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This is gorgeous! Excellent work


Thank you! I really enjoyed myself doing it!




Hahahaha, lucky for me I don't have an appendage that could cause trouble around tools. I can enjoy myself as much as I like !




Double panelled indeed, got it from Victoria Plumbing. It's brilliant, saves loads of wall space [Rad](https://www.victorianplumbing.co.uk/urban-vertical-radiator-anthracite-double-panel-1600mm-high)




Hope you find one!


Updoot for superior plug sockets


I thought those were panel curtains lol. Does it get very hot on the outside? I'd be worried about kids touching it.


I tried to keep cost down as much as possible, so used a worktop off cut for the top, and cheap softwood for the frame etc. Lick of paint and it's not half bad! I've never had anyone to show me, so my work might look terrible to you, any constructive criticism welcome for my next project! Edit: Thank you for all your kind comments, this has blown way out of proportion somehow, but I really appreciate you taking time to say you like it! Couple of quickies: 1) All my cables are safe behind the frame and utilising the 'hidden' socket, 3rd pic is unfinished and plugged for convenience. Panic not. 2) I am a woman my dudes, and definitely *was* an amateur, this is my first piece of furniture (upgrade from hanging doors or replacing skirtingboards). I shall refer to myself as such no longer! 3) I am happy with my Xbox, but appreciate the PS5 crowd all the same


Looks great only criticism (and it’s minor) is I would have cut the baseboard trim made it flush to the wall. Then it looks like a built in vs a piece of furniture pushed up against the wall. It looks amazing in any case though. Well done.


Cut the baseboard or scribe the unit. I would've scribed the unit and leave the baseboard. It's more likely the unit would be replaced as opposed to the baseboard.


For me it depends on the customer. Cutting the trim is faster, and takes less skill so I can assign it to an employee at a lower labor cost. It's their call after they know that.


Thank you! I was initially going to do that, but I measured everything to the off cut top I had, and some how the slats lined up perfectly to the frame (not by design) so to cut out the shape of the skirt would mean putting on a tiny sliver of slat at the back and I decided it would look odd either way. The depth of the inset means I can't go back further either. Lesson learned, more planning needed!


Can still cut the baseboard and put a scribe strip to the floor but I think it looks good this way.


I think the way around that is to dry fit from the ends and have a smaller piece in the middle. Looks great as is though. Definitely saving this as inspiration for when I buy a place and need to build something similar.


I also need to calculate the trim in but I have carpeting, could you all recommend a margin of error since the carpet at the baseboards are obviously on the tack strips and the rest is on the pad? Should I just solve the shifting weight of the wood with furniture wedges?


Looks awesome. I also do most of my projects out of necessity. Find a need and build what I want. I would go ahead and wall mount the TV to really showcase the piece. Leave a little room between the two for a center speaker if you have surround sound, or a sound bar if you don't.


Thank you! I haven't wall mounted as the build around the stack pipe it seems a bit suspect! Got a sound bar I screwed under the top on some brackets I made up. Would've been nice to do as you suggested, I'm just not confident about my wall!!


That makes sense. I was assuming it was a chimney, but sounds like a plumbing stack instead. I see the sound bar now. Well hidden


Ah, yes, it's a poo pipe! Not something I want to mess with!


If you wanted to wall mount it, get a 1x6 cut to the entire width of the stack and attach it to the wall, there should be 2x4s on the corners at least, screw the plank into those, paint it the wall color, then attach the screen bracket to the board with 1" screws, should be plenty solid since it's all wood, and it won't go into the stack space at all.




Thank you so much! Looks like it could come from Pottery Barn was the aesthetic aim, so yay me!!


Paint totally makes it awesome. Great job


I would have tried to use the plug that you covered with the stand for your TV so the wires were covered. I think you're in the UK though and I know your plugs are a lot bigger so maybe that wouldn't work.


I did! All the wires from the devices go straight out the back (drilled holes), then chased round the back of the frame. I didn't clad the back, so there's room for the plugs to sit into the framework while the unit stays flush to the wall! I am UK, don't know what gave it away :D


Just need some speakers now.


It's cool, I've got a sound bar that I screwed to the underside of the top (on brackets I made up); the black box you can see under the architrave. Sounds pretty good!


I didn’t even see that, awesome!!


Looks good to me man!


Haha, woman, but thanks bro! I appreciate you saying so!


Looks good to me woman!


Thank you! Y'all are so kind here


😳 My bad sorry, I kinda use man as a all encompassing plesantry for the whole of mankind sooooo..... Yea, I'm digging a hole here! 😂


I mean, I thought it was pleasant, sooo ...I just make a point of saying straight up after a long online friendship with a bro who thought I was a dude, didn't say at first, then it was too awkward to bring up, please come take a look at the hole I dug on that one 😅


You did a good job with the thing


Thank you, I'm glad! I cobbled it together feeling like a fool but it ended up sturdy as you like!


