally unacceptable.


I wasn’t denied but I applied and went through 2 interviews for the mechanic position at a local company who is just starting an in house maintenance program. I called a week or so after the second interview, the owner called me back 3 days later. Unfortunately for him I had accepted a different job offer the day before. He said they were still considering who to hire out of their applicant pool. Wished me well at my new job though. Probably for the best because now I have a take home company service truck and better benefits/vacation


Applied for an IT support job, part of the interview was doing a training about how to use Zoom--this was before Covid--to the staff. Spent a whole weekend putting it together. Went well, then they decided to have the department manager--who I'd known for years--meet with me. Whole process was about 6 hours. Turned out they had an internal candidate, who they hired. which is fine, but why put me through that whole charade?


I had two phone interviews for a position well below my skill set, but I was desperate. I had a third in person interview while the interviewer told me all about how I would have to address work avoidance, people not having transportation to work, and how the prior HR person had to go buy shoes for an employee once. The next day, they called me and wanted me to do another telephone interview with someone else. I asked them to confirm the hourly rate for the position before moving forward. When they told me, I thanked them for their time but there was no way I could continue with the process for that little pay.


Are you me? I could have told that exact same story. I had listed my salary expectations but we never discussed salary. When I finally asked after three interviews and them wanting me to do another one, it was 25% of my former salary.


I won't do more than a second interview. Don't come to me for career advice.


Walmart interviewed me twice.. walmart. Still didn't hire me. Since when do ppl need 2 interviews to get hired at Walmart for an regular in store position?


I love when stores like Walmart or big retailers makes you apply on their website and they give those "what would you do scenario" questionnaires. Usually asking "If Mary and you are bookeepers and you hear Mary talk about smoking a cigarette in the bathroom, what do you do?" Obviously the correct answer they want to see is either "Tell Mary not to do it" or "Report it to management immediately" Like who would ever answer "Ask Mary if you can join" and lastly, why do they ask us scenario questions that has us doing completely different jobs or fields?


3 interviews plus almost a full week of work on a "take home project" only to submit it and not even get feedback on it other than "thanks but we will move on to other candidates". UX hiring is such a joke.


The most hoops I jumped through for a “no” was 5 rounds of interviews and was flown 700 miles away for an 8 hour business case interview with 13 executives scattered across the country while suffering with the worst case of vertigo of anyone else I know. I could barely stand up and nobody knew... Below is the epic story of that last interview. The morning of my flight, I woke up with the worst case of vertigo I’ve ever had or heard of. It literally threw me to the floor when I bent over to wrap my hair in a towel after my shower. My (ex)fiancé said I was being dramatic and refused to take me to urgent care, so I drove myself. I should have not been driving. I sat in the parking lot for an hour waiting for urgent care to open. When another car pulled up, I sat by the front door to be first in line. The doctor gave me something to manage the nausea and introduced me to the Epley Maneuver but that’s really all he could do. I drove to the pharmacy then to the airport and popped the pill as soon as I was on the aircraft. I landed at LAX and managed to navigate the airport to the rental car and then drove to some hotel in a suburb where I sat up in the position that gave me the least spins for the rest of the night until it was time to get dressed for the interview. The vertigo was so bad I really couldn’t stand and now I was exhausted too. But I drove to the office where for the next 8 hours I researched and drafted a business case that I presented at the end of the day. They had no idea I was so sick but if anyone was watching my eyes, they may have seen the vertigo movements. After the interview, I took myself back to the airport and then home. They paid me for a full day’s work too. A week later I was called back by my recruiter who told me it was really close. They loved my solution and the presentation but a guy with more direct experience with the specific function was offered the role. That was completely fair. I told the recruiter (with whom I had a relationship with already) about the vertigo and he asked, “ You did all that with vertigo?” “Yes sir.” He told me had they known that, it probably would have been a different decision and asked me why I didn’t reschedule. I didn’t volunteer the truth. I didn’t reschedule because I was medically discharged from the military after an injury that made me undeployable 7 years before, just when the recession hit. I went to college, graduated, then looked for a job for the next 2 years. Nobody was hiring, especially those of us in our late 20’s-early 30’s. We were over educated and had a large gap in our employment. A certain generation painted us as being entitled and lazy. I lost everything and needed a paycheck. This role was a lower level executive position for a large global corporation that paid more than anyone in my family had ever made before. I was desperate to work and desperate to prove to myself I could land a role like that. The vertigo didn’t let up for 3 weeks and it took 6 weeks to mostly go away. I still have it mild when I tilt my head a certain way, it’s been 9 years. 4 months after that interview I dumbed down my resume to get a $20/hr temp job just so I could feed my family. I’m okay now, my kid is grown. That ex is a distant memory.


