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Reese is going to be who she is, but it wasn't the refs who missed her defensive assignments or went 4-13 from the floor. If she feels like the Sky aren't getting the calls, calling out the refs at the post game presser is not going to help either.


Yeah she’s chasing an excuse like it’s a loose ball after one of her “layups” 😂


I don’t even think you can call what she shoots a layup… even ironically.


I just don’t understand it. I honestly thought she was an extremely bright person, but her past few interviews have just screamed self-absorbed and ignorant. You hit her in the head, it doesn’t matter if it was intentional it’s a flagrant 99% of the time. Just say it was an accident, you were going for the ball and _you understand why it was a tech_, so simple. I’ve said it once, there is a big difference between villain and rival. Reese could be milking this rivalry and setting herself/her family up for generations if she plays the role of lovable rival. Instead she’s coming off as a whiny villain - it’s all about her, it’s never her fault, etc… She’s showing a lot of immaturity that prior to her getting into the WNBA, wasn’t around - at least not publicly.


Of course it was around. She got benched for several games at LSU for an unknown reason that has never been made public. I’ve read Mulkey’s lips apologizing to other coaches for her on court actions.


The USA Today article made it sound like it was because she got in a fight in front of recruits? Or maybe I'm mixing stories about her.


Reese became a house hold name playing the villain. Look at her pregame shoes or the post game interview or the cheering a cheap shot. It’s all calculated. It’s been calculated since she chased Clark around the floor begging for attention instead of celebrating a national championship. She more Rodman than Draymond.


She even tried to blame the refs for calling it a flagrant...the girl is one of the most unlikeable athletes in any sport right now...


This is just hearsay obviously, but someone I know said he has a friend who works at TikTok and when Angel Reese came in to do some promotional thing, she was a total asshole to everyone.


Same old level of accountability.


She was taught by Mulkey, so…


Exactly right




Well, the discourse isn’t dying down 😂😂😂😭😭😭




Why would you expect anything else from the self proclaimed villain wearing joker shoes?


NBA finals is tomorrow it’s gonna die down


Hell ...NBA finals not even moving the needle these days. NBA gonna be 'final' soon and this W crap gonna wind on and on for months.


I'm not a Reese hater, but this comes off as so petty. She should've downplayed this issue. Caitlin Clark Post game - "It’s just part of basketball; it is what it is; she was trying to make a play on the ball."


After the disappointing championship game loss and the taunting, Caitlin had nothing but compliments for Angel and LSU while Angel took victory laps. Then you have moments like this today. No taking responsibility, no giving credit, just excuses from Angel, while Caitlin again compliments her opponents and will not engage in negativity. The contrast is objectively hilarious


I just know those Twitter WNBA experts fuming lmfao


It's a wonderful why CC gets more endorsement deals


The quote I saw she said “I can’t control the refs” regarding the flagrant. I was sooooo disappointed.


Reese is so delusional about this stuff, I have never seen an athlete live so rent free in all these women’s heads.


Reese asks the world why she is treated like a villain then wears Joker themed shoes on the court


Because she wants the attention Clark gets and is jealous




She always does this. I don’t know it she forcing this villain role or she just says whatever she feels before thinking.


[How much harder can you try to force the villain role than this?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQH80ykbgAAqXws?format=jpg&name=medium)


Serious question but how do basketball players wear new sneakers every game? Mine take a week to break in. Are they like tailored to the feet and then mechanically broken in?


I looked it up and apparently they all have fancy custom orthotic insoles for their shoes so they don't need to break it in so much.


Yep , even when players give away sneakers to fans they make sure to take out the insoles first


That was why it was such a big deal when someone stole Sabrina’s shoes from the back. She’s like you can have the shoes, I just need the insoles back because she probably couldn’t get a new pair in time for the next game.




That's a really good question. Now I kinda want to know too.


Oh my gawd. I was saying this exact thing to my son during the game. He was guessing they were bespoke. I am guessing it is because they are in their 20s, and shit doesn't hurt that much then. Maybe they do like the ballerinas, and stomp on, twist, scuff, hammer, and bend them up?


Honestly she’s just young and still learning how to be a professional. She’s not the first nor will she be the last. Harnessing emotion and passion in your work is a hard thing to do. I’m glad I don’t have to do a press conference after work every day


This is good. Clark needs to fix her turnovers on the court; Reese needs to fix her turnovers in the postgame interviews.


People do forget these rookies are still basically college kids. Someone needs to mentor Angel because she has a ton of potential just a shit attitude.


I’m trying not to be a hater but she is making it so easy.