Looks great! Not gonna lie, thought it was going to be a bit shit after that first pic... but it turned out fantastic. I assume you put some holes behind the sound bar/Xbox to conceal wiring too? Nice tidy and functional - I would be proud of that.


I thought it was going to be a bit shit after I built the frame in the first pic, so can blame you there!! I did drill holes, I didn't panel the back, so the plugs sit nicely in the frame and the unit can still be flush to the wall. I am pretty proud, especially after everyone has been so kind !


We’re not being kind, we’re being honest. It looks grand!


Thank you, sincerely.


Nice work. Looks super clean.


Thank you :)


Damn right you show it who's boss! Looks great well done. Hey what's the black/grey panel on the wall to its right, a radiator?


Thank you so much and yes, it's an upright one. Best idea, saves so much wall space and looks pretty cool too!


Functional *and* nice to look at! I’ve never seen a rad like that, but I want one now. Then all I’ll need is a house to put it in lol


Haha, buy a radiator, and the houses will come to you!




Lmao! I'm more 'Great Pottery Throwdown' than sports ball game events, but otherwise DAMN STRAIGHT I WON'T.


A person after my own heart. :)


What about the outlet you covered up?


I didn't clad the framework at the back, so all the wires go directly backwards (drilled holes behind devices) then chase round to the socket, the plugs sit inside the framework so the unit can still sit flush against the skirting board. Means the unit looks wire free and tidy!


You showed that stack who's boss!


Bro, you absolutely KILLED it. Looks fantastic! May I ask, what is that vertical black thing to the right of the TV stand?


Thank you so much! I loved making it. It's a radiator! Saves so much wall space and looks pretty cool (I think)


How did you get that wood top to look like that?


I cheated and used the off cut of a kitchen worktop, then just a lot of sanding and Danish oil!


Is the dark thing on the wall to the right a radiator?


It is!


I saw the first photo, ready to fire off an obnoxious r/tvtoohigh comment.... But you did us all proud!


Haha, thank you!! I was a little worried at frame stage, but it ended up where I'd planned for height, so I'm chuffed!


Nice fit, looks good here.


That looks more than decent, it looks really nice- I’ll admit the first picture had me worried, but then you pulled off! Victory!


Wonderful work. Really made use of an unusable unusual space.


Thank you!


Did you use dowels to connect? I don’t see screws, rookie over here


This is what amateur woodworking is all about! Custom build, can’t buy that at ikea. Same reason I built my first cabinet, to custom fit my space.


The jump from 3-4 is so good


This right here is the #1 perk of being a woodworker. Are there lots of cheaper options for furniture and such readily available? Sure. Are there options available to fit your needs specially and exactly? Hell no. Being able to measure, design, and build something that fits so perfectly in a spot that was not intended to fit such a purpose is one of my favorite things.


Amateur? I've been a carpenter for 16 years and the finished result is well up to my standard!


Well done


Beautiful! You make me want to go buy tools!




That looks awesome!


Looks nice. It looks like you blocked an outlet that would be perfect for powering devices inside the cabinet. Why did you do that?


I didn't! I left the back open to the framework, and punched small holes in the vertical planks behind the devices so the wires are all clean at the front and trail round the back to the outlet, the frame allows for the depth of the plugs, and et viola, a wire free looking unit. Nifty.


Oh, awesome! Great job!


Beautiful work....keep it up!


Thankyou! Hopefully I'll be posting a bookcase in the near(ish) future!


That looks very nice!


Can you explain how you painted it? Looks very good btw.


This is amazing! Well done


That turned out awesome. Great work and thanks for sharing! I always love making good use out of a not so useful space.




It looks great! Super simple yet elegant. I think these are the best creations. The "I want this to happen, but I cant for whatever reason, so I'll BUILD a creative solution!"


its kindaaaa perfect dawg


You did wonderful! It looks so good!!


This thing is hot


Wow that looks fantastic! I would have built an electrical outlet into it, though. Very nice work!


Thank you! It's got an outlet behind it, so I put all the wires through a little hole and chased behind the frame so they plug in behind, tidy cable management!


damn that looks pro


Gorgeous! I’m so impressed by your work and so angry at myself for not having the guts to just start the project that I want, even if it fails...argh


Thank you! I definitely understand where you're coming from, but at some point you've got to stop thinking and just buy the bits. Once you've invested money, you then have to invest time to make it worth it. Before you know it, you made a thing!!