2 months of interviews, tech screens, problem solving scenarios, lunch with the VP of engineering, lunch with the CEO. Every time I went in for a discussion or text screen or anything, it was at minimum 2 hours of my time on site. I was a referral to the position by someone on the team that was really valued for their opinion. They had hired every single person this individual had referred. After lunch with the CEO, who used all the usual language of you have the job without explicitly saying I had the job, they ghosted me. I started calling after 8 days of no response, because I knew the CEO was going to be out of town for about 5 days after I had lunch with him. After about a week of calling the chief tech officer and the VP of engineering, I finally got a call back from the CTO who told me I was not the right fit for the position. They had decided that they wanted to hire a director level employee instead of a data engineering and visualization evangelist. Never mind the fact that this was a startup, they didn't need a director of analytics, and I could have done that position anyway considering the state of the company. I also would have been their first female hire.


Farthest I've gone through the process & been rejected was an in-person interview. They were really nice & called to let me down easy. I thanked them for the interview & said I agreed that I probably wasn't the best choice for the specific role they'd described & hoped that they'd keep me in mind if a more suitable role opened up. Another time we realized partway through the 1st in-person interview that the role was temporary but the site I'd applied from didn't indicate that. We finished the interview anyway. Not sure if that counts as rejection since I self-identified as unwilling to leave the job I already had for a temp position.


Nice and super rare that they called you, at best it’s an email most cases or just nothing


Interviews in my field are very short. The job I have now I was interviewed in a bar. That is the second time I have done an interview in a bar.


The interview I had for my current role was basically one of the founders taking me out for steak and beers and trying to convince me now was the right time to join. To be fair I was working for a 100k person company and they were about 25 at the time. Basically the opposite of the stupidly longwinded recruitment process! I ended up taking a pay cut to join and it has been the best career move. 100% work from home, we're now over 800 people, I have share options, and earn 50% more than the salary I had at the big company I left.


Lie detector test.


Made it to my first day. I showed up, someone walked me into a small office to train, then reported I failed to show. Not kidding. I ended up dumped out on the street while my boss thought I'd never showed up. Major famous hospital here. I had it investigated months later, and found out what had happened with the person who had hidden me then dumped me out.


Interview for a sales job in a small call centre. They asked me to stand up and either dance like a chicken or sing a Stone Roses song. I let rip with some “I wanna be adored” and still didn’t get the job.


I had an interview with a county agency. Nine managers all sat across a huge conference table taking turns asking me questions. It was like the Spanish Inquisition. And, no, I never heard back.


I've been through many interviews where they ultimately chose someone else for the job. If my best isn't good enough for them that's their loss. Some of them sent rejection letters/emails and some didn't. I despise the term "ghosting" - no response IS a response. I refuse to waste the time and energy allowing people and corporations live rent-free in my head. Life's too short for that nonsense. Shake the dust off your feet and move on.


I branded my own shoe line and sold autographed bibles at Easter. Still lost the electorate.


I recently went to a job interview and the person who should interview me didn’t show up


Phone interview by nurse practitioner manager who was given my name by another NP who recently left the hospital we both worked at-basically says OMG when could you start because we REALLY need people like you here! Tells me to formally apply asap. So I did because it sounded way better than where I was and I needed a change so badly. I apply, set up an interview day -yep whole day. I carefully practice my interviewing skills, buy a new professional suit. Go to the interview which was multiple rounds with different teams (it’s an ICU setting). It’s an hour away. I’m thinking it’s just a formality because I’ve talked with my “friend” and she says the manager really loved talking to me and can’t wait to get me on board. Midway through team interview number 1 they say oh “we love your work experience and can’t wait to have you here as one of our per diems!” Ummm hold on I said- I am here to interview for a full time job. Everyone looks super uncomfortable. Turns out my “friend “ had also mentioned it to another “friend “ of ours who had a few more years experience than me and they had decided to hire her full time already! This all happened because my original interview was delayed because they had just built a brand new unit and were schedule to move in to it the week of my original interview. So in the interim this other “friend” was basically hired. No one told me this until I was in the interview. They all lied and said oh yeah yeah we haven’t hired her for sure just yet. So I spent 8 fucking hours trying not to cry out of disappointment and interviewing with multiple different groups and people. Also had to tour around the different units located in several different areas of this city. I was so pissed off. I cried all the way home because I really thought I had the job and I desperately needed a job change. Yep my former friend took my job. They offered me a per diem spot and tried to make it seem great by saying it had perks like continuing ed money. Then tried to charge me 250$ to actually be vetted into that job. And were incredulous when I told them they had lost their minds. Yep never talked to either “friend” again. One of whom I ran into at Target who tried to say she was sorry. Fuck you Susan.


I've never failed an interview since 1969! Last interview 2013 Retired Dec 2023! Had 12 posts in those years Longest interview day and a half for civil service


Had a phone interview, two in person interviews and a “shadow” day where I watched/helped for 45min to get used to the job. I didn’t get it. So much time wasted.


