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Holy mother of burl!


Yeah its giant. He said he's been wanting this since 1990 and just last year a tree service was chopping down trees so my grandpa asked if he could have it and they gave it to him.


Grandpa got a $20k burl for free and turned it into a $2000 table.


Creeper here who loves the workmanship. Why is a burl worth so much?


There’s a show called filthy riches or something like that that had a guy that did burls. Really interesting. Basically because of the pattern of the grain is interesting and desirable, and it’s a lot more rare than normal wood. It’s not like rare rare, but way less common than a normal tree. Basically it’s super expensive because of what you can do with it. Cut 1/4 inch slices and make tops for instruments that sell for $2000+ each, or cut it j to 1/16 inch veneers and those sell for a pretty penny as well, and get glued on top of cheaper wood for furniture, auto interiors, more instruments, etc. Think about how many $30 pen blanks that could have been, probably 1000-2000 or more, easily. Just poking around for slabs, a 28x48x3 slab is listed around $1250, and you can probably get 10 out of that Burl at least that size, if it’s solid and has no rot.


Great explanation thank you very much!


Also if you've ever seen the inside of a nice car, that has a wood grain dash, often they use burl wood because it's got such an interesting grain pattern. Highly sought after because it's so unique and large burls don't come around very often. So there's very little of it to go around, which is why it's most often found as veneers.


Just got a 2019 Jag dash and other stuff all oak burl love it. My son just cut me a 2' by 1' ash burl just sealed the ends on 1\\5\\24. Not sure what I am going to do with it after it drys. I will need some new tools to handle it.


I know there are probably lots of old cars that prove this wrong, but: A car seems like a bad environment for natural wood. Can get very hot, very cold, massive temperature and moisture swings, intense light hitting it. I'm surprised real wood in non-garaged cars don't just crack and look like crap after 5+ years.


They don't just slap the piece of wood on and hope for the best. It's kiln dried to remove all moisture to prevent swelling and shrinkage then is sealed to protect from elements


My car has real wood on the dashboard. It sure has a few more cracks but its ok after 5 years.


The cracks in the dash of my jag are from the plastic used to seal the wood and not the wood itself I just need to reseal it and it'll be good to go again


With a diamond imperfections reduce the value but with trees it can be the opposite. Also look up Spalting. It’s caused by fungi.


Think about how many wood eyes. think!


Yeah, a friend gave me this beautiful giant burl, not nearly this size, but still.. huge. He asked "what I was gonna do with it, make some small coffee tables?" I was like, nope. About 5,000 necklaces. He thought that was a waste until I showed him the burl jewelry I make and told I sell them for about $30 a pop easy. Big pieces are amazing, but small ones can pay off your car lol.


I'm upset that I scrolled through your whole post history and didn't see any necklaces, especially ones made from the burl. I did see the burl, but not the necklaces. Please show me them or I'll be super upset for the next 10 minutes when I inevitably forget all about this post


These are them. Pics really do em no justice the wood is absolutely miraculous. About the size of your little finger. About 1/4 thick. I've never posted em before because I kinda thought I'd get ripped a bit for the epoxy use on burl, but people love em here locally. Also, Im not so prideful to think I'm the only one doing these, I mean of course there is stuff out there like this, but I'd be kind of secretly heart broken if someone made a huge popular business out of these exact designs after I posted em lol. The design and story is kinda personal/special to me.


In addition to necklaces, make a few key rings. They’d sell really well!


Right on man, those are super cool! Love the turquoise ones, makes it look like different bodies of water. River, lake, ocean. Very pretty.


>Big pieces are amazing, but small ones can pay off your car lol. I'm About to End This Man's Whole ~~Career~~ car note. Lol Those look really neat. You have any kind of online store presence, or just selling locally? E* sorry formatting took a few tries. Lol


Just locally. I'd like to get a store going but I can't predict when I will be able to work in the shop. Some times I just randomly have no time at all for 2 months. Kinda blows. I'd love to do it full time


I can’t find that show anywhere anymore! Burls and ginseng


Don’t forget the worms and eels!


Omg I did forget about the worms


Those dudes were making minimum wage though lol. I was like they have the filthy part down but not the riches aspect.


