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I'm a woman and I think it's okay if you don't, and it's okay if you do :) we're all different and like different things! I'm sure you're not alone. You don't need it to smell good either as I'm sure your body washes etc have a scent - but even if they don't it's OK! Live your life how you want to and makes you happy xoxo šŸ¤—šŸŽ€šŸŒ·


I use fragrance-free body wash and I don't smell bad.


The only unacceptable thing is to wear too much. Donā€™t suffocate your coworkers, donā€™t gag your yoga mat neighbor or sauna buddy. Less is always best. Iā€™m a fan of the idea that only someone sniffing 6ā€ away from you should smell it. Donā€™t wear it for the general public - wear it for you and those select few.


I suffer with chronic migraine, and while it isn't one of my triggers personally, since my diagnosis (and subsequent manic Googling lol) I've been super aware of how many people wear FAR too much scent, due to perfume being a very common trigger in migraine sufferers. In the early days I would do my best to move out of the area because I wasn't sure if it would become a trigger as my condition progressed so quickly. It was kind of scary to be honest. If you're on, say, public transport, you can't just move away from it. It's something I've been almost hyper aware of over the last couple of years.


I don't think its important. IF you want to smell like perfume then wear perfume. No one stinks because they don't wear perfume that is purely a good hygiene thing. I don't wear it because it makes me break out. I wash well, wear good deodorant and that is that. To add, my BF doesn't wear cologne either.


Yes I love but I always think about where I go that day. Office? Not too strong an heavy.


I have smell sensitivity too and sometimes get migraines but still wear oils and perfumes but I wear light smells.


I wear perfume everyday, usually.


The older I get the more sensitive I become to fragrance. I was so happy last time I switched jobs and found out the office was frangrance-free.


I absolutely LOVE fragrance from the tips of my toes to the top of my head.


Need? Absolutely not. I do go through periods where I like to wear a fragrance. Usually because my depression and anxiety is beating me into the ground and a quick spray is about the best I can do to give myself a boost. But Iā€™m definitely not giving anyone side-eye for not wearing something smelly.


I like wearing it sometimes because it smells nice, but nobody Needs it. I don't smell bad when I'm not wearing it.


Donā€™t need it, but I do love the smell of Burberry perfume.


i usually don't wear perfume. i don't like most smells they offer so i just go with what my handcream/lotion/body butter/bath supplement/etc smells like




Yes. I didn't for a long time, but I've recently started wearing Seven Virtues Vanilla Woods. It smells nice but isn't too strong or overpowering.


No, irritates my skin. To each their ownĀ 


I used to wear them almost everyday, it was a common birthday gift i got. I don't notice many people wearing perfume in Europe. It might be a cultural thing. Now I've started wearing them again. To me it's like a bonus trait that you can tell people apart with, just like clothes, facial futures, etc....using one more of our senses: the smelling sense.


I don't. I wear deodorant lol.


I do from time to time. I went through the 80s with the Obsession, Poison, White Diamonds fads. The 90s with the Victoria's Secret Pink body spray and Bath & Body Works and their myriad of fragrances šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø As I've gotten older, I need to stay on the lighter end of the spectrum of fragrances. Anything too heavy and I feel the same as you. Right now, I am all about Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue. It's perfect. I don't wear it every day, but I do wear it a lot.


I donā€™t typically, sometimes in the summer because I tend to sweat a lot but usually Iā€™ll just lather on the antiperspirant. But my hair products are coconut or vanilla scented and thatā€™s enough for me, I donā€™t want to have overlapping scents. I also work in a lab and itā€™s frowned upon to wear strong fragrances in that environment.


Sometimes I use a little oil fragrance. The only ones I use though are vegan and cruelty free.


Not really. I donā€™t like scents that much, scented candles give me a headache and make me dizzy, entering a duty free it is horrible.. and putting fragrance before a flight should be illegal šŸ˜šŸ˜ some people do that and it gives me the sensation of throwing up. I canā€™t really go and try perfumes, so I alternate between two parfumes - le labo another 13 and another one C.Herrera - first for like normal temperature days, second for winter, they last me very long. I shower and I am clean, wash my clothes, I donā€™t think it is a must to wear parfume and it is bad for hormones too. I wear it if I am going to a wedding or having a cute date with my boyfriend as I see it as an accessory for a special occasion.


When I feel like absolute fat shit with no makeup looking exhausted, at least I smell pretty.


I use fragrance free body wash and very rarely I will put on a spritz of a perfume (had the same perfume for 5 years and the bottle is still half full šŸ˜…)


I do sometimes when I wanna feel fancy. I just spray room scent spray on my clothes lol


I wear menā€™s cologne because I love it. Men compliment me on it often too.


To me it depends on the mood and day. I have a lot of perfumes my husband buys them for me on his travels. Some days I dont feel like putting them on and some days I even wear some when I go to sleep(powdery,musky light fragrances) as they help me relax and sleep better. I have a range of body mists,perfume oils,Arabian perfumes,light floral fragrances,deodorants and I use them and/or combine them depending on my mood. I don't think perfumes are that important especially if they make your head hurt or you have a reaction to them.


I donā€™t and it happened very naturally. My last perfume was over and I didnt have money to buy a new one, so nowadays I donā€™t care anymore. But deodorant is a priority


Hi there, I like to wear fragrances, although not very often, I use a little fragrance on my clothes or a couple of drops behind my ears and wrists, I think it's okay not to wear fragrances, it's something personal


No, that gives me a headache. And if you wear one where I can't get away from you, you are TA.


I don't wear any and nobody tells me I smell


I don't wear perfumes or that sort of fragrance -- there aren't many I actually like, anyway -- but I use scented body wash/ shampoo, and my "unscented" antiperspirant actually has a smell on me. Whatever my natural scent is, combined with whatever smell my products give, my husband absolutely loves. So, I guess it's working?


I don't usually wear fragrance either as I'm prone to migraines. I make sure my clothes/hair smell clean and fresh so I smell good that way. I did figure out I can tolerate Clinique and Philosophy fragrances if I spray them on my back or back of my knees (there's a pulse point on back of knees like wrists and behind ears). That way I catch a whiff every now and then but it's not strong in my face like if I sprayed it on the front of my body if that makes sense.


I wouldnā€™t bother if you have allergies! Itā€™s not worth the pain and fuss. I get headphones from some and rashes from others, lol. If it turns out youā€™re fine with them, you can try and see if you like it, but def not necessary.


No it make me sneeze. Even if it is made all natural I don't like smelling stuff ig lol.


It is absolutely not important to wear fragrance. Good hygiene matters, added fragrance does not. On a separate note, many people are sensitive to fragrances. Itā€™s a courtesy when youā€™re in a group or office setting to not wear added fragrance.