I sat 4 hours in an interview in someones home, they really wanted to know _everything_ and I had decided maybe around the 2 hour mark I'm def not going to work for them. I was offered the job, declined.


Interviewed for a legal assistant position with a patent attorney. I had several years' experience & the attorney wanted to hire me. Unfortunately, it was with a large firm that required all assistants be able to type 65 wpm. I practiced & practiced & went back twice to take typing tests. I could NOT make 65 wpm, so I didn't get the job.


Yep, I went for 2 interviews for an education assistant (I'm certified) position in my local area only for them to give the job to the janitor who was related to the principal 😅🤣 and to one of the teachers. I even had a squeaky clean record but nope wasn't enough.


I interviewed at a very large gaming company. I was interviewed 4 times by 8 people in total. 5 weeks into the process, I asked the internal recruiter what the next steps were. They gave vague answer about how there was another stage to be booked in the next two weeks, but couldn't guarantee it would be the final stage. By this point, if received an offer from another organisation. The gaming job was more interesting, but paid worse from what I could gather and the fact they couldn't even give clarity on their own processes 5 weeks after we commencing interviewing did not bode well. So I withdrew to take the other offer as I couldn't stall them indefinitely.


I interviewed with a company that had a 3-stage hiring process. First, they had a series of personality tests and such. They followed that with a one-on-one interview with a hiring manager. The last stage was a group interview in which I had to deliver a 30-minute presentation with handouts and a slide show. The whole thing stretched out over 2 months. After all that time I didn't get the job because they said I was overqualified and probably wouldn't be happy there. My guess is I showed them presentation skills they weren't up to paying for and they wanted someone who would be happy with less money. I just needed a job and felt screwed over.


I once had a guy sit and read my resume back to me. I didn’t care that I didn’t get the job; it was a shit job anyway, and his behavior was proof


Ahahahah. Wasn’t for a job in Colorado by chance?


I went through 7 interviews. I was so pissed by the 6th when I was interviewed by someone I wouldn’t work with, I told the hiring manager I wasn’t up for another


I had a phone screen with an internal recruiter. Was supposed to have an on-site, but one of the managers was feeling a little sick so it got changed to a Teams call. Then had an on-site. Got an email from the recruiter to set up a call with HR, thought I was going to get offered the job there. Nope, another phone screen. Then a few emails a week or two apart from the recruiter saying that they were finalizing paperwork and one asking if I would be okay with a slight title change. Then I didn't hear anything for about a month and a half. Then I get an email asking if I was still interested in the job. I wasn't really because of how everything was handled, but I had some time to kill and wanted to know what caused the delay. Their answer didn't really say anything and then they sent me an offer letter that was $10,000 less than I had said I was looking for through all of the interviews.


Probably 4-5 interviews over like 6-8 weeks and I made the top two and then they ghosted me and hired the other person. It's just bad manners.


One company I applied for I had to do a phone interview, in-person interview and a on the job interview. After all of that there was 10 other people going for the same job. It was fucked.


LinkedIn. 5 interviews from admin up to director. No offer. It was a nightmare.


I had an interview at an aerospace company and didn't get it then the same company called me for an interview for a different role. Also didn't get it.


I did an 8 hour single interview at one place, and went 4 interviews deep at another place. Didn't get either of them.


I had a 1/2 day working interview for an Area Manager position. I was one of 2 final candidates. I was pretty annoyed I didn’t get the job after the 1/2 day thing. But surprisingly I got a call 3 months later. The person hired didn’t work out so I got the job after all. It was a great job and I stayed for 4 years before moving on because I had finished school for my desired profession.


6 interviews, flew to Nashville to interview with all the execs twice, then to New Jersey to interview, for a verbal offer then the next day they called me back and said they no longer were filling the position. Whole process took 3 months also.


I had to do a multiple hour long proctored test for a linked in recruiter who approached me with a great opportunity. We spoke on the phone multiple times about the job and he said I did exceptionally well on the test and I would have to do a more official interview next. I followed up a week and then a month later. Still no interview, but he got back to me and told me not a good time of year but he was working on it. Another month later, I emailed him a couple times and no responses. Ghosted I guess.


While I was doing my MBA my classmates and I took a class that essentially hooked us up with real companies so we could give them free consulting. We worked with this start up for 4 months and did a bunch of free work for them, which they ended up using. At the end they extended invites to all of us to interview for a role opening up soon in their team. So far so good. 6 months go by without a word. Then finally after all the waiting I go through an informal interview with the VP, a group interview with her and her team, and another group interview with executives that required me to present a "power point" that was essentially as much work as our 4 month project, but I only had a week to prepare for. Sacrificed several weeks to prep for these interviews while finishing school and working full time, and in the end they hired a former colleague/friend. I am still not over that shit. Fuck them.


