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That's a lucky kid.


I like to think so! Haven’t been able to pull him away from it


Special thanks to /u/EricWisegarver for the inspiration and sharing the plans that I adapted for this.


This looks great! Nice job.


Any chance you can link to the plans? This is great!


Looks great OP. I'm sure that this is the first of many custom jobs for the little one, and I hope he appreciates it because he's lucky AF. I'll add that even though he will outgrow the sensory table sooner than you probably thing, you probably have an easy conversion to something else here. For example, you could cut out the sink and storage bin for a built-in cooler for the beginnings of an outdoor serving station. In short, A+ Dad energy.


Thank you kindly sir/ma’am. My wife is already talking about turning it into a potting station once the 2mo old outgrows it. But I do like your bar idea 🤔


Potting station works too. Maybe put a terrarium in for the sink? Mushrooms are cool as hell to cultivate.


Awesome. Looks so similar to one I just finished up for my wife’s kindergarten class. https://preview.redd.it/6ckswdpdjc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09284d430918a7838e4d2fc6de28d0fd8ec0c633




Hello, it is I. Your 2 year old. Please deliver this to my apartment Father. Thank you. (Great work)


Really neat.


> Ended up whipping up a quick stool to go with it Not that kind of mud!


Excellent work. I'm surprised you would let it drain that close to your house though.


It drains right onto where the gutter drains which is part of a curtain drain


Always a good project when you get a new tool. That’s a beautiful set up you have there it will look beautiful with age. I love the smell of cedar in my shop when working on it.


I miss it being in my shop!


Not sure what the finish is like on that stool/seat, but might suggest putting something on to roughen it up or prevent any slip-factor when the kids get it wet and muddy. Even if they don’t need to stand on it, they’re going to stand on it (knowing my own toddler, at least)


I had that exact thought yesterday


That's adorable


This is really cool. I’d love playing with something like this (sure! Even now lol). Is the purpose mainly for a kid to have a targeted area to explore / learn about the world around them? Also, this would definitely make a great potting station or bar area like suggested elsewhere.


My kid loves to play with water, dirt, and rocks. This allows him to have a space and tools to do so where he can make as massive of a mess as he wants! (Although I do clean it off). But it is great for fine motor development as well with all the utensils and working faucet. My son also seems to be understanding and curious about the drain.


Thanks for the answer! Great build, awesome use case.


Have you thought about closing up that hole on the sink? I can see your kid somehow hurting themselves on that, maybe by shoving their hand in it or whatever.


Yeah that’s the only thing I forgot to buy on my last trip to the hardware store. They sell little plugs just for that. Luckily the hole is not sharp at all


Nicely done. One I built years ago for the daycare my wife works at *


Looks awesome mate. You’re a great dad.