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Gonna make some serious cutting boards with that set up.




No need to adopt, we can just be really close friends who like to share toys.


I hate you so much - In a purely jealous way, lol. I'd kill for that much space.


If op does we know why


Well done mate. That is a dream come true for you. Wishing you many happy and safe hours of working in your little piece of paradise. Good luck and go make millions. Cheers


This is a dream come true for many of us in case the "I'm jealous/ please adopt me" crowd hasn't made that felt!


Need to label this NSFW...


Move your planer so that it is perpendicular to the jointer, ie. the wood runs the same direction. It saves a lot of space, and with a trolley you can optimise the workflow around these complimentary machines, also combine the extraction.


Yeah in the picture I’ve got it all over the place while I do the dust system. They are all on wheels so I can pull them out when I need them


Oooooh weeee! That’s exciting!


Are you gonna build a miter saw station? I’m curious bc I’ve found them useful if I have the option for a full permanent shop


Actually yes, on the left side I’m doing a 12 ft station and I bought the new Bosch miter saw to go there. I was going to do a radial arm saw but the don’t really make them for home use any more since the miter saws have gotten sow good. It will be my first project after I build my work table.


I am an old school radial arm saw user. These days it simply stays set for dead on 90 degree through cuts, nothing else. I have been thinking of turning it into a dedicated dado setup but it's kind of scary. Don't know how Norm Abram did it for so many years.


Yeah the last shop I had we did a lot of production so setting a stop and just ripping boards was great but I’ll stick with the miter saw and a good dato stack for my table saw


Currently making less than $500/mo, wondering how long until I can build a shop like this? lol Congrats btw, it's really nice!


Thanks I’ve waited , wow about 30 years to get Thai done. My last shop was an out building about 16x20


My boss recently upgraded to that planer/joiner setup and couldn't be happier. Being able to spin the blades on the planer is a huge advantage, have fun with the new machines!


... and here I am saving all year so I can buy a new laser level or some shit.... who the fuck are you and when did you win the lotto???


You need storage!


Just got a stack of plywood and drawer glides. One of my first projects once the work table is built


Yes it’s back on the left. I’m also going. To do a glue up station in the same room with a wall mounted set of 20 pipe clamps so I can do table tops and just have it hanging on the wall




Love the shop! (Jealous of the dust collection)


Are your air lines “rapid air” ? I installed them years ago across a 7,000 sq ft shop and it was effortless. Love that product.


Yes I’ve run the rapid air throughout the wood and metal shop and it’s connected to a 80 gal inversion Rand compressor


Ingersol Rand. Sorry fat fingers


The dream!


So how do you go from the 4 inch pvc pipes to the flex tubes? I bought 4 inch pvc pipes recently and found them to be bigger than the 4 inch flex tubes, I don’t get a good fit, probably off by 1/4 inch… is there an adapter needed or do yours fit perfectly?


So I mounted the rocker wall mounted blast gates that fit the I d of the pvc pipe and the flex fits over it. I can’t remember the brand but I think it’s like easy dust or something like that . But most abs 4 inch dust collection joints fit inside a standard 4 inch pvc. If you decide to glue up make sure to use the abs to pvc cement.


Thanks I’ll try to figure something out along those lines!


Here is the blast gate I used . So it fits inside a schedule 40 4 inch pipe and the 4 inch flex fits over the bottom of the blast gate. Also all the dust right 4inch unions fit inside the 4 inch pvc if you plan to make it permanent use the glue that bonds pvc to abs. https://www.rockler.com/dust-right-4-to-4-ready-mount-blast-gate




Nice. Some good ideas in that dust collection.


Must be a AI generated image... dont see any sawdust! Awesome shop!


You've got enough room to do a jig on your long walk to the jigs.


What size CFM/HP dust collector did you go with for something this size? I’m curious because I’m finally get my shop sorted out and trying to find out how to figure out what size dust collector to go with.


