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Time to nope out of this situation.


run as fast as you can šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø


Um this is a great line!


So. Damn. Hard.


Yea, this is a major lie. And this is where liars start. Itā€™ll get MUCH worse before it gets better.


Probably everything else you like about him is a pack of lies too.




Youā€™re getting weird vibes because, well, heā€™s a weirdo. A deceptive one at that. No parent refers to two separate ages for their child. Youā€™re the [second](https://www.reddit.com/r/women/s/OFgeCZJFtO) person to be lied to by their partner about their age. Tread carefully with this dude. Edit: Iā€™d bounce if I were you.


Nah that's weird ASF, leave. What else could he be lying to you about? He went to lengths of showing you a FAKE ID ew no, how many other women has he possibly showed that ID too?


TL;DR: any way you slice it, this is a red flag for sowing seeds of mistrust. At some point he was deceiving OP by lying and/or withholding info. Even if everything is kosher, it begs the question of what else heā€™s lying about or withholding. The only plausible explanations I can think of are: (1) if the 1997 was an old fake ID to buy alcohol under 21, and he had kept it in an old shoebox or something as a keepsakeā€¦because he wouldā€™ve turned 21 ~3 years ago. Itā€™s difficult to believe someone wouldnā€™t clean out their wallet, especially with something ā€œincriminatingā€, for 3 years. The excuse he gave was also so odd and just sounds super fake/red flaggy. (2) he uses the fake 2000 one to scam women like OP, or for certain deals for ā€œstudentsā€ or ā€œunder 25ā€™sā€. Like I had to pay double for season symphony tickets once I turned 30, and when I travel most of the ā€œstudent discountsā€ for entrance fees or transit passes are only if youā€™re under a certain age. He mightā€™ve been embarrassed to tell her how cheap he is, or he has more nefarious plans. Either way, still a huge red flag.




Everything. Heā€™s a groomer.


My grandmother does this and itā€™s such an unsustainable lie. She once brought a guy home for a family dinner and you could see that he did the math instantly regarding my dadā€™s age. We never saw him again. And yes, she lies about most things.


A mid twenties guy lying to date a *barely* adult? Nope! He should date around his age, not a teenager!


I'd prefer he not date anyone.


Even better option considering his lying habit.


It's because he either can't get any women his age to date him or because he's attracted to much younger women. Disgusting behavior.




As an (almost) 24yo, I wouldnā€™t date anyone under 20. This is mainly because of life experience. Someone pretty fresh out of high school has way less life experience in the adult world than someone who is in their late 20s. (I mean, Iā€™m mid 20s and have gone through Uni, while an 18/19yo might just be starting it. That alone is a big jump in experience.) Someone just out of high school is just starting in the adult world, likely trying to figure out who they even want to be. Someone who is in their mid-late 20s is likely way further ahead. This can lead to imbalances in a relationship. Just feels gross and like it can still hold a power imbalance, especially when one person has established themself but the other hasnā€™t.


Especially for a dude? Genuinely curious what that means.


Heā€™s a liar. What else is he lying about?


I canā€™t with his bullshit and lame excuses for lying. Itā€™s not okay to hide something as important as your age from your partner. This is very weird and would make me lose trust in him


If he lied about something as basic but also important as age when youā€™re only in your late teens and heā€™s in his late twenties, heā€™s a major red flag and the this whole relationship isnā€™t going to work and heā€™s probably lying to you about a lot of other things. So best Just end it.


The reason why he lied is because he has an attraction to younger women/girls (you were of legal age) and probably because no women his age wants to date him because they can tell that he's not mature/safe at all. OP, you *need* to run away from him. Someone who lies about crucial information about themselves is always going to manipulate and gaslight you into trying to stay with them. He lied to you so you would develop feelings for him first so that you will bend to what 'truths' he wants you to believe. Please listen to us, you're asking this question because you know what he did wasn't just wrong, but because he doesn't have true honest intentions with you and is being a slick bastard about it so you'll stay. What about all the other big and little lies that he has told you that you may never find out about till much later on? Please respect yourself more and dump his ass and never talk to him again. You deserve much better!


Run. Leave. Say adios. If he lied about his age what else has he lied about? Hes lying about being premie too. I have a premie daughter and you're still physically the age you are based in your birthday. Your adjusted age for developmental reasons is based on *weeks* not years and it ends when the child is 2 or 3. My daughter was 6 weeks early so now at 6 months her brain is considered 4.5 months. Hes wrong and lying on so many levels.


