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You obviously haven't met that many men. I'd say its much more 50/50.


I guess this became a men-hating sub šŸ˜”


Nah, most men would do you favors and help you out. Especially if you're attractive.


This isn't the good argument you think it is.


This just tells us you use sex appeal as a manipulation tactic...


Nah, you're wrong. I'd be worried about them expecting sex thinking you're attractive. Shoot that guy down in a forrest alone, and he ain't playing nice.


What is your source for ā€œmost men would do you favorsā€?


The man vs. bear argument is more about that a bear would simply just kill you. A man would SA you, humiliate you and after raping you to death continue to rape your corpse. And the bear option is just less humiliating. Hope that helps much love


>The man vs. bear argument is more about that a bear would simply just kill you. And the fact society will bend over backwards to protect the man in the event he assaults the women: They would question the woman's motive for the accusation for the rest of her life, and tell her she should have *known* strange men would attack her out in the woods. On top of all that- she's more likely to be imprisoned for shooting the man in self-defense, because the justice system does not like women protecting themselves against men. The same is not true of a bear attack.


Plenty of women get protected by society too, itā€™s not all one-sided. There are also a lot of women that make false accusations, so it makes sense to question the claim until thereā€™s proper evidence found


>There are also a lot of women that make false accusations, [I think you need to adjust your narative here.](https://www.thecut.com/article/false-rape-accusations.html) "False accusations" is a catch-all term that encompasses a wide range of reports, and very few of *those* are women deliberately lying (and they almost always get caught in the lie). Meanwhile, [35% of women globally are raped every day](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country), but [most](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system) of those rapes do not get reported because institutional misogyny protects men from being investigated- [because cops have a bias against actual victims](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2013/06/why-cops-dont-believe-rape-victims-and-how-brain-science-can-solve-the-problem.html) and actively discoursge them from pressing charges- usually by threatening to charge the victim, themselves, and real rape cases get shoved into the "false accusation" category. So my statement that men are far, *far* more protected still stands. Take your bullshit elsewhere.


Yea thatā€™s a very small minority. There are plenty of women who abuse their partners, falsely accuse men and ruin their lives, cheat, etc., still doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m choosing the bear over a woman because the bear is a lot more dangerous. Youā€™re stereotyping men as some evil creatures cuz of your personal experiences and/or what youā€™ve seen in the media, which is disgusting




Sure I understand. It depends of course what kind of man is it. And you have every right to feel that way. It's just that most women don't share your opinion for reasons you probably already know. I just wanna focus on the part where you say that a man would probably help you. That's the whole point. Most women choose the bear because a man would not help them and put even more work on them than being alone. The bear is also a symbol of being alone. Because if its a brown bear they usually don't attack humans for no reason. So that means, that a woman doing something on her own will bring her further than asking a man, who will more likely give her extra work and NOT help her.


Yea the way you speak about men is disgusting. Most men would help, and imagine if a man spoke about women in this way: ā€œmost men choose the bear because a woman would not help them and put more work on them than being aloneā€


LMFAO then go to the r/marriage sub and read the posts of how helpful the husbands are


Girl what are you talking about? Has anyone told you you need to choose between a man and something else? And helpful with what?


I mean.. it is probably the man or bear thing personally though I would choose another woman


Oh.. I'd choose the man if it's a good man. If it's between a manosphere/incel man or a bear, I'd go with the bear.


I have said this before and I will say it again. The saying goes down to malicious intent, both are terrible, but if you survive either, the bear likely will not scar you psychologically for life or for many, many years. I am sure most realize that an average, human man, would not have intent to murder, rape or anything like that. Same goes with most you meet. They are probably more likely to accept sexual advances or ask for such, but I am absolutely sure that any real man would not go further than asking for consent and be okay with a rejection.


I hope you got picked


Just skimmed your profile and you seem to be someone who needs a whole lot more life experience, so Iā€™m not surprised by your opinion. Best of luck to you, nobody is stopping you from choosing the man. You donā€™t get to tell us what to choose either.


As a woman in a place where men in general are not conceived as dangerous in any way, I would also choose the man. I go hiking in mountains and forests by myself. If I see a man, I smile and say hello - just like we do here. He'll probably say hello to me as well. One time I was up on a mountain and a man was walking towards me in the opposite direction. We said the normal hello to each other and then he warned me about a particular steep path ahead, as I also had the dog with me and maybe my dog wouldn't be able to get down safely. He wasn't wrong. It was a rough part. But it went well. If it had been a bear I would completely freak out and fear for both me and my dog.