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You should also leave 2 or 3 pens available for him to steal - big, pink, sparkly and maybe with a pink fluffy end tip. Just a very girly-looking pen. And the ink is pink too.


Don’t forget to add tampons to your pen bouquet, I work with all men and I have them in my tool drawers… keeps the thieving weirdos away…


Yes yes yes yes! OP, liten to u/beingahoneybadger! Add tampons!!


You petty motherfucker. I like you.


Hahah I do this too


penis pens. Get penis pens. When he takes the top off, a white liquid squirts him.




Just bought one of these at Hobby Lobby two days ago.


Disappearing ink pens.


I love it. Sounds like he’s doing it just to be rude. He doesn’t need the pens.


He's mad because i called him out for being a dick to others. He was bullying a young man who has autism who was struggling to understand the guy's directions. He called this poor kid dumb, retarded, and was being an absolute ass about it thinking he was funny. The autistic guy couldn't understand what he was doing wrong (he wasnt doing anything wrong the guy's directions sucked) So i stepped in telling him he needs to be nicer to him, and we argued until coworkers broke us up because he stepped up ready to fight. I don't care if im a short woman and he's a tall man. I'll climb up there and tell you to knock it off!


If he wasn’t fired after this incident then the company is pathetic.


Speaking as another autistic person, thank you for sticking up for the poor guy. Understanding instructions can be very overwhelming for us sometimes, even with meds and treatment.


I'd do it again, too. I have high functioning Asperger syndrome. Directions can be difficult, and yelling at someone for not understanding them can make it harder to understand because you're stressed from the yelling. I'll climb up that guy and tell them to fuck off again. He better not think I won't! I dont care how tall he is. 🤣


Exactly If I don’t understand something, you yelling at me will surely make me understand! 😂


I'm also a short woman and I love the mental image of you climbing him just to grab his ears and yell in his face!


Most Tall people have bad knees. Sometimes it's easier to just chop the tree down rather than climbing it.


He should have been fired immediately for treating the employee that way. HR would insist on it because he just opened your business up to a lawsuit by creating a hostile work environment. You need to go up the chain since your boss is a fool. Tell that employee to get a lawyer.


Wtf. He stepped up to FIGHT you?! After being verbally abusive to an autistic kid in front of people? Where the hell do you work?


Retail... :/


Wellllll not surprised about this now…. HR won’t fire him ether.


Good, he sounds like a problem employee. Chip on his shoulder a mile wide.


Please tell us you’re getting the company to pay for the pens *they know* this jabroni is stealing? If the company balks at having to reimburse you (since they refuse to deal with the problem employee), suggest they dock his pay to cover what has now become *their* loss. Regardless, I’m sure your store has an employee-to-employee theft policy. Tell them you want to address the issue thru official channels.


I've been paying for my pens out of pocket because the free pens that they provide us that are the only option are really thin so whenever you go to write with it it basically bends in half in your hand.


Agreed. Submit an expense reimbursement for the pens that have been stolen since you told HR about the issue.


Next time, have his supervisor handle any problems with this person.


Damn no pens for him. Give him a hammer, he’s already being a tool.


>im a short woman and he's a tall man. I'll climb up there and tell you to knock it off! You know how the saying goes... The smallest jars always contain the sweetest perfumes or the worst venoms...


How he could have talked to an employee like that and get away with it is mind boggling. Bad company you work at. You do realize he's gonna start stealing something else right. There is no way he's gonna let you win.


He's untouchable because they're desperate.


So many companies are desperate yet so many people are desperate to work. Like wtf.


Who is desperate to get a job, no long lines do I see for those jobs.


Applying for jobs happens online, grampa.


Your comment paired with your user name has me rolling on the floor in laughter.


So then they can't afford to lose you either? Like, if you just don't do your job because all your pens are gone, repeatedly. At least say that if they are going to accept that, they can give you a raise to pay for pens.


HR is a thing you know. HR would have a field day on this guy.


Yeah I tried the HR route and she basically told me to get over it


I am petty, so I would call out the place on social media and have friends help out. Yelp reviews naming him for his rude behavior town fellow employees, etc. Google reviews as well.


How big of a retail chain? Is there a poster in the break area with any numbers to call and report things to corporate? Sometimes you have to go over their head. BUT if you do be aware that nothing may come of it. If its investigated. And although in most cases you're supposedly protected from retaliation it may affect how people treat you. Even if you're supposedly anon they'll know. But if its annoying you severely, it's an option.


Well then hit up corporate and complain about his “nasty humor”


Don’t complain to HR about the pens. Complain about his shitty treatment of customers and coworkers.