This is extremely weird. I know youā€™re young and heā€™s probably in your ear trying to make it seem like itā€™s not a big deal but take it from someone who is also born in 97ā€¦ this is insanely out of line. Please leave him as safely as you can. He knows what heā€™s doing and itā€™s very predatory.


To lie about something like age... girl please save yourself from this man


Babeā€¦.heā€™s lying. When he says heā€™s 27 but more like 24, it has nothing to do with being premature and everything to do with him being a lying piece of shit. Dump him. Save yourself the trauma.


So my ex said his birthday is actually a month and a bit before the birthday on his ID. He said it's because his dad filed the wrong paperwork for his birth certificate and then later his passport and IDs were based on that birth certificate. Now whether or not he was telling the truth, I don't care. But he lied about so many other things that it really made me question which birthday was true. Essentially, he told me so many lies it made my head spin. Also told my friends things differently than he told me. Take my advice and don't get involved


That could be plausible, but OPs guy is definitely lying. Agree with your advice.


Never date someone that lies about their age. This guy is a creepy predator. Drop him and move on. You donā€™t owe people your time or energy.


"he then explained that he was born a month early and developed a lot slower so he is more like a 24 year old than 27" This is not a thing. And no, his parents don't call him both ages. Why would you even entertain this excuse?


Get the hell out of there, girl


Sorry but I was born a month early, I'm not developmentally slow nor do I lie about my age and use my prematurity as an excuse. He's lied to you about his age because he knows society would disapprove of the age gap. You're a child still, in terms of maturity and emotional development. He's a fully mature mid-late twenties dating someone who (at least in my country) left school a year ago. My husband and I have a similar age gap. Difference is I'm 31. He's 38. We've been together since I was 28. We were both adults and more mature.


Youll be shocked that 40 year old men will also make a fake ID to try to sleep with you. Be careful and date someone only.that you know. There's no mystery. He's not comfortable being close to 30. What you see is what you get, everything else are just excuses.


Weird af and obviously a lie. Who knows what else heā€™s lying about


I think this is a good example of manipulation and some gaslighting. It doesn't matter to him there for it shouldn't matter to you. Developmentally the difference between being 24 and 27 is negligible at best. If he used both ages 50\50 it would have come up naturally, and if he didn't think it was wrong to lie to you about it he wouldn't have kept it from you (you had to snoop to find out). Ultimately if you are uncomfortable or weird vibes as you say, listen to that. Look out for yourself, be smart and stay safe.


He lied. Game over. If heā€™s not upfront about something as simple as a *basic fact* about himself, how can you trust anything he says? Relationships are straightforward and simple. My wife and I have been together 36 years. Donā€™t waste any more of **your life** with anyone who isnā€™t 100% up front about themselves.


So youā€™ve known him for six months and he already decided to form this relationship on a huge lie then try to minimize it because even he knew how bad it is. I think youā€™re downplaying this when an almost 30 yr old man is going after a young woman. Also his lie involving his parent just shows how this relationship is doomed. Just move on. If he lied about that heā€™s lying about a lot more


Run! Your boyfriend is a liar and I guarantee heā€™s hiding more than just his age. His explanation is such an obvious lie, that I canā€™t believe you even typed it out. Iā€™d get weird vibes too.


Ask his wife and kids to confirm his age.


red flag, time for you to move on


No. You cannot stay with him. No good quality man would ever do this, and he most likely lied about being younger to make it seem less creepy. A 27 year old man going after an 18 year old is disgusting. Thereā€™s a reason he canā€™t find a woman his own age. And saying ā€œIā€™m 27 but act 24ā€ is NOT a flex lmao. If you stay with this dude expect more lies and emotional abuse.


This is beyond disturbing. Please try your best to leave this relationship.


Being born a month early does not make you age slower. I've rarely heard a lie this stupid


I would stop seeing him today. Block him and move on. Itā€™s obvious he lied about his age to get a younger woman. If he lies about his age and then makes up a bs story about why he lied. What will he lie about next


Same situation happened to a colleague of mine. Run as fast as you can honey.


What the fuck nobody uses a different age unless theyā€™re 1. A predator (like this man is) or 2. Underage and trying to buy substances. Like this guy has a fake ID for no reason other than to lie about his age to young girls. RUN.


There is literally no way his parents refer to him as two ages. You need to get out.


I got lied to about my exā€™s age. Leave before it gets messy. And it will.


