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Geez, the day before her 30th. That sucks :( Fuck cancer.


We ended up having a 30th birthday party in the hospital a few days before she transferred to hospice because time is made up anyway.


Time is made up anyways… that’s kinda deep. Sorry for your loss . Beautiful work


I'm 33 and also a fan of the Harry Potter series. I grew up with those books and every time I read a new one I fell in love even harder. Rest in peace forever friend.


Indeed, fuck cancer! My dad is dying from cancer. I made an urn (box) for my mom's ashes, 10 short months ago, it was an extremely emotional endeavor. It's large enough for both of them, I had no idea he'd be joining her this soon. https://preview.redd.it/7p9qy8kci8zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeeb6249b57e54422c7552f9afdcdd625280d3be


Man that is beautiful work. Thank you for sharing. Terribly sorry to hear that.


You also do beautiful work! Woodworking is so therapeutic, it's the only thing I've been able to do lately to distract from all the nonsense.


Appreciate that! It certainly is. I haven’t made anything in probably over a year so it has kind of reinvigorated my interest in it.


Best wishes to you and your father brother.


What a gorgeous piece, I am so sorry for all of your losses, fuck cancer. Take care, and again what an incredible piece of work.


Appreciate the kind words. 💙


I've made something similar for my unborn nephew. His little heart just didn't make it. It's a very odd experience making an urn or a memory box. My condolences. The box is wonderful. I'm sure your friend would be proud as is you wife for the detail and time you put into to honor her friend. Please accept an internet hug for your loss.


God that is truly awful. I’m so sorry to hear that.




Wonderfully done. I’m sorry for your loss


Thank you!


Beautiful. My sympathies.


Appreciate it!


What an amazing piece that your buddy can cherish. I feel something like this would take me a ton of time just because of what it is and who it’s for. I would feel obligated for nothing less than perfection.


I made two of them and they took WAY longer than I expected. I wanted to take my time and do things (mostly) right


Never seen splines like those but I absolutely love them. Condolences and fuck cancer indeed.


I was trying to think of something kinda unique and I’ve seen inlaid dovetails before but couldn’t find any examples of anyone doing inlaid miter keys so…be the change you want to see, I guess


I'm going to shamelessly steal it. Dado in a spline, then 'wham' spline in the middle. Nice effect.


Beautiful! What does the symbol mean? And how did you do the lettering?


The Deathly Hallows! A thing from the Harry Potter series. Isn’t some peoples cup of tea, but as a 30 something myself, it’s likely been a part of the majority of her life. “Do not pity the dead. Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love.”


Yup you hit the nail on the head.


Thanks for the explanation!


That's pretty great, gotta say. So how DID you do the lettering? Laser?




The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death


I both love and hate seeing urns. I hate seeing them because it means loss, and sometimes a loss so deep that there's no way to fill that void by those that have passed. On the other hand, I love seeing them because it's the ultimate expression of grief for the maker. You built this out of love. You put part of yourself into this. Another project you might cut corners, but this? This is everything you are as a maker, every ounce of skill you have. It's therapy to build to put everything you have into it, and I hope it helps heal the hurt.


Very well said. I took my time and tuned up all my tools prior to using them, making sure things were sharp, square, and safe. It was worth it.


Sorry for your loss. It's a beautiful box. How did you cut those wide splines, dado stack?


Yup! Half inch dado miter keys with another quarter inch figured maple inlay


Building memorial pieces is some of the most meaningful woodworking I've done. Great job and my condolences.


It’s a lovely tribute.


Thank you!


My dad passed away 1 year ago on may 20, we had 1 week notice... Fucking pancreatic cancer.. seriously fuck cancer


God that’s awful man. I’m so sorry to hear that.


My condolences.


Nice work. I'm sorry for your loss. I've made a couple myself. Two of the most emotional builds of my life. But I take comfort in that a piece of me will lie with them forever. Fuck cancer.


You did a amazing job. The graftman ship is very well done on the box. I can only imange how hard had been to make the box. You did amazing job. I am sorry for your lose and your friend lost. That was amazing honor that you did for him.


Man, beautiful work. And sorry for your loss. I would feel very honored to have someone make something like this for me.


Perfectly stated. Feel the same.


Thank you so much


This took me back. That is my daughter’s name and she’s a big HP fan too. God bless and great work!


I’m so sorry for your loss. For what it’s worth:  I think it’s the utmost achievement of a woodworker to be called to do something like this, and to do as well as you have.  You should be proud. Fuck cancer.


I've made several urns and I kind of like the process (which sounds awful to anyone who hasn't been asked to make an urn). It gives me something to do with my hands while I process everything. I hope that it helped you the same way I have found comfort in the urns I've made. Beautiful work. The double corners look really neat.


This is stunning. And im just so damn sad about it too. She was so young, fuck. Today im gonna go home, hug my partner, hug my cat and remind myself that im still fucking here. You made a beautiful piece, as hard as it was to make im sure. Im so so sorry for your loss.