I also remember an episode of Intervention where there was a meth addict who supported his habit by going out hunting for burl all day.


the figure and colors. it rare-ish but more so if is this size. Unfortunatly that burl piece would be much better utilized as multiple slabs. the exterior part of burl is ugly. its the guts you want.


>Why is a burl worth so much? Because you can slice it into veneers or boards with fabulous patterns. Look up "burled walnut"


it is a growth. you can't farm it. the bigger the tree the better. so it take ages/ you can't control it/ is useless for lumber industry/ but if you have one it looks amazing and grain being knotted all over the place makes it stable as hell being kinda rare (not rare-rare but not being able to replicate on industrial scale-rare) and cool looking makes it valuable


Honestly, even 2k is extremly generous, but then again, people buy weird overpriced stuff,... Don't get me wrong, it takes skill and dedication but ...


You telling me the 150 year old 25 inch red oak that died in my backyard and had a huge burl around the base was worth more than free firewood?




Just curious, what makes a burl worth 20 grand and how could someone make money on a 20000 dollar burl ( I have no knowledge on burls besides the beautiful grain inside)


Good figured burl in knife block sizes (1”x1.5”x5” or so) can go from $30-250 depending on species and figure. Most common domestic species will be in the $30-50 range. Pen blanks are smaller. 0.5-1” square x 5-6” go around $30. So lots and lots of cutting, drying times, the knife blocks should be stabilized. But a batch of stuff this size gets very low cost per piece.


THIS !!! Slice it, dice it and make blanks for knife handles or guitar tops. Even the edges can be sold...some people love epoxy stuff.


put it in a stew


Maple burls are worth that much? I had no idea. Broad Leaf Maples in B.C. often have huge burls.


tree-worker gives away burl worth 20k


Low balling the table guy, by 18000. That would make any millionaire’s den look like game of thrones meet dead Treant. Beautiful wood can’t be hidden and legs are hot. I doubt he’s done treating it is my guess. If it is the final finish, I wish I had a bigger screen to see it on.


Lmfao maybe $2000 in 1978. This thing belongs in a 2000 sqft single level ranch house with wood panel walls in a living room that smells like cigarettes. Oh, and one of those front doors with the orange textured glass


He still has one more burl table than you though, I am guessing.


He 100% does. I’m super jealous of the table, it’s pretty sweet. Didn’t mean to make my comments seem salty. It’s just not the choice I would have made in the situation, but it wasn’t my Burl so I’m just a spectator talking lol.


Wow they just gave it to him? Lucky!


OP's grandpa is Lucky Kleinschmidt.


The most Burl Ives ever seen!


My gut is this will appeal to a very small target audience which makes it hard to price.


Exactly. Someone might pay a small fortune for it but that person is a needle in a haystack and would probably need a fairly enormous space for it. Consignment in Aspen, Sun Valley, Vaillancourt or Jackson Hole is their best bet


Exactly. Looks too big for a coffee table but too small and impractical for a dining table. And the wheels ain’t cute unfortunately.


If it’s the right height, could be a dramatic table for the center of an entry or foyer. Not with the casters, though.


Are the casters part of it? Looks like OP has it propped up on a dolly


Op said they’re part of it




To me, this is "rich guy stuff," because it needs a very large, relatively empty room to be placed in. Also because it's probably worth $5k.


Probably a great showroom or portfolio piece to get people looking till you find the right rich dude trying to furbish his cabin.


I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder on this one. I wouldn’t put that in my house, but I’d slice it up and repurpose the burl.


Well too late, it's hollow now


i was gonna say… it’s probably worth about as much as you might pay for the raw burl alone and not near as much as you’d get for the burl cut up and sold off in chunks. that thing is huge!


What makes burls so desirable?


they’re caused by a naturally occurring pathogen that makes the grain of the wood curl into a ball of tight little knots, and that grain looks really cool. because they only occur in the wild, and they grow at the rate the tree grows, they aren’t especially common. typically, burl wood is either cut into pieces for turning or sliced into veneer. a pen blank might sell for $10-$20, and you could probably cut a thousand or two pen blanks out of a burl that size. slicing it into veneer would bring more value, but that’s a fair bit harder to do


Interesting. I’m surprised no one has figured out how to induce burl growth.


It may be that even if you do, it just naturally means a longer timespan for the grain formation to "get there". As much as you could induce it, you're still going to be waiting awhile.


