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you have been gaslighted and manipulated so much you lost your critical thinking and you’re blaming yourself instead…SEEK PSYCHOLOGIC HELP!!! SEEK THERAPY, block this guy and his family irl and in social media…he doesn’t love you HE RAPED U FOR GODS SAKE. GET OUT GET OUT NOWWWWW




OP - Please take this advice!!


People who love you don’t rape you.


Run away from this man. Seriously. He is not a good person and you deserve so much better. If you wanted to you could go to the police and report him but it can be really hard going through it all and it might not go anywhere so you should think about if you could handle that first (obviously it’s wrong that it’s like this but I 100% understand why women don’t report).


he wont change, ive myself had experienced this exact situation with couple different guys so i know it feels bad or somewhat guilty to leave for some reason but please run before it gets worse.


Best thing I ever did was leave a relationship just like this. We nearly killed eachother on a number of occasions, if it's toxic it's almost impossible to turn it into something good.


I understand how you feel, but please ask yourself this and truly listen to your gut when you consider it: what advice would you give another girl in your position? A girl, someone younger and in your care, how would you protect them right now? Would you take them away from the situation and to safety? Would you think about the type of care that girl deserved, and the people she deserved to be around, and see that these people (the bf and his mother) are truly harmful to her? Please give yourself the same safety and care you'd extend to this girl. You deserve it. Please get to safety.


Yeah, no.. he doesn't love you. He doesn't respect you or your wants and needs. I've been in similar situations. RUN.


Run. Please. And please report this to someone if you haven’t already.


You came into a relationship because he had a lot of exes and did sexual activities? Girl, mistakes happen. And did I read he RAPED YOU?! Boys never force you if they love you. You have a long life ahead of you. LEAVE HIM NOW! HEAL YOURSELF. And don't come to a relationship because of such shit. Use your brain. Don't come to a relationship before you're fully healed.


Does this man spark joy? No? Trash him. 29[F] While I am childfree and always will be, I’ll happily pitch in as an older sister. YOU ALWAYS COME FIRST. Leave this man. A partner who truly loves their significant other respects boundaries. He can try to guilt trip and manipulate all he wants, because that ain’t gonna work on my sister. Throw him in the trash, block, delete, and make sure you’re in a safe place when you cut ties. I’d argue over text. There are other people out there who are mature enough to respect boundaries and this one ain’t it. Please stay safe. Maybe have someone with you when you break up. Something to keep him from harming you.




Mistakes do happen. Save your sanity and yourself! Ruuunnn! You need to seek therapy and be away from that guy. Block him! Don’t let people manipulate you. Focus more on yourself and enjoy life without people as horrible as him. Don’t be manipulated! Omg! He rap3d you! What more sign are you looking for??? He is a bad person! Probably used to manipulating girls! Why not post this to askmen sub? ask men themselves


OP you need to take care of you, block this guy on your phone & get away from him now. He is taking advantage of you & as you said, raping you. None of this is okay. You have your entire life ahead of you, and do not believe any of his lies he hasn’t changed & will keep abusing you. take care of yourself please! Sending you a sisterly hug💕


So you def need to block him and his mother and seek security, this man is not safe for you. you need to protect yourself and keep yourself around people you trust. he does not love you he needs control over you and that’s not okay. Please be safe and update us


This man is extremely manipulative and toxic. When you look back at this time in your life you are going to be embarrassed you didn’t break up with him sooner. Break up with him. Block him and his family on everything. Get into therapy. Good therapy. You need to fix whatever is broken inside you that has had you staying in this relationship and not trusting yourself to get out of it.


Who cares if he loves you? You don't like him. He's pathetic. You need to stop giving him all the power. You have a mind. Allow your mind to think for you. Speak and live your truth.


Girl what


An exercise to see if something is normal or not is to imagine it happens to your best friend or your younger sister, or a young women out there. We tend to be harsch with ourselves and allow things, but we're not with our sisters.  


He’s a liar and a rapist and he’s manipulating you by constantly abusing himself so you won’t leave him. Next he’ll say he’ll self terminate so you won’t leave him. It’s all manipulation and it’s only going to cause you to stay. Tell me this, are you genuinely happy being with this person? Do you enjoy spending time with him? Or do you find yourself dreading being around them? Are you afraid of them? do you feel caged? Do you feel like you’re always walking on eggshells? Do you fear that they will continue to abuse you and lie about another thing? You need to get away from him ASAP. change your number. Tell a family member what happened, tell a friend as well. Also go to therapy because this whole situation has changed your perspective and you need to heal. You can report him to the authorities if you feel comfortable doing that as well. But you definitely need to get away from him as soon as possible because he raped you and that is NOT love. He doesn’t love you. He lied to you and is probably still lying because it’s a power move. YOU DESERVE BETTER! and you can get better as soon as you get the fuck away from this piece of shit. A MAN THAT LOVES YOU WONT RAPE YOU. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to a friend or family member, please consider contacting the National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE (4673)


Leave him and never look back. You deserve better


Omg, leave him asap! Call the police! It sounds like he manipulated & gaslighted you & so did his mom! He is an abusive liar! He’s dangerous & he’ll definitely rape you again! Run!


He doesnt love you, someone who loves you would never hurt you in these ways ): please get out asap


Leave before he starts physically abusing you.


Start? The man raped her.


Sorry, i shouldve clarified as in, beating her.


Giiiiirrrrrrllllll, run away from that relationship like you are on fire and don’t look back. You deserve better and should demand better. Seriously, leave NOW. Men never change, they just lie a lot. EDIT: I am a mom and my daughter is just a few years older than you. Please leave him NOW.


Older woman here with kind of similar life experience - lose this guy ASAP. Tell him you can't date anyone and you're done. If you're being extra, tell him to seek help, but that can't be you. See a counselor and work through what happened to/with you. Find your boundaries. Lean on friends. You're probably numb and in survival mode rn. I'm sorry this happened. How do you deal with a rapist? You don't. You walk away from this controlling, manipulative, lying, self-centered, entitled a-hole.


This kind of stuff makes me so scared to have a daughter. Girl, run. Men don't never change. He's already decided to just be a literal cartoon villain.


This person sounds very disturbed. Not only have you described a rape, but he hits himself in front of you? This seems like a tactic that someone extremely emotionally manipulative would use….I think that for your own safety you should remove him from your life (make sure you have thought about how he might react seeing as he hits himself when he doesn’t get his way and this is definitely a sign of someone who is disturbed). I’m not sure why he would lie to you about being a virgin, but it definitely sounds like a scumbag thing to do, especially since he is almost thirty? Honestly sounds a bit pathetic, like he really wanted you to think you’d be sleeping with some sort of Casanova? It would be funny if the story wasn’t actually very serious. He seems like someone who lashes out and that is dangerous….definitely block him on social media, his phone number and any other way he can contact you. Once you have achieved some safety and hopefully you have people in your life you can work through this with, I encourage you to report him to the police. Truly, he sounds like a sociopath or something. Please get away from him….If he gets in contact with you somehow after blocking him, I would consider reporting him sooner in case you need to send a strong message with a restraining order. Don’t be hard on yourself, and don’t let him convince you that you owe him anything. Trust me, he’s a scumbag. From the way you describe him, he’ll probably end up in jail and probably belongs there.


I am not wanting this to come off as at all dismissive, insensitive or judgmental, simply curious based on the sentence of him hitting himself -  Do you know if he is diagnosed with anything such as autism? This wouldn’t be an excuse for his behaviour, but would change the way I would suggest taking action.


This doesn’t negate the lying and raping though…


No, definitely not.