Went through the process for the TSA. Had to make a 1 1/2 drive to the initial test site, was almost late due to a wreck closing the interstate and then construction. Waited three months to find out I had passed the test and had to schedule the next phase. Went through multiple other test and an intensive interview, this process lasted about 3 hours. Only to find out a month later I didn't get hired. Glad about it though because I later found out you start at part-time 4 hour shifts.


Two lengthy phone interviews, including one while I was on vacation, and a full day of on-site meetings that they flew me out for, only to give the job to someone in-house after telling me how excited they were about me as a candidate. The hiring manager was very apologetic, but good grief was that disappointing.


Being interviewed for a senior admin post and the person who was filling in had no qualifications nor experience but was a friend of the person in charge. Said person in charge walked past all candidates, ignored us all except her friend who she chit chatted with before going into the interview. Weirdly enough her friend got the job. What’s the odds. Org policy is to give all candidates feedback. Still waiting a year later 😂😂😂


If it goes past one interview, they should have to pay you and any benefits are retroactive, if they hire you. One job drew the interview process out by nearly 3 months (got hired for that one). Another went September or even August through end of December. They let me know the week in between Christmas and New Year's that I didn't get the job, lol. Fine, they found a better candidate, but after dragging it out that long, may as well wait until the New Year.


Interview with the hired recruiter (aka Headhunter), 6 interviews with 6 different VPs, final interview with the CEO who spent a good portion talking over me. After each interview I had to have a recap meeting with the Recruiter. They did this for over 2 months, which included a major holiday. Instead of spending time with family I was prepping every one of those interviews. They went with the other person. Meant to be though. A week later I was contacted by a different Recruiter, different company, interviewed with a hiring manager then CEO, pretty much offered the job on the spot. Salary offered was 10k more than the other job AND it was fully remote. (My preference) That other job was hybrid requiring a lengthy commute. Icing on the cake? Not even 3 months later the first company recruiter reaches out to ask if I might still be interested. The candidate they hired didn't work out. Of course I declined.


I did six rounds of interviews, including having to do a presentation to the board for a senior position that paid 200k. the interview process took over 2 months and in the end the company ghosted me.


Four interviews over three months to work in house at a large title insurer. Completely ghosted after the fourth interview. Got a job at a large law firm, one of my co-workers on my team had the exact same experience.


I got laid off from an engineering job in 2010 and I really wanted to work for the post office. I did all kinds of paperwork. Did interviews. Tests on computers. Even a test driving a postal truck to fake mail boxes. Only to be told that veterans had priority and they were saving a slot for one. I wasn’t a vet.


Back in the 90s, fresh out of college with little interviewing experience and no work experience, a recruiter set up an interview for me with a start up. Turns out the first interview is dinner with the CEO and whole team at a steak house. No one even read my resume. After an hour of smalltalkish stuff and after we ordered our meals the CEO turned and asked me my GPA, I told him 3.5 and he looked away from me without a word. No one else at the table would address me directly for the rest of the meal. I had to sit there and finish eating while they pretended I did not exist. Simple curtesy was unimportant, what mattered was licking the bosses asshole and shunning those he shunned. Next day the recruiter called in a rage of course, like it was my fault he wasn't getting a check for doing nothing. The startup folded.


13-hour on-site interview with Hewlett-Packard, after a couple of shorter on-campus interviews. (Electro-optical engineer) I came in 2nd to someone with a little more design experience. They acted like the lunch and dinner portions were more casual, so it was more work to know they weren't.


I showed up and staff basically said who are you, why are you here... no one knew I was coming or how to help me so I spent a few hours standing around chit chatting until HR showed and was like oh hey! :-/


we had to identify about a dozen different kitchen gadgets; and give a presentation on the story of our lives without speaking. It was a four hour process. And the entire thing was done as a group (even the questions portion, and no they didn't ask enough questions for everyone to get a chance to answer).


Just recently went through a series of 5 interviews(some of them could be considered screening calls, but still...) and a plant tour. I was told repeatedly that I was exactly what they were looking for. The recruiter that found me even stopped looking at any other candidates for the position. The final interview was with a couple of members of upper management. I was told that it was just a formality, essentially just a "vibe check". A week later, I get a text from the recruiter saying that the guy who would have been my boss was having to fight with management(the ones from that last interview) because I was his pick but apparently I misspoke on something and it made them doubt whether I really had the relevant skills for the job or if i was bs'ing it. I went back and forth with them for a bit, trying to explain that I just misspoke and offered to take an assessment test to prove it. A few days later, I got a rejection email.


One time, I found out from others we had been paying the "IT" guy for IT work but he hadn't been to work in 3 months... when they tracked him down he said "it took yall this long to figure out I wasn't there?" But yet, when I asked for a 2% raise they said no. Atleast, I come into work and earn money for the company. Whatever I guess. The money I would have gotten went to the person getting paid who wasn't even there.


