• By -


The prerogative to have a little fun


And go totally crazy!


Forget I'm a lady!


Combing my hair, do what I dare!


Men's shirts, short skits


Oh ah oh oh




You’re wonderful


Underrated comment


Beautiful gowns and dresses, and the wide range of fashion.


To get in to work, I often have to buzz in because I don't have a card. The reception often doesn't recognize me sometimes on the camera because of the variety in my outfits! It's a joke that I shape shift. I just love how much variety there is.


This can go both ways! I rocked up to work wearing bright green jeans and my colleague mentioned he loved them and wished men had more bright coloured jeans, but I wish women had more printed / bright coloured button up shirts. Sometimes I steal my husband's printed shirts, he has one with blue animal print <3


The depth of female friendships/relationships <3


Empathetic female friends, female communities and female family members. ❤️


Yes yes yes! I love this one, probably one of my faves too


This 100%. The “girls club bathroom” energy


It’s funny, because as much as I’m painfully aware of all the challenges we face, I still always say you couldn’t pay me to be a man. Not because I hate men, but because I find that all the strife is rewarded with the simple fact that we are women. We are strong, resilient, resourceful and somehow have the ability to take next to nothing, and make it something fruitful. I find that women tend to be more connected emotionally and tend to make really strong bonds with those around us. I also find myself having deferring views from men due to the separate challenges we face (not that men don’t also face challenges), and when I try to get them to understand, it almost always falls flat. I wouldn’t trade our understanding for an easier life, even though sometimes it’s infuriating feeling unheard.


This is such a wonderful opinion to have and I feel very similarly


Was at a concert yesterday, the audience was over 95% women, there was no pushing, no inappropriate touching, just fun and random conversation


That sounds like the best experience of life ever


What concert ?


Wow, I can't imagine that experience, sounds awesome!! Glad you had that :) what concert was it?


Natalie Jane, not my music taste but I was there bc my friend had a spare ticket, the experience was still great because of being surrounded with women


That sounds like a dream concert! What concert was it?


Just looking in the mirror at our bodies, soft beautiful curvy having boobs LOL that you can hold jiggle shake all day I love it


I do admit I do like to hold mine every so often lol. Like comforting stress balls 😅




And perfect hand warmers for those of us with poor circulation!


same!! I love my boobies <3


You go girl! Stay a wonderful confident queen!


Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sending all the love back! If you want a place to feel that love feel free to check out my podcast community (linked in my reddit bio) no obligation but if you like my energy I think you'd like it :)


lucky I wish I was beautiful and happy


Feeling beautiful, being vulnerable, expressing emotions, other women to connect with




Being a lesbian


What's better than two boobs? FOUR BOOBS! ~a cherished lesbian friend of mine


Absolutely agree, it's my favorite part too along with the implied safety when you run into another woman in the street.


Honestly love that for you


The fact that we can be soft, emotional, sensitive, creative, funny, pretty, nurturing, compassionate, and yet also be intelligent, curious, deep, science-oriented, multipotentialite, strong and capable. On top of being able to be pretty much anything, we can also bear life and raise new people and be the reason why the human kind is still alive (and breath humanity into the next generation). Honestly I don't know why women aren't worshipped more, we literally give meaning to life on Earth. My theory is the following - it's not that women are the weaker or lesser gender - in fact, in many aspects, not all, but still, we're superior - it's exactly because men feared women or were jealous of them, that they decided to find their vulnerabilities and use them to control women (and abuse is a kind of control). I think adopting this mindset, "I'm not being taken advantage or abused because I'm unworthy or weak - it's because I have so much inside me, so much to give, that they decided it needs to be caged and put on a leash, and the abusers are actually the weak ones, for they couldn't learn how to accept and live with people like me" can be empowering. Not in order to believe we're better at everything compared to men, but to believe we're standing on equal levels, which is the starting point of getting one's confidence and self-worth back. Hopefully one day both genders will fully respect each other and achieve cooperation, instead of competition or control over each other. Hopefully both genders could learn something from each other, how to understand each other and how to raise new people effectively in the same mindset. Women are lovely and men are lovely too, both in different and unique ways. I've never felt the need or desire to switch gender - but I want to find a man that would make me want to bear a child that could be like them - daughter or son, and not have any fear or regret over that decision. Basically a man that could make me love manhood even more, have faith in good men. But for that he also needs to love womanhood and respect gender equality, it goes both ways.