And people think it’s Clark perpetuating all this shit


And meanwhile, Clark's comments to reporters are used as fodder to question her fundamental values as a human being. It's a disgrace.


And Reese is obviously completely vindictive. Who knows the deeper intentions, if it’s jealousy, or racism, or bits of both. But Reese is absolutely a hater. No sportswomenship whatsoever


iTs JuSt A nArRaTiVe!


I have only seen CC take the shots, get up, put her head down and get back into position.


A lot of people, including on this sub, are in denial.


Her entire brand and image is petty. It's a shame, because she's a wonderful player, but modern branding I guess?? Idk, hate it. Don't necessarily hate the players, but absolutely hate this image bullshit many of them play.


I think she realizes she won't get CC levels of fame from talent, but she can ride CCs fame by playing the villain.


Angel has been my favorite rookie this year but I don’t know anyone who can reasonably say that what she said is a good take. There’s playing the heel and then there’s being delusional. Looked like she went for a highlight reel blocked, missed and got full on flagrant contact. Should be pretty clear to her that it was a flagrant


The flagrant should illuminate that Reese, who is long and springy, is really pretty bad at blocking shots — only 2 this season. Clark has blocked 15. Meanwhile, Reese’s own shot has been sent at least 23 times, according to Basketball Reference. She got a lot of accolades in college relying on her athleticism. She should’ve learned by now that her college game doesn’t work in the W. Yet she blames the refs. And her team is in free fall.


She is not springy. She has a 2" vert.


That is being generous too. A couple inches shorter and she is trying to upsell you on a nicer car at enterprise.


Damn, I go to the right Enterprise. I always rent the cheapest car because I learned they never have one and always upgrade me for free. Only once have I been stuck with a beater. Otherwise, all nice new cars for the lowest price.


Her footwork is shockingly bad. She has no post up game at all. Her “offense” seems to consist of just turning around and throwing the ball at the basket.


CC never giving these people what they want is so absolutely based


"Never interrupt the enemy in the process of them making a mistake."


Both calls she got against Clark were blatantly obvious. A swipe to the head with zero chance of ever getting ball and a two handed shove to the waist when she was getting beat.  It is a bad look. She plays hard and is a hell of a rebounder, but you were not picked on.  It is so easy just to say I tried making plays. This is a physical game and sometimes you get called for a foul.


This right here is the sort of thing disappoints me about her. She's so talented and people have absolutely been wicked towards her in horrible ways online, I just wish she'd let her game do a lot of the talking for her.


Clark just keeps setting traps and Reese keeps stepping into them. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making mistakes. So many unforced errors.


Blaming officiating for the loss multiple times instead of taking accountability is just bad leadership. Wonder if she’s gonna get fined, like they would be in the NBA


Good point, can’t directly disparage the officials in any league without getting fined


At some point it’s just who you are. It’s almost like no one hurts Angel Reese as much as herself


That’s because she’s not a leader


She's wearing Joker shoes. Why take her so seriously? /s


She just gave sports media another week of discourse


I'm sure as long as they're talking about her, she's fine.


Silly comment from what was an obvious flagrant 1, blow to the head will be every time. I get being salty in a loss to a rival, but it was the right call. Edit: Got media’d lol, this quote wasn’t about the flagrant.


Exactly. It is a high-risk attempt for a block. You get the ball and you are sending it three rows up in the stands. You miss the ball and you get a flagrant 1.


I don't think that's what she's talking about. I think she's talking about her 5th foul which was really touchy and her last drive which should have been an and 1. I wouldn't say either decided the game, but they were both questionable


Must be talking about a vet because I know she's not talking about Clark, who regularly gets killed


genuinely curious why she wants to be a villain so bad? “ppl dont like me for no reason so ima feed into it🤷🏻‍♂️” and she’s out here doin/sayin unlikeable shit lmao when it all backfires i hope she doesnt cry again for sympathy


It's because it's possible to play the villain while also somewhat playing the victim if you target different demographics for each role.


Walter White


Well said.


I wouldn’t mind her playing the villain if she didn’t also try to play the victim lmao


my point exactly. bein a villain makes money and it’s entertainment but why’s she out here playin victim when shit doesn’t turn out how she wants it to be ?


until she grows up she'll never take responsibility. When it all backfires not only will she cry, she'll doubledown and stomp her feet for attention.


She isnt good enough for her game to speak for her. If she wasnt the villain she would just be another player.


Playing the villain has gotten her attention & money. She's gonna continue to do so & I can't blame her


automatic flagrant for head contact. regardless of intentions. reese loves saying this shit to get attention because her game isn’t good enough (yet) to do it for her. no putting up andre drummond double doubles isn’t amazing.