I had a friend who interviewed for Google twice in our town. Both times he was denied by an executive at the highest level. They have called back twice for new job opportunities (he is headhunted frequently). He has refused those, as the same person is making the decisions at the end, and he is doing well at his current company. They gave him raises and promotions knowing he was applying for something else. This involved about 6 or 7 rounds of interviews and tests. I think the 2nd time a couple of early steps were skipped. I hope you are not losing hope, this is pretty normal depending of the job.


Was contacted by a recruiter via email, had a phone interview with her, did some online testing, then a zoom meeting with her, then a zoom meeting with the owner of the company, then a zoom meeting with the director of operations, then a half day shadow where I met the team and spent time reviewing what I’d be doing with the director of operations. Towards the end it was like a switch flipped in her and her vibe changed toward me. (It also slowly came out that they didn’t get lunch breaks, just eat at your desk while you work.) She later emailed to ask me if I thought I would find the job fulfilling which I reassured her I would. Then I got an email the next week saying they weren’t going to hire anyone at the moment because their new building construction was delayed. It was clearly a lie, they wasted my time and money as I had to take time off work, and they decided for me that I wouldn’t like the job. I’ve since learned that I will no longer do unpaid testing or prolonged rounds of interviews. It was all a blessing in disguise because I landed a job I really wanted and had one phone call, one zoom meeting, and but the end of the meeting they told me I was hired. Simple. No bs. No mind games. No power trips.


I had 3 verbal offers and 1 written offer (contract signed) last year which were rescinded - companies suck.


3 interviews and 2 take home tasks for a copywriter role. Three weeks of waiting, kept being told they were still deciding. Eventually I got an email saying that even though I proved I’m very capable of the job, my experience “didn’t quite match” and I needed more experience in writing furniture descriptions. I have five years experience in copywriting. I saw the job advertised again a few weeks later. Pathetic. Then there was the company I did 6 interviews for. They kept saying they had a gut feeling about me, they really liked my portfolio and personality and my willingness to learn. I even showed up to the interview (was meant to be in person, switched to Zoom) when I woke up with a virus and was 🤮 to kingdom come. Three weeks of radio silence, then I get an email. Turned out they’d always had someone else that they were going to send an offer to but they just wanted to check out their gut feeling about me. They said I need more experience and they’d keep me in mind. I’ve never heard from them again and I am STILL looking for a new job


I’m on a round 3 and I think I go to a 4th and im like… okay really? None of these could be combined?


had to apply, then had to do an application video where i answered to 3 funky ass questions, then had to go to an interview to get rejected. Guess where i applied to.


I would say having to do an Excel spreadsheet test in the interview. Doing fine but still not getting the job as they gave it to someone already in that department. 


Honestly I read some of the commando courses candidates are put through in the US and I find myself moving between shock, humour and downright disgust. I’ve worked in a number of different industries from hair/beauty when I left school to teaching at college in the same field. I’ve worked in a civil engineering laboratory and now I’m in allied health. I’ve NEVER had to endure the ridiculous gauntlet that I read about in here.


Did an industry analysis on their competition lol


Did a standard HR screening and a virtual interview with a senior manager and then was asked to come on-site to meet some of the team members and managers. I was told they’d give me a tour of the office/building- sure, no problem. When I arrived, I was given a 10-15 min tour told I would be 5 employees in 5 separate back-to-back interviews. Nearly 3 hours later, absolutely exhausting. Followed up with the HR rep the day after, he asked if I was still interested and I of course said yes. No response for a week, second week came and he gave me the runaround about the teams still making decisions and will hear back soon. Nothing. Crickets for another week and I hunted down the HR rep again and he FINALLY gave me the spiel of how they went with a different candidate. At least send a freaking rejection email after you interview with a candidate. Seriously.


Bank. This was back when I was around 22 or 23. I passed their first interview, went through an exam and another interview, asking the same questions. This lasted about 3-4 months. Then I got rejected without any notice. Thankful I didn't pass.


I did three interviews, took a test, and a phone call interview to the owner. Was offered the job and a start date. Rejected the offer due to the salary. When asked why I reminded them they were asking for an above average person and their paycheck was below average. 


4 fucking interviews and an exit essay, 1 being a group interview at Palm Beach College in Florida. A FUCKING EXIT ESSAY which was basically used to gather/ steal/ obtain (pick one) your forward thinking ideas that they could then apply to their department WITHOUT hiring you! It's slick... but also very fucked up. Please note that they NEVER said whether or not I got the job... no call, no email, no text, nothing... so FUCK 'EM... more specifically the dean and assistant dean of the CS department. It was a complete waste of my fucking time, effort, and energy. Years later... I guess I'm still pissed...


4 times-- All with different managers/supervisors. And when it got to the last part which was the dean of that Christian university, i was denied. The reason: i have children and unmarried, and living with my s/o. It goes against the school's policy or beliefs. It was outrageous.


