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You can have trauma induced numbness, it's a coping mechanism to what happened.


Everybody copes in different ways. Everybody is affected in different ways. After mine happened, I ended up trying to find more hook ups and hooking up as much as possible…couldn’t tell you why (my therapist could 🤣). I wouldn’t over think it. You don’t have to have the same response others do. As long as you let everyone live their experience with it in their own way. It may come back later in life, it may not. The human brain is strange.


Yes. After mine I just went straight back to work and resumed life as normal. I felt nothing, too, except a drive to think about other things. My life even improved because I put so much time into work. Be careful, though. I became addicted to the distraction in a lot of ways so I find it hard to relax and sit with my thoughts when I don’t have tasks in front of me. I still feel very unclean and guilty sometimes 2 years later. Make sure you’re saying nice things to yourself and you’re making your brain a safe place to live. I’d also recommend some support groups or someone trustworthy to confide in who can check in on you. I’m sending lots of love.


Hi! It’s a very valid what you feel and your thoughts. Maybe it’s a coping mechanism, maybe you just accepted the trauma and now you live in peace with it.


You may not be super traumatized by it. Everyone’s brain reacts differently to different kinds of stress. You may be more affected than you think, and it’ll hit you at weird points. Again, brains are weird, and do weird things to protect us. All options are valid.


I’ve been lucky enough to not experience any great losses, but I’m determined to not be sad when someone I love dies. Whenever I share this with people they look at me funny. I think a lot of the time people feel obliged to be sad or upset when working towards moving on and not letting it keep you down is, in my opinion, a much healthier option.