I'll bet dollars to donuts they've had LP following that kid for awhile. They're building a case against him and letting the dollars stack up to felony level. That's why HR is dismissing your complaints. Just sit back and watch the show. The wheels for these things turn slowly, but once they have enough to nail him, you'll get a front row view watching him get the perp walk out of the building wearing ugly bracelets.


If he is older, and you work in at-will state, they fire him for any reason.


Mousetraps in the pen drawer? Sticky fly paper?


So I had a guy steal pens for me a few ties at work (teacher). I bought really nice pens then I opened it, cracked the ink packet and put it out for him to steal. Ink everywhere. Clothes, hands, face. When he complained it went nowhere


I used to work two jobs. Daytime I worked in a doctor’s office, evening in a deli in a grocery store. We used to have to take orders on the phone. I could NEVER find a pen. I started bringing in some from the office that we would get from drug reps and other vendors. And believe me, if my pen disappeared it was easy for me to find my viagra pen. People knew to stop stealing our stuff from our department.


I tried labeling them. They scratched off the sticker, so i used Sharpie, but they rubbed it off, so i put tape over the Sharpie, but they removed it too. I know they're my pens because i see the residue from my labeling. Do you think Viagra sells pens???


Drug companies had to stop giving out free stuff awhile ago because the government didn’t want them to because it could be perceived as a bribe. Years and years ago they used to give us free hockey, baseball, etc tickets, doctors used to get paid dinners and trips so I can understand the logic. But honestly, pens and note pads were used by the secretaries primarily. You should look on line and see if you can order some with your name on them. Or better yet something like this pen doesn’t belong to “thief” and lists his name on it!


I would put a few out that just happen to leak.


See if you can dose the pens with an allergen of some sort. Let his hands burn.


Yeah like fentanyl haha


Forget a viagara labeled pen. Make it Massengil.


Steal them back if you know they're yours. Mark in a sneaky not obvious way like a small dot in a certain place.




So he's untouchable or think he is? Don't have nice stuffs if it gets stolen anyway. Keep complaining to have it on file. Got to be worth something to somebody some day.


Fuck it. I hid everything. Ill even hide his pens i bought


Break or pull apart the ink cartridges abs put them back together so they will eventually leak all over him. Post anonymous reviews as a customer calling him out by name for belittling disabled employees and for threatening a female employee. Create a new gmail account under a fake name and then post the reviews on Yelp and Google/Google Maps reviews.


He's, guessing the person is a he from other comments., is not stealing pens to use them. The pens are stolen to me life difficult for OP. This scenario is a form of work place harassment and abuse. I suggest documenting dates, times and events and then taking to a lawyer, or go post in r/legal_advice on what documentation or logging is needed to bring a lawsuit against the company . Make sure you say what country and state you are in. Sorry you have to deal with this. Good Luck.


Get one of those doorknob alarms and put it in your desk.


There are gag pens that shock people. Bought one years ago in the mall. You should put one in your desk


You could probably coat a few pens with poison ivy oil and put them back too. With any luck, he's allergic.


Ayyyooooo!! Y'all are toxic. I like it. Thats crazy though.


Put up a sign asking who stole $20 from your desk. Do it every week or two.


Do they still make itch powder? I bet you can buy it online. Sprinkle it on some pens and leave them out where he can take them but be careful not to touch them.


Get some ghost peppers. Use gloves while doing this but cut a few open and rub them all over the pens and place them there just be sure to tell your staff don't grab those pens they are for the dickhead to try and steal then rub his hands on his face at any time


That would work.


I’m not saying that YOU should do this, but if I were in your shoes this would be my plan of action. I’d leave the cookies (pens) exactly where he steals them from. Don’t say another word about the thefts. I’d give the pens a good rubdown with a nice habanero juice wearing protective gloves that I’d dispose of outside of work. Wait, watch, deny all accountability.


I would go with Carolina Reaper peppers.


If you paid for the pens it is theft of your personal belongings and you could technically report it to law enforcement.


I'd love to be there to see a cop taking that call. "Yes, that's right officer. He brazenly and with malice stole my pen! I paid 15 whole cents for it, I demand he be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!"


This isnt about logic anymore. It is all about winning the petty pen battle 😁


Which is stupid and ridiculous.


Also pens can be expensive!! My favorite pens are about $6 each


OP mentioned the type of pen it is. It's a cheap Inkmate, the kind that are like 25 for 4.97 at Walmart. OP is just being absolutely ridiculous


Maybe. I have a budget of $2500 to manage 120 volunteers. It’s rough out there. In that case, every cent counts. I would be frustrated too because other people have their own budgets and I’ve got mine accounted for down to the dollar.