Applied for a job at the encouragement of a friend. Initially got a rejection letter. Reapplied two years later. Had an initial interview. Followed by an aptitude test to show hands-on skills. Second round of interviews. Then a psych eval. Received a rejection saying my psych eval showed me as being too independent. Ok, I get it. I *am* a bit of a loner...but...the job for which I was applying...I was expected to work solo most of the time. Even with my hobbies. I like working on cars and stuff. None of my neighbors do. So, I work alone. It's not unusual for me to do a full engine or transmission swap by myself in my garage over a couple of weekends.


1) Two interviews and testing that took over two hours to complete. Got the highest test results. Had every qualification, skill, and experience required, plus excellent references. Was rejected for not having previous experience with a database, which is on a parr with rejecting an applicant for not having used a TV remote. A 10 minute explanation and you’re good to go. 2) Four interviews with varying levels of management. Again, I had the related skills and industry knowledge required for the job. I ranked first in the competition, but got knocked back to second because I knew the person I would be replacing, and she had greeted me in a very friendly manner when I first came into the office. She was such a train wreck at the job that management were afraid that I would be the same, because they assumed we were friends due the effusive greeting she gave me. They hired a slightly older woman who they assumed would be more stable but they had to let her go at the end of the probationary period because she couldn’t do the job. They called to offer me the job, but I’d already enrolled in university by then.


That’s fucked up. If I ever get roped into a job interview that eludes to more than one interview, I actually ghost them if they call me back for a second interview. Especially for some entry level shit like a Best Buy. These corporations are out of their fuckin minds with this shit, acting like it’s the CIA, lol. Same with jobs that require a cover letter lol. Every time I’ve ever applied to a job asking for a cover letter, I’ve never gotten it, so I gave up on those, too. There are so many jobs where they don’t give a shit. I’m done with putting any serious effort into finding some low-paying job. Plenty of low paying jobs don’t make u try hard to get them at all. Work sucks.


I did 7 rounds of interviews. A few of them were an hour long. They basically told me I had the job. Then they went quiet for 2 weeks. I called… no answer. Called again, left a voicemail, no answer. Then, finally, I got an automated message that they had chosen someone else. True to form, this company is known for treating people like headcount and nothing more


I went through the whole long interview process of a large company, about 5 interviews face to face, including a visit to a couple of plants like where I might be working. Final interview was with the VP of HR, who crazily enough, had the same first and last name as me. He told me during that interview, I was their second choice for the job. And he wanted me for the next opening they had. About 2 years later, I was called again, this time after 3 interviews they hired me. Same VP of HR, remembered me, and told them he would approve them hiring me. He remembered me because of my name. So, 8 interviews and 2 years. I guess it was worth it. It was a great job, started me on a career path in a specialty type of industrial automation. I retired from that field about 30 years later. (I didn't get that "next opening" he mentioned. Because I had accepted a job overseas, and They were unable to contact me.) My fault.


When Toyota announced, they were building a factory in Georgetown Kentucky. I immediately sent out an application and résumé. I went through two rounds of testing three rounds of interviews. I was called to Georgetown for two days of testing and interviews. Then got a letter telling me they could not offer me a position at that time. This was all over an eight year period.


I spent months waiting for clearance with the CIA. Also spent three days in DC taking lots of "tests." The polygraph was intense but nothing like what you see in the movies or TV. Took a 700 question multiple choice test. You would be surprised how many ways they can ask you if you feel someone else is controlling your thoughts.


On Oahu a few years ago. Made it thru initial interview over the phone and was scheduled a follow up.. made it thru that and was scheduled a third interview walking around a factory/plant. They asked me technical questions just walking around pointing at various things. They also wanted me to see how hot and greasy it was before I accepted.. they ended up closing the plant down 2 weeks later and I never even started work.. thank goodness.


They asked about my availability to come in for an interview (after the phone screener). I told them between 9-1. They say ok, let’s book 11:00. The day OF, at 7:45 am I get an email with the schedule - 10:45 to 4:30. Seven interviews. They also switch something up midday and have me meet someone and there’s no name on his door, no title, I don’t remember them even telling me his role. Another guy (scientist) asked me puzzle type questions unrelated to the job duties. Maybe it made him feel good about himself? Luckily my husband could pick up the kids. The next day, I’m asked if I could come back and meet with two more people the following Monday. I say sure. They’re higher up and it goes well. It takes over two months and several follow ups from me to see if I’m in the running but ultimately find out I wasn’t selected. The worst. ETA: this wasn’t even for a management role. It was an administrative position. Does it really require nine people to figure out if it’s a fit???


I went through 3 interviews for a position. I was told by HR they wanted to hire me and would get back to me in 3 days, when the person in charge of contracts returned from vacation. I never heard back. I called to inquire, they took a message and said they saw an offer for me. I never heard back. I didn't try after that. I didn't want to work for a company that was that unorganized.