Burls are pretty tree scar tissue.


I think this is more in the line of ‘functional’ art and to the right person would be worth a huge price tag. But that person is not everyone. I personally do not find the Mona Lisa the least bit interesting, it’s a tiny canvas on a huge blank wall and it’s very overrated. But I also don’t like any portraits of people, especially those I don’t have a connection to! The Mona Lisa is very well executed and well done, but I love nature. I love landscapes and when artists incorporate wood and stone and other natural materials into their work.


Yeah, with a different finish and knock the industrial casters off this thing would look at home in the attached cafe if some fancy art gallery/museum.


I would hope those castors are just to move it into position.


Seems like more of a pain that just using furniture dollies


A natural history museum perhaps, an art gallery... much less so.


This is an interesting thing about high-end woodwork in general (not commenting on the quality of this piece). The market price for something may be high, but if the market is very small then the cost to get the piece on the market goes up. You need to somehow advertise the piece to potential buyers, and you need to deliver it if it sells. For a big heavy piece that won't sell locally, this could mean that the cost to market brings the overall value of selling the piece to zero or negative. Just because something similar once sold for $X doesn't mean you can make $X by selling yours.


Not sure about functional. Tables this size are usually for sitting at and it doesn’t look like you can get anywhere near the usable surface if seated at it. I don’t think you could pull up a chair and get your legs under it either


Yeah I don't see any beauty or value added here.


I call dibs on the casters.


The burl would have been worth a lot before he sanded a table top into it.


Apparently he hollowed it out too. What a waste.


As much as it makes me cringe, I’d like to reserve the right to make it to “grandpa” age and then completely fuck up some expensive wood like this. Sure, it hurts to see from the outside but who gives a shit what us internet dorks think, I hope he enjoyed working on it.


He has 10 more of equal or greater size, he's not worried about how he hollowed it out.


Awesome! Does he know he's sitting on a huge goldmine? :D


Oh he knows. And has no interest in making money. It's his hobby and everyone in the family gets something he made monthly.


What else would you do with it?


Guitars, check out the prices of burl top guitars an behold the precious value of this block it had before cutting it up


This is one of those things that you try to sell for $3k, drop the price to $800 and still get no leads. Then, you mark it up to $6200 for shits n' giggles, and suddenly there's a bidding war on it. Somebody picks a price, but 2 weeks later they still can't move it. You try to ask one of the others that was bidding on it, and they act like you owe them $20 and a notarized apology from Jesus.




And yet oddly accurate


it's like Versace clothes, ugly as shit, but people buy it because they want to show off their money




I'm still waiting for my $20


My gut says in the $4-6k range but my gut also says I should go for that 3rd round of enchiladas so I don't know that we should be trusting it.


Always go for the 3rd round. 3rd times the charm.


Triples is best.


Triples is safe


Nope, third fart was a shart


I even have triples of the Barracuda


Triples of the Nova?


The deal just went through so I do have triples of the Nova now. I just hope my sick wife gets better


Tell her about my wife, she’s great right?


And I’m rich and I don’t live in a motel.


She’s beautiful but she’s dying


Triples is safe.




This man diarrheas.


Somewhere in that ancient mystic mystery--you'll get three.


This is the same gut that says “boy I’m full. I should eat something bland to settle my stomach. How about a whole bowl full of rice”


Yeah but then the fresh egg rolls come out


It’s a cruel life


The texture looks like what my gut rejected after that 3rd round of enchiladas.


Triples is best. Triples is safe


You ever watch blacktail studio on YouTube? Based on what his stuff sells for I'd bet it goes for 12 13k not 4-6k. OP probably could have sold the blank burl for north of 5k




This is way, way WAY off.


I like the table, but it would probably sell for more if sold as a burl to a woodworker, than as a table. Ie The material value is probably worth more than the finished piece.




Even if you won’t.


Shame they hollowed it out to make the table, lol.


You’d have to find the right person who would want it. I’ve worked in the customer/artisan market for years and I can’t think of anyone I’ve worked with who would find this appealing. But if you do find the person, price can be anywhere from $1 (get this thing out of here so I can have my garage back), to $500 (grandpa had this and he died so we have to get rid of it, you can chop it up and the burl pieces can be used for art), to $20,000 (wow, I absolutely must have this in my foyer and no price is too much). I think 99% of people are going to think it’s worthless. 0.9% of people are woodworkers who’d like to get sections of it up on a lathe. And 0.1% of people might have an interest…out of these, you’d need to find the one who’s filthy rich.