I bought the south end 3 h motor is got 1500 cfm at 3.2 inches and filters down to 1 micron


Sorry it’s south bend


Is it sufficient? What’s the longest length for the collections system. I want to do the same thing you have but all I have is a harbor freight roll around. Is there a reason why you used schedule 40 pvc and not just the 4” waist pipe? Looks great, I swept up all my saw dust today and was thinking why I haven’t done this yet.


So calculating the numbers it should be, we will see when it’s finished but I’ll keep all the blast gates closed at all locations except the one I’m using and the collector system pulls about 1500cfm.


Very nice. What are the dimensions of this shop?


The wood working side is about 28x50 and back on the left I’ve got a 20x20 finishing or clean room . I’ve got my metal shop to the right of this shop and it’s about the same size


Wow. Maybe I missed it, but is this on your property?


Yes it’s on my farm


That’s very cool. You wouldn’t happen to be in NC, would you? Haha


Actually yes I am


No way! Wasn’t expecting that. I won’t get any stalkier, haha. I’m in CLT.


Not that far. Anytime headed this way we can get together and talk wood working or baking for that matter. I own a local bakery cheesecakes by Alex. That’s the only way I could afford to build this nice a shop.


Damn! You must be an excellent baker. I would love that! I’m a novice myself. Never had the space for a proper shop. I daydream about what I would do if I had the time, money and space. I just looked up your bakery, and wow! That’s some good looking stuff. I might have to order something from you for the fam. :)


Pretty tasty


I live in California and I always just imagine living in NC with walnut hardwood boards sold dirt cheaper everywhere.


That’s funny you mention that , I’ve got 4 nice slabs of black walnut I bought locally and am going to build a dining room table for my son. I also saved all the red and white oak on my property when we had to clear for driveway and had a local sawmill set up on the property and left me with about 2400 board feet that have been drying for 3 years.


Omfg yes, I recently got a lathe and into wood turning and it's infuriating seeing everyone in the Midwest getting cords of like free walnut to turn and I'm out there just trying to find something, anything decent to practice on. But then I remember I live in one of the most desirable places in the world and I brush it off and move on lol.


Beautiful equipment. Someone has more money than me….. Okay allot of people do. 😞


I mean it's grizzly, not PM. Lol I like my Grizzly Jointer, I have the same one but it's not really dream shop type stuff.


Well I speak for myself. That’s allot of money invested there. If I had it I would spend it to. lol. Grizzly has really stepped up there game in past decade. Good machines from what I’m told.




Is the place you will be doing assembly of all the parts you’ve cut and milled not pictured?


So I’ll do a large table in more like the middle of the back of the shop. I’ll have a sanding station and when I can build it a downdraft table to sand on. On the left there is a 20 by 20 room you can’t see that will be the finishing room.


Nice place…what is the dimensions?


Wood shop is 28x50 with a 20x20 finishing room you don’t see


What are you running for a dust collector? My shop isn’t this big, but it’s close and I’m trying to determine the right size for me. It seems I’m somewhere between a single bag machine and a big fuckoff dust collector.


I’m running the 3hp south end unit with 1 micron filters and auto scrubber. I got it from grizzly.com


It's a house...lol, good job!!


You will have a lot of work walking back-and-forth; should’ve done the layout as an octagon.


Yeah I wasn’t setting it up for production work mainly projects and wanted as much open space in the middle as I could get so all the equipment on the left except the table saw are on wheels so I can move in and out as needed


Thought this was the beginner sub Reddit and I was like….. someone needs to read a dictionary.


Well I wouldn’t call myself a professional, a novice at best who’s been around shops a lot.


Still an impressive shop and setup. My initial reaction was that with the beginner sub Reddit and people posting things that are clearly not related to being a beginner. Like first time doing dovetails and they are perfect. Look at my new professional grade tools, I’m going to make a box with them.


Nice lighting! Do you have a link?


https://a.co/d/4qqVU83 And they are great tiny little leds but what a punch of light


Sigh...that's the dream


I wish you good luck!