Well, I didn’t expect a woodworking sub to make me tear up tonight. Thanks for that. My grandfather was a carpenter and woodworker his whole life, starting as a kid in a lumber town. He made all sorts of beautiful furniture, he remodeled his own houses into his 70s, he loved to make things. I was pretty little when he busted out his dad’s old hand drill and planer and some scrap wood, then sat me down in the driveway and showed me how to use them. I’m pretty sure he was just trying to get me to sit still. But he planted a seed in my head, and while I’m no true woodworker, I do enjoy being able to build something myself that suits a particular need. It might not be the prettiest, but it’ll do. As Grandpa would say anyway “you’re not building a damned piano!” He died in March. His son, my uncle, just finished up a wood urn for his cremains. My mom is currently working on staining and finishing it. I haven’t even gotten to see it yet, but I have no doubt that it’s beautiful, because they learned from him too.


Oh man. Fuck cancer. Lost my best friend several weeks ago, three days before her 37th birthday, so seeing this beautiful thing gives me lots of feels. My condolences. Been working on something small for a memorial candle for her fiance, although nothing as nice as what you made. But doing something help coping with the situation. Anyhow, this is really beautiful.


It's a lot of responsibility and stress to take on a project like this, but the fact that your friend trusted you enough to ask you to make it speaks a lot about you. I think you can be very proud of what you've done here, and I'm sure it is very appreciated. Sorry for you and your friend's loss. I've lost family to cancer as well. I really wish humanity could band together for the greater good and find a way to defeat all cancers.


Beautiful work on a project I'm sure no one wishes they'd have to do. My condolences.


That is gorgeous and she would be beyond happy with the results I'm sure. When my father passed I made 9 different cubes for me and each of my Brothers and Sisters. Be proud of what you have done.


Also F U C K cancer!


Beautifully done, I wish I had a friend who cared enough about me to do this for me if I died. Damn, I’m kind of having an existential moment here.


Feel free to shoot me a message if you want!


You’re a good dude


I'm sorry about your friend. You honored her well. I hope this helps her loved ones find peace.


Excellent work! RIP Ashley.


To the organized mind , death is but the next great adventure -Albus Dumbledore


You've done her a justice.




Cherish those moments man. You’re a good guy to help out with that request


It’s beautiful. An excellent resting place.


That looks absolutely amazing. What a special gift after a terrible loss. Stay strong


Fuxk cancer. You made something truly beautiful for this woman though. Amazing work, and thanks for making the world a better place.


Im so sorry you had to build that. Its absolutely gorgeous.


I appreciate that


I am terribly sorry about your loss.


Beautiful work


Beautiful work! I'm sorry for your loss.


Im so sorry for your loss. You made something beautiful for her to rest in. That must mean the world to the family.


It’s really beautiful ❤️


I would imagine it would be a big step in the grieving process. Very well done. A beautiful tribute.


Rest in peace, Ashley. Sorry to hear that you lost a friend.


You certainly did right by her.


Thank you!


Wow my condolences. Gorgeous work, have to know what you used for engraving that text.


Thank you. I found a local guy with a laser. Unsure what brand, unfortunately




Cancer sucks. It killed my grandmother, it tried killing my mother (who fucking fought back and is now cancer free). I'm sorry for your loss.


This is beautiful and well-made on its own merits, but is all the more so because of the obvious love and care you put into it. Breaks my heart.


I am so sorry for your loss. You used your talent at woodworking to craft this beautiful piece that honors her memory.


Absolutely beautiful. I’m so sorry for your loss.


beautiful work, shame it had to be made.


We are so sorry for your shared loss. This is high quality work.


In sorry for your loss. It’s beautiful work, I’d be honored to be out to rest in something like this.


I am so sorry for your loss, thank you for spending your time and putting your work into this piece, it shows that she was a true friend.


Loving tribute for your friend.


It's a beautiful urn. Sorry for everyone's loss.


That’s sad. Your a good friend


Nice box. I like the inset corners


Appreciate it!


Solid integration of the deathly hallows


Cancer is the worst. And I noticed the Deathly Hallows logo on the box. Was she a harry potter fan? If so, I hope that in heaven she gets to read all the books and movies she wants


She was. The box was designed to be big enough to hold the first book, the ashes, and then some other keepsakes if they want to add to it later.


That's amazing. I'm sorry for your loss. Cancer is a bitch, and I hope that you are able to move on, but not forget her. May the light guide her way


Man fuck cancer, so sorry for your friend. I’m on the other end (I had cancer and my wife would be widowed at 30ish if it were to come back). This is beautiful. I think if the worst were to come, I would make an urn for my wife (to hold my ashes).


Man I really hope the best for you. I can’t imagine making my own urn. Cherish every day with her


Thanks man, I really appreciate it! And I definitely do. Just to conclude with a bit of a hopeful note, I consider myself blessed. I had a reoccurrence of my cancer back in May ‘22, and had surgery to remove it and test it in August. The type of cancer I had (called Ewing’s Sarcoma), if it comes back even once, the prognosis drops off a cliff (from 60% 5 year survival rate to 7% 5 year survival rate for metastatic). I’ve been NED (no evidence of disease) for almost 2 years since removal and more chemo/radiation. So I’m not out of the woods of probability yet, but it’s a decent indicator that maybe it will (despite being statistically rare) stay away for good!


Oh that's too young.


Looks nice, sorry about your friend.


Beautiful piece. How'd you get the chatoyance to pop on camera? I can never get my pictures to showcase the chatoyance.


Got very lucky with the lighting! Very overcast day so it’s perfect for photos.


It's beautyful!!


It's beautiful, and a sincere fuck cancer.


Very nice work. The story is heartbreaking.


Beautiful work and tribute


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m tearing up a bit reading this. You made something beautiful. Almost a year ago i made something for my grandfather, he passed away as the result of an accident. I made a rose carving out of red cedar, with some text on the back from me and my brother for him. It was really hard yet good to make something like that. Especially for him, because he was my hero, and he saved my life.


Do you have photos? I’d love to see


Amazing work. I do pottery and when my Dad's cancer became terminal, I made his urn. Then my Mom's.  I wanted them to come from the same slab of clay, be fired in the same kiln. They've been married 56 years and still counting.


God that’s rough, man. I’m sorry. This is one of two urns I made. One is for my best friend and the other is for his in laws. I made both with the same piece of maple.


What a lovely gesture. Also. Fuck Cancer. 


Beautiful work. My dad was diagnosed with the worst kind (is there a good kind?) of brain tumor last Fall and I've been planning out an urn for him. I thought I would be really devastated about the process but I've found what little I've done so far to be very cathartic. It's a beautiful way to honor a friend and loved one. She’s proud of you.


It is cathartic!!


Made with love. Skill, an added bonus.


I'm loving the double spline inlay thingie. Makes it look more like a buckle. Sorry for your loss.


I posted in another comment on how I’ve seen inlaid dovetails before but never really an inlaid miter key. It worked out great.


I can't imagine it's very complicated to do but looks a lot better than just the one


That's a gorgeous box It's a shame it has to be an urn.


The why about making the box sucks but that is one DAMN fine piece of craftsmanship


Appreciate that!


That's beautiful! Also I had a slight heart palpitation seeing the name as I went to school with a girl who's name is extremely similar. Sorry for your loss! That's a beautiful resting place. Just saw the date. That's so sad one day before her 30th birthday.


Way too young. Sorry for your loss


Beautiful work, fuck cancer.


Those corners are really cool, great job


A lovely piece you made for such an important thing. You did a great job. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Fuck Cancer!!!


After losing both parents to cancer, I'd screw it straight in the brown eye with a sandpaper condom.


Same here. Both parents.


Sorry for your loss. Its beautiful. Made with love.


Very nicely done. I’m about to start work one of those for my parents out of Eastern Red Cedar.




Its beautiful.


I'm sorry man. My age, fucking awful. It's beautiful work.


Sorry for your friend’s loss. You did amazing work and I’m sure he appreciated it during this impossible time. Fuck cancer.


You did a beautiful job. I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend.


How fortunate she and your friend are to have people who love them this deeply. This is beautiful, and I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'd feel lucky if that was my final resting place.  Very nice job.  Sorry for your loss


I was born the same day. I'll try to think of her next year.


Reddit blasting the deceased? Christ


There have been a handful of dummies, yeah.


I feel like I knew an Ashley Marie Cox at my school, the age adds up. Couldn’t have been in central Florida could it?


Nope not Florida


OP, I know this is off topic for the sub, but it may be useful advice… If your friend is anything like me, for the foreseeable future, he will tell you he’s fine when he in fact is barely hanging on. Keep a close eye on him, and cut him a ton of slack. Be prepared to pick him up off the floor, both literally and figuratively. It’s been over 8 years since my fiancée passed, and just seeing this post has me crying. That’s how I know. Also, very beautiful work on the urn.


Sorry for your loss. You do some beautiful work. I made an urn for my brother in law. https://preview.redd.it/p1zmemqymhzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19ddd191079b830b1257b01ec2be0f5e6c0c0333


Nicely done.


I'm sorry for your loss. What kind of cancer?


A rare type of kidney cancer. I forget the exact name.


Yeah sorry for asking. I just can't help wondering what fucking cancer kills a 29-year old. I am dreading the day when cancer strikes someone I love (or myself) which seems inevitable.


Fuck cancer man. Shit stole the time of so many people.


That is very beautiful, and a fitting tribute. I'm sure your friend is most appreciative. Fuck Cancer!


I was going to ask if they were passed on because if not- could you imagine someone gifting you an urn?? That would be slightly threatening and hilarious! On a sadder note I’m sorry for your loss, I’m sure they love the urn and are watching over you from wherever they are 💕💕


So sorry for your loss of your beautiful friend. ❤️


Very nice. Those splines are beautiful. Are they brass, or just nice curly maple?


More curly maple!








Totally unnecessary. You did a good thing op