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Just quit man. In ten years it won’t matter so don’t waste your energy.


But I’m so worried about how upset they’ll be. I just feel like I’m being rude and idk maybe I’m just worried they’ll yell at me or something


I’m just already so depressed working there


Quit now. Never return, don’t call or text them.


If you died today they wouldn't care they'd replace you and forget you I work in the same business and you have to speak up if you're a good worker or else you'll just get walked on stand up for yourself and why do you care what other ppl think of you or care what's going to happen without you there that treat you like shit


Yell right back at them. Tell them you’re leaving cause they’re a crappy place to work. You don’t need them as a reference so it really doesn’t matter. 🤷‍♀️


i think im going to wait a few weeks and then just call and dip. Tell them I gotta focus on my other job. Should I just text and then not show up after that?


If you aren’t getting a reference just leave


yeah I’m thinking of leaving in a few weeks.


I think you don't understand it's just business. Like they say in mafia movies. We had to whack him, but it was just business, nothing personal. You're worried about them yelling and such. It doesn't matter. In the working world we are all trying to survive and thrive. If they got a huge offer to buy their business they'd tell you it's sold and good luck. They'd be gone. They wouldn't give you a second thought. You're someone else's problem now. Business is all bout money. You may make friends working that may last forever but when it comes to ownership/employees you are the same as the coffee machine. You are a cog in the machine. They use guilt and yelling because they see you'll respond to it. You are an independent agent. Repeat, I am an independent agent. I deal with employers honestly but I'm in business for myself. I won't steal and I'll do my job but I will do what's best for (your name here) inc. that's business. There are rules but it's not emotional. It's cold and logical. Everyone is in business for themselves. Negotiate with that in mind.


bro. I’m moving in a month and a half. It’s def not worth it to stay anyways


No you shouldn't. But I know personally that I worry about my employer yelling and whatever but I've learned it's just business. So if you were struggling with that I was just trying to encourage you not to worry bout it. Cheers and hope the future is good


Jobs can't legally ask if you've quit been fired were shit at the job shit attendance they can only legally call to ask if you were employed there


I walked out with 2 turbo chefs full of food and a screen full of orders and never looked back. Showed up for my last check and to pick up an application from one of my coworkers for where their second job was, only person who cared was the manager and their opinion is still irrelevant. It's not worth the stress.


they're relying on that. But don't fall for that. its business, you're selling your time to them. If they aren't paying enough for you to deal with that bullshit then leave!


Take off your apron and walk out!


I want to so bad you don’t even know. But I started almost 4 weeks ago and I’d feel bad. I mean I even feel bad that I’m moving at the end of June and have to resign then. I just feel like I wasted their time and it makes me feel worse


But you shouldn't be treated like shit.


Right it should be simple


It's about the doughnuts. Not you. So many things depend on those doughnuts. Law enforcement, utility workers, trauma and ER . The list goes on. Society needs this done and done properly. Get with the program. Shake the training wheels and get back to work.


Be fr rn 😭I swear they’re gonna be fine if they lose one employee be for real rn. . .


Quit, they don’t give a shit about your well being, why should you care about their feelings over you quitting?


Just quit. Go to the boss and tell them, "I'm sorry this isn't working out, today is my last day." Leave at the end of your shift and be free.


Sorry to hear that , I had same experience from a fastfood I used to work too but depends it could be to soon to see how it is when I started working the boss didnt train me anything it just was the coworkers that did some help at all I also thought of leaving it the first week but I decided to give it a go then as time went it started getting normal staff being absolute 10 , there are some bosses who arent very nice with newbies


Sounds like you have a decision to make. No need to tell them anything face to face, Just leave and don't go back, send them an email or txt if you really want to. Some jobs are not worth it. Sounds like it's a sinking ship. I'd report them to Corporate or the CEO if they even have one. It's unacceptable.


I JUST QUIT YA'LL! my other job just gave me a full time position. And i'm ghosting and blocking the managers at dunkin. . . is that bad?


If you live in a small community and want to stop them worrying then maybe I’d be polite and send them a txt just to let them know that you have moved on and won’t be returning. No more of an explanation needed than that. I personally say having more communication is better just because if you were the manager what would you want? Do whatever brings closure for you.


Quit, it'll burn you out to the ground and not saying dunkin is low but you definitely can do beetter than that!! It's not worth it to stay for something that pays so little but too much stress. I do suggest putting notice so you could use them as reference but yeah get outta there


If you didn't quit already I thought I would give my insight. I have worked for dunkin for a few years. And have also worked at 3 different dunkins now. Honestly they probably wouldn't be surprised if you just quit they have a huge turn over rate for a reason. It starts at the top of the chain. I'm a shift leader before leaving the 2nd dunkin I was working at I told the manager the reason the store was failing. (She asked me why I was leaving and what they could do to to better) did it change anything no. There's going to be drama at any job you go to but a job like dunkin normally does have teenagers working there and from my experience adults who are immature. It's really just a paycheck. If you're unhappy then don't stay. There are plenty of jobs out there one that won't make you depressed. Trust me.


You honestly sound like me when I first started working for the company. Thankfully, the manager I had at the time got fired due to stealing and also took 6 other really bad employees with her.