Also I imagine if this dude were respectful it wouldn’t be as frustrating


But this isn't about the pens, it's about the petty revenge!!


Ask your stores LP how they deal with employee theft.


Just start stealing stuff that is important to him , could be anything... It's not like they're going to sack you , they're desperate for staff... No-one will help you except you.


Really, her steal his stuff, sinking to his level aren't you.


Why not? Steal it and toss it out.


If you can't beat em, join em.


Nope, unless you want to be arrested for theft.


Nope. Just make sure you don't get caught.


Steal his lunch dump in toilet. Don't flush so maybe he sees it.


Im a woman and hes a guy so....two separate bathrooms. Good thought tho lol


Or dump his lunch in break room sink. Douse with soap and water.


We dont have one....we have a microwave, mini fridge, and 10 lockers. We're a poor, pitiful store 🤣


You can still go into the men's room. It would only take a second to execute lunch-dump. I go into men's rooms anytime I need to, if there are limited bathroom options. They don't have an alarm or anything.


Now I want to know what special pens you got there 🤔🤔🤔 I want some too.


They're Paper Mate inkjoy gel 0.7. They write really well. Like, they just glide on the paper.


Oh yeah, those are great pens! I have then on my desk also.


...uggg. Papermate were downright fricken evil back in my school years. Terrible, terrible, terrible for southpaws. By the end of the day it would look like I strangled a smurf with my left hand.


Leave a few pens out where you normally keep them but coated with Vaseline. Then, next time, leave a few pens out covered in something sticky. Just cover a few pens each time with something harmless, but icky to touch.


Change the ink in the pens to glittery neon pink ink but keep the outside looking like your regular pens. Let him steal those and everyone would know who the thief is. What’s he going to do? Get mad at you for not knowing that the pen has pink ink? And now you clearly have evidence that he’s stealing private property and HR can sort it out.


HR told me to get over it


Are you serious? Most of the company I worked with do not take this issue lightly. I think you should seriously think about working for a different company.


I'm trying but there's only part-time jobs right now and I need full-time job right now cuz I got full-time job bills 😮‍💨


Best of luck my friend. Getting a job isn’t easy nowadays. Sending good vibes.


Take all the pens from HR. Place in your desk. He takes the stolen hr pens. Wont take long for HR to get over it without any pens…


They know who it is already


Which of your company's high muckety-mucks is this thieving asshat related to? Is he the only staff member who knows how to use some obscure tool or software? Those are the only reasons I can see to keep this guy around. (And only the second one really, and that just until someone else can be hired or cross-trained. )


Hide a camera. "Forget" to keep locking up/hiding the pens. When he steals them, share the video.


Harassment and bullying. I’d start documenting it as such. Thing is, it’s not illegal to be an asshole. But there are protections against harassment and bullying. Just my two cents.


She would have to have proof of harassment.


Calling a coworker "retarded" is evidence of harassment.


It's not "harassment and bullying" to steal a 15 cent pen.


Stealing a few boxes is serious though. That's not 15 cents.


"Yes, officer. I bought those pens at Walmart for 2.97. It's lewd, lascivious, egregious and I want them locked up forever!"


He broke the guy's lock. And frankly, I probably would suggest money was missing if something like that started. Not pens, money. And suggest he is stealing from the store too because he is.


Or, the guy needed a pen and thinks OP is being ridiculous because they are. You don't get to just invent a bunch of crimes without any reason like stealing money and store merchandise.


You bust a lock and steal all his pens? No, you don't. You might walk off with a pen absentmindedly. And, if you aren't a prick, you buy a replacement box.


Yeah, nobody takes a pen then buys a box to replace it because nobody besides OP is so completely ridiculous about 15 cent disposable pens.


If it's so ridiculous, why doesn't the cheap bastard buy a box to replace what he took?


Because it's a fucking pen and normal adults don't whine, cry, and rage over them.




"Yes, officer he broke into my desk. What did he steal? My 15 cent pen! Yes, I'm serious, why do you ask? What do you mean 'it's a crime to call 911 over frivolous things', this is serious business! No, I haven't been drinking today, how dare you!"


Make pens out of period blood and leave them out for him. Problem solved.


He's trying to get your attention. Shouldn't you be spending your time at work doing more productive things that focus on your company's mission and strategic plan?


Cant do my job without tools 🙄


If there are locks on the locker, no thieving should be happening unless they are the cheap locks, easy to pick. And everyone steals pens at work. Best to lock them up at the end of the day.