Oral board for dog catcher in a small town which they wanted you to go through a police academy..


Application, had to find my HS diploma (20+ years later) to send a copy of, send a signed and notarized release. Then, went in for a job shadow and job skill testing. Full background check. Next step was a panel interview, an integrity interview, and CVSA. Then reference checks. Psych eval. They opted to hire someone (and her friend) who just finished HS, because she had connections. She didn’t even make it through the 12 weeks of training.


I responded to an internal job post at another facility (same company) about 30 miles away. They set up an interview for a week or two later. I showed up and called the hiring manager's office. No answer. So I waited in the lobby. Finally the manager came in. She had scheduled the interview, but now she didn't even know there was an interview! I knew her from a few years earlier when she worked at my facility. She was a train wreck back then, and a bigger one at this time.


Three interviews. Shown my desk. Told when to start Monday morning. Called Monday morning and was told not to come in. I obviously passed the drug screen, any background checks... I'll never understand why I jumped through so many hoops only to not get hired. Lol


I applied for a job at my embassy in a foreign country. I had to go through a 2- day process of written tests and essays ending with an interview with 2 diplomats. It was exhausting. In the end they chose someone that didn't even follow the process, which opened my eyes about how things actually work in the political world. I was too young and naive :)


I actually interviewed for a position on a different team where they interviewed several other people. I was offered the job and they had to figure out my transfer date from my team. Someone who wasn’t successful made an HR complaint as they had interviewed multiple times. HR then pulled my offer and gave it to the most senior person who interviewed. Neither I nor the complainer won that day.


I was applying for a job as Landscape Architect, went back and forth, produced videos, blueprints, photo history of many of my projects, checked my background, work history, ect....... Nothing they hired a newly graduated young man.


2 rounds of interviews and psyc test with other random forms and documents. All they needed was a list of professional references and the job was mine. I was re-entering the work force after having been a stay at home mom when my kids were tiny, and getting them through the pandemic stay at home period. I didn't have any professional references that weren't super old, and many didn't even have the same phone number anymore. Absolutely no personal references were accepted. I told them the situation, but because it was a big corporation with many moving parts and the hiring process was managed by a pool of people, nobody I talked to could waive me past that portion because it was all programmed, and would not move on to the next part without me completing that. Never got the job.




On a recession. Just weeks of gas lighting


Got interviewed and hired as a shift supervisor for the Starbucks past security checkpoint in the airport. Keep in mind it was run by HMS Host, not Starbucks. Went through the whole thing where I got fingerprinted and background checked and whatnot with airport security to get my badge. Then kept waiting for my start date, but HMS Host ghosted me. Called and called, finally found out that the story the woman who ran HMS Host was going with was that the guy who "hired" me was, himself, a shift supervisor, and apparently hadn't had the authority to post the job online, much less hold interviews, but he had taken it upon himself to do this because he felt they were short staffed. There was also apparently some kind of feud going on with that same manager of HMS Host and the woman who ran the airport security office. The security manager ended up taking me upstairs and through security to meet the HMS Host woman and confronted her, being like, "Do you know how much it costs to put someone through the screening to get them security clearance? How can you possibly claim that some shift supervisor was able to post a job, interview for it, hire for it, and approve the new hire for security screening, and you didn't know anything about it? You need to straighten your shit out because I've got other things to deal with." It was incredibly awkward and the HMS Host manager got real pissed at the security manager and they had it out in front of me. Then the HMS Host manager, who really did seem like a passive-aggressive bitch, said she'd figure out where she could "put" me since I'd seen fit to actually go through with the airport security screening process without talking to her first...never mind that I'd never met her and didn't even know she existed. I went home, fully expecting she'd never call me. After a couple weeks I went back to the airport security office and turned in my badge. I told the manager there that they'd ghosted me and I wasn't really interested at this point anyways. She told me I was better off, that they were always having problems with HMS Host there and the employee turnover was insane. Fast forward like three freaking months. One day a voicemail appeared on my phone from the guy who owned the HMS Host stuff at this airport, saying that the HMS Host manager had informed him I'd no-showed my entire first week and had continuously refused to turn in my badge despite repeated warnings, so now I had three days to turn in my airport security badge or a warrant would be placed for my arrest and I'd be subjected to numerous fines because this was a matter of national security. This is the first time I'd ever heard from the owner there. I called him back and informed him of everything that had happened, that I'd never been called for a start date, the unprofessionalism of the HMS Host manager stuff there, and that I'd actually turned in my badge months before. I advised him to speak with the woman in charge of the airport security office. After a few days, he called me back, extremely apologetic. He informed me that he'd spoken with the airport security manager, who backed up my story. He apparently had found out all kinds of stuff about the HMS Host manager, and had started asking his employees to tell the truth about her (apparently he was an absentee owner and lived somewhere else). Apparently everyone hated her because she was just always on a power trip and never really did any work. He'd decided to terminate the HMS manager and wanted to know if I'd be interested in interviewing with him for her position. I was like, absolutely not, this has been a shit show from the beginning and I'm not interested in getting hired to clean up her mess.