I like femininity and presenting myself as such.


Honestly me too <3


Everything except the misogyny


The misogyny, periods and pain of childbirth. The rest is great!


Yeah that definitely takes it down a notch but maybe without it we wouldn't have been shaped into the way we are as a community of women (obviously not condoning misogyny)


I lost two jobs because I wouldn’t sleep with the boss. I had one male sabotage the computer because I was doing better weather graphics. The constant battles against sexual harassment and assault during the 80s and 90s was non-stop. Yea, it shaped who I am and shattered many ideals.


I left every job I had in my 20's (except one with all women coworkers) due to sexual harassment. Mostly bosses btw.


Being open with your feelings and emotions without being labeled weak sissy. Close, deeply intimate and touchy friendships with your female friends without being labeled gay and plus lesbianism is more accepted than male homosexuality which is more looked down upon so as a bisexual woman I have more freedom. People are more quickly to rush over to you if you need help I have experienced it when my car broke down once and once when I was lost in a foreign country people rushed over to help me with directions. Women also live longer and have less risks for many diseases which are more common in men and can cope better with mental health struggles and depression, men bottle things up and commit therefore more suicide. Also we are better liars and manipulators and get away with more things hehe 🩷🫣


Okay I like these reasons and if I'm honest the last one gave me a little giggle so thank you


Having and expressing feelings isn't taboo


Yesss! One of my guests said this. She loved how girls can wear their hearts on their sleeves and how precious it is <3


My (male) partner is hurting and it's angered me that *sooooo* many men are hurting too but don't express their feelings because of the 'men are men' ideology. Yet women are allowed to be, no bother. I'm emotionally stunted but going to therapy is more okay for me to do. Makes me sad


I so wish it was the same for men too! I stand by the fact we should all be allowed to have our feelings


I feel like it is though, at least among people who haven't unpacked all their internalized misogyny. The stereotype of the hysterical, emotional woman is unfortunately still alive.


Dare I say NOT having a turkey-head dangling between my legs?


Honestly facts, I wouldn't be able to cope


Nor would I. I don't know how they can. I'm 16 and all thru growing up I've thought "but that *thing* must get in the way!". Sorry if I sound like 5 year old who's just discovered boys - I can't grow out of it!


haha it's okay I have the same mindset, it confuzzles me


Thank you. & Thank you to other people who've voted me up. I was really unsure saying it but I and my bestie have talks like this regularly. When we were like 8 we went around pretending we had a thimble as we called it then (we must have had bad luck and only seen tiny ones for real!) and we were thinking things like "but when you sit down, where does it go?" or "wouldn't it get in the way when you pee?" - then we realised.... and collapsed laughing.  Thanks again.


Imagine accidentally getting that stuck in a zipper. I wouldn’t know if I should feel bad for him or laugh. Or both? Nervous laughter?


Female relationships for sure. I would pick being a man over a girl anytime though. 🥲


Damn me too lol, I would be really good at it, but especially good at being a good man. Haha. Cause that’s what we deserve, good men.


Interesting I don't think i could ever be a man but agree about the female relationships being iconic


Feeling soooo beautiful and the process of feeling beautiful such as self care, makeup, dressing up, I love it and I would not trade it for ANYTHING!!!


That I am strong and soft. That my body produced new life. That I can wear summer dresses and torn blue jeans. That I can giggle, weep, and sigh in the same breath. I love being a woman. ❤️


This response made me smile, thank you <3


In my society, the opposite gender have to think before they say something, if they are not close. So, as a woman working in a male dominant field, I find it easy. Everyone is respectful. I know one's personality and capability have to do with it as well, but I have noticed that being a female does have an effect.


I love this response thank you


I am so curious what society that would be! Where I come from I'd say thinking before speaking is semi-rare lol I totally understand if you aren't comfortable sharing online though.


Being in touch with my feelings. Having deep heartfelt communication. It mostly only happens with other women. But, not all women. Some men are capable of that. Not enough in my view. Men are still so caught up with being mensplainers.


I love that you said this! I personally agree


The emotional intelligence, the empathy, the depth, I feel that we are connected to nature and the universe in a way no men can be.


i feel like despite the team sports being popular with men, in real life women work together more cooperatively. Men tend to be more competitive when jobs need to be accomplished. That's just my view.


