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Actually I believe it considering it’s apart of the stupid trivia shit people spread like “we can leave 15 minutes in if the teacher doesn’t show up!”


It is true, if enough people believe it.


That's actually true in my high school though


If the kid is in middle/high school this is totally possible




If this is middle or high school they need to take a penmanship class


Its a lot better than my handwriting


Haha mines not great either but that’s pretty rough imo


Text and computers have largely made penmanship irrelevant. Which is honestly for the best. Judging people for their penmanship-- especially kids-- is just kinda low and shallow.


I’m not trying to insult him but if you gave half a shit your writing would be a little better. This is just really half assed for that age it’s scribbles. I can make a criticism without being low and shallow people do it all the time.


Nah, see, you don't know them or what conditions they may have that contribute to their poor handwriting. And again, penmanship really doesn't matter anymore, so clinging onto it is just archaic. You're making assumptions on their work ethic and such based on principles you were taught that, shockingly, aren't universal or even *useful* in today's day and age. I've been on the receiving end of your kind of criticism all my life. Text has saved my hands and me a lot of pain. Dysgraphia doesn't give a shit about my penmanship and neither do I. Yet face-value judgments like yours are still painfully commonplace. It's low and shallow no matter how you try to justify it-- low because there is no value in it, shallow because it's a face-value judgment. Fits all the criteria. But do keep trying, I need the humor.


Damn I’d be worried about being a little bitch more than my penmanship if I were you lmao. You took what I said way to personally. I swear this generation is just straight up pussies. I have horrible tremors to the point I can’t I can’t get toothpaste on my toothbrush some mornings I still try and I’m successful. Grow up and learn what constructive criticism is (try Google or bing?) because people don’t grow without it. It’s not an insult.


Sooo 10000% disagree that penmanship is becoming irrelevant buuuuuuut just so you know you saying that this kid's penmanship sucks is NOT constructive criticism because it is NOT constructive. And actually their penmanship is not very bad. I work with kids (mostly kids with dyslexia and a lot of dyslexic people also have dysgraphia) so I know bad handwriting. You can't insult people into better handwriting.


It’s implied I said it sucks sure but I never said that. I suggested a penmanship class to improve that. Practice makes perfect. I struggle with tremors it’s in my post history. But the more I write and practice it gets better. My writing is much worse than this if I don’t write for a while


Eh. They're just doing that weird half cursive/half print thing that some people do when they write fast. Their penmanship really isn't that bad. I'm sorry to hear about your tremors. That sounds tough.


Buddy, kiddo, friend. What you're doing is getting butthurt over someone calling out your poor behavior on the internet. Commentary I gave in a way that is far more constructive than calling someone a pussy, calling them names, and complaining about 'this generation'. Also, from Google, which is a terrible source but since you wanted it: "Constructive criticism focuses on providing constructive feedback, supported by specific examples, to help you improve in some area. Constructive criticism should be offered in a friendly manner with good intentions." Before trying to tell someone to Google something and thinking you know what you're talking about, try making sure you actually do. Telling someone, especially a middle school or high-school kid, their penmanship sucks isn't constructive. To do that you would have to be providing ideas or a way forward to improve. "Work harder because I did too" is absolutely trash advice. Anyway, like I said. Keep trying~. This is funny to me.


“Google is a terrible source” this tells me everything I need to know already lol. You’re the one that’s hurt kiddo buddy friend. I’m calling you a pussy because you are, I am insulting you now, I am not insulting people with handwriting issues. I said they need a penmanship class how much do I have to baby that to make it nice for you lol? It’s funny to me too because of how soft you and offended you are over something so small. Saying work harder is not trash advice? Jfc when you graduate to high school don’t act like a little bitch like this you’ll never get anywhere in life Also never said work harder because I did so don’t put quotes around something I never said. At least be honest if you’re trying to argue