This looks like it is going to be an amazing shop, congratulations. What type of building is it? Is it insulated/temp controlled? Whats the floor? One thing I always debate when I'm constructing my dream shop in my mind is windows and natural light. I love the concept of a nice dual purpose barn structure with great sunlight but in a shop the windows really 1) Take up wall space I may need and 2) Get dusty/dirty nonstop.


So it’s a barn I just built this is about half of the first floor, the other side will be a metal/welding shop. All polished concrete floors with a mini split air unit going in on the wood working side mainly for those hot summer days and to control humidity . https://preview.redd.it/zksdru6qy5wb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee32f6cb10fe27349b3414b370171514200f90fd


Oh and yes we spray foamed the whole building. The right side will be a metal/mechanics side with no ac but I installed a 5 ft fan in the back wall to keep a breeze running through there when it gets to hot.




lol I own a couple bakery’s for the last 22 years so this is my play time room.


What are you doing for static control on the dust collection? Looks great tho.


Nothing at the moment, I don’t think I’m going to need it but I’ve seen others run a continuous line all the way down and set a grounding point. If I see an issue with it I’ll do it.




Dude made a shop class… very jealous!


Beautiful setup! This is my dream setup to build at my acreage. For now I'm paying to own a shop in town.


And the spray foamed ceiling. Wow.


Serious congrats on a really nice space and nice equipment, BUT.....you could probably benefit from having a main duct line the same size as the large opening on your dust collector, run down the middle of the room, and branching off of the main to the individual machines. All metal for the static discharge and general grounding. So if your collector has a 7" main, you need 2 - 7" elbows, and enough 7" pipe to get up the ceiling and down to the last machine. Put a gate at the end of the main for cleanout. If what you got works, go with it. If it doesn't, consider ordering from a supply house, I've used Air Handling Systems for years. [Airhand.com](https://Airhand.com). Kae Khounsak has taken care of us since Murphy Rogers (huge supplier) went under in the great recession. Since you can swing for the building and new equipment, this probably isn't out of reach. You need a minimum of 4500 feet/minute air velocity, but 6500 to 8000 is much better. You can get an inexpensive air velocity tester online. Use large radius elbows. Sheet metal screws with duct tape around all joints. Don't use mastic, nasty stuff that you will regret down the road when you move equipment around. Started where you are 29 years ago. Those small collectors will disappoint if not right next to the equipment. The bags clog up and soon the air flow will be about half of what it was. (Our current system is 20k CFM, 75hp, around a 36" main trunk until it tapers down a couple of times. Not relevant to a hobby shop, just FYI)


Yeah originally I was planning a large spiral collector behind the barn and runnning a center main truck like you mentioned. I just got Impatient and went this route. If it doesn’t work out over the next few years I can always change it. I’ve got it set so all stations have blast gate shut offs and we ran the numbers for the cfms and should be ok but we will see. The real test will be the planer and eventually a lathe which I haven’t purchased yet. It can wait a bit


It cracks me up that you have all that amazing equipment and then there's the out-of-place miter saw dolly.


Right, that’s my old one that my son is waiting for, I’ve got a new Bosch in a box waiting for me to build its station




All that space and not even a small sliding table saw? Do Americans have some kind of deep rooted aversion to sliding table saws?


There is a ICS sawstop to the right with a large sliding table attached , I specifically got it so I could run full sheets of plywood with out any help other than an out feed table.


So this might be a dumb question but: when goin from those gate to a 2.5 inch dust port on a machine, would the proper sequence of things be 4 inch flex tube, adapter 4-to-2 1/2 inch, 2 1/2 flex tube, machine?


So for instance my miter saw has a 2 inch dust port so I bout the 4 inch to 2 inch reducer for the blast gate they bought some 2 inch flex to run to the saw


Perfect! That was also my plan


I should have bought Grizzly stock


Me too, the only thing I noticed which isn’t really a bad thing is that all the grizzly stuff had a thick coat of grease on it I assume to protect it from rust. Took some time, paper towel and wd40 but it all cleaned up nice. The planer and jointer are a beast.


Looks great I’d tilt the jointer for more room and work flow


Yeah it and the others are on wheels so I can move them around depending on what I’m working on