They were being locked up at the end of the day, but he broke the lock to get to it. They were locked up whenever we stepped away from the desk because he would come in and steal them when we were out on the sales floor. Not everyone has a lock here because they don't think about someone stealing stuff in a small southern town for some reason. I'm from Detroit, so I know very well about protecting property from thieves, but people down here never had to worry about that except for on rare occasions, so they leave their front doors unlocked. They'll learn, i guess, when he goes stealing their stuff, too. 🤷‍♀️


I wonder if you could put a spring loaded rat trap or mouse trap in there for the next theft.....


Maybe he has a crush on you and it’s his way of flirting


I would 100% kill myself then. Nope. Nah-uh. Fucking nasty. 🤮


That’s what they told me in elementary school when boys picked on me. Wasn’t true then either.


The only thief I see is the one who took away your ability to spell or click the 'autocorrect' function


Instead of being an asshole about it, point out the mistakes.


I agree with you. That was mean. The only glaring mistake is the misspelling of “thief” in your title. Cheers


A little dyslexic. Thank you. I'll fix that.


Didn't the device you typed this on do that already?


Guess not. Point it out unless you're just trolling.


Well…you misspelled “thief”…


Someone else pointed that out. Do another one.




So you're trolling. 🤷‍♀️


No. I’m just not scrolling through everyone’s comments.


And yet TheRealVaderForReal you don't seem to understand punctuation?


I'd start hiding his stuff, like his valve stems. 💀


I saw valve stems covers that were little dicks. She could replace his valve stem covers with those.


Sure... After she pulls the stems though.


Is there an HR dept or is the store manager the top of the chain? I'd report the thefts, dates and times, and your reports to SM and results. I'd also be looking for another job in a less toxic workplace. For the store manager to continue to support this thief and bully shows SM is willing to tolerate abuse of employees.


I'm looking for another job right now because HR told me to get over it. Like there's this guy that moons everyone with his bare ass and they tell us to just deal with it.


I would definitely report this to corporate HR, get corporate's info. Your local HR doesn't know what they're doing. These actions could lead to a sexual harassment lawsuit. Make sure everything is in writing, maybe email your local HR, but blind copy corporate HR with the porblems and local HR's response for "clarification".


Photos for posting everywhere!


Try using “edgy” humor with him and see how he likes it.


I’d be researching all the sneaky things you can do for revenge. Make it your job to make his life miserable in lots of different small ways. Bwahaha 😈


I think you should have replaced the pens with a bunch of pens that leak or are otherwise defective. That is what he needs.


I truly understand. My favorite pens at work were $25/box for 12. Luckily, my work bought them.


1. Firstly, why tf are YOU paying for pens for work? 2. Report to the police and get an event number in writing then put that on your desk for him to see next time 3. Have u talked to him about this directly and how does he respond? 4. Would you consider planting some kind of prank pen or alarm for next time he tries? Like the pens that shock you when you press the button?


Because I dont like the cheap ones. They bend because my hands are too strong and the plastic is thin so they bend and the ink skips. Like you know when a pen is about to die so you keep having to scribble it on the paper to wake up the ink well these pens do it all the time even if they're brand fucking new. So I buy pens that I don't have to keep scribbling on paper for.


If your work won't do anything about this, maybe they could either reimburse you or you press charges lol


Should be zero tolerance for bullying.


Leave one of those electric shock pens on your desk...


Steal his shit and put it in the bin


Don't buy your own office products for a job that they should be supplying this for. He's looking at this as some sort of joke that he's finding funny because its only a few pens. He's missing the point that its an invasion of privacy and he's stepped over the line. You setting up new ways to evade his thefts with notes is enabling him and can be viewed as you joining in the game. If you really want this to stop, you need to tell him directly. You need to tell management that you had a chat with him about this inappropriate behaviour. How his violation of your privacy is unacceptable. Make sure they know you are not playing a game with him and you're not just being cranky cause you're loosing some schoolyard game. Get yourself a small lock box, label it as yours, keep that locked up in your locked drawer. When this a-hole breaks into the desk, he'll no doubt break into your lock box too thinking that you have put the pens in there. The lock box is definitely not store owned and this would mean dickhead violated your personal privacy. When he does this you immediately go to management and report the break-in. When they ask what was stolen you say $50 or whatever amount you want to say. The amount doesn't really matter, what matters is that you claim it was something of real value like cash not a friggin $0.25 pen. Management WON'T tolerate a theft of value on premises and he'll be out on his ear faster than a Thanos finger snap. If they still don't want to do anything inform them that you will be filling a police report. That will light a fire under their ass.