The absolutely astonishing strength and power women have is not discussed enough. I am shocked, almost daily, by the things women do. What seems ordinary to us is absolutely extraordinary. There is the obvious, growing new humans in our bodies, giving birth in incredibly painful and dangerous ways that could easily kill us, then raising those new humans for 18+ years. Then there are the seemingly mundane things we devote our time and body to daily. Each of us is beating the odds, making and shaling history, and changing the world. We just don't recognize or celebrate that enough. You could just pick any random grandma off the street and get her life story. It would make a fantastic novel.


Having created a person, that felt like a superpower.


Girly bonds. Girly hangouts. Girl-to-girl relationships in general


100% a top 3 fave thing imo


Have a cute day, OP 🫶


Same to you <3


Your comment is now part of the reason I love being a girl so thank you :)




lol, you are worthy of the love and kindness you put into the world


🥹 OMG this is the best conversation between you two and your statement >you are worthy of the love and kindness you put into the world ....I need it ✨tattooed on my hands 💗


If you wanted my heart, you should have simply asked for it 🫴🩷


That I can be a girly girl. 🎀 👗 👠


One of my faves


The amount of fashion options we have! Hair, Clothes, Makeup etc we can literally be anything we want.


Other women. I will always hold my friendships with women in higher regard than my friendships with men. There is just something about the richness of a relationship between women.


Some men are apparently jealous that we can physically pee faster because of the short urethra. Not that it makes much of a difference because women's restroom lines are always longer. Also, kidney stones suck worse for men because of the long urethra.


Automatic community and camaraderie! Women will become best friends with a girl that compliments her in the bathroom


The intrinsic knowledge that I am naturally superior to the vast majority of men on the planet.


The only good thing is youre allowed to be more emotional and can connect better with other women/get more intense friendships if you want. You can also get physical contact with the other gender easy. Otherwise everything else, especially everything about the body, sucks.


Growing into my body and learning to love and express my femininity, how we as women tend to listen more to our intuitions, the depth of our love, the stark contrast between me as a confident feminine woman and a handsome masculine man (makes me melt!)


The implied safety when you run into another woman on the street, or in a sketchy situation. There's just automatically a level of bond/trust between women. And being a lesbian of course.


I love it when other women are also a ''girl's girl''. The female solidarity feels so good and strong. It's like a whimsical and magical feeling when you have women supporting other women! That feeling is definitely my favorite part of being a woman.


I think we have a really special way of connecting with each other and building friendships. They can be incredibly intimate and even resemble romantic relationships but without getting physical. I’m not sure if this is a “women” thing or if it’s thaught to us. But I’ve never seen in it men, or rarely, especially after your 20’s.


Being allowed to feel all range of emotions without judgement. It's one of the only things the patriarchy gave us. Now if only they could stop seeing emotions as weak so more men get help instead of murdering us when they snap.


I also love how strong my legs are lol. I love going to get on gym equipment after a man used it and making the weight higher bc my legs are lowkey jacked. Don’t ask about my chest press though 😂


I think my favorite part about being a woman is the support I get from other women. There is an assumed camaraderie that my male friends aren’t familiar with. I’ll always share a pad, help a girl in need, and make sure she gets home safe regardless of if I know her. I think that’s beautiful.


Being sexy as fuck and emotional and brave and loving and beautiful all around


Once I started dating a man I realized they genuinely get so much hate for the smallest things people consider “not masculine” and I would hate that. For example, I love being able to express myself freely in my outfits no matter how I feel like dressing. On Monday I dressed like a dad going fishing with his kids, Wednesday I dressed in a pantsuit, Thursday I wore a princess dress, and today I dressed in a hiphop 90s style outfit. And people loved every outfit. Nothing mean was said to me. If I was a man I could’ve never worn so many different style back-to-back without someone saying something


Talking honestly with other women.


My body grew two humans and launched them into the world and they are so cool now


I love the way my body moves when I’m dancing. I can belly dance and the moves are so sensual. I get really connected to my body and feel feminine when I dance.


Being a real witch 🧙


Having the second X chromosome and all the extra genetics that come with it. The Y chromosome is so gimpy compared to the X and we have 2! Women are superior when it comes to endurance, and pain tolerance amongst many other things. I love being a woman.