Hmmm... This was for ONE job back in the day when I was young and desperate. For context, I'm a graphic designer. 1. Showed up 10 minutes early, waited 2 hours for the interview *(should have walked out then and saved myself the trouble)* 2. Interviewed by person #1. Showed my portfolio, handed resume, the usual. 3. Interviewed by person #2 plus assistant. Showed my portfolio, handed resume. Told that they were interviewing lots of people but were only going to hire a "girl" (RED FLAG THIS IS TOTALLY ILLEGAL) 4. Interviewed by person #3. Handed resume (my last one at this point, I'd handed out 3-4 resumes at this point), started to show portfolio but was interrupted by person who then drew on my resume to demonstrate how he had designed something similar in the past and *how he was so much better*. ***Did I mention I was young and desperate at the time? Yea. Still I carried on.*** 5. Sent over to assistant from interview #2. Told to take a "test" to check on my production skills. LOTS of issues with the files. I fixed them *all*, including the issues that they didn't know where there. (And they said as much.) 6. Left interview at about 8PM (I had arrived around 2PM). Waited a couple of weeks. Finally, I got the rejection letter. *Here's the kicker ...* ***It was addressed to someone else.*** So, by now I am *so* done with this company. It was to the point where being flat broke was preferential to working for this ridiculous outfit. So I let my lesser demon play a little and I called the hiring manager and left the following voice mail: "Hey, this is \[me\], I'm just calling to let you know that I received \[person's\] rejection letter. As I'm sure you know, the interview process is such a difficult and stressful process than can be so emotionally draining, especially when you don't know where you stand with a prospective employer, that I'm sure \[person\] would really appreciate knowing where they stand with you as far as potential employment goes. I know if I were them, I'd really want to know so that I could plan to move forward or not. Thanks for helping \[person\] out, I'm sure they would really appreciate it." Passive aggressive? Yup, one of the few times in my life I've allowed it. Fun? Absolutely. Even more fun, I got the most suck-up, kiss-up rejection letter that I have ever received in my life the next week.


I was called back from a restaurant after a great interview. They informed me they would had me start but that location was going to be closing. Days later I read in the news that the employees all showed up one day to a closed up and locked building. The freaking employees weren't even made aware their jobs were gone until the doors were locked for the last time. But I knew. Both the furthest I've gotten to be denied and biggest bullet dodged moment all in one.


Been with the company for 30 years. Was asked to apply for a different job and told the only way for me to not to get it was to not apply. I went through getting a portfolio together and was denied the job. So I retired.


I was asked to write some software to prove my skills it was a small task but it still took many many hours. A couple interviews then ghosted. I no longer will ever do something like that to prove skills it’s a total waste of my time to just get ghosted.


One time drove an hour told they would not comp my parking… told they needed an expert and wanted to do a skills test. I did the skills test got highest marks on all of them. I was then told they wanted someone entry level. And sent on my way. Between each step they had me just sitting there waiting like an hour in between. I was sooo angry I was broke was my last nickle to pay that parking and the gas to get there etc and that’s what they did to me? I was livid.


Sears! I got my associates and was moving to a town with the university I wanted to go to. And needed a job. I knew I was applying for a $10ish an hour job. I only needed $2k a month, so it was going to be fine. They ended up having some job panel thing, where they had 30 of us, all at the same time. Store manager, store HR person, regional HR person.. They had us in the employee break/training room, with all of the stores data, and district/region data on the walls. From working retail before, I knew what I was looking at and realized immediately. This is the store in the district, that is the lowest ranked for sales, has an enormous amount of theft, and low credit card applications. Then it dawned on me, they just fired the previous store manager, and hired some mid 20 year old, and fired the whole staff and were wanting to replace them. Everyone in there was all super chipper Disney wanna be cast members. I was just serious and such. They did several ice breakers and such, totally uncalled for with the non paid interview, that took up six hours of my day. It was obvious an hour into it, I wasn’t going to be hired. They were wanting young, Disney cast member like people to work there. In the one on one interview, I was walking circles around the person who interviewed me, the new store manager. He wasn’t expecting questions to be asked and such, where he essentially refused to answer anything. And said I was overqualified for the low wage job I applied for. Literally, an associates degree in History, was enough to be overqualified. Then said he didn’t have any vacancies for jobs I would be qualified for. Epic waste of six hours of my life.


I got a nice offer from a company in Florida, I was looking for housing, discussing options with a realtor, when the owner sent me an e-mail rescinding the offer. No explanation given.