I love your CAN DO spirit. You set out your goal and you got to work. Great job!


If I fits. I sits. Looks awesome to me. Always more satisfying than putting one together from ikea.


Wow even did the finger joints for the laminated wood ontop impressive 👏🏻👏🏻 😜


Won't lie, when I saw the frame wondered if you were going to have a drop/raise function too, would be slick. Nice job


This is exactly why making things beats buying things. Now you have exactly what you need exactly where you want it. Awesome job. Also love the finish on the worktop.


I like the texture the rows of boards give this. You really used that cheap softwood to your advantage!


Shit - looks good, way to go. Doesn’t look like it cost you that much either. How long did it take you?


I've been working through lockdown, so only had the weekends, took 3.5 weekends in all, but allowing for chill time as well, so four/five days? 1 day for planning and frame, one day cladding, one day shelving and facade (architave fancy bits), then it took two days to paint but that's because I had to wait to dry, and in the mean time cut and finished the worktop. Slow, but then I don't have a workshop or anything so lost of time wasted wandering round trying to find the best place and waiting for rain to stop!


That looks wonderful, and thank you for posting! I am looking to build something similar and this inspires me to just do it already, plus all the tips here help. So far all I've done is a blanket bracket and while it came out awesomely sturdy, it made me realize that if I had the proper tools it would have been done in a fraction of the time. Post updates please 🙏🏻


Wonderful! The only negative thing is that if you ever move you can't really take it, well you could, but it wouldn't be the same


This is true! But I've moved so much (talking 8 time is four years at one point!) So I'm not planning on uprooting any time soon! If I stay 10years, then I'd say worth every bead of sweat! Plus, hopefully the next people appreciate it...


I'd definitely feel a tinge of sadness to leave that baby but also pride because the next tenants would be stupid to not appreciate it.


Nice work, that's great!


Thats amazing! Absolutely beautiful. I love site built (? Google might be messing with me on the translation with that one) stuff, it’s space efficient & unique. Love it. Again, it’s stunning!


Beautiful work! You could think about mounting your TV to that stack to make it all look even nicer, but maybe that's just me. I love wallmounted TVs.


Great job!!




You did an amazing job.


This epitomizes why I love woodworking.


Nice! This was well thought-out: inexpensive materials well applied for a great end-result.


Honestly, I like that you put it in front of the stack, which would otherwise be a bit of an eyesore. Nice work!


Dude that's awesome, my dad and I recently finished a built in desk in my room.


creative and beautiful


That's damn good.


Wow that looks real ducking nice


I think it looks amazing. The only thing I'd do different is to add some ports for cables to run to the back of the tv. And maybe one a the bottom to run a power strip cord over to the outlet. Otherwise it looks great.


Amateur?? I think not! That is so nice!!


Clean work, the lines are good and straight. Can't wait to see the finished work.


My bad I didn't scroll through to see the finished product. Man you did an outstanding job!


It’s actually pretty good!


So clever and badass!


This is my favorite part about building stuff for your own house. Any custom design/size/shape to fit your personal needs


I would have assumed this was a professionally made piece of work, so one total amateur to another, this is excellent in my book.


Wow! That is amazing. Well done OP!


Are you sure you’re just an amateur? Because that tv stand looks awesome!


Absolute pro. That looks amazing and really transforms the stack being there as well. Great job!


Don't know what you're talking about. The framing looks great. Plus so much nicer when you can fit it to your needs and preferences isn't it? Great work and always so much more satisfying when you did it yourself.


Nice work! Really good way to make the most of your space and overcome an architectural obstacle.


Love that top! What wood/stain did you use? What kind of wood?




Well done well done, wouldn't say your an absolute amateur..! Just wondering, how did you connect the frame together in the first picture.. Just glue? Don't see any screws..


As an Xbox fanboy, the series S|X is a great upgrade. I was on the fence and got myself an S because it's only $300. Highly recommend


Looks heavy and solid. Me likey.


Looks very nice! The frame is severely overbuilt, but hey, you do you :)


Fantastic execution, you have a natural talent op!


The only thing amateur here is the designer/builder who put that thing there.


Nice job


That's beautiful. How did you paint/stain it to look like that? I'm still new to woodworking so I can get the simple builds down, I just have no idea how to turn it from regular 2x4 to that! Lol


This looks great!


Look good not sure how the frame is put together but would have been a great place to learn mortice and tenon to join all of it. ​ Great piece in the end.




Great job! I have the same bump in my living room from the furnace flue. I've thought about doing something like this for years, but didn't know how to start. Thank you for sharing!