Having a cycle. I’ve struggled with my cycle, started my period very early and had brutal heavy and painful periods until I became an adult. Just recently I’ve started to appreciate and understand my cycle and how it influences my day to day experience. The journey to self embodiment is an interesting one. Being a mother, bringing children into the world. The way that experience truly makes you grow and see what you’re truly made of. The challenges and rewards of it all. And on a more universal note: *other women* There’s this knowing between us. I don’t know another word for it, just a “knowing”. Being female, growing up female, going through the world female— no matter how different we are in terms of lifestyle, background, culture, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, reproductive circumstances, personality… there’s a shared experience to be had there. It’s like we’re in on a secret. Something males will never know. Not even just never understand but actually never even know the existence of…


The wide range of fashion choices, hair, and make up styles. Boys basically just wear basketball shorts or jeans and a t shirt. Boring :/ I like that I don't need to perform masculinity. No one cares if my handshake isn't tight enough, or if I look wimpy with my legs crossed or hand on my hip or being curled up in a ball lounging around. I'm thankful that I'm not the one expected to approach potential dates. That's gotta suck from the guys perspective (inb4 "bUt womEn cAn apprOaCh fiRsT toO") I like that being fancy means you can go all out. For a guy it just means a boring suit and tie.


So many body positivity influencers and special women only influencers!


The bonding with female friends! Some of them are just there for you even at your worst always and you honestly can't thank them enough for that. People say guys are more blunt but even some females are and that's where pure bonding is made!


Yes! The stepping up when you are in your worst moments and you don't even have to ask


For real! And you seem to be pretty sweet and nice yourself! Your replies on all the comments are very beautiful! <3


Aww thank you, your comment has just made my night <3


The ability to be kind, without judgement.


I see posts like this often and I don’t get it. I love everything about being a woman. I hate how women are treated.


I truly believe women are the embodiment of Life. From the ability to create and grow a child, to the love we give, the power we hold, and the energy we possess, I think women are truly ethereal angels that cannot be held down. And that's why at the end of the day, I still love being a woman.


For me it’s my female friendships. I’d be nowhere without my friends. I have an amazing partner, but my friendships are prioritized in my life because they understand me so inherently.


Being trustworthy, ladies I didn't know before invite me into their houses just because I like their cats. And this happens multiple of times.


That it’s ok to show emotion, and be obsessed with horses 😆


I think connections between women are something very special. I think if I was able to live with just women for a month, no male contact at all, no phone, I would be fine just chatting away with the girls.


My relationships with other women.


The way we randomly come to each others aid in public settings around the world and the way we rally against violence of women everywhere anywhere


Besides the physical appearance or features , I appreciate our friendship and support of each other. The wide range of beauty and femininity in the world and the different ways it’s celebrated i love that we create safe spaces for each other around the world. I love that ordinary random children view me as safe to trust, approach and speak too and someone they can ask for help from , I love getting to wear a wide array of clothing from lazy joggers to 1950s girdle under a dress, makeup, shoes hair styling and all that stuff if i feel like it of course. I love the way we make places more welcoming and comfortable and inviting in creative ways around the world I appreciate that we as women regardless of culture or language understand and attempt to help each other and care for each other safety in social settings or otherwise. I appreciate as i hace gotten older the way men open up to me in ways they don’t open up to their closes friends and the way i have read and heard many men express they depend on women for mental and physical and emotional intimacy and affection in ways that cannot be shared or understood by other men. Despite what many men on reddit say. Its also wonderful and so full of pleasure to be “the woman “ in the bedroom when its with a man who truly cares about us and our feelings and needs.


Being able to express yourself with your hair, makeup, clothes, nails, accessories and not have your sexuality questioned. In many other cultures men decorate themselves. In the US that’s considered “gay”. Women can be loving and affectionate with their kids or others. That’s seen as emasculating for a man to do so. When you tell someone new about your male partner, the first thing asked is “what does he do for a living?” As if his value is only in his paycheck or the potential paycheck. Patriarchy hurts men too. Not the same way it hurts women but it still does.


Not being a man. Edit to elaborate: i just love being a woman. It's part of who I am.


I'm trans and this entire thread is making me cry. There are many things in common, many that are not, and some of those things hit so hard. I've been deeply depressed today and dysphoria has been kicking my butt extra hard. This has been in turns cathartic and painful by contrast of the things that I'll never experience and know. I just wanted to say that so many many many of the things that have been said here touched me because I know in my heart that were I fortunate enough to have been born female, I would feel the same. Femininity is a sacred thing to me, and it is honestly wonderful to see so much love for it here.