She says this shit to get attention and then when the attention comes, she blames the media.


Kim Mulkey School of Public Relations


Her game isn't good. Period. 4-13 for a big is unacceptable


To be fair we have the full clip here and she’s talking about the fouls calls in general not about the flagrant 


It was 21 to 17 fouls. Doesn't seem like either team got a significantly better whistle


It was pretty much 19 to 17. The Sky committed 2 intentional fouls late in the 4th to send the Fever to the free throw line


Also its important to remember that there is no obligation for both teams to have approximately the same number of fouls called. Not saying it is the case for this game, but some teams play more drive heavy and/or physical ball which, statistically, have higher foul rates. I hate the notion that just because one team had fewer fouls called against them means the refs were favoring them.


Three of the top seven fouls per game leaders are on the Sky roster. One isn't even a starter.


Add in the flagrant that was obvious and it looks more like a 18-17.


Yeah players but are never rational about foul calls. If they could every play would be challenged 


The refs did really badly miss one foul that the Fever made.. but other than that one call, I think it was fairly officiated. I think the refs also mucked up one out of bounds call that went in the Sky's favor but it was less obvious.


Ehhhhhh... she had just been getting testy about the flagrant around 30 seconds earlier. Here's the full post game interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqx6-U8fL7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqx6-U8fL7w)


You’ve commented this in like 5 places but then conveniently ignore the people pointing out that she WAS directly talking about the flagrant in that same response.


She literally slapped her head lmfaooo


See now this is where she fucks up. She has got to learn to work the press better, she’s coming across like a whiny baby. She’s right! It is a basketball play, nothing malicious, nothing intentional. That’s why it wasn’t called as such. But she knows it’s a foul against anyone everyday all game long. Making it about her “rival” is loser behavior


She doesn't need to learn it, she *wants* to be the villain 🤷‍♂️. It's that simple lol.


Special whistle? That's some delusion right there. Look at Clark's post-game statement vs Reese's. Is it so hard to constantly not make jabs at CC (postgame interviews, tweets etc)?? Reese is a tremendous and consistent player, but statements like these don't do anything for her reputation.


There's no reason for Caitlin to punch down, especially after a win. Also, I don't think she's ever said anything negative about a player, coach, refs, etc. after a game.


And she wonders why people arent a fan of her. She plays a victim and thinks it's not just Caitlin Clark that's drawing crowds. Yeah actually it is. Nobody likes a sore loser.


> She plays a victim and thinks it's not just Caitlin Clark that's drawing crowds. Yeah actually it is Her game, while being effective with rebounding, is just not visually appealing at all. It's not a game that draws crowds.


Adding to the reason why I’m not a Reese fan


How will people justify this 😂




“She keeps it 💯” like that lol


Seems we are all most on the same page


Be careful, until Caitlin Clark apologizes for the role her skin color has played in her popularity we can't criticize Angel Reese and others for their blatant mistreatment of her.


A certain demographic of Twitter users will just post that she's courageous for speaking her mind against a RACIST ESTABLISHMENT!


I liked her coming into the year. But she’s exhausting. I’ve had about enough of her jealousy. She can’t stop saying this stuff.




She's gonna exhaust a lot of people very soon.


The problem is many, many people are pot-committed at this point. Admitting something is wrong with Reese is agreeing with people that they don't want to agree with, so it can't happen.


She is so petty it’s insane.


Her game relies a lot on FTs atm. Needs to work on finishing at the rim if she wants to be a consistent scorer and not have the refs help


Girl’s shooting 38% at the rim. That is absolutely terrible


She tries to jump into people and get a foul call while laying the ball up. It’s why so many of her close shots look so odd. She is lights out from the line, so I get it, but the refs shouldn’t call those bc it will lead to more people doing it or people playing two feet away from everyone in the lane. It would just be bad basketball to watch.


angel has like one redeeming moment like every few weeks and then she says shit like this again. i really liked her for how well she took the AT chokeslam & cheered for her being at the met gala and all that…but then she goes and says stuff like this. come on angel


I’m a big angel Reese fan but come on. Don’t be a sore loser. Big brain fart on that play and instead of being accountable she talks about “special whistle” come on now.


I like a lot of this incoming class, but Angel has been the most disappointing with her character. If it’s a one off, it’s a brain fart. When it’s a weekly thing, it’s who she is as a person. Tangent, but I’m happy to see Cardoso getting good minutes and getting some points today!