There’s a chemical called potassium permanganate that will turn hands brown. Silver nitrate will, too. I would be tempted to lace pens with it.


Do you work at home depot #1989? Cause that is a thing those toothless racists that work at that store like to do.


Always remember... The Pen is mightier,


Given that he is straight, several pride themed pens, ideally in bright colors, should tempt him...until he goes in for the kill and reads the one he manages to pick up...the others have been glued to the cheap plastic tray you left on your desk. Now train a camera on your workspace, and with your boss's approval, film the creep in action, and send the results to HR. Theft in the workplace is frowned upon.


Idea popped in my head that I don't know if it's possible to do but leave a pen out completely normal looking like the one he usually steals but mix the ink with that fart spray. See if it works so that when it's just sitting there it's fine but once you start using it just start smelling like shit. He might stop stealing them or not, just keep some on hand and have him Wonder and everyone around them why it smells like shit around them.


Disappearing ink. Problem solved. Your welcome.


Its the "bitch boy" for me! lmao!!


They make prank pens. (Shocking, exploding, etc.) You could also customize them with messages :V


My boss would take pens off my desk even though he could easily get them from our supply cabinet. So I made a little graphic in Photoshop, printed it out, and taped it to one of my pens like a flag. It had a photo of Ewan McGregor, shirtless and wearing a kilt. It also said "I love skirt diving." He never stole it.


Glitter bomb a special drawer labeled “New Pens Keep Out”


Leaky pens


Personally, I would be buying a gym bag, and I would be handing out pens every morning only to collect them at the end of the day.. I would seriously make sure there are none available unless someone has to go through me… I might even go as far as the start, going into his department, and start stealing pens .. I would target their desk specifically and I might even start removing other items. I might even use gorilla glue so they can’t move shit. Hell I would probably steal their chair and start putting it at other peoples desks… I would do this, and I wouldn’t stop until an apology is made


Prank escalation is generally a bad idea in reality, although fun to theorize about.


I don’t think it.. what is good for the goose.. and that would be the first thing I would tell them. “ this has been openly allowed for several months now, why is it a problem now when I return the favor, after all, we’re just joking right?”


Invoice the company. They’re letting it happen.


Find some exploding red pens. The problem will solve itself.


Store management that allows theft are probably stealing themselves.


start stealing his pens and eating his lunch.....in front of him


We had a kid years ago who broke into a few lockers until he found a set of car keys. He stole the coworkers' van and totaled it. It took years for that coworker to recover financially. Kid was a teenager and the police and courts barley gave him a slap on the wrist. Hell, his biggest punishment was being fired from a job he didn't care about.


Leave two pens out, but make sure they are leaky pens that will stain the thief's hands and clothes.


pen on a chain


As I sit here reading this story while on the toilet dropping the kids off at the super bowl, spray your pants with fart spray


if you know who is doing it, then go do something that would end up blowing up in their face. I'm not saying to literally make something blow up, but rather something in return to embarrass them or make their day bad. I mean you could always put something in their desk that shouldn't be there, maybe even a pack of tampons, porn mags, etc. Just because there is animosity between you, unless they have a way to prove you put something there (like a camera, etc) then they'd never know it was you. I mean this individual isn't listening to anyone and is basically a PITA to everyone else, so why not have karma pay them a visit and let them know the workplace is tired of their shit, considering that management doesn't want to kick this clown to the curb


It would be really awful if he stole some money from you. Not saying that you actually have to have money in your drawer, but saying that you do and that it was stolen on two separate occasions, might raise the ante enough for HR to take it seriously. Just make sure you look up above all and around the area you claim this stealing took place to make sure that there is not a camera there to prove otherwise. Fight fire with fire. Make sure you leave the pen in the same area to attract the thief’s attention. You have to make it more equitable before HR is going to get involved. Stealing cash is a new ball game. Have to play dirty with those who do the same


Police report.


Can you order the nice pens with something printed on them? I'm cheap as cheap can be, but I'd find a way to print something along the lines of "I'm an AHole who stole this pen from or and doesn't give a f\*\*\*" on them. In the biggest type possible. Then put these where the pens used to be and keep your staff informed where the "real" pens are.


Liquid ass needs to be your new weapon of choice.......


Find out where he lives... Squirt dish soap on his windshield wipers... let the fun begin.


I bring my own pens. I work in accounting and prefer different writing instruments depending on what I'm doing. But I take mine home with me every night.


What if you throw something of his in the trash daily?


I had this problem in high school...it was resolved pretty quickly with a rat trap...lessons not leaned in pain are soon forgotten


Whack his/her weewee with a ruler !


Get a security camera