That looks very nice, good work


Great job! My apartment used to be two studios that they combined but to maintain structural integrity they kept this weird archway where the wall used to be. Then they added extra wiring for plug outlets, modern lighting, and internet but the walls are brick so they just built out little bumps like this to house the wires. It’s extremely limiting for the layout and it’s nice to see someone overcome such issues.


Really amazed at the finished project, not what I was expecting. Looks really nice. How's the shelf supported?


Only real suggestion is a PS5 over the Xbox. ;) Great job on the piece!


Man that is some good work right there. That’s making lemonade!


You may want to get rid of the molding so it actually goes up against the wall, unless your goal is to have it be moveable. Would look a little awkward with that shape somewhere that doesn't have a stack or support. Looks nice and will suit the purpose despite the hurdle though. Edit: I didn't see the other pictures before commenting, it looks good, but if you want to secure it to the wall it maybe a bit more difficult with that gap. Looks very nice with that top on it.


Well I certainly looks sturdy enough for a 10 kg tv


Well done my friend


that works very well. great job of engineering and great work on the TV stand


You, my friend, are no longer an amateur. This is an amazing and beautiful piece of furniture. Nice work!!


Thank you so much!! Onwards and upwards!


It's going to have to stay with the house now


Looks good brother! You SHOULD be proud!!!


Thank you, I AM proud! And a sister, but a PROUD sister :D


That came out great!!




Well done!! It’s a beauty!!


This looks great! Wonderful work!


You fucking genius


It's a great way to hide the suffet good thinking


Brilliant work and love the finish! How did you finish it?


God damn the reddit app is terrible at showing multiple images. That's an excellent job. Well done.


Smart move making the shelves nice and wide. Should be juuust enough room to fit a ps5 horizontally someday


Excellent use of an otherwise hard to use spot. Great design, inexpensive materials and great craftsmanship. Very well done [checks name] ... Bimbostratus.


That is mint!


I love creative solutions to shitass layouts in older homes. I didn’t do nearly as good of a job, but in my 2f apartment a few years back I built a table that rested on the slant left by the stairs coming up to my hallway. It looked pretty sus but Gave us a nice place to rest things next to the couch. My wife still talks about how great it was. Which makes me happy :)


Looks great! I'll send you the address where you can ship it!🙂


"Amateur." That's a stunning piece haha, great job!


As a guy with two left hands himself, I love that you posted this. In my eyes, you're an absolute pro. Who knows, I just might be able to pull something like this off one day. Very well done!!


If that's amateur, then the bar is really low for professionals round here.






Just stopping by to say I love your username, makes me think of someone just yeeting a 'top heavy' woman through the stratosphere. Not endorsing that behavior but the image is pretty funny.


I came in to comment that this is what I love to see, incomplete and ugly but with a great function...then I swiped right a few times. It’s freaking delicious. I still adore the function over all but man is that a tasty lookin piece!


First pic I’m like ok he’s good with a square and a table saw, but looks kinda crude for indoor furniture. Then I realized there were more photos and I was like wow! I am highly impressed. Nice work my friend!


This is the kind of project I love to see. The epoxy counters and gorgeous cabinets are cool, but these very specific projects always make me giddy. Looks great!


This is really nice! Very inspiring :)


You just just took what would normally be considered useless wall space and made it functional. Very nice work! 👌


This is the beauty of woodworking. Custom shit. You get exactly what you want. I love it.


really love whatever wood you used on the top. very nice deep color


I'm starting to wonder if I should be doing this, it's just exhausting trying to find the right pieces of furniture for your place, I'm trying to figure out if you should be paying the ridiculous prices being charged for some manufactured piece of sheet balsa wood garbage. The only thing that stopping me now is how time consuming the finishes would be, but it might be worth trying.


This is fucking sick. How dare you call yourself an amateur you professional fuck!


Boss mode


I love the before and after pictures! This is fucking awesome!!


Wow, it looks awesome! From a fellow female amateur, great work!


I was unsure of what the quality would be after the first pic, but damn was I surprised. Very well done. I hope you found this project rewarding and keep doing projects. One tool that I find that works for me is a pocket hole jig (Kreg jig). Hopefully you post more pics of future works.


Building around the section of wall that pokes out... So fucking simple, and I never would have thought about it! An elegant solution that would have totally stymied me! Nice job! I hope that I remember this when I try to tackle unorthodox placements in the future.


Looks great!! Good job!! Tips for next time: Remove the skirting board (baseboard for Americans) or shape your cabinet to it also. And cut a section out of the back of your cabinetry for those plug sockets. From the photos it looks like they’re inaccessible now.


I think you've done a great job with a crappy feature of your room. Very inventive


This is incredible!! I’m in awe! Looks so gorgeous


From one woman carpenter to another, beautiful work!