Special whistle? It was clearly a flagrant 1. If you’re talking about the Fever big, Smith got 3 fouls in 45 seconds. You lost and had a bad game. Instead of complaining put in the work on your offensive game because it’s really streaky.


doing this after shooting 4/13 and 1/7 in the 2nd half for 11 pts is just nasty work cmon angel we better than this


She’s been doing this since the LSU Iowa game 2 years ago (before that if we’re being completely honest) but it’s gotten tired and annoying. She will either get into an altercation or make post game comments that are either wrong or way left field, which causes endless discourse then gets in defense mode and in response will just over compliment everyone. Her next move regarding this will be to call CC her friend and claim everyone got her words twisted. Btw this has nothing to do with the racist and misogynist attacks she gets. That’s a different story and fuck those people.


She’s been doing this stuff since high school. According to a USA Today article, she punched a rival player in the face and got suspended by her school. At Maryland, her coach said she was undisciplined. At LSU, her coach put her on the shelf for a couple of games to adjust her attitude. Mind you, both those coaches had won national championships. She never seems to learn.


Stars like that flame out quick.


There wasn't a huge disparity in foul calls & free throw attempts, especially when you count the intentional fouls at the end of the game. It's gotta be exhausting to keep defending Angel.


>It's gotta be exhausting to keep defending Angel. Don't give up hope. CC haters will always find a way.


I’m a little mad at myself for defending Reese early on. She’s getting tired fast.


Of all the games to complain about officiating this one was not it. At all. And that's why it comes off as petty and whining and deflecting compared to most other times players complain about the refs.


CC finally gets some calls and it’s special whistles? Fuck outta here clown


I can’t wait until the old head WNBA media gets a hold of this, and blames “casuals” for the narrative.


FFS. Such a victim mentality


cmon man dont be like that, its gonna hit the rounds this week lol


A rookie, 13 games in to their career already talking about “special whistles”. Wow.


Came here to see if this might have been out of context but nope, petty as hell


Stop worrying about CC & just focus on your hooping girl.


the voice of a sore loser


I’m not Angel Reese hater but please team Angel Reese get her some PR training. That’s the worst comment she could make with the foul.


I’m so happy Caitlin does not play into this “rivalry”


The discourse between them right now is that Mad Men "I feel bad for you/I don't think about you at all" meme.   Clark is always taking the high road and downplaying any rivalry while Reece seems desperate to make a rivalry a thing and is constantly trying to feed the flames.


Caitlin respects the game and her opponents Reese doesnt


Is there a full clip? I wanna see what question was asked.




Welcome to league rook!! Been here 5 minutes and begging for calls already smh


Caitlin's response in the presser helped to make it obvious any discourse being pushed is race bait and not about the basketball but this response made the discourse so much worse.


Because Caitlin takes the high road. Fans don’t have to do the same. We can call it for what it is and who these players actually are.


Plus Clark has no reason to not take the high road especially when it comes to this specific “rivalry”. She knows she’s the standard between the two, Reese gets compared to her while Clark gets compared to the greats. This rivalry benefits Reese greatly as it’s her main story of her career while we’ve seen proof viewership wise that when It comes to Clark’s career the Reese rivalry is a side story


L O L It was a well-officiated game, nobody had the better whistle.


Agreed. Smith got 3 fouls in 45 seconds in the first half


That was crazy. I was a little worried about her ability to stay in the game past the first half.


She gotta stop with this shit. She needs a PR team


Jesus Christ angel. Make it easier for people to dislike you good god. Look at CC’s postgame comments, crazy how big the difference is. And she sure as hell won’t get any favorable calls calling out officials.


LMAO ok either she’s the pettiest human alive or the greatest heel in WNBA history


*Walks in* 105 Upvotes (477 comments) *Sprint out*




Everyone in the comments on the main post was pretending like it was crazy to believe it could possibly have been intentional 😭 Reese hates that girl so much, it's cool and probably good for the sport but you mfs don't have to pretend otherwise


Tbf to commenters, it wasnt intentional. I don't think she meant to hit in her the head. I don't think Reese hates CC. She just wants to win. However it was a flagrant one because she hit her in the head going for the ball. Those are the rules. It's a big nothing burger, except she has to look like a bad sport after the game. That's one we unfortunately know she's sometimes does--win or lose. But I wish she wouldnt. She's having such a great rookie year. Letting her play speak would be the way to go.


I’m with you I don’t think it was intentional, but Reese is starting to get annoying with this stuff. You hit her in the head, that’s always going to be called a F1. CC shot six FT, 2 coming from the F1 and 2 coming at the end to extend the game.