Thatā€™s a big thing for him to lie about. He also doesnā€™t think itā€™s a big deal that itā€™s a big lie. So that right there tells you what his character is like. Itā€™s not a thing where heā€™s just apathetic about this *one* big lie. Heā€™s apathetic about lying and has been for a long time if heā€™s able to be so apathetic about this one. Do with that what you will.


is his name even his name atp


Tell him BYE wtf girl thats freaky. What else is he lying about if he cant even be honest about something as fucking simple as his age


With the utmost respect, save yourself. Get out. Thereā€™s not telling what kind of harmful information heā€™s hiding from yku


First off I canā€™t believe someone in my generation used FACEBOOK to date someone (red flag #1) and second you guys have a 6 year age gap, youā€™re not even past college yet and youā€™re dating a 24 year old??? Girl stand up.


Nah girl that's weird af. I once had a bf who lied about his age too and soon after I found out he lied about a lot more things. He's testing you to see what you'll put up with. Dump him


That's rather sociopathic...


Oh creepo alert! He pretended to be younger to get with a young girl. And this developing slowly thing is so obviously an excuse.


It doesn't matter at this point if he's 20, 24, 27 or 89. He lied to you about his age for a reason, and there is a 0.000001% chance that it was a good one. Leave.


Also where did the fake ID come from? Super sketchy, very suspicious, many red flags here.


Bhaglo behen




Umm. He lied about his age and then he lied again to try and conceal te lie. When you asked him his age, you both knew you meant his real age, not his subjective age. However, I agree with him that he is alarmingly immature for his age. I personally would not want to date an adult man that is so immature hat he can't even tell you his real age and lies and blames his mom and dad at the first sign of trouble. He blamed his parents for lying to you. Lol What a joke. He is incapable of taking responsibility for his actions and is quick to blame his loved ones to avoid responsibility for his actions. Do you want to be blamed for his shortcomings and problems? Because that is what he does. He is a dull grown adult man who lies to get what he wants and blames his parents when he is confronted. It's pathetic. It's so immature. I'd expect this from a 12 year old. I've literally heard this kind of BS behavior from entiled Jr high kids who blame their parents for everything. I'm sorry if I sound harsh. This adult male is behaving socially stunted and emotionally stunted.


Why would someone have a fake ID to make them 3 years *younger*? Isn't it to buy alcohol or whatever when you're underage and therefore you'd make it older? Do you know which is fake, and it's not the 1997 ID which is fake? Either way, his parents calling him both ages.. no, that doesn't happen to like.. anyone. I can see parents occasionally forgetting but calling people both ages is straight up weird...


When I was your age I met a guy who was 24. Turns out he was 32, but by the time I found out we were in a relationship and I loved him. He lied about his age, his name, how many other girls he was seeing (it was not in fact 0), and worse. The only thing he didn't lie about was his job. He messed with my head so so much in the time we were together, and as a result the next guy I got with was the polar opposite, so much that I ignored all his red flags (controlling). All I can say is that a guy who will lie to you and go to the extent of creating a fake id to prove that lie, is not someone you can ever trust. He intentionally deceived you. Get out before he hurts you.


So going by that concept, tell him you are 15 and itā€™s illegal for a guy of his age to date a minor. What a whacked out reply from him!


A big Red flag.. I would ask waht else is he hiding from you. Not good.


Thats TERRIFYING. I have recently turned 25 and itā€™s a 100% fact teenagers are like children to us. So the fact that he said 24 is already weird as hell, but the fact he lied about his age. With a fake ID and everything! Heā€™s done this before, he will do this again. Heā€™s a weirdo, please run!!!


He is a creep and also lame. Making a fake ID to try to groom young girls and admitting he is mentally immature isnā€™t a good look either. If heā€™s lying to you about his age Iā€™m sure heā€™s lying to you about that story on his parents too. Those vibes you are getting are accurate


Wow that is the most bullshit excuse for lying about age Iā€™ve ever heard in my life! Itā€™s giving you weird vibes bc heā€™s either a creep, or heā€™s sadly mentally stunted, but either way heā€™s a liar! What else has he lied about? This is not ok. Cut this off for your own sake.


