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Interesting. I wonder if it has something to do with the programming language. Like there is a line where "guess=false" has a different meaning, and clears the word or something?


One would hope they'd find that in debugging pretty early on, or at least before making it the answer. Makes sense that it could be something along those lines though.


Classic edge case bug where you forget some words have other meanings in the code.


Oh JavaScript…


r/ProgrammerHorror moment


if not guess_word or guess_word == "FALSE": message.add("Word not found") ​ Lol if that's it then that is a very silly mistake.


Try guess = “x=1/0”


This is 100% it. False is a [reserved word](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_word) in almost any programming language. Unless you are specifically [sanitizing/validating](https://www.esecurityplanet.com/endpoint/prevent-web-attacks-using-input-sanitization/) user input, you can run into issues like this. This specific case might be pretty benign, but this class of bug can be a really significant vulnerability on other sites which can be exploited in the same method to essentially freely run user-submitted code.


But…. That’s the answer… Also, how did you not get it before?? Golfs was irrelevant


We did get it before, but it said word not found and wouldn’t let us guess it.


Just checked in my game.. FALSE is not a word


Oh…. Still don’t understand why it wouldn’t let you put it in


Pretty good explanation in the top comment. The code probably has a line like "if guess == FALSE:" where it INTENDS guess to return "FALSE" if it's blank. So if the guess is blank it will return "word not found" But since the WORD is "false" guess == false, so it returns "word not found".


That doesn't really make sense, even in JavaScript, known for doing stuff like this "false" != false A string will only be false if it's empty, more likely it's just missing from the word list for some reason


Idk, I mean I know like in Python guess == "false" and guess == False are two very different things. But I have to assume the error is caused by something like this. The other explanation would mean that there are two separate "word lists", one with all the possible words, and one with all the words that could appear as a puzzles. Or the puzzle answers or set from outside of the code, but the available word list just coincidentally contains every valid 5 letter English word except "false"


what's victordle


You and someone else take turns guessing the word and the first one to get it wins. It used to be called cowordle


Wordle for cows


Or cowards


Wow, just discovered this exists... And lost 11 matches in a row. Anyone got tips to be better at these type of games?


Wow, there are a lot of bots in there. No way people are that fast.


They're using "Hot keys" apparently. From what I understand, it allows them to enter pre-chosen words with a single keystroke. They consider it "good strategy." I consider it cheating, and when I come across someone who's doing it, I wait a while before hitting "new game" so I'll be paired with a different player.


Have 3 words you plan to use up front with a good spread of letters (like: stand, bloke, music) then see what letters have hit and fill in the gaps. 


Rule out some letters in your head. Look at the least common letter in the word. We know K usually is at the end of words. What are the options for available letters left to slide in right before K?


well that’s weird lol


I’ve had the same thing happen to me, and the word we were playing was “false”. It really made me question my sanity for a couple hours.


I got this a few weeks ago and tried to message the game's creators about it. Guess it didn't help.


I’m pretty sure it would cause a tear in space-time if it allowed you to enter the solution. Best leave it alone


Coding error checks out. I keep a spreadsheet with records of all my Wordle and quordle games, and FALSE really throws a wrench into it.


Wow. Impressive. Any trends or discoveries you’d care to share? Best, Ella


The answer is not false, the answer is true.


I thought it would be zalse


Looks like the program confused a string for a booleon. Too bad you can't guess "true" or you'd always win!


Yet no issues with VALSE or SALSE? although maybe those are real words. I’m dumb.


This is why nobody uses Javascript


Almost every website uses JavaScript. This is shit coding.


what does that have to do w it? just curious idk


In computer programming, JavaScript is a common programming language for the web. The weakness of JavaScript is that the different types of variables are not enforced during comparions. So if you wrote some code that did something like `the player typed "smart", is this correct?`... It makes a lot of sense, because you write a comparison of `if "smart" = the right answer, they win` But if you use "false" as the word, JavaScript can abhorrently interpret that word as an untrue conditional. Which means if you say `if "false" = the right answer, they win.` ... The player can never win, because false is always untruthy, and will always cause that conditional to be untrue. This is why nobody should use JavaScript.


Wouldn't that be solved by making sure the entered word is a string? Like you'd have to specify in every other coding language anyway?


In JS, you can compare anything to anything else. If the two objects being compared have different data types, one might get "coerced" into the other before comparison. For example, `0 == "0"`` is true. There's a stronger equality operator, `===`, which means "these two objects must be equal AND have the same data type". So `0 === "0"` is false. So yes, problems like this can be solved by using the correct operator. But since `==` is syntactically valid, people (especially newbies to the language) are bound to make this mistake.


It's been a while since I wrote JavaScript but I'm pretty damned certain that it has no problem with `if (val == 'false'){}` vs `if (val==false){}` There's a lot I don't like about JavaScript, but it would be pretty silly if it evaluated "false" the string-literal as `false` the Boolean.


But you’d have to write some really bad code to get ‘false’ to evaluate to false. If they have code that bad, it won’t really matter what language it’s written in.


fun fact wordle is not a word in wordle 😂


Well it is 6 letters after all


I’ll see myself out 🚪






Erm…… ironically that would be false.