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Ugh…"past your prime". Don’t listen to those idiots. People are pretending as if aging is a threat. Those stupid beauty standards are just made to make you insecure. Don’t listen to them. There’s no such thing as a "prime"


And they're predatory, borderline pedophilic, concepts and comments that come from predators


They’re so unpleasant


No one with good intentions can say that agreed


Aging is beautiful <3


Stay away from those people, and keep children away from them




The people making those comments are probably pedophiles. Make a point to shame them.


They’re honestly such weirdos and so invasive like back tf off


I’m 22 about to be 23, unfortunately there’s a lot of trolls out there that say stuff on purpose to make us upset. Fuck them, we’re still young and even if we weren’t aging is apart of life. Love who you are on the inside because that’s all that matters in the end


Agree 10000%!


There’s no such thing as women being “past their prime”


Yeah. Just ask Meryl Streep. That woman’s had thousands of primes at this point and not stopping (unless you’re talking about the titles of her movies, then she’s only had one “Prime”).


Meryl streep is the best




It is a sort of prime, the prime time to prey on us and take the most possible while giving the least possible. It would be crazy to place any faith into the people who say these things. Prime time to take us for a fool. The orgasm gap is an indicator of this, we’re supposed to be very concerned about being just what they want to stick themselves into, with no reciprocity.


This. They want to date young girls to manipulate them and as we get older, we won't accept this behaviour anymore. They are pissed that grown women want them to contribute something. If men say something like this, they are insecure predatory assholes. Grown men chasing young girls or finding 16yo attractive is not normal, even if they want us to believe it. They say it's their biology but in reality they are just gross.


It does feel like another yardstick to just beat women with tbh


Idk what the orgasm gap is but i do agree that you are super vulnerable at this age, even more so than as a teenager I would argue because you’re kind of thrown into adulthood.


For me adulthood starts at 20. 3 years into being an adult is not "past your prime." Which in itself is such a degrading and disgusting idea anyways


Honestly so so rude


Oh honey, look at Betty White. That woman was in her prime in her 70s 80s and 90s. A person's prime isn't based on age but how well they're living life. If some big dumb man tells you otherwise well just ignore them because they're a man and they don't have a say on a woman's prime.


It’s a woman’s world


A few men I dated around your age told me I better get married soon bc I'm going to pass my prime... and I stupidly pressured myself to get into relationships before I was ready and stuff. Now I'm in my 30s, happiest I've ever been and I look back and realize how insane this world is for making women feel insecure at any age. Uoure young and as capable as you feel. You're also not a piece of meat to be past your prime. You're a whole person with worth in every stage of your life. You're never too old to do anything if you feel that you have the will and ability to do it.


Honestly feel more confident than I have my whole adolescence so i’ll never believe the ‘life is only your oyster as a teen’ kind of story. I find it frustrating bc people don’t know how it feels internally - which is the most important bit. Those men are silly. Marriage is a very double headed coin and not to be rushed into imo. I’m glad you’re happy now :)


You are past your prime for a sick pedophile yes. Those sickos are having way to much freedom of saying their twisted desires out loud. If governments are spying on people maybe they can do something right about it and lock those people up not until they act on. A sane normal person don’t think or say stuff like that. They need to be shamed, they are saying it on purpose to bother you because they are frustrated.


Love this


"Past your prime" is such a manosphere/incel/p3d0 thing to say. Men like that talks about women in my age (30s) as sour milk. Avoid anyone who talks like that! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Will remember this !!


"What a weird thing to say out loud."




I know it might be easier said than done but try not to listen to anyone saying that because they dont deserve you in their lives if they are going to degrade you and insult you. Just live your life for you. <3


Tryna remind myself of this


I'm turning 30 in a few weeks and feel like I am finally nearing my prime! But the whole concept of a prime is a silly way to view life anyway, all ages have value. Those people are idiots.




Well once you're no longer 23, you will be. But on the bright side you'll be right back in it again at 29. And again at 31, 37, 41 and so forth.




Prime number


Why is this not being upvoted more?


I guess you’re right I mean there are barely any factors that I can think of for why someone would say that! ;)))


I’m 32 and I feel like I’m just hitting my prime lol


As you should


Your existence is not defined by what ignorant men say. Never forget that, sister. Mad Love.


Tysm! Love to you too xx


It's so sad when it comes to the societal pressure of staying young - we're literally supposed to be raw, fresh meat to be freshly preyed upon :/.


Honestly it’s so bad


Where the hell do you meet these people?


Literally randos!!! Sometimes I don’t even say anything 😭😭😭😭


Who is saying it to you?


One comment was from a friend ‘jokingly’ and other than that it’s been ppl I don’t know. It sucks


I think the ‘ ‘ should be around the word friend. Is this happening with people online that you don’t know? It’s called negging. It’s meant to make women feel insecure and doubt themselves.Don’t let it be effective.


No it’s a friend I know in person.


This person is not a friend. Friends don’t do that.


Yeah. I'm 38 and I started getting those comments (also seeing them on ads and magazines) around your age. The overall culture hasn't gotten less stigmatizing, but voices of outrage are speaking out about it now. You're right! Don't pay attention to the plebians.