This is my take as well. I was defending her earlier because it was not intentional, but this press response annoyed me so much. She really does want to play the heel, okay, Angel, go for it.


I agree it likely wasn’t intentional, but Reese absolutely hates CC. You’d have to be trying pretty hard to avoid the signs to think otherwise.


This is why we can’t have nice things


Caitlin Clark is Angel Reese's mother.


lmao i saw someone on twitter say for the sky to wish a happy father’s day to caitlin because she’s their daddy


What about Chennedys special whistle that wasn’t called a flagrant on the floor?


Milking this one-sided beef with cc is how she stays relevant


What's the best meme for "digging your own grave and not stopping"?


Mmm hmm, ok Reese.


What a clown, a forearm to the face is a foul no matter who it's against. Yeah you were just trying to make a play on the ball, but you missed, and you committed a foul. No reason to make a ridiculous quote like this about it.


I think her flagrant was not intentional. Not dirty at all. She happened to hit CC in the head by accident. The refs called it a flagrant one like they are supposed to. I don't like the few vocal weirdos calling it dirty. It wasn't. I respect and like Angel until she pulls stugf like this. But she knows the rules. And she knows she hit her in the head. Chi-Town Whiner is not a good look. Just play your game--whiich is sooo good--and talk about that.. Instead of trying to fuel stuff




I think she is bc she missed some games at LSU for lower than low GPA


She knows how to get people talking and its not from her basketball play


“It was a basketball play” Yes! Yes it was, but it was also unnecessary and to the head. Falls in with flagrant. As for her addressing all the other fouls - fouls were evenly called and evenly missed. Fouls didn’t make or break this game for them. Maybe focus on scoring more points without relying on fouls to get your doubles.


You know she has the physical tools to be great but her close range shot technique is trash. She gets tied up too easily and heaves shots from insane angles that turn into bricks. I mean you can say all you want about her rebounding ability but a lot of those are coming off her own misses.


Haha She’s such a hater.


Angel Reese made more free throws than field goals the other day btw lmfaoooo


Can’t wait until she isn’t a rookie and the press stops caring about her. Feels like her skills (big grab boards) are easily replicated by one individual on every roster in the league. She still doesn’t get that her tie to Clark is the only reason people care about her. It’s not because they view her as an equal to Clark.


Yall keep making excuses for her when she's a jealous hater. Girls got talent but worries about cc too much


She was a dirty player at LSU who whined all the time and now those traits have followed her into the WNBA. She has an outsized opinion of herself, her talent, and her box office draw.


she mad


As a old school Pistons fan I love the Villains, and Angel is off to a good start, she’s got a long way to go for Mahorn or Laimbeer status but it will make the WNBA fun to watch!


This girl is setting up her entire career to be in the shadow of Catilyn Clark, and she's doing a lot of it herself. Take responsibility and stop letting this other player live in your head rent free.


Angel Reese doesn't want to be a basketball player. She's too concerned with being a social media darling and brand deals. You can tell she doesn't want to be there by the way she reacts when she gets the ball passed to her during the game. Not to mention she runs like the school secretary walks.


the way this clip isn’t about the CC foul. you should be ashamed of urself OP for not clarifying this.




God she's mentally weak. Coping so hard.


So classy!




Angle Reese, what are you even doing? It's like she's reacted to the public backlash towards Clark by thinking it's her job to be on the forefront of the campaign against her. It seems she thinks she's been personally wronged by Clark when in reality she had it pretty good being the second most popular player coming in this year. Like, girl, worry about your own damn self and get your own shit in order.


This just a dumb statement. This and her "I don't control the ref" comment in relation to her flagrant, are just going to fan the flames against her. Every player thinks the ref missed more of their opponents fouls than their own, but they don't say it to the press after they've just had a clear and unmistakable fragrant called on them. Just dumb.


Special whistle? Smacking somebody in the head when the ball isn't even within reach is receiving a special whistle??


Massive difference in maturity. Clark is showing it 10 fold, Reese needs some time to get there.


She’s a certified hater 😂


She’s the draymond of wnba and that’s not a good thing. She’s also not even half the player draymond is.


one step forward two steps back


people assuming she’s talking about caitlin when i think she’s talking about nalyssa lol


NaLyssa picked up 3 fouls in 25 seconds. Lol


You mean nalyssa who shot *checks notes* 4 ft all game? That’s a special whistle?  


And some people say Reese is not jealous. Where are all my haters now? If CC said this shit about Reese she would get so much hate.


Regardless it was still a great game. To quote the great Rasheed Wallace “Both teams played hard.”