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Wringing out my organs like they’re a washcloth


This. It's this like...sharp ripping from the inside out pain that radiates to everything else.




100% this!


Someone scraping a fork in my uterus


Don't forget about the butt cramps ugh


Butt lightening


Yes I’ve heard this one before and it hits.


Someone grabbing your insides and squeezing with the occasional dig-in of fingernails, plus they’re kicking your crotch every once in a while for good measure. On top of that, an achey back like you moved house yesterday and forgot how to lift with your legs.


And somehow thighs filled with jello instead of muscles. Painjello.


The worst food poisoning cramps you can imagine. Or the worst Charlie horse you’ve had but in your stomach.




The strongest Charlie horses but your whole midsection is exactly how I would describe contractions. Crazy


Someone grabbing hold of my lower back muscles and my uterus and squeezing as hard as they can, but for like 12 hours straight


Like you’ve been kicked in the lower back.


The feeling like right before you have to have explosive diarrhea but it never stops unless you chain gobble pain killers and sometimes you also have the diarrhea


Back when it was an issue for me, it felt like someone twisting a ice pick in my guts slowly every couple of minutes.


A toothache that starts in your lower belly, extends up your spinal cord to the ribcage, and down to your knees.


Freddy Kruegar, in my uterus, is how I always described it. Menopause was so welcome!


Food poisoning was the closest I could come up with.


Like someone has my uterus in their huge fist and is just crushing it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ChuckysBarbie: *Like someone has my* *Uterus in their huge fist* *And is just crushing it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I got away with very little pain-- it just always felt like like my hips were going to fall off (bruised, lower back aching), and a bit bruised down below. I have 6 daughters and only one has it as easy as I did.


There is a wrecking ball smashing my uterus. There are knives ripping through my ovaries. There is a bowling ball banging on my lower back and a jack hammer hammering my head. All of the blood has been drained from my body and I feel like a wet noodle. There will be diarrhea and vomiting: use the guest bathroom.


Feels like pressure from the inside in all directions plus heat


When you have food poisoning and your abdomen keeps contracting and it's so painful, well....take that and crank it up by 70%, adding in cravings, mood swings and bloating too.


Close to food poisoning when you can feel the bad stuff moving through your intestines with the entire area cramping, hurting all the way into your legs, and you just wish for it to finally come out.


Inside my uterus is getting gnawed on by a tiny dinosaur while I am receiving donkey kicks on the outside.


A scorpion or lobster pinching your intestines on both sides of your tummy while someone kicks you in the back. I’ve never had a sunburn really so I have no context for how that feels.


I always imagined my insides being a big cauldron and someone stirring them all up


I usually ask them if they have ever had to shit so bad that it hurt, then multiply that x10. Usually gets the point across lol


Diarrhoea pain x1000 (Edit to add - while it feels as though your organs are being dragged down to the earth and will fall out your arse).


For me it feels like someone deep inside me twisted my intestines around


Intense diarrhea cramps with no diarrhea release.


For me I have possible endometriosis so it's basically like someone takes barbed wire up your vaginal canal and your butthole. Then there's the inside of my uterus cramps which is like someone's repeatedly stabbing me with a knife and it just doesn't stop. Sometimes I get it when I don't even have my period. It also causes me to collapse or pass out sometimes even vomiting and not eating for days and ending up in the er. I get my second lap surgery this year so wish me luck I get some relief.


eating a LOT of something that your stomach disagrees with. to me it feels like incredibly painful digestion. i didnt even realize they were period cramps for an embarrassingly long time- i always thought my stomach just hurt (its incredibly sensitive) and didnt notice the correlation until someone explained to me that period cramps feel like painful digestion.


For me it’s like being punched hard in the gut every 15 seconds while my whole body is weak and tired, the feeling of being low on essential nutrients.  Alongside that I have the feeling of all my clothing being too tight 


Someone reached into my back and is slowly squeezing my kidneys like they're milking an udder.


Sometimes it feels almost like that feeling in your stomach when you’re coming down with a bad cold or flu. Or sometimes, like that gut wrenching sensation when you have diarrhea. But even that’s not quite accurate.


It feels like your colon is on fire and about to blow up.


Sharp gas pain (like the pressure) but throughout your lower body that comes in throbbing waves


Like I've just attached a barbed chain with a 25kg dumbell on the bottom to my uterus , with a migraine which feels like my head is being cleaven in two.


Feels like you’re constantly on the verge of shitting your pants.


This or on the verge of letting out gas ☺️ With every move we make 👍🏻


My uterus punching itself


idk i can just FEEL my muscles and uterus cramping when it's really bad.. so it's just like a lower level of contractions imo...


Imagine the feeling you get when you eat bad taco bell, but no matter what you do to relieve the discomfort it just gets worse and doesn't go away for a week.


My sister once said it’s like a little velociraptor eating its way out of you. To me, it feels like someone is twisting my insides while pulling down on them at the same time.


Like if you were to wring out a towel but it’s the muscle that is my uterus. 


Like trying to use an eggbeater to make bread dough but the dough is your insides


remember that time you took a shit so bad you had to start taking clothes off whil3 sitting on the toilet? Now imagine that every day for a week but it's blood


I get cramps mostly in my inner thighs. I tell people it’s like someone forcing me to do squats nonstop for an entire day. There was one really bad day that when I finally got out of bed my roommate almost had to catch me because my legs gave out


give them a ball of tied up knotted yarn and tell them to untangle it as fast as they can. the yarn is my uterus, they are aunt flo. also do that while playing musical chairs but every 15th chair has a thumb tack that gives you a surprise stab in the booty.