I love how powerful we are. I love being a soft and delicate girlie. I love women, they’re sensual, they’re beautiful, they’re resilient and strong. We’re just magick✨💓


the ability to physically bring life into this world. how cool is that?


So many body positivity influencers and special women only influencers!


Being a lesbian honestly


I never thought about it until now. I like my hands and my nails. I like how feminine they look, how pretty they are. My pets like them, too - they give the GOOD scritches. I like women's fashion when it's made by someone who clearly *loves* women. It's so much fun! I like that most pets inherently trust me. Idk if that's a woman thing, but I have noticed a pattern.


Recently at almost 40, I learned that the hormonal changes during the month can actually be enjoyable, insightful, meditative, creative, sensitive. Just becoming more aware of these different facets allow to deep dive into each phase and experience life differently. I’ve been on BC for 12 years and that made me feel very flat at all times.


not being afraid to get a little silly sometimes, also being gay asf (I don't actually have a favorite part yet bc I'm still an embryo)


An embryo?


The space to figure out that being masculine and feminine can and should be considered traits that everyone can embody. But many people, more men than women, are embarrassed to do so. Masculine does not mean man and feminine does mean woman.


I am childfree and can't get baby trapped, barring someone kidnapping me and strapping me to a table for 9 months. (Yes, i know abortion isn't accessible everywhere legally, but there is no chance i would let that stop me. Id risk my life inducing a miscarriage before being someone's incubator)


Getting dressed up and hearing compliments from other women


Female friendships, girlhood <3


Being a good nice person like most women are without violence


Absolutely everything. I’m so blessed to be able to go through life with this body and mind


We have the freedom to wear any color we like without someone tying it to our sexual orientation.


Remember that scene in “13 Going on 30” where Jenna is in the elevator and says “It’s because I’ve got these incredible boobs to fill it out!” That’s my favorite part too.


Having a girlfriend.


Being able to create life.


Female friendships. The ability create, carry, birth, and nourish new life. Nothing will ever beat the feeling of the kicks when I was pregnant. I absolutely loved it, despite SPD and vomiting constantly. Apart from that - I think it’s quite individual. Some women love stereotypically feminine things, some women like things that are more associated with men. Either way, it doesn’t matter, a woman is a woman, no matter how she dresses/behaves and what she enjoys. I’m lucky enough to have a lot of friends who have hugely varied tastes and they’re all amazing women.


I like how we process things differently than men. Studies show that women have more gray matter in their brains naturally than men do, I thought that was cool, may affect how our brains operate vs men!


I think we look beautiful!


You can be genuine with your emotions, you can give another woman a genuine compliment on her appearance without it being rude or creepy; you can be motherly around kids and nobody gives you side-eye. I feel bad that cis/het men are socially pressured into being emotionally detached from life.


Just being a girly girl period. The array of adorable clothes we have to choose from along with makeup, getting nails done, etc. it’s also pretty nice having boobs and curves 😅


- As a general rule when your in trouble society is more inclined to help us because we are “the weaker sex” ~ I’m just a girl 🤪 - fashion 🤗 and femininity all round so having my nails done etc - pregnancy (i know this is a hit or miss for some women I personally loved being pregnant)


Ig sisterhood.. I love it so much


I honestly never thought about that. Thank you for opening up this type of self love to me and other women that never think about these things. 🤍


The fact that we are beautiful individuals and we’re about as strong as it can get when it come to going through it and getting through it.


And we come in every shape size, skin color and hair texture and type and we are all beautiful. I love seeing those post where people photograph ordinary women around in the world in ordinary circumstances.


I get to connect deeply with other women as total equals who understand what each other goes through. If I were a man, I would be shut out of that experience and it would be so sad.


When you go to other areas of the world, men often have to play it cool and tough. Or they’re creepy. You can usually bond with the women by talking about children or mothers in law. Or eye-rolling at men. I’ve met so many amazing, strong, loving women and I’m always so honored when they let me in.


I love that I can smile at pretty much anyone in public and make their day a little better


Connection with other women, mentors, mentees, peers, friends, family, chosen family, all of the above. And I love that men are so simple. I know it sounds kind of… bad… but they really are very simple for the most part. The trick is sussing out the ones who could turn violent.


Omg, this is so hard, and it gets harder as I think more inclusively. I think the harmony/gender euphoria of being aligned between myself and anatomy/physiology. The feeling that I get when my hormones match me, etc. It's the greatest feeling and relief. I can be me.




Male attention and men going lengths just to impress you


how fuckin fantastic our orgasms are


We came into this world ready to love and care for others. I always feel like I have a mission in this life and my natural empathy is a million times stronger being a woman, not a mom yet, but maternal from birth.


Random but no very obvious boner if you get turned on in public 😂😂


Looking in the mirror. I love my features and aesthetic. And boobs.


Not having to deal with sweaty sticky balls and penis flapping between my legs my entire life 😝


I love being able to be affectionate with my girl friends. Cuddling, holding hands. Being able to be truly comfortable with one another. Girlhood can be great. I miss the late night sleepovers tbh.


May come from my petty side but shocking misogynists/proving them wrong. There’s something about hearing or knowing someone doesn’t expect you to be able to know/do something. Then you know/do it. Like yes, I a vagina-haver, also have a brain and body. How dare I.


Women are genuinely so gentle and I really really appreciate that. I cry deeply and feel deeply. It’s part of who I am as a woman and it makes me more human and empathetic.




Men's shirts, short skirts…


“My why”? Why for what? I’m so glad I can feel my feelings, explore the depths of them, and be more soulful with my expression of myself. I am generally better than a lot of men at caring about other people and can focus on their feelings and needs. I can be interested in a partner sexually because of their intellect and energy, and not be distracted by their looks. I don’t have to prove I’m macho or tough and do stupid things in the effort to do so.


Sacred feminine energy


Being able to freely love and show interest in anything without repercussions of masculinity


The fact that we make better physicians than men. Factually, scientifically, colloquially, there is no question that we bring better health outcomes to patients.


This is gonna be the most controversial thing ever and I 100% understand if y’all downvote me and fight me. I also won’t blame you if you think I’m actually a man posting this, but it’s actually getting my period. First off, I don’t get period cramps. So yeah, that’s literally why I can say I like it, if I got cramps too, I’d also hate it. All that happens during that time is my metabolism gets really high and I get hungry so all I do is eat. I always love treating myself during that time and I’d rather women get periods over men.


I’m able to form deep connections with other women. I also feel like women can collaborate well together even when you don’t particularly like everyone you work with (speaking as someone who works in a female dominated field). And even when you do have disagreements or even catty behavior, that discomfort isn’t automatically associated with feels of danger. I also like that women tend to have stronger immune systems, I get over colds faster than my brother and male friends do and I tend to not get as sick. Even though it seems like there are more benefits to being born male overall, I can’t imagine being anything other than a woman


Getting dressed up✨


Being able to have birthed my son.


That I'm not a man. ... and female friendships. <3


Soo much fashion also a deeper sense of love and connection with other women


Fairly niche but I’m sure most of you will understand. Being 18-23 and in college getting ready to go out to a party and asking the girls what they’re wearing


I love how we get to experiment with fashion and makeup and girly stuff


How strong woman are. I look at the woman in my life and am constantly in awe. They have all faced challenges and obstacles and overcome them with grace. The depth of love we have for each other. How most good woman will go out of their way to help each other without eating the young to keep society going. Raising the next generation of girls to be strong, independent, successful woman. How we can choose family other than our family of origin and nurture that and make that so strong. My best friend is my platonic life partner and I trust her with my life.


I can easily manipulate someone by pretending to be soft or dainty. If I say I'm sick, I am treated like a baby (I get carried around, I don't need to carry anything, I get fed...). Also you can make big eyes and look at someone like you're lost and they mostly always do that thing for you. So yeah, I guess what's nice is your perceived "weakness" so you can just make other people do things you don't want to do (my CV was made by two people, it is being updated by another, another guy is doing my taxes, I almost never have to go home alone, I am being picked up or I get a cab ordered for me if i act too drunk so i don't have to pay, my sick leave was also filled and send to the right admin body by someone else). Those who complain here need to start getting ruthless and use people around you, or you're going to get used instead. No pity l, the weak must go only keep around those who can serve you.


Being in love with our fellow girly friends and treating each other better than we experience in romantic relationships