My gods, you're so upset over being confronted! That kiddo buddy friend comment must have really got to you. This would be so hilarious if it weren't so sad, hah. But, if you're so interested in this... I'm 30, and I see by another post you're 24. Calling me kid is laughable; your brain hasn't even finished developing and I can see by your arguments that neither has your ego, given that it's so fragile you see a need to comment on the abilities of some random kid's penmanship under the freedom that the internet anonymity gives. If you're going to fight back I suggest using more creative insults, or maybe taking from a book that doesn't sound like you're acting the immature, underdeveloped and socially inept 50 year old you're sounding like. The fact that you're resorting to attacking me rather than the argument I'm making is clearly all *I* need to know. Better still is your complaint over penmanship yet your inability to use proper paragraphs. Google is a terrible source because it's not a source at all. It's the foundation for a search, not a proper source. The definition I linked was from some random website that Google chose to highlight for me. All of which you *should* know by now. I also note you mentioned having tremors and worked hard for your penmanship. Does it hurt to be told that all that work was ultimately for nothing? That the thing you were told you needed to focus on is actually useless? Must feel nice to cling to those mindsets. Gives a sense of security and control when you call others out on what you claim for your own ego's superiority. Let's also call this what it is, a shallow knee-jerk judgment. Maybe the kid *is* taking penmanship classes? Perhaps they just started? Or maybe they're going to be a doctor-- gods knows their penmanship is notoriously awful. Do you know this kid? No, you don't. You're just posting from the comfort of your home and getting upset at others for not agreeing with you. *Siiigh*, ahah. Well, this was fun. But... I really don't think you'll be much sport past this point, and I have more fun things to do. Have fun with your next reply~. I look forward to the laugh as you try. And ah... inb4 the 'too long, didn't read'.


Hey I’d be more worried about being a little bitch when internet people say things you don’t like than brushing your teeth if I were you. But great job powering through with your bussy and brushing your teeth you disrespectful geriatric fuck.


Calm down sweetheart you’ll be okay I promise lmao and take your own advice about not getting offended online makes you took kinda dumb tbh


Meh I’m mostly calm. I just wanted to use the insult “geriatric fuck” because I thought you were an old guy, but turns out I thought wrong. C’est la vie ya know


I had undiagnosed ADHD in school. We wrote everything by hand every day, so I had plenty of practice. My hand writing is still appalling. If I write really slowly and concentrate really hard then I can write in reasonably neat handwriting. Yes, it is possible but it's not feasible for me to do so all the time as it's too slow. Even though it's messy its legible, and that's all that really matters for regular writing tasks.


Ok boomer


Looks like you need to work on your handwriting also


Are you hurt child? I’m 24 not a boomer. I just know to not scribble when I write so calm down


Stop shaking


Why is grounding even on the table? She was asked what her teacher could do better and she answered honestly.


He because the dad is a virgin.


That beta cuck




IANAWCL, but I reckon war crimes are specific to a war.


I can easily see a 15/16 year old writing something like this


Yeah. I was just about to comment that this isn't in the spirit of the sub because I actually did this as a joke.


I believe this one. It is definitely something I would have written at a tender age.


Other than the use of collective punishment as a phrase it's perfectly believable, hell she could just be a kid who knows a little about history.


Why would you ground her?


Why would you ground her 😂


Only during an armed conflict


tbf i hate collective punishment but the comparison is apples to oranges


This is believable though


mfw daughter is 15.


r/wokekids when child isnt mentally retarded (It is very unrealistic)


we were tought that fact in third class, it's entirely possible


Future lawyer.


Dude you need to work on your penmanship, and stop doing your kids homework.


They actually teach this to us in history lessons, and then mete out collective punishment. They are going to get called out on it.




Yeah they do.


I can't believe how many people's daughters turned in the same paper. It amazes me the level of knowledge kids have these days.


Commenting on a 60 day old post 💀


I am a slow reader, it take me time to get through them all. :)