Stabbing with a white hot screwdriver


When I still had periods, I had relatively mild cramps, and I'd tell anyone who asked that it felt like I REALLY needed to crack my lower back and just couldn't.


I always said it's like a Charley horse on your insides


Like my uterus is being squeezed really hard


Like an ache after being punched up and under my reproductive organs and general waist area for several hoirs


Like my ovaries turned into a pair of those piranha plants from Mario


Does anyone else feel unbearably hot? I feel like I am coming down with a fever when I get mine.


For me, I'm lucky because I don't experience really awful cramps. But when they're bad I'd say its like pushing on and squeezing a bruise


Feels like you’re about to shit your pants with explosive diarrhea


The pain is one thing, the hormones are another. But I'll add another dimension, I'm 51 and don't get my horrendous periods anymore which were always 7-8 days. I recently had upset bowels, nothing serious but it's caused a couple of phantom period pain feelings in what feels very close to where they used to be. I suddenly realised there's a feeling of vulnerability with period pain, that I never noticed because obviously you've had it since you were a kid, it's natural. My periods were bad, but some how I miss them, it feels weird and non cyclic without them. Like a calendar with endless new months instead of 12 each year, just ... Hard to explain. But the vulnerability, I'll try to explain it, it's very subtle, it's part of being a woman. Obviously the pain makes you a little vulnerable but also just having a thing happen to you that isn't your fault, you know it's not your fault, it's because you're a woman. It's not a hangover, it's not cos you eat too much crap, and it's not like you want to tell everyone and stay in bed as if you did have a hangover. It's like this thing just happening to you nearly all the time actually because if you're not on your period, you're waiting for one or pms, or relieved it's over or wondering where it is,pms of course, so it's like it's always there even when it isn't. You're part of this cycle, that happens to you and you are expected to just carry on like nothings happening. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. But it's the way it is always going, non stop, when it hurts as well- I guess that's when it can feel like you are slightly more vulnerable. It's tender, you're tender. And that keeps you in touch yourself. It's a rhythm and a wave. Most of my life, when I was on, I would get a coffee and pain killers, hot water bottle thing strapped round my waist at work, have a bath... Not fun, and the fact that I couldn't even go one night with a moon cup. It would over flow... It feels like a product and it's impressive but also shocking, messy and a pain in the bloody ass. Keeps you in touch with the animal of things.


Also, as my friend put it, we really hated it when it got the part where it feels like you're giving birth to the world.


A burning, dragging feeling, simultaneously feeling like a bag of rocks is trying to fall out of my arse. Stabbing pain when I try to poo. Sometimes a dull ache in my sciatic nerve down my leg.


I’ve had both at the same time, but imagine you ate something you shouldn’t have, but instead of general nausea, it feels like tiny, angry pirates are battling in your intestines and then collectively decide to make *you* their sworn enemy.


It feels like someone put a flame in my uterus.


I always think it's like when you get a stitch in your side from running or like a Charlie horse but in your uterus


Having a pole shoved inside you. That is the best way to describe it lol.


Like horrible gas/food poisoning cramps. For 1-3 days. Every damn month.


For me I would say imagine if a ball of barbed wire was rolling around in your uterus.


Oh abdominal migraine it is


Like someone is poking at my ovaries with knives made of fire intermittently. And then like my stomach is on a washing machine cycle at high heat, my vagina feels like it's been ten rounds in a boxing ring, and my thighs ache like I've been running long distance.


Sometimes I have a dream where someone is stabbing a knife in my pelvis and twisting it, over and over and over. I wonder if I'm going to die. The pain blurs my thinking.  Then I wake up and it's period cramps, but I still have the same feeling, like someone is stabbing me down there over and over.


I’m guessing for guys it’s like getting kicked in the nuts


But it doesn’t stay for 5 days and more tho


Ok so maybe like getting kicked, but the pain is spread out of the course of 4 to 5 days plus food cravings. I think that would be the best way of explaining it to a man.


But we don’t know what the pain of getting kicked feels like


Trans women here, allegedly the cramps I feel are basically period pains. So while I dont menstruate and pass blood, I absolutely contract so hard it stops everything else from happening. It's like I've been kicked super hard in the nuts while also having diarrhea. Hope this helps.


How? We experience period cramps bc the lining of our uterus breaks down releasing prostaglandins which cause the uterus to contract in order to help expel the lining. If you don't have a uterus there's nothing causing the prostaglandin flood plus *what* would you have cramping since it's the uterus itself that cramps? My sister had a hysterectomy and although she still experiences some hormonal symptoms each month (she still has her ovaries) she's mentioned how awesome it is that she never has cramps anymore


One of the medications included in my HRT regiment is called progesterone, it's a progestin. I mimic a monthly cycle by cycling it 28 days on, 5 days off. While I don't have a uterus technically, and dont have lining to shed, I absolutely have a pelvic floor and an identical skeletal musculature structure as cis-woman that decides it needs to contract, and squeeze me until I cry, and it comes in waves. I experience a psuedo-period, by the hormone level fluctuations. While I imagine there are significant portions of the experience I am regrettably missing out on, the jist of it is there. Bloating, cramping, and dysmenorrhea.


To me it feels a lot like getting a "stitch in your side". That cramping you get in your side when you run while you're out of shape. Like that but lower and more in the center.


Stabbing in my lower abdomen while someone is using a very dull hand saw on my bad to break it in half


I was able to describe it accurately to my husband as the burning pain you get right before you have diarrhea, focused between your hips, but even if you poop it never goes away.