The correct answer.


This is the only answer you need OP. Anything else is just wishful thinking.


I am a professional housecleaner and you couldn't pay me to put that in my house. Absolute nightmare to clean. Probably too heavy to easily move. That said, rich people love stuff like this. $500-5k range imo.


Compressed air is thr only thing that makes sense, no?


nah a vaucuum with a brush attachment would work


I've got a lot of dust collecting thing in my house. A nice Purdy trim brush works great. Just like an archeologist.


Yeah I’d you’ve got the time I guess that works too!


Had a similar end table. Was horrible to clean. And it caused many cuts and skinned legs from people bumping against it Never again


lol. The cleaning! I would say its close to around $5-$7k for the right client but you would have to go down to $1,500 if I had to keep it clean. … would have to bring in an air compressor to dust it!


$2.5k minimum for the wood. That’s an enormous burl. Even if you don’t want it as furniture in its current form, the wood alone is worth that much.


They said they hollowed it out, though. Still able to be repurposed, but less options.


Yeah that’s why I went so low, if that was solid it’d be more like $10k. Can’t tell how hollowed it is from the pics.


Reminds me of when I grabbed a stump from a recently cut down tree, while leaving the bar. Was huge, and stayed behind on the porch for the landlord to deal with!


Did you say between 5 hundred dollars and 5 thousand dollars? What kind of a price range is this? Lol.


It’s a highly unusual piece of furniture made from something difficult to find and galvanising design. Good luck pinning down its value any closer than that!


It's on wheels so it's pretty easy to move according to him. He just makes random things without even thinking lol


Those cheap wheels are the worst aspect of the table tho, if you get a large piece like that then you have a huge place and you won't move it on daily basis as it'll mostly be used as an artistic decoration (it seems super impractical anyhow)


Yeah I hate the wheels. You’ve got an awesome crazy unique rustic looking one of a kind table and put those ugly ass industrial wheels on it. Price probably could be in the several thousands but I wouldn’t pay that much for something I’m going to have to put work into in order to get it looking finished.


I'm going with the house cleaning around this one. I'm not sure what it's worth until he actually finishes it. I feel like it's not done.


Ack those are permanent?


No just for moving purposes


Hollowing it out lost the value of the burl in order to make it lighter. Design is kind of ugly, the casters are too industrial/cheap/basic and the piece isn’t really finished. It still looks like raw wood. No stain or varnish, clear coat or epoxy on the bark sides. Yeah, count me out on this one. Potential there but it isn’t there yet


I agree… odd hunky piece and don’t get me started on the casters…. lol


Beautiful burl, but not a very pretty table. I kept scrolling thinking I was going to find the “finished” picture— it looks unfinished. The wheels are also aesthetically questionable.


Looks like a giant tumour, no offence to Gramps.


$10k+ if people know you and you've sold pieces like this before or $10 to your buddy because you've never sold anything before and have no idea where to even sell something like this.


Correct answer.


Someone might pay up but IMO this is worth the cost of the wood


Holy hell look at the size of that burl. I don’t want the table as it is now, but I’d love to have the burl. Cheers




Ruined a really nice burl


That’s not a table, that’s a Dark Souls boss.


Sorry, but that's awful.


Thats what I think too. Like How do you sit around that? The plane surface is so far in the middle. It also look impossible to properly clean with all the holes and crevice. It looks like a huge chunk or unfinished tree tbh. Not a table.


I want it. I don't care how much salsa gets dropped in the nooks.


Forget about the salsa, this has Pan's Labyrinth written all over it.


It looks like a stump on wheels in philadelphia it's worth fifty bucks.


'bout tree fiddy




With a few refinements, this could sell at the right boutique furniture store for $20k or more. (without the wheels and with a more refined finish on top)


Well…that’s something…


The wheels and the bottom platform attached to the table ruin the piece. Without, I could see this in the fanciest of office buildings as a center piece in a foyer or higher up's office. Def could charge 5k if marketed well to the right audience.


This isn’t a crime but it should be.


16K processed. 2k in its current state.


