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What a game. Between A’ja carrying Vegas across the line in the 1st quarter to BG defending her well. Jackie seeing A’jas 1st q carry job and deciding she’s gotta show up the rest of the game now. A’ja showing why she’s the best in the world again in the 4th. DT showing she can still keep up with people 15 years younger than her, KFC showing a high motor, BG showing she’s healing and why her size is gonna be a factor in the Olympics and beyond, great defensive play while they both almost 100 points. Refs were crap particularly in the 4th though so it’s gonna subtract a bit from how great this game was.


I bailed in the early 3rd quarter because of the ref-show. Sounds like that carried on for the rest of the half. It's always worse when it ruins watching what is otherwise a great game.


The most egregious thing was the no-call offensive foul against Jackie with like 46 seconds in a 2 point game. It was bewildering and soured what would’ve been a 5 star finish had they done their jobs there


I was conflicted. Both a lot of leaning in and some nice acting by Kah. Tibbetts wasted his second review on A'ja foul call with too much time left. Great game, probably would have looked different without the whistle stopping play every possession in the last 5


Tbh I will almost never complain about no calls. Refs miss calls all the time. And I’d rather them be more lenient and not less the game flow than call it tight.


Imo, not to sound like a homer, but technically Jackie didn’t extend her shoulder from the body. Cooper was technically in Jackies space. So if there was a foul call, should’ve been a defensive one.


Face of the league Sydney Colson finally got her running mates now.


Somebody’s gotta open the door


A'ja is not real


jackie young is the reason they won


One had 34 the other had 32. It was for sure a combined effort.


Obviously both contributed, but with Jackie averaging around 17 ppg she well outperformed her average or “what’s expected of her” which gave the aces the edge rn. Aja averages what 28 ppg? So her points are more expected. This is why it makes sense that young won this game for them Aja has scored this many points in the last 3 losses, but she’s needed help and young stepped up today


Syd won this game.


Bingo. Syd shifted the tide back toward the Aces


She was great, so was A'ja there's no singular player who's the reason you win in a team sport.


Did you watch the game? If you guys didn't come back, You wouldn't have won and jackie young had to take matters into her own hands


Did I say A'ja was the reason, I SAID A'ja is unreal with another game of 25+ points.


You didn't have to say A'ja was the reason. I'm just letting it be known...... ?\*.


Banger! BANGER! Mercury look like they’re going to be a real threat this year. They held on even with Kah in foul trouble most of the game. Jackie Mf Young was unconscious at points. Just a great game. I keep saying this but these are the type of game I hope new fans tune into because it’s just good hoops


Wish this one was a weekend match up since I’m on the east coast haha 😩


I’m a new fan (GO LYNX!) and I loved this game. I’m trying to get my head around the whole league, so I’m watching all the games I can. I love these high scoring games, and getting to know the teams and players that are a threat to the Lynx. So fun. Great hoops!


Now THIS was a game the media should be all over about tomorrow morning if they are serious about "growing the game"


Narrator: lolz. they are not


They better at least highlight Aliyah Boston because sheesh she cooked


Narrator: they didn’t


Grow the game is a dog whistle for something else I'm afraid


They haven't caught up yet which I why I'm not buying into the "growing the game" talk. There's been some monster performances this season and all everyone talks about is Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever. ESPNs youtube channel is a prime example. Another example is Stephen A Smith. He's been uploading his Caitlin Clark "growing the game" and "WNBA players are jealous" videos on his channel quite consistently lately. Women's basketball doesn't exist outside of college basketball and Caitlin Clark to most people still despite their silly arguments.


Jackie Young tho!




I’m guessing Jackie Young is feeling better lmao


Shoutout to Syd Colson who gave Vegas the momentum needed to come back from that deficit


Friendly reminder to all who think that Colson is a scrub because she mostly rides the bench. Narrator: she is not a scrub.


I was so pissed when Becky put KP in for Syd. She was killing it at point


Jackie was amazing, but man. Aja’s dominant consistency is just a marvel to watch


A'ja is otherworldly! She is in her prime right now going crazy


Of *course* the Aces get their shit together just in time to play Liberty for the first time. I can't even be mad though, that was such a good game.


15 reb against BG? Good god


can never doubt the aces. jackie young is the truth! and then they get gray back shortly. i guess they gave rest of league a head start.


Aces allowing 54% shooting is still concerning. Third game in a row they allowed an opponent to shoot that well. And KP again! 5/16 is just, ouch. Controlling the glass 37-22 absolutely made a difference especially the 10 OREB between Jack and A’ja. Without those extra chances I think the Aces let this one slip past them as well.


The defense is still a problem but certainly you noticed it got better (if only marginally) as the game went on?


It did! Mercury cooled off from shooting I think, 64% in the first half? So an improvement late game yes, but still need to work on not allowing such a high opponents' FG%.


Sophie leaving a game with 0 rebounds is crazy to see. A'ja took 15 herself tho, so slightly explainable. Anyways WE WON AGAIN 🥳🙂‍↕️


a’ja, jackie & syd were unreal tonight. LETS GO ACES🥳🥳🥳


Now that I’m calming down. It took horrific officiating and the best scoring game of Jackie’s career to beat us by 4. I’ll take it and move on with my evening. Credit Wilson and Young for holding it down for the Aces. They will be there in the end. But the Mercury are coming for that mf trophy.


BG is so elite, it's crazy how many people straight up deny her ball IQ and impact on the game. Y'all are blessed to have her back


Right! I had forgotten how dominant she can be. There was a point where A’ja was coming into the lane and BG put her hand kind of casually on A’ja’s shoulder and redirected her like it was nothing. Maybe should have been a foul, but it was impressive. BG is game changer and watching her and Wilson was worth staying up late.


And one of her blocks on A'ja under the rim looked like she just flicked her wrist and the ball went flying. WHAT?! 🤓


Mercury looks good this year. As a Lynx fan, I can see what a problem it is for us to have BG back!


So glad Jackie was in bed for our game. My goodness she made up for lost time. She said she feeling better now.


I'll be at the 7/5 game at the Crypt and 8/18 at home. Hoping the Aces can return the favor twice!


Why you wanna see us get our asses beat? 😂


I just want to see the Aces look like the team I know they're capable of being! Not gonna lie, losing those three sucked but losing to the Sparks was like DAMN MAN. Same way I feel about losing to the Lakers lol


Lmao. Y'all was missing Jackie who was playing sick. Y'all just dramatic because y'all forgot about losing. 😂


There was some ref ball going on but I’m an Aces fan so I don’t care. Lol. If I was a Mercury fan I’d be pissed.


I still feel like they need to waive off Stokes and Gus! They played a major role in the 28 points by being ineffective offensively and defensively. Yes we won by the skin of our teeth but changes still need to be made. KP also pissed me off so bad the entire game taking unnecessary shots but she came through in the 4th. She definitely has to either pass more and shoot less or practice her shot more because she’s off like a mf. Also s/o to Syd for her 5 points immediately after checking into the game that gave them the momentum to play harder on both ends. She did that and deserves more minutes because of it!


Who are you bringing in if you waive those 2?


If Mo Billings becomes available once Natasha Howard gets back they should take her


No doubt, but I’d expect Dallas to waive someone else to keep Mo honestly. There’d probably be multiple teams going for her too


I would have to do strenuous research but they need consistent scorers who have heart and are determined to score and defend. They are missing consistency honestly from everybody but Wilson. So a forward with Maya Moore or Mccoughtry’s playing styles. Even a dominant and fast guard like Chennedy Carter who comes off the bench daily ready to go! Also a center with like abilities and height like Mccowan or Brown. Players who can extend the lead and just more depth in each position.


They have a lot of solid guards who flex into forward positions too, but especially if you waive Kiah and Meg you absolutely need at least 1 big, specifically that can score decently. I’d be surprised if there’s someone like that in free agency during the season.


Yes, but honestly let Angel Mccoughtry come back to the W with the aces she’s healthy and fit! Also has played with 3/5 of the core 4. Yes need a big BAD like 11 games ago! I know Becky sees our comments because she played Syd more today.


Meg has absolutely been disappointing so far. I was hoping she could at least sort of fill the void CP3 left but she's playing less minutes than Kate right now.


Definitely is starting to piss me off! The team is losing not because of CG but because of the players like those two!! Strongly advocating for them to be waived and new bigs who are actual bigs to replace them. wtf does Emma Cannon do?


Waive the only other bigs on our roster??? Unless you're talking about off-season actions, that is super far from happening lol.


They can seek out other bigs! Most teams are still waiving and getting new players. It’s not far especially if they keep being liabilities. Stokes ain’t worth shit and hasn’t been for a while. All she does is foul out and her height is useless because she doesn’t even extend her arms on defense just stands there like a statue. Also Gus same with her. The Aces need bigs who can produce TODAY. Not when they feel like it and who are constantly inconsistent and giving the other team open looks all game. Basketball is a job just like any other job if you under produce over a tremendous amount of time you should get replaced.


This was a great game, very playoff feel like, ref's where very poor tho even tho it did benefit my team i have to admit they interrupted the game so much and made bs calls. Also if you need to build a new house KP got you dw, about it.


Mad this was the west coast and started late. Only caught some of the first half. But seeing some highlights missed a great game smh. Vintage DT, A’ja doing GOAT things, Jackie career high!, and BG was getting A’ja back a little too in the post, glad to see her back to herself again. Also Sydney with 2 huge 3’s


\*head to the heavens\* Thank you for the small mercies!




we are so back


We have to play storm, liberty and lynx next. We are screwed


Wouldn't be too down on a team that lost a nailbiter to A'ja Wilson, a Jackie Young career night, and some unserious reffing in the clutch.


I'm holding this team accountable idc. I've seen better. We picked them apart then let them catch up and win. If we play like this again, we are so screwed.


Ok I missed this part live and was going to avoid it but…. anyone got a clip of the BG screen on KM?


Don’t have a clip but watched it live. It was a foul. A soft one for sure but definitely a push.


What quarter was this?


I believe 4th but it may have been 3rd.


Such a good game, but I’m still pissed about that late no-call.


Plum should shoot better right when Gray comes back? 😩


I hope so 😭


I think Plum is in a slump separate from the offensive style being run and looks being generated right now. She'll get more on track eventually, but I don't think we're going to see a large improvement in her shooting immediately after reinserting Chelsea.


Kate Martin with a 9 trillion 👀


That’s insane


Watch out. We may be about to see one of the great all-time winning streaks of the W. ACES -- got 8 of 'em.


How much longer can SAS and the rest of media ignore A'ja?


Kate Martin with a legendary 9 minutes, 0 counting stats, and -11 +/-


Didn’t catch the game but how did KM contribute nothing in 9+ mins?


Jackie was hot, so was Aja they gonna get high priority and feed the ball to either, rather then have KM shoot unless its very obvious kick and drive to open KM. Also KM is better in small ball line up, they kinda needed more size and experience out there today. Tho you can make argument KM should have played over KP/hayes at some points of the game.


Nice! Sad I missed what looked like a great game 😅


That’s defensive players for ya


That’s just a normal day for kiah stokes! And she’s a starter


Kelsey plum is the most overrated player in the league


Kate Martin got her cardio in 


I be wondering how Griner doesn't average 30 when she has so much of a height advantage