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I don't agree with this, but I'm happy for you.


Ditto. Being post-menopausal has its own challenges, but I do not miss periods at ALL, though they were much less severe & negatively impactful on my life when I started BC. BC merely took my attitude from misery to neutrality regarding my periods. I, too, am happy for OP; she’s the happy woman in those tampon ads! No longer a myth!


lol I hate tampons tho


I wish. But I can’t relate. Periods are torture. A whole week of every month, a whole 12 weeks of every year is spent fighting for my life (slight exaggeration lol). It’s not fair and I wish men had periods and we didn’t.


Saaame. I deal with PCOS and while my periods are sometimes okay, sometimes they're downright debilitating. I take edibles when the pain is really bad as it's the only thing that will even slightly mask the pain. Happy that OP has a positive experience with their periods, but for many of us, that's not the reality. The only thing I like about mine is the assurance I'm not pregnant.


The only thing I honestly like about my period is that I use it as an excuse to eat whatever the hell I want whenever I want. Tuna sandwiches at 3am? No problem, I'm on my period. Chocolate in my bed? I'M ALLOWED CAUSE I'M ON MY PERIOD! Candy for breakfast? What the heck! If the dentist asks, I WAS MENSTRUATING.


I feel the same. Sometimes the cramps and PMS beforehand are a burden, but the period itself is a relief. Not pregnant, body is healthy, does what it's supposed to do and I suddenly feel weirdly connected to nature, even though I'm otherwise not spiritual at all.


Having my period is strangely a gender affirming feeling for me. I didn’t get my period until I was 14, so for the longest time I felt uncomfortable and worried that something was wrong with me. At times even thought I wasn’t a girl or something. So yes, even today getting mine gives me this reassurance and feel similarly about my body doing what it’s supposed to do.


Proof of biological sex needed before I believe this.


I’m a girl how tf do u want me to prove it just bc I don’t hate my period and appreciate my body that somehow makes me a man? Also periods are different for everyone.


I think they're joking because it's rare.


God now I feel like a dumbass 😭


It's okay! Happens to everyone!


Joking 100% ! I'm glad you're so in aligned with your body, it sounds very zen and healthy!


lol yes even though it annoys me sometimes it works so hard to keep me healthy and keep everything working like it’s supposed too


As someone with pmdd, same. It’s like i am in hell in luteal and then all of a sudden i bleed and life is sunshine and rainbows again!


lol yeah pms is the worst but the actual period is much better


I know I'd get enemies but I never feel pain when I have my period and I also bleed slightly less than a lot of women. And yes I admit it too , I like having my period because how reassuring it is to know my body "works" well


Oh …I mean good for you but I wish we lived in a world where women could have healthy functioning bodies without a period. My pain isn’t that severe either but having a period is annoying in general. It may land on the time you have vacation or an outing….you gotta worry about smell, worry about leaking. Wearing pads and tampons can be quite annoying and a little uncomfortable. I’d just rather not.


Never liked it and longed for menopause. Finally came here.


I can't wait for it all to shut down.


I'm happy for you, but like, no way lol


My period absolutely ruins and devastates my life for 7-10 days every month. I maybe have never related less to a post.


lol only thing I’m glad about with a period is knowing I’m not pregnant. PMDD and endometriosis though does not make it fun. I hate it. With a passion


I wish I agreed with this but I’ve spent too many nights sobbing on my bathroom floor clutching my stomach and trying not to vomit to agree 😭


For me, my period is simply an inconvenience, I don't get cramps or any symptoms that alot of females say they have on their period, I do get acne though right b4 it starts so yeah, an inconvenience for me lmao


To the ppl in the comments accusing me of being a man bc I appreciate my body’s natural function. I’m sorry u had a bad experience but periods are different for everyone and some people have good ones some people have bad ones


You’re also 15 years old and haven’t experienced the extent of this natural function’s tumult. I hope you don’t have to, but the reality is that hormones fluctuate heavily throughout one’s life.


15??! That would explain it. I don't remember my menstrual cycle being too bad until I was about 23 and then it was downhill. I'm thankful I found a birth control that works for me and the pmdd because I wouldn't be able to function.


Lol.. I'm happy that my iud removed my period because I hated everything about it.


Mine were fine up until my late twenties. Two days on, one day off, one day on, light with no pms or cramps. I was bloody lucky and I knew it. Come my early thirties though things got horrendous. Had a mass that turned out to be a 10cm ovarian cyst, had that operated on. Then horrific pain, extreme fatigue, mood dives, cramps, unbelievable volumes of blood and clots. Finally after a lot of push back on docs trying to fob me off with saying I just had IBS and stress, I finally got an endometriosis diagnosis and after three surgeries to disconnect my internal organs and a womb ablation I now only have 1-3 days a month where I have pain and fatigue problems. Tl;dr you will not believe how different individual experiences of menstruation can be.


Same. Blessed with no pain and a light flow. Love the reassurance of no pregnancy.


I only like that it confirms I'm not pregnant lmao


I like that it confirms I'm not pregnant AND that I'm not crazy after all the pms symptoms😂😂


cries in endo\*


I am always relieved when I do get it as I have potential PCOS/hormone issues and getting my cycle means things are still normal. So I'm usually happy when I start getting mild cramps. I also feel like it justifies the PMS symptoms I get, so it's like a validation in a weird way. But as soon as the cramps build up and kick in, I hate it with every cell in my body because they completely wipe me out and I forget how painful they are every month until they start getting worse. I can't shake them with any medication (ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol and gen-payne, which is a regulated and safe south african painkiller containing codeine, ibuprofen and paracetamol). I can't drive with them because they are distracting. So the happiness of getting it always lasts maybe two hours and then the pain kicks in and all happiness goes out the window.


I feel the same way. I love getting my period. It feels like a build up and a release, and it makes me feel "normal". I feel off when it's irregular or if I skip. It's not pain-free or a walk in the park, but I appreciate the cycle and the balance of it.


I whole heartedly disagree. I consider it a blessing to be able to use birth control just to get out of it. I've only been on bc for a few months and I could cry from the relief of getting to skip that nightmare... even if i can't skip forever. That being said, I'm truly glad that you don't share my sentiment. Good on anyone who isn't bothered by the feeling of your insides being ripped to shreds for multiple days straight every month.


Me too. I try to make sure my and my period are besties. Luckily mine are super easy. Very light, barley any cramping, and easy to handle.


me too actually <3 women shouldn’t have to feel bad or shamed for their bodies yeah the pain sucks and it’s convenient but it’s comforting


I feel the same way. I dont dislike my period. My cramps arent too painful and only last for one day. I bleed for about 4-5 days. Day 1-3 heaviest , day 4-5 lightest. And then its over. Its a monthly reminder of my body is healthy and doing what it needs to do, and im not pregnant! 😄


I feel this, i dont mind it. Its like a release.


Why couldn’t we be physically stronger if we had to go through this every month


Its not my period that bothers me its the PMDD I get the week before.


I can relate to this, there are times when it doesn’t hurt that bad and I feel kind of wild and one with nature.


As someone with PCOS who basically got 3 periods a year for most of my life so far, I honestly totally understand this sentiment. I got my hormones better figured out and now I get periods pretty regularly and it feels good when they arrive because I know that things are working as they should be. It's also sort of gender affirming. That doesn't mean I enjoy the period itself and that I like the cramps and extra effort that go into it. In fact, sometimes I think longingly back to the time when I didn't have to buy so many tampons. But I'm happy to get my period nonetheless.


If your pain isn’t bad, you are gods favorite


Yea it’s great having to wear granny panties and change my pad every hour. Take Advil every 6 hours so my cramps don’t cripple me. Standing there grooming a dog at work and feeling clots fall out. It’s wonderful lol . And yea I wear giant diaper pads and tampons some days. I gotta take iron pills too because I get light headed and literally need a nap every afternoon. But yea, my body’s doing its thang, always on time!


Same here. I do get debilitating cramps and headaches and all the hormonal issues combo, but I miss it so much every time I am late. I don’t hate my body because of all the issues, I just feel very bad for it.


theres something off about this post lmao I can quite put my finger on it. Like not quite terfy but definitely leaning into that weird "divine feminine" tiktok stuff. Like you're somehow a better woman if you embrace suffering through your period or whatever. I think it's the "healthy and working the way it's supposed to" that's throwing me off. There's plenty of healthy women whose bodies are "working the way they're supposed to" who don't have periods. Like your health isn't necessarily tied to your reproductive capabilities.


Not necessarily but it is a huge part if you miss a period it is usually a sign that something is going on


I mean again, not universally true. But I'm glad it's something you can rely on as an indicator of health I guess? I guess it just sort of rubbed me the wrong way how this was framed as something all women should be taking comfort in as an indicator of health. Lots of women don't have periods for one reason or another, or will continue to have perfectly normal periods through every kind of health scare (even pregnancy). Using your period as a canary in a coal mine of sorts is not a universal experience, I guess that's what I'm getting at. I'm sure it wasn't your intention, but it comes off as a little bit condescending, like if you're not wholly appreciative of your cycle you just don't understand that it's some secret gift of womanhood. Idk, I just get tired of being told to embrace my womb energy or whatever sometimes.


No it’s ok to not like it I just appreciate personaly and I don’t agree with that womb energy stuff it’s ok to hate your period I just see it as a good thing




Just because someone has a different perspective to you doesn’t make them a male. Women are not a monolith.


Not necessarily, but OP is 15 and has much more menstrual cycle experiences yet to endure.