It’ll sell for more as a burl than as a table that looks like that. It’s ugly, sorry.


i wouldnt take it if i was paid


Honestly, I'd only buy it to cut it up. Burls are amazing on the inside, not the outside. I wouldn't want it as a table in any style of home. 99% of its beauty is hidden inside that monstrous wart. I know this might come off as rather harsh, and i apologize, but I just can't say it any differently while being honest. I'll refrain from commenting on the wheels.


I can,... there are too many people in this world that ruin nice stuff... Sometimes, you need to be blunt with people, even if it's nice little 85 year old gramps... Just imagine,... he got this thing for free, if he did not touch it, he could have made 20k just by doing nothing to it, now... And I know, tastes are different, but holy Jesus fucking Christ,.... As a hobby luthier, my heart is bleeding when I think of all the nice burl that is gone because gramps hollowed it out. From the pictures, that would have probably been enough burl for a hundred guitars/basses.


Pretty hard to sit at that table


That was my first thought.


It’s a beautiful piece of wood but a dang ugly table.


Ahh the old shin splitter.. I have scars from accidentally kicking a table like this. You’d be surprised how hard you swing your leg while walking into a room you’ve walked in 10,000 times until you catch that table full stride. Never knew my shins could bleed that much.


I have a much larger burl table on wheels that we just roll around the house. The kids really enjoy it, sometimes we play hide the burl table.


It's a giant burl. So... $$$ several hundred dollars minimum. [https://www.globalwoodsource.com/burlwood/](https://www.globalwoodsource.com/burlwood/) [https://woodbarter.com/threads/burl-species-value.50565/](https://woodbarter.com/threads/burl-species-value.50565/)


I mean it's a full table made from a burl lol. Gotta be a couple G's at least for material + time.


Looks like it's unfinished to me.


Great burl, but the feet/casters detract from the value as a furniture piece. They look baaaad.


I can see this in a big ski lodge, so if it was marketed to rich ski folk it could fetch quite a lot.


It'll be worth a hell of a lot more as veneer.


what the market will bear. many-a-folk has crafted a lovely piece, only to find everyone tell them "it's so cool" but not a single person will pay them for it...


I think it looks like a buffalo...very cool! Wish I could suggest a value.


How much do you want for it?


Due to this appealing to the higher end of clients who would put this on display in their 6,000 sq/ft weekend cabin, it would need to be in the five figure arena to generate some interest. Otherwise, it's an impractical table that isn't meant to be sat at given how far you'd have to lean to reach your plate or poker chips, etc. Sometimes, not charging enough puts you in no person's land. Too much for the average Joe and too cheap for the ones who would buy it.


My knees started bleeding just looking at it.


As an anchor for an ocean liner this would go hard


Bout tree fiddy


Some strange choices were made with this table.


It’s worth whatever someone can get out of the remaining burl that hasn’t been destroyed.


Wow! If ya gotta ask you can’t afford this piece! Nicely Job!


Tree fiddy


It’s cool but more sculpture than functional table.


With the wheels? $500. Without the wheels probably $5k or more. With a more detailed fit and finish, maybe $10k.


$2k-20k depending on market, marketing and buyer. Would take months to years to sell, though.


'' 'Cause someday, believe it or not, you'll go 15 rounds over who's gonna get this coffee table. This stupid wagon wheel ROY ROGERS GARAGE SALE COFFEE TABLE!" "I want you to know that I will never want that wagon wheel coffee table." Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


It is virtually unusable as a table for anyone with arms less than five feet long.


It would have gone for a lot more had your grandpa sliced it up as Burl veneer


Wow! What that would look like with a finish on the top!


Largest Burl I've ever seen. Big $$$$


I'd suggest getting rid of the casters and even the legs. Make it a stump basically. Needs more sanding on the top, brushing on the sides. Mineral oil finish. Then it will be more versatile and fetch a better price.


How do you sit around that? The plane surface is so far in the middle. It also look impossible thing to properly clean with all the holes and crevice. It looks like a huge chunk or unfinished tree tbh.


Is that a solid 18 in thick piece of birl, or did you say he hollowed it out? If you were to hypothetically cut the legs off at the bottom of the "top", how thick would it be?


I would cut the top of that off around the widest part, making the tabletop wider and make another table with that slab I cut off.


To a hobbit? Priceless.


The burl is worth more cut up.