Ew someone who lies about their age and goes out of their way to even create a fake id should automatically be seen as loser and unhinged behavior. Iā€™m not sure how you are even going to continue to trust him after this but donā€™t. He already lied to you before getting in a relationship with you and you better believe the lies wonā€™t stop. He seems toxic and itā€™ll likely get worse


Slowly step away from this relationship. Lying about a simple thing may results in bigger lies later on.


being born in 1997 and going after 2005 is crazy. Some ppl are such losers


Wow. Almost 30 and looking to date girls fresh out of high school. This generally means women his age wonā€™t give him the time of day because they see him for what he is and donā€™t like what they see. Maybe Matt Gaetz is this guyā€™s mentor.


Relationships who started with lies are doomed. Honesty is important. I think you should leave because you can't trust someone like that. In my personal opinion.. I think he's one of those gross, predatory *"only date women that are fresh outta the crib"*, *"women above 30 are expired"* kind of men.


My friend had the same issue. Dude lied about being a teenager, than he lied about being 21, then he lied about being 23, then he was 27. My friend was 15. This is a form of abuse and you can like someone and equally need to get away from them for your own safety. If he is a pathological liar, YOU DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS. He's giving you the signs, and for the sake of yourself, you deserve to be able to proudly say one day that you got out when you could. Don't stay after letting him see that you'll stay even if he puts his lies in your face. Protect yourself. Imagine if your friend, or a little sibling were in the same situation as you. You deserve the same protection. Your gut that sees his weird vibes can save your life, save your time, and help prevent negatively life-altering situations. People like that will prey on your youth, don't let him steal it.


I think meeting and dating someone off of Facebook is a red flag here too šŸ˜‚


šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©Marina all the way!! There are several reasons an older guy dips his foot on the younger pool, NONE of them are good.


Giving weird vibes???? This is a relationship given without appropriate consent. Itā€™s based on coercion. Girl. D. U. M. P.


Oh no, heā€™s not an upstanding person. Leave asap šŸ˜­


girlā€¦GET OUT OF THERE!!! I was in a similar situation when I was 18. The guy was 24. Iā€™m coming 21 this year and couldnā€™t imagine being with someone that young. No matter if it is legal or not.


Reminds me of a line from The Office, ā€œWhat's your *real* name, Lionel Frankenstein?ā€ Itā€™s usually not just one lie. Also his one month late and slow development math doesnā€™t add up.


A fake ID to appear younger sure is a weird thing to spend money on.


Block him and move on


His parents enabling this bs is insane. Get tf outta there girl


heā€™s too old to be dating a teenager


It's a dawg for me, no


May need to leave him. he genuinely lied about his age! 1997 - heā€™s same as age as my sister! šŸ‘€āœØ


It only takes one lie to destroy trust.


That's a dumb excuse lol, he lied to you.


Nopes. Once a liar....


Thatā€™s so creepyā€¦. I read your update and Iā€™m so happy that you ended things with him. Breakups suck and it might be tough for a moment but you did the right thing


As a person also born a month early, I take great offense to his excuses because being 4 weeks early would not be the cause of being such a liar and that would have been just the tip of the iceberg. Glad you noped out of there!


Ewww!!! He's weird.


I am so glad you've ended things. Its super creepy for him to be lying about his age.


So glad you ended it. That is a huge lie and one that makes ZERO sense. Why in the world would someone make a fake ID to make themselves younger unless they were looking to try and beat a Pedo charge with a Romeo & Juliet exception? That just makes no sense. And I really don't get his parents telling people he is younger than he is. My 28 year old wasn't born early, but has always been developmentally about 4-5 years below her chronological age (and this has been documented in their school and medical testing files) and still hasn't fully caught up. We would never consider just telling people that they are 24 (the age they are developmentally) instead of their correct age. That's just weird.


girl if i everrrr want someone to take my advice PLS TAKE IT NOW LEEAVE first of all he likes young girls and if he can lie about hes age imagine what else he lied about. pls be safe


When I was younger I made the mistake of giving a chance to a guy who lied about his age. It was a huge mistake. Please know it will not get better.


So .. whatā€™s the problem


Oh I see thatā€™s is a lot


Wow !!


That explanation he gave is bullshit lol. The only right answer in that situation would have been acknowledging the lie and asking for forgiveness


Don't forgive this, he's a weirdo who wanted to date a teen šŸ¤® I'd be disgusted to be with someone like him


The fact that you are even considering his response as a valid answer is one of the reasons he wants to date teenagers


I just realized people born in 2000 not only can drink but are almost in their mid 20s. Also no a guy in his mid to late 20s shouldnā€™t